Saturday, September 30, 2017
[MEME BATTLE] Just to Set the Record Straight - 99% versus 1%.
Muhammad Rasheed - I found the above meme on Facebook, and thought it would be fun to respond to it from the 1%'s point of view:
Thursday, September 28, 2017
In Self-Defense II: Protesting the Protesters
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Inspired by this chilling, classic 1876 cartoon. |
Henry Fu - The way I look at it is I defended the right of spoiled rich athletes who never knew a day of real oppression in their pampered lives to protest our country and our flag."
Muhammad Rasheed - They are protesting the systemic racism that oppresses their entire group, it doesn't matter if they were given a piece of the vast wealth they generate for the team owners or not. Remember, one of these "spoiled rich athletes" was recently roughed up by a cop after the MayMac fight for no other reason than because he was a Black man.
The "spoiled rich athletes" comment leaves the impression that you feel the money bought their silence fair-n-square, bought the stoppage of their belief that Black lives matter, and bought their allowing the continued oppression of their people.
Wallace L. Garneau - They are protesting the wrong things. American Apartheid
Muhammad Rasheed - You believe they shouldn't protest the continued subjugation and exploitation of their people? Why?
Wallace L. Garneau - I did not say that. I said that they are taking the wrong side.
Muhammad Rasheed - The football players are taking the wrong side?
Wallace L. Garneau - Yes. Read the article. It spells it out clearly.
Muhammad Rasheed - lol What if I disagree with your article? Did Jesus write it?
Muhammad Rasheed - Stand by...
Muhammad Rasheed - Wait... YOU wrote it!!
How come you can't just sum this up here?
Muhammad Rasheed - Alright, hold on (this better be good too).
Muhammad Rasheed - Wallace L. Garneau wrote: "African Americans had been moving north in great numbers to seek better economic opportunities than were available in the South."
They were also escaping the terror inflicted on them by white supremacist groups during the height of the lynching era.
Wallace L. Garneau - Economics had a lot to do with it too. You are right though that active persecution, which was worse in the South, was also a large factor.
Muhammad Rasheed - Okay, so your article lists some of the items that aid in the systemic racism that oppresses Blacks (conspicuously omitting the many housing-based confidence scams like redlining and gerrymandering directly responsible for the enormous wealth gap between the races), but you think the athletes are wrong for peacefully protesting the oppression of their people.
I don't get it. Was this just a trick to get me to read your article?
Muhammad Rasheed - Both the GOP and the Demos are responsible for items that make up components of systemic racism, and both parties represent the USA, symbolized by the flag and anthem the activists direct the symbol of their kneeling.
They are protesting the oppression of their people.
Muhammad Rasheed - Is the point of directing me towards your article, Wallace, to vilify the Democrat Party?
The "wrong side" you alluded to was just a partisan rival comment. The African-American's political opinion can be found on both sides of the aisle, and their needs as special interests can be managed by either. The trick is that the ethnic group needs to come together as a political group inside of which ever party makes the most sense to do so under (naturally I would suggest they do so under the Democrats since the post-Southern Strategy era has left the GOP openly hostile towards them).
The bottom line is that their protests aren't a partisan issue, it's a justice issue -- the systemic racism at the nation's core was put there by both parties. Which one of them is going to help them remove it?
Wallace L. Garneau - Why percent of African Americans voted for Hillary Clinton? Republicans are not hostile to African Americans. We are hostile to the policies that are oppressive to our inner city communities.
Muhammad Rasheed - There's a greater percentage of Black votes going towards the Democrat Party because of the overt hostility the GOP has displayed towards them in recent decades, especially since the Southern Strategy of Reagan recruited the anti-civil rights white conservative Southern Democrats to the GOP team en masse.
Muhammad Rasheed - That's the party that the modern white supremacist subscribes to when he bothers to play the partisan politics game at all.
Muhammad Rasheed - Do you deny this?
Ethan Hauber - The Southern Strategy isn't what you think it is. THE MYTH OF THE RACIST REPUBLICANS
Ethan Hauber - The only racist Democrat that "switched sides" was Strom Thurmond, and that was after renouncing his racist views.
Wallace L. Garneau - I do deny it. African Americans started voting primarily Democrat in the early 1930s, and white Southerners began voting primarily Republican in the 1980s. Neither switch occurred when the 'big switch' supposedly happened.
Ethan Hauber - What's ironic is that the New Deal was a pretty explicitly racist set of policies that excluded blacks.
Phillip Standridge Sr. - I just got home from the Congo a few days ago. Maybe you would like it better there. I wouldn't stay were I'm not wanted. I hate that we have mistreated so many of you.
Muhammad Rasheed - Wallace L. Garneau wrote: "...and white Southerners began voting primarily Republican in the 1980s."
You deny that the GOP has been actively hostile to Blacks, while admitting that the very white supremacists Blacks migrated up North to escape began voting Republican in the '80s like I said.
I don't understand what it is you're supposed to be denying.
Muhammad Rasheed - @Phillip... The old "Go back to Africa!" response, eh? That's Racism Classic. Maybe you should've left this one to the more civilized of your group? #ItsBetterToRemainSilentAndBeThoughtAFool
Muhammad Rasheed - @Ethan... "Ironic" to what? Didn't I say that BOTH the GOP and the Dems have racist blood on their hands a few times now? I thought I was clear that the activist kneeling was a whole systemic racist protest, and not a narrow partisan one? Please note that Kap's kneeling didn't begin under the Trump Admin.
Ethan Hauber - The Democrats have a history of overt regulations that took black competition out of the market as well as state expansion. Walter Williams column: The welfare state's legacy
Ethan Hauber - Also, I'm not a Republican, just for future reference.
Muhammad Rasheed - So what's the point of bombarding me with anti-Democrat rhetoric?
Muhammad Rasheed - Since the kneeling item ISN'T a partisan issue, then what ARE you arguing exactly?
Wallace L. Garneau - @Muhammed... The places in the South that went Republican were the urban centers - not the country. It was a reduction in racism in the South that flipped it Republican.
Muhammad Rasheed - Ethan's article: 1.) "the GOP deliberately crafted its core messages to accommodate Southern racists."
2.) "the GOP captured the core of the Southern white backlash vote"
They admit this while still proclaiming it's a "myth," and then go about trying to spin it with socio-political commentary to convince the reader that what they admitted actually happened, was actually a myth. lol
John Chrabuszcz - Haha, Bennett was not roughed up. He lied. It's on film.
Muhammad Rasheed - @John... New Police Body Cam Footage Of Michael Bennett Arrest Released
Ethan Hauber - @Muhammad Rasheed... because I'm not a Democrat either. I'm an Austro-Libertarian Anarcho-Capitalist.
Muhammad Rasheed - So you're neither a Republican nor are you a Democrat, and you believe bombarding me with anti-Democrat rhetoric, in perfect imitation of a GOP true believer, is a sensible response to my support of the very non-partisan activist peaceful protest.
Ethan Hauber - I will say this: Libertarians always have the best interests of people in mind.
Muhammad Rasheed - I know what the Libertarian ideals state from my research (I'm particularly moved by Rose Wilder Lane's famous work in the literature), but the members of the Libertarian party and friends certainly haven't done a good job of demonstrating those ideals in the last decade.
Muhammad Rasheed - Why would I wish to partner with a group whose members regularly espouse the same anti-Black rhetoric of my active enemy during the darkest days in American history?
Muhammad Rasheed - Your vision and ideals for the nation do not align to my own. I'm suspect of your version of "best interests."
John Chrabuszcz - @Muhammad Rasheed... still don't see roughing. He ran from cops, he's being detained. I'll bet there's thousands of guys who ran from police who wish they were roughed up like that. I won't argue with your premise but this is a weak case.
Muhammad Rasheed - Unlike you, John, I'm not inclined to trust a cop's word after all they have shown. They'll have to earn it. Currently they stand at a tremendous deficit.
Ethan Hauber - "Libertarians spouting anti-black rhetoric."
Lol where?
Ethan Hauber - You cannot minimize state sanctioned violence without first minimizing the state.
Muhammad Rasheed - The most high-profile ones were in Dr. Paul's newsletters, remember?
Ethan Hauber - The ones that he literally had nothing to do with and wasn't aware of the existence of until the media got wind of it?
Muhammad Rasheed - That's just the clean-up effort to save the Revolution propaganda train.
Ethan Hauber - Not an argument.
Muhammad Rasheed - lol Of COURSE it is. A lie, is a lie, is a lie, Ethan.
"Fool me once, shame on you..."
Urvy Jaramillo - Meanwhile, blacks killing blacks and other races are ignored and as long as they kill each other, they don’t have to take knees.
Muhammad Rasheed - There's crime in every ethnic group's poor communities, but what's relevant here is that there are dozens and dozens of organizations working on controlling your favorite "black-on-black crime" political talking point. In fact, the Black urban area crime has been on a steady decline for years, with a huge jump during the Obama era.
Funny how you are unaware of these facts while pretending you know so much about Black people. Thanks for supporting the cartoon's message.

Urvy Jaramillo - @Muhammad Rasheed... Actually, I’m not supporting your message, race baiter
Muhammad Rasheed - lol You're supporting the message of the character IN the cartoon.
Thanks for playing.

James Cox - Hey bro what about how black people oppress themselves far worse than anybody else does about 90% of us are killed by own people most of us will not marry hot women after impregnating them, don't love and train our children .That's the worst oppression my brother God bless you. I also believe you criticized One race for oppression and ignore what your own base do to each other that kind of makes a person a racist does it not because it's discrimination based upon race. Criticize the the white and ignore what the black is doing to themselves, Which is far far worse, kind of cruel to me my brother.
Muhammad Rasheed - The well-read and wise "bro" will recognize the items you are listing are the effects of the systemic racism designed to keep Blacks vulnerable for exploitation. You have to think deeper. The LAST thing you need to do is listen to their spin on anything.
James Cox - Mr Muhammad Rasheed I will share one more thing with you and I'm finished God bless you sir people do what they do because of the spirit they have in them it is either God or the devil the devil all of us I mean all of us have one of those Spirits in US the devil's not going to act different because of the color of the skin he inhabits he's going to do the exact same thing as white, black ,yellow brown Chinese Russian-American, black white is the same brother. Whatever you upset and blaming white people for blacks will do the same exact thing just like all mankind will but the devil is the devil my brother that's the only difference it never has been and never will be by the color but always about a spirit you the child of God of child of the devil we are all the same God bless you again my brother.
Ethan Hauber - @Muhammad Rasheed... you haven't debunked anything regarding Ron Paul's lack of involvement in those newsletters.
Because it makes sense that an anti-war activist who said racism is collectivism would write those.
Muhammad Rasheed - "Debunked?"
I just don't believe him or his true fans. Should I?
Muhammad Rasheed - I have ZERO faith in y'all's word. #SpeaksWithForkedTongue
Ethan Hauber - Look into some quotes and policies by Gary Johnson. Also, explain why black communities are plagued by singe parent homes after years of federal subsidies and lack of free market competition.
Muhammad Rasheed - I already know Gary Johnson.
Black communities are plagued by the various arms of systemic racism's effects. This is a bipartisan evil. It will continue until Blacks learn to come together as a powerful bloc, and use the force of their political might to tell their representatives "what to do" in order to get what they need for long-term success.
Muhammad Rasheed - James Cox wrote: "Whatever you upset and blaming white people for blacks will do the same exact thing..."
You're saying that because Black people have the capacity to potentially turn around and subjugate, terrorize and exploit whites as has been done to them, that I should just stop talking about it and allow whites to continue to subjugate, terrorize and exploit my people unopposed?
That seems to be the gist of what your point was. If so, you must not expect me to do anything with it except show it to my friends and mercilessly ridicule both it and you. I'll give you 24 hrs to clean it up.
Henry Fu - Growing up Asian I faced racism and bias from both blacks and whites. There will always be someone that don't like you because of your race, sex, creed, or whatever. Spending your time trying to prove a case of systemic racism is a poor waste of your precious time because yes, there are people who wont like you. So what? I spent my time focused on my career and family and I am happy and grateful for the success I have had with both. You should try the same.
Muhammad Rasheed - I don't have to prove it, Henry, it is self evident. The bad guy of our story has taken pains to pretend he isn't maintaining that systemic racist system that benefits only him, but his efforts are sloppy in his arrogance. I don't need to prove it, just discuss it. Silencing people who want to talk about this great evil is part of his strategy.
I reject his strategy. The USA's most enduring evil will never go away if the oppressed agree to remain silent like cowards. You think being a coward in the face of evil will make me happy? lol I thought you were a soldier?
James Cox - @Henry Fu... Amen bro.
Henry Fu - Yes, systematic racism exists along with systematic bias against short people, systematic religious intolerance, etc. etc. Point is, you will waste your life spending your time consumed with the boogeyman. Better approach is simply to acknowledge it exist, move on, make your own life better.
Muhammad Rasheed - You are unaware of what "systemic racism" actually is. It is a tactic that deliberately prevents the Black community from building up wealth over generations, that deliberately widens the wealth gap between Blacks and whites using real estate/housing scams, political disenfranchisement, and non-economic liberalism. I am in the middle of a war, and your misinformed opinion of it, and dismissal of decades of research cannot help me.
Henry Fu - It is the government and the virtual plantation holding hostage the black community. It is the self-victimization of the mind. The more you focus on finding the boogeyman as the reason for your failures, the least likely you will get ahead.
Muhammad Rasheed - Getting ahead isn't about me, it's about my entire ethnic group. Fighting against "the boogeyman" is the only righteous work in front of me. You've already explained that you prefer cowardice over the fight, and that's fine. That's your path and you may have it. I reject your offer to take it on for myself. I have to look into my family's faces every day. Cowardice is not my portion. No, thank you.
Rodney Norton - That’s a lie Muhammad, & there lies the problem. There tape proving Michael Bennett is a flat out liar. Notice it hasn’t been brought up lately. It’s just put in the column of bad cops, poor innocent mIchael. Same goes for mIchael Brown. Who in their right mind goes after a cop, or tries to run from them? It’s about personal decisions, not skin color. There are cases and the should be prosecuted If found guilty. Busy Systemic? Nope.
Marv Gaby Mitchell - The issue of race is interesting. Currently a black child has more opportunities in life than a "white" child born today. We have laws to assist the black child in housing, education,employment, congressional representation and so much more. I get upset listening to how the black community is being oppressed by police? That's crazy, you act like a thug and yelling racism when you are treated as a thug? Besides, the facts do not support this claim. The black community is broken and no one is willing to acknowledge that fact. The crazy part to this is you can't discuss this issue with out being called a racist. The name racist is so quickly losing its sting as it continues to be abused. We need to do away with laws that divide us. We need to stop classifying ourselves by color. I am not a white male, I am an American!
Muhammad Rasheed - Please stop pretending you two are interested in any facts when all three of us know that is not so. All you care about is the spin of your partisan talking points that help you sleep better at night.
Muhammad Rasheed - Facts singes your skin the way holy water prolly does. Be honest for once. You'll release the burden in your souls. Such as they are.
Henry Fu - @Muhammad Rasheed... if you aren't willing to listen to reason and you refuse to read any real books on the topic then what exactly are you trying to achieve here?
Muhammad Rasheed - It's pretty clear at this point that you hold no reason to share, Henry. Did you not literally just dismiss everything I had to say in favor of willfully misinformed nonsense?
As I said, my point was to be heard.
Muhammad Rasheed - You know nothing of the topic of systemic racism, yet proudly labeled it "boogeyman" as if not knowing about something is a badge of pride.
Muhammad Rasheed - Is that what "reason" sounds like to you then?
Henry Fu - The dismissing is based on the fact that 1) you don't have any new facts to contribute, 2) you simply repeat the same propaganda over and over like some mantra. Tell me I'm wrong.
Muhammad Rasheed - 1.) You are unaware of any OLD facts on the topic, so your charge is laughable at best.
2.) We all repeat the same "propaganda" over and over, since the issues remain the same. I won't ever ask you to tell me I'm wrong since you've proven to be unqualified for the task.
Muhammad Rasheed - Marv Gaby Mitchell wrote: "The black community is broken and no one is willing to acknowledge that fact."
"Systemic racism." Pretty sure I acknowledged that a few times.
Muhammad Rasheed - Rodney Norton wrote: "Notice it hasn’t been brought up lately."
It's going to court. Bennett is going to sue the crappola out of those people. Good for him. I hope it destroys them, and they're forced to build an entirely new police dept. from the ground up.
David Dylan - While this cartoon points out one aspect that has some veracity, it does not get to the core of the matter and as such won't be an effective tool to educate. Admire your style & skill though.
David Dylan - If I may make an observation; the 'capitalist' figure is an archetypical 'eternal jew', I assume unintentionally. That caricature type needs to die. Picture included for reference.
Muhammad Rasheed - In the comment, you see where it says "Inspired by this chilling, classic 1876 cartoon" followed by a link under it? Click the link, then you may safely put to rest any 'archetypical' fears you've manufactured.
David Dylan - I did say unintentional.
I could be inspired by a 1800-ish cartoon, and NOT draw a 'coon' stereotype. If someone points out internalized marginalization, self-crit and do better. Going on the defensive is not the way.
Muhammad Rasheed - It's not only 'unintentional,' but your claim is actually wrong. The cartoon is designed around the caricature of the savage white trash hick in the 1876 cartoon who slaughtered the baby because his barbarity was triggered over the freeing of Blacks from slavery. Since a white cartoonist drew him -- and I can safely presume white people know what other white people look like from genuinely legitimate personal experiences -- I mimicked his caricature in order for my own gag to work, as it is obviously a critique against the general European ethnic's crimes against my own people.
Your "Jewish stereotype" comments are entirely without merit here. You may safely lay them to rest.
David Dylan - Fine. Be a racist. Talk over marginalized people who point out a goof you made. *shrug* But the stereotype, unintentional or not, still exists.
Muhammad Rasheed - ???
Muhammad Rasheed - Who's marginalized?
Muhammad Rasheed - My people are the most marginalized ethnic group in Western society. No one else comes close. Who are you trying to raise above me in the marginalized order by deflecting away from that truth? Who?
Tell me.
Muhammad Rasheed - I am no racist, David. What an odd charge.
Muhammad Rasheed -
"As a Black artist, you are henceforth only allowed to draw white men depicted looking like Brad Pitt. Any depictions that favor James Montgomery Flagg's "Uncle Sam" character have been randomly and suspiciously determined to look too much like an obscure stereotype. Any violations of this rule may lead to disciplinary actions to include whippings, lynchings, and/or forceful applications by branding of the 'anti-semite' label."
Muhammad Rasheed - (anti-Black racism is very arbitrary I've noticed)
David Dylan - The 'eternal jew' is not an obscure stereotype, it's as prevalent as the 'coon' stereotype, and predates it.
If you're told you accidentally perpetuated a form of marginalization, and you refuse to take that on board, you're perpetuating that marginalization. Your own marginalization is no excuse for marginalizing others.
Racism is a term that can have multiple meanings. One is the internalized attitudes from centuries of racism in society. I'm pointing out that you are marginalizing. You've gone on to talk over and erase.
Kudo's. Your refusal to address the issue makes you part of it. Either address that, or I'll be sure to not trust you as an ally. Your call.
Muhammad Rasheed - I reject your mercurial definition of 'racism' and your marginalization philosophy as a bullying tactic in the effort to turn me away from a subject that you don't want publicly explored. You should know that the bullying you are displaying in this thread makes you suspect as a potential ally in any direction. Your threat is both noted and dismissed.
Muhammad Rasheed - What do you think is the core of the matter, David? From my research, what the character is saying is 100% the root cause of the Western World's enduring race problem: The hoarding monopoly of wealth & power by the white conqueror class.
David Dylan - That's too complex an issue to put in one pane. The cartoon suggests it's _currently_ an active effort, and that's just not the way it is, it is far more complex than that. As it stands, the cartoon suggests a conspiracy theory, and seems to use a Jewish archetype. So, as I said before, I see what you're getting at, but it's not quite working yet. There's what you intend to say, and what your audience will see. Those are two different things.
Muhammad Rasheed - 1.) It can certainly be broken down further into more and more detail; the cartoon just sums up the root cause core of the matter.
2.) It's 100% currently an active effort to continue the blight of white supremacy in every possible way, that has indeed been ongoing for the last 150 yrs without a break. Racism is an economic exploitation system that has generated the obscene amounts of wealth the dominant class owes its successes to, and there's no way the ruling elite would ever deliberately let that money machine go. Ever.
3.) There is no conspiracy. What the cartoon describes is all out-in-the-open documented factual information available to anyone that actually chooses to care to learn about.
4.) The "seems to use" portion of your comment is a manufactured fiction as I explained earlier. You may safely discard it as it is a fallacy of irrelevance.
5.) Please note that art is famously subjective as filtered through the endlessly varied background lenses of the viewers. Some people get it, others have to work to get it, others get defensive and instantly argumentative when they see it, and others want the politicians to rethink Freedom of Speech when they see it. And numerous other response types between and beyond. That's the beauty of art. As an artist, I have embraced it. :)
Muhammad Rasheed - You never did say what you considered the core of the matter to you, David. Care to share?
David Dylan - It really goes too far to update my thesis on this subject here. Suffices to say that while all this is certainly a major factor, it's not the only factor, and the idea that it was done purposely does not hold up, given that things evolved over decades and centuries. That is not to say that groups and individuals did not have their economic interests at heart, it's just a _very complex topic_, as is evidenced by your own internalized racism and refusal to address it.
Your little splaining about art notwithstanding; satire is indeed a divisive thing that stirs up emotion, and it should be. This, however, is no excuse for _getting it wrong_. There is a difference between pissing off people because you refuse to self-crit, or pissing off people who you satirize effectively.
A reader who sees this cartoon, without your knowledge of its origin, WILL see an 'eternal Jew'. Either fix it, or not. But marginalization due to inaction is as bad as active marginalization.
Muhammad Rasheed - 1.) The cartoon is a summary of the root cause core issue. It wasn't designed to be a comprehensive 28 week course on the subject, David. Your gripe is unreasonable.
2.) White Supremacy was 100% done purposely, as the global leaders of the colonialist powers were in documented contact with one another, encouraged and advised each other on their subjugation/terror/exploitation techniques, and did so with a chilling air of "So what?" It doesn't "hold up" to what exactly? Your wishes and feelings? Considering you aren't read up on the subject, or pretending you aren't.
3.) When did I make the claim that it wasn't a complex issue?
4.) lol I have no internalized racism. I'm only interested in drawing from the facts of history to express myself in my art. That's all. Please stop projecting your triggered tantrum on me.
5.) I reject your "getting it wrong" comment as a bullying attempt to deflect me away from a subject that makes you uncomfortable. I don't like bullies, David. Please stop. You're only "pissed off" because I'm not intimidated by your bullying tactic. You may as well knock it off. Or pay me my Reparations. Choose.
6.) I expect all readers to see all art through whatever their personal lens filters it through. This is normal. I would be a fool to change my art every time someone got triggered or strategically faux-squawked whenever they viewed it. I suggest you stop your bullying efforts as I don't play those games. As an artist, I support Free Speech and the artist's right of self-expression through the medium of choice. As a Muslim artist I support those Charlie Hebdo jackasses' right to draw/publish whatever they wished unmolested by my triggered opinions. Take the hint, stop bullying me, and grow up. Thanks.
7.) Your "marginalization/inaction" is babbling that does not move me. Keep it.
Scott Moroz - Bullshit
Muhammad Rasheed - "Moroz." Is that Spanish or Portuguese in origin? It's interesting.
Scott Moroz - It Russian for frost. My grandfather changed it to that when he was on Ellis island
Richard Sherman - @David Dylan... He's deeply anti-Semitic. Any stereotype of Jews is fully consciously done and fully within his arsenal of unreasonable racist hatred.
Muhammad Rasheed - I'm not an anti-semite just because you like to call me one. Try harder, you.
Richard Sherman - You ARE an anti-Semite, and you have no ability to take constructive criticism from your peers, or from anyone, it seems. This puts you in a sociopath category. Which does not surprise me, at all. As an editorial cartoonist, you make a great plumber.
Muhammad Rasheed - No, I'm not an anti-semite. I take constructive criticism all the time. I also have the right to defend my work when people say things I disagree with.
I know you're used to only viewing editorial cartoons that support the way you think, so you think an opposing view's cartoons are somehow not done correctly by default. That demonstrates your own immaturity, Sherman, and your lack of tolerance and sophistication in the arts. I'll wait for you to catch up. How old are you again?
Muhammad Rasheed - "I also have the right to defend my work when people say things I disagree with."
This is a VERY important concept you need to learn to understand. I am under zero obligation to swallow as truth whatever you feel like allowing out of your mouths. Please adjust your spoiled white entitlement attitude down to normal human levels.
Richard Sherman - @Muhammad Rasheed... Once more, your racist, bigoted attitude covers you, like a blanket. You do NOT accept criticism. Your arrogance won't allow you to. Instead, you justify sub-par work with frothy emotionalism and bullshit. Your artistic talents are excellent. Your editorial skills are not. It's an area to work on and to seek advice about from people who actually get paid to do it. There is no shame in asking questions. The stupidity comes in thinking you know all the answers.
I don't expect you to understand what I've written. Your blind hatred and racism simply won't allow it. But one can hope.
Muhammad Rasheed - Richard, you are a white conservative that supports anti-Black views, who is known for slinging around the 'anti-semite' label as a deflection tool from his own dirt. This is what you've revealed about yourself from our many battles, and yet you believe your opinion of my editorial work isn't over-biased.
I don't hate anyone, and I am not an 'anti-semite.' At this point I don't believe you know what the word "racist" even means so I'll leave that.
Muhammad Rasheed - I understand what you write more than you do. :)
Richard Sherman - LMAO! I love how self-important you are. That kind of mental illness is actually kind of refreshing to see, since it's mostly only written or conjectured about. But here you are- a full-blown narcissist! How excellent! I am not a conservative, I do not support anti-Black views, and I don't sling around the anti-Semite label, except when it comes to you. You're own wriggling around and deflecting is what's the most amusing, and, may I say it- fascinating. I've read about soulless people like you. I cannot imagine how that must feel- to be completely and emotionally constipated; cut off from others as you are. Damn! I hope that you have chosen to leave your body to science for study, once you're passed. A real, dyed-in-the-wool sociopath is a rare find.
Muhammad Rasheed - Richard Sherman wrote: "I love how self-important you are."
You don't believe you come across as "self important" whenever you get mad because I don't accept your opinions as law? Why is it different for you then?
Richard Sherman - Oh, this tap dancing is fun to watch.
Muhammad Rasheed - You know, it's pretty sociopathic to go around putting that cackling emoji on all my posts, right?
Muhammad Rasheed - Are you alright? Did you skip your meds again?
Richard Sherman - Not when it applies.
Muhammad Rasheed - When your sociopathy applies?
I don't think that's a thing, Sherman.
Muhammad Rasheed - Go to bed. You're drunk.
Richard Sherman - The whole white privilege thing is so 20th century. Get a new catch phrase. One that's relevant and doesn't stem from victimhood.
Richard Sherman - I haven't had a drink in almost 28 years! You're killing me, here!
Muhammad Rasheed - You deny the effects of white supremacist racism in society, but believe all of your slur labeling is true, while saying I'm playing victim but saying you are not.
And you don't consider your typical hypocritical double-talk to be sociopathic, eh?
Muhammad Rasheed - Well, if you aren't drunk then it means you are the sociopath. I was trying to help. *shrug*
Richard Sherman - IF you had a clue, and didn't base all your arrogance on the idea that other people somehow owe you something, I MIGHT take you seriously. But since the only card you keep playing is that you're some poor victim of a white conspiracy, all I can see is a laughable clown. You have talent, i'll grant you that. But you're a victim. So that talent will come to nothing in the end. And when it does, you'll blame that on somebody else.
Muhammad Rasheed - You absolutely support right-wing conservative views (do you think I DON'T see what you 'Like'?), you do support anti-Black views (see: your "victimhood" comment above), and you weaponize the 'anti-semite' label to cover your faults.
Richard Sherman - Awwwww. Poor Muhammad. So misunderstood.
Muhammad Rasheed - I already know you deny white supremacy and your part in it because you fear the Reparations program. That wasn't hard to see.
I hope it's paid out in our lifetime so I get to see your tantrum. :)
Muhammad Rasheed - I'll prolly be able to hear you screaming from here...
Muhammad Rasheed - "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! MY PRECIOUS MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Richard Sherman - You keep looking to the people you hate to take care of you. Be a man. Stand on your own feet and quit looking for a hand out.
Muhammad Rasheed - lol
Muhammad Rasheed - ^anti-Black views of Richard Sherman manifesting again.
Muhammad Rasheed - You know you just strung together at least 3 GOP partisan talking points, right?
Muhammad Rasheed - You forgot the "bootstraps" line though.
Muhammad Rasheed - You can prolly just switch out "Stand on your own feet " for it and... VOILA! Perfecto!
Richard Sherman - Victimhood is like a disease. As long as you continue to think like a victim, you will always harbor resentments against people whom you believe have more than you and undeservedly so. You are unable to see that you alone are responsible for you. And as long as you keep looking to the government and your Party to help you, they will continue to disappoint you. Leave the victimhood behind you. If you can. I'm betting you can't.
Muhammad Rasheed - You just copy/pasted that tripe from the other thread.
Muhammad Rasheed - I see you have now fully assimilated into the GOP Borg Cube.
Muhammad Rasheed - Fascinating.
Richard Sherman - Because it applies, dipshit.
Richard Sherman - What a waste.
Muhammad Rasheed - You also started name-calling again, too. Are you going to repeat your projection of the name-calling charge on me like the last time?
Muhammad Rasheed - The GOP do that easily when they get frustrated, you know.
Muhammad Rasheed - I only stayed to play with you because Dylan blocked me and I can't see his posts, and thus the thread is spoiled anyway.
Muhammad Rasheed - I don't think it can get MORE spoiled with your foolishness in it, but you prolly could pull it off if I allowed it.
Richard Sherman - IF I was GOP, you might be able to make a case. But I'm not. I'm a Constitutionalist. Look it up. Not that a boot-licking democrat toady would understand free thinking.
Dylan blocked you! LMAO! LMFAO!!! What a truly smart man.
Muhammad Rasheed - Shut up. You're a GOP. You talk like one, think like one, and get triggered by all the same stuff.
Muhammad Rasheed - Own it, Borg.
Richard Sherman - If YOU allowed it. Thank you for admitting your narcissism.
Good bye, Muhammad.
Muhammad Rasheed - This is my thread, Sherman.
Muhammad Rasheed - Duh.
Richard Sherman - Stay on that Democrat plantation, victim.
Muhammad Rasheed - ^Another GOP talking point insult.
Richard Sherman - No insult, simply the truth, democrat.
Muhammad Rasheed - You read directly from the GOP Playbook.
Muhammad Rasheed - While denying you're a GOP.
Muhammad Rasheed - lol
Muhammad Rasheed - Explain.
Muhammad Rasheed - Actually, don't bother. I have something better.
You noticed that Dylan, in his commitment to cowardice, continuously ducked my "core of the matter" query? Perhaps you'd care to pick that up for me?
Richard Sherman - You read directly from the DNC playbook. They tell you jump, you jump. They tell you vote, you vote. They tell you complain, you complain. They tell you who to hate, you hate that person. they tell you anything, and you roll over and do it. You're a toady. A democrat toady. And for what? Other than promise you all sorts of free stuff, what have they actually DONE to earn your allegiance? You're a joke to the DNC. A worker bee that can be bought off with baubles and trinkets and promises that will never be kept. You ARE a victim. a willing victim. That must really suck to be you.
Muhammad Rasheed - What do you think is the core of the matter, Richard? Since you don't believe in anti-Black racism.
Richard Sherman - The core of the matter is that you have been duped and used and abused by the very people you thinkwill save you. The core of the matter, Muhammad, is that you and I both know you're smarter than that. Your anger comes from being used as a tool of the politican carpetbaggers who promise so much and then laugh at you behind their hands when you actually expect that they'll deliver. You have put your faith in the wrong people, and it's a damned shame.
Muhammad Rasheed - We've already had that Democrat discussion, and it's nice to see that you literally retain nothing we discuss, but prefer to regurgitate the same canned responses to everything. But you have the nerve to get confused when I roll my eyes and groan when I see your sociopathic head pop up in these threads...
Richard Sherman - Nice tap dance, that.
Muhammad Rasheed - Shut up. You didn't even understand it.
Muhammad Rasheed - So to you, the root cause of the entire racism issue boils down to the wrongs of the Democratic Party?
Richard Sherman - You are really not all that hard to follow. Being unclever and all.
Muhammad Rasheed - The GOP didn't have a part at all then?
Muhammad Rasheed - Tell me.
Richard Sherman - I'd direct you to American history, but I know you wouldn't bother with it.
Muhammad Rasheed - Just answer the question based on your own understanding.
Muhammad Rasheed - You believe anti-Black racism was cured decades ago, right?
Muhammad Rasheed - At least.
Richard Sherman - Anti-Black racism. You don't even know where that began! Which Party formed the KKK? Which Party started the Jim Crow Laws? Which Party Maintained segregation?
Muhammad Rasheed - You believe that the charge of racism from Blacks is a politically manipulative fiction, right?
Richard Sherman - Which Party started the NAACP? Which Party formed the ACLU? Which Party fought for civil rights?
Muhammad Rasheed - I'm just looking for clarification of your position right now.
Muhammad Rasheed - You believe that the charge of racism from Blacks is a politically manipulative fiction, right? Yes or no?
Richard Sherman - That charge is not fiction, it comes from the very Party YOU belong to. Damn it, man! Think for yourself! READ!
Muhammad Rasheed - That the Democrats are the bad guys in the two-party system. This is your official opinion, yes?
Muhammad Rasheed - No need to get upset. I'm just looking for clarification of your position right now.
Richard Sherman - Not my opinion, history. Your denials will come from your opinions, now. Your uneducated opinions.
Muhammad Rasheed - Only you can tell me what your position-stance is.
Muhammad Rasheed - So you believe all of this to be true, yet you earlier denied affiliation with the GOP, despite all of your opinions aligning to theirs with laser-like accuracy.
Richard Sherman - I can't make it any clearer than i have. History speaks for itself. You can live in a fantasy world and hate all the wrong things, or you can dop some real research and find out the truth. Both will be painful, but only one will end the pain.
Richard Sherman - I am not a Republican. I ws for a brief time. Just as I was a Democrat for a brief time. I find BOTH Parties to be too similar, and their methods too close to be coincidental. I have divorced these two Parties. On the other hand, you are neck deep in a Party that hates you.
Muhammad Rasheed - You literally just contradicted yourself, but whatever.
Richard Sherman - Hardly a contradiction.
Richard Sherman - But whatever.
Muhammad Rasheed - 1.) Dems = bad guys
2.) GOP = good guys
3.) "They are too similar."
But okay. lol
Muhammad Rasheed - You realize that good and bad are opposing opposite forces, yes? Or nah? lol
Richard Sherman - LBJ, upon signing his Great Society welfare State into action, remarked, "This will have those N****rs voting democrat for the next 200 years."
They are NOW too similar.
Muhammad Rasheed - Don't worry about it, I know the real reason you believe as you do. You may keep your shallow political smokescreen. It's not needed here with me. I get you. ;)
Richard Sherman - What, exactly were the benefits to the people affected by that Great Society? Yet LBJ is a hero to you.
Muhammad Rasheed - LBJ is no hero to me. He schemed with the civil rights second stringers to sell out my people. So no thanks.
Muhammad Rasheed - This is more of your universally applied canned response shit btw.
Richard Sherman - That veneer of denial is melting. Eventually, you'll look all this stuff up. It may take you years to do so- wasted years, i might add- but when you finally do, you're going to be even more pissed for having been so long a deliberate fool.
Muhammad Rasheed - We've already had this discussion, yet you're typing at me like we've never met before.
Richard Sherman - @Muhammad Rasheed... Yet, every time you vote Democrat, you are fulfilling his words. The democratic party is the Party of George Wallace, Jim Crow, LBJ, and segregation.
Yet you are a Democrat loyalist. Blind, pitiful, naked and afraid. But you'll learn, someday.
Muhammad Rasheed - Because in order for your shallow smokescreen to work for your song-n-dance, you NEED me to fit the role you have designed your rhetoric for. So you never hear me.
Richard Sherman - @Muhammad Rasheed... Again the misunderstood and overlooked victim? You deserve LBJ.
Muhammad Rasheed - I've long ago decided not to waste my time with you as if you are a real debate partner. You at least noticed that the other day, yes?
Muhammad Rasheed - lol I just told you why I don't consider LBJ my hero, and yet here I find you trying to force him down my throat.
That's not textbook sociopathy to you? Hm?
Richard Sherman - I don't notice much, really, of what you write. It's tedious, and unoriginal. I think you're wasting your artistic talents, but that's only because you're a victim. You revel in his Great Society. You embrace everything he stood for. You're a democrat toady. I pity your ignorance.
Muhammad Rasheed - You NEVER hear me. Ever. Yet you think I should take all your ("racist/anti-semite") labels seriously. lol
Muhammad Rasheed - Richard Sherman wrote: "I don't notice much, really, of what you write."
Except when you get triggered and have a hissy-fit. That's the "much" part, right?
Richard Sherman - awwwwwwwwwwwww. Muhammad's frustrated and feeling impotent. Tel it to your DNC congressperson. Maybe tey'll listen. LOL!
Muhammad Rasheed - ???
Muhammad Rasheed - What?
Richard Sherman - Carry your complaints to the DNC, since you adore them, so. See what they do with them.
Muhammad Rasheed - Richard, I just took the time to explain why I don't take you seriously, and think you are the very sociopath you charged me as. What about that equals I'm frustrated and impotent because Richard Sherman lacks human social skills and maturity?
Muhammad Rasheed - You're getting tiresome again.
Muhammad Rasheed - Okay, it's time to go. I have more cartoons to draw. Hopefully they'll trigger you just as much. That way I'll know they're successful.
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Attack of the Trolls
fatkafir - Here's one for you M. Rasheed: Give me one verse in the Quran Hadith or sunnah that preaches respect and love for the kufar!
Muhammad Rasheed - ???
Who are you? Do I know you?
Muhammad Rasheed - You want me to find a verse with God instructing the believer to respect and love those who have rejected God and prefer hell?
No such verses exist. The closest thing to it was when God told the believers not to make fun of the idols of the pagans because it would only encourage them to slander the One God, and Allah didn't want to hear it.
BasimaFaysal - Of course you don't respect and love non-Muslims.
Muhammad Rasheed - I respect and love believers in the One God who are not Muslims. Allah said you don't specifically have to sign up to Islam to win paradise.
Those who reject the One God altogether -- the unrepentant hellbound -- are a different matter.
BasimaFaysal - Sure, you only love and respect people who believe the thing you believe.
You're programmed.
Muhammad Rasheed - Is this your official attempt to get me to change my mind? lol
Christians and Jews who are sincere in their belief, and strive to please the One God have earned my love & respect. I have no beef with them.
BasimaFaysal - No. It's illegal for you to find fault in Islam or leave it. Penalty of death. Ciao.
Muhammad Rasheed - 1.) There is no fault in Al-Islam.
2.) Allah said "there is no compulsion in religion," therefore the "legalities" have nothing to do with it.
Actually, the 'apostasy laws' are hold-overs from the European colonialist period. They 100% have nothing to do with the faith itself.
BasimaFaysal - Just as I said. It's illegal for you to even acknowledge fault in it.
Muhammad Rasheed - I read what you said, that's why I dismissed it. Here ya go: Why Blasphemy Laws Are Actually Anti-Islamic
Try harder, please. Your empty words alone do not move me since I'm actually read-up on the topic.
BasimaFaysal - You're a bit of an ignoramus if you don't know Muslims wrote sharia, not Europeans.
I'll assume you aren't and that you're a liar.
Muhammad Rasheed - The formerly-colonized Muslims carried over the Euro-colonialist's rules into their sharia works. You should get out and read more. Try it.
BasimaFaysal - Muslims must be retarded to make sharia - the law of Islam- from the infidel unbeliever laws.
You lying joker.
Muhammad Rasheed - People have often built up bureaucratic institutions around the Word of God that conflict with the Word itself. I agree it's certainly a 'retarded' trait. That's why the prophets came to correct them, and realign the people back to the Word.
lol I'm not 'lying' nor am I joking. I happen to be read up on the topic. That trumps your sloppy professional trolldom. Please work harder at challenging me. Is there a Level II anti-Islam troll course you can certify in?
BasimaFaysal - Oh, what prophets came to correct the sharia after the stupid Muslims copied if from the Europeans?
Muhammad Rasheed - Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the prophet that came to realign the people back to the Word after the previous guardians molested it. He is the last. Fortunately the 'scholar' bureaucrats confine their foolishness to sharia, and it doesn't spill over into the Qur'an itself. Therefore, the believers merely have to bypass sharia and go straight to the unmolested source. You may consider that one of the Qur'an's miracles in action. Similar to the unmolested spider web story? Like that.
Muhammad Rasheed - Will that be all?
BasimaFaysal - Sure. Muslims scholars ruined Islam by basing it not on Quran or Muhammad but by copying European laws! And it's all corrupt except Quran!
I don't need to hear from you again.
Muhammad Rasheed - The Qur'an is the Word of the One God of Abraham -- the final scripture in the revealed sacred canon. It is perfect and protected.
lol You're the one that keeps reaching out to me, remember? Presumably trying to 'trip me up' using only your uniformed hateful opinions. I suggest you upgrade to the Anti-Islam Hatred Course: Level II if you hold hope of actually challenging me on this stuff.
fatkafir - Hey mr Rasheed, bearing in mind Mohammad was a complete arsehole and Allah, if he did exist, would be the same. Point is to the verses in your holy books that show peace and respect for the kufar. Prove to us that Islam is peaceful!
Muhammad Rasheed - You're not using "bearing in mind" correctly, considering I reject any and everything you believe to be true about the subject. #DoOver
So basically you're going to create a straw man effigy based on your willfully uninformed understanding of my faith, and expect me to conform to it? Such a discussion would necessitate first the toppling of your straw man, and then an explanation of what makes Islam the religion of peace.
fatkafir - If Islam were peaceful then it would instruct peace rather than destroy everything and let everyone who doesn't want to play part burn
Muhammad Rasheed - This post of yours demonstrates without doubt that you have no idea what the Qur'an actually instructs about the matter. Or perhaps you do, but you've been instructed to ignore those facts by your anti-Islam troll farm trainers.
Melody Winfield - So what's that guy do? Change his name to pretend like he was someone else?
Melody Winfield - @Muhammad... do you know anything about the Bible?
Muhammad Rasheed - Is this a "love thy enemy" related question?
Melody Winfield - No. I wanted to know if you know why there is a 400 plus year gap between the old and new testament. Been, trying to research it. They claim that God didn't have anything crucial to say during that time. Which is ridiculous. Help me out here.
Muhammad Rasheed - Who's "they?"
Muhammad Rasheed - 1.) God anointed prophets to reorient the people after they had strayed from the Straight Path. When and where this was needed varied, so it could be as soon as a generation, or centuries.
2.) It was the people's prerogative as to how they were going to record the Word of God that the prophets preached to them. Some just passed it down in song as an oral tradition, some chiseled it into stele, and others wrote it on carried scrolls, made of either papyrus or parchment. Some didn't try to keep the information for posterity at all, and only passed it on to the next generation or two as a loosely formed, and quickly forgotten, family creed.
3.) John the Baptist (peace be upon him) was a messenger of the One God, but other than the very brief account mentions of him in the New Testament and in the Qur'an, we have no detailed understanding of his entire mission. Should we? I think that's a case of "hindsight = 20/20 vision." Of all the humans who were worthy of detailed studies of their lives, it's those folk, but the people who received their message didn't always take that concept as seriously as they should have.
4.) Other people outside of the Semite nations received messengers from the One God, too, but they also didn't always consider it important to make a detailed recording of what they received, or if they did, the info did not survive the various cataclysms, such as the destructive force of European Imperialism.
These are basically the reasons why our record of the One God's revealed scripture isn't as comprehensive, detailed, and ultra thorough as it should be, in my opinion.
Melody Winfield - YOU know who THEY is!
Melody Winfield - I figured you could answer the question if no one else could. I'll read the Qur'an after I finish the bible. I still have so many questions. And yes I do think you should "love Thy enemy". But, I know for a fact that it is so much easier said than done. Love is the strongest weapon that we have against hate. But, you have to know how to use it, to implement it. I don't think humanity is there yet. I'm not sure that that level of consciousness will ever be achieved by man. Not in this life.
Muhammad Rasheed - I believe in the "love thy enemy" concept, but I recognize it was never designed as a universally applied principle per its scriptural context. The Christ Jesus, son of Mary was sent with a very specific message to a very specific people: The children of Israel. This was a people who already knew the Word of God, who had already been instructed in scripture, but their practical application of its precepts had devolved into a cold, legalistic religion devoid of the reflected mercy and compassion of that scripture's Divine Author. As is usually the case in a system in which a powerful wealthy elite rule over the common masses, it was the least powerful of society who received the brunt hateful coldness of all legalistic decisions. The lessening of mercy always flows top-down, you see. So when Jesus said to "love thy enemy," he wasn't talking to the people who were getting stoned, but to the self-righteous jackasses doing the stoning, as his admonishments were often directed towards the more powerful in society. He told them to 'turn the other cheek' when they felt a slight which came with forgiving the poor of their debts, forgiving the starving when they were forced to steal bread, forgiving those who in having a harder time in life, were more likely to violate societal offenses. It was difficult for his people to love the lower classes, because the wealthy & powerful are often aloof and hard-hearted of those they feel themselves better than, and it was to the rich among the children of Israel whom the Christ was sent to deliver his instruction.
"Love thy enemy" was never designed as a universal principle applicable to everyone, but it does have a clear application in the modern Western society. The dominant, powerful class of our day have proven scientifically incapable of feeling empathy towards groups they also hold in disdain, as undeserving of the material blessing that the rich hoard from them and treat as their enemies. To those wealthy and powerful who claim Western Christianity as their doctrine even as they wage class warfare against the poor minorities, they should know that Jesus' instruction to "love thy enemy" was directed specifically towards their ilk.
Melody Winfield - You cannot effectively oppose the enemy if you do not truly love him. Love is light. Darkness loses its power in light. Love is not just about empathy. Love is not just about how you feel about someone. It is a way of walking, establishing, taking your seat in the world. That is probably why it's so difficult to put into practice. If Jesus had acted on his feelings he would have run when they came to arrest him.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jesus told his disciples to fetch swords in anticipation of the enemy's arrival. He actually planned for his own 'love' to take on a battle-like form, before his companions fell asleep on him. Obviously the Christ's love was prepared to free the oppressed by shedding blood, no different than his anointed patriarchs had done.
Can you love someone without the ability to feel empathy?
Muhammad Rasheed - It's pretty clear that the instructions of the oppressor class are what turned the focus of the "love thy enemy" doctrine in the opposite direction in order to keep the slave enslaved, and to protect his precious hoarded wealth. It also explains why Jesus was rejected as the messiah during his lifetime by the very people waiting for him to show up.
Melody Winfield - Empathy is vital in loving someone. But, love involves waaay more than feeling empathy. When you speak of love taking on a battle like form, love does indeed involve battle. That's how I know that the enemy can be defeated with , by and out of love.That's what Jesus did, defeated the enemy.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jesus' mission was to preach the Word of his Lord. He accomplished this successfully, which was why his people got triggered. Outside of that, I cannot agree that his enemies were defeated within his lifetime.
Melody Winfield - True. As a matter of fact he conceded to his enemies. Muhammad Rasheed God did not intend for him to defeat his enemies in his lifetime. That was one of the purposes of the second coming. The purpose of his dying on the cross was to give us protection from our own enemies--ourselves. He achieved this quite effectively on the spiritual realm. Most don't try to access this benefit though even though it's available to everyone. Organized religion does not really help their members and congregation to access this benefit either. That's why the church has failed.
Melody Winfield - Oh...when I say Jesus defeated the enemy, I'm talking about the spiritual enemy-the devil.( Always gotta have the last word. Doncha Muhammad Rasheed)? LOL!! (Jes' kiddin').
Muhammad Rasheed - Jesus, along with all the countless other messengers, will return on Judgment Day to bear witness for/against those people they preached to during their lifetimes. This is the event that the "Second Coming" doctrine is based upon.
Our job as believers is to take the Word that the messengers preached, and use it as a Guide to adhere to the moral-righteous Straight Path of God. That's all. Sincerely striving to do so with patient perseverance while believing in the One who made us is all that is necessary for our salvation, and is how we strengthen our souls from the spiritual link. The benefit of Organized Religion is to codify the Word as lifestyle, to enable the believers to walk it out in an "idiot-proof" fashion. They do so through varying levels of success, with the simplest ones tending to be ones closest to the mark. The religious institutions that failed are the ones that allowed greedy bureaucrat elitists to take over and lead the people away from The Path.
Muhammad Rasheed - The adversary will be defeated on Judgment Day when it is finally tossed into hell. It has been granted respite until then. Our job as believers is to use the Word as a shield ("It is written...!") and resist the temptations it utters lest we go astray.
Melody Winfield - Ok. So, what about indigenous people who never hear the word?
Muhammad Rasheed - The One God said that ALL the peoples of the earth received a messenger to instruct them in scripture and wisdom. Some we were told their tales, most we were not told of.
Muhammad Rasheed - The best example of this truth is in the story of the Great Flood.
Melody Winfield - Ok.
Muhammad Rasheed - Note that every people on earth have a "Noah figure" in their "myths" that warned them of the cataclysm, and who were told by God to guard their knowledge, pairs of animals, food, and the few believers who heeded the warning. Noah (peace be upon him) was both a real historical figure, as well as an archetype of a world-wide group of savior messengers during the time.
Melody Winfield - You strive to walk the path primarily through the discipline of strengthing the spirit. Spreading the word is our main job but you do it by talking as well as setting example.
Melody Winfield - Yes! That Noah thing is happening about now isn't it? But, is Noah considered a profit?
Muhammad Rasheed - How can someone who built a big-ass boat during a centuries' old dry season not be considered a prophet?
Melody Winfield - Ok...You didn't have to say it like that Muhammad Rasheed! He's not the only one who builder boats in dry season centuries ago!
Melody Winfield - Uh, was he?
Muhammad Rasheed - No, but all of them didn't build boats. For example, in Turkey, their prophet built an underground system of catacombs where the saving items were stored. It exists today miraculously.
Melody Winfield - Wow!
Melody Winfield - How long ago?
Muhammad Rasheed - [ARTICLE] Gobekli Tepe: The World’s First Temple?
Melody Winfield - Ok. Reading now.
Muhammad Rasheed - Super old. The Great Flood started 12,800 yrs ago in the Younger Dryas event, so the localized events that the different prophets had to deal with could have taken place at any time thereafter.
They dealt with super floods, "nuclear" winters, and all kinds of other cataclysms that were varying aspects of that one great 1,300 yr old event. Each prophet dealt with an aspect of it.
Melody Winfield - Interesting article but, they aren't even sure what the structure is.
Melody Winfield - Ok. Reading again. Will be back a little later to respond.
Muhammad Rasheed - They aren't "sure" because it conflicts with their model of human history. They don't believe in the One God and the bible and all of that, you know? You have to analyze the raw data through your own research. Chances are they will simply not study it, and will allow the info to just disappear into the Aether of Eurocentric scientific neglect, the way they did the Nabta Playa site.
Sunday, September 24, 2017
Notes While Observing: Driving the Narrative of 'Whiteness'
1.) "Could The Beguiled have taken a more unflinching approach to the history of the Civil War–era South and its lingering scars that affected black people most acutely? Undoubtedly. But Coppola isn’t the filmmaker to do so — her greatest strength and weakness has always been her myopia. More broadly, I find this obsession with making every film intersectional to be misguided. As Ira Madison aptly put it for the Daily Beast, 'We should demand that studios and producers give those opportunities to black filmmakers instead of looking for meager scraps from white people who don’t fully grasp our stories and will portray them horribly.'” ~Angelica Jade Bastién; How The Beguiled Subtly Tackles Race Even When You Don’t See It (10 July 2017)
2.) “This world is all about branding and marketing. The number one branders in the universe is the United States. They made United States seem like it’s the best place in the world to be. It’s the land of the free, home of the brave… I go there to finally chase my dreams. We have to be able to tell our own stories. Directors, film makers, entertainers – it’s going to be clearly (and the press) it’s going to be your job to redefine how people think about Africa. Because you’re here. You see what’s going on. You clearly can see a vivid picture of the good, the bad and the ugly. What you choose to put out there is what the world is going to get. Because I can tell you right now, in Chicago alone, there’s more people dying in Chicago than there was dying in the war in Iraq. But you will never see that. There’s a lot of things that’s happening in the U.S. that you will never see because they choose to show you what they want you to see. It’s about country integrity. You have a certain reputation that you have to keep.” ~Akon speaks on rebranding Africa
3.) INTERVIEWER: "Obviously we want to try to find any positives we can as we go along."
FRANK MIR: "We're going to pull some strings for Conor, is what you're saying." *smirk*
~[Re: The aftermath of the Mayweather vs McGregor fight]
4.) ‘We only kill black people,’ a cop told a woman — on camera. His defense is that he was just being sarcastic and joking with her as a fellow white person; he was just trying to assure her everything was fine in an attempt to connect by making fun of SJW activists like BLM. Of course it was a joke. I believe him. But it was a joke at MY expense, to coddle becky's fake white fragility. Please note that Sandra Bland is DEAD. Yet they actually want me to feel sympathy for racist nazis when Antifa runs through to slap them upside the backs of their heads. Okay.
5.) Sam Harris and Ben Carson are the same character. Both of them hold high-level educations in difficult fields of study (neuroscience and neurosurgery respectively) that are known for how smart you have to be to pull them off. Both of them decided to abandon their fields, finding it easier and more lucrative to become socio-political commentators, using their "intelligent voice" to drive the narrative that their political bases want to hear. For Harris it's the post 9-11 anti-Islam agenda narrative, and for Carson it's the GOP's anti-Black partisan talking points. Both use their well-trained education skills to help fill in the gaps of their bases' narratives, and to convince the people that they are on the right teams. Both are very valuable mouthpieces for their bases' leadership class, able to 'talk that talk' in a way that sounds credible to the layman ear.
6.) The reason why the tale of 300 is celebrated in the West isn't because of the hyper-masculine heroism blown up by the works of Frank Miller and Zack Snyder. It's because of the symbolism it represented that the collective European ethnic tribes identify with. The 300 story represents the white race's ages old global war with the majority Black/brown people, that in the post-Darwin modern day includes the white's atheistic materialism versus Black/brown spirituality. During the colonialist era, the European conquerors would seize the records of the subjugated nations and send their lore back to Europe. The best and brightest of white intellectuals would decipher the materials, repackage them, and claim the works as their own inventions, formalizing a Western world trend began during the so-called "Greek miracle" period.
Interestingly, the European appears to have admitted to either a lack of talent for spiritual studies, or a disdain for them, as the British Royal Society stopped grouping theological texts with the hard science ones, eventually separating the subjects completely in their institutions of learning since the progress in deciphering confiscated esoteric works were not as forthcoming as those in high mathematics. Despite valiant efforts of European "mystics" to make heads or tales of the spiritual works of the Black ancients, groups like the Theosophists, Rosicrucians, etc., never managed to make the ambitious contributions to the stolen European canon they hoped to, and never shook loose their reputation as kooks, cranks and frauds based on the lack of follow through on their initial grand claims. Despite this utter failure to master matters of the spirit, causing the scientific community to officially declare the field fictitious, Hollywood still manages to cast the whitest white person in the universe for all high-level spiritual guru characters in recent films. Before they had little trouble conceding those roles to "magical negro" type characters, since they were confident that spirit must be fiction because they couldn't figure it out, but apparently the Dragon Ball Z generation of film makers must have decided to appropriate that, too, because they think it's cool.
In the original Doctor Strange story from Marvel Comics, the titular character's mentor figure called "The Ancient One" was depicted as an Asian man, but the movie cast a white woman in the role. Symbolically this change meant that the white elite no longer accepted the fact that they inherited their knowledge from the previous Black/brown civilizations, but were always the gurus of everything worthwhile in the entire body of human knowledge. EVER. This attitude means that, despite some token surface-level 'progress' identified with the 21st century socio-politic, racism has actually gotten worse, and if allowed, we may expect official public policy to reflect this.
7.) In Western Society, the figures that are celebrated at the highest levels are those that help fill in the gaps in the White Supremacist-Eurocentric historical narrative; that help clarify the tale in the way they wish the global populace to be indoctrinated. Everyone who is capable of aiding the "spin" sound better, smoother and more plausible/credible are raised up as heroes. The canon of Western "great books" is the collected tale of the 'Whiteness' narrative that the elite require everyone to believe as "truth," and are indoctrinated into young minds as high school and college "must reads."
Note that the collected, sorted, and categorized data of science is immediately hijacked by Western thought police, who hold the authority to determine how the material is interpreted, which is of course done solely through the lens of the "great books" narrative of 'Whiteness.'
In the works of two great Black scholars, Edward Wilmot Blyden's Christianity, Islam and the Negro Race (1887), and Dr. Carter G. Woodson's The Mis-Education of the Negro (1933), both came to the conclusion that the 'Whiteness' indoctrination is psychologically toxic to Black people, and they should instead develop their own cultural literature and celebrate their own accomplishments and heroes, striving for their own standards of what 'greatest' represents. Training children up in the false doctrine that only a completely different race than them is capable of being great, is a weapon of subjugation, not a 'truth' that hostile ethnic outsiders should be allowed to brainwash them with. Note that even though white families are allowed to peacefully teach their children whatever they like, Blacks are severely punished for attempts to escape The Matrix of 'Whiteness' indoctrination.
8.) The one thing the GOP does exceptionally well is thoroughly indoctrinate all class levels of the right-leaning conservatives with their political messaging, to the point where the Average Joe can talk the same rhetoric just as well as Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly. The Democrats don't even come close to matching the shear volume of socio-political commentators at all levels that the GOP (and overseas allies) spend a fortune on to make sure the message leadership wants the people to know is known, and known well. By contrast, the Democrat's weaker marketing attempts are often drowned out by the louder voice of their rivals, with the bipartisan distrust of the Trans-Pacific Partnership being a perfect example. Over the course of Barack Obama’s two POTUS terms, the liberal mainstream news programs failed to focus on the components of the president’s actual agenda towards building up the middle class:
9.) Editorial Cartoons are incredibly powerful for simplifying complex ideas, and moving the general consciousness within a smartly-planned propaganda campaign, so much so that the elite have all but silenced their voices. Greg Palast, the very brave investigative journalist who revealed the voter suppression scam, was fortunate enough to grab Ted Rall, one of the few working editorial cartoonists, to illustrate his book. Rall pointed out that after the massacre of the four cartoonists at the Charlie Hebdo offices, the surviving 25 cartoonists at the controversial French magazine still equaled the total number of editorial cartoonists working at all 1,350 American newspapers combined, and that number is shrinking. Among all the American news websites, there's only one that employs an editorial cartoonist. There's no secret as to why this should be. The 1% fear the wild card voice of the political cartoon inside of their carefully controlled indoctrination machine. Even in this environment, notice how they're a little more forgiving of powerful prose written by activists, despite how potentially damaging such pieces could be to their machine if such work really went viral as it should. Yet the 1% are much more frightened of the "1000 words" of the single editorial cartoon image that may get large media exposure.
All alternate media voices, but especially the editorial cartoons that the GOP fears the most, should be used to counter their well-funded big voice messages. I personally think it's impossible to do so while news distribution is linked to the profit margin, because small media companies and internet cartoonists cannot compete with the mega-corporate machine's bottomless pockets. The solution is to fund alternate news voices outside of the fickle flow of business' supply & demand rules. Or like the aforementioned Charlie Hebdo French cartoonists, and even the "troll farm" staff working for Vladimir Putin to infest the Internet with Russian propaganda, both groups are provided subventions to make sure the work is continued. This, or some other smart funding sources, is something that should be provided for editorial cartoonists to keep them aloft so that the big voice of the anti-citizen elite does not go unopposed.
2.) “This world is all about branding and marketing. The number one branders in the universe is the United States. They made United States seem like it’s the best place in the world to be. It’s the land of the free, home of the brave… I go there to finally chase my dreams. We have to be able to tell our own stories. Directors, film makers, entertainers – it’s going to be clearly (and the press) it’s going to be your job to redefine how people think about Africa. Because you’re here. You see what’s going on. You clearly can see a vivid picture of the good, the bad and the ugly. What you choose to put out there is what the world is going to get. Because I can tell you right now, in Chicago alone, there’s more people dying in Chicago than there was dying in the war in Iraq. But you will never see that. There’s a lot of things that’s happening in the U.S. that you will never see because they choose to show you what they want you to see. It’s about country integrity. You have a certain reputation that you have to keep.” ~Akon speaks on rebranding Africa
3.) INTERVIEWER: "Obviously we want to try to find any positives we can as we go along."
FRANK MIR: "We're going to pull some strings for Conor, is what you're saying." *smirk*
~[Re: The aftermath of the Mayweather vs McGregor fight]
4.) ‘We only kill black people,’ a cop told a woman — on camera. His defense is that he was just being sarcastic and joking with her as a fellow white person; he was just trying to assure her everything was fine in an attempt to connect by making fun of SJW activists like BLM. Of course it was a joke. I believe him. But it was a joke at MY expense, to coddle becky's fake white fragility. Please note that Sandra Bland is DEAD. Yet they actually want me to feel sympathy for racist nazis when Antifa runs through to slap them upside the backs of their heads. Okay.
5.) Sam Harris and Ben Carson are the same character. Both of them hold high-level educations in difficult fields of study (neuroscience and neurosurgery respectively) that are known for how smart you have to be to pull them off. Both of them decided to abandon their fields, finding it easier and more lucrative to become socio-political commentators, using their "intelligent voice" to drive the narrative that their political bases want to hear. For Harris it's the post 9-11 anti-Islam agenda narrative, and for Carson it's the GOP's anti-Black partisan talking points. Both use their well-trained education skills to help fill in the gaps of their bases' narratives, and to convince the people that they are on the right teams. Both are very valuable mouthpieces for their bases' leadership class, able to 'talk that talk' in a way that sounds credible to the layman ear.
6.) The reason why the tale of 300 is celebrated in the West isn't because of the hyper-masculine heroism blown up by the works of Frank Miller and Zack Snyder. It's because of the symbolism it represented that the collective European ethnic tribes identify with. The 300 story represents the white race's ages old global war with the majority Black/brown people, that in the post-Darwin modern day includes the white's atheistic materialism versus Black/brown spirituality. During the colonialist era, the European conquerors would seize the records of the subjugated nations and send their lore back to Europe. The best and brightest of white intellectuals would decipher the materials, repackage them, and claim the works as their own inventions, formalizing a Western world trend began during the so-called "Greek miracle" period.
Interestingly, the European appears to have admitted to either a lack of talent for spiritual studies, or a disdain for them, as the British Royal Society stopped grouping theological texts with the hard science ones, eventually separating the subjects completely in their institutions of learning since the progress in deciphering confiscated esoteric works were not as forthcoming as those in high mathematics. Despite valiant efforts of European "mystics" to make heads or tales of the spiritual works of the Black ancients, groups like the Theosophists, Rosicrucians, etc., never managed to make the ambitious contributions to the stolen European canon they hoped to, and never shook loose their reputation as kooks, cranks and frauds based on the lack of follow through on their initial grand claims. Despite this utter failure to master matters of the spirit, causing the scientific community to officially declare the field fictitious, Hollywood still manages to cast the whitest white person in the universe for all high-level spiritual guru characters in recent films. Before they had little trouble conceding those roles to "magical negro" type characters, since they were confident that spirit must be fiction because they couldn't figure it out, but apparently the Dragon Ball Z generation of film makers must have decided to appropriate that, too, because they think it's cool.
In the original Doctor Strange story from Marvel Comics, the titular character's mentor figure called "The Ancient One" was depicted as an Asian man, but the movie cast a white woman in the role. Symbolically this change meant that the white elite no longer accepted the fact that they inherited their knowledge from the previous Black/brown civilizations, but were always the gurus of everything worthwhile in the entire body of human knowledge. EVER. This attitude means that, despite some token surface-level 'progress' identified with the 21st century socio-politic, racism has actually gotten worse, and if allowed, we may expect official public policy to reflect this.
7.) In Western Society, the figures that are celebrated at the highest levels are those that help fill in the gaps in the White Supremacist-Eurocentric historical narrative; that help clarify the tale in the way they wish the global populace to be indoctrinated. Everyone who is capable of aiding the "spin" sound better, smoother and more plausible/credible are raised up as heroes. The canon of Western "great books" is the collected tale of the 'Whiteness' narrative that the elite require everyone to believe as "truth," and are indoctrinated into young minds as high school and college "must reads."
Note that the collected, sorted, and categorized data of science is immediately hijacked by Western thought police, who hold the authority to determine how the material is interpreted, which is of course done solely through the lens of the "great books" narrative of 'Whiteness.'
In the works of two great Black scholars, Edward Wilmot Blyden's Christianity, Islam and the Negro Race (1887), and Dr. Carter G. Woodson's The Mis-Education of the Negro (1933), both came to the conclusion that the 'Whiteness' indoctrination is psychologically toxic to Black people, and they should instead develop their own cultural literature and celebrate their own accomplishments and heroes, striving for their own standards of what 'greatest' represents. Training children up in the false doctrine that only a completely different race than them is capable of being great, is a weapon of subjugation, not a 'truth' that hostile ethnic outsiders should be allowed to brainwash them with. Note that even though white families are allowed to peacefully teach their children whatever they like, Blacks are severely punished for attempts to escape The Matrix of 'Whiteness' indoctrination.
8.) The one thing the GOP does exceptionally well is thoroughly indoctrinate all class levels of the right-leaning conservatives with their political messaging, to the point where the Average Joe can talk the same rhetoric just as well as Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly. The Democrats don't even come close to matching the shear volume of socio-political commentators at all levels that the GOP (and overseas allies) spend a fortune on to make sure the message leadership wants the people to know is known, and known well. By contrast, the Democrat's weaker marketing attempts are often drowned out by the louder voice of their rivals, with the bipartisan distrust of the Trans-Pacific Partnership being a perfect example. Over the course of Barack Obama’s two POTUS terms, the liberal mainstream news programs failed to focus on the components of the president’s actual agenda towards building up the middle class:
- Common Core
- The Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2009 (SAFRA; H.R. 3221)
- The TechHire Initiative
- The enforcing of anti-trust laws to prevent more cartels from stifling the mobile phone industry and the Internet
9.) Editorial Cartoons are incredibly powerful for simplifying complex ideas, and moving the general consciousness within a smartly-planned propaganda campaign, so much so that the elite have all but silenced their voices. Greg Palast, the very brave investigative journalist who revealed the voter suppression scam, was fortunate enough to grab Ted Rall, one of the few working editorial cartoonists, to illustrate his book. Rall pointed out that after the massacre of the four cartoonists at the Charlie Hebdo offices, the surviving 25 cartoonists at the controversial French magazine still equaled the total number of editorial cartoonists working at all 1,350 American newspapers combined, and that number is shrinking. Among all the American news websites, there's only one that employs an editorial cartoonist. There's no secret as to why this should be. The 1% fear the wild card voice of the political cartoon inside of their carefully controlled indoctrination machine. Even in this environment, notice how they're a little more forgiving of powerful prose written by activists, despite how potentially damaging such pieces could be to their machine if such work really went viral as it should. Yet the 1% are much more frightened of the "1000 words" of the single editorial cartoon image that may get large media exposure.
All alternate media voices, but especially the editorial cartoons that the GOP fears the most, should be used to counter their well-funded big voice messages. I personally think it's impossible to do so while news distribution is linked to the profit margin, because small media companies and internet cartoonists cannot compete with the mega-corporate machine's bottomless pockets. The solution is to fund alternate news voices outside of the fickle flow of business' supply & demand rules. Or like the aforementioned Charlie Hebdo French cartoonists, and even the "troll farm" staff working for Vladimir Putin to infest the Internet with Russian propaganda, both groups are provided subventions to make sure the work is continued. This, or some other smart funding sources, is something that should be provided for editorial cartoonists to keep them aloft so that the big voice of the anti-citizen elite does not go unopposed.
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