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2019 Glyph Comics Award Winner (BEST COMIC STRIP OR WEBCOMIC)!
Rasheed, Muhammad. "Conflict of Interest." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 04 Sep 2019. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.
Brian Jones - aw come on man, my hair’s only just started to thin I’m not THAT bald yet, and I can’t drink on account of medical issues. Also? Are there any leftists actually trying to make a turtle neck and vest work?
100% got my gut correct though.
Muhammad Rasheed - I came up with the vest/turtleneck combo on the fly. lol
Brian Jones - if you want to go for more accuracy and less looking like every “evil non-Christian professor” from a Jack Chic tract try “looks like someone put Gavin McGinnis and Charles Manson in a blender, poured that into a Canadian metal band’s tour shirt, and let them reach Dad Bod 2: Beyond Thunderthighs”. That’s the look I’m stuck rocking (seriously Gavin McGinnis makes me want to shave every time I see his fash face)
Brian Jones - Also for more accuracy, I believe in the practice of reparations. I also believe in bottom up community centered revolutionary action. So if your community wants nothing to do with bringing down capitalism, I'm not here to tell any of you what to think or do. I can try to convince you that capitalists will do everything they can to recuperate activism for reparations and then spin their neo-liberal policies as "having done that job already". They'll do everything they can to call any olive branch "reparations already paid" rather than dismantling their own hereditary networks of wealth built in large part off of stealing 100% of the value of slave labor and then criminalizing black men for existing so they could continue to do so.
We aren't arguing that capitalism is "magically bad" we're arguing that the theory and praxis of capitalism just necessarily leads to undemocratic class stratification where a capitalist ruling class enriches themselves off of the labor of an exploited working class and maintains a surplus class of un- and under-employeed labor in order to keep labor in line with the threat of someone else getting their job and them being kicked down into the underclass.
Muhammad Rasheed - Brian wrote: "if you want to go for more accuracy..."
No need. It was not a caricature of any individual, but a caricature of the argument.
Brian wrote: "I also believe in bottom up community centered revolutionary action."
So do I, hence my support for the #ADOS movement.
Brian wrote: "So if your community wants nothing to do with bringing down capitalism [...] I can try to convince you that capitalists will [...] we're arguing that the theory and praxis of capitalism just necessarily leads to..."
Your ideologically-biased definition of capitalism is severely flawed and 100% not shared by me. Capitalism is good for the people; competition spreads the wealth and drives down prices among other benefits. It's the usurpation of capitalism's open markets by the 1% monopolists that is the bad thing. The enactment of your over-hyped "socialism" is what happens when the chronic poverty inflicted by the 1% grifter class' greed reaches critical mass and they partner with the gov to feed you while keeping the lion's share of societal revenue is the bad guy's end goal. In this, the left functions as nothing more than the marketing arm for evil and you are supporting the buy guy's ultimate plans.
Joe Montana - Who is this supposed to be? And of course communists are against capitalism, and far from it being a shallow ideology, it’s one of the most backed theories around.
Muhammad Rasheed - Joe wrote: "Who is this supposed to be?"
A proponent of communism.
Joe wrote: "And of course communists are against capitalism..."
That's why they're trash.
Joe wrote: "...and far from it being a shallow ideology..."
Meanwhile, it's very shallow. And ignorant.
Joe wrote: "...it’s one of the most backed theories around."
Your logical fallacy is: Appeal to the People (argumentum ad populum) "The fallacy of attempting to win popular assent to a conclusion by arousing the feeling and enthusiasms of the multitude. It's the fallacy of attempting to prove a conclusion on the grounds that all or most people think or believe it is true."
Joe Montana - I’m not appealing to the people at all. My argument was that it is backed with solid argumentation as well as empirical proof.
It’s hardly remarkable for someone in the West to be anticommunist and procapitalist. It takes real work to liberate oneself from propaganda and get to the truth.
Far from being shallow, communism represents the deepest yearnings of the masses of humanity going back thousands of years. If you adjudge that shallow, I suppose that says something about you.
Joe Montana - I was wondering if it was supposed to be Paul Cockshott.
Muhammad Rasheed - Joe wrote: "I’m not appealing to the people at all."
Meanwhile, you literally "appealed to the people" by saying that it's "one of the most backed theories around."
Joe wrote: "...it is backed with solid argumentation as well as empirical proof."
Meanwhile, it does neither. The people flourish under the properly regulated open markets of capitalism, and suffer under the 1% grifter class' versions of communism/socialism that were designed to enable them to continue to hoard wealth & power while giving the masses a little bit of it to shut them up.
Joe wrote: "It’s hardly remarkable for someone in the West to be anticommunist and procapitalist."
Meanwhile, the entire left-wing is pro-communist it looks like, and most people hate capitalism for two reasons:
1.) They are very wealthy monopolists and recognize that capitalism would distribute the wealth fairly preventing them from monopolizing the markets
2.) They falsely believe the 1% grifter class are capitalists who use capitalist principles to amass their obscene wealth.
Joe wrote: "Far from being shallow, communism represents..."
...that very shallowness you currently deny.
Joe wrote: "If you adjudge that shallow, I suppose that says something about you."
It says that I'm learned in the material while you just pretend to be.
Joe wrote: "I was wondering if it was supposed to be Paul Cockshott."
It was not a caricature of any individual, but a figure conjured to caricature the argument itself.
MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.
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