Zodicus Zu’ul – [shared link] If you're against this film using white folks in place of actual Egyptians, but fully support Idris Elba as a Norse god (or even Michael B Jordan as Johnny Storm)... you are a fucking hypocrite. Congratulations.
Jonathan Blevins - I was against Idris Elba as Heimdall not because of his ethnicity but because I wanted him to play Luke Cage.
Daryle Lamont Jenkins - Yeah, but Elba and Jordan are playing comic book characters! Gotta give some leeway for that!
Zodicus Zu'ul - Honestly, I can handle Jordan as Storm without problem. I mean, I've read enough What If...? to where that isn't an issue. But Heimdall is an actual mythic figure (which, to me, so is Moses). I mean, at least Hogun is an actual character in the comics (i wouldn't be surprised if the Vikings had met the Mongolians). To me, personally, it would be about like Woody Allen playing Othello.
Muhammad Rasheed - Ancient Egyptians = real people
hemdal/human torch = fictional
Zod = stupid
Zodicus Zu'ul - i love it when people flat refuse to see the irony in their own statements.
Muhammad Rasheed - I love it when people are stupid.
Zodicus Zu'ul - see, i know you can argue/debate better than that. im of the opinion, that if i have reduced your entire argument to personal insults, i must be on the right track.
Muhammad Rasheed - Zod you don't have an argument. The Ancient Egyptians are real people that real academics have whitewashed and Hollywood has Amen'd, and you are equaling that seriousness with a triviality.
Muhammad Rasheed - Comic book characters are trivial. Real human history is serious.
Muhammad Rasheed – Zod’s article wrote: “"Following months of backlash, Ridley Scott has finally addressed the casting controversies surrounding 'Exodus.'"
I don't give a flying fuck what he has to say about it. Keep your shit movie.
Clifton Hatchett - I thought it was a comedy spoof or something. You're looking at it wrong. I'm sure it's an action comedy. It has to be.
Muhammad Rasheed - Oh, I'm not looking at it wrong; I'm not looking at it at all. Fuck that movie.
Clifton Hatchett - Agreed, not at all surprised though.
David Stanley - Who really gives a flying shit? It's a movie. ALSO fictional. There's real problems in the world without getting riled up over this dumb shit. Ridley Scott never gets anything accurate or claims to. Fuck, look at Gladiator. Not a single fat gladiator (which they were because it kept them from getting killed from being cut and stabbed so much). C'mon, this is retarded. Everybody on earth should be aware that ancient Egyptians existed... cause... there's Egypt. Getting bent out of shape about a movie, which is a pure work of fiction, about magical events that may or may not have been true is just petty.
Muhammad Rasheed - David Stanley wrote: "Who really gives a flying shit?"
I do.
David Stanley wrote: "It's a movie. ALSO fictional."
Fictional twisting of real events of the past, based on bullshit ideology, are why modern people are so stupid.
David Stanley wrote: "There's real problems in the world without getting riled up over this dumb shit."
Real problems in the world are directly linked to manipulative assholes twisting the facts of history so that the modern "educated" think a certain way, causing them to inflict real problems on people.
David Stanley wrote: "Everybody on earth should be aware that ancient Egyptians existed... cause... there's Egypt."
This movie doesn't enable them to know they existed. It makes it look like they are a fictional European country.
David Stanley wrote: "Getting bent out of shape about a movie, which is a pure work of fiction, about magical events that may or may not have been true is just petty."
Getting bent out of shape about my getting bent out of shape is petty. So why are you here?
Chup A. Cabra - Noah was Australian. And friends with magic rock monsters.
David Stanley - Muhammad Rasheed, apparently the same reason you are. To argue about something retarded. " This movie doesn't enable them to know they existed. It makes it look like they are a fictional European country.
David Stanley - THAT. That is just stupid. Where ever did I say this movie was educational? Never. Did I say the movie let people know Ancient Egyptians existed? No where in my statement. I don't know about you, but I get my education from factual sources and don't rely on movies to do anything but ONE thing. Entertain. Because, that's the point of a movie. The only way this movie makes Egypt seem like a fictional country is if you've recently crawled out from under a rock or happen to have never went to school and were raised under said rock. Based on what you said, you think people are being educated by a MOVIE? You think MOVIES are a direct link to world problems? Because they're really not. Everything you said there makes no sense what so ever and now everyone who's read this knows that.
David Stanley - As a point, I won't watch this movie just like I didn't watch Noah (and the Fabulous Magical Rock Monsters). Because the fiction of it doesn't interest me and I've never once in my life sat to say "Hmm. This movie looks educational! I think I'll believe all the ignorant crap I see on screen! Durp durp durpa durp!" Because, you know, Star Wars is a documentary.
David Stanley - Hey guys! Did you know there's talking raccoons that run around with sentient trees? IN SPACE?! I never knew! Thank you Guardians of the Galaxy, for saving our universe from complete destruction! That. That right there.
David Stanley - I showed this to my Iranian friends and my buddy from Gambia. They laughed really, really hard. Just thought y'all would like to know.
Zodicus Zu'ul - To be fair, no one likes to have their hypocrisy pointed out to them.
Ashley Mosley - but but Zod, thats just who Dave is.. well how he is anyway.... fucking silent damn ninja. but i agree with both of you on both points. lol
Zodicus Zu'ul - Oh, I wasn't meaning Dave.
Muhammad Rasheed - David Stanley wrote: “THAT. That is just stupid.”
Everything you’ve said in this thread is stupid and lacks insight.
David Stanley wrote: “Where ever did I say this movie was educational? Never.”
You also managed to miss the point of the comment.
David Stanley wrote: “Did I say the movie let people know Ancient Egyptians existed? No where in my statement.”
You should work to make yourself clearer.
People DO know about Egypt. And product like this one brainwashes them into thinking Egypt was a certain way that it was not. That IS very important.
David Stanley wrote: “I don't know about you, but I get my education from factual sources and don't rely on movies to do anything but ONE thing. Entertain. Because, that's the point of a movie.”
That’s one of the points of a movie. Movies also legitimize certain ideological points of view by showing it over and over and over again.
David Stanley wrote: “The only way this movie makes Egypt seem like a fictional country is if you've recently crawled out from under a rock or happen to have never went to school and were raised under said rock. Based on what you said, you think people are being educated by a MOVIE? You think MOVIES are a direct link to world problems? Because they're really not. Everything you said there makes no sense what so ever and now everyone who's read this knows that.”
There’s plenty of people who are under the very wrong impression that the Ancient Egyptians were not Black Africans. Hollywood’s twisted/screwed-up casting choices are partly responsible for this, and this film is only feeding that ignorant flame.
David Stanley wrote: “As a point, I won't watch this movie just like I didn't watch Noah (and the Fabulous Magical Rock Monsters). Because the fiction of it doesn't interest me and I've never once in my life sat to say "Hmm. This movie looks educational! I think I'll believe all the ignorant crap I see on screen! Durp durp durpa durp!" Because, you know, Star Wars is a documentary.”
It doesn’t matter. What matters are all of the people who are indoctrinated into thinking that that depiction is true, and it in turn influences their own depictions in their own art, until it turns into the “normal.”
David Stanley - Okay. How about this, Rasheed. You show me the people indoctrinated by this magic brainwashing power movies have that apparently I'm immune to. Show me one person who thinks movies are real that isn't under the influence of acid or some crippling mental illness. Not one single person I know thinks Egypt was full of white folk. Not one single person, children included, that i know believes anything in a movie is real. Nothing you've said is true. Do I think it's stupid to not use proper casting? Sure, it's a little stupid. But, my point entirely which you fail to grasp (because I'm starting to think you've been brainwashed) is that MOVIES DON'T MATTER. They're for entertainment purposes ONLY. And apparently I do make sense since not a single person, besides you, has disagreed with me. I don't know where in the hell you got the idea that movies brainwash people but I want to meet whoever taught you this ignorant, moronic bit of false information so I can give them books to read. Really. Read what you're saying. Show it to strangers. This film DOES NOT MATTER. Never will. You want to know what you can do if you really don't like this movie? Same thing I'm going to do. Don't watch it, don't support it, and don't talk about it. Because, you do know that even negative comments are publicity for it, right? Take for instance this dumb thing with that Kardashian and her ass pic. Everybody got all up in arms about how awful it was she posted those pictures during a time when real, important things were happening. Like Ferguson, like the probe landing on that comet. And you know what? Negative comments about HER were EVERYWHERE. More so than anything important. So, in effect, she got EXACTLY what she wanted. Publicity. It's perpetuating a cycle. If you ignore the stupid shit, don't give it ANY credit (good or bad) it tends to just go away. That, my friend, is a bit of wisdom.
Muhammad Rasheed - David Stanley wrote: “Okay. How about this, Rasheed. You show me the people indoctrinated by this magic brainwashing power movies have that apparently I'm immune to.”
The people who put these films together and the numerous jackasses on the Internet arguing that the Ancient Egyptians were not Black African. Also every jackass that thinks all black people are lazy criminals, which is another Hollywood mainstay. These are two of the most obvious examples.
David Stanley wrote: “Show me one person who thinks movies are real that isn't under the influence of acid or some crippling mental illness.”
“Showing that movies are real” is not my argument. Using them as tools of indoctrination that are harmful when they twist the facts of history is my argument.
David Stanley wrote: “Not one single person I know thinks Egypt was full of white folk. Not one single person, children included, that i know believes anything in a movie is real. Nothing you've said is true.”
You are a liar. Congratulations on your lack of integrity.
David Stanley wrote: “Do I think it's stupid to not use proper casting? Sure, it's a little stupid. But, my point entirely which you fail to grasp (because I'm starting to think you've been brainwashed) is that MOVIES DON'T MATTER.”
The people who think that way are the ones who are easily brainwashed. They think it’s harmless and allow anything to download into them and their kids.
David Stanley wrote: “They're for entertainment purposes ONLY.”
You are naive. Here, watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqvJp2gXJI0
This clip is showing the damage caused from exactly the type of thing I’m talking about.
Muhammad Rasheed - David Stanley wrote: “And apparently I do make sense since not a single person, besides you, has disagreed with me.”
lol Once upon a time there were a whole lot more people in Europe who thought the sun revolved around the earth than those who thought the opposite. Is that really a stance you want to take?
Muhammad Rasheed - David Stanley wrote: “You want to know what you can do if you really don't like this movie? Same thing I'm going to do. Don't watch it, don't support it, and don't talk about it. Because, you do know that even negative comments are publicity for it, right?”
There’s no way I would watch a Hollywood film with Egypt in it. The same reason I refuse to watch that Russell Crowe “Noah” flick, nor that “Son of God” tv series and film. But there’s a certain demographic that they are marketed to that eat that stuff up. I will never sway them away from those films.
Muhammad Rasheed - David Stanley wrote: “Take for instance this dumb thing with that Kardashian and her ass pic. Everybody got all up in arms about how awful it was she posted those pictures during a time when real, important things were happening.”
I didn’t. I have no interest in those “famous for being famous” folk.
Muhammad Rasheed - David Stanley wrote: “Like Ferguson, like the probe landing on that comet. And you know what? Negative comments about HER were EVERYWHERE. More so than anything important. So, in effect, she got EXACTLY what she wanted. Publicity. It's perpetuating a cycle. If you ignore the stupid shit, don't give it ANY credit (good or bad) it tends to just go away. That, my friend, is a bit of wisdom.”
You’re building a strawman that has nothing to do with my point, and are calling it “wisdom?” More penetrating insight from you, hm, David? Smh
David Stanley - I'm a liar? So, you know all the people I know then? Well, nice to meet you, God. i didn't know you were omnipotent. You can't call somebody a liar for something you have no idea about. Because you don't know every single person I know. chances are you don't even know 1% of the people I know. So, you have no basis to call me a liar and doing so makes no sense what so ever. So, let me get this straight. You just let kids do whatever they want without teaching them anything? Because, that's not how you raise a child. You don't just go "Here you go, son! Download everything in the world and figure everything in life out for yourself!" You TEACH them stuff. You MONITOR what the hell they do. That's how you keep false information nullified. And you're saying all sorts of nonsense that has nothing to do with my points. I think we're even there, Rasheed. So, you don't watch the news or see things come across you FB wall by accident? Because all that stuff you said "I have no interest in that" was everywhere and you're saying you weren't AWARE of it? Now who's lying. What does that video have to do with anything I've said? Nothing. Saw that before as well. Where are you seeing people arguing that Ancient Egyptians aren't black African? Because you show me where and I'll go there and call them morons. Show me the proof of what you're saying and I'll gladly concede. Show me these assholes arguing about something that's basic common sense and also show me people being indoctrinated by movies. Not a psychological study on racism. Also, that's not a strawman comment. That's me saying people need to either DO something about something or quit talking about it.
David Stanley - Download into them... are you a Scientologist?
Muhammad Rasheed - David Stanley wrote: “I'm a liar? So, you know all the people I know then? Well, nice to meet you, God. i didn't know you were omnipotent. You can't call somebody a liar for something you have no idea about. Because you don't know every single person I know. chances are you don't even know 1% of the people I know. So, you have no basis to call me a liar and doing so makes no sense what so ever.”
Keep demonstrating your lack of integrity. Nice. (btw omnipotent = all-powerful; you’re looking for “omniscient”)
David Stanley wrote: “So, let me get this straight. You just let kids do whatever they want without teaching them anything? Because, that's not how you raise a child. You don't just go ‘Here you go, son! Download everything in the world and figure everything in life out for yourself!’ You TEACH them stuff. You MONITOR what the hell they do. That's how you keep false information nullified.”
Another strawman? I’m talking specifically about bs mass media indoctrination messages beaming nonsense in the world, while you are trying to misdirect towards my parenting technique. smh
David Stanley wrote: “And you're saying all sorts of nonsense that has nothing to do with my points. I think we're even there, Rasheed.”
I already noticed that you lacked any kind of insight into this topic, David. It’s no surprise that the trait is also paired up with your penchant for verbosity.
David Stanley wrote: “So, you don't watch the news or see things come across you FB wall by accident? Because all that stuff you said ‘I have no interest in that’ was everywhere and you're saying you weren't AWARE of it? Now who's lying.”
I’m also not surprised at your confusion between “lack of interest” and “awareness.” Let me assure you that the concepts are not synonymous. You may consider this a teaching moment.
David Stanley wrote: “What does that video have to do with anything I've said? Nothing.”
lol I’m sure I STILL don’t know whatever it is you’re supposed to be saying (with great passion & over-wordiness), but what it has to do with what I’m saying is that Hollywood’s twisting of the facts of history regarding Ancient Egypt is part of the indoctrination that leads to the kind of psychological damage and identify crisis shown in the clip.
David Stanley wrote: “Saw that before as well. Where are you seeing people arguing that Ancient Egyptians aren't black African? Because you show me where and I'll go there and call them morons. Show me the proof of what you're saying and I'll gladly concede. Show me these assholes arguing about something that's basic common sense and also show me people being indoctrinated by movies.”
For the record, you give the impression that you are well read on nothing. Just thought you’d like to know the impression you’re leaving.
David Stanley wrote: “Not a psychological study on racism.”
They are one and the same.
David Stanley wrote: “Also, that's not a strawman comment.”
Well, considering my point is that the indoctrinating ideological message of mass entertainment is very dangerous to our psyche, and your manufactured point that you decided to argue against, was that we shouldn’t spread negative messages by commenting on them, sounds very much like a strawman fallacy that you substituted for my point.
David Stanley - That's not showing me where people are actively arguing about the topic. Like I said, show me specifically where people are actively debating this stupid illogical notion that Ancient Egyptians weren't black. Besides Wikipedia which is not a viable resource for accurate information as any user can alter the information or dispute it for any reason. I asked to be shown to where I can tell these people that they are wrong, which you have failed to produce and avoid by insulting me. Integrity, right there. Practice what you preach, as they say. On the subject of that ignorant Kardashian thing, I had previously asked if you were aware of it. Your response indicated you were not. And of course there's all sorts of nonsense "beamed" out into the world, Scotty. I'm not disputing the fact that misinformation exists. I'm saying that people need to stop perpetuating the bullshit. It's 3 am here, if i use the wrong word I apologize. Lack of sleep factors into that. Still, you didn't answer the question. How do you know every person I know and what they think enough to call me a liar when I say that the people that I personally know don't buy into bullshit? I'm not saying Hollywood isn't doing backwards crap. Not in the slightest. In fact, I agreed that they are. But, I don't think that it's indoctrination. My opinion. Because, as I've said, no one I know believes what they see in a movie as factual by any stretch. I don't know one single person personally that has been indoctrinated. I know of people who believe things that are completely retarded as I know of a few Republicans and Scientologists. And you're the one who brought up kids being indoctrinated. My counter was that you teach children different and that becomes nullified.
Muhammad Rasheed - David Stanley wrote: “That's not showing me where people are actively arguing about the topic. Like I said, show me specifically where people are actively debating this stupid illogical notion that Ancient Egyptians weren't black.”
“Moving the goalposts is an informal logically fallacious argument in which evidence presented in response to a specific claim is dismissed and some other (often greater) evidence is demanded.”
What do you walk around with a potato sack full of logical fallacies? Is that your thing? Don’t do that, dude.
David Stanley wrote: “Besides Wikipedia which is not a viable resource for accurate information as any user can alter the information or dispute it for any reason.”
Scroll down and find the sections called “Notes” and “References” and tell me what you see. I’ll wait.
David Stanley wrote: “I asked to be shown to where I can tell these people that they are wrong, which you have failed to produce and avoid by insulting me. Integrity, right there. Practice what you preach, as they say.”
You expressed incredulous disbelief that anyone was arguing over a common sense topic, and I posted a link demonstrated that academia and special interest groups have been arguing this very topic since American slavery. Now you are actually trying to say that I didn’t provide what you were asking for because I didn’t point you to a live argument going on in a message board forum somewhere. If I were you I would avoid even typing the word ‘integrity’ for fear I would burst into flames like it was holy water touching a vampire…
David Stanley wrote: “On the subject of that ignorant Kardashian thing, I had previously asked if you were aware of it. Your response indicated you were not.”
Meanwhile, in the real world, you went off topic to fly into a rant about something that I had no interest in, as well as having nothing to do with the point. When I pointed this out and belittled you over it you became butthurt. The End.
David Stanley wrote: “And of course there's all sorts of nonsense "beamed" out into the world, Scotty.”
Fascinating. Tell me more.
David Stanley wrote: “I'm not disputing the fact that misinformation exists. I'm saying that people need to stop perpetuating the bullshit.”
So in your mind, sitting silent and letting the bad guys bombard society with their Hollywood Death Ray of Doom at will, without raising even the slightest protest, is being a responsible citizen then? [reaches for another “no integrity” sticker to stick on your forehead]
David Stanley wrote: “It's 3 am here, if i use the wrong word I apologize. Lack of sleep factors into that.”
It doesn’t matter. I was just messing with you. You deserve it since you’re a friend of General Zod.
David Stanley wrote: “Still, you didn't answer the question. How do you know every person I know and what they think enough to call me a liar when I say that the people that I personally know don't buy into bullshit? I'm not saying Hollywood isn't doing backwards crap. Not in the slightest. In fact, I agreed that they are. But, I don't think that it's indoctrination. My opinion. Because, as I've said, no one I know believes what they see in a movie as factual by any stretch. I don't know one single person personally that has been indoctrinated.”
Everyone is indoctrinated with something, David. Good and bad. The way we learn as children absolutely involve indoctrination techniques.
David Stanley wrote: “I know of people who believe things that are completely retarded as I know of a few Republicans and Scientologists. And you're the one who brought up kids being indoctrinated. My counter was that you teach children different and that becomes nullified.”
The trick is to take ownership of your own indoctrination, so that other people won’t download their own ideological/doctrinal mess into you first. The same is true with your children.
David Stanley - So in your mind, sitting silent and letting the bad guys bombard society with their Hollywood Death Ray of Doom at will, without raising even the slightest protest, is being a responsible citizen then? And then this from you from from earlier: There’s no way I would watch a Hollywood film with Egypt in it. The same reason I refuse to watch that Russell Crowe “Noah” flick, nor that “Son of God” tv series and film. But there’s a certain demographic that they are marketed to that eat that stuff up. I will never sway them away from those films.
David Stanley - Aren't you in effect sitting silent by not practicing what you preach?
Muhammad Rasheed - David Stanley wrote: “And then this from you from from earlier: Aren't you in effect sitting silent by not practicing what you preach?”
1.) I came in here to ‘vocalize’ by disapproval of this film and Zod’s goofy message.
2.) You countered with your message that we shouldn’t talk about stuff we disagree with because it spreads the message.
3.) I mentioned that there’s a specific demographic that absolutely believe in that message and eat it up that I will never sway away from that message no matter how much I protest.
4.) You somehow think that by refusing to watch one of those films it means I’m “sitting silent” even though you met me while I was protesting… doing the opposite of “sitting silent.”
5.) Now you're saying we should complain about negative messages and spread them because if we don't we are "sitting silent" and that's bad.
Truly you have a dizzying intellect.
David Stanley - You've devolved into insults instead of actually providing anything useful to debate. I didn't say PROVE. I said SHOW me WHERE in plain english so that I could go do something about. Which is the exact opposite of sitting silent. I apologize profusely if that is not your native language in all seriousness, however, as offending isn't my intention. I didn't become butthurt. I was simply making the point using an off topic reference that to feed the bullshit machine is the wrong tactic to take in my personal opinion. An opinion. Not a fact, but an opinion based on my own observations. I, for one, am not and have never been indoctrinated into anything. I make up my own mind about everything and no one on Earth or otherwise can make me think anyway way different than how I choose to. So, you're opinion does not apply to me. It may apply to others who don't think for themselves, but it does not apply to me. It's also not a moving of goal posts if my originally request was not adhered to. It's avoidance to give credulity to your own opinion. As has been half of what's transpired.
David Stanley - No no. You said you wouldn't keep anyone from seeing these films that you are apparently whole heartedly against. Which is sitting silent.
David Stanley - Granted your choice of wording may have been misleading, so I'll give you the befit of the doubt that you were trying to say that you could not sway their beliefs.
David Stanley - Benefit of the doubt.
David Stanley - I don't support this film either. At least that we agree on.
Muhammad Rasheed - David Stanley wrote: “You've devolved into insults…”
Nah. I started off calling Zod ‘stupid,’ remember?
David Stanley wrote: “…instead of actually providing anything useful to debate.”
So your poor argument structure and defense is my fault, eh?
David Stanley wrote: “I didn't say PROVE. I said SHOW me WHERE in plain english so that I could go do something about.”
You love playing yourself, don’t you, David? Are you really going to proclaim yourself a master of “plain English” and yet not know that ‘show’ and ‘prove’ are synonyms? smh
David Stanley wrote: “Which is the exact opposite of sitting silent.”
Why don’t you write a definitive treatment on the topic and submit it for peer review in high academia where it is being debated? You are a master of plain English after-all. lol
David Stanley wrote: “I apologize profusely if that is not your native language in all seriousness, however, as offending isn't my intention.”
You are both adorable AND ironic.
David Stanley wrote: “I didn't become butthurt.”
Right. That’s what the butthurt always say when they are butthurt.
David Stanley wrote: “I was simply making the point using an off topic reference that to feed the bullshit machine is the wrong tactic to take in my personal opinion. An opinion. Not a fact, but an opinion based on my own observations.”
It wasn't a very good point.
David Stanley wrote: “I, for one, am not and have never been indoctrinated into anything.”
Sure you are. Everyone is. You only think you aren't based on poor understanding.
David Stanley wrote: “I make up my own mind about everything and no one on Earth or otherwise can make me think anyway way different than how I choose to. So, you're opinion does not apply to me. It may apply to others who don't think for themselves, but it does not apply to me.”
Your ability to read & write is indoctrination-based technique, for example.
David Stanley wrote: “It's also not a moving of goal posts if my originally request was not adhered to. It's avoidance to give credulity to your own opinion. As has been half of what's transpired.”
Your request was based on raw ignorance of a centuries old debate, David. Do you really want to belabor that?
David Stanley - And more insults. I'm not surprised. Insults are the last tactic of the defeated.
Muhammad Rasheed - I told you I started off with them so that concept is nullified. ;)
Muhammad Rasheed - David Stanley wrote: “No no. You said you wouldn't keep anyone from seeing these films that you are apparently whole heartedly against. Which is sitting silent. Granted your choice of wording may have been misleading, so I'll give you the befit of the doubt that you were trying to say that you could not sway their beliefs.”
There are people who genuinely feel that the “Son of God” show is an accurate depiction in every way, and would literally attack me for suggesting otherwise. They may keep their show with my blessing. The willfully ignorant are unreachable, and forcing them to change their minds is not my fight.
You may take up that mantle if you wish. I don’t know where their message board forums would be though.
David Stanley - You insulted Zod. I haven't defended Zod and haven't done a thing to warrant insult. Simply debating opinion, which is a thing in and of itself futile. Saying they're unreachable is a very pessimistic outlook when I believe no one is a lost cause. Except for rapists, child molesters, and psychopaths. They're complete lost causes but that's an entirely different subject.
David Stanley - And never fear attack for voicing what you believe. Be it literal attacks or otherwise.
David Stanley- I'd have not thought you'd say that as you've so vigorously defended your opinions on indoctrination.
David Stanley - And quelling ignorance and correcting it is the duty of anyone who is not. Be it you, me, or anyone else on earth.
David Stanley - Also, when I said show, I was using in a manner that means to lead to. As an example of how that's used in a sentence: "Please show me to the bathroom. i have to poop."
Muhammad Rasheed - David Stanley wrote: “You insulted Zod. I haven't defended Zod and haven't done a thing to warrant insult. Simply debating opinion, which is a thing in and of itself futile.”
You seem to have pulled back from your original very aggressive approach, in favor of what is now an attempt to appeal to my sensitive nature. I should reveal at this point that I don’t have one.
David Stanley wrote: “Saying they're unreachable is a very pessimistic outlook when I believe no one is a lost cause.”
People who prefer to be ignorant are quite unreachable. They can only save themselves.
Muhammad Rasheed - David Stanley wrote: “And never fear attack for voicing what you believe. Be it literal attacks or otherwise.”
Is that the impression I give? That I’m afraid to voice my opinions? I guess I need to work on that…
Muhammad Rasheed - David Stanley wrote: “I'd have not thought you'd say that as you've so vigorously defended your opinions on indoctrination.”
That’s because there’s nothing wrong with using indoctrination techniques upon yourself as an effective long-term learning tool to absorb concepts you value. I’m against Big Business using Mass Media to indoctrinate me with concepts that some asshole Hollywood exec believes, that I 100% disagree with.
Muhammad Rasheed - David Stanley wrote: “And quelling ignorance and correcting it is the duty of anyone who is not. Be it you, me, or anyone else on earth.”
An adult who is determined to remain ignorant on a subject has the right to do so. I can tell him about a particular message, but I cannot make him take it.
Muhammad Rasheed - David Stanley wrote: “Also, when I said show, I was using in a manner that means to lead to. As an example of how that's used in a sentence: ‘Please show me to the bathroom. i have to poop.’"
I’m going to be generous and assume you’re from Kentucky or someplace, and leave it at that. lol
[a curious inquiry later revealed that David Stanley really is from KY]
Muhammad Rasheed –
Muhammad Rasheed - ^btw Rupert owns about 85% of the news media.
Sean Page - Muhammed have you actually been to Egypt? Just interested.
Muhammad Rasheed - Sean, I'm far more interested in what that has to do with a discussion about false depictions of the Ancient Egypt people.
Because it would seem that your bs misdirection/irrelevance technique is even stronger than David's.
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