Sunday, August 20, 2017

Notes While Observing: The White Establishment's Plan for Profiting From Black Reparations

1.) "[Rebecca] Tuvel began writing the article ['In Defense of Transracialism'] after noticing the contrast between Caitlyn Jenner's successful coming out as a trans woman in April 2015 and the reception given that June to Rachel Dolezal, a white woman who identifies and had been passing as black. Jenner became one of Glamour magazine's Women of the Year and appeared on the cover of Vanity Fair, while Dolezal lost her position as president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People chapter in Spokane, Washington, and became, in her view, unemployable. Tuvel was not interested in the details of the cases, but in their structure, and set about writing an argument in support of the position: 'Since we should accept transgender individuals’ decisions to change sexes, we should also accept transracial individuals’ decisions to change races.'" ~(Hypatia transracialism controversy; From Wikipedia)

In Defense of Transracialism by Rebecca Tuvel (April 25, 2017)


2.) "Sex between straight white men allows them to leverage whiteness and masculinity to authenticate their heterosexuality in the context of sex with men. By understanding their same-sex sexual practice as meaningless, accidental, or even necessary, straight white men can perform homosexual contact in heterosexual ways. Straight men – specifically white men – are having sex with other men to affirm just how straight they are, because to be straight and still be able to perform ‘gay sex’ – while always remaining uninterested – is the height of white masculinity. And they are the primary group doing this, because they can. Sometimes white people, and men in particular, bristle at the concept of ‘privilege,’ but in the context of [my] book, recognizing privilege isn’t about denying what is unique about individual straight white men; it’s about recognizing that straight white men have some unique cultural resources they can draw on to explain away and justify their presumably discordant sex practices [...] in which straight white men can have sex with one another and face no repercussions. White men have more room to push sexual boundaries without being immediately pathologized [due to their privileges]. ~Jane Ward, Not Gay: Sex Between Straight White Men (July 2015)

Why can straight white men have sex with men without social consequences? by Zach Stafford (August 13, 2015)


3.) “Republicans might not agree with everything, but we have spirited discussions on these issues,” [Gregory T.] Angelo said, of the schisms between the party mainstream and its LGBT members—and between its LGBT members themselves. “It’s a movement that values plurality of thought, that values people of different opinions, that values people of all sexual orientations and different gender identities.” ~Scott Bixby, Alt-Right Gays to Log Cabin Republicans: You're No Conservatives (April 28, 2017)

16 Antigay Leaders Exposed as Gay or Bi by Erin Faith Wilson (May 29 2015)

Gay Political Scandals: 25 Politicians Who Have Faced Claims About Their Sexuality by Curtis M. Wong (Jun 29, 2012)

Pentagon continues LGBT pride celebration; conservatives say it’s a shame in Trump administration by Rowan Scarborough (June 11, 2017)


4.) It may be fashionable to play Indian now, but it was also trendy 125 years ago when people paid $5 apiece for falsified documents declaring them Native on the Dawes Rolls. These so-called five-dollar Indians paid government agents under the table in order to reap the benefits that came with having Indian blood. Mainly white men with an appetite for land, five-dollar Indians paid to register on the Dawes Rolls, earning fraudulent enrollment in tribes along with benefits inherited by generations to come. “These were opportunistic white men who wanted access to land or food rations,” said Gregory Smithers, associate professor of history at Virginia Commonwealth University. “These were people who were more than happy to exploit the Dawes Commission—and government agents, for $5, were willing to turn a blind eye to the graft and corruption.” The implications of such shady practices are enormous now, Smithers said. Five-dollar Indians passed their unearned benefits to heirs who still lay claim to tribal citizenship and associated privileges. “Now we have people who are white but who can trace their names back to the rolls used by tribal nations to ascertain who has rights as citizens,” he said. “That means we have white people who have the ability to vote at large; it means political rights; it means the potential to influence tribal policy on a whole range of issues; it means people have access to health care, education and employment. The implications are quite profound for people who got away with fraud.” ~Alysa Landry, Paying to Play Indian: The Dawes Rolls and the Legacy of $5 Indians (March 21, 2017)

"FAKE WHITE INDIANS - Dawes Rolls: History of $5 Dollar Indians" [EXCERPT] Hidden Colors 2 by Tariq Nasheed


5.) Ever since Colorado and Washington made the unprecedented move to legalize recreational pot last year, excitement and stories of unfettered success have billowed into the air. Colorado’s marijuana tax revenue far exceeded expectations, bringing a whopping $185 million to the state and tourists are lining up to taste the budding culture (pun intended). Several other states are now looking to follow suit and legalize. But the ramifications of this momentous shift are left unaddressed. When you flick on the TV to a segment about the flowering pot market in Colorado, you’ll find that the faces of the movement are primarily white and male. Meanwhile, many of the more than  210,000 people who were arrested for marijuana possession in Colorado between 1986 and 2010 according to a report from the Marijuana Arrest Research Project, remain behind bars. Thousands of black men and boys still sit in prisons for possession of the very plant that’s making those white guys on TV rich. ~April M. Short, Legal weed’s race problem: White men get rich, black men stay in prison (March 14, 2014)

The Special Interests Behind Marijuana Prohibition by Mark Thornton (October 14, 2016)

6.) [DOCUMENTARY] 13th by Ava DuVernay (October 7, 2016)

Muhammad Rasheed - Tuvel is 100% correct, of course, regarding the fundamentally identical structure of Dolezal and Jenner's self-identification transformations, therefore the shit-storm avalanche that met her controversial article wasn't moral/technical in nature, but political. The problem Tuvel dealt with was the fact that the heart of her article's topic exposed an aspect of the long-term plans of the LGBT well before they were prepared to have such a discussion, thus the special interest group's justified irritation. 

The societal taboos that the LGBT need to tear down are powerful, and entrenched with deep roots, and their admirably ever-patient efforts to massage the national psyche in order to groom us into finally accepting their end goal, will definitely take some time. Rushing socio-political progress will not help them indoctrinate us in the idea that gender is every bit as much a social construct as race is, because many of us have the mental hang-up of the whole gender-specific genitalia component to run defense. As long as that remains a mighty barrier, the LGBT will need more time to work on changing the psychological landscape. Right now their patient efforts to explain that "gender isn't real" functions as a brutal assault upon intellect itself, as they seemingly attempt to convince the populace that what's illogical and unreasonable is actually logical and reasonable:

It's obvious that the Dolezal's of the world will indeed be able to ride that very same train WHEN IT IS READY and not before. The delicacy of the operation the LGBT is trying to perform doesn't need clumsy and over-eager upstarts trying to capitalize on a legal-political precedent that has not yet been entered into the books. That's why they pounced on her, shaking her firmly by the scruff of the neck like a trans-mother fox  correcting a hyperactive adopted kit. Once it is finally complete, and the masses are able to accept what the LGBT is working towards, then the landscape will be primed for Black America to receive Reparations. 

Why is the one dependent upon the other? Well, we can see an analogous parallel within the legalization of marijuana. Marijuana became legal once corporate worked out their deal with the pro-prohibition bosses who were getting the lion's share of the black market profits; it was just a matter of the powers-that-be of the elitists working out among themselves acceptable terms in which they alone would get to split the wealth.

We live in a society in which the White Supremacist Ideology is the dominant philosophy of all western thought. White supremacy functions by the subjugation and exploitation of Black people and other people of color, which is the secret to its success... the white supremacist European powers enslaved their competition on the world stage, and used the free labor economic system to amass obscene amounts of wealth. That is the very heart of  Western Civilization itself, and any and everything it does comes back to this truth.  All decisions by the leadership classes of the business and political elite are designed to maintain their monopoly of wealth & power under the banner of white supremacy. 

So within a seemingly more enlightened and progressive age, when a slightly more informed populace demands the long-overdue end of traditional centuries old wrongs and abuses, we can expect Black Reparations to be paid out so that the elite may at least pretend to have finally addressed the most enduring sin of the United States of America. This will happen when the above mentioned conditions are met because that will only be achieved through the lens of the country's White Supremacist Ideology lifeblood. 

This means  we can realistically expect, when the final tally of payouts is complete, that whites will have devoured the lion's share of the total amount of Reparations intended for the African-American ethnic group. When for centuries, whites considered it a horrifying blight to have even but a single drop of "Black blood" running through one's veins, suddenly every Ian, Conor, & Becky will insist they are Black by way of an obscure ancestor. Far more damaging will be the numerous whites who will decide to self-identify as Black People just in time for the Reparations truck to roll up. The whole point of Reparations is to right the racist wrongs of the past, and BE the restorative bootstraps to enable Blacks to attain the equal playing field with whites that centuries of slavery and racist policies & practices sabotaged. Instead we will find, even though Blacks make up only 12% of the US population, that a much greater percentage of citizens will claim a gigantic chunk.

Call me cynical, but I really don't expect a huge percentage of the 12% actual Blacks to receive much of it either. Think about it. Of the pie chart of free government money labeled "welfare," only a fraction of that is allotted towards liberal social programs for the poor---the majority of that free gov money actually goes towards the business class. Despite this, the conservatives STILL complain about the little bit that the poor get, and this for no other reason than because it represents money that THEY aren't receiving. The same will be true of the Reparations checks that do somehow manage to get passed all of the scamming white people. 

The white establishment will find some way to legally disqualify a large number of Blacks from being eligible to claim their share of the Black Reparations payout (a felony on record, lives in the wrong place, lacks the correct ID, too many people in the registers with the same last name, etc.). In fact, I expect them to piggy-back off of the invented restrictions already in use to disqualify millions of Black Democrat ballots in the ongoing voter suppression scams. Why re-invent the wheel when they already use a perfectly serviceable cheating apparatus?

So Black Reparations will indeed be paid out, but only when the conditions are right so that whites can benefit from it themselves. Of course with the smell of money in the air, they will roughly push Blacks out of the way, to snatch even the crumbs from the brown hands that really needed them. After having stolen the rightful property of the African-American TWICE in this way -- once by holding them down in racist history, and again by taking the Reparations that were supposed to right the previous wrong -- we will find, as the whites walk away with pockets heavy with Black loot, that the books will be officially closed on the matter of Racism in the USA, and it will then be illegal to even bring the subject up. Especially in a future court case when a white attacks a Black in a crime that in the pre-Reparations era would have been called "racism."

Will that be all? Ah. Not quite. If you think the LGBT community will sit back and watch Blacks "receive" their Reparations (officially anyway) without demanding their own then you're crazy. They will, and they will get it in much better negotiated terms than the Blacks were able to get, probably even triple the amount. At that point the GOP will stop pretending that they are against homosexuality and magically become 'enlightened' to all the benefits of coming out, and whites will have thus twice doubled the wealth gap between them and the even more disenfranchised Black Peoples.

Perhaps it'll be at that point when the race war 'revolution' of legend will kick-off?  We'll see.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Dialogues with the White Conservative: Rivers of American Blood

Doug TenNapel - Goodbye Darwin statues:

"...for it will intervene between man in a more civilised state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as now between the negro or Australian and the gorilla." ~Darwin, The Descent of Man

Tom Owens - Poke that hornets nest!

Michael McCleary - It was a a relative of Darwin who started the Eugenics movement.

Das Fowler - I missed the time that Darwin committed an act of treason and started a war to protect slavery but I'm not up on history so... cool.

Michael McCleary - He merely stole the theory of evolution from Mendel, turned it into an elitist diatribe which would help inspire Hitler

Das Fowler - I didn't say he was perfect, and i don't doubt that we will even have cause to remove much of the praise for him in due course, but let's not pretend that's anything like being responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans in support of enslaving millions of human beings because idea>people apparently .

Doug TenNapel - Darwin caused more death than the history of slavery. He was the Stalin-Mao think tank.

Mike S. Miller - Clearly you're not up on history if you think the Civil war was to protect slavery. lol

Phil Weingart - @Mike S. Miller… state sovereignty was the principle, but slavery was the proximate cause. If you don't know that, you need to read a bit more history.

Mike S. Miller - I know the propaganda I learned in school. But the truth is not that.

Muhammad Rasheed - @Mike... Considering the obscene amount of massive wealth generated by slavery's free labor economy -- that saturated every aspect of society from Wall Street to the cotton fields -- it's pretty naive to believe the lie that the American Civil War wasn't chiefly about the economic system of slavery.

In what other circumstance, especially in the context of western civilization, would anyone leave that kind of wealth on the table and willingly walk away from it without a fight? Britain freed their slaves without a war, but here was a very practical reason why that happened: They paid off all the slave owners what their slaves were worth. After Lincoln paid the Washington DC slave owners to free their slaves, the rest of the US slave owners outright refused Lincoln's offer to buy them out, and opted to fight for the potential long-term greater profits promised to them if they kept slavery going. The rivers of blood spilled during the deadliest war in American history was all about greed. Does this surprise you? Western Civilization's core evils were all about enslaving and exploiting people, and that's what it owes it's economic successes to that enabled it to dominate the world.

The efforts to soften the harsh brutality of Western history to make it look kinder than it really is -- even while it continues to enslave, subjugate and exploit while pretending it's not -- is the very reason why we don't progress, and why the ideology of White Supremacy continues to hang over society like a foul stench.

Mike S. Miller - Lincoln did not offer to buy out the slaves. He might have floated the idea, but that was already a full year into the war, and never fully considered or offered to the Confederacy.

I am not trying to 'soften' the most brutal war in American history. 1 out of 10 men in this country died in that war. It's reasons for happening are important not to be simplified into 'slavery', because it wasn't simply about 'slavery'. It was about an unfair balance of costs the southern states bore through tariffs that had benefitted the northern states inordinately. YES, that is monetary. And yes, most of the labor in the south was slave driven. So? The tariffs weren't there to free the slaves. lol. The tariffs simply punished the south for producing the raw materials the north used to build their businesses. The north, then, was just as reliant on slave labor as the south was. They just didn't have to get their hands dirty.

Slavery was a ubiquitous institution in every nation and people group on the planet up until the 18th century. Trying to claim that somehow American slavery was the most egregious slavery ever to exist on planet earth is just pure America-hating propagandistic BS.

I'll probably shock you with this little factoid of history, but did you know that only 6% of the African slave trade ever made land in the USA? 94% of every slave bought from Africa was shipped to South, Central America, and the Caribbean Islands. I never.. EVER hear about how bad the slaves had it down there. Nah, I'm sure they were all treated as princes and princesses. lol

Slavery in America was nothing special. It was slavery. Every one of our ancestors in every corner of the globe is guilty of taking part in that institution.

Go cry 'White Supremacy' somewhere else. We're not buying it here.

Muhammad Rasheed - @Mike... So you begin your lengthy rant by not only admitting you were completely unaware of the historical fact that Lincoln did indeed offer to buy off the slave owners to their stark refusal, but you actually proclaim that it never happened, as if magically the facts will be nullified by the power of your typing alone. Curious.

You could've stopped right there since the rest of your credibility was enthusiastically flushed down the loo by your own hand. None of your other empty partisan talking points were any better, even while oddly labeled with the term "factoid." Your efforts to white-wash and soften history in favor of cleaning up the foul image of the white conservative only works inside of your little box, sir. Outside in the real world it is revealed as the lie it was created to be.

America's "peculiar" version of slavery was the only one in human history in which a specific demographic was delegated as chattel along the lines of racial phenotype traits, and the attempts to justify this concept are directly responsible for racism as we know it. The unique cruelties that were inflicted upon its victims, combined with the contradiction of flourishing within the "home of the free," are what led to the ongoing repudiation of the concept of slavery as a whole, despite being practiced all over the world for untold ages. The way YOU practiced it became an unacceptable horror the world had never known before.

Those among you who lack integrity couldn't wait to rewrite history to show your forebears in a kinder light, while you continue to subjugate and exploit to keep that slave revenue gravy-train flowing still.

Lindsey Crawford - @Muhammad Rasheed... ask the Irish what they think of your summation.

Muhammad Rasheed - lol Lindsey, I already have. That train is NEVER late.  :)

Black people suffer the most racism in Ireland, report finds

Two years of the ‘Irish slaves’ myth: racism, reductionism and the tradition of diminishing the transatlantic slave trade

The Irish and the Atlantic slave trade

[BOOK REVIEW] ‘The Green and the Gray’ by David T. Gleeson

Ireland's forgotten mixed-race child abuse victims

Lindsey Crawford - Oh.. please forgive me. I didn't realize you were a conspiracy theorist. I'll leave you to your narrow-focused conclusions in peace.

Muhammad Rasheed - Not one of those links belongs to a "conspiracy." They are all scholarly works of mainstream academic historians.

Try harder, please.

Lindsey Crawford - Sure they are. Also, you can't Sean-Connery me, I'm a Scot.

Muhammad Rasheed - Hm. That's the second time in this thread that a white person proclaimed that something wasn't so, as if magically the facts will be nullified by the power of your typing alone.

This must be the mystical "white privilege" power at work. Fascinating.

Lindsey Crawford - So it doesn't count if you do it?

Muhammad Rasheed - You're doing it again.  :)

Muhammad Rasheed - Doubling down on foolishness doesn't make foolishness come true, Lindsey. Quit now.

Lindsey Crawford - Oh, I understand. Everything I do is white privilege because you say so.

Muhammad Rasheed - I said 'quit now.' You missed the lesson directly above.

Lindsey Crawford - So if I don't quit is that because I have white privilege or does this start to approach sexism? Should I rebuff your masculine demands to assert my feminine power here? I'm trying to understand the rules.

Muhammad Rasheed - I'll wait for Mike to return since you lack an argument. At least he pretended to frame his white supremacist nonsense in an interesting argument form.

You're just babbling in your commitment to your precious pet foolishness.

Muhammad Rasheed - (no offense, ma'am)

Lindsey Crawford - Mmhmm. Your pretend courtesy falls short. I'm not particularly insterested in a well-crafted debate. My object was to break up the monotony of your diatribes. I have no quarrel with other races, nor with other genders. My patience runs short with those who think they hold the power of heaven and earth in their ability to find internet articles backing up their ideas and collect the entirety of their vocabulary from the liberal agenda. You completely miss that on this side of slavery, much of us are on the same team. You and I are on the same team. I, unfortunately, am doing more to end slavery simply by not owning a person than you are by starting up skirmishes about nothing, pretending to be scholarly.

Lindsey Crawford - But I've got to go to work now. Mission accomplished.

Muhammad Rasheed - Lindsey Crawford wrote: "Mmhmm. Your pretend courtesy falls short."

Good. It was designed as sarcasm. You missed that lesson too, I fear.  :(:(

Lindsey Crawford wrote: "I'm not particularly insterested in a well-crafted debate."

This much is clear, since you lack the skills to do so. awww... Way to rise to the occasion though, Scotsman.

Lindsey Crawford wrote: "My patience runs short with those who think they hold the power of heaven and earth in their ability to find internet articles backing up their ideas..."

That's nice. My patience runs thin with you white supremacists spewing foolishness from your proudly ignorant filth holes. I guess that makes us even.

B'bye, ma'am.

Doug TenNapel - Would there have been a Civil War if there was no slavery? Absolutely not. It doesn't make the south lovers of racism and the north non-racist, it's just plainly clear it was about slavery.

Muhammad Rasheed - The North had more than their fair share of slave owners, while pretending they weren't. The largest slave owning family -- the DeWolfs -- were based in New England, and their plantations were in the Caribbean while they were lecturing the Southerners.

No one would give up all that money willingly.

Doug TenNapel - True. But the Civil War is a huge credit to American values. White people shot white family members in the face to end slavery. All I hear about is our racist past, nobody recognizes the blood spilled to end it. Because liberals demand we only cast the past as racist, they're the ones who usually say the civil war is not about slavery. They also deny that the abolitionist movement started in the church. I've read church writings on both sides of the slavery debate... the Christian Republicans won.

Muhammad Rasheed - The fact that all that blood was spilled on record for the deadliest war in US history based 100% on shear greed actually makes us look really bad as a nation to me, Doug. I have problems using that as a bragging point for American Values. That's pretty ugly, ESPECIALLY considering it was a Christian nation that did this. When the rich, young ruler asked the Christ what did he need to do in order to be saved, what was the second thing he was instructed to do? Either the Christian slave owners missed that lesson, or filling their wealth coffers was far more important to them than being saved in the sight of their Lord.

The Christian church fortunately did triumph in that battle, leading the charge all the way to the signing of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. It certainly makes me proud to be a believer (from anutha mutha. ;) )

Doug TenNapel - Greed is an evil that can have unforeseen consequences. It's also possible that without the sin of slavery, America couldn't have afforded to exist. The ends never justify the means and when we allow sin to stay among us it gets bloodier and bloodier to try to fix. America will always be scarred with some sort of racism, but I also see most people largely accepting people of other races. I often wish we didn't hate people of other religions or politics the way we don't hate other races.

Muhammad Rasheed - Seriously, the depicted scenario below is quite far-fetched, especially in light of sharecropping, how Reconstruction ended, and the former slave owners' ready exploitation of the 13th Amendment's "except for prisoners" loophole.

Rasheed, Muhammad. "Future Slavery Profits: How Slavery Definitely DIDN'T End." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 19 Aug 2017. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

Dialogues with the White Conservative: "Why Do You Talk This Way?"

Muhammad Rasheed - So when white conservatives bring up 'Black abortions,' and 'Black-on-Black crime' on cue as their go-to response to the "Please stop killing us" Black protesters, what is their goal exactly? Is it as simple as a misdirection deception to get the Black protesters to stop talking about it? Or are they saying it's okay for whites to kill Blacks because there are Black abortions taking place and crime in Black lower income neighborhoods? I haven't yet figured out the point of why white conservatives respond the way that they do.

Please explain.

Doug TenNapel - It's hard to say "conservatives do this" when I'm the only conservative I'm aware of doing it today. From what I see, white conservatives condemn Charlotte right along with everyone else. And the band plays on.

Muhammad Rasheed - I don't know any white conservatives who fail to bring up "Black abortions" and "Black-on-Black crime" in response to Blacks demanding that white-on-Black violence stops.

I'm interested in what does it mean when they perform this behavior.

Doug TenNapel - You mean besides demanding white on black violence must stop?!

Muhammad Rasheed - Yes, that's a separate topic. I'm just probing into the mindset here.

Muhammad Rasheed - Searching for a basic understanding that has thus far eluded me.

Doug TenNapel - There doesn't have to be another reason. You only need to find a deeper motive if you first reject the premise. It actually is what it is. I can't explain the motives of others. I'd do the same thing if we were nationally mourning the death of a person with Downs Syndrome. I'd say, "do you all know that 90% of unborn babies w Downs are aborted? With those stats, i thought the national goal was to get rid of them." Then you'd have to try to find what my real agenda must be, because it just can't be that I mourn for 90% of Downs people being aborted.

Muhammad Rasheed - Why wouldn't the deeper motive be the other, or true, reason?

There's always a reason, Doug. Especially when the response is framed in a near word-by-word political talking point tract across class and state lines.

Doug TenNapel - We might be reading different sources, but I've got hundreds of conservatives in my FB feed and thousands on Twitter and I haven't seen a single one.

Muhammad Rasheed


Tim Sozio - @Muhammad Rasheed… the question is when are you going to demand black on black violence stop? after all it is well over 90% of crime that hurts and kills blacks -

Muhammad Rasheed
- It's not a real question, Tim, since there are dozens and dozens of Black activist groups dedicated to neutralizing the crime in lower-income Black neighborhoods. "Urban" center crime has been on a steady decline for several years, with a dramatic jump during the Obama era (of course I am not surprised that you are unaware of this). BLM is a group whose focus is specifically to demand police brutality in Black communities cease, so when you respond to them with this question that is quite outside of their specialized scope, it functions as either a confused logical fallacy at best, or a misdirection-deception technique at worst.

My question is: Which one of the two are you using today by the asking? Are you confused, or are you being sneaky?

Tell me.

Tim Sozio - neither… I am being realistic… on the streets at 13 and 21 in Philly and Florida - lived in the ghetto for 3 years - the barrio for 9 - been in jail - been in prison - ran with the biker 1%ers - been there done that - BLM is a racist hate group based on lies…

Muhammad Rasheed - So you think it's "a lie" that Black people want anti-Black, white supremacist cops to stop killing them? You believe that position is actually "realistic."

Why do you think that?

Tim Sozio - because I have been there and done that... it is not cops killing blacks... it is blacks killing blacks... you are a racist. facts count... you do not: [Article - NATIONALREVIEW.COM] "Police Aren’t Targeting and Killing Black Men"

Muhammad Rasheed - 1.) You saying "I have been there and done that" doesn’t mean anything to me, Tim. You already know we disagree fundamentally on this item, so why would you say that as if it was pregnant with truth?

2.) You linked to a white identity politics conservative website, with a piece that deliberately ignores key facts in order to put together an intellectually dishonest "think piece."

So basically you're revealing to me that you accept the articles from all white conservative sites as gospel truth, that's why you think the way you do. Okay, that was deceptively simpler than I expected, but at least I know what you consider to be "realistic."

Muhammad Rasheed - By the way, white conservatives also use their own special working definition of "racist" which also doesn't mean anything to me. It's racist when your cops kill me and get away with it, but it's not racist that I complain about this practice. As you see there's no reason for me to take your 'racist' charge seriously.

Tim Sozio - BS… the numbers say you are a liar to the people and a racist -

Muhammad Rasheed - lol What numbers, Tim?

Muhammad Rasheed - Oh, the "numbers" from your very white article?

Muhammad Rasheed - I can trump that. Watch...

Muhammad Rasheed - Here. Are you familiar with this?

[PDF] Federal Bureau of Investigation – Intelligence Assessment (17 Oct 2006) White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement

Muhammad Rasheed - This is the reason why the cops weren't in force in Charlottesville thy way they are during BLM peaceful protests. Because your cops were part of the pro-Nazi rally.

Naturally I should expect your white identity politics article to be kind of untruthful about its claims, yes?

Tim Sozio - BS… that was a political choice by the mayor - get a fact - and asshat I am only part white - you are a racist

Muhammad Rasheed - The FBI's report says that all law enforcement and the military have been strategically infiltrated by white supremacist groups for decades. That is significantly beyond the scope of a "mayor."

So you lied to me AND tried to bluff me. Interesting.

I'm just going to assume that "asshat I am only part white" comment was a direct reference to that ‘five-dollar indian’ scam your folk indulged in, to enable you to fraudulently get a cut of reparations intended for someone you victimized.

What else do you have? Preferably of more substance than what you have thus provided.

Muhammad Rasheed - Tell me why you believe me to be a racist. Let's start there.

Muhammad Rasheed - What makes ME a racist?

Muhammad Rasheed - Am I a racist by default because I self-identify with the Black American ethnic group?

Or am I a racist because I want white people to stop subjugating, exploiting, and terrorizing Black people?

Which one?

Doug TenNapel - This is why internet politics are effing stupid. In real life we three would be having a blast sharing a beer over a game of bowling. Now we're bickering over racist bullshit. I could weigh in and start making remarks but I feel like I'd be contributing the obvious, when what isn't obvious is I don't like seeing two good guys go after each other because of our culture. It's 6:30am and I already need a beer.

Muhammad Rasheed - "Bowling?" What's wrong with a cartoonist-sketch jam?  :(

Friday, August 18, 2017

Lion King: The Anatomically Correct Edition

Rasheed, Muhammad. "Lion King: The Anatomically Correct Edition." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 18 Aug 2017. Marker w/Adobe Photoshop color.

Muhammad Rasheed - I checked out on the Lion King franchise once I discovered that it's the black-maned lion that is the healthiest and most virile. lol #DisneyBye

ME: "Stop lying to me!!! Stop brainwashing everybody with your Euro-beauty standards!"

[NatGeo Article] Female Lions Prefer Dark-Maned Males, Study Finds

Muhammad Rasheed - Just how they were acting during the study was a TRIP.

WHITE SCIENTISTS: "This... but this CAN'T be! Do it over! DO IT OVER, DAMN IT!!!"

Carmen Aquino - So.. You did know about Kimba the white lion right? I mean in the spectrum of color Disney went brown on this one. :D

Muhammad Rasheed - The fact that the scrawny, childless lion "on the low end of the gene pool" was given the black mane, while the powerful protagonists had the blondish-reddish-blondish-reddish mane, says everything I need to know.

I ain't Japanese. They have their own issues to work out. lol

Carmen Aquino - :D  I died with that comment

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Dialogue with a White Ally

Tony Steed - LMAO at people equating Black Lives Matter and Antifa to the KKK and White nationalist hate groups. Just how dumb are these Right Wing bigots?

Cristian Osorio - Dumb, and blind lol I got this one asshole that is mad that people are pointing out how there were nazi flags at the right wing protest event.... I'm like, dude, it's so fucking obvious, do you need glasses or do you have permanent brain damage? Lol

Tony Steed - Bahahahaha!

Muhammad Rasheed - They're doing it on purpose, and are confident that if they KEEP ON DOING IT WITH A STRAIGHT FACE you will come around.

As usual.

Michael Walker - Hate is hate. And it comes in all colors and forms. I'm not saying BLM is a racist movement at all. But it seems like some black ppl act as if black ppl can't be racist at all. Not trying to pick a fight here so please don't take this the wrong way. Just the way I see things. Im just sick of all of it period. And this country and the sheeple in it. All people seemed to do is spread hate. Truly sickens me. all races are guilty of racism. I know this is gonna sound crazy but I totally support mix race couples. I feel like if it happens enough we will all just end up the same damn color and maybe finally get long.

Michael Walker - Have no clue what antifa is. Gonna have to Google that

Tony Steed - Antifa is based on Anti Fascism. The goal is to combat the Right Wing of Racism and Fascism supported by people like Trump and David Duke. The goal is to be a LOUD and primarily peaceful counter to the KKK and Racist Right Wingers like the Alt-Right. They sometimes get infiltrated by Outside agitators whose sole goal is to make AntiFa look bad to support the Idea of this so called "Violent Left" that doesn't exist. Well except for PETA. We can't be both Snow Flakes and Ultra Violent lol.

Michael Walker - Lol at snow flakes

Michael Walker - Ok Wikipedia had a much better explanation of it. Apparently it is not what it began as. But seems kinda like going backwards doesn't. Hating ppl who hate. It's still fucking hate.

Tony Steed - Naw. Beware of sources on antifa not from them themselves. Since Wikipedia can be edited by anyone.

Muhammad Rasheed - @Michael... Do you disapprove that I hate the guy that plowed his car into a crowd of people that disapproved of his hate stance?

Do you think I should instead forgive him and give him the opportunity to kill someone else?

Michael Walker - That's a tough pill to swallow. But I think a praying man would say to forgive him and pray that God shows him the error of his ways. Wonder what Gandhi would think. My dad told me something a long time ago that has stuck. His ex wife screwed him bad. Left him in debt. Took his children to Canada and turned them against him. Took over 100k out of his retirement. I asked him doesn't that just urk you? Aren't you pissed at her? He said " if I hold a grudge, any ill will, or anger towards her, it doesn't hurt her, it only hurts me. So I just let it go. Not gonna change anything to hate her, just hurt me." I hate what that person did. I want Justice to be served to him. But for you or me to hate him won't hurt him. Only us. If you believe in the law of attraction like I do then I don't want any negative to be inside my head or heart. What was it that Yoda said. "Anger, fear, these are the path to the dark side." Something like that.

Muhammad Rasheed - That philosophy empowers your enemy, and encourages an entitled-privileged mindset that makes them even more evil. In fact, they teach that same evil to their kids so that the entire tribe ends up performing that evil against you for centuries to come. Case in point.

The only way to stop evil is to fight it until it stops. Prayer's purpose is to keep the believer focused on the task at hand.

Muhammad Rasheed - "A tough pill to swallow" is the idea that I should allow the oppressor to continue oppressing me without any resistance except empty "faith without works" prayers. That's what agents of my enemy sound like, and I reject that message.

Muhammad Rasheed - Going forward is to destroy the oppressor, and allow peace to reign. Going backward is to continue do nothing, and allow another 500 ys of White Supremacist Ideology to rape the earth so that the traditional Euro-ethnic oppressor may maintain his savage wealth/power monopoly.


Muhammad Rasheed - Here's perfect, high-level example right here: [VIDEO] Being an ally in Government

Muhammad Rasheed - The clip starkly demonstrates the powerful, moneyed, political class as it deliberately disenfranchises minorities out of pure selfishness and evil.

Anyone telling me that I should just forgive them and allow them to continue to oppress people are themselves filthy agents of the oppressor.

Michael Walker - At what point did I say allow them to continue? Either your missing my point or I'm just not doing a good job explaining myself. And I feel like with out meeting or getting to know me in the least little bit you've let a few words paint your whole Outlook and view of me. Like you've already put me on the side of your "oppressor". And I don't think I ever said anything about allowing it to happen or not defending yourself. From a few words I might could concur a few things about you as well. But I don't know you and have never met you. I haven't lived your life or experienced the things you have, no more than you have mine. So I'm not gonna do that. Why do that to me?

Muhammad Rasheed - Michael Walker wrote: "That's a tough pill to swallow. But I think a praying man would say to forgive him and pray that God shows him the error of his ways. Wonder what Gandhi would think."

This comment from you is telling me to just allow the racists to continue to subjugate and abuse my people at will while I just forgive them and pray as my response.

How else am I to interpret that?

There's a racist radio talking head named Rod Dreher who believes that the whole problem of racism comes down to the 'racist resentments' of Blacks. He believes the enduring legacy of racism is the fault of Black people, the fault of the oppressed. To cure racism, all Blacks need to do is just forgive racist attacks -- just let them wash over us like water off a duck's back -- forgive & move on. The sooner Blacks get with that program, the sooner racism will be over. That's the demonic shit that Whites have transformed MLK's philosophy into. In other words, whites are allowed to abuse me violently at will, but I'M out of line when I use my Right to Bear Arms to defend myself from evil. Whites actually feel entitled to abuse me, since they literally get hopping mad at the idea that I would defend myself. I can't imagine what else you are even supposed to be saying to me, Michael, but so far, I find your whole message to be deeply offensive.

Michael Walker - Well I will apologize if I offended you. That was not at all my intent.

Muhammad Rasheed - What was your intent? What is the summary of your intended message to me, Michael?

Michael Walker - I almost died recently. I had a brain tumor removed. I was sick for a long time and almost died do to complications from the surgery. I went through an unbearable amount of pain. Coming out of the other side of that I have a much different view on life. My intent was not offend you. And I don't think you should roll over and take racism up the ass. Or forget that it ever happened. Sitting here thinking about it I think if I would have been there in that moment when that asshole plowed threw the crowd I don't know that I would have been standing there saying all right every body let's forgive this guy. I have a pretty bad temper that would have probably been lost in that moment. Idk man so many things became more important to after almost dieing. Holding hate anger or fear in my heart is something I cannot do anymore. And I don't think loading up all racist white people up and murdering them all would end racism. It's always gonna be around in one way shape or form. Again I will apologize if I offended you Muhammad.

Muhammad Rasheed - Michael Walker wrote: "And I don't think loading up all racist white people up and murdering them all would end racism."

This is how white racists think. They assume it's what Black activists want because this is how THEY function. For the life of them, they simply can't leave us the hell alone, and even though whites like you keep oddly interpreting it as "loading up all racist white people up and murdering them" I actually find myself needing to use my Right to Bear Arms to defend myself. That's all. That's all we've wanted since slavery ended was to be left alone so we could live our full FREEDOM, but there was far too much much money made from those centuries of using us as free labor, so the elite business class found they were too damn greedy to leave us alone. The poor whites resented the fact that without the slave institution, THEY were now the lowest rung on the socio-political ladder and it filled them with rage. These two items converged and led to centuries more of abuse, race riot massacres, disenfranchisement, and mass incarceration trafficking up into the present day.

This is the truth of what I'm actually dealing with, and from your posts above, I know that you lack the knowledge of Black history to really understand me truly. The bottom line is that you don't have a message for me, but I have one for you, Michael. Tell your pharaoh to let my people go. Thank you.

Michael Walker - Wow. So I am a white racist now. Thanks. Yeah man have a nice life with all your hatred.

Muhammad Rasheed - White racists always interpret my right to defend myself as a wholesale slaughter of all whites. lol You did it just now, even though I didn't say anything like that. If you don't think that simply defending my home from attack is the desire to indiscriminately slaughter everyone, why is that what you came away with? Try your best to put yourself in my shoes.

You don't think that's odd?

Muhammad Rasheed - So from my perspective, the fact that you really, instinctively think the idea of me defending myself from white aggression is somehow out of line,it means you are the one that hates. You REALLY hate me. When you said, "And I don't think you should roll over and take racism up the ass," it meant you were lying to me. You honestly can't see the difference between righteously defending myself from white aggression versus indiscriminate white genocide.

It means you hate Black people, and you really are a racist in your heart.

Muhammad Rasheed - [posted on Facebook] White Ally wrote: "And I don't think loading up all racist white people up and murdering them all would end racism."

This is how white racists think. They assume it's what Black activists want because this is how THEY function. For the life of them, they simply can't leave us the hell alone, and even though whites like you keep oddly interpreting it as "loading up all racist white people up and murdering them" I actually find myself needing to use my Right to Bear Arms to defend myself. That's all. That's all we've wanted since slavery ended was to be left alone so we could live our full FREEDOM, but there was far too much money made from those centuries of using us as free labor, so the elite business class found they were too damn greedy to leave us alone. The poor whites resented the fact that without the slave institution, THEY were now the lowest rung on the socio-political ladder and it filled them with rage. These two items converged and led to centuries more of abuse, race riot massacres, disenfranchisement, and mass incarceration trafficking up into the present day.

This is the truth of what I'm actually dealing with, and from your posts above, I know that you lack the knowledge of Black history to really understand me truly. The bottom line is that you don't have a message for me, but I have one for you, White Ally: Tell your pharaoh to let my people go. Thank you.

White Ally wrote: "Wow. So I am a white racist now. Thanks. Yeah man have a nice life with all your hatred."

Well, white racists always interpret my right to defend myself as a wholesale slaughter of all whites. lol You did it just now, even though I didn't say anything like that. If you don't think that simply defending my home from attack is the desire to indiscriminately slaughter everyone, why is that what you came away with? Try your best to put yourself in my shoes.

You don't think that's odd?

So from my perspective, the fact that you really, instinctively think the idea of me defending myself from white aggression is somehow out of line, it means you are the one that hates. You REALLY hate me. When you said, "And I don't think you should roll over and take racism up the ass," it meant you were lying to me. You honestly can't see the difference between righteously defending myself from white aggression versus indiscriminate white genocide.

It means you hate Black people, and you really are a racist in your heart.

Kamau Mkafele Mshale - I'd add, that if you could truly find all the racist whites and murder them..... why wouldn't that end white racism? I had never even thought of that. But wouldn't that actually end racism? At least anti black racism. There would be no racist, how is it not over then?

Muhammad Rasheed - You know that the whites that were left would feel the need to avenge their slaughtered loved ones and "become racists" to protect their tribes. Most of what we are already dealing with comes from their attempts to "preserve the white blood lines!" so why do you think killing a big chunk of them wouldn't trigger the so-called non-racists among them?

Come on...

Muhammad Rasheed - It's better to take the righteous stance of defense.

Kamau Mkafele Mshale - Definitely agree on that last part

Stephen Wilkinson - Racism is not white people,

Its white laws, its white products, its white medicines

Muhammad Rasheed - Yes, there's a difference between "being white" versus "Whiteness."

The former is just someone who self-identifies with being a descendant of the ethnic tribes of Europe. There's 100% nothing wrong with that. The latter is the White Supremacist Ideology (and those who uphold it), which requires the subjugation and exploitation of Black bodies in order to function.

Kamau Mkafele Mshale - and white people make all that. many people participate in white supremacy even without trying. for white people its the defualt. at least in the west, unless they are workin against it.

Muhammad Rasheed - We're ALLLL working towards it unless we are actively working to free our minds from The Matrix. The White Supremacist Ideology is the dominant philosophy underlying all of Western thought. In it's 21st century manifestation, it has successfully separated the Black race into fragmented, powerless communities, who at their best, only aspire to be 'Token Blacks' in the white community's delegated support class. Even when we achieve the position of CEO in their companies, we are still just figureheads for 'Whiteness.' We have never been like this before, and this is clearly our weakest point... completely politically and economically excluded from participating in the mainstream as an self-sustaining, interconnected special interest group. 'Integration" was a poison to us.

Kamau Mkafele Mshale - i don't disagree

Muhammad Rasheed - We give the four figures represented in the meme above shit just because they are the most high-profile and extreme of the coonishness at the heart of what we've allowed, but we're ALLLL them if we aren't coming together to form the Black Nation.

Muhammad Rasheed - If you're the 'Token Black' in the white man's company, then you ARE Ben Carson and Condie Rice, because what the fuck else are you doing for your own tribe? If all your talents, skills & resources -- and the most productive hours of the day -- are being used to support your enemy's shit, then how are you NOT a Ben Carson?

Michael Walker - So now I'm a white ally. I can't put myself in your shoes no more that you can put yourself in mine. I tried to appoligize for offended you and told you that was not my intent. And I will apologize again. But painting me out to be some sort of racist white ally. I don't have a racist bone in my body. I met my best friend and brother Jermane Green when I was 8. I can remember going over to his house every weekend growing up. His grandmother was one of the nicest people I ever met. She treated just like all the other children in her house. She also carried a switch in her hand around us boys most of the time and wouldn't hesitate to get in my ass with it too if I got out of line. She taught me at a young age that God's love has no color or class or social status. It's just love. Again I'm sorry if anything I said offended you and if something I did say come across that way maybe it was out of ignorance. But it sure wasn't out of hate.

Kamau Mkafele Mshale - Michael Walker, i don't know you or the situation I will say tho, white people, like men to women, and straight to queer, are oppressive as a defualt setting. Because the society we live in rewards whiteness and degrades black individuals. So unless you are aware of how your participation looks and how your actions can be detrimental you will continue them. The reality is many black people with white friends have felt upset and at an impasse about things their white friend has done that crosses bounderies. up untill the last 8 years or so there was the ability to ignore it. Many of us just aren't doin that now.

If you really about what ever person of color you offended to the work to learn about whats wrong, how you might be complicit in it, what work you can do to change that and change the system over all.

Muhammad Rasheed - @Michael... If you're not an ally then what are you? :)

Muhammad Rasheed - Tell me why do you find it unacceptable that Blacks would have the right to defend themselves from white aggression. I think that's where our breakthrough is.

Michael Walker - Sure not a racist. I'd say I'm an all of all man

Muhammad Rasheed - Michael Walker wrote: "She taught me at a young age that God's love has no color or class or social status."

What does that have to do with what Black people live in Western society? In scripture, God said that He doesn't Judge us based on race, class or status. He also instructed us as to how to deal with a savage oppressor, too. The latter is FAR MORE RELEVANT to this topic than whatever Green's grandma taught regarding God's Love. Here that message functions as a misdirection technique, since white people are by no means manifestations of God's Love. In fact, they have proven to represent the literal exact opposite of that.

Michael Walker - I think everyone has a right to defend themselves.

Muhammad Rasheed - Everyone? Even me?

What if I'm being attacked by whites because they disagree with how I flaunt my wealth and whatever other ignorant shit they say?

Michael Walker - You would be included in everyone yes

Muhammad Rasheed - That's good to know, Michael. Is this a recent breakthrough/revelation for you, or have you always felt that way?

Michael Walker - Always

Muhammad Rasheed - Awesome.

You pass.

(the paper test anyway)

Muhammad Rasheed - There's a practical, in-the-field exam coming up.

I suggest you hydrate...

Michael Walker - Going to bed soon so I may not immediately respond. But I do ask you stop painting me out to be some racist white ally. I guess that's me defending myself. I promise you I hate no one.

Muhammad Rasheed - lol What do you think "ally" means exactly? I only used that to protect your identity since you weren't in my FB Friend List. hahahaha

Michael Walker - I am glad you weren't able to tag me in that. But I will send you a friend request anyway. But yes please explain ally. To me it would seem you think I support Nazis. Like in the back of my mind I think you think I have a rebal flag hanging out the back of my pickup and regularly attend klan meetings. I hope I'm way off on that

Muhammad Rasheed - I didn't try to tag you in it. The point was to emphasize the message of the dialogue from a philosophical standpoint. The ID of the ally was irrelevant. Send me the Friend request. I may as well keep ya. Plus I see you are actually one of Thomas' peeps, so that's cool.

Muhammad Rasheed - ME: If you're not an ally then what are you? 
YOU: Sure not a racist. I'd say I'm an all of all man

You know that dick that plowed his dodge into that crowd also considers himself "a man." That's VERY broad, don't you think?

Muhammad Rasheed - By definition, a "white ally" is a white person who considers himself on my side. That's all.

Calm down, please.

Michael Walker - I thought the same of you. Any friend of Thomas and Tony is a friend of mine. But yes I guess that is broad. Christians believe in the whole forgiveness thing and I'd like to think of myself as being that way but a few months back we found out about something very disturbing. The mother of my children's mother married a petifile. They found all kinds of child pornography on his computer and cellphone and even correspondence between him and underage boys. They also found some strange photos of my children. Nothing nude or vulgar just odd pictures in manners no one could say they accidentally took a pic of. I don't think there is any way I could ever forgive that man. And thinking about it logically I don't recon I could forgive that man who plowed through all those ppl. But aren't Christians supposed to. I don't paint myself to be a Christian in no way but I do believe in God and I pray every day

Muhammad Rasheed - She married a what now?

Muhammad Rasheed - Oh.

Michael Walker - Petifile. Did I mispell that

Muhammad Rasheed - Wow. BIG time.

Muhammad Rasheed - I thought it was a new species or some shit. (GMO?)

Muhammad Rasheed - But I get it now. That's rough.

Michael Walker - Pedophile

Michael Walker - Lol sorry had to Google that shit. But if you put in petifile some funny stuff does come up lol

Muhammad Rasheed - ME: "What??? She married a chupacabra??? Oh no, Michael! Noooooooo!"

Michael Walker - Hahahahahaha

Muhammad Rasheed - The other thing is just as bad though.

Michael Walker - Yes my grammar is no good. I'm glad I'm good at math at least

Muhammad Rasheed - You kinda fucked up the definition of 'ally,' too, but no judgement.  ;)

Muhammad Rasheed - hahaha

Michael Walker - Yeah so the concept of forgiveness may be lost on me but I go back to what my dad said about holding a grudge. It doesn't hurt the other person for me to hate them it only hurts me. So what do you do. Like I would love to drive over to the guy's house and show him the other end of his junk but that would put me in jail and no help to my children. And holding on to the hatred for him will just eat away at me not him so what do you do

Muhammad Rasheed - There's a difference between forgiveness versus allowing evil to run about in the land unopposed. These are two completely different items.

One is what you provide when someone sincerely repents of wrong, and the other you beat down with your swords.

Michael Walker -

Michael Walker - I took it as me being allied with white supremacists. So yes I was off

Michael Walker - Hey buddy I got to catch some zzs. You have a good night sir. To be continued.......

Muhammad Rasheed - Have a good night.
