Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Notes While Observing - Pig Blood, Clinton vs Alton, & Black Twitter

1.) [VIDEO] "A lot of us here are using either pig's blood or bacon grease on our bullets, packing it in the middle. So that when you shoot a Muslim, they go straight to hell. That's what they believe in their religion."

Muhammad Rasheed - Why would I go "straight to hell" if my enemy smeared pig anything on the weapon he slew me with? Who told you that? Not eating pork is part of the "dietary law." Do you know what a "diet" is, bigot-idiot? Violating the dietary law isn't one of the major sins; those are listed in the Ten Commandments of the Law of Moses. There's only one sin Allah said would send me "straight to hell," and that's if I rejected Him (the One God of Abraham) for atheism, or the worship of something else. FYI.

I enjoy how you routinely just make up shit and subscribe it to both my religion and race. That reveals so much about you, and why it becomes harder and harder to take what you say seriously at face value. ‪#‎SitDown

2.) [VIDEO] "White criminal refuses to comply with cops' instructions and fights them to resist arrest, yet does not get shot to death for his illegal actions like Alton Sterling did for less.

Muhammad Rasheed - The authorities have the ability to choose who they "go hard" on and who they "let go with a warning." This video represents the guy that absolutely did not just comply with the cops' instructions, and yet they did not shoot him dead like they did ‪#Alton Sterling.

This is true up the entire length of the rank order food chain, as you can see that the Federal Prosecutors -- who've never, EVER had a problem just conjuring 'evidence' out of thin air if they really wanted to make your life a hell on earth -- let Clinton go with a warning. The difference between whether the authorities decide to use their discretion to go hard or not depends, in our country, on varying levels of power, or being a member of the correct race, that the potential victim has.‬

[ARTICLE EXCERPT] "What It Really Means to Be 'Woke"

3.) Muhammad Rasheed - No, it only takes the term's power away if you legitimize their usage of it, and why would you even do that?  The term is talking to YOU regarding YOUR issues and how YOU need to be conscious & aware.  Their understanding will always be off center and weird and in "don't get it" La La Land because they are the outsiders responsible for your initial, dormant sleep state in the first place.   Stop legitimizing their bullshit, please.  You're giving them that power, meanwhile it doesn't matter that they're walking around with the distorted message upside down on the back of their trendy new fashions. Will you then abandon EVERYTHING of value that you originate just because they greedily seized it, and tried to wring money out of it to add to their wealth coffers?  Because they will NEVER STOP DOING THAT.   Ever.

YOU just pay attention to what YOU'RE doing, because they will never stop being THEM.

4.) Kimberly C. Ellis (@drgoddess) published "Why 'They' Don't Understand What Black People Do On Twitter." 

Muhammad Rasheed - lol Why would you even bother?  Again the only reason they are interested is in their effort to analyze the data to monetize for their own ends and then pretend they invented the unique way you do it that breathed life into the site.  Why hand that analysis over to them for free?  For what?

5.) [VIDEO] Footage Reveals Alton Sterling Wasn’t Holding A Gun When He Was Killed By Police

Muhammad Rasheed - Regarding the comments asking to take down the ‪#‎AltonSterling‬ murder videos: History has shown that the one event that finally triggers a massive movement of much needed change is always heralded by decades... sometimes over a century... of building tension. You NEED to look at it. We all do. For HIM it feeds his trophy-collecting evil heart, but for YOU it feeds your justice. ‪#‎EatUp‬

6.) Muhammad Rasheed - This is the Trump daughter which he proclaimed to the world that he wanted to have sex with, right? Yeah, okay. lol Interesting that you’d refer to that as “empowering” her.  Because to me I would more accurately consider it “failing to keep your Neanderthal genes in check.” FYI... I’ll advise you all not to brag about such things, as it really doesn’t leave the impression on outsiders that you imagine it does.   #GiftFreebie

John Justin Green
- Woke? What pretense is this? Just a part of wanting to keep separate and hostile as a gand or cult. Thats fine until you start encriaching on others boundaries. You csn have your special and secret language. You can live as you wish. But if you ever let your own bullshit convince you it is right to trample across the boundaries onto what belongs to me or my fellows, then you will have a real fight.

M. Rasheed - You're babbling, John. It's the cartel of European powers that colonialized the non-white lands to sate their bottomless pit of greed... enslaved their competition to build their enormous wealth and sacrificed countless Black & Brown lives to the Euro-ethnic mammon idol. Your effort to paint yourself as the victim, or the white-hatted Good Guy of history will not work here on my turf. I see you.

The "special language" is not for you and your ilk, so don't worry yourself over it.

John Justin Green - Was thinking how angry you are and how much effort you put into demonizing white people or western culture. Rebel rousing. You once posted we fear you and yours in that you are taking back what we stole via various mistreatments. It is an ugly idea. I do fear you but it is the fear of a wild animal. A wolf. I do not thing you are civilized. I think your manage a facade and not convincingly.

M. Rasheed - Should I not be angry? Even a casual glimpse along the timeline of Western history reveals only your sabotage, ne'er ending subjugation and terrorism of my people for your own material gains. What would be the point of pretending history is different than this other than to deliberately attempt to produce an instant resentment in me? Have a care.

I have never demonized Whites and Western culture; they've done that themselves by their actions on the world stage. The attempt to tack the behavior onto me as if my shining the spotlight upon this truth is somehow the origin of it, is typical of the treachery and ("forked tongue") lies your folk are famous for.

Don't bother to respond, as I expect only more of the same.

M. Rasheed - John Justin Green wrote: "You once posted we fear you and yours in that you are taking back what we stole via various mistreatments."

It's true. You fear the karma that you have coming in the event of the Baton of Power switching hands again, with "eye for an eye" and all of that. By my calculations you have about five centuries of debt building on your account. The fear of this is your not-so-secret nightmare... it screams forward like a blaring noise at your every deed... and goes a long way towards explaining why you have zero tolerance for even the very idea of competing on an equal playing field with the Black Race. Why else would you sabotage the effort at every single chance since Reconstruction?

John Justin Green - You presume to know history and my mind alond with a whole race of mens' minds. What you have decided to see as truth is a select bit of writing. That generally is not going to be a true reflection of the past. It is just as sensible to believe in big foot and many do. Or in a plethera of other tales with supernatural or self grandizing spins for the pleasant effect it has on the mind of the teller and his fans. What you think is a load of shiit. People, included your own favorites, are pretty uniform in being nasty abusive manipulative monkeys. You are devolving back into the animal eith all this complex weave of rationalization. You are a shitty monkey as are we are all at our cores. You can not elevate yourself or what you call your people as long as you pretend to be better than that ugly reality. And it is all a descision we make yo see beauty or ugly. Try to love the ugly. It makes it go away. Right now you are wallowing in filth of your own devising. I could easily portray my forefathers as slave which r hey were and were mistreated more brutally that yours. But it is not of use to do so when you want to rise above the animal nature. I think you are pretty hopelessly delusional. But what the heck. I post not to upset you but to declare what I know after you declare such garbage.

M. Rasheed - lol Do you recognize that the confused denial of a low-ranking peon does not negate the insightful conclusion?

I reject all of your heinous advice. Please feel free to share your thoughts here, but refrain from attempts to teach me, advise me, or contain/control how I choose to express myself as I do not respect the effort, and resent the attempt. Thank you.

John Justin Green - We need to argue better. Stop with all the commonts about other peoples motives. This is impossible to know and not your business. We can not establish a motive unless the owner declares it. And stop declaring what my thought or feelings are. I actually have a love for you but regard you too often as a wayward child. Not that you can declare. I will also not assume yiur motives even if I suspect something. It would be best to explore motives by asking about them. I have an idea about blacks which is good and would lime to share it. But it would almost certsinly be taken as offensive by you. Can you curb that? It would help with exchange and clarity if such alarming emotion could be shelved for a brief time.

M. Rasheed - John, when you step into my lair and start running your mouth, I then add the data to my database for analysis, and then speculate as to what it may mean. I post the resulting conclusions to give you the opportunity to confirm or deny, preferably using well-thought out counter arguments. Your whining tantrums fail to move me. I told you to bring your A-Game. I meant it.

Okay, let's see... so far you've implied a few times that you don't consider me fully human, a concept I've already known about Whites in general. I find it rather frightening that you'd consider your proposed "idea about blacks" to be "good," but admit to a morbid curiosity as to what it may be. Go ahead. Let's hear it. *tenses up*

MkWasikowski -

MkWasikowski - The group with the worst record of slavery, Muslims.

M. Rasheed - "Worst" in what way exactly?

MkWasikowski - Worst in quantity, duration and in the fact it is still on going.

M. Rasheed - Notice that the Euro-ethnic White still considers me a subhuman as a hold over from the race-based chattel era?  The Arab at least never did that, and follows the Old World, pre-Atlantic Slave Trade slavery model, and takes slaves from every race and ethnic group. For all his faults, he never dehumanized me as justification for perpetuating slavery in "The Land of the Free."

Don't forget, there are Black Arabs.  ("Arab" is an ethnic group, not a "race").

M. Rasheed - Slavery has always been among the human species. The European engaged in the most savage, evilest, most hypocritical version in human history... so bad that the world demanded you stop it. Can you imagine that?  Humans have taken part in slavery since the beginning of the species, yet when the savage White does it, it was so HORRIBLE it literally shocked the world.   And your people STILL treat me like dirt as residue from those days.  Still.

Meditate on that fact before you start getting delusionally self-righteous with me, please.

Mk Wasikowski - It was the northern part of the USA that was fed up and shocked enough to fight against the souths slavery.   No other nations were involved.  Secondly I'm glad to see u have learned something from me mainly that slavery has been with humans for a long long time.  Third it was the south working with Africans that were willing to round up and sell their similarly pigmented Africans that made the slave trade what it was not the Europeans.  Fourth The south used a monotheistic Abraham based religion to try to prove god was on their side, and that slavery was ok.  Fifth Some white people are racist most are not.  Some black people are racist most are not. But, if people are often treating you like dirt mabye you need to look at yourself and consider why.  It might not be your race they object to.  Finally I find it very interesting how such a  universally evil image mirrors the look of a burka.

M.Rasheed - Mk Wasikowski wrote: "It was the northern part of the USA that was fed up and shocked enough to fight against the souths slavery."

There were several Northern states (NJ, for example) that held onto slavery well pass 1865 because there were so many industries that either used slave labor directly, or through investing in Wall Street companies that relied heavily on slave labor, as major income streams.

Mk Wasikowski wrote: "No other nations were involved."

Involved in America's decision?  The political debate involved intellectuals from all Western nations, feeding the conflict.

Mk Wasikowski wrote: "Secondly I'm glad to see u have learned something from me mainly that slavery has been with humans for a long long time."

An odd thing to say since I never learned that or anything from you. Slavery has always been among us, but certainly not the specific, "peculiar" kind that the American Western society practiced. 

Mk Wasikowski wrote: "Third it was the south working with Africans that were willing to round up and sell their similarly pigmented Africans that made the slave trade what it was not the Europeans."

lol That's an ignorant lie. The truth is that in the beginning, Africans did trade with Europeans in slaves since slavery was normal in the world markets, but once Europe turned it into Corporate Big Business, with the typical jockeying for monopolies over the market that we know today, all of that changed. And it didn't take long. Soon the slave takers starting enslaving their African business partners, too, and as soon as the treachery became known, everyone stayed away from the coasts.  The White slave takers spent most of the slave trade period venturing slowly into the interior and warring with isolated villages to enslave them all. The typical tactic was to give them free barrels of rum, and come back late at night when they were all drunk so the battle would be easier.

Mk Wasikowski wrote: "Fourth The south used a monotheistic Abraham based religion to try to prove god was on their side, and that slavery was ok."

The "Ham's Curse" story was altered from its Torah version into a new translation that justified the Blacks' permanent enslavement.

Mk Wasikowski wrote: "Fifth Some white people are racist most are not."

The evidence strongly suggests that "some are not" as opposed to "most."

Mk Wasikowski wrote: "Some black people are racist most are not."

I promise that if your people stop oppressing my people at every single opportunity, I will stop being prejudiced towards you. #PinkySwear

Mk Wasikowski wrote: "But, if people are often treating you like dirt mabye you need to look at yourself and consider why. It might not be your race they object to."

Your people treat me like dirt because you lust after monopolies of power and don't want the competition from other world empires. An even playing field is your worst nightmare.  You also fear a karmic payback scenario should the Baton of Power changes hands again. When I look at myself and consider why, the reason you treat me like dirt is because the story that the uncouth racists among you tell about me, isn't true at all. You fear my power, because you don't want to share dominion of the globe with me.

Mk Wasikowski wrote: "Finally I find it very interesting how such a  universally evil image mirrors the look of a burka."

That "insight" means nothing to me, and oozes more ignorance from you.


  1. Woke? What pretense is this? Just a part of wanting to keep separate and hostile as a gand or cult. Thats fine until you start encriaching on others boundaries. You csn have your special and secret language. You can live as you wish. But if you ever let your own bullshit convince you it is right to trample across the boundaries onto what belongs to me or my fellows, then you will have a real fight.

    1. You're babbling, John. It's the cartel of European powers that colonialized the non-white lands to sate their bottomless pit of greed... enslaved their competition to build their enormous wealth and sacrificed countless Black & Brown lives to the Euro-ethnic mammon idol. Your effort to paint yourself as the victim, or the white-hatted Good Guy of history will not work here on my turf. I see you.

      The "special language" is not for you and your ilk, so don't worry yourself over it.

  2. Removed a second copy of the first comment. Was thinking how angry you are and how much effort you put into demonizing white people or western culture. Rebel rousing. You once posted we fear you and yours in that you are taking back what we stole via various mistreatments. It is an ugly idea. I do fear you but it is the fear of a wild animal. A wolf. I do not thing you are civilized. I think your manage a facade and not convincingly.

    1. Should I not be angry? Even a casual glimpse along the timeline of Western history reveals only your sabotage, ne'er ending subjugation and terrorism of my people for your own material gains. What would be the point of pretending history is different than this other than to deliberately attempt to produce an instant resentment in me? Have a care.

      I have never demonized Whites and Western culture; they've done that themselves by their actions on the world stage. The attempt to tack the behavior onto me as if my shining the spotlight upon this truth is somehow the origin of it, is typical of the treachery and ("forked tongue") lies your folk are famous for.

      Don't bother to respond, as I expect only more of the same.

  3. John Justin Green wrote: "You once posted we fear you and yours in that you are taking back what we stole via various mistreatments."

    It's true. You fear the karma that you have coming in the event of the Baton of Power switching hands, and "eye for an eye" and all of that. By my calculations you have about five centuries of debt building on your account. The fear of this is your not-so-secret nightmare... it screams forward like a blaring noise at your every deed... and goes a long way towards explaining why you have zero tolerance for even the very idea of competing on an equal playing field with the Black Race. Why else would you sabotage the effort at every single chance since Reconstruction?

  4. You presume to know history and my mind alond with a whole race of mens' minds. What you have decided to see as truth is a select bit of writing. That generally is not going to be a true reflection of the past. It is just as sensible to believe in big foot and many do. Or in a plethera of other tales with supernatural or self grandizing spins for the pleasant effect it has on the mind of the teller and his fans. What you think is a load of shiit. People, included your own favorites, are pretty uniform in being nasty abusive manipulative monkeys. You are devolving back into the animal eith all this complex weave of rationalization. You are a shitty monkey as are we are all at our cores. You can not elevate yourself or what you call your people as long as you pretend to be better than that ugly reality. And it is all a descision we make yo see beauty or ugly. Try to love the ugly. It makes it go away. Right now you are wallowing in filth of your own devising. I could easily portray my forefathers as slave which r hey were and were mistreated more brutally that yours. But it is not of use to do so when you want to rise above the animal nature. I think you are pretty hopelessly delusional. But what the heck. I post not to upset you but to declare what I know after you declare such garbage.

    1. lol Do you recognize that the confused denial of a low-ranking peon does not negate the insightful conclusion?

      I reject all of your heinous advice. Please feel free to share your thoughts here, but refrain from attempts to teach me, advise me, or contain/control how I choose to express myself as I do not respect the efforts, and resent the attempts. Thank you.

  5. Why the hell does this page post twice all the time? We need to argue better. Stop with all the commonts about other peoples motives. This is impossible to know and not your business. We can not establish a motive unless the owner declares it. And stop declaring what my thought or feelings are. I actually have a love for you but regard you too often as a wayward child. Not that you can declare. I will also not assume yiur motives even if I suspect something. It would be best to explore motives by asking about them. I have an idea about blacks which is good and would lime to share it. But it would almost certsinly be taken as offensive by you. Can you curb that? It would help with exchange and clarity if such alarming emotion could be shelved for a brief time.

    1. John, when you step into my lair and start running your mouth, I then add the data to my database for analysis, and then speculate as to what it may mean. I post the resulting conclusions to give you the opportunity to confirm or deny, preferably using well-thought out counter arguments. Your whining tantrums fail to move me. I told you to bring your A-Game. I meant it.

      Okay, let's see... so far you've implied a few times that you don't consider me fully human, a concept I've already known about Whites in general. I find it rather frightening that you'd consider your proposed "idea about blacks" to be "good," but admit to a morbid curiosity as to what it may be. Go ahead. Let's hear it. *tenses up*

  6. I cant have an a game in a disjointed setting. Simply due to a lack of ability to retain pieces of a conversation. So you will have to cope with my limits. Human fully you are. I do not recall you ever yet understanding my messages. Humans are nasty animals which you are obviously unless your pretensions overpower reason. The goal of achieving something more than this animal nature is what religeon is about. Except it seems that one has been devised to cleverly aapease the animal nature instead of rise above it. You are seduced by that. Islam has two faces. One is respectful of others and the other is not worthy of any recognition as being religeon. You can move between these faces and that is a big problem. It makes the whole not trustworthy. Blaming whites is low animal nature. Just as a child blames others for his own outcomes never wanting to fix it on his own always looking for a way to make others carry the burden. What do you think makes you black? Try 23andme and you will find genetics is not so meaningful. Skin color? I say it is your descision. You want yo play victim. That is my suspicion.
