Wednesday, September 30, 2020

A Selected Bibliography


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "A Selected Bibliography." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 30 Sep 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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Turning Suspicious Lemons into Red White Racist Lemonade


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "Turning Suspicious Lemons into Red White Racist Lemonade." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 30 Sep 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Yockey's Legacy

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Rasheed, Muhammad. "Yockey's Legacy." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 29 Sep 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

NBC News - California is the first state to adopt a law paving the way for Black residents and descendants of slaves to receive reparation payments.

[ARTICLE] Historic California law establishes path to Reparations for Black people, descendants of slaves

DAvraham818 - I'm Jewish. Can I petition, the descendants of Egyptians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Europeans, Arab nations and practically everyone else for reparations?

Muhammad Rasheed - Much of this would appear to be a false equivalency fallacy. The Black American former slave class (ADOS) is demanding our Reparations from the exact same US government that was complicit in our centuries old oppression up into the modern day.

If your mention of Egypt is referencing the Torah's Exodus event, can you honestly say that is the same government that exists in that land right now? These are two completely different legal entities, which the current Egyptian gov having zero to do with that Pharoah's wrong.

The same is true of the Babylonians. The actual government that was at fault is long extinct. There is no realistic claim there.

The Persians are modern Iran, and after all of the over-aggressive foreign interventionalism by Western powers in that region, we can realistically cast aside the idea that this is the same government from of olde. The current state of Israel is actively trying to pressure the USA to destroy Iran, so I'm sure the billions & billions in sanctions imposed upon them should absolutely count as "reparations" paid-in-full for wrongs both real & imagined. More would only be a genocidal overkill.

Please feel free to demand Greece, Italy and the rest of Europe payout Jewish reparations.

Re: The Arab nations, I would think the destruction Israel caused against them during the Six-Day War (1967) would have settled all accounts. Reparations for what?

Ionlyspeakthe15 - do you mean the same government that freed the slaves, fought the Civil War, passed the civil rights and the voting rights act, forced affirmative action on everyone, and has approximately 40% of African Americans on some form of government assistance? that same government?

Muhammad Rasheed - I mean the colluding cartels of greedy white menforming a 1% criminal overclass who've usurped the US govwho had the president assassinated, gave the country over to the confederates, repealed Reconstruction, made my people a wealthless bottom caste, and gave whites the New Deal and every opportunity, while exploiting #ADOS.

e_muench - You keep your hairy, greasy hands out of my wallet.

Muhammad Rasheed - Congress will pay the Reparations debt program with the fiat credit out of the Federal Reserve system, so you'll get to keep all of the stolen Black American generational legacy wealth and land you lot hoarded after your never-ending racist terror campaigns. Don't worry about it.

But if you try stealing it from us again then we'll have a problem. Stand down and let your precious systemic racist theft die, bud. Let the country finally be truly great. 

SaziYuri - You're a moron.

Muhammad Rasheed - lol Right on cue, I see. Clever retort.

SaziYuri - whatever. The race card doesn't work anymore slick

Muhammad Rasheed - The only "race card" I see is the white supremacist one, with your people continuing to hoard the benefits of industry and government for yourselves by force. When the people protest you call them morons in a tantrum.

For the record, I am not a subscriber to your demographic; I don't believe what you believe. Your glossary of white racist terms doesn't mean anything to me.

"Race card" is just a white racist term white racists throw around impotently as part of their online troll arsenal.

MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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Lying Just for Practice

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Rasheed, Muhammad. "Lying Just for Practice' Viewpoint." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 29 Sep 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

Gary McCoy: Buck Sexton wrote: "Hope Fauci and the panic brigades feel good about what they've done to this country"

A police officer Tasered a maskless woman at a youth football game } Washington Post

Muhammad Rasheed - Wait... what happened to all of the "she should have complied!" type talk when the races are reversed?

Gary McCoy - If she were black instead of white I and everyone else would still be outraged.

Muhammad Rasheed - uhhh... No. You would say, in chorus: "That's what she gets for not complying to the cop's order!" the way you ALWAYS say when the races are reversed. 

MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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A Generous Partisan-Flavored Freebie


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "A Generous Partisan-Flavored Freebie." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 29 Sep 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

Gary McCoy - [ARTICLE] Biden's Pro-Abortionism Is More Immoral Than Anything Trump Ever Did | THE FEDERALIST

It's not easy for Never Trumpers who claim to be pro-life to explain why they're voting for candidates who support taxpayer-funded abortion until birth.

Muhammad Rasheed - More so immoral than Trump's history of systemic racist real estate fraud against Black families? It's clearly a tie.

Gary McCoy - Tiebreaker goes to Biden. The one who said that Obama was the first clean, bright, articulate black man to run for public office. You don't get more racist than that.

Muhammad Rasheed - You think empty words are MORE racist than literally kicking Black families out of their homes so a predatory real estate mogul can turn a profit?

Are you serious right now?

Muhammad Rasheed - Instead you should have said that Biden was MORE racist because he's the unrepentant architect of the anti-Black mass incarcerate state which did far more damage on a greater scale to our communities than Trump's racist real estate grift. That's a freebie. 

MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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Monday, September 28, 2020

The Unreasonable Rose-Tint of a 'Post-Racial' Viewpoint


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "The Unreasonable Rose-Tint of a 'Post-Racial' Viewpoint." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 28 Sep 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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Sunday, September 27, 2020

The Dilemma and the Challenge


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "The Dilemma and the Challenge." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 27 Sep 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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Saturday, September 26, 2020

Neglected Power of the Weak Mind


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "Neglected Power of the Weak Mind." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 26 Sep 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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The Disappearing Accountability Trick


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "The Disappearing Accountability Trick." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 26 Sep 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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Friday, September 25, 2020

The 1% Criminal Class: By Invitation Only


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "The 1% Criminal Class: By Invitation Only." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 25 Sep 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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Processes & Procedures of the 1% Criminal Class


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "Processes & Procedures of the 1% Criminal Class." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 25 Sep 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

Q: Did racism exist prior to the XVI century?

Muhammad Rasheed - No. Not from our 21st century perspective.

We know racism as an economic caste system — where one group is targeted along racial phenotype and their lineage/heritage to exploit & plunder in order to enrich another group favored along racial phenotype. This particular system was birthed in the early 16th century North American colonies when Black people were delegated as a permanent chattel bondsman class, creating the white racist aristocracy. This system has stuck with us until the modern day, despite the formal abolishment of slavery, because the white aristocracy has refused to share wealth, land & rule with the Black American former slave class.

Racism as we know it today is new in the human experience at only 400 yrs old.

See AlsoNotes While Observing #17: How Systemic Racism Works

MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Scheming to Re-Claim the Exclusive Information Monopoly


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "Scheming to Re-Claim the Exclusive Information Monopoly." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 23 Sep 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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Bringing the Division with Them


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "Bringing the Division with Them." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 23 Sep 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

Bizzy [Flag Twitter/Ghana] - Tell a African American they from Africa and watch how upset they get

SonOfHarriet - Such bullshit, and indifference to our journey. Fuck you. Ask the muthafuckas who sold our ancestors, arrogant asshole.

Jubie J - Exactly Hundred points symbolHundred points symbol we dgaf where in Africa that our ancestors were sold from! That shit serves no purpose other than them mfrs owe us to! Someone please tell this bimbo that I’m from the killing fields of Mississippi, where’s my ppl’s shit?!? Cut the mfn check and stfu! #FukAfrica

SonOfHarriet - What you said. They all seem to wanna BE from somewhere in Africa, not BE *in* Africa. GMFU.

Michael Boykin - Oh my gosh, like why do they love to talk out the side of they mouth about us? We know where we came from, but let’s not act like everyone in the diaspora is just so accepting of us. When we tried to reclaim our African roots they told us we’re not one of them, we’re American.

Muhammad Rasheed - Meanwhile, they keep calling US "divisive."

Jubie J - I’m hip! At this point I have lost all respect and I’m over that term “African American!" I no longer allow anyone to call me that! I’m ADOS, that is all

Rashidbelike - Notice his parents had 54 chances to live in Africa but ran their asses to America like the cultural cucks they are.

Muhammad Rasheed - (he don't like them) 

nija - I feel better today after dragging some continental Africans about how stupid it is to revere past civilizations that trafficked slaves.

BlackGirlGlitter - It's a mind game. I remember when these folks would tell us we werent African. Now we're agreeing and setting out on our own path, they're mad we wont say we're African. And you're right they realize what a separate ethnic identifier looks like and it's not good for them.

nija - They could have joined us. We welcomed them but they brought their primitive tribalism over here with their stinky food. They’re shifty and untrustworthy.

Black_Action - Tell a South African they from Nigeria and watch how upset they get.

Tell a Dominican they from Haiti and watch how upset they get.

Tell a Mexican they from El Salvador and watch how upset they get.

MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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A Demonstrated Hatred for the Effort of Approving Study

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Rasheed, Muhammad. "A Demonstrated Hatred for the Effort of Approving Study." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 23 Sep 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

kellyClarence1 - The reasons I'm still alive is strictly up to me, I leave nothing to chance or deities. [raised fist]

Muhammad Rasheed - Did you likewise determine the hour you were to be born?

kellyClarence1 - There was a time when a Blackman made a statement, it wasn't up for debate & it was his bond to himself and the world around him...

Muhammad Rasheed - lol Anything posted on the Internet where all 1,355 of your Followers can see it is a challenge for debate.

Now whether you are actually prepared to defend your loudly Tweeted position is a horse of a different color.

kellyClarence1 - There are certain systems within the realms of WS I've decided does not determine my fate...

Muhammad Rasheed - You're oddly giving WS a whole lot of power if you believe they invented religion, the One God or are even the determiners of life and death.

All they invented for sure is atheistic materialism on the intercontinental scale.

kellyClarence1 - I understand your point, however, better men than you or I already warned us about the system we currently reside in-I personally haven't given them any power they didn't already have before I was born.

But I get it it's easier to believe we're giving them the power

Muhammad Rasheed - Fortunately, we can actually track their evils in the historical record. Remember, before the diabolical Charles Colcock Jones, Jr. wrote his "The Religious Instruction of the Negroes" in 1842, escaped ADOS actually used the bible to successfully win their freedom in the courts.

In the same book, Jones admitted that his slave holding class peers did NOT want to give the enslaved their religion because of its inherently empowering message, so his book was designed to get around that. WS only acts opportunistically out of greed, the religion isn't theirs.

kellyClarence1 - Correct... in court... what remains to be seen is can when win a justice claim of restorative justice including reparations for our people based on 450+ yrs of horror--that's not giving yt people power,,that's fact--we didn't get here yesterday.

kellyClarence1 - if in fact any religious message was powerful ENOUGH to wipe out WS it would be illegal. Religion was given to the slave and captives as a pacifier, not as a soluton to systemic racism.

Muhammad Rasheed - My point is that the religions of the One God do not belong to WS as certain of the uninformed among ADOS like to repeat. The principles of scripture will work for us even in the face of seemingly impossible odds. We abandon it at our peril. #MyPeoplePerishForLackOfKnowledge

Muhammad Rasheed - It was illegal to give the religion to the slave class in many states. Jones cobbled together a specifically tailored program, that pretended to be the religion, which the slave holders were willing to use for brainwashing purposes.

The way the #ADOS movement activists are acting right now -- moving in BOLDNESS to RELENTLESSLY fight for what we are due with PATIENCE and FORTITUDE -- 100% reflects the empowering principles of sacred scripture revealed by the One God.

Muhammad Rasheed - Not for nothing, these are the very same God Principles that enabled us to walk out of the cotton fields, pick up a rifle for the first time (with subpar training, mind you) and win the rudimentary liberties we possess today, using our Free Will to seize our natural Freedom.

kellyClarence1 - I agree, but again if just religion could fix the problem that haunts Native Blacks in this country it would be illegal--there is no belief system so far that can dismantle (White Supremacy) Racism because it is the most powerful RELIGION in the world...

kellyClarence1 - M. Rasheed wrote: "The way the #ADOS movement activists are acting right now..."

That is certainly one way to look at it,, I'm more practical--dismantle the whole demonic system and be done with it.

Again, I'm all for that gun in hand--each one of us have our individual jobs in this fight and just maybe that's your part--and I have my part--I have always been more militant--I leave the other stuff to those who can bare.

Muhammad Rasheed - The great conflict in the country between the slave holder class versus the abolitionists was because of the inherent hypocrisies caused by the greed-fueled culture's inability to justify itself under the sacred scripture doctrine. That's how the escaped slaves were able to successfully win their freedoms arguing from the bible alone. This is NOT insignificant and in fact throws a monkey wrench in your "WS's religion" position.

Muhammad Rasheed - The #ADOS political unification movement literally just started and is building up momentum using those God Principles that are making it successful. It's working precisely because the basic principles are indeed practical. If it fails it will be because those principles were abandoned once again.

kellyClarence1 - M. Rasheed wrote: "If it fails it will be because those principles were abandoned once again."

So it's lack of principles the reason why we're dominated financially?

Muhammad Rasheed - If you are eschewing your God-given Free Will to accept subjugation to the point of passively "forgiving" your diabolical oppressor in the way of the milksop coward, there is literally nothing principled in the behavior. God made us FREE!

kellyClarence1 - GOD made us free, but the white supremacist said it's GODS will that we are under their subjugation--which is it??? it sounds like good old fashion confusion to me--I hope it all works out for you bruh...

Muhammad Rasheed - 1.) God made us free

2.) WS schemed to take away that freedom

3.) ADOS took our freedom back using God principle

lol I don't understand why you are confused outside of willful bias against the facts of history.

kellyClarence1 - THIS IS THE ONLY FACT THAT MAKES SENSE-- "ADOS took our freedom back using God principle." the rest may be for you to make yourself feel better because it does nothing for me.

Muhammad Rasheed - hahahaha The part that you highlight as making sense is the key to the whole thing and my entire point.

kellyClarence1 - Glad to hear. However common sense is lacking a bit.

Muhammad Rasheed - You just ignored the factual historical points I made to stubbornly hold onto your uninformed biases aganst the material. This demonstrate you don't know what 'common sense' means, bud.

kellyClarence1 - M. Rasheed wrote: "The great conflict in the country [...] the greed-fueled culture's inability to justify itself under the sacred scripture doctrine."

Bruh, there's nothing sacred about a scripture.

Muhammad Rasheed - You're Tweeting from a place of uninformed bias.

kellyClarence1 - just lived experience..I do not respect spiritual babble it hasn't meant Blacks any good--as a matter of fact just the complete opposite--it's brought more hell, our people perish because of a lack of common sense.

Muhammad Rasheed - I'm literally taking the time to explain how the Way of God's spirit has indeed done us ADOS good when we've used them. The problem is that we decided to abandon God's principles and not follow through, and substitute them for Charles Colcock Jones, Jr.'s brainwashing claptrap.

kellyClarence1 - I knew that statement was coming/it's all our fault--be well brother...

Muhammad Rasheed - It's only our fault if we refuse to use the tools at hand to win and give in to the speak of the subjugated.

WS didnt invent God and we abandon God at our peril. All of our greatest victories came from using God's principles that do not fail. 

Jay Kelley - Religion is therapy, not sorcery. Otherwise evil would be eliminated instantaneously

Muhammad Rasheed - Religion is lifestyle. Evil will be checked when the righteous get up and do their duty.

Jay Kelley - I respect you and your opinion.

Muhammad Rasheed - "Religion as lifestyle" is admittedly difficult and folk would much rather just coast in a pseudo-religious 'woo-woo' state based on what makes them feel comfortable. Curious how such laziness is often indistinguishable from raggedy Godlessness. #ReligionIsThatWerk

MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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Tuesday, September 22, 2020

My Systemic Abusive Relationship with Blue Terror

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Rasheed, Muhammad. "My Systemic Abusive Relationship with Blue Terror." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 22 Sep 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

Billy Coo - Timothy Smith, William Lemon, Ryan Bulinger, Derrick Cruz, Daniel Elrod, Ralph Willis, David Casik, Jeremy Martis, Autum Steele, Hannah Williams, Timothy Timpa Say Their Names!

Muhammad Rasheed - Do these names represent the institutionalized criminalization of white people in the same way that Black people are treated like inherent criminals?

Billy Coo - no its a conter point to the notion that there are 2 justice systems or that cases like George Floyd or Breonna Taylor are part of a larger narrative. The idea that police are indiscriminately executing black men based solely on skin color is false. Twice as many white people are killed by police each year and although there is a disparity in regards to percentage of population I argue that that is not direct evidence of "systemic" racism but result of number of police contact. There are 300 million incidents of police contact each year and a large majority are without incident. The reason there is more contact with police and black men than the general population is due to crime that is committed. I know these facts are not to supposed to spoken and will be dismissed or denied but but black men do commit 50% of violent crime commit in the USA despite only being about 3%(discluding black women,young boys and older black men)

Muhammad Rasheed - Billy wrote: "The idea that police are indiscriminately executing black men..."

Is a strawman effigy logical fallacy and never something that I claimed. That is not my argument.

What I did claim, as explained in the two cartoons, is that white cops form an economic sub-culture that functions as a free government economic handout of job security. It's a pretty much closed-in club consisting primarily of white families who are indoctrinated to dislike Black people in general, and will cover up police crimes against Blacks which is where the systemic racism part comes in. White cops are trained to see Black people as criminals, and see white people as 'innocent people who sometimes commit crimes' and that is the reason why "there is more contact with police and black men" because the cops and the white public are brainwashed to think Black neighborhoods "are where the crime is." So they saturate our communities with hostile white cops, but don't treat poor white areas that way because they actually empathize with their own people.

This state of affairs is toxic to my Black American communities.

Billy Coo - sorry I fell off subject. I live in LA and the Police were largely white up until the riots of 1992. Since then the police force is more representative of the community and the results have been positive. 3,000 murders in LA county in 1992, 300 in 2019. Maybe other cities can learn from example.

Muhammad Rasheed - The diversity levels on the force won't matter at all if the 'blue brotherhood' culture is to still treat Black people like inherent criminals and use the "Law & Order" doctrine to saturate our communities with cops who treat us according to that anti-Black training.

Fake 'diversity & inclusion' quotas don't create the transformational change needed at the root cause of the problems.


MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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GRIFT LOBBY: Twisting an Overdue Justice Claim into a Cash-for-Everybody Stall Tactic


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "GRIFT LOBBY: Twisting an Overdue Justice Claim into a Cash-for-Everybody Stall Tactic." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 22 Sep 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

Kevin "King" Dorival - Reparations movement isn’t just about African decedents in America but also for the people in Haiti and the 14 countries paying France colonial tax adding up to $500 billion a year. (Dozens of other Black nations around the world).

Sonja Claxton - Yes but the claims are done at each individual country level. So if your people were enslaved in Haiti, you put your claim in Haiti not in the US. US slaves are not the same as Haitian slaves. Kevin, we are not the same and we are not putting our claims together.

If your family was not on the 1800-1860's US census and classified Mulatto or Negro, you will not be entitled to Reparations. That's like me going to the Barbados for vacation and jumping on their Reparations movement. It's not cool!

The United States Census of 1800 was the second Census conducted in the United States. It was conducted on August 4, 1800. It showed that 5,308,483 people were living in the United States, of whom 893,602 were slaves.

Be authentic.

Sonja Claxton - Note also that Pan-Africanism doesn't have legal standing nor does it have legitimacy. So unless you all are creating something legitimate like CARICOM, it won't work.

Charles Weaver - So one would have to trace their lineage and then check the names against the timelined census. Got it

Damion Gonzales - Question. Have you encountered Black immigrants who've laid claim to Black American's reparations? I mean actual people, not random Twitter nut jobs?

Michael Forsyth - All I see here is black folks being split into groups and turned against each other, the old divide and conquer. And in the background, someone dangling a carrot.

Muhammad Rasheed - Michael wrote: "All I see here is black folks being split into groups..."

Black people have never not been in separate groups. All of the individual ethnicities among the diaspora proudly rep their national flags and colors. ALL the time. There's nothing wrong with being unique in your own identity and culture.

The problem here is that when the Black American former slave class politically unifies along our own unique lineage & heritage, to more effectivey fight for our Reparatory Justice claim with our government, we are attacked for it by these other Black groups. That's wrong.

Muhammad Rasheed - @Damion... lol Yes. They're in the Congressional Black Caucus, and in these N'COBRA and NAARC groups among others.

You should pay attention to what the Congressional Black Caucus are actually advocating for when they bother to talk about Reparations. Many of them are of immigrant stock.

Damion Gonzales - I see you answered.

Muhammad Rasheed - My editorial cartoons are reactive for the most part, and drawn in direct counter-response to an expressed view point.

Damion Gonzales - I am of immigrant stock. Is there something wrong with immigrant stock?

Damion Gonzales - and you didn't answer my question...

Muhammad Rasheed - Damion wrote: "Is there something wrong with immigrant stock?"

No. Why would there be? The only wrong comes into play when cliques among immigrants groups attack my political identity group for doing nothing more than unifying along our own unique lineage & heritage to pressure our government to fight for our long overdue justice claim.

Muhammad Rasheed - Damion wrote: "and you didn't answer my question..."

I have had some rare personal encounters with immigrants who have expressed the same messaging in my cartoons. But the cartoons themselves were inspired by online arguments I have with them.

Damion Gonzales - so the outliers then? Because I could as anecdotally state that as an immigrant living among immigrants, no one in my immigrant community has stated any desire or a claim to the reparations that we all agree Black Americans are due.

Muhammad Rasheed - Right. It's not an "anti-immigrant" message, but an anti-grifter message.

Some among the immigrant class have enthusiastically sided with white supremacy against my ethnic group, which includes some from the high-profile celebrity class (Talib Kweli, Joy Ann reid, Roland Martin, etc.). 

MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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Monday, September 21, 2020

Free Handouts for the White Working Class Paid Out of Black Lives


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "Free Handouts for the White Working Class Paid Out of Black Lives." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 21 Sep 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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The Ridiculous Hurdle of Fake Pan-African Skinfolk


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "The Ridiculous Hurdle of Fake Pan-African Skinfolk." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 21 Sep 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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Sunday, September 20, 2020

The Sociopaths I Roll With


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "The Sociopaths I Roll With." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 20 Sep 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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The Long-Game of Maintaining the Pole Position


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "The Long-Game of Maintaining the Pole Position." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 20 Sep 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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Battle of the Forms


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "Battle of the Forms." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 20 Sep 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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Saturday, September 19, 2020

The Mass Production of Noise


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "The Mass Production of Noise." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 19 Sep 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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An Advanced Degree in Misinformation


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "An Advanced Degree in Misinformation." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 19 Sep 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.

SUBSCRIBE and receive a FREE! Weapon of the People eBook by M. Rasheed!

Extending the Olive Branch of Solution


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "Extending the Olive Branch of Solution." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 19 Sep 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.

SUBSCRIBE and receive a FREE! Weapon of the People eBook by M. Rasheed!