Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Craziest Eyes of All

Crystal Hubbard - If Whoopi Goldberg and Murdock from the A-Team had a baby, it would be Crazy Eyes...

Joyner Christina - Lol

Tanya Sandlin Brown - I love crazy eyes!!

Whitney Porterfield Cameron - I'm noticing a pattern - are you watching the series tonight, Crystal? lol

Patti Armanini - you're going to have withdrawals waiting for season 3 to start.

Muhammad Rasheed - Whoopi Goldberg wasn't on the A-Team! That was Mr. T!!!

You're MEAN!!!!

Whitney Porterfield Cameron - I don’t think you read her comment right? Muhammad...

Muhammad Rasheed - #stopBlackOnBlackCrime

Crystal Hubbard - I edited my comment to reflect my original intent since you're pretending to be obtuse, Muhammad Rasheed. You know I'm too much of a television junkie to confuse Whoopi Goldberg with Mr. T...!

Muhammad Rasheed - awww...

Muhammad Rasheed - it was funnier the other way.   :(


  1. Funnier? FUNNIER?! It was grammatically incorrect! There is nothing funny about incorrect sentence structure, not in my world! (The A-Team woulda definitely been funnier with Whoopi Goldberg on it, though...)
