Clifton Hatchett – [shared meme] Last one.
We don't talk about this because...
Clifton Hatchett - Omar did you know that the first historical documentation of ''Christians,'' was in 325 B.C...B.C.
Omar Clifton - No but it's not surprising. The messiah prophecy is thousands of years old.
Imo the shock for many would have been seeing the messiah in person and they not being what you expect
Clifton Hatchett - Interesting...I am familiar with at least sixteen solar saviors who were born of a virgin, and resurrected before the ''Jesus,'' mythos.
Omar Clifton - Krishna isn't one of them. He's born from a rock.
Also, there's those pesky hundred or so prophecies that needed to be fulfilled to be the actual guy.
Adam Jack - Thor as well, he was banished to hell but fought so valiantly against the evil hoards he was granted second life.
Omar Clifton - Thor isn't a real person though.
Adam Jack - I believe in and follow the teaching of the Nordic gods... Who are you to tell me my faith is unfounded
Omar Clifton - Do you have historical evidence? Jesus has Roman historians and thousands of eye witnesses.
Adam Jack -
Omar Clifton - Actually, my God promised punishment for the guy who convinced you to follow your God. Wicked people are just collateral damage
Clifton Hatchett - Only one Roman Historian, and the authenticity of the account has been refuted by historians, and appears to be an addition to as opposed to the actual writing of Josephus himself. The ''Testimonium Flavianum,'' is often offered up as authentic, but academics and scholars scoff at this notion. Furthermore as it pertains to the Biblical Reference the town of Nazareth did not exist during the 1st century AD, nor do the Romans list it in any of there censuses of the era. ''Historical Evidence,'' is not to be substituted with Religious ideology. I love these discussions.
Omar Clifton - Only a portion of Josephus' record is considered not to authentic and that's the portion that speaks of Jesus in a positive light.
I speak of the portion where he seeks to discredit Yeshus and won't even use his name. "In this day may men claimed to be the messiah and worked miracles. One such man, the brother of James, was a rabble rouser"
However, notice that anything historians Deem unexplainable is quickly written off, like the Sumerian king list and the first 8 generations which have ridiculous life spans. Almost exactly 10x's the life span of the biblical account of those same people.
Adam Jack - To say any god is more valid or real than another is no different than listening into a group of kindergarten children arguing over who's daddy is the strongest. In their eyes he's the world and that's all that matter.
Clifton Hatchett - Only a portion of Josephus' record is considered not to authentic and that's the portion that speaks of Jesus in a positive light.
I speak of the portion where he seeks to discredit Yeshus and won't even use his name. "In this day may men claimed to be the messiah and worked miracles. One such man, the brother of James, was a rabble rouser"
However, notice that anything historians Deem unexplainable is quickly written off, like the Sumerian king list and the first 8 generations which have ridiculous life spans. Almost exactly 10x's the life span of the biblical account of those same people.
Clifton Hatchett - Deuteronomy 28:64-68
Omar Clifton - Studying is the only way to truly understand anything. Most don't notice that Yeshua himself wasn't big on religion. His only request was baptism and what amounts to having dinner in his honor.
I didn't mention the Nazareth thing because he wasn't a Nazarene because if geography but covenant. No cutting of hair, no contact with dead things and the like.
Clifton Hatchett - This could not be because there was no place called Nazareth when he lived Omar.
Omar Clifton - Actually archeologist James F. Strange says that it's more than likely not mentioned until 3rd century A.D. due to the lack of prominence as evidence show that before then it didn't have a larger population than 480 inhabitants. That basically amounts to a neighborhood in the larger city of Galilee.
As the Gospel writers all lived during the time of Jesus and wrote with in 60-90 years after his death. Thier mentioning of the place dates it as being around during this days
Clifton Hatchett - It didn't exist. There is much to be said for allegory and parable.
Muhammad Rasheed - Clifton Hatchett wrote: "We don't talk about this because..."
The Holy Qur'an 2:154
"And say not of those who are slain in the way of Allah: 'They are dead.' Nay, they are living, though ye perceive (it) not."
If God says that the martyrs are alive on another plane, then all of His messengers are also alive. This would include both Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon them).
Clifton Hatchett - Muhammad... lollollol.....most people will wonder how is it that a Muslim comes to speak of Jesus ace. Can't even find a handful of people who've ever read the Bible, when it comes to the Qur'an, I know even fewer whom have read it. It has been my experience that in most cases people don't understand, and in some cases, the mention evokes fear.
Muhammad Rasheed - Clifton Hatchett wrote: "Muhammad... lollollol.....most people will wonder how is it that a Muslim comes to speak of Jesus ace."
The Holy Qur'an 3:45-62
45 Behold! the angels said: "O Mary! Allah giveth thee glad tidings of a Word from Him: his name will be Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, held in honour in this world and the Hereafter and of (the company of) those nearest to Allah;
46 "He shall speak to the people in childhood and in maturity. And he shall be (of the company) of the righteous."
47 She said: "O my Lord! How shall I have a son when no man hath touched me?" He said: "Even so: Allah createth what He willeth: When He hath decreed a plan, He but saith to it, 'Be,' and it is!
48 "And Allah will teach him the Book and Wisdom, the Law and the Gospel,
49 "And (appoint him) a messenger to the Children of Israel, (with this message): "'I have come to you, with a Sign from your Lord, in that I make for you out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, and breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by Allah's leave: And I heal those born blind, and the lepers, and I quicken the dead, by Allah's leave; and I declare to you what ye eat, and what ye store in your houses. Surely therein is a Sign for you if ye did believe;
50 "'(I have come to you), to attest the Law which was before me. And to make lawful to you part of what was (Before) forbidden to you; I have come to you with a Sign from your Lord. So fear Allah, and obey me.
51 "'It is Allah Who is my Lord and your Lord; then worship Him. This is a Way that is straight.'"
52 When Jesus found Unbelief on their part He said: "Who will be My helpers to (the work of) Allah?" Said the disciples: "We are Allah's helpers: We believe in Allah, and do thou bear witness that we are Muslims.
53 "Our Lord! we believe in what Thou hast revealed, and we follow the Messenger; then write us down among those who bear witness."
54 And (the unbelievers) plotted and planned, and Allah too planned, and the best of planners is Allah.
55 Behold! Allah said: "O Jesus! I will take thee and raise thee to Myself and clear thee (of the falsehoods) of those who blaspheme; I will make those who follow thee superior to those who reject faith, to the Day of Resurrection: Then shall ye all return unto me, and I will judge between you of the matters wherein ye dispute.
56 "As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help."
57 "As to those who believe and work righteousness, Allah will pay them (in full) their reward; but Allah loveth not those who do wrong."
58 "This is what we rehearse unto thee of the Signs and the Message of Wisdom."
59 The similitude of Jesus before Allah is as that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him: "Be". And he was.
60 The Truth (comes) from Allah alone; so be not of those who doubt.
61 If any one disputes in this matter with thee, now after (full) knowledge Hath come to thee, say: "Come! let us gather together,- our sons and your sons, our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves: Then let us earnestly pray, and invoke the curse of Allah on those who lie!"
62 This is the true account: There is no god except Allah; and Allah-He is indeed the Exalted in Power, the Wise.
Muhammad Rasheed - The 2nd Pillar of belief in Islam is "Belief in all of the messengers of God."
I wouldn't be a Muslim if I didn't accept the Christ Jesus, son of Mary as a messenger of the One God, and recognize his message as true.
Muhammad Rasheed - Whoever created the meme above stuck "Mohammed's" name in it based on what they thought Islam was about, not from a place of any sure knowledge. It is purely doctrinal from a pauline Christian slant.
The meme's message is worthless outside of that slant. It certainly doesn't represent any kind of universal truth.
Clifton Hatchett - Thank you Muhammad. Insightful. Are Christians allowed to read the Qur'an... (rhetorical) I had someone tell me recently ''y'all are evil, how could you support cutting off someones head,'' to which I responded, ''at least you're sincere in your ignorance.'' Intolerance tends to be the unfortunate norm by GOD fearing Christians.
Rahlistic Visions - but where is the proof that he is alive?
Rahlistic Visions - better yet where is the proof that he even lived?
Clifton Hatchett - know you just shut the post down in all likelihood. People hate this contention.
Muhammad Rasheed - Rahlistic Visions wrote: “better yet where is the proof that he even lived?"
The church's efforts to destroy all evidence of "Jesus the man" to uphold their 'divine son of God' doctrine stopped short of wiping out the historical record of his younger brother James the Just, son of Mary. James was the leader of the first church of Jerusalem, was Jesus' hand-picked heir, and during the time period, was actually more famous than his brother.
Muhammad Rasheed - We trace the real life Jesus Christ through the ample proof of his brother's existence in history.
Muhammad Rasheed - Rahlistic Visions wrote: "but where is the proof that he is alive?"
There is no physical, scientific proof of spiritual matters by definition. To ask for such reveals a narrow viewpoint.
Rahlistic Visions - To believe that something is alive with no proof reveals a narrow viewpoint.
Muhammad Rasheed - No. It reveals insight. The materialist mentality is narrow.
Rahlistic Visions -
Muhammad Rasheed - It is the materialist mentality... in its narrow appeal to limit knowledge to what the five senses can physically support... that is incapable of abstract thought. That is quite narrow.
Rahlistic Visions - ok then in that case I'm the son of god and I am the Christ since we don't need material proof.
Rahlistic Visions - Now praise me and give me some money so that I can save you.
Rahlistic Visions - LOL
Muhammad Rasheed - The lack of material proof doesn't mean the lack of a logical argument.
Muhammad Rasheed - Are you going to start presenting one?
Rahlistic Visions - but you don't even have any spiritual proof?
Rahlistic Visions - just your word
Muhammad Rasheed - Sure I do. The sacred scripture of the One God is my spiritual proof.
Muhammad Rasheed - What else?
Rahlistic Visions - I can't because he is not real so there is no proof
Muhammad Rasheed - He's not real based on what?
Rahlistic Visions - based on no proof either way.
Muhammad Rasheed - lol He said He's real in the revealed scripture He gave for that purpose.
Muhammad Rasheed - That is the spiritual proof you seek.
Muhammad Rasheed - You're welcome.
Rahlistic Visions - I found my lord and savior He looks back at me in the mirror and get me what ever I need.
Muhammad Rasheed - Word?
Muhammad Rasheed - Does he have a heaven or hell to place you in for your insolence?
Rahlistic Visions - I know it is my lord and savior because I always saved myself physically and mentally.
Rahlistic Visions - Jesus didn't do sqat.
Rahlistic Visions - squat
Muhammad Rasheed - What do you mean he didn't do squat?
Muhammad Rasheed - Again based on what?
Muhammad Rasheed - How can you say that when you are ignorant of what his job actually was?
Rahlistic Visions - My feet and my actions worked better then kneeling on my knees like a dog. I stood up like a man and handled my life.
Rahlistic Visions - That's proof enough.
Muhammad Rasheed - lol
Clifton Hatchett - Muhammad...a view that is not the same as yours does not make it narrow, it just means it is not the view you share.
Rahlistic Visions - I don't need a heaven or hell? for what?
Muhammad Rasheed - Proof of what, Rahlistic? If you don't know what the purpose of prayer actually is, from what basis do you dismiss it?
Clifton Hatchett - Carry on.
Muhammad Rasheed - Clifton a view that is coming from a place of raw ignorance into the very concepts it claims to dismiss is not only narrow, it is fundamentally stupid.
Muhammad Rasheed - How would you sound if you dismissed mathematics because it didn't help you spell "cat" correctly?
Rahlistic Visions - The best prayer is when you pray by moving your feet and taking action. That gets more done then clapping your hands together.
Muhammad Rasheed - That's what this guy is doing...
Rahlistic Visions - and jumping up and down and feeling a "Ghost"
Clifton Hatchett -'m crying.......You my friend are a piece of work Muhammad.....lmao
Rahlistic Visions - I wouldn't be dumb enough to try to "Spell" cat using math.
Muhammad Rasheed - Rahlistic Visions wrote: "The best prayer is when you pray by moving your feet and taking action."
By what metric are you comparing "the best prayer" to? What is the purpose of prayer?
Muhammad Rasheed - Rahlistic Visions wrote: "I wouldn't be dumb enough to try to "Spell" cat using math."
You just did it.
Rahlistic Visions - I thought you were going to present a "logical" view point.
Muhammad Rasheed - Rahlistic you wouldn't know one if it bit you.
Muhammad Rasheed - Let's start with "Jesus didn't do squat."
Muhammad Rasheed - What was the job he was supposed to do?
Rahlistic Visions - because instead of praying for something or a change I make the change happen myself instead of waiting for a mystery god to do it for me.
Clifton Hatchett - Jesus never heard the name Jesus, but continue.
Muhammad Rasheed - Rahlistic Visions wrote: "because instead of praying for something or a change..."
Who TOLD YOU that was how prayer functioned? Where did you get that info?
Muhammad Rasheed - "Tie your camel, and then put your faith in God" is a well known religious truism. Why does your prayer understanding differ from it in a 180 degree, yet you THINK it represents religion's teaching about prayer?
Rahlistic Visions - I mean lets say hypothetically speaking your "GOD" was real....why would he want you to be on your knees asking him for something he gave you the means to do. I would think he would want you to start marching in that direction and then he would provided the so called assistance you would have sat there and prayed for. I mean he did give you a brain....leggs, feet, hands, eye, a mouth for something.
Muhammad Rasheed - Rahlistic Visions wrote: "I mean lets say hypothetically speaking your "GOD" was real....why would he want you to be on your knees asking him for something he gave you the means to do."
AGAIN... who told you that that is how God said that prayer was supposed to function???
Muhammad Rasheed - Where are you getting that?
Muhammad Rasheed - Is that what you do? Go around literally making up from scratch what you THINK religious principles are about, and then subscribing your odd thoughts to the religions as if they are real?
Muhammad Rasheed - Is that truly the basis of your "knowledge" about the faiths of God?
Rahlistic Visions - Supposedly Jesus was supposed to be sent here to die for our "sins" right. And when people pray they are praying for something they want weather it is change or something material. So I'm saying to go and get those things instead of waiting on a mystery god.
Muhammad Rasheed - How is it that you can stand so definitively on this nonsense that you conjured from thin air with no certain knowledge to back it?
Muhammad Rasheed - "Supposedly????"
Muhammad Rasheed - Is that a scholarly term, Rahlistic?
Muhammad Rasheed - Point to me the scriptural verse that you are referencing so that you will start making sense.
Rahlistic Visions - Dude I've been both Christian and Muslim and even studied Buddhism. I know them quite well so your not speaking anything foreign to me.
Rahlistic Visions - lol
Muhammad Rasheed - Nonsense! Not ONCE have you typed a single word that proves you were either a Christian or a Muslim. Not once.
Muhammad Rasheed - Let's start back with the basics, for example. What is the purpose of prayer?
Muhammad Rasheed - Go.
Muhammad Rasheed - What is prayer?
Muhammad Rasheed - What is it FOR?
Muhammad Rasheed - You who claim to have been a Christian AND a Muslim.
Muhammad Rasheed - Well?
Rahlistic Visions - your funny so then where do you get your knowledge from. I got mine from research and studying life instead of from what "The minister said" I actually study life. That's where.
Muhammad Rasheed - Not ONCE have you demonstrated "research."
Muhammad Rasheed - Where??????
Muhammad Rasheed - lol
Rahlistic Visions - Not from no "Book" either. From life.
Muhammad Rasheed - So you admit you just make up shit and pass it off like "knowledge and research?"
Muhammad Rasheed - "Nigga ah learn from life."
Rahlistic Visions - but to be honest the thin air can teach you more about "the truth" then a book can if you study it.
Muhammad Rasheed - Clifton... where do you get these people?
Rahlistic Visions - BOOK=other people's stories.
Rahlistic Visions - Life=Life.
Muhammad Rasheed - PLEASE shut up. Stop trying to "kick knowledge" when you can't even fucking answer a basic ass question.
Rahlistic Visions - My source is life.
Muhammad Rasheed - WTF????
Rahlistic Visions - your source is a man's book
Muhammad Rasheed - smh lol
Muhammad Rasheed - Riiiight.
Rahlistic Visions - no I don't make up stuff I study the facts and get proof that it is real and then pass off facts as facts. Don't reword my comments. I don't need an editor.
Muhammad Rasheed - "Nigga ah don't know that shit!! Keepin' it real!! I get all mah knowledge from de streets!"
Muhammad Rasheed - Rahlistic Visions wrote: "no I don't make up stuff..."
Of course you do. That's all you are demonstrating here.
Muhammad Rasheed - Pretending it's knowledge about the faiths.
Muhammad Rasheed - WHO TOLD YOU that prayer was "wish fulfillment?"
Muhammad Rasheed - The air???
Rahlistic Visions - Nope I don't get my knowledge from the streets. I get my knowledge from life like I said. I get it from science.
Muhammad Rasheed - "Science," huh? Is that why you don't know what the purpose of prayer is? Because of all the extensive scientific treaties on the topic?
Muhammad Rasheed - omG... clifton...
Muhammad Rasheed - who ARE these people...???
Muhammad Rasheed - >:(
Rahlistic Visions - Yes the air. Study how nature works and it will tell you more about life then some book a bunch of dudes form antiquity wrote back when they thought the earth was flat and the sun moved around the earth.
Muhammad Rasheed - Rahlistic Visions wrote: "Yes the air."
Rahlistic Visions - who are you. YOu sound like a fool for real
Muhammad Rasheed - "Ah don't read books to learn stuff, i conjure it from the air while i make fun of your religion."
Rahlistic Visions - your are an indoctrinated slave. You still have no proven that jesus exist.
Muhammad Rasheed - Do I? The guy who doesn't believe in getting knowledge from books, but conjuring it from "the air" is telling me I sound like a fool?
Clifton Hatchett - Different schools of thought are not a bad thing brothers. Perhaps it is best that you agree to disagree.
Rahlistic Visions - I however can prove where the concept of jesus was taken from though.
Muhammad Rasheed - You can't prove shit.
Muhammad Rasheed - Shut up. Ignorant handerchief head atheist fool.
Muhammad Rasheed - Clifton Hatchett wrote: "Different schools of thought are not a bad thing brothers. Perhaps it is best that you agree to disagree."
Did I give the impression I was trying to agree with a jackass?
Muhammad Rasheed - "School of thought" my ass...
Muhammad Rasheed - School of the Air?????
Muhammad Rasheed - WHAT THE FUCK IS THE PURPOSE OF PRAYER???? Ask the air that shit!! Simple fuck!
Muhammad Rasheed - But you are going to come in here and challenge whether Jesus was real or not???
Rahlistic Visions - No I didn't say you can't get any knowledge from books books do have some of the knowledge but not all. What I'm saying is that you can't rely on a book especially one that has no facts just stories and an opinions. I'd rather read a book that has and shows proof of something being real not a story that give a mystery of what could be true. Science and math reveal more truth then you Koran and Bible put together.
Rahlistic Visions - LOL Why are you mad?
Rahlistic Visions - lol
Muhammad Rasheed - Rahlistic Visions wrote: "No I didn't say you can't get any knowledge from books books do have some of the knowledge but not all."
Oh, now your ignorant ass is backtracking? What happened to your precious air?
Clifton Hatchett - Hot as fish grease....
Clifton Hatchett - This has been entertaining.
Rahlistic Visions - I'm laughing and you are frustrated right now....ask your god why that is so.
Muhammad Rasheed - Because nothing pisses me off more than Ignorant Ass Black People, like you two fucks, pretending to "kick knowledge."
Rahlistic Visions - Are you having a problem comprehending facts?
Muhammad Rasheed - What the fuck would YOU know about a fact, air bender?
Rahlistic Visions - Sorry it's not me doing it. It's just the facts.
Rahlistic Visions - Jesus=Sun(son) of God. aka Sun or sun god.
Muhammad Rasheed - Rahlistic wrote: "Science and math reveal more truth then you Koran and Bible put together."
What does that even supposed to mean? Pleeease stop pretending to understand science. lol jesus christ!
Rahlistic Visions - lets see their were 12 disciples which made up 12 moths of the year and each disciple represented a month. .
Muhammad Rasheed - There were no months before 2,000 years ago, huh?
Muhammad Rasheed - Damn that's deep!
Muhammad Rasheed - fuckin' dumbass...
Rahlistic Visions - as was taken from prior religions to Christianity and other romance religions.
Muhammad Rasheed - Based on what?
Muhammad Rasheed - What the air told you?
Muhammad Rasheed - Is magic air your proof?
Muhammad Rasheed - Again?
Muhammad Rasheed - (wait... did this dumbass just say "romance RELIGIONS???" wtf???)
Muhammad Rasheed - "Brutha ah didn't NEED to read it from a book! The Magic Air reveals all! Jesus is some bullshit tho."
Muhammad Rasheed - hahahahahahaha
Rahlistic Visions - yeah their were months they just were not called month. Do you know what a month is? thanks for the insult sir. You keep proving my point. But don't worry there is no Jesus so you don't have to worry about being punished for "using Evil language"...."Rica"..."curses" or what ever you want to call it. I month is a moon cycle. People have been using the cosmos to tell time long before religion.
Muhammad Rasheed - ...then he actually had the nerve to let the word "science" escape from his fool ass mouth.
Muhammad Rasheed - What the fuck IS your point supposed to be exactly? Proselythizing for the All-Knowing Air?
Rahlistic Visions - No there is no such thing as magic. The air I breath is just air.
Muhammad Rasheed - Oh, is it? What do they call "magic" in your wack-a-doo faith?
Clifton Hatchett - Muhammad Rasheed wrote: ''Because nothing pisses me off more than Ignorant Ass Black People pretending to ''kick knowledge,'' dumbass.''
This is discriminatory and implies you'd prefer another race of dumbass....lollol
Rahlistic Visions - So wait what do you believe? are you a Christian or a Muslim? lol wack-a-doo faith. lol Let's not get started on your beliefs.
Muhammad Rasheed - Rahlistic Visions wrote: "yeah their were months they just were not called month."
What did that have to do with the apostles?
Rahlistic Visions wrote: "Do you know what a month is?"
[rolls eyes]
Rahlistic Visions wrote: "thanks for the insult sir."
You're welcome! I have a bag full of them!
Rahlistic Visions wrote: "You keep proving my point."
Rahlistic Visions wrote: "But don't worry there is no Jesus so you don't have to worry about being punished for "using Evil language"...."
There is absolutely a Jesus based on the historical record. His family was well known in history from accepted academic sources. No real scholar disbelieves his real life existence, only the claims to the divine.
Rahlistic Visions wrote: "'Rica'...'curses' or what ever you want to call it. I month is a moon cycle. People have been using the cosmos to tell time long before religion."
"Religion" has always been among us. It is our civilizing factor that we built our societies around from the very beginning.
Muhammad Rasheed - Clifton Hatchett wrote: "This is discriminatory and implies you'd prefer another race of dumbass....lollol"
A good point. Let the record show that I DO prefer my own race of dumbasses, even when they worship the air and pray to it for fake knowledge.
Rahlistic Visions - What do you believe in if you don't mind me asking. Are you a Christian, muslim?????
Muhammad Rasheed - Rahlistic Visions wrote: "So wait what do you believe? are you a Christian or a Muslim?"
Didn't I just quote the Qur'an and explain the Islamic point of view regarding that meme? What the fuck is wrong with you? Other than the retarded pagan/atheist thing, i mean.
Rahlistic Visions wrote: "lol wack-a-doo faith. lol Let's not get started on your beliefs."
Ooo!! I'm scared!!!!! *shivers*
Muhammad Rasheed - Rahlistic Visions wrote: "What do you believe in if you don't mind me asking. Are you a Christian, muslim?????"
Guess, dumbass.
Rahlistic Visions - Anyway before you call my beliefs "wack-a-do" I'm going to need you to do this for me. I want you to drive out to the nearest lake or river and walk on top of the water. No cheating. And I am also going to need you to pray to your "Lord" while you do that so that you can't say it was from a lack of faith. I also need you to turn water into wine and tell you boy Gabrielle the angel to stop by the crib so I can borrow his wings. ....oh and don't kill any children....leave them out of it.
Muhammad Rasheed - Does this represent the extent of your understanding back when you were supposed to be a Christian?
Muhammad Rasheed - Hm?
Muhammad Rasheed - Let's start with the first one: What is the scriptural significance of Jesus walking on water? What did it represent?
Muhammad Rasheed - Take your time. Don't hurt yourself.
Rahlistic Visions - when you do all that then you can say that what I believe is and I quote(had to spell the quotation marks on this one) Wack-a-do. Cause last time I looked I knew that if a man walked on to water he would sink and would have to either save himself or wait for some other "men" to save him....not Jesus.
Muhammad Rasheed - (i hope you're not walking while you read this)
Rahlistic Visions - no I was just like you until I woke up.
Muhammad Rasheed - YOU WERE JUST LIKE WHO????????????????
Muhammad Rasheed - Just answer the question and fucking focus and stop talking that crazy bullshit.
Rahlistic Visions - because the apostles were named after the moon cycles.
Muhammad Rasheed - Based. On. What?
Muhammad Rasheed - Who told you this?
Muhammad Rasheed - Tell me.
Rahlistic Visions - They replaced then 12 astrological signs with the apostles because the apostles legacy was taken from prior religions.
Muhammad Rasheed - Who told you this, Rahlistic.
Muhammad Rasheed - Where did you get this?
Muhammad Rasheed - Tell me.
Clifton Hatchett - Are you both providing information as to how you both came to the beliefs you have, or is it depended upon...
Muhammad Rasheed - Try me.
Rahlistic Visions -
Muhammad Rasheed - Really? A Facebook meme?
Is that the extent of your sources?
Rahlistic Visions -
Muhammad Rasheed - holy shit you ARE retarded...
Muhammad Rasheed - i was just calling you that to make fun of you but it turned out to be true. wow.
The Book, The Virgin, & The Fury (pt.2)
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