Sunday, November 24, 2024

A Six-Year Old's Understanding

 Breaking Brad - Calvin & Hobbes Lovers 😂🤣😂

Muhammad Rasheed - Calvin's excuse is that he's only six-years-old and can't be expected to have read the material.

Adults have no business sounding like a six-year-old when the answers to those basic-level questions are in the scriptures revealed for the purpose.

Claudio Guastavino - @Muhammad... are u fu**ing serious, are you???

Now, the truth is that EVEN a six years old can get a grasp of all the bull...

Think about it mate.

Muhammad Rasheed - @Claudio... I know the difference between what the religions actually teach versus the atheist mess blindly parroted by uninformed liberal types. Watterson's best stuff stayed away from the topics he knew nothing about.

John Wilcox - @Muhammad... Well, it's just growing up. At about 6 years old, I had such doubts about Santa Claus, Then maybe 7 or 8 years later, I questioned religion and realised that there is no God, except, like Santa Claus, as a construct of human thinking. Since then, for over half a century, I have been a happy atheist.

Muhammad Rasheed - John wrote: "and realised that there is no God"

Making the decision to reject God without doing any research to investigate the theist claims, isn't a "realization." Realization involves knowledge and insight. Atheists don't have that on this topic, based on their blind rejection connected to a false know-it-all mentality on the topic. And when they are among one another, they just reinforce the shallow, fake-deep tropes they carry.

Brian Mitchell - M. Rasheed wrote: "And then they are among one another, they just reinforce the tropes they carry."

You must see that this applies equally to those who attend religious ceremonies purely on the basis of social habit and/or cultural pressure. Being able to recite memorised scriptural passages does not amount to the kind of inward investigation you assume all atheists incapable of.

Muhammad Rasheed - Brian wrote: "You must see that this applies equally to those who attend religious ceremonies purely on the basis of social habit and/or cultural pressure."

Okay, there's a difference between the material being available but the people are too lazy to study what they profess to believe versus your clan who viciously reject the material while magically proclaiming what you refused to study to be a fiction with zero certain knowledge.

Brian wrote: "Being able to recite memorised scriptural passages does not amount to the kind of inward investigation you assume all atheists incapable of."

Who said that 'study' only consisted of rote memorization? Where is that written? I find it unreasonable that you expect me to take on the uninformed and uncritical opinions of my faith by hostile and biased outsiders as if it is fact just because you want to believe it's true. Why would I do that?

Larry Arsenault - @Muhammad Rasheed... If someone wants to believe in a religion and it helps them through their life while not harming others, I can support it. But Likewise if someone believes there is no "God" as a single being or thing, then i support that too with the same reservations. For me, no one can prove there is a God and it is impossible to disprove something that isn't there. Simply believing in a God because somebody wrote it in a book in ancient times is not proof. How come a God only appeared to the ancients and remember, most of those people were ignorant, superstitious. Today many people claim to "know" God, but many if not all of those people are imposters using religion to make money. My personal belief is we are learning to take the difficult step a child must take when becoming an adult - responsibility for their life. There are good words in the Bible, Buddhist texts and the Tao. The old testament is mainly about survival (I have not read the Koran). The main theme the originators from which religions are formed, basically seems to be "Do unto others as you woud have them do unto you." Simple words, but not easy to follow. But that is all the religion i need and just may be the religion we will adopt. Peace please.

Muhammad Rasheed - Larry wrote: "I can support it"

If you haven't taken the time to study the material to understand it, why do you think your endorsement from any angle would hold value? Why would assume your opinion of the subject is equally as valid as the subject matter expert's?

This is my problem with the atheist mind. You walk around with a bag of strawman effigies you've invented off-the-cuff that you typically pretend IS the religion, and then you actually expect the theists to sign off on your fabrications that you invented to mock my sacred belief system. It's a very weird approach to take with any subject objectively, so why do you think it's okay to perform this circus with organized religion?

Larry wrote: "(I have not read the Koran)"

Yet you are pseudo-lecturing at me about a book I am not bound to for reasons explicitly stated in the Qur'an. You're wasting my time with this rant that holds no insights or value to me.

Muhammad Rasheed - It's not okay to walk around with an uninformed 6-year-old's level of understanding of a complex subject as an adult while trying to argue it like you actually know something.

Somehow you all have convinced yourselves that this behavior is intelligent. The comic strip above demonstrates that Watterson is willfully ignorant about the topic and thinks that his ignorance is somehow a badge of honor. Then you all high-fived it in support, which outs you also as ignorant.

Please note that the knowledge is actually available for study. It's not locked in a booby-trapped cave in a lost Middle Eastern city, or whatever.

Case Edwards - @Muhammad... First of all it’s a great comic strip, not an excuse for you to preach. I’ve read your ridiculous book cover to cover and studied many of the other religions as well. I have an informed opinion and used to simply disagree with people like you. The smug self righteousness of your ilk has led me to actively despise your kind, so well done. The only reason for me to want a god to exist is the hope it’s keeping hell hot for you. Sad that’s not the case.

Muhammad Rasheed - Case wrote: "First of all it’s a great comic strip"

The Calvin and Hobbes strip in general is objectively great, sure. This one specifically is ignorant trash.

Case wrote: "not an excuse for you to preach"

The strip itself is preaching ignorant foolishness in a fake-deep package. Typical of the atheist.

Case wrote: "I’ve read your ridiculous book cover to cover and studied many of the other religions as well"

That's a lie, also typical of the atheist. [“The great outline of research comes to light best in dialog.” ~Otto Toeplitz]

Case wrote: "I have an informed opinion"

Clearly not. You have a triggered opinion.

Case wrote: "The smug self righteousness of your ilk has led me to actively despise your kind"

lol The talking without a single point of informed knowledge about the subject while trying to influence public opinion from a red commie tactic has led me to despise your kind. I guess that makes us even, wot?

Case wrote: "The only reason for me to want a god to exist"

Holy crap, who cares what you think? Just take the hellfire you've chosen and try to keep all your screaming to a moderate volume.

Rasheed, Muhammad. "A Six-Year Old's Understanding." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 00 Date 20XX. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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Thursday, November 14, 2024

Fake Proselytizing of the Red Agent

 Kiska Shigemura

David Goliath - Bullshit! That is not what it says or what it means. Those who work should enjoy the fruits of their labor and workers should have a say in how the work gets done.

Muhammad Rasheed

David Goliath - @Muhammad... That quote literally describes America and especially Wall Street today. A system that enshrines the 1%, a class that cannot be topped by ordinary people who buys elections pouring in billions. A class of people that fills the airwaves with lies about how awesome everything is even as the streets and schools crumble? That doesn't sound like anything else to you?

Muhammad Rasheed - @David... As long as the capitalist structure remains, there's always a chance that they can lose their spot. That's the part they hate ("Competition is a sin!" ~J.D. Rockefeller) and why they scheme to replace the entire system with the communist model to permanently secure their status.

David Goliath - Take a good look around what competition? We have less market competition NOW than we had in the 80s and that's why things are more expensive. Rockefeller hated competition because he lost profits. Communism doesn't mean you don't have a car or a house ot means that the company that built the car is owned and operated by the people who worked there. In capatalism today we just replaced kings and lords with CEOs and lords with shareholders.

Muhammad Rasheed - David wrote: "take a good look around what competition?"

We're in the Second Gilded Age. The monopolists have clearly won. Their next goal is to formally flip the nation's economic structure over to communism and synch in their status forever...

...or at least until the Big War, or whatever.

Muhammad Rasheed - David wrote: "Communism doesn't mean you don't have a car or a house ot means that the company that built the car is owned and operated by the people who worked there"

I have zero interest in the cold definition as printed on the pamphlet tracts, only in how it actually functioned in real life and who invented it and who would benefit from it.

Communism is end state crony-corporatism and is the ultimate goal of the billionaire monopolists.

David Goliath - If you don't have any interest in it then call it something else. My brother in Christ the end stage of capitalism is fascism. Marx thought that the capitalistic system would inevitably destroy itself. The oppressed workers would become alienated and ultimately overthrow the owners to take control of the means of production themselves, ushering in a classless society.

Muhammad Rasheed - David wrote: "if you don't have any interest in it then call it something else."

No need. There's half a million terms for it. The one I used works well enough.

David wrote: "My brother in Christ"

Does my name give the impression I am a Christian? Curious.

David wrote: "the end stage of capitalism is fascism"

More cold pamphlet proselytizing. That means nothing to me. At all. You may as well be earnestly trying to explain why an elephant-headed idol is blue.

David Goliath - Are you a worker? That's all that matters.

Muhammad Rasheed - Truth matters.

Muhammad Rasheed - David wrote: "are you a worker? That's all that matters."

lol That's what it sounds like when colluding cliques of fiends plan to manipulate the working class to maintain a self-interested caste system they control.

No, thanks, commie.

Rasheed, Muhammad. "Fake Proselytizing of the Red Agent." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 00 Date 20XX. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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