Sunday, December 30, 2018

The Toxicity of Unsolicited "Advice"

Muhammad Rasheed - Today's daily editorial cartoon is just a caricatured parody of an 8 page rant someone posted under one of my cartoons yesterday. Nothing special, just something typical from people who assume, for whatever reason, that my little Activist character is actually a drawing of me. Because of this I tend to get these people who approach me thinking they will be able to exert a strong-willed, dominant maturity influence over whom they believe is just a precocious kid whose powers they can steer to support their own agendas (presumably while also grooming me for molestation or whatever). Once they find out I'm 50 yrs old, they mutter something semi-coherent and then slink back into the shadows of their Whitopia.

Since it is a 'slow news day' so to speak, I did want to use the space to explore an unrelated packet of thought meanings floating around in my head for a 14th episode of my Notes While Observing series to be found HERE.

Shane Taylor - Inspiration?

*Watches people claim a resemblance to the racist leprechaun*

Tom Deyoung - I criticized his approach on fighting racism with racism, it will only create more racists. I claimed using any violence to silence welcomes all violence to silence. Referencing the battle of Berkeley and Charlottesville. When I disagreed with his approach he alluded to the accusation of me being racist. Funny how white people cant be a part of the topic of how to fight racism in the USA, almost as if he thinks we don’t qualify.

Jasper Thomas - How is he racist?

Tom Deyoung - Boycotting white business owners for being white in a cartoon.

Muhammad Rasheed - That’s not ‘racism,’ Tom. It’s literally a counter-racism tactic designed to stop racism.

This cartoon isn’t of you by the way; I deleted the rant it was actually inspired by, from a Quoran I haven’t seen before.

Tom Deyoung - Boycotting based on race is racism.

Muhammad Rasheed - Racism is subjugating and exploiting a group based on racial phenotype from the Western chattel slavery system that birthed the concept. Please discard your self-serving definition of the term.

Tom Deyoung - With that said do you think there is racism against white people from black people.

Muhammad Rasheed - A few weeks ago, I watched a drunken white "missionary" abusing a bunch of [frustratingly] calm Black men in an African country's hotel and unsuccessfully attempting to punch one or two of them in the face while they calmly blocked and ducked. Incredulously, within the African nations pretending to be free of European Imperial subjugation, they still allow whites to strut about doing as they please in fear they will lose their tourist dollars.

No one is inflicting racism on white people. In fact, the entire nonsense myth of ‘reverse racism’ is just the ridiculously transparent effort to protect regular ole anti-Black systemic racism by gaslight.

Tom Deyoung - Seems we will disagree on the confines of racism.

How should white people combat systematic racism, your cartoon seems to show that no input is wanted in finding a solution to the problem.

Muhammad Rasheed - Tom wrote: "Seems we will disagree on the confines of racism.”

It wouldn’t serve me at all to accept your version. That kind of spin job is one of the tools that tricked me into my current plight. Now I’m disenfranchised, economically excluded and the police brutalize me at will without penalty.

Tom wrote: "How should white people combat systematic racism…”

By dismantling the tools of systemic racism like vote suppression, charging Black people higher interest rates, denying them loans, denying them business/financial independence opportunities and fair prices for land. Pay Reparatory Justice to make up for the centuries of exploitation and plunder that gave the white aristocracy an economic advantage at Black peoples’ expense so that true equality is now attained. Et cetera.

Tom wrote: "…your cartoon seems to show that no input is wanted in finding a solution to the problem.”

My cartoon is parodying a person who pretended to provide helpful critique to mask his attempt to gaslight and manipulate me into giving up my anti-racism mission. He presumed too much and was weak in the ways of The Force.

Tom Deyoung - As for reparation justice who pays the money and who does it go to? I would recommend developing underdeveloped inner city areas myself. I would also think a scholarship fund could work. If it’s handed out like having 30million people win the lottery, I don’t think it is a good idea. To have the money help combat financial discrepancy it needs to be invested into more than one generation.

i think that there needs to be a revision on the 14th amendment, remove the part that legalized involuntary servitude when convicted by peers. This only incentivizes prisons to fill. I figure take away the incentive, and make the tax payer pay for it, then judges will be slower to convict, and or lower penalty for nonviolent crimes across the board.

I believe that until white people can talk about racism comfortably, and responsibly, then white people wont be a part of the solution. Our discussions have been pointed, yet you have enlightened me toward areas of racism I didn’t know existed. In this last comment you made, up until now you said there was systemic financial racism, the examples you just gave truly help make racism more palpable for lack of a better word. The comics you draw are too small of a window for someone to understand your perspective, I would benefit from a small paragraph or link describing what the panel is about.

I do not see racism on a day to day interaction, I can feel the racial tension as if each race trusts their own more than others.

I have honestly seen one instance of white racial hatred toward a black man. He was calling the man by racial slurs while being held back. When I see this what is the best way to react? what I did was witness the situation from a distance.

Do you do any other form of art, and I truly appreciate you being willing to discuss racism with me.

Muhammad Rasheed - Tom wrote: "As for reparation justice who pays the money..."

It will be paid by the United States government, whose leaders over the last couple of centuries or so provided free land, money, farm subsidies, corporate subsidies, educational benefits, bailouts, etc., to the white aristocracy that Blacks were pointedly excluded from. Then they allowed conservative rivals (in possible partnership with treacherous liberals) to strip the financial force from any much weaker social programs designed to help the Black American communities to catch up with the whites. The USG is very generous in using its fiat credit based monetary system to give whites free funds, benefits and tax breaks, etc., so they can go ahead and add Black Reparations to the next budget with no issue.

Tom wrote: "... and who does it go to?”

It goes to Black people in America, to finally remove the specter of artificially-inflicted poverty from that ethnic group.

Tom wrote: "i think that there needs to be a revision on the 14th amendment, remove the part that legalized involuntary servitude when convicted by peers.”

Yes, the massive effort to definitively dismantle anti-Black systemic racism would certainly include destroying the “Slavery 2.0” edifice of mass incarceration, and making it illegal to even have a for-profit prison system.

Tom wrote: "I believe that until white people can talk about racism comfortably, and responsibly, then white people wont be a part of the solution.”

White people not only benefit from the racist aristocracy by default, but the entire USA’s system has been usurped by their special interest group till even the very institutions teach the toxic White Supremacist Ideology as a matter-of -fact principle of the universe. Because of this unfortunate indoctrination, the average white person doesn’t consider “racism” to be what it really is… the system itself. The system’s gatekeepers and architects protect it at every level, and it is difficult indeed to explain to the white community what we are really dealing with, because their instinct is to protect the system set up for them and their families to thrive. The worst of the lot, the ones who will cheerfully kill/destroy to protect the system are the very poorest members of the white racist aristocracy who have nothing else to keep them artificially elevated above the Black peoples they resent. Whites DO need to be part of the solution, but first they must be forcefully snatched and dragged out of their precious Matrix. It will NOT be easy.

Tom wrote: "Our discussions have been pointed, yet you have enlightened me toward areas of racism I didn’t know existed […] the examples you just gave truly help make racism more palpable for lack of a better word.”

I’m genuinely pleased to be of assistance.

Tom wrote: "The comics you draw are too small of a window for someone to understand your perspective, I would benefit from a small paragraph or link describing what the panel is about.”

I do have a Weapon of the People: DECODED long-form graphic novel tale in the works for that very reason. I’ll be able to eventually get to it once I gain enough Patreon supporters so I can break away for it without unfairly punishing my family in the undertaking. You should subscribe to my website so I can give you the formal heads up when it’s time to publish it.

Tom wrote: "…I can feel the racial tension as if each race trusts their own more than others.”

We’re at war, Tom.

Tom wrote: "When I see this what is the best way to react? what I did was witness the situation from a distance.”

Call the police and make sure you immediately let the cops know who was actually at fault and INSIST the Black man was innocent (they’ll reluctantly listen to you). Use your white privilege powers for good.

Tom wrote: "Do you do any other form of art…”

Just cartooning. I’m doing these Gag-A-Day editorial cartoons and I publish original graphic novel series collections for my backlist. That’s my world.

Tom wrote: "…and I truly appreciate you being willing to discuss racism with me.”

I’m always willing to participate in civil discourse with people who are also up for it. It’s a YUGE/BIGLY tool in my education repertoire, and it also fuels my art. I appreciate you for not blocking me days ago. :)

SUBSCRIBE and receive a FREE! Weapon of the People eBook!

See Also:

Notes While Observing #13: Breaking the Chains of Plunder

Notes While Observing #12: The Sloppiest Cover-Up of All

Notes While Observing #11: Driving the Narrative of 'Whiteness'

Notes While Observing #10: The White Establishment's Plan for Profiting From Black Reparations

Notes While Observing #9: The Descendants of Yakub

Notes While Observing #8: The 1972 Gary Convention

Notes While Observing #7: Strategies of the Discrimination Olympics

Notes While Observing #6: The GOP's International War on Black America

Notes While Observing #5: The Case of the Old Switcheroo

Notes While Observing #4: Risk Responses of the Racial Contract Beneficiary

Notes While Observing #3: Pig Blood, Clinton vs Alton, & Black Twitter

Notes While Observing #2: The Crack in the Musical Bedrock

Notes While Observing #1: Stephen King (Carrie) & Barbra Streisand (Yentl Mendel)

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Explicit Bias + Confirmation Bias = A Tool of Systemic Racism

Click for Artist's Description

Gary McCoy - Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi's illegal immigrant love-child shot and killed a police officer on Christmas day.

Muhammad Rasheed - What did the cop do?

Steve Kearney - @Muhammad... he wore a uniform ....

Muhammad Rasheed - ...while he was beating him.

Gary McCoy - Know the cop wasn't beating him. Cop pulled him over. The guy was already a criminal. And the thugs shot the cop In Cold Blood.

Muhammad Rasheed - Cop pulled him over because he wasn't white and then started harassing him, huh? Cops should really stop doing that to people. Everyone isn't going to be as passive and patient as the late Philando Castile, am I right?

Gary McCoy - The murdered cop who had a five month old son and wife back home was from Fiji. Not one of the white supremacists who hides under your bed at night.

Muhammad Rasheed - He should have thought about his family before he started abusing his power and harassing non-whites, huh?. Too bad. Maybe his Bros-in-Blue learned a lesson from this.

Probably not though.

Ken Leong - @Muhammad... the illegal was DUI. Had previous DUIs and should had been deported. There are plenty of illegals that DUI. You want them to hit you or a family member?

Muhammad Rasheed - The cop could tell he was DUI by how dark he was, am I right?

Gordon Campbell - Cop killers don't get to live well, no matter where they are from or end up. Oh, and Muhammad has some virulent issues, no?

Ken Leong - @Muhammad... you a "Victacrat"?

Muhammad Rasheed - I'm more concerned with the savage cops who randomly kill civilians for no reason other than to quench their psychopathic fetishes.

How come y'all never talk about that? Since I'm NOT a cop, I'm not likely to care about the other thing since cops aren't the good guys in my neighborhoods.

Bill Bauer - @Muhammad... maybe you should become a cop and be part of the solution to solve the problem you see.

Muhammad Rasheed - So I can get shot in the back by my Bros-in-Blue?

No thanks.

Muhammad Rasheed - A Baltimore police officer was killed before testifying against fellow cops

Ken Leong -  @Muhammad... you should go through this training to get a better view on why shootings happen.

Muhammad Rasheed - smdh

Muhammad Rasheed - @Ken... Racism training? No thanks.

Gerry Harris - @Muhammad... I wish a cop would beat your sorry Muslim ass.

Gerry Harris - @Muhammad... I hope a white supremacist cop pulls your ass over and beats you to a pulp.

Bill Bauer - @Muhammad... It's much easier to be part of the problem than the solution.

Bradley Doyle - Muhammad Rasheed screw you, you worthless piece of trash. You race bait everything.

Muhammad Rasheed - @Bill... That doesn't mean very much when you lot talk, since you invented and maintain the problem.

Muhammad Rasheed - @Bradley... This is how you act when all I did was point out how you really are in good faith? Wow. Take a pill and lie down before you blow out a heroin vein. Geez...

Chris Bassett - @Muhammad... let’s see 1) he was an ILLEGAL ALIEN. A crime. 2). He was driving a car without a license A crime. 3.) he was in possession of a gun not purchased A crime. 4). He discharged that gun in public. A crime. 5 he shot AND KILLED someone a crime. I am sure where you come from this is completely ok. And before you EVEN call me a racist; YOU are the one who sees this guy as no big deal. Have a nice day. 6). He was driving drunk. Do you wanna guess? Legal or Not so much

Muhammad Rasheed - @Chris... 1) So? You're probably shooting up heroin right now and that's a crime, too. You routinely pick-n-choose which crimes you consider a big deal or not based on the race of the accused. Your all-caps emphasis means nothing because none of that is a big deal coming from you lot. 2-4) So? White people in rural areas do all of these things all of the time and always get away free or get slaps on the wrist. If you don't care when your people do it then I don't care when you pretend to care when non-whites do it. 5) White racists are lynching Ferguson activists and their kids and the racist cops are calling the murders "suicides." Don't act like you care about people getting murdered when you don't. You just get off on cops harassing people that aren't you. 6) You were driving drunk yesterday. How come you didn't care about that?

Sabotaging the Programming

Cartoon depicting irate white man expressing disapproval over
Antifa's  usage of weak physical attacks in their symbolic opposition
to the conservative side of the white racist aristocracy.

Muhammad Rasheed - 1. During a July 2009 press conference, in response to being asked how he felt about the incident involving Professor Henry "Skip" Gates being arrested for trying to enter his own home after accidentally locking himself out, President Obama said:

"...that the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home; [...] what I think we know, separate and apart from this incident, is that there is a long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately. And that’s just a fact.” 

What I personally found infuriating about the incident was how the president was treated in the aftermath. His popularity and support from among white people took a shocking nosedive after his comments, and they NEVER recovered to the pre-incident numbers.

2. "There has never been a single, solid, determined commitment of large segments of white America on the whole question of racial equality," said Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. during the recently unearthed 1967 'lost interview" with an NBC News reporter. Outlining his plans for a new phase of the civil rights movement where he would seek "genuine equality" with a laser focus, Dr. King interestingly made two points:

a) White allies were easy to gather in reaction to the brutal, over-the-top violence of domestic terror, but always froze up in impotent vacillation and ambivalence when it came to the critical need to establish the necessarily expensive enforcement of full equal rights for the Black American. At MOST they want to delay curing anti-Black systemic racism long enough where they can save a fortune from Black plundering and escape the 'progressing' West altogether. 

b) Unlike in the jim crow South, where the opposition to the civil rights movement held clear and widely recognized figures to target, the powers behind the Northern states' systemic racism were a lot more difficult to find. The 'villains of the North' understandably preferred not to be high-profile bad guys starring on the evening news, and did all of their dirt behind the scenes as they inflicted impoverished housing conditions, poor educational systems and more upon the Black community so they could profit from their dedication to the exploitative model of "crony capitalism."

3. White people across partisan lines often express a near jittery panic at the very idea of a group like Antifa setting the example of pushing back against the supporters of white supremacy. They act like behaviors that barely amount to more than wedgie-level "violence" are the WORST THING EVER! and react even worse to Antifa's antics than they do to examples of savage anti-Black violence the country is shamefully known for. They're afraid Antifa's influence will undo the "non-violence and ONLY non-violence" programming they carefully engineered from an anti-Black weaponized distortion of Dr. King's old model.

This recognition of the evidence that whites really don't want anything to happen to their precious and lucrative anti-Black systemic racism is normally infuriating, but it is especially so when confronted by whites who keep a straight face while trying to gaslight us about it. It hasn't been lost on me that President Obama's white political rivals were too busy "Kenyan-Mooslem-Birthering" to ever have time to be admirers from afar, so who exactly were these former supporters who abruptly changed their minds when the president proved he was willing to drag a component of the nation's most enduring sin out into the light so its true nature would be revealed for all to gawk at? They assumed he was going to play token and spend all of his time kissing babies, fist bumping, and playing partisan chess and not touch their precious racism.

MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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Jacob Hays - @Muhammad... I agree with the idea that there is widespread systemic racism, however, I don’t believe violence is the way. It is like stooping to their level. Even if we can morally justify it, we need to see the best in our fellow men and women. Obviously, this should be taken with a grain of salt due to the fact I’m not African-American (I’m a mixed Mizrahi Jew and White, though religiously I’m a Messianic Jew but, I digress) So, I was wondering if you could elaborate.

Muhammad Rasheed - Meaning it is moral and righteous to physically defend yourself with violence if attacked with violence. There is nothing inherently moral or good to lie down and allow unreasonable people to subjugate you for exploitation without fighting back. War is terrible—we ALL can agree with that, but there are times when war is the right thing to do, when the alternative is actually MORE wrong than killing a savage barbarian trying to exploit you for his own selfish purposes.

I support Antifa as a symbol of those willing to physically pushback when unreasonable men make life unreasonable.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Imperialists Still Imperializing

Cartoon wondering if the white supremacists who point
to the struggling "independent" African nations as proof
of Black inferiority are displaying ignorance of how
their own White Supremacist Ideology operates
in the world, or they're just being disingenuous.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Ridiculous Symptoms of the 'Personal Preference' Fallacy

Cartoon illustrating embarrassing symptoms of "colorism" —
the putrid, runny, discharge from anti-Black systemic racism —
and how it creates the perfect self-hating toxic mindset to
set up Black people to fall for racial identity grift scams
like 'black-fishing' and dolezal-ism.

Rasheed, Muhammad. "Ridiculous Symptoms of the 'Personal Preference' Fallacy." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 16 Dec 2018. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

See Also:

When Self-Hate Pretends to Be Love, pt 01

When Self-Hate Pretends to Be Love, pt 02

When Self-Hate Pretends to Be Love, pt 03

MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.

SUBSCRIBE and receive a FREE! Weapon of the People eBook by M. Rasheed!

Saturday, December 15, 2018

The Triggering

Cartoon depicting the noticeable plunge in quality of this
week's criticisms, although the over-emotional passion
with which they were expressed has remained steady.

Friday, December 14, 2018

Here There Be Monsters

Cartoon illustrating the diabolical game playing the
financial sector elite routinely perform to enrich
themselves at the expense of the Black community.

Muhammad Rasheed - Now that Matt Taibbi (Griftopia) and Greg Palast (The Best Democracy Money Can Buy) have revealed with their top notch (and rage-inducing) investigative journalism how the 1% grifter class actually operate in the modern day, there’s no excuse for falling for the transparent propaganda schemes like the ones that inspired today’s cartoon. We can reasonably trust that any and everything the elite among the political/business class does is solely to support the White Supremacist Ideology, enriching themselves with anti-Black systemic racism at the expense of the people. Palast’s reports demonstrated the extent of the crimes as the financial sector teamed with their cronies in Washington D.C. to suppress Black and Latinx Democratic Party votes by evicting them from their homes when they couldn’t pay the hefty balloon payment mortgage payments while the companies got wealthier from multiple angles from the length & breadth of the long con’s scope.

Black people have never recovered from the financial ruin of the Great Recession, the wealth gap between the races is wider than ever, yet the Trump administration is still committed to undoing all the reform band-aid efforts put in place by previous administrations to ease their hardships. The rhetoric narrative from the Black community’s political rivals is that they “just want free handouts they don’t deserve” and Blacks should just forgive barbaric violent attacks from white racists because the chronic poverty in Black neighborhoods caused by the same anti-Black systemic racism triggers desperate struggling Black people to attack other desperate struggling Black people.

When the Obama administration added the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2009 to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act as part of the Reconciliation Act of 2010 amendment, it actually removed the big banks as middle men in the student loan process so that funds would then be administered directly to students from the government. The banks of course lost a great deal of money from this very patriotic, pro-Americans citizen law and they responded with FURY.

We know for a fact by their consistent behavior that the 1% grifter class that runs the country does not care about the American people in general, and Black people in specific. We are at war, in the strongest sense of the word, and we absolutely need to move smartly with focus and determination to steer the nation in the direction it needs to be in by force in order to align it to its ideals.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Standing Ground: Monopolizing the Front of the Bus

Cartoon depicting the vast scope of the fight against anti-Black
systemic racism, as the White Supremacist Ideology has a
bi-partisan footprint with resentments and active
pushback present within both parties.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

At the Mercy of the Architects of Every Wind of Doctrine

Cartoon depicting the importance of like-minded individuals
coming together to form a strong special interest group base
to leverage power in the political sphere, an area
where the functional basic unit is the special interest group
with its loud voice and razor-sharp dollar. Without it,
the like-minded individuals are scattered, unfocused
and lack a specific agenda and the tools to improve
the quality of life of the whole group.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Judgment of the Slave Whisperer

Cartoon depicting the spoils of the white supremacist wars
enjoyed by the dominant class.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Riding the Wave

Cartoon illustrating the Democratic Party keeping the 'Blue Wave'
momentum going by packaging a sweeping reform bill to patiently hammer
away at the GOP controlled Senate with the people's demands.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

The Original Head Start

Cartoon illustrating the over-the-top violent domestic terror
tactic—by numerous harmful entities at all levels—of
treating Black children like they are adults.

Christopher Finch - Why don't Black Lives Matter activists protest inner city, black on black violence?

Muhammad RasheedBlack Lives Matter (BLM) is one of numerous Black activism groups, with most focused on specialized categories within the spectrum of multiple issues affecting the Black community. BLM's specific scope addresses the trauma of police brutality and other attacks on Black bodies by non-Black people, while there are several other groups that do address the self-inflicted violence symptomatic with the chronic poverty found in urban Black neighborhoods.

The emotionally-triggered vocal critics of the group seem to be unaware of these basic, easily-researched facts, and prefer to treat the "Black Lives Matter" title as if the movement's scope is supposed to be much broader based on their own uninformed assumptions. This gives the impression that the strawman effigy faux-criticisms are unreasonable attacks from people who actually support over-the-top police violence against Black people even on the off chance the teeth-gnashing critic really didn't mean to be [completely] unsympathetic.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Best Shot

Cartoon depicting the comically juvenile levels of counter-argument
provided by the opposition to the anti-racism movement.

American Obstacles in the Pursuit of Happiness

Cartoon illustrating a technique of race soldiers designed to
terrorize Black people into immobility that quasi-well meaning
intellectuals explain away as natural tribal skin color prejudice.

Muhammad Rasheed - The Threat Awareness and Reporting Program (TARP), under Army Regulation 381-12, says it’s mandatory for a list of different groups who have been trained on it (all U.S. military and Department of Defense personnel, government contractors, etc.) to report suspicious behavior to the government counterintelligence hotline. The material explains that terrorism has nothing to do with race, religion or nationality, but has everything to do with behaviors and actions of individuals. The government counts on Americans to use their basic, decent common sense to identify potential threats and promptly report them to prevent something horrible from happening to innocent American people. This is real.

“Racism” as we know it has nothing to do with the regularly circulating gaslight spin job that describes it as a “primitive, natural, tribal skin color prejudice.” This is a deflection from the truth. Racism is actually a diabolical economic system that was birthed at the beginning of the American experiment when a trade in African Black flesh by ‘crony capitalist’ Western powers became YUGE/BIGLY international business. Several factors contributed to the decision that a special aristocracy would be created based on the dramatic physical difference between the light-skinned members of Europe’s ethnic tribes versus the enslaved African, in which the latter would be permanently delegated to a chattel bondsman class. The centuries old wealth gap between the two races within the white supremacist era, getting wider and wider with each passing decade, is a direct result of the dominant group protecting their manufactured Whitopia from the possibility of the socio-economic pendulum swinging in the other direction. Should it so swing, it would first create an equality between the races scenario, with the potential for a total flip in the balance of power. The elaborate effort to prevent that pendulum from swinging—using psychological mind games, financial sabotage/property theft, domestic terror tactics and police/military force—is the true nature of racismThis is real.

White Americans have been in the habit of using their basic, decent common sense to report Black people to the police just for doing normal, regular activities in public places. All efforts to explain away the behavior are disingenuous; it is a terror tactic with the intention to control Black behavior. The ‘golden rule’ of treating others how you would like to be treated does not apply, because the people doing the reporting cannot empathize with the Black victims due to generations of anti-Black systemic racism programming that has now become normalized among the Whitopian residents. They do not see themselves and their foulness, they only see their hatred for the idea of Blacks behaving as if they are not subjugated lower class citizens controlled for white exploitation. This is real.

As a Black American, my number one political issue is the freeing of my people from the savagery of racism’s chains so we may live the fullness of life as we deserve. White people benefit from the aristocracy by default and hold a bi-partisan vested interest in working out problems among each other AROUND the anti-Black systemic racism that feeds them. So when I watch white liberals and white conservatives attempt to come to a common ground in their ideological differences and mutually seek to take anti-racism off the table so they can make faster headway during the talks, or not wanting to aggravate the other, it does leave me feeling some kind of way.

I am not interested in hearing another 150 yrs of more empty words with more empty promises and inevitable betrayals behind them; I am instead only interested in what is real and making informed decisions from a place of correct analysis of very real behaviors. I pray for peace and the reasonable unobstructed liberty to pursue my God-given rights as a natural-born U.S. citizen, but it seems like I may be alone in wishing this for all Americans.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

The Vulnerability of True Patriotic Business

Cartoon depicting the true enemy of the USA's economy,
with the criminal 'crony  capitalism' partnership sabotaging
both the open free market needed for true capitalism to function—
funneling the bulk of the nation’s wealth into the hands of a greedy few—
-but also the lives of the average citizens who 
need the pro-people economic system to escape poverty.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Courting Betrayal, Courting Sacrifice

Cartoon depicting the Democrats' regretful loss of a large part
of their constituency due to the "Southern Strategy" of their rivals,
with their hopes of somehow reclaiming them at the
risk of betraying the loyal Black American.

Dave Consiglio - Thank you Rasheed for posting this today.

I’ve actually been catching some heat lately for naming [my] blog The War Donkey.

While the GOP flaunts their openly sexist, racist, homophobic stances, we worry about offending centrists by drawing attention to those stances?

Not on my watch.

The War Donkey is about fighting this shit, not appeasing those who find the fight uncomfortable or awkward.

It’s supposed to be uncomfortable!

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Protecting the System

Cartoon satirizing the bipartisan effort to protect anti-Black
systemic racism from any form of critique or attack.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Tainted Culture

Cartoon illustrating the negative taint infesting the national culture
due to a hostile, unpatriotic special interest group being allowed to
dictate the narrative of what is considered normal and/or harmless.

Alan MacNeill - With all due respect, cartoons like that do nothing to help the cause. All they do is reinforce the Right Wing opinion “They’re looking down on us, why should we listen to them?” Please, for the good of the movement, stop.

Muhammad Rasheed - Hi, Alan. The facts of history demonstrate that those who hold the Right Wing opinion are actively waging war against my group and aren’t even remotely interested in listening to me.

Rather than play that game with them, and look like a fool in the attempt, I’m more interested in digging up the root cause of their behaviors from well thought out analysis of the historical narrative and satirizing it in my art. I don’t mind that you don’t agree with my approach since I’m under no illusion that my product is of an universal appeal.

Alan MacNeill - Here’s your problem.

Yes, there are SOME on the Right who are as you say. Probably 10–15% of the Republican Party, and certainly the loudest of them.

However, in order to WIN ELECTIONS, which is all that matters (since without folks in office, you can’t fix the problems), you need to be attractive to the folks who aren’t strictly dedicated to that side, but might lean more conservative than you wish they did.

You have two choices: 1. Shove them away as being impure…then they vote for your opponents, who win the elections and have the power, and you and your pure movement are wandering in the wilderness, or 2. Be temperate in your attacks on the other side, point out their flaws when you can, but in a fair and reasonable and honest way, not lumping everyone in with the extreme 5%.

Your cartoons show you want to do #1…and that’s certainly your right, but realize that it means you are killing your movement. And, frankly, shoving away far more than just your targets.

Muhammad Rasheed - Alan wrote: “However, in order to WIN ELECTIONS…”

We can stop voter suppression and the GOP will never “win” another election again.

Alan wrote: “…but realize that it means you are killing your movement.”

I disagree. Being honest will reveal the true nature of the movement and the fight at hand. Walking on eggshells around my committed enemy has gained me nothing.


Alan MacNeill - I’m judging this from your profile picture alone…but you aren’t old enough to have enough experience to say “never”.

And stopping voter suppression alone won’t guarantee a Blue Wave. Sorry that the world doesn’t fit nicely into your blue sky fantasy, but in the real world you have to appeal to folks who don’t agree with you, but are at least willing to listen to your argument. Cartoons like yours shrink that pool, dramatically.

Muhammad Rasheed - Alan wrote: “…you aren’t old enough to have enough experience to say ‘never.’”

It’s just a prediction wrapped in a bit of hyperbole since I am not privy to the secrets of the unseen future.

Alan wrote: “And stopping voter suppression alone won’t guarantee a Blue Wave.”

The Democrats have the numbers. The GOP has to cheat to have any kind of longevity. We only put up with it because the Demos are guilty of using it too when convenient (that’s why they don’t like talking about it).

Alan wrote: “…but in the real world you have to appeal to folks who don’t agree with you…”

There are varying sub-groups within that pool. Research reveals which among them are worthy of the effort of appealing to. The ones I am in active war with can feel the sting of the toon.

Alan wrote: “Sorry that the world doesn’t fit nicely into your blue sky fantasy…”

lol That’s precisely how I feel about your expressed “Probably 10–15%.” That’s actually closer to what the percentage of ‘good guys’ looks like, and it’s about the same on the liberal side.

The anti-racism fight isn’t your fight, Alan, which is the root cause of my woes.

Alan wrote: “Cartoons like yours shrink that pool, dramatically.”

*shrug* I prefer to know the face of my foe. His ability to hide and slink around among those I can actually trust (possible only because I allowed myself to be convinced I should walk on eggshells around the creature) puts me at a disadvantage that doesn’t get me closer to my goals.

Alan MacNeill - Best of luck.

Hope your lance is sharp, because those windmills are vicious.

And with that, farewell donkeys…I'm off to find a group that embraces my values, those that made Democrats wi once upon a time.

Paul Haas - Before commenting on this cartoon, it might be wise to re-read the cartoon from Sunday. I don't want to become one of the army of white editors removing anything remotely uncomfortable to us. Or in today's case, comics that took us some time to figure out, so we feel the Elephants will never get it.
Dave Consiglio - Hi Alan. M. Rasheed is an invited guest here. Disagreements are what we save for Republicans, eh?

Furthermore, we have no idea is this comic is “shoving people away” or not. What we do know is that we welcome everyone here who supports Democratic candidates. I know that’s both you and Muhammad, and I’m sure we can find our common ground.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Wizard Level Strawman Effigy Fallacy

Cartoon depicting white supremacy's proactive risk control procedures
using an extreme micromanagement control over the racial narrative.

Rasheed, Muhammad. "Wizard Level Strawman Effigy Fallacy." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 02 Dec 2018. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

Kelly Erickson - You’ve got a wonderful way of reading between the lines of life and then holding a magnifying glass up in your cartoons. Love this one.

The Art of Greed

Cartoon illustrating the epiphany that led to the
draw decisions of both the Canelo Álvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin I
and the Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury fights.

Benjamin Du - Does the split decision draw for Tyson Fury vs. Deontay Wilder prove that boxing is corrupt?

Muhammad Rasheed - Of course it does. The boxing industry has been corrupt since it’s beginnings, controlled by a tight cartel of insiders and legacy mob families. It’s little different than how the Hollywood film industry functions, with the larger money payouts drawing the most slimeball people like flies to honey.

David Glenn - As a boxing fan I understand the pain but why is this on The War Donkey?

Muhammad Rasheed - The critique of immoral manipulation of industry from the monopoly/cartel standpoint -- a classic demonstration of antitrust law violation -- is always appropriate on a progressive politics platform.

Sport business models are often exploitative by tradition, but boxing is especially so. All of that needs to be dragged out into the open and publicly cursed; there's little of what we fight for that isn't interconnected with other items in our agenda, David, even when not immediately obvious.

Friday, November 30, 2018

"...Against Threats Foreign & Domestic (but ESPECIALLY domestic)"

Cartoon depicting the critical need for protecting all
citizens' Right to Bear Arms, to prevent a tyranny-by-terror
from unfairly advantaged groups.

Muhammad Rasheed - You know what happens when we are not actively engaged in the high-stakes chess match of the political process? Our rivals and enemies position themselves to advantage, rule over us, and create a new normal for our lives.

The historic record demonstrates that isn’t good.

If you aren’t actively involved in your own community, doing your part to ensure your special interest group and the similarly-minded groups within your party’s collective receive what you need from your government bodies, then you’ve put yourself in danger. For any of the swarming piglets pushing & shoving to latch onto the sow’s teat to decide to opt out of the process, it will mean death. Either through starvation, or one of the rapidly growing gluttonous siblings will simply eat the piglet. The new normal for the piglet switched from being elbow-to-elbow within the active fight to nigh-hopelessly weakened, exploitable snack.

When the frustrated Black American makes such comments as “The 2nd Amendment was never meant for us!” it means that we’ve accepted the new normal created for us by the traditionally hostile special interest political group who has seized power. It isn’t true. We’ve endangered ourselves by accepting our rival’s programming—using the force of our own creative narrative to interpret his message for him to us and our descendants—and now we are demoralized and cynical. Disinterested in the political machine because we believed our enemy’s narrative that it wasn’t for us anyway, we seek only to find our own corner somewhere so we can ‘do us’ and hope that the dominant power’s goons will find something else to do rather than harass us for that day.

Of course this is what it was like to be Black during both the chattel slave era and jim crow, so where’s the progress? Progress doesn’t come through magic and wishing, it comes from consistently staying in the active battle. Fortitude, patience, courage are all tools that come with that kit and it is our job to push and shove and latch onto a dripping sow’s teat, too (I’m Muslim, so I’m really grossing myself out with that analogy, but I’m pushing through it for you. You’re welcome.). The Constitution guaranteed me this right, and in defending my right I am by default defending the scope of what the Constitution says I get to have as recognized under the Republic’s Law.

“But the Constitution wasn’t for Black folks!” Nonsense. There were powerful Black people at the beginning of the nation’s founding who helped draft the Constitution, who helped define the high-ideals that we all have the right to reach for. There were always strong and determined Black people along the way who’ve used the laws themselves to score major milestone victories for Black people. Did many of the white founding fathers own slaves? Yes. Some were downright despicable in numerous ways, but the issue wasn’t so much one of hypocrisy, but of raw greed. They created a United States of America that was designed to be flexible, designed to be amended by more enlightened future citizens. They KNEW slavery was wrong—conflicting as it did with both their religious principles and with the “land of the free” rhetoric—but were determined to use the racist economic institution to ensure their own family fortunes and pass the filthy and immoral buck of anti-Black systemic racism onto the next generations to solve.

And solve it we must. We have to be engaged. We HAVE to be in it and acting like U.S. citizens, acting like we belong and in fact, built this great nation, too. When your right to life, liberty and  property are threatened by domestic terror then you play the Right to Bear Arms card and protect hearth & home from barbarity just like every other U. S. American citizen has a right to, and you do so unflinchingly. Recognize that anyone at all telling you it is wrong to defend yourself from the unreasonable savagery of unreasonable men is an enemy. Use your energy, use your fire to actively engage in the political process ALL THE WAY, and fill your belly with the portion of rich, over-thick, fatty sow’s milk that belongs to you.

Kelly Erickson - The cartoon is good, but whooo, the post is SO good. Yes and yes.

Tom Deyoung - Who were the black Americans to help draft the constitution?

Muhammad Rasheed - Not literally helped write the document itself necessarily, but free Blacks who were part of the discussions—like in Benjamin Banneker’s letter to Thomas Jefferson—who helped shaped the tone, force & scope into what it was to become.

Tom Deyoung - I think you mean Declaration of Independence. Jefferson was in France for the constitution.

Muhammad Rasheed - I mean the discussion had by the intellectuals of the day, from both races, who contributed to the greater discourse that was drawn upon to build the founding documents of the nation. This is very important for the progress of race relations, since it’s not only rarely discussed, but the dominant powers have a history of hiding/downplaying stuff like that to protect the anti-Black economic system.

Tom Deyoung - when it comes to race relation I completely agree with you, I believe we must recognize the path taken to get here, and respect each other instead of assuming. I honestly believe it is in human nature to notice patterns then label those patterns to groups of people. To combat racism we must all fight our instinct to look for patterns in differing races.

Muhammad Rasheed - The historic record is definitely full of real patterns of behavior, by all groups and for multiple reasons. I don’t think it’s healthy to pretend that’s not a real thing under the name of progressive race relations, when to deny the phenomenon and pretend it isn’t real would serve only to benefit the dominant group at the expense of the traditionally disenfranchised.

Fenris Lyulf - More Than Slaves: Black Founders, Benjamin Banneker, and Critical Intellectual Agency by LaGarrett J. King | Clemson University

Tom Deyoung - Yes, I did look up Banneker to get a better understanding.

Kristen Greenberg - I'm confused, is this Republican or Democrat? It's on the War Donkey, but pro gun and pro constitution and pro equality

Steve Marck - All Americans should be pro-gun rights, pro-constitution, and pro-equality. Unfortunately, neither party lives up to that very well.

Kristen Greenberg - I agree :) I was surprised to see this on TWD as most liberals are not pro those things normally though.

Steve Marck - True, and they should be called out for it when it happens.

But neither are conservatives. Conservatives often conflict with the first amendment, the fourth, fifth, heck, mostly they like the constitution when it suits their pre-conceived idea of what they’d like the resultant policy to be.

And both parties struggle with equality. Affirmative action is inherently racist, sure, but conservatives aren’t angels on issues of race (quite the opposite), and actively seek to suppress minority rights from the voting booth to a laundry list of others. Plus the rhetoric we’ve heard recently, well, it’s disgusting.

These new “spaces” in Quora could result in more echo chambers, or we could push to hold the wings on both sides accountable to the center so that Quora works to help put the country back together instead of helps tear it apart. I like that they let independents into both, and even those of the opposite side. I just hope we see constructive rhetoric instead of the pettiness of the first few months. Trolling, strawmen, graffiti, I hope we can find a way to raise the bar.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Yelps of the Hit Dog

Cartoon depicting the over-the-top nervous behavior
of the dominant group whenever the Black American ethnic group
claims some of their most basic rights as legitimate U.S. citizens.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Weaponized Nonviolence

Cartoon illustrating the nonviolence protest as a political tool
designed to pressure societal in order to influence key
decision makers to bend to the protester demands.
If it fails, then stronger methods are recommended
(see: economic boycotts) to apply more pressure.

Anonymous - Do Liberals often engage in violent protest more than Conservatives? (Think SJWs, Antifa & BLM)

Muhammad Rasheed - No. This is based on a deceptive myth invented by conservative political strategists. The truth of the matter is that the left shows up to peacefully protest, and the triggered right sics their goons on them.

Note that conservatives refer to the protest events as “violent riots” before the cops show up and anything has even happened? They just want people to accept their unfair and abusive practices and stop complaining about injustice, so when you do protest, they consider it “starting a riot.”

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Fool Me Once...

Cartoon depicting the certainty of a "Trans-Space Slave Trade"
that repeats the darkest times of the white supremacist
era's origins when corporate establishes colonizing
missions to other planetary bodies. 

Rasheed, Muhammad. "Fool Me Once..." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 27 Nov 2018. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

Anonymous - How would you react if white nationalists sometime in the future established a whites-only space colony?

Muhammad Rasheed - I would expect to have to fight to the death for the personal liberties and freedoms of myself and my family—for the usual reasons—and would exercise my Right to Bear Arms accordingly to protect hearth & home.

The historical record reveals all "whites only" attempts to be "white male fantasy Whitopias" in which they live as amazingly selfish, discriminatory elitists while delegating all the work (and savage abuses) to non-whites. No thanks. I will expect the plan to dissolve once they run into the insurmountable hurdle of "Bismi'Allah - Fight to the Death as Policy" which will render their schemes unprofitable.

Monday, November 26, 2018

That Anti-Black Bi-Partisan Song & Dance

Cartoon depicting yet another strong reason why it may be
in the best interest of the Black American ethnic group to
break away from the two treacherous parties and
form a Black Political Party of their own.

Gravitucron -
You have no idea how long I have felt this way!!!

Gary McCoy - The left decries Trump's harmful effect on American values. The same left that's for giving $500 million to Planned Parenthood -- The left decries Trump's harmful effect on American values. The same left that's for giving $500 million to Planned Parenthood

Muhammad Rasheed -

Gary McCoy - Terrible, if real. But off topic regardless.

Muhammad Rasheed - No, it's real and still on topic. Abusing babies has apparently been America's value system since its inception. This "let's pretend we are so outraged over Black baby abortions!" GOP political talking point is just a grift deflection from the murders of innocents Republicans routinely allow with a stony face ("I CAN breathe").

We're either REALLY for the ideals of America's highest values, or we're just continuing to play like we are for another 200+ yrs.

I'm a conservative Black American Muslim who believes in civil rights for my ethnic group, so that leaves me with the problematic liberal/Democrat team since the conservative/Republicans hate my f*cking guts because I'm Black. It wasn't the "Trump vs Hillary" election that represented the "lesser of two evils" choice, but both political parties period.

So these rhetoric memes you're posting aren't real, don't make real points, and aren't triggering real discussion, they are just playing more damn games.

Gary McCoy - I see you have not learned to think for yourself, much to Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, and Chuck Schumer's delight. "Conservative/Republicans hate your f$cking guts"? That's hilarious. Tell Condoleeza Rice, Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Mia Love, .... I could go on and on. But tell me more about how Hillary "I carry hot sauce in my purse" Clinton, or Joe " Obama is the first clean, articulate black man..." Biden are the ones looking out for you. Which party freed the slaves again? And which party is it that treats blacks like the slaves they kept for years?

Muhammad Rasheed - You see that conservative/republican squirting that Black child in the face with tear gas because he thought it was funny? Why do you think your cherry-picked list of GOP Black people means the conservative/Republicans don't have a modern history of hating Black people? Because you've committed to playing games?

Muhammad Rasheed - The modern white hate groups --including David Duke's crew -- side with the conservative/Republican team. It's not hard.

Gary McCoy - Wow, you must have great eyes to be able to see the voter ID card in that cop's pocket. Can't argue with your kind of "logic".

Muhammad Rasheed - He's a white policeman abusing a Black child because he thinks it's funny and believes that he can get away with it.

There's a 100% chance he's a Republican.

Gary McCoy - I'm going to bed. You just proved you got nothing. No proof. This guy is likely a Joe Biden Democrat. That's the party that's keeps throwing table scraps to its black base to keep them voting in lock step. It's a shame that a smart fella like you lap up their transparent hocus pocus.

Muhammad Rasheed - Here's Gary doubling down on game playing. Nice.

Chris Bassett - @Muhammad... whooopsie May want to Check your bullshit before spreading you bullshit

Margot Maven - @Chris... I knew there was "something wrong with this picture". Thanks

Robbie Guina - M. Rasheed wrote: "You see that conservative/republican squirting that Black child in the face with tear gas because he thought it was funny?"

That's funny. I see a black woman in the process of committing a crime WITH her children. At best that is child abuse & neglect.

Richard Sherman - @Gary... Muhammad is not a 'smart fella' at all. He writes nice, but he's easily duped and manipulated - an emotional yo-yo. Nothing smart about that.

Al Goodwyn - Even if the photo actually had ANYTHING to do with US law enforcement (and it clearly doesn't if you take 2 seconds to check), Muhammad Rasheed makes the link that the act represents something whites are okay with. That smacks of racism. Plus, I didn't know the Pinto came in a Law Enforcement model.

Richard Sherman - @Al... I've been explaining his racism to him for years.

Muhammad Rasheed - Chris wrote: "whooopsie"

In the USA, white conservative cops routinely do stuff like this, and you lot think it's okay.

Al wrote: "Muhammad Rasheed makes the link that the act represents something whites are okay with."

The fact that all the comments here, especially Robbie's, are justifying the Brazilian cop's actions nullifies Chris' "whoopsie" and supports my point. White conservative racist whites are the same in all counties it turns out. Right, Richard? ;)

Margot Maven - @Muhammad... some of the most extreme racists I have met are not white. They are black. And they hate it when they are called out on it, because they absolutely can't hear what they are saying. Like Mr. of the most outrageously racist individuals we have had the displeasure of hearing...he has gotten away with blatant racism because he is black... A lot of your comments illustrate your disdain for white people.

Al Goodwyn - There are 800,000 law enforcement personnel in the US with arrest authority. Please help me understand what percentage of these you consider to be "routinely doing stuff like this"? And yet Muhammad, you pull a picture from 2011 that shows a Brazilian LEO. Shoots down your theory that it's so routine if you have to resort to lies.
And disgusting name calling all of one political affiliation who are of one race is, well, racist.

Gerry Harris - @Muhammad... What a dumb ass you are.

Gerry Harris - It's like taking your kid to a riot. Then when shit hits the fan, it's the cops fault.

Muhammad Rasheed - Margot wrote: "some of the most extreme racists I have met are not white."

All that means is that you made up your own special definition for "racist." Your comment means nothing to me.

Richard Sherman - @Muhammad... Time for your meds, now.

Muhammad Rasheed - Al wrote: "Shoots down your theory it's so routine if you have to resort to lies."

lol For one, it doesn't shoot down my theory since it just demonstrates that the blight of demonic anti-Black white supremacyparticularly prevalent in law enforcementis a global blight. For two, I didn't lie. Clearly the Brazilian cop featured in the meme is a white conservative behaving the way we in the USA are used to white conservatives behaving, so my point stands. It is irrelevant whether he was specifically an American Republican or not since these responses from you lot show a despicable spiritual affiliation with his deeds.

White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement | F.B.I. Report (2006)

Muhammad Rasheed - Gerry wrote: "It's like taking your kid to a riot."

lol She didn't "take her kid to a riot." Instead, they showed up to peacefully protest the oppressive injustices inflicted upon them as is their right and in typical fashion, the slimeball moneyed powers unleashed their psychopathic cops upon them.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

For the Glory of Money & Monopoly

Cartoon illustrating the corporate-led empire building of the
USA's military industrial complex, and the
proud enthusiasm with which the indoctrinated masses
celebrate the diabolical activity.
Anonymous - Why do Americans always believe they are somehow freeing people from oppression and bringing democracy when they are invading foreign countries?

Muhammad Rasheed - The average U.S. America citizen believes that because they are thoroughly indoctrinated in the military industrial complex propaganda. The USA has been empire building since its inception, and the point is to:

  • monopolize the world’s wealth
  • keep rival sovereign nations unstable and/or with Western intelligence hand-picked dictators in power so their resources are easily siphoned away at low cost
  • possess the indomitable power nigh-unlimited wealth provides

The 1% elite class that benefits most from these centuries old schemes require the marketing-propaganda to convince the people that our bullying, thieving, murderous country’s political leadership class are the ‘good guys,’ so there will be little chance of nation-wide revolt out of their control.

Eric Lurio - I haven’t seen such infantile commie cartooning in years

Muhammad Rasheed - Hm. The "infantile" aspect is only a reflection of the real life greed-fueled barbarity I'm depicting.

The term "commie" doesn't compute since I am firmly a capitalist. Note that corporatism (aka 'crony capitalism') is the enemy of the open markets that are the life blood of true capitalism. Our anti-trust laws are designed to check corporatism and protect capitalism.

Eric Lurio - Communist party newspapers have published countless versions of that exat cartoon for over a century.

Muhammad Rasheed - Post just one of them so I may examine it for analysis, please.