Muhammad Rasheed - Welcome to my third year taking part in
Jake Parker's month-long, daily drawing challenge called #Inktober! For those not in the know, Jake started the challenge in 2009 as a personal month-long daily challenge to improve his own inking technique, but it soon turned into a global phenomenon.
During my 2017 Inktober campaign, I kept all 31 drawings in an American slavery theme. Just as I did for last year's challenge, this year
I plan to continue with my anti-racism themed
Weapon of the People: DECODED daily editorial cartoon project.
As I have done before, I will post each daily Inktober drawing into this here post, so for those who are interested, keep coming back here to see the cartoons build up daily.
Ring (1/31)
Cartoon depicting the crony corporatists building a ringed wall to
close off the open free markets of capitalism. |
Mindless (2/31)
Cartoon depicting the mindless parroting of concepts
that seem smart, but are actually designed to
enslave the populace to the 1% grifter class. |
Bait (3/31)
Cartoon depicting the usage of ADOS babies
as bait to catch alligators by the deep South
white racists of the early 20th century. |
Freeze (4/31)
Cartoon depicting a typical domestic terror
tactic inflicted upon the American Descendants
of Slavery (ADOS) by the white supremacist
infiltrated Fraternal Order of Police. |
Build (5/31)
Cartoon depicting a typical example of the
Über-selfish white racist aristocracy
warring against #ADOS by sabotaging the
nation's free market capitalist tradition |
Husky (6/31)
Cartoon depicting the importance of the
Eurocentric "whiteness" narrative to
the dominant special interest group compared
to their wishy-washy loose attitude about their
version of science. |
Enchanted (7/31)
Cartoon depicting colonizer seizure of their
competition's bodies and lore to decipher
for their own exclusive usage. |
Frail (8/31)
Cartoon depicting a caricatured parody of the
suicide of German billionaire Adolf Merckle. |
Swing (9/31)
Cartoon depicting the white racist public intellectual
trying to blame the evils of white supremacy's
destruction on the tools he used to inflict that
blight upon the world in his effort to
protect the anti-Black system. |
Pattern (10/31)
Cartoon depicting the envious light-skinned ethnic tribes
of Europe using what they witnessed of the decadent
wealthy Black Civilizations of the past as their
modern template for how to flex on the people. |
Snow (11/31)
Cartoon depicting the mass media
challenges predicted by the poet-activist
Gil Scott Heron regarding the coming
violent flip of the power structure. |
Dragon (12/31)
Cartoon depicting sequel to day ten's 'Pattern,'
as the newly civilized (such as they are) cave
men have now become the dominant special
interest group, savagely wielding the
hoarding monopoly and the force of the
war machine to hold onto global power
for their group alone. |
Ash (13/31)
Cartoon depicting the bygone "great"
era of white American tradition, when
the dominant special interest group used
savage domestic terror tactics against the
black American Descendants of Slavery (ADOS)
as freely as they liked without the need to
hide their evil with political correctness. |
Overgrown (14/31)
Cartoon depicting the automaker cartel pleading
for their mark POTUS44 to fall for the
"too big to fail" anti-American and
anti-capitalism grift scheme. |
Legend (15/31)
Cartoon depicting Madame Harriet Tubman as she
prescribes a six-chambered dosage of courage
to keep her escaping party moving. |
Wild (16/31)
Cartoon depicting the regular barbaric
riots that take place for literally nothing
at all when white people destroy their
own property over sports team hype. |
Ornament (17/31)
Cartoon depicting the some of the middle class
benefits package marketing created for the
white racist aristocracy by the 1% class. |
Misfit (18/31)
Cartoon depicting an unusual figure standing
out for his lack of taking pleasure in
the subjugation and abuse of ADOS. |
Sling (19/31)
Cartoon depicting the very different relationship
the police have with the white community
versus how they treat the ADOS community. |
Tread (20/31)
Cartoon depicting the American Descendants of Slavery (ADOS)
taking rightful ownership of the "Dont Tread On Me" message
from Benjamin Franklin's Revolutionary Flag design. |
Treasure (21/31)
Cartoon depicting the true nature of the liberalism ideology
as it functions as nothing more than the left wing side
of the White Supremacist Ideology. |
Ghost (22/31)
Cartoon depicting the certainty of a Bernie Sanders'
immediate betrayal should ADOS reward his
campaign with our vote instead of committing
to an unwavering focus on the
Black Political Agenda |
Ancient (23/31)
Cartoon depicting representatives of the Egyptology field,
the sole purpose of which is to create a false historical
narrative to justify the White Supremacist Ideology
and the anti-Black systemic racism for which it stands. |
Dizzy (24/31)
Cartoon depicting the confused and disoriented reactions
to the O.J. Simpson verdict by the white community. |
Tasty (25/31)
Cartoon depicting the police escorting anti-ADOS
mass shooter murderer Dylann Roof to grab a burger
meal to enjoy before gently processing him into
the anti-Black criminal justice system. |
Dark (26/31)
Cartoon depicting the white racist aristocracy
and their penchant for finding their
"black stereotypes" genre to be the height
of comedy in their community.
(Of course you realize this means war?) |
Coat (27/31)
Cartoon depicting the need for a relentless
patient perseverance through adversity
as what is needed to finally conquer
the anti-Black systemic racism
that infests society. |
Ride (28/31)
Cartoon depicting the domestic terror inflicted upon
Ms Sandra Bland by an anti-Black cop. |
Injured (29/31)
Cartoon depicting the relationship between
the two races and the white-controlled medical industry
and how each are viewed by the doctors. |
Catch (30/31)
Cartoon depicting discrepancy between how
white cops treat innocent, unarmed ADOS
versus how they treat savage, drunken
fellow white people. |
Ripe (31/31) Cartoon depicting the crony corporatist schemes that sabotaged the commodities futures market system that enabled the economy to recover from the Great Depression era's crony corporatist schemes. |
See Also:
Inktober 2019 by M. Rasheed
Inktober 2018 by M. Rasheed
Inktober 2017 by M. Rasheed
MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.