Rasheed, Muhammad. "The 'Shut-You-Up' Princess Party." Cartoon.
The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 18 Dec 2019. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.
Nathan Saunders - Always on point
James Flowers - That's definitely the move right now. No way that was a coincidence that all the major pageants went to sistas.
Shams MarMar - Genius
Dee Curry - I said something similar to a friend and she thought I was just being cynical.
Dee Curry - France just chose a black woman as Miss France. Hmm...
Eric Cook - We consistently celebrate the
WRONG stuff!
Roland Dunham - 🍞 and circus 🎉 what can I say...
Lee Stephen - GOP logic
Lea K Barlow Kosta -
"Shut you up" ??? But no one was complaining.
Muhammad Rasheed - I mean everyone who rightfully had not bought in to the post-racial America bamboozle. The move was to shut up the activists attacking anti-Black systemic racism. Beauty pageants won't close
the racial wealth gap, you see, and only function as impotent crumbs to shut us up.
MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.