Tuesday, December 10, 2024

The Special Significance of 'Messiah' and 'Gospel'

Muhammad Rasheed

Benyamin Abramson,
orthodox Chasidic Jew from Israel;
historian and consultant
to the court in Jerusalem

Ibn Malik Al-Masih - Sounds like a pharisee ๐Ÿ˜‚

Muhammad Rasheed - The Pharisees rejected Jesus' messiahship, while the Muslims accept it. So, how is this particular Jew displaying Pharisee traits? The Muslims would never have schemed with the Roman government to try and have the Christ killed.

I think you people have replaced critical thinking with giggle emojis.

Ibn Malik Al-Masih - What is the work of the Messiah? What was His purpose really? Lemme see how knowledgeable you are about the Messiah.

Muhammad Rasheed - Ibn Malik wrote: "What is the work of the Messiah?"

To preach the Gospel to the lost sheep of the House of Israel; to return them to the Path of their forefathers and instruct them in scripture & wisdom.

Ibn Malik Al-Masih - So makes Him different from other prophets of that's the only work? And then every other prophets should be called messiahs.

Ibn Malik Al-Masih - What do you even mean by "the Gospel"?

Muhammad Rasheed - Ibn Malik wrote: "So makes Him different from other prophets of that's the only work? And then every other prophets should be called messiahs."

Bingo. #BeliefInTheProphets

"Messiah" means anointed one/chosen one. They were ALL chosen, were they not? lol

Muhammad Rasheed - Ibn Malik wrote: "What do you even mean by 'the Gospel?'"

The pure revelation God sent down to Jesus, that the latter preached to his people during his earthly lifetime.

Ibn Malik Al-Masih - So then why Jesus only was called the Messiah?

If the Gospel means "pure revelation..." As you defined it, does that mean every other prophet's "revelation" is Gospel, even your prophet, i.e Gospel of Muhammad?

Muhammad Rasheed - Ibn Malik wrote: "So then why Jesus only was called the Messiah?"

Because he was chosen as the Jew's last chance to be saved by a prophet from among their own—he was specially chosen just for them with a special miracle to test their faith—he was cut off from their precious patriarchal bloodline. The Comforter came later as the universal prophet for the gentiles.

Ibn Malik wrote: "If the Gospel means 'pure revelation...' As you defined it"

I didn't say the word "Gospel" meant pure revelation, Mr. Strawman. You asked me what did I mean when I used the term. The Gospel is a portion of the pure revelation that God sent to all the prophets.

Muhammad Rasheed - You giggle a lot. Is this your fentanyl addiction?

Ibn Malik Al-Masih - How do you mean specially chosen, for special miracle, was other prophets not specifically chosen with special miracles?

What do you mean He was cut off from their precious patriarchal bloodline?

By your definition, bro, Gospel is a portion... Still saying same thing, back to the question, if you claim Muhammad had some portion of pure revelation does that mean the quran is a gospel?

What does Gospel mean?

Muhammad Rasheed - Ibn Malik wrote: "How do you mean specially chosen"

Because the Christ didn't have a father—he was purposely cut off from his patriarchal bloodline, which is important for the children of Israel for their monarchy traditions. Without a father, they would be force to chose their king because of his righteousness as the messenger of God.

Of course, they failed that test.

Ibn Malik wrote: "What do you mean He was cut off from their precious patriarchal bloodline?"

Jesus didn't have a father, he only had a matriarchal bloodline.

Ibn Malik wrote: "By your definition, bro, Gospel is a portion..."

Jesus still expected his followers to keep the Law of Moses, remember? His Gospel was only a supplement, not a replacement.

Ibn Malik wrote: "if you claim Muhammad had some portion of pure revelation does that mean the quran is a gospel?"

No. The Qur'an is a full and complete Book, like the Book of Moses before it. The Gospel is the limited message sent specifically to the lost sheep of the House of Israel.

Ibn Malik wrote: "What does Gospel mean?"

The actual definition is "good news."

Ibn Malik Al-Masih - Are you afraid or angry at my giggle.

Focus on the question pls.

Muhammad Rasheed - Ibn Malik wrote: "Are you afraid"

Why would I be "afraid" of foolishness?

Ibn Malik wrote: "or angry at my giggle."

Why would I be "angry" at someone with zero knowledge who can't stop giggling like a lunatic?

Ibn Malik wrote: "Focus on the question pls."

You should focus on learning knowledge and stop being a performative clown who giggles because he has no real argument to counter with.

Ibn Malik Al-Masih - Thanks for answering those questions. Focusing on the Gospel for now...

But are you saying the quran is not Gospel because it is a full and complete book? Then why is it called Gospel ie. Good news?

Muhammad Rasheed - Only a portion of the Qur'an represents the limited Good News portion of Jesus' message to the children of Israel.

Remember, Jesus said he actually had much more to teach, but it would have to come after him, brought by the Comforting Spirit of Truth. That's what the Qur'an represents—a fuller explanation of the Law of Moses.

The Qur'an has a Good News message for the Jews, but it also has a warning and messages for the Christians, for the believers, for the fence-sitters, and for the pagans. It also has a special Good News message for those who love doing Good and who know God is real in their hearts.

Ibn Malik Al-Masih - Remember Melchizedek didn't have a father too, does that mean he was a messiah too?

Cut off from the bloodline, without a father the will be forced...??? But the whole Jews in Jesus' time regarded Him as son of David. So what do you mean they failed the test?

Ibn Malik Al-Masih - Ok, focus on those questions, ignore my giggles.

Muhammad Rasheed - Ibn Malik wrote: "Remember Melchizedek didn't have a father too, does that mean he was a messiah too?"

Messiah means "anointed one/chosen one." It has nothing to do with his patriarchal bloodline. All of the prophets are technically messiahs since God chose them all. Jesus' special title of messiah comes from him purposely being the Jews' last chance to have a messenger come to them from their own nation.

Ibn Malik wrote: "But the whole Jews in Jesus' time regarded Him as son of David."

Through whose bloodline? Joseph? Joseph was not his blood father.

Ibn Malik wrote: "So what do you mean they failed the test?"

According to your own religion, the Jews rejected Jesus and schemed to have him killed. Is that not a failure on their part?

Muhammad Rasheed - Ibn Malik wrote: "ignore my giggles"

Maybe you enjoy being a weirdo.

Muhammad Rasheed - You're all like that. You fill your knowledge void with giggle emojis. It's very strange. The less knowledge you have, the more giggle emojis you post. Every day.

Ibn Malik Al-Masih - You must be angry about the giggling... Just ignore it pls.

Muhammad Rasheed - How can I ignore it when you're filling up my Notification box with it?

Ibn Malik Al-Masih - So are you saying Jesus was the messiah because He was a last prophet to the Jews?

Where'd you get that?

Joseph was not His father by blood, but Jesus is known to be from the family of line of David... Therefore regards to that it became their knowledge that Jesus was from royal family isn't it?
Don't do Oliver twist bro, which test did the Jews failed exactly?

Muhammad Rasheed - Ibn Malik wrote: "So are you saying Jesus was the messiah because He was a last prophet to the Jews?"

I'm saying he was singled out to have that particular title because it specifically meant he was the final chance the Jews had to have the return of the Prophetic Monarchy (David & Solomon).

Ibn Malik wrote: "Where'd you get that?"

I can read and comprehend what I read.

Ibn Malik wrote: "Joseph was not His father by blood, but Jesus is known to be from the family of line of David..."

From Mary's bloodline? The matriarchal side? Or from Joseph? If it's from Joseph, then it's not real.

Ibn Malik wrote: "Therefore regards to that it became their knowledge that Jesus was from royal family isn't it?"

Whose bloodline is Jesus connected to David from? lol

Ibn Malik wrote: "Don't do Oliver twist bro"

You're the one in new territory right now, and you're obviously not used to working your own brain.

Ibn Malik wrote: "which test did the Jews failed exactly?"

They were challenged—spiritually—to accept the messiah as their King even though he didn't have a father, with no patriarchal tie to the crown. They were forced to accept his kingship through the prophetic office and righteousness alone, which is what God wants humankind to focus on in the first place.

Ibn Malik Al-Masih - Any true Christian who reads your answers will know that you are speaking total nonsense.

Muhammad Rasheed - The "true Christians" recognize that the messiah was only a human prophet, and not a divine entity. The true Christians are Muslims.

Ibn Malik Al-Masih - You really tried, many head knowledge and cunningly devised to look like you know what you are saying but actually you don't.

So I giggle to your ignorance even though you look brave. And I know you feel stupid as I giggled ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ.

Muhammad Rasheed - Ibn Malik wrote: "So I giggle to your ignorance"

What stands out is that you lack an intelligent counter-argument. All you have are impotent giggle emojis. What does that mean?


Rasheed, Muhammad. "The Special Significance of 'Messiah' and 'Gospel.'" Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 00 Date 20XX. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

SUBSCRIBE and receive a FREE! Weapon of the People eBook by M. Rasheed!

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Fake Race Activism to Save Fake Racial Representation

 ComicsPriceGuide.com - hmmmm

Muhammad Rasheed - White creators make a blaxploitation-era "black character" and then pretends he's white. ๐Ÿคจ

That doesn't hit the way you imagined it did.

Christopher Corral - The only one that actually makes a difference would be Luke Cage. Because if he were white then it'd change everything. As for Hulk, Invisible Woman and The Thing though most of us wouldn't like the change had they been the originals I think all would be the same as they are now they'd just be known for those specific colors mentioned here.

Muhammad Rasheed - Christopher wrote: "Because if he were white then it'd change everything"

White creators make a fake "black character" —who isn't anchored to any lineage/heritage — and then arbitrarily make him white. What would that change exactly?

Brett Hampton - @Muhammad... What do you mean when you say "isn't anchored to any lineage/heritage"? I'm not challenging or arguing; just curious as to what your reasoning is.

Christopher Corral - @Muhammad... You serious? The character is black and was one of the few black super heroes at a time when black people had it more rough than today and so there was some relatability when Luke Cage's story took place in slum neighborhoods. The culture and personality also had to do with him being black. So if he had been white none of that would have been the same at all. What you want a white Luke Cage growing up in a black neighborhood beating up bad guys? That's just not relatable. Yes you have Spider-Man going into bad neighborhoods but the guy lived in a suburban neighborhood with his aunt so yeah definitely different.

Muhammad Rasheed - Brett wrote: "What do you mean when you say 'isn't anchored to any lineage/heritage?'"

Meaning, he comes across as unauthentic. Just a generic "black" figure designed to fill a quota so that a white-owned company can pretend to make some kind of phony social progress difference.

Muhammad Rasheed - Christopher wrote: "You serious?"


Christopher wrote: "The character is black"

Is he though? What 'black' ethnic group does he belong to? The Black American descendants of slavery? Obama's black? Kamala's black? Miles Morales' black? As a Black man, how am I supposed to identify with a shallow, plastic "black" character created by a white man who didn't give a sh*t about those questions, and wouldn't be able to tell the difference?

Christopher wrote: "and was one of the few black super heroes at a time when black people"

...were pushed out of wealth-building media ownership and couldn't represent themselves. So white creators get to make money on fake "black" characters they publish to fill the void, and I get to hear shallow & weird justifications for this class systemic racism point by folks like you.

A Fake Hero to Fake Save Us from
Real Systemic Racism by M. Rasheed

See Also:

A Fake Hero to Fake Save Us from Real Systemic Racism


Rasheed, Muhammad. "Fake Race Activism to Save Fake Racial Representation" Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 00 Date 20XX. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

SUBSCRIBE and receive a FREE! Weapon of the People eBook by M. Rasheed!

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Shenanigans Forever!

Ty Templeton

Late to the party, I know:  Just saw Black Panther 2, Wakanda Forever, and though I probably wouldn't have chosen to center the sequel around a dead character, if they're going to go that route to honour the late Chadwick Boseman, they probably couldn't have made a better film.  Almost perfect in tone, action, character, narrative, and a delightful twist or two that actually got me.  And I'm burying the lede:  It's equally a Namor film, and wow, do they get so much of Namor bang-on.  To be honest, the Marvel purist in me wished his name had really been Namor and that he'd been from a city actually called Atlantis, but other than those two minor quibbles, they get everything else about him RIGHT.  And I dig the Mayan connection to the feathers in his legend.  But the arrogance, the flying ankle wings, the green trunks, the rash anger.  I was thrilled.  And Riri Williams as Ironheart?  Yes, please.  All the characters  had well considered story arcs, we weren't timid about our lesbian couple, and Shuri was oustanding in her grief and resolve to triumph over it.  It might have run ten minutes too long and could have used a few lighter moments, but overall, it leapt up to being one of my top tier Marvel movies, up there with Winter Soldier and Iron Man (and Black Panther 1).

Muhammad Rasheed - Ty wrote: "we weren't timid about our lesbian couple"

They refused to recast Black Panther so they could replace him with a lesbian couple?


Greg Kirkpatrick - @Muhammad... that’s all you got out of all of that? SMH.

Ty Templeton - @Muhammad... I think the word "so" is doing more heavy lifting than it can handle.

Muhammad Rasheed - @Greg... I've grown sensitive to the people with all the power and wealth deliberately taking swipes at my people and labeling it "progress."

Enough is enough.

Muhammad Rasheed - @Ty... I see similar shenanigans going on with the Blade project, and the suspicious reasons the script keeps being sent back for rewrites. Mass media is trying to saddle my people with the LGBT baggage in a textbook 'force teaming' effort.

Naturally, I disapprove.

David Branson - @Muhammad... How is having a lesbian couple “taking swipes” at anyone? Aren’t they also Black?

Ty Templeton - @Muhammad... Where we likely disagree is somewhat revealed in the use of pejorative phrases like "Saddle my people with the LGBT baggage" which assumes a priori that there is baggage to be saddled when dealing with queer representation. Tread carefully, btw: I got two LGBT kids. I tend to think of them as human first, and baggage as a distant second.

Muhammad Rasheed - David wrote: "How is having a lesbian couple 'taking swipes' at anyone? Aren’t they also Black?"

That's a great question. The answer is part of the dismantling of the Civil Rights Movement, which came to its end—not by Dr. King's Dream coming true—but by the assassination of our most effective leaders, and the infiltration and disbanding of our most effective organizations under Hoover's COINTELPRO program. After that, the infrastructure of the Civil Rights Movement was handed over to other identity groups (including white women feminism, LGBT and 'POC' immigrants), as the Black American liberation struggle was completely abandoned.

So now, pretending that helping these other groups is the same thing as "progress" for the long neglected Black American is the new thing.

Guide Encourages Activists to 'Force Team' Trans-Identified Males with Racial Minorities | 4W.PUB

Muhammad Rasheed - Ty wrote: "Tread carefully, btw: I got two LGBT kids."

And I have two Black American kids. Like you, I'm also tired of derogatory things said about them, and megacorporate scheming to show them in a poor light from multiple anti-Black American angles.

Ty Templeton - We certainly agree that corporate powers show black kids and culture in a poor light all day, and we're both tired of it. I'm not sure including gay characters in an all black cast (or mostly black) is showing anyone in a "poor light" though, and that's where you lose me. There might be a fundamental difference between us there that cannot be reconciled, as I see queer people as positive people. All the ones I know I clever, funny, loving people, baby.

Muhammad Rasheed - My issue is the corporate-political decision to pointedly not show antiracism activism for Black Americans in mass media product, but to replace it with LGBT activism with my Black image to promote it.

Regardless of whether there are actually homosexual Black Americans or not, the lgbt political movement is a white-founded and white-led political movement, that is using both the infrastructure of the Black American liberation freedom struggle and the image of the Black American to drive it. It's okay to bring up "racism" in a Jewish context, but to bring it up in the still unaddressed Black American context gets me attacked by white liberals as well as the conservative crowd.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Ty Templeton - I agree with most of what you said, we likely part at the edge. My belief is that LGBT activism is meant to include, not divide, you may see other motivators or facilitators involved. Your opinions are welcome here, so long as we don't use pejorative language -- you know the kind I mean.

Muhammad Rasheed - Ty wrote: "My belief is that LGBT activism is meant to include, not divide"

This is objectively not the case since the LGBT political movement is literally driven by our traditional political foes who first went out of their way to abuse government resources to dismantle the Black American freedom struggle with murder and espionage. There is not a single part of American history that does not reflect exploitation, plunder and division against my people by that one.

Muhammad Rasheed - And now he's trying to bully me into giving up my people's centuries old struggle to take up the banner of his causes (see: Whoopi's 2-week suspension for correctly pointing out that the Holocaust wasn't a "racism" issue since it was literally 'white-on-white' crime).

Ruby d'Anjou Smith - @Muhammad... "objectively"? This is utterly as subjective as can be. This is the same nonsense as Dave Chappelle's expressed belief that the LGBTQ activist movement is whyte, and that's why he was "allowed" to be transphobic.

And please don't end up doing another lengthy info dump as a response to it. Lots and lots of fancy words don't hide your dislike of the LGBTQ community.

Muhammad Rasheed - Ruby wrote: "'objectively?'"


Ruby wrote: "This is utterly as subjective as can be."

No, it's actually based on the history of civil rights in the USA. You know it as "CRT" from behind your marxist propaganda shield.

Ruby wrote: "This is the same nonsense as Dave Chappelle's expressed belief that the LGBTQ activist movement is whyte"

Look up "Harvey Milk" and see the 'force teaming' article I posted above.

Ruby wrote: "and that's why he was 'allowed' to be transphobic."

He's not transphobic. You're being very emotional.

Ruby wrote: "And please don't end up doing another lengthy info dump as a response to it."

Don't respond to my comments. Save your emotional blurting for your peers.

Ruby wrote: "Lots and lots of fancy words don't hide your dislike of the LGBTQ community."

I don't have time to dislike the LGBT community; I'm too busy advocating for my own long-neglected group.

David Branson - There absolutely are an amazing number of gay Black people. My god what is this “regardless of whether there are…” business? What do you mean about the idea that the LGBT political movement is driven by your traditional political foes? Right-wingers?

Muhammad Rasheed - David wrote: "There absolutely are an amazing number of gay Black people."

Objection: Relevancy.

David wrote: "My god what is this 'regardless of whether there are…' business?"

Politics is about using the system for the uplift of political identity groups. One particular identity group has dedicated itself to making sure my political identity group stays as a wealthless bottom caste in our own country, even though we were the ones whose free slave labor built her.

David wrote: "What do you mean about the idea that the LGBT political movement is driven by your traditional political foes? Right-wingers?"

The traditional political foes of the Black American former slave class are white people. Both the Right-wingers and the Left-wingers are guilty in this, playing a twisted, evil game of 'Good Cop/Bad Cop' throughout the centuries to keep my people disenfranchised and economically excluded, and ESPECIALLY here in the post-Civil Rights Era.

David Branson - We’re going to disagree about a bunch of this. Peace be with you.

Muhammad Rasheed - David wrote: "We’re going to disagree about a bunch of this"

What factual information do you hold that supports your opposing view?

Let me guess: You had a Black girlfriend or ex-wife or whatever, so that magically means that the white liberal hasn't also worked to keep my people disenfranchised and economically excluded?

#Paternalism #Gradualism

David Branson - Sorry, did I say I was going to continue to argue with you?

I’ve never had a girlfriend or wife of any color, unless you count this date I went on in junior high. My partner and I were together for seventeen years till he died of Covid, though.

I’m sorry to hear about any white liberals who have done what you describe.

But I’m not in the mood to continue arguing with you. Take care.

Muhammad Rasheed - David wrote: "I’ve never had a girlfriend or wife of any color"

I said "or whatever." ๐Ÿ™„

David wrote: "unless you count this date I went on in junior high"

Of course that counts. I'm confident if I hadn't brought it up first, you would have referenced it as the magic move that meant the white liberal is somehow not just as fiercely anti-Black American as your partisan counterparts. The anecdotal fallacy is your go-to move, after-all. You love it.

Was your late partner Black, by the way?

David Branson - What the hell are you talking about? I went on a date with a girl in junior high. She wasn’t Black. I’m gay. (My partner wasn’t Black either.) I have absolutely no idea what anecdotal fallacy you’re talking about. I didn’t bring one up. And I don’t particularly love them either. I don’t know you.

Muhammad Rasheed - David wrote: "I went on a date with a girl in junior high. She wasn’t Black."

Oh, then why did you even bring her up then? ๐Ÿคจ If you're going to stay and trade, then you should at least pay attention. Geez.

David Branson - You introduced the idea that I had had a Black girlfriend or wife. My response was that I didn’t have a girlfriend or wife of ANY color, with the exception of going out on a date with a girl in junior high. Why would you say that I love anecdotal fallacies? We’ve never interacted before. You know nothing about me.

David Branson - And why would I mention going out on a date with a girl in junior high as a “magic move” that has anything whatsoever to do with racism??

Muhammad Rasheed - David wrote: "You introduced the idea that I had had a Black girlfriend or wife."

That was the theme.

David wrote: "My response was that I didn’t have a girlfriend or wife of ANY color, with the exception of going out on a date with a girl in junior high"

Based on the established theme, that's why I thought the JHS girl was Black.

David wrote: "Why would you say that I love anecdotal fallacies?"

Stereotyping your team.

David wrote: "We’ve never interacted before. You know nothing about me."

So? Did you forget how stereotypes work? Your demographic perfected its usage, after-all.

David wrote: "And why would I mention going out on a date with a girl in junior high as a 'magic move' that has anything whatsoever to do with racism??"

Generally, the white liberal uses the anecdotal fallacy as part of his gaslighting technique. I started setting my watch by it a while ago.

Muhammad Rasheed - Despite your indignant protests, it's just a matter of time before you revert to type, assuming you stick around.

Rasheed, Muhammad. "Shenanigans Forever!" Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 00 Date 20XX. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

SUBSCRIBE and receive a FREE! Weapon of the People eBook by M. Rasheed!

Sunday, November 24, 2024

A Six-Year Old's Understanding

 Breaking Brad - Calvin & Hobbes Lovers ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚

Muhammad Rasheed - Calvin's excuse is that he's only six-years-old and can't be expected to have read the material.

Adults have no business sounding like a six-year-old when the answers to those basic-level questions are in the scriptures revealed for the purpose.

Claudio Guastavino - @Muhammad... are u fu**ing serious, are you???

Now, the truth is that EVEN a six years old can get a grasp of all the bull...

Think about it mate.

Muhammad Rasheed - @Claudio... I know the difference between what the religions actually teach versus the atheist mess blindly parroted by uninformed liberal types. Watterson's best stuff stayed away from the topics he knew nothing about.

John Wilcox - @Muhammad... Well, it's just growing up. At about 6 years old, I had such doubts about Santa Claus, Then maybe 7 or 8 years later, I questioned religion and realised that there is no God, except, like Santa Claus, as a construct of human thinking. Since then, for over half a century, I have been a happy atheist.

Muhammad Rasheed - John wrote: "and realised that there is no God"

Making the decision to reject God without doing any research to investigate the theist claims, isn't a "realization." Realization involves knowledge and insight. Atheists don't have that on this topic, based on their blind rejection connected to a false know-it-all mentality on the topic. And when they are among one another, they just reinforce the shallow, fake-deep tropes they carry.

Brian Mitchell - M. Rasheed wrote: "And then they are among one another, they just reinforce the tropes they carry."

You must see that this applies equally to those who attend religious ceremonies purely on the basis of social habit and/or cultural pressure. Being able to recite memorised scriptural passages does not amount to the kind of inward investigation you assume all atheists incapable of.

Muhammad Rasheed - Brian wrote: "You must see that this applies equally to those who attend religious ceremonies purely on the basis of social habit and/or cultural pressure."

Okay, there's a difference between the material being available but the people are too lazy to study what they profess to believe versus your clan who viciously reject the material while magically proclaiming what you refused to study to be a fiction with zero certain knowledge.

Brian wrote: "Being able to recite memorised scriptural passages does not amount to the kind of inward investigation you assume all atheists incapable of."

Who said that 'study' only consisted of rote memorization? Where is that written? I find it unreasonable that you expect me to take on the uninformed and uncritical opinions of my faith by hostile and biased outsiders as if it is fact just because you want to believe it's true. Why would I do that?

Larry Arsenault - @Muhammad Rasheed... If someone wants to believe in a religion and it helps them through their life while not harming others, I can support it. But Likewise if someone believes there is no "God" as a single being or thing, then i support that too with the same reservations. For me, no one can prove there is a God and it is impossible to disprove something that isn't there. Simply believing in a God because somebody wrote it in a book in ancient times is not proof. How come a God only appeared to the ancients and remember, most of those people were ignorant, superstitious. Today many people claim to "know" God, but many if not all of those people are imposters using religion to make money. My personal belief is we are learning to take the difficult step a child must take when becoming an adult - responsibility for their life. There are good words in the Bible, Buddhist texts and the Tao. The old testament is mainly about survival (I have not read the Koran). The main theme the originators from which religions are formed, basically seems to be "Do unto others as you woud have them do unto you." Simple words, but not easy to follow. But that is all the religion i need and just may be the religion we will adopt. Peace please.

Muhammad Rasheed - Larry wrote: "I can support it"

If you haven't taken the time to study the material to understand it, why do you think your endorsement from any angle would hold value? Why would assume your opinion of the subject is equally as valid as the subject matter expert's?

This is my problem with the atheist mind. You walk around with a bag of strawman effigies you've invented off-the-cuff that you typically pretend IS the religion, and then you actually expect the theists to sign off on your fabrications that you invented to mock my sacred belief system. It's a very weird approach to take with any subject objectively, so why do you think it's okay to perform this circus with organized religion?

Larry wrote: "(I have not read the Koran)"

Yet you are pseudo-lecturing at me about a book I am not bound to for reasons explicitly stated in the Qur'an. You're wasting my time with this rant that holds no insights or value to me.

Muhammad Rasheed - It's not okay to walk around with an uninformed 6-year-old's level of understanding of a complex subject as an adult while trying to argue it like you actually know something.

Somehow you all have convinced yourselves that this behavior is intelligent. The comic strip above demonstrates that Watterson is willfully ignorant about the topic and thinks that his ignorance is somehow a badge of honor. Then you all high-fived it in support, which outs you also as ignorant.

Please note that the knowledge is actually available for study. It's not locked in a booby-trapped cave in a lost Middle Eastern city, or whatever.

Case Edwards - @Muhammad... First of all it’s a great comic strip, not an excuse for you to preach. I’ve read your ridiculous book cover to cover and studied many of the other religions as well. I have an informed opinion and used to simply disagree with people like you. The smug self righteousness of your ilk has led me to actively despise your kind, so well done. The only reason for me to want a god to exist is the hope it’s keeping hell hot for you. Sad that’s not the case.

Muhammad Rasheed - Case wrote: "First of all it’s a great comic strip"

The Calvin and Hobbes strip in general is objectively great, sure. This one specifically is ignorant trash.

Case wrote: "not an excuse for you to preach"

The strip itself is preaching ignorant foolishness in a fake-deep package. Typical of the atheist.

Case wrote: "I’ve read your ridiculous book cover to cover and studied many of the other religions as well"

That's a lie, also typical of the atheist. [“The great outline of research comes to light best in dialog.” ~Otto Toeplitz]

Case wrote: "I have an informed opinion"

Clearly not. You have a triggered opinion.

Case wrote: "The smug self righteousness of your ilk has led me to actively despise your kind"

lol The talking without a single point of informed knowledge about the subject while trying to influence public opinion from a red commie tactic has led me to despise your kind. I guess that makes us even, wot?

Case wrote: "The only reason for me to want a god to exist"

Holy crap, who cares what you think? Just take the hellfire you've chosen and try to keep all your screaming to a moderate volume.

Rasheed, Muhammad. "A Six-Year Old's Understanding." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 00 Date 20XX. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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Thursday, November 14, 2024

Fake Proselytizing of the Red Agent

 Kiska Shigemura

David Goliath - Bullshit! That is not what it says or what it means. Those who work should enjoy the fruits of their labor and workers should have a say in how the work gets done.

Muhammad Rasheed

David Goliath - @Muhammad... That quote literally describes America and especially Wall Street today. A system that enshrines the 1%, a class that cannot be topped by ordinary people who buys elections pouring in billions. A class of people that fills the airwaves with lies about how awesome everything is even as the streets and schools crumble? That doesn't sound like anything else to you?

Muhammad Rasheed - @David... As long as the capitalist structure remains, there's always a chance that they can lose their spot. That's the part they hate ("Competition is a sin!" ~J.D. Rockefeller) and why they scheme to replace the entire system with the communist model to permanently secure their status.

David Goliath - Take a good look around what competition? We have less market competition NOW than we had in the 80s and that's why things are more expensive. Rockefeller hated competition because he lost profits. Communism doesn't mean you don't have a car or a house ot means that the company that built the car is owned and operated by the people who worked there. In capatalism today we just replaced kings and lords with CEOs and lords with shareholders.

Muhammad Rasheed - David wrote: "take a good look around what competition?"

We're in the Second Gilded Age. The monopolists have clearly won. Their next goal is to formally flip the nation's economic structure over to communism and synch in their status forever...

...or at least until the Big War, or whatever.

Muhammad Rasheed - David wrote: "Communism doesn't mean you don't have a car or a house ot means that the company that built the car is owned and operated by the people who worked there"

I have zero interest in the cold definition as printed on the pamphlet tracts, only in how it actually functioned in real life and who invented it and who would benefit from it.

Communism is end state crony-corporatism and is the ultimate goal of the billionaire monopolists.

David Goliath - If you don't have any interest in it then call it something else. My brother in Christ the end stage of capitalism is fascism. Marx thought that the capitalistic system would inevitably destroy itself. The oppressed workers would become alienated and ultimately overthrow the owners to take control of the means of production themselves, ushering in a classless society.

Muhammad Rasheed - David wrote: "if you don't have any interest in it then call it something else."

No need. There's half a million terms for it. The one I used works well enough.

David wrote: "My brother in Christ"

Does my name give the impression I am a Christian? Curious.

David wrote: "the end stage of capitalism is fascism"

More cold pamphlet proselytizing. That means nothing to me. At all. You may as well be earnestly trying to explain why an elephant-headed idol is blue.

David Goliath - Are you a worker? That's all that matters.

Muhammad Rasheed - Truth matters.

Muhammad Rasheed - David wrote: "are you a worker? That's all that matters."

lol That's what it sounds like when colluding cliques of fiends plan to manipulate the working class to maintain a self-interested caste system they control at the worker's expense.

No, thanks, commie.

Rasheed, Muhammad. "Fake Proselytizing of the Red Agent." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 00 Date 20XX. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

SUBSCRIBE and receive a FREE! Weapon of the People eBook by M. Rasheed!

Sunday, October 27, 2024

The Prince's Disciple


[original cartoon pending]

Rasheed, Muhammad. "The Prince's Disciple." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 00 Date 2024.  [cartoon pending] Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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Kirb Brimstone - Hey Mo,

You and your little bro should check this channel out. I'd love to see you call in to his live stream.

Muhammad Rasheed - I know all about 'GodLogic.' He lives in a bed of disingenuous strawman arguments that pretend to criticize Islam. I think he's silly. Is he an African immigrant? 

I don't do podcasts and talk radio. I prefer the written word. I don't feel like wasting my time having people shout over me as their style of "winning" an argument.

Kirb Brimstone - ๐Ÿ˜‚


You should check him out.

Maybe or your little brother could call in. I'd like to see how you deal with his arguements. Maybe you can save Islam from the "avalanche of apostasy."

Muhammad Rasheed - What's "Nah"?  You don't believe me that I've seen him before? Why not?

Kirb Brimstone - No I don't.

Muhammad Rasheed - A-Rah lost his son during the COVID-19 era, and wouldn't be in the mood.

Kirb Brimstone - Sad to hear that.

Muhammad Rasheed - lol Are you that confident in GodLogic's powers?

Muhammad Rasheed - He's shut off entirely. 

Kirb Brimstone - Tell me 1 strawman that he makes?

Muhammad Rasheed - All of them.

Kirb Brimstone - Name one.

Muhammad Rasheed - His entire argument folio is composed of strawmen.

Kirb Brimstone - So naming one should be easy. Shoot.

Muhammad Rasheed - No, because I don't retain foolishness. You'll have to remind me. 

Pull one of your pet anti-Islam items off the top of the pile.

Kirb Brimstone - The Strawman ones.

Muhammad Rasheed - Literally ALL.

You all don't have any legitimate anti-Islam critiques.

In fact, you can just re-read over our old arguments.


Muhammad Rasheed - You all never have any real arguments against Islam. It's always fake twisted versions of a half thing you almost read.

Who's "Jai?"

Kirb Brimstone - so you can't name any? Okay.

Check out the video.

Kirb Brimstone - M. Rasheed wrote: "You all never have any real arguments against Islam. it's always fake twisted versions of a half thing you almost read."

๐Ÿ˜‚ That's a funny way of saying, "I can't name a strawman GodLogic has used."

Muhammad Rasheed - No, because you all's arguments aren't challenging enough for me to keep that on mental file.

If you actually confronted the material directly with legitimate concerns, then I probably would know some off the top of my head.

Kirb Brimstone - Tell me your thoughts of the video. Tell me how strawmany it is afterwards.

It can start the conversation between us again. I'd love to pick up where we left off.

Muhammad Rasheed - I have a better idea. I will share one with you for a change, and you give me your thoughts.

Kirb Brimstone - You watch mine first.

Muhammad Rasheed - I've always watched yours first. 

Now it's your turn.

Kirb Brimstone - So your use to it. Go ahead and watch mine and then I'll watch one of yours.

Muhammad Rasheed - lol I already have several of our old arguments on my blog that start with me responding to one of your unsolicited vid links.

You can start this new era by watching one of mine first. Even though you don't believe me, I'm already familiar with GodLogic and his strawman fallacies and have zero motivation to watch him.   

I promise to watch yours after you first watch one of mine and give me your thoughts, since that's the only way I will care to watch it by way of keeping my word.

Kirb Brimstone - C'mon Mo. I asked first. Just watch it and I promise I watch 1 of yours.

Muhammad Rasheed - You always ask first, and I always watch them. Now it's your turn.

The difference is that I never heard of those folk you showed me in the past and was actually curious, but I do know the very off-putting GodLogic, and need extra motivation to watch his bullsh*t clip.

If you don't feel like providing that extra motivation that I'll need to watch it, then I guess we won't play this time around. I'll wait for the next goon you send me. No problem.

Kirb Brimstone - I gotta be honest. I don't trust you that if I watch your video you will in turn watch mine because unlike my Christianity a lying to promote one's religion is permissable.

I on  the other will keep my word as I have done in the past. As Christ commands me to.

So go ahead and watch the video and I'll watch one of yours and then we can talk about it afterwards.

Muhammad Rasheed

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "unlike my Christianity a lying to promote one's religion is permissable."

This is one of the strawman fallacy arguments disingenuous Christians invented about Islam, a strawman that's loosely based on the concept of 'taqiyya.'  I'm not permitted to lie in order to "promote the religion," which atheists and Christians made up to mock us and now you seem to actually believe the lie you invented. 

The believers are allowed to break God's Commands only if our lives are in immediate danger. That's all. That's what 'taqiyya' means. 

Now, I don't trust YOU, because Christianity is a pagan-polytheist religion influenced from the Greco-Roman traditions of Jesus' time, you consistently lie without any scruples and you do piss-poor research.

KIRB: "As Christ commands me to."

Jesus said his Gospel was only for the lost sheep of the House of Israel, so he wasn't talking to you anyway.

Kirb Brimstone - Show me in the Bible where she said the "Gospel was only for the lost sheep of Isreal" Chapter and verse.

Kirb Brimstone - You find that verse yet?

Muhammad Rasheed

Kirb Brimstone - That's right. His earthly ministry of miracles was to the Jews. So what? 

If you read the story in context you would see Jesus agrees with the woman and grants her request for a miracle. (Matthew 15:25-28).

The Gospel isn't his miracles or earthly ministry. It's the good news of his death and Resurrection.

But you said "The Gospel was only for the Jews."

Where do you see that?

Kirb Brimstone - Not the Quran. According to your Quran--->

Surah 19:21 He replied, “So will it be! Your Lord says, ‘It is easy for Me. And so will We make him a sign for humanity and a mercy from Us.’ It is a matter ˹already˺ decreed.”

Surah 21:91 And ˹remember˺ the one who guarded her chastity, so We breathed into her through Our angel, ˹Gabriel,˺1 making her and her son a sign for all peoples.

Dawah Deception. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Kirb Brimstone - You need to watch Christian Prince. You're not even ready for God logic.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "That's right."

lol You think I sent that to you for your approval?

KIRB: "If you read the story in context"

The context isn't found in your Pauline doctrine narratives, but in the Qur'an.

KIRB: "You need to watch Christian Prince. You're not even ready for God logic."

I'm already familiar. Fake intellectualism built on lies/slander bores me.

What do you have that's actually real?

Kirb Brimstone - ๐Ÿคฃ

So it should be an easy watch.

I think you're just scared.

Let me ask you Mo.

Muhammad Rasheed -  

KIRB: "The Gospel isn't his miracles or earthly ministry. It's the good news of his death and Resurrection."

No, he didn't die, so he definitely wasn't going around preaching that fiction invented after he was gone.

Kirb Brimstone - Do you think Jesus was a Muslim?

Muhammad Rasheed -  Of course he was.

Islam is the religion of the prophets.

KIRB: "But you said 'The Gospel was only for the Jews.'  Where do you see that?"

Jesus was sent to preach the Gospel to his people.

Kirb Brimstone - M. Rasheed wrote: "Of course he was."

Prove it.

M. Rasheed wrote: "Jesus was sent to preach the Gospel to his people."

I have disproved this and I am moving on. You can pretend I didn't cook you on this but I did. Now prove Jesus was a Muslim.

Unless you gonna throw the Quran under the bus?

Muhammad Rasheed -  KIRB: "Not the Quran. According to your Quran--->  [...] 'making her and her son a sign for all peoples.'"

The miracle of Jesus and his mom are signs for the people for all times. That has nothing to do with his Gospel being just for his people as he said.

In addition to the testimony of the rabbi you ignored, the proof is in the fact that all of the prophets were strict monotheists who only submitted their wills to the One God alone. They were all Muslims by definition.

Kirb Brimstone - Rabbis are your authority on Jesus now? They deny that he is the messiah. You agree with that? No? Then prove that Jesus is a Muslim.

Muhammad Rasheed -  KIRB: "Unless you gonna throw the Quran under the bus?"

That doesn't make sense. The ayats you quoted didn't say anything about the Gospel message, but referenced the miracle of Jesus's conception without a human father.

Kirb Brimstone - If I submit my will to  statue in a closet that I believe is the One God alone. Does that make me a muslim?

Muhammad Rasheed - No, I quoted him because he confirmed in his study that Muslims are strict monotheists.

Here's the part where he confirms Islam is the primordial religion of all the prophets.

Kirb Brimstone - Your being dishonest again. The surah says Jesus is for the world. In what sense is he for the world if not his Gospel?

Kirb Brimstone - Don't care about some rabbi falsing claiming that judism is close to Muslims. He is wrong. Inask tou for evidence. So, what evidence do you have that Jesus is a muslim?

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "The surah says Jesus is for the world"

No, it references the two of them as signs for the world that prove God's Glory.

Jesus (pbuh) said he was sent by the Only True God that he worshiped. That's pretty clear.

Kirb Brimstone - Where do you get that from?

Muhammad Rasheed - lol If you don't care about the testimony of my learned expert witness, why would I care about your unlearned opinions that you feed from that Christian Prince grifter and his equally scumbag GodLogic protege? 

Why should I respect those two while you dismiss my guy?

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "He is wrong"

Based on what? Your biases and feelings? Why would that matter to me?

Worshiping the Hebrew prophet, son of Mary as a idol/co-deity is wrong and violates the first & greatest Commandment.

Kirb Brimstone - Okay great! So the Bible is where you get that from. (At least the Gosple of John) Is Allah a father in any sense?

Kirb Brimstone - M. Rasheed wrote: "Worshiping the Hebrew prophet, son of Mary as a idol/co-deity is wrong and violates the first  & greatest Commandment."

Focus. Is Allah father is any sense?

Muhammad Rasheed - Jesus said that he used "son of God" as a metaphor in the Jewish scriptural tradition. He never meant it literally. 

If you mean "a father in any sense" to mean as a procreation literal father, then the answer is no. God is not anyone's father. The idea is absurd and blasphemous. God created procreation for us. He is above such things.

Kirb Brimstone - Okay so Allah is a father in some sense?

Muhammad Rasheed - No, He rejected including it among His 99-Names because of the abuse of the Christians. You all ruined it for everyone.

He had no problem with its use as an analogy for millennia, and then you all f*cked it up.

Kirb Brimstone - So Allah isn't a father in any sense? Great!

In the very chapter you quoted Jesus says,

"Father, the hour has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you.  For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him.  Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent."

So then Jesus calls his God his father. You just said Allah is not a father in any sense so, Jesus is not submitting to Allah and thus can't be a muslim.

Muhammad Rasheed - Jesus submits to the Only True God who made him, as did all the prophets. Just because he called his Lord "Father" in the Israelite tradition doesn't negate the fact that Jesus submitted his will only to the One God of Abraham—which is the the definition of Muslim.

Kirb Brimstone - So we can call Alah father in the "traditional Isrealite" sense? ๐Ÿค”

Muhammad Rasheed - I noticed you asked me to "focus" on a side item that had nothing at all to do with the main topic.

Kirb Brimstone - So we can call Allah father in the "traditional Isrealite" sense? ๐Ÿค”

Muhammad Rasheed - You call Him "Father" all the time as a Christian, don't you? Isn't your doctrinal allegiance with the House of Israel?

How long have you been following Christian Prince?

Kirb Brimstone - So can you be a muslim and call Allah your father?

Kirb Brimstone - Why can't I call myself a muslim if I do this?

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "So can you be a muslim and call Allah your father?"


KIRB: "Why can't I call myself a muslim if I do this?"

You may call yourself president of the United States, too, if you like.

God is not an idol.

Why does it take you so long to post while you're always trying to make me hurry?

KIRB: "So it should be an easy watch."

Being bored watching some grifter lie and slander my faith? How would that be an "easy watch" for me?

KIRB: "I think you're just scared."

Meanwhile, I've always watched your unsolicited video clips, made lengthy responses to them and posted them on my blog. When I ask you to return the favor you freaked out and refused. 

The fear is clearly on your side.

Muhammad Rasheed - ME: "Jesus was sent to preach the Gospel to his people."

KIRB: "I have disproved this"

How? ๐Ÿค” Jesus' entire mission was to preach the Gospel to his people as he said. You "disproved" the messiah's direct quote by doing what again? You oddly seem very confident that you have the authority to contradict the messiah with impunity.

KIRB: "If you read the story in context you would see Jesus agrees with the woman and grants her request for a miracle. (Matthew 15:25-28)."

You're using "in context" wrong. In context, he said he was only sent to the lost sheep of Israel, he definitely meant it, but he made an exception for this woman whom he had a brief back-n-forth with. He said the Comforting 'spirit of truth' coming after him would bring the fuller message, presumably for the gentiles since that's exactly whom the Qur'an came for while advising the people of the book to convert to Islam, too.

KIRB: "Dawah Deception. ๐Ÿ˜‚"

I have so far found only a single Christian public speaker with at least a little bit of integrity whom I enjoy watching. To my knowledge, he's never been among the Speaker's Corner gang. If he did, all of his integrity would probably go right out the window, since y'all don't do good when your pagan claptrap gets called out.

Kirb Brimstone - M. Rasheed wrote: "God is not an idol."

Right and Allah is not a Father. So Jesus says his God is his Father so he can't be talking about Allah.

M. Rasheed wrote: "Yes."

Wow! So Allah is a father in some sense?

Muhammad Rasheed - The One God has never been a father; He merely allowed usage of the term as an analogy as long as it was understood as merely an analogy. As soon as the Christian's stepped over that line and turned the poetic analogy into pagan filth, He rejected it.

KIRB: "Wow! So Allah is a father in some sense?"

I don't understand your usage of "Wow" in this instance. It seems weird. 

God is not a father. His previous tolerance of the term among the Israelites has been abrogated. It's not likely that He would punish me if I called Him 'Father' anyway, since He didn't pointedly express rejection of the term in the Qur'an; it is merely understood by its conspicuous absence in the Qur'an among His listed 99-Names.

Kirb Brimstone - Oh so Allah was a father in some sense back in the day and so Jesus WAS Allah's Son in some sense back in the day?

Can a Muslim prophet ask Allah to glorify him as he glorifies Allah while claiming to be his Son?

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "Oh so Allah was a father in some sense back in the day and so Jesus WAS Allah's Son in some sense back in the day?"

Define "in some sense," please. 

You've used it 75 times now, and it seems coded with some hidden meaning.

God was NEVER a father. He merely allowed use of the Parent/child analogy.

Kirb Brimstone - You don't understand English, now? Is Allah a father in any way? I any sense is Allah the father of Jesus?

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "Can a Muslim prophet ask Allah to glorify him as he glorifies Allah while claiming to be his Son?"

All of the biblical prophets were Muslims, and none of them ever asked their Lord to glorify them. The question is absurd.

Kirb Brimstone - So Allah is a Father by analogy? I can come to Allah as a father analogically? Cool.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "You don't understand English, now?"

I'm sensitive to flimflammery. You already admitted that Christian Prince and GodLogic were your heroes, did you not? Okay then. 

KIRB: "Is Allah a father in any way? I any sense is Allah the father of Jesus?"

God was NEVER a father. He merely allowed use of the Parent/child analogy.

Kirb Brimstone - M. Rasheed wrote: "All of the biblical prophets were Muslims, and none of them ever asked their Lord to glorify them. The question is absurd."

What are you talking about? The very text you ran to to prove Jesus was a muslim has Jesus saying, "Father, the hour has come; glorify your Son that the Son may glorify you"

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "I can come to Allah as a father analogically?"

Apparently, you don't speak English.

Kirb Brimstone - Cooooool! Allah is a Father in a anological sense. I can come to Allah as a father analogically? Cool.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "'Father, the hour has come; glorify your Son that the Son may glorify you'"

That was a corruption inserted by pro-Pauline evangelicals. You can tell by the context.

Kirb Brimstone - ๐Ÿค” Wait you brought up the text. It's just 3 sentences from what you quoted. How  do you know it's been corupted? What context?

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "I can come to Allah as a father analogically?"

As one of the people of the book (such as they are) ye may refer to God as "Father" as long as it is strictly used as metaphor, as in the Jewish scriptural tradition, and not used literally as the pagans use it.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "๐Ÿค” Wait you brought up the text."

Sure, did.

KIRB: "It's just 3 sentences from what you quoted."


KIRB: "How  do you know it's been corupted? What context?"

The Qur'an confirms those areas that are uncorrupted, fulfills prophecy, and corrects those areas the people of the book allowed their charges to stray in their slipshod guardianship.

Kirb Brimstone - Good to know I can come to Allah as a father. Allah is a father in any metaphorical sense. Cool.

How do you interpret this Quran verse then?

Surah 19:93
There is none in the heavens and the earth but cometh unto the Beneficent as a slave.

Kirb Brimstone - M. Rasheed wrote: "The Qur'an confirms those areas that are uncorrupted, fulfills prophecy, and corrects those areas the people of the book allowed their charges to stray in their slipshod guardianship."

You kidding me? You can't be this stupid. Abdul c'mon. How do you know one sentence is authentic but the next is "corrupted"

Kirb Brimstone - I don't know any Christian that believe Jesus is the biological son of the Father. But I am so happy that you accept that Allah is the father of Jesus. (Metaphorically of course) So some people can come to Allah as more that a Servant.

Kirb Brimstone - M. Rasheed wrote: "I'm sensitive to flimflammery. You already admitted that Christian Prince and GodLogic were your heroes, did you not? Okay then."

Yeah I also like David Wood too. I'm not crazy about Sam Shamoun but I gotta admit he cooks Muslims with the best of them.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "I don't know any Christian that believe Jesus is the biological son of the Father."

This is a demonstration of lying to promote your religion, which reveals your ignorant misinformation definition of the Muslim 'taqqiya' is actually just projection. 

Christians 100% believe Jesus is the literal "BEGOTTEN" "son of God," you lying piece of filth.  lol

Muhammad Rasheed - #ChristianTaqqiya

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "How do you interpret this Quran verse then?  Surah 19:93 There is none in the heavens and the earth but cometh unto the Beneficent as a slave."

It means that all the creatures of God's creation are His servants.

Kirb Brimstone - M. Rasheed wrote: "Christians 100% believe Jesus is the literal "BEGOTTEN" "son of God," you lying piece of filth.  lol"

๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿพ‍♂️๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿพ‍♂️๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿพ‍♂️ No Abdul. Your not going to tell me what Christian believe. You're clueless on these topics. The most clueless person I have ever discussed this topic with. So stop. Don't do that. 

Jesus is the Begotten son as he preached but his isn't biological. The Christian beleives that God is a spirit and thus has no physical body.  ๐Ÿ˜‚ 

So begotten is metaphorical (which Allah is cool with now) meaning Jeus is God's son in some sspecialt sense that is unique to him.  That is Christian orthodoxy.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "You kidding me? You can't be this stupid."

Between the two of us, you're the one that worships a human being as a co-deity in perfect imitation of the Greco-Roman pagans of 2,000-yrs ago, and are thus, hellbound—and you don't seem to care. That's pretty stupid. 

KIRB: "Abdul c'mon."

Do Christian Prince and GodLogic call us "abdools" all the time? Huh.

KIRB: "How do you know one sentence is authentic but the next is 'corrupted'"

Because God revealed the Truth of the matter in the Qur'an—it is the criterion between right-n-wrong.

Kirb Brimstone - M. Rasheed wrote: "It means that all the creatures of God's creation are His servants."

Well some are more that servants right? Some are Sons.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "Yeah I also like David Wood too."

When you finish watching those other links, I'll have some featuring Wood being dismantled, too.

Kirb Brimstone - M. Rasheed wrote: "Do Christian Prince and GodLogic call us "abdools" all the time? Huh."

Are you not an abdul?

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "Well some are more that servants right? Some are Sons."

No. All are servants. God does not beget.

Kirb Brimstone - You just said Jesus is a Son in a metaphorical sense.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "Are you not an abdul?"

No. I am only a Muslim. "Abdul" is a slur that atheists and hellbound Christians use.

Kirb Brimstone - So you don't come to Allah as a slave. Wow! You an interesting apostate. Jesus is Allah Son in a metaphorical sense and you can come to Allah as more than an Abdul. Wow!

Kirb Brimstone - Abdul you should be happy. Don't need Christians and Jews to pay for your sins?

Muhammad Rasheed - I'm the servant of God by default. I don't need to use enslavement terminology to label myself. God said we are Muslims. That's enough.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "Abdul you should be happy. Don't need Christians and Jews to pay for your sins?"

Why would I pretend that you even understood what that hadith meant? You can't even get something as obvious as 'taqqiya' correct.

Kirb Brimstone - Okay. I'm done cooking you for tonight. Talk to you tomorrow. I think we should make this convo public so other people can see. Talk tomorrow.

Muhammad Rasheed - Good night. Make sure you repent and convert to Islam before it's too late.

Muhammad Rasheed - Note the highlighted portion. God named us "Muslims," not "slaves." 

I wouldn't label myself "slave" since God labeled me a 'Muslim.' I come to God as a slave because all of creation are the slaves of the Supreme Creator of reality by default—I don't need to label myself that.

Kirb Brimstone - Let me get this straight because you are called a Muslim you can't also be a slave in Islam?

Kirb Brimstone - It's wild that you throw your scholars under the bus. The Tafsir and Hadith go right under the bus.

Ibn Abbas says
"(There is none in the heavens and the earth but cometh unto the Beneficent as a slave) acknowledging his servitude to the All-Merciful and obedient to Him except, that is, the disbelievers."

See that? Only disbelievers come as anything other than a slave. So Mo since you reject being an Abdul you are a disbeliever. Since Jesus comes to Allah as a Son he too is a disbeliever.
Can a disbeliever be a muslim?

Muhammad Rasheed - All of creation are the servants of God. Those among them who willingly submit to God are the Muslims.

KIRB: "The Tafsir and Hadith go right under the bus."

My religion is composed of the Qur'an and those hadith that align to the Qur'an. I will be Judged based on my own understanding and implementation, not the biased opinions of hostile outsiders who hate Islam.

KIRB: "since you reject being an Abdul"

When did l do that? I said all of creation are the slaves of God by default, but l use the "Muslims" label that God gave me. "Abdul" was never a formal label given to the believers by God, so why would l pretend it was to appease a hostile, biased outsider who hates my religion? What sense would that make?

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "Can a disbeliever be a muslim?"

Can a disbeliever be a Christian?

KIRB: "[ibn Abbas hadith]"

The disbelievers refuse to acknowledge their innate servitude to God and imagine themselves independent.

Kirb Brimstone - Oh boy! Quran only Muslim. lol

Who are you to throw out Muslim scholars? What is your criteria?

Kirb Brimstone - Good. Except Jesus who is a Son. Metaphorically.

Kirb Brimstone - How many times do you pray per day?

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "Good. Except Jesus who is a Son. Metaphorically."

The messiah is also the servant of the Only True God who sent him.

KIRB: "How many times do you pray per day?"

Maximum 15, minimum 5.

Kirb Brimstone - Where did you get minimum of 5?

Kirb Brimstone - M. Rasheed wrote: "The messiah is also the servant of the Only True God who sent him"

lYou can make the claim all you want but you need to prove it. So far you have showed me that Jesus submitted to his Father in a text that is corrupt. 

Try again. Prove Jesus is a Muslim.

Kirb Brimstone - What is your criteria for what is acceptable?

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "Where did you get minimum of 5?"

What the prophet established.

KIRB: "You can make the claim all you want"

I'm just repeating what God said in the Qur'an.

KIRB: "but you need to prove it."

I need to prove God's Word is true—to you? lol Why would I need to have to do that? If you don't believe the Qur'an is real, what business is that of mine? You already said you blindly believe everything Christian Prince and GodLogic say about Islam, so you're obviously a lost cause. I wouldn't waste my time trying to prove anything to a stubborn blind man who's already made up his mind about the material. We can discuss it sure, but you're taking the wrong approach if you believe I'm accepting you as an equal worthy of formal debate. You keep insisting upon calling me "abdool," which for our purposes is the equivalent of "n*gger." That's all I need to know about you right now.

KIRB: "So far you have showed me that Jesus submitted to his Father in a text that is corrupt."

That's the part that the Qur'an confirms.

KIRB: "What is your criteria for what is acceptable?"

The Qur'an is the inerrant Word of the Lord thy God.

Muhammad Rasheed - You don't seem to understand even the basics of what it is to be a Muslim. That's the obvious weakness in relying upon pre-packaged hate rhetoric as your source, instead of researching the material on your own with an open mind.

Kirb Brimstone - Calm down and don't start manifesting. Define muslim. Go ahead.

Kirb Brimstone - M. Rasheed wrote: "The Qur'an is the inerrant Word of the Lord thy God."

That's just a claim you've got to prove it and you can't even prove that Jesus was a muslim.

M. Rasheed wrote: "What the prophet established."


Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "Define muslim"

One who submits to the One God.

KIRB: "and you can't even prove that Jesus was a muslim."

Really? Who did Jesus worship other than the Only True God who sent him? The answer is no one. By definition, Jesus was a Muslim—one who submits his will to that of the One God alone.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "Where?"

That info is found in the hadith.

KIRB: "Well some are more that servants right? Some are Sons."

ME: "No. All are servants. God does not beget."

KIRB: "You just said Jesus is a Son in a metaphorical sense."

Metaphorical is not real. To beget is real. Why are you so confused?

Kirb Brimstone - M. Rasheed wrote: "Metaphorical is not real. To beget is real. Why are you so confused?"

Metaphorical is figurative or symbolic. Meaning it  true in some sense. Jesus is Allah's Son in some sense. Not biologically (as the Christian would also affirm) but  in some sense. 

Says Jesus he is begotten in the same book you ran to to try and prove Jesus was muslim.

So Jesus isn't merely Allah's servant/slave as the Quran demands in a metaphorical sense.

M. Rasheed wrote: "That info is found in the hadith."

The Quran says pray 3 times a day.The Hadith says 5. What criteria makes that acceptable to you?

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "Metaphorical is figurative or symbolic. Meaning it  true in some sense."

So, you dropped out of school, and don't know real from symbolic. Nice.

KIRB: "the same book you ran to"

The Qur'an was revealed to confirm what was true, fulfill prophecy, and correct the errors of the slipshod guardianship of the people of the book.

KIRB: "What criteria makes that acceptable to you?"  

God said the way the prophet performed the religion was exemplary, and He instructed the believers to do it the prophet's way. The prophet established 5-mandatory prayers, with an additional 10-voluntary (sunnah) prayers daily.

Kirb Brimstone - You have reading comprehension problems. That not my question. What criteria do you use to say if a haddith is trustworthy?

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "You have reading comprehension problems"  

Do a better job at making your points clear. You asked me where did I get the 'minimum of 5?' I told you it comes from the hadith. You pointed out the discrepancy between the Qur'an's prayer minimum versus the hadith's minimum and asked me what criterion makes that alright with me? I explained that God gave His messenger the authority to establish the details for how we perform the rituals, and you responded that you meant to ask what did I use to determine if the hadith is trustworthy or not?  

This was disingenuous on your part. That is NOT what you asked, or you need to do a better job of making yourself clear before you start blaming the communication problem on other person, especially considering how generous I have been in entertaining your screwball mess.   

I already explained that the criterion I use in determining whether the hadith is trustworthy or not depends on whether its message aligns to the Qur'an. You oddly interpreted that as somehow meaning I was one of those "Qur'an Only" goons, which also shows you aren't even paying attention to the discussion points so you can track the conversation.   

You're a sh*tty interviewer.

Kirb Brimstone - What point? 

I've only asked you questions and drew conclusions from them.

So far what I've gotten from you is that Jesus is a muslim according to a corrupt book where Jesus submits to his father who is Allah  who is father to no one. 

Also, you've established that you only believe in a haddith that affirms the Quran even when it contradicts the Quran. 

This Islam is very confusing.

Mo: You're a sh*tty interviewer.

You kiss the black stone with that mouth?

Muhammad is the most obviously false prophet in the history of false prophets. Not to mention he was a demon possed child molesting caravan robber. 

Keep manafesting and throwing out insults and I will take it out on your pagan cult leader and his demon Lord in accordance with Surah 6:108.

Got it?

Kirb Brimstone - Follow Surah 6:108

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "So far what I've gotten from you is that Jesus is a muslim"

Are you unfamiliar with the Qur'an's verses that say that Jesus was a Muslim, too?

KIRB: "where Jesus submits to his father who is Allah  who is father to no one."

I understand that the 'Parent/child' analogy is extremely important in Pauline Christianity to the point of pagan-polytheist blasphemy. Just understand that comments like that mean absolutely nothing to me since the 'Parent/child' analogy isn't used in Islam at all. And I've personally never subscribed to Christianity, so I have zero baggage that makes the idea of the symbolism endearing in any way. I'm completely indifferent to it.

KIRB: "Also, you've established that you only believe in a haddith that affirms the Quran even when it contradicts the Quran."

If the hadith affirms the Qur'an, then obviously that's the opposite of contradicting it.

KIRB: "This Islam is very confusing."

That makes sense based on the fact that you hate Islam, are completely close-minded about it in every way, and see it through the lens of Pauline trinitarianism (which is inherently confusing as f*ck).

KIRB: "You kiss the black stone with that mouth?"

It's not mandatory to even touch the Black Stone during the hajj ritual, so this bit functions as a shallow slur that doesn't mean anything to me coming from someone who doesn't know enough about the religion for his opinion to matter.

KIRB: "Muhammad is the most obviously false prophet"

Which one of his prophecies proved to be false that he would earn this title? ๐Ÿค”

Also, compare him to Paul of Tarsus, who gave the false prophecy that Jesus would return during Paul's own lifetime. #Oops

KIRB: "Not to mention he was a demon possed"

Was he? While he preached for the believers to seek refuge from the satan/devils/demons? According to the bible, it is not possible for Muhammad (pbuh) to be possessed by these. You are mistaken.

KIRB: "child molesting"

??? What child did he molest? If this were true, I wouldn't be a Muslim. Surely, you can back up this claim with actual evidence?

KIRB: "caravan robber."

The early Muslim community had to escape from Mecca and exodus to Medina. While they were gone, the bad guys broke into their houses, took their stuff and sold it. They spied their property on the caravans and went to get it back. This is the truth behind the "caravan robber" item. Now that you know, you may keep using the "caravan robber" thing as a slur, just know that I will think you a measure of one point stupider every time you do so.

KIRB: "Keep manafesting"

I don't know what that means. It seems like you subscribe to the self-help philosophy espoused in a 2006 book by Rhonda Byrne, or something similar. If so, I think it's wild that you're trying to get be to buy-in the foolishness with your casual usage of the term. No, thanks.

KIRB: "and throwing out insults"

You called me "abdool" about a hundred times as an insult. You also just called the founder of my sacred belief system a child molester. Hypocrite much? 

KIRB: "and I will take it out on your pagan cult leader"

I have no idea what you are talking about. Are you posting in the correct DM? This is the Islam chat, not the pagan chat. lol

KIRB: "and his demon Lord"

Do Arabic-speaking Christians and Jews consider Allah a "demon Lord?"

KIRB: "Got it?"

I get that you're a retarded, pagan-polytheist feeb.

KIRB: "Follow Surah 6:108"

Muhammad Rasheed - That's an odd ayah for you to cite. Apparently, you want the ability to call the prophet of Islam a 'child molester' all you wish, while citing what you imagine as a spell to prevent me from doing the same thing back to you. What a truly fat b*tch-assed move that is quite on-brand for you, Kirb. You have too many Trump-supporter white friends in your inner circle, that's what this move represents to me.  That's definitely something they would do.   

It wouldn't work anyway because God isn't referring to the sorry people of the book in 6:107-108, but to the actual Arab idolaters of the day. You call upon the Hebrew messiah and the Holy Spirit besides Allah in your trinitarianism, figures identified in Al-Islam as the prophet Jesus, son of Mary (pbuh) and the Noble Gabriel, the archangel. Naturally, no Muslim would ever revile those two just to take revenge against your willfully ignorant insults against Allah ("demon Lord").     

So, obviously, 6:108 isn't as relevant here as your dumb, unlearned, piss-poorly researched ass thought. I really hope you got that bit from your boys Christian Prince and GodLogic, too. That would be PERFECT.

Kirb Brimstone - M. Rasheed wrote: "So, obviously, 6:108 isn't as relevant here as your dumb, unlearned, piss-poorly researched ass thought."

My research is better than your Allah's research on the trinity. ๐Ÿ˜‚ (Allah, Jesus, and Mary? WTF?)

My research is better than Muslims who think Christians claim that Jesus is the biological son of a spirirt being. ๐Ÿคฃ

I love you and I'll do everything in my power to pull you out of this cult but I'm not your dhimmi. Keep it civil and I'll leave your  false prophet and his god alone.

So since you can't prove Jesus was a muslim. Can you tell me what the injeel is?

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "My research is better than"  

You don't have any research, Kirb. You've never been that guy.  

KIRB: "your Allah's research on the trinity. ๐Ÿ˜‚ (Allah, Jesus, and Mary? WTF?)"  

At no point does the Qur'an ever even try to list the "3-persons of the trinity" ever. God tells the Christians to stop saying "three/trinity" and in addition, He says to stop worshiping Jesus' Mom. That's all.   

KIRB: "who think Christians claim that Jesus is the biological son of a spirirt being.๐Ÿ˜‚"  

Talk to your fellow Christians and tell them to stop being retarded. Also, you're fake.   

KIRB: "I love you"  


KIRB: "Keep it civil"  

Said the disingenuous liar who follows Christian Prince and GodLogic. smh  

KIRB: "and I'll leave your  false prophet"  

Which one of the prophecies of Muhammad (pbuh) proved to be false that he would earn such a title?  

KIRB: "and his god"  

There is only One God, pagan.  

KIRB: "So since you can't prove Jesus was a muslim"  

I already did. You pretending I didn't is an integrity failure.  

KIRB: "Can you tell me what the injeel is?"  

The Injil is the revelation that God sent to the Christ Jesus, son of Mary (peace be upon them) that the messiah preached during his earthly lifetime. It was an oral message only. If it was every written down, such a work has never made it down to us in the modern day. The closest equivalent is in the Qur'an.

Kirb Brimstone - Don't touch kiss a black stone? You're the pagan.

So you don't know what the injeel is? Was it written? What was it about?

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "Don't touch kiss a black stone?"

It's not mandatory to touch/kiss the Black Stone during the hajj ritual. It's showing respect to a sign and relic of God. No one is worshiping it. lol

KIRB: "You're the pagan."

Nah. I would be if I worshiped something else other than, or alongside God the way you knuckleheads do. Muslims ONLY worship God, though you may detest it.

KIRB: "So you don't know what the injeel is?"

I already explained it.

KIRB: "Was it written?"

No. It was the oral message Jesus preached during his lifetime. I'm confident that you're playing stupid like this and repeating yourself is the style of Christian Prince and GodLogic, but I don't know for sure since you refuse to confirm. I don't remember if you used to do this back in the old days, but you probably did. Your argument style has always been annoying as hell.

KIRB: "What was it about?"

In Jesus' Gospel, he told the lost sheep among the House of Israel to believe in the Lord thy God, do good, reject evil, repent when they mess up, and beware the certainty of the coming Day of Judgment. He told them to keep the Law, to turn the other cheek when offended by the poor and disenfranchised, and to eschew usury.

Kirb Brimstone - M. Rasheed wrote: "No. It was the oral message Jesus preached during his lifetime."

Must be that shitty research you're talking abou
about  becuase the Quran calls the Injil a book.

Surah 19:30 Jesus declared, “I am truly a servant of Allah. He has destined me to be given the Scripture and to be a prophet.

Surah 3:3 He has revealed this Book to you, setting forth the truth and confirming the earlier Books, and earlier He revealed the Torah and Gospel 

I look forward to your redefinition of the word scripture. 

M. Rasheed wrote: "Nah. I would be if I worshiped something else other than, or alongside God the way you knuckleheads do. Muslims ONLY worship God, though you may detest it."

You do you worship a false god that contradicts all the Prophets that came before. All who called  Yahweh father. 

We worship the true God. The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. And like the Children of Israel before us we know God is complex in his unity. 

You worship a gid that tells  you to follow qurayshi paganism. You follow a prophet that came under the influence of demons and spoke false words in Allah's name. If that were Yahweh that prophet would be put to death (Deuteronomy 18:20). Bro leave this false religion while you still have time!

M. Rasheed wrote: "In Jesus' Gospel, he told the lost sheep among the House of Israel to believe in the Lord thy God, do good, reject evil, repent when they mess up, and beware the certainty of the coming Day of Judgment." 

How do you know any of this? How do you know that Jesus told people to keep the law in the Injil? How do you know that he told them to keep the Law, to turn the other cheek when offended by the poor and disenfranchised, and to eschew usury in the Injil? Where is your proof?

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "Must be that shitty research you're talking abou about  becuase the Quran calls the Injil a book."

The Book of Moses was an oral message passed down through the generations for most of its history before it was finally written down, and God always called it a Book. The Qur'an itself is primarily an oral message with it's written form officially only considered backup. Most of the prophets didn't have their message written down per se, but their recited the Book of Allah. 

Our modern, Western Civilization understanding of "book" isn't the same as the theist understanding in history, so what you are doing here is a classic presentism fallacy.

KIRB: "I look forward to your redefinition of the word scripture."

lol Ironic.

KIRB: "You do you worship a false god that contradicts all the Prophets that came before. All who called  Yahweh father."

Here ya go:

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "And like the Children of Israel before us we know God is complex in his unity."

Here ya go:

Your trinitarianism "3-Distinct Persons in-1" concept is Greco-Roman era pagan-polytheism. Sorry.

KIRB: "If that were Yahweh that prophet would be put to death (Deuteronomy 18:20)"

According to that cited verse, God put Paul of Tarsus to death for falsely prophesizing that Jesus would return during his own lifetime. #Oops

KIRB: "How do you know that Jesus told people to keep the law in the Injil?"

Because all the Israelite prophets kept the Law. So, the Qur'an confirms that portion of Matthew 5:16-19 to be true.

KIRB: "to turn the other cheek when offended by the poor and disenfranchised"

In the Qur'an, God says it is better for your soul to forgive when people offend you and the poor & disenfranchised are God's people—be charitable to them. All of God's prophets preached this message.

KIRB: "and to eschew usury in the Injil?"

In the Qur'an, God condemns usury harshly. This confirms as true those parts of your corrupted text.

You may highlight those verses in green as [LEGIT].

Kirb Brimstone - These Muslims out here saying that I can be a muslim and believe that Jesus is the Son of Allah in a metaphorical sense. @GodLogic_GL 

Muhammad Rasheed - It's ill-advised, but as long as the Muslim is ONLY using the "son of God" phrase in a strictly symbolic way as the equivalent of "righteous servant of God" then there would be no sin involved. 

If they mean it as the "begotten second person of the trinity" then it would be sin.

Muhammad Rasheed - The Prince's Disciple

Kirb Brimstone - Perfect. Now we do this publicly.

How do you know what Jesus taught?

Muhammad Rasheed - The Qur'an is the inerrant Word of God. It explains the Truth about the messiah—his mission was no different than any of the other prophets.

Kirb Brimstone - Wait a minute now bro, you mentioned turning to the other cheek and all that stuff. Where did you get that from?Show me where you got that from.

Muhammad Rasheed

[GIF] Come on over

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "Paul Is MORE RELIABLE Than Muhammad"

Paul of Tarsus made a false prediction that the Christ would return during his own lifetime, and God had him put to death for being the false prophet of legend per Deut. 18:20. 

There's no good reason to take Paul seriously at all.

Kirb Brimstone - We pray, I'm not debating you in the DM. i sent you a link to join a livestream.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "I'm not debating you in the DM"

Okay. I posted it in your "Where we left off" Tweet.

Kirb Brimstone - Okay now check out the livestream Mo. It will be good for you.

Muhammad Rasheed

I haven't changed my mind about that stuff. I have zero patience for 'fast talking' grifter tricks pretending to be 'debate.' 

No thanks.

Kirb Brimstone - Sounds like you're scared. Bro are your arguemwnts so weak you can't talk to a strawman fast talking grifter?

That's tough MO ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

Muhammad Rasheed - The written/typed word is better for serious discussion. 

Live streams are perfect for fake discussions.

Kirb Brimstone - C'mon man! I think you're scared. C'mon let's put our big boy pants on and have a convo with someone whom you claim you can see right through his strawman arguements. 

Show me what you're talking about. Don't do the knee knocking thing.

Muhammad Rasheed - GodLogic is welcome to come into my world and flex his typing skills.

Kirb Brimstone - [GIF] JJJ Giggling

Kirb Brimstone - They got a guy on there that sounds like you're brother

Muhammad Rasheed - So?

Kirb Brimstone - Damn. Well I know A-Rah has more courage maybe after he finishes mourning he can get Godlogic to say his shahada

Muhammad Rasheed - Okay.

Kirb Brimstone - Disappointed.

Muhammad Rasheed - About what?

Kirb Brimstone - M. Rasheed posted: "5:44-46"

Show me where it says that was taught in the Injil.

Muhammad Rasheed - 

Kirb Brimstone - So me how you know that the Injil taught, "turn the other cheek."

Muhammad Rasheed - Because God revealed in the Qur'an that is what He previously revealed to the Israelite messengers.

Kirb Brimstone - This is insane. Highlight the words"turn the other cheek" in the Quran.

Muhammad Rasheed - The highlighted portion of 5:45 is the 'turn the other cheek' concept. God allows 'eye-for-an-eye' Justice, but He encourages the believers to forgive the offender for maximum blessings.

Kirb Brimstone - No. That is the single dumbest... you know what, let's rock with that. Now, show me where that concept you highlighted in the Injil.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "No. That is the single dumbest... you know what, let's rock with that."


So what do you think the 'turn the other cheek' verse means?

KIRB: "Now, show me where that concept you highlighted in the Injil."

How would I do that? The Injil is a lost work. It was the message Jesus (pbuh) preached orally to the people. If it was ever written down, such a work has not made it down to us.

Kirb Brimstone - Honest question. Do you think the Quran is a word for word copy of the Injil?

Muhammad Rasheed - No. Why would it be?

Kirb Brimstone - So how do you know what is in it?

Muhammad Rasheed - Because God said what was in it.

Kirb Brimstone - He did? Okay, show me.

Muhammad Rasheed - I already did.

Kirb Brimstone - M. Rasheed wrote: "The Injil is a lost work. It was the message Jesus (pbuh) preached orally to the people. If it was ever written down, such a work has not made it down to us."

So if it's lost and never "made it down to  us,"  how do you know what it says?

Muhammad Rasheed - Because God abrogated it and replaced it in the Qur'an.

You've asked these same questions often enough where you should have at least a rudimentary level understanding of Islam, but instead it seems like you're just blindly asking the questions to respond with a pre-packaged, copy/paste answer template you don't even understand.

Kirb Brimstone - M. Rasheed wrote: "Because God abrogated it and replaced it in the Qur'an."

Huh? I'm gonna be honest, Mo. You sound stupid. You're making islam look really bad. I asked you, "How do you know what the njeel says/taught if it had been lost long before you were born?" and you responded, "Because it's been abrigated."  ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿพ‍♂️ You can't make this stuff up.

Kirb Brimstone - And you keep doing the muslim shuffle and dodging my questions with non-answers, hoping I get bored and go away. Just admit  that you have no clue what's  in the Injeel.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "and you responded, 'Because it's been abrigated.' You can't make this stuff up."

You literally made that up (and misspelled it) while saying "You can't make this stuff up."

KIRB: "Huh?"  

Let me help you. ๐Ÿค—

You asked me, "How do you know what the njeel says/taught if it had been lost long before you were born?"  

I said, it's because God revealed in the Qur'an what He told the Christ to preach to the people.  

You asked, "So if it's lost and never 'made it down to  us,'  how do you know what it says?"

I said, it's because God abrogated it and replaced it in the Qur'an.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "And you keep doing the muslim shuffle and dodging my questions with non-answers"

That means I'm not falling into your clumsy traps and answering the way under-educated Bangladeshi Muslims answer over on Christian Prince's site or whatever. 

KIRB: "hoping I get bored and go away."

I don't think you get bored or you wouldn't keep trying me all the time. In truth, you get frustrated and then you go away.

KIRB: "Just admit  that you have no clue what's  in the Injeel."

God literally repeated His Gospel revelation to Jesus (pbuh) in the Qur'an, so why would I "admit" to a falsehood just because you are frustrated and lack the wit to do anything about it? 

Think, please.

Kirb Brimstone - This is crazy. You can't be this stupid. How does God replacing and repealing a thing somehow mean that you know the contents of that thing?

Muhammad Rasheed - 1.) God said what the contents of His Gospel revelation was

2.) When the so-called Christians forgot the original Gospel of Jesus (pbuh), God abrogated it with something better found in the Qur'an.

I've already made that distinction a few times. You're saying it's crazy and calling me stupid while you're the one being deliberately obtuse trying to force a fake point. Your argument style is consistently annoying and ineffectual.

Kirb Brimstone - Abrigated or abrogated either way, it doesn't answer how you know what the contents of the injeel are. You can't hide behind these petty insults, Muhammed. Answer the question or continue to expose your false prophet.

Muhammad Rasheed - lol It could've been just a simple typo until you said that dumb sh*t and confirmed you were actually stupid. Good job.

KIRB: "it doesn't answer how you know what the contents of the injeel are."

God said what they are in the ayah I posted the other day. 

KIRB: "You can't hide behind these petty insults"

Notice that you can't hide your stupidity behind your own petty insults?

KIRB: "Answer the question"

I've answered it several times already. If you're suppose to be trapping me in a rhetoric tangle, it's not working. You're not as quick-witted as you were led to believe by whomever. OR, maybe the intended trap just doesn't work in this format. 

KIRB: "or continue to expose your false prophet."

Which one of his prophecies proved to be false that he would earn such a title? ๐Ÿค”

Kirb Brimstone - M. Rasheed wrote: "God literally repeated his message in the Quran."

What evidence do you have that God literally repeated Jesus's (may his peace be upon me) Gospel message in the Quran? Does the Injeel have the same number of chapters? Does it have the Mary Chapter in it? I'm so curious.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "What evidence do you have that God literally repeated Jesus's"

You don't need the apostrophe and the 'S' after a name that ends in 'S.' Just the apostrophe will suffice. 

KIRB: "(may his peace be upon me)"

God said that He and His angels bestow blessings upon His prophets for their goodly service, and He commanded the believers to also speak blessings over them. In your foolishness trying to mock Islam, you made it all about your sorry ass and gave the blessings due to the messiah to you. smh How bold you are for the Fire! 

KIRB: "Gospel message in the Quran?"

The Qur'an itself is that very evidence, naturally. lol

KIRB: "Does the Injeel have the same number of chapters?"

Why would it? Jesus' Gospel was an incomplete revelation of very limited scope. The messiah admitted that he had much more to teach, but the comforting 'spirit of truth' coming after him would have to bring it later—an obvious point since his own people rejected the Gospel of Jesus and actually schemed to try and have him killed. 

KIRB: "Does it have the Mary Chapter in it?"

lol No. The Qur'an mentions Jesus and his mom in order to clear their names of the many blasphemies said about them by the wayward people of the book. Just as the Qur'an doesn't tell the story of Muhammad and mentions him rarely, the Gospel also wouldn't have told the story of Jesus, but would have focused on its mission of being a Good News to those who do good and a warning to those who love spreading mischief.

 KIRB: "I'm so curious."

Hm. Doesn't seem like it.

Kirb Brimstone - M. Rasheed wrote: "lol It could've been just a simple typo until you said that dumb sh*t and confirmed you were actually stupid. Good job." 

So you don't have any answers to my questions, so now you've got to resort to insulting me over something that your illiterate prophet couldn't do himself? This is the genius of Islam folks.

Muhammad Rasheed - I answered your other questions from that post under that post. You can see it if you click on that post and look at the post under it. 

Maybe you can find an X.com tutorial on YouTube?

Kirb Brimstone - M. Rasheed wrote: "The messiah admitted that he had much more to teach, but the comforting 'spirit of truth' coming after him would have to bring it later."

Where on earth did you get that information from?

Muhammad Rasheed - That's found in John 14 and in John 16.

Kirb Brimstone - Oh, so the Gospel of John is a reliable source for the life of Jesus?

Muhammad Rasheed - Only the parts that the Qur'an confirms as true. 

Remember, the Qur'an confirms those areas that are uncorrupted in the bible, fulfills prophecy, and corrects those areas the people of the book allowed their scriptures to stray in their slipshod guardianship.

Muhammad Rasheed - I understand that you choose not to believe that the Qur'an is the inerrant Word of God—everything that you all pretend the bible is in your disfunction—but you should at least try to understand the Islamic position so you can learn to actually be effective in the discussions. Right now, you function at a severe handicap.

Kirb Brimstone - Only the parts that the Quran confirms? So Islam comes down to circular reasoning and trust me, bro. Mo, is the very verse that you're quoting about Jesus reliable?

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "Only the parts that the Quran confirms?"

Of course. All of the prophets throughout the ages preached revelation that confirmed & and fulfilled what came before, and corrected the people to return them to the Straight Way. Why would the Qur'an be any different, especially after what you clowns did to your book according to your own scholars' published testimonies?

KIRB: "So Islam comes down to circular reasoning"

Using that fallacy charge from one Abrahamic theist to another is ignorant. Do you give up your faith to cosplay as an atheist against the Muslims? #ShameOnYou

KIRB: "and trust me, bro."

Theist discussions come down to matters of faith in the end—you either believe the claims or you don't.

KIRB: "Mo, is the very verse that you're quoting about Jesus reliable?"

The Qur'an confirms the truth of its principle.

Kirb Brimstone - The Christian does not use fallacious arguments to defend their belief, but it sounds like you're admitting that you have to. You must use blind faith to hold on to your faith and "Trust me, bro" to defend it. Leave this obviously false religion before it is too late, Mo!

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "The Christian does not use fallacious arguments to defend their belief"

lol That's a silly lie. How long have we been having these discussions?

KIRB: "but it sounds like you're admitting that you have to."

I'm indifferent as to whether certain of the classic theist positions happen to fall into a fallacy box. So what?

KIRB: "You must use blind faith to hold on to your faith"

Said the idiot who literally worships a human being within a pagan-polytheist "trinity." ๐Ÿ™„

KIRB: "and 'Trust me, bro' to defend it."

Is the bible really God's Word, Kirb? ๐Ÿ˜

KIRB: "Leave this obviously false religion before it is too late, Mo!"

Prove how it is false "obviously," if you are able.

Kirb Brimstone - You can't answer the question because either way, Islam is false. None of this matters when you just believe in Islam on blind faith. Your faith is misplaced in the most obviously false prophet in human history. Leave Islam while you can!

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "You can't answer the question"  

I already did. I can't help you walk you through material you don't care about.  

KIRB: "Islam is false."  

lol No, it's not. You're just a fool.  

KIRB: "None of this matters when you just believe in Islam on blind faith."  

Nothing about my part of this thread represents a blind faith argument.  I used logic, reason and wit, and you used stupidity on your side.

KIRB: "Your faith is misplaced in the most obviously false prophet in human history"

Which one of his prophecies was proven to be false for him to earn such a title, please?

Kirb Brimstone - Circular reasoning is logic and wit. ๐Ÿคฃ The cope is strong in you, Mo. Next, you'll be telling me that your faith in Islam has only gotten stronger after our discussion. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ Nobody is buying any of this.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "Circular reasoning"

Why do you believe that Christianity is true?

Kirb Brimstone - This is how you answer that. Now answer my question.

Muhammad Rasheed - You're talking to an Abrahamic theist, dumbass. I already accept the existence of God. ๐Ÿ™„

Kirb Brimstone - Muhammed slept with a 9 year old, and the Quran teaches child marriage.

You asked me what my reasons for believing Christianity is true are, and I gave them to you. That includes the existence of God.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "Muhammed slept with a 9 year old"

How would YOU know? ๐Ÿคจ

Kirb Brimstone - Give me a primary source about the life of muhammad that says Aisha was older than 9.

Muhammad Rasheed - The fact that there is no consensus agreement among the scholars as to her actual age alone casts doubt on the whole thing. Only the enemies of Islam try to pin a date down just so they can attack the religion. 

The real question is why do you blindly believe it?

Kirb Brimstone - You conceded the entire thing when you admitted that you rely on blind faith. Nice talking to you, Mo. This was fun. We'll chat again on another topic that disproves Islam. 

Also, what timezone are you in?

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "You conceded the entire thing when you admitted that you rely on blind faith."

Is that what I said? Or are you a coward misrepresenting what I said to manufacture an out in a weak & transparent effort to save face?

KIRB: "Nice talking to you, Mo. This was fun."

I enjoy the opportunity to explain my religion from different angles.

KIRB: "Also, what timezone are you in?"

You asked me that in the DM and I answered you. What's the point in asking me that again here? ๐Ÿคจ

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "How is it not curcular[sic] reasoning or begging the question?"

I'm indifferent as to whether it is or not. The Qur'an is the inerrant Word of God—it is the Source Truth of my faith. Why would I pretend the atheist position about theist arguments the default correct one?

Kirb Brimstone - So there is nothing to talk about. You depend on blind irrational trust (aka faith) in a deeply flawed book, an obviously false prophet, and his false (who is possibly a demon). I can't help you if you're not open to the possibility that Islam is false.

Muhammad Rasheed - If Muhammad (pbuh) is an "obviously false prophet," how come you conspicuously duck my request that you provide the proof that one of his prophecies was proven false?

Why is this so difficult for you?

Kirb Brimstone - I obviously won. 

You just reduced Islam to irrationality. You called Allah a father when it is forbidden to say Allah is a father in any sense. 

You can't prove Jesus was a Muslim without question begging or admitting the Bible is a reliable source on the life of Jesus.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "I obviously won"

In all honesty, you are a half-wit. I have zero respect for you and genuinely think you are a big joke. 

Keep your delusions though, if that's the only way you can get through your life. I forgive you. Our discussions enable me to talk about Al-Islam.

KIRB: "You called Allah a father"

When did I do that?

KIRB: "when it is forbidden to say Allah is a father in any sense."

According to what?

KIRB: "You can't prove Jesus was a Muslim"

God said all of His prophets were Muslims.

KIRB: "without question begging"

That means nothing to me at all.

KIRB: "or admitting the Bible is a reliable source on the life of Jesus."

That's a blatant lie.

Kirb Brimstone - Circular reasoning is logic and wit. ๐Ÿคฃ The cope is strong in you, Mo. Next, you'll be telling me that your faith in Islam has only gotten stronger after our discussion. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ Nobody is buying any of this.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "Circular reasoning"

Why do you believe that Christianity is true?

Kirb Brimstone - And your Prophet is a Child molesting, wife stealing, obviously false prophet who may have been in service of the real Satan.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "And your Prophet is a Child molesting"

No, he wasn't.

KIRB: "wife stealing"

No, he wasn't.

KIRB: "obviously false prophet"

Which one of his prophecies was proven false again?

KIRB: "who may have been in service of the real Satan."

Not according to your own book:

Kirb Brimstone - I'll answer when you answer my question. Yes or No, are the verse where Jesus mentioned the spirit to come after him reliable. Yes or No.

Muhammad Rasheed - The portions of the bible that the Qur'an confirms are reliable. The rest is trash.

Kirb Brimstone - You call me a dimwit but you understand what a logical dilema is. This is what dawah does to the brain.

Muhammad Rasheed - If I as an Abrahamic theist have "logical dilemmas" in my argument, you have them, too. 

Cosplaying as an atheist because you hate a fellow theist is stupid.

Kirb Brimstone - Thank the Lord Jesus that the foolishness of dawah can be displayed and saved for posterty. #yeshuaakbar

Kirb Brimstone - I obviously refused to engage his most of his gish gallop while he refused to engage with my questions.

Muhammad Rasheed - I don't understand the point of mentioning 'dawah,' when the displayed foolishness you mentioned is you deliberately misrepresenting my position out of cowardice and a lack of integrity.

This demonstration of how you deliberately twisted and misrepresented my position is exactly how GodLogic and his chums "argue." It's disingenuous and lame as they are too cowardly to confront the material directly without their biases—the ones that do so convert to Al-Islam.

Muhammad Rasheed - There is only One God. 

Taking a pagan angle is even dumber than cosplaying as an atheist.

Muhammad Rasheed

This demonstration of how you deliberately twisted and misrepresented my position is exactly how GodLogic and his chums "argue." It's disingenuous and lame as they are too cowardly to confront the material directly without their biases—the ones that do so convert to Al-Islam.

Muhammad Rasheed - "Answer Shocks Muslims!"

lol They're using "answer" wrong.

Kirb Brimstone - [GIF] Are you okay?

Muhammad Rasheed - Yup. I'm Muslim.

Muhammad Rasheed - stopped reading @ "David Wood"

The "Islamic Dilemma" is a fiction.

Kirb Brimstone - The Quran affirms the inspiration, preservation, and authority of the Bible.

Muhammad Rasheed - The Qur'an doesn't even mention the bible. 

The Qur'an affirms the inspiration, preservation, and authority of the revelation God sent to the previous prophets. The bible narratives are only loosely based on those messages.

The Islamic Pillar called #BeliefInTheBooks is talking about the revelations the previous prophets preached to the people. The bible isn't that.

The bible sometimes references what the prophets actually preached, but it isn't full of those message. The bible is telling the story of the prophets, it's not the message of the prophets. 

That's the part you all are missing from your idea of what the Qur'an is saying.

Muhammad Rasheed - If Christians want to know about Islam, they just need to read the Qur'an and a good biography of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

Playing around with that Christian missionary anti-Islam attack stuff isn't real. #ThouShaltNotBearFalseWitness

You should look up the "Holes in the narrative controversy"

Muhammad Rasheed - The lies are coming from the Christian side. You all lack integrity and you are the ones guilty of your interpretation of the concept of 'taqqiya' — lies to promote your religion and tear down mine with strawmen.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "You should look up the 'Holes in the narrative controversy"

Are you saying you didn't already use those points in our thread?

Kirb Brimstone - Have you heard about the avalanche of apostasy?

Muhammad Rasheed - lol

Kirb Brimstone - 26 different Qurans ๐Ÿ‘€

Muhammad Rasheed - There's only one Qur'an, Kirb. 

Christianity is the one that has all of the bible versions.

Stop sharing that idiotic David Wood sh*t with me.

Muhammad Rasheed - lol

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "You think the avalanche of apostasy is funny?"

I think it's a fiction.

Muhammad Rasheed - Kirb, the Christian missionary opinion of the Islamic message is fake. 

You yourself deliberately twisted everything I said the other day like a fat bitch, and you think I'm going to take that other shit seriously?

You are all cowards who refuse to approach Islam directly.

So you make up a bunch of strawmen.

Kirb Brimstone - Sheikh, Imam, and Dawah boys are making up the Avalanche of Apostacy?

Muhammad Rasheed - It's a fiction.

This nonsense right here is proof that you are not serious at all: "26 different Qurans ๐Ÿ‘€"

Kirb Brimstone - I just sent you a montage of Muslim warning about the AOA but it's a lie? Why do Muslims always lie?

Muhammad Rasheed - A montage of cherry-picked clips to manufacture a fake crisis cobbled together by disingenuous Christian grifters. 

Oh Nooooooooz.


Kirb Brimstone - Your scholars lie so you gotta through them under the bus and now the apologists, imam, and sheikh are all lying. Wow.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "Your scholars lie"

You're enamored by a cherry-picked montage of clips designed to produce a fake anti-Islam message. Should I be surprised?

Kirb Brimstone - ๐Ÿ˜ณ☪️๐Ÿ“š 36 DIFFERENT QURANS?!

Muhammad Rasheed - There's one Qur'an.  

Even the shia and sufis use the same.

Muhammad Rasheed - There's only one Qur'an, Kirb.

You don't know enough about Islam to discern between truth versus Christian anti-Islam propaganda. 

I'm actually a Muslim who accepted Islam based on my study.

Kirb Brimstone - M. Rasheed wrote: "There's one Qur'an."

No one says that anymore. That is the holes in the narrative I was talking about. When Sheikh Yasir Qahdi  blew a hole in the traditional narrative live with Muhammad Hijab. It was a big deal. Now Islams's apostacy rate is increasing even more than the birth rates because without lies Islam dies.

So the one Quran lie has been openly debunked like the Ol' scientific miracles in the Quran myth. So which Quran do you read? You read the Hafs Quran right? Or do you read the Warsh Quran? Or another one?

Without lies, Islam dies.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "No one says that anymore"

You only feed yourself the rhetoric of the Christian missionary guys you watch and have no idea what the counter arguments are. That's why you avoided those SYFEtalks clips I shared that directly counter the GodLogic stuff you shared.

Kirb Brimstone - It's not a test MO. God wouldn't trick you into apostacy. Get out of this cult.

Kirb Brimstone - I am happy to watch them if you watch mine. 1 for 1. We can come back talk about it.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "Without lies, Islam dies."

lol Sure.

Kirb Brimstone - I really want you to know the truth. That's why I do this.

Muhammad Rasheed - You literally lied on my position.

Kirb Brimstone - So let's both watch each other's video.

Kirb Brimstone - M. Rasheed: "You literally lied on my position."

๐Ÿ™„ Where is the lie, Mo?

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "So let's both watch each other's video."

I already answered all your posts and questions that you pulled from your GodLogic and Christian Prince vids.

Kirb Brimstone - So you won't watch easy to debunk video?

Muhammad Rasheed - I debunked their position in our thread and you pretended I didn't. You literally lied on my position.

๐Ÿ˜‚ You've debunked nothing. You barely understand my arguements but quick question who is lying in this video?

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "๐Ÿ˜‚ You've debunked nothing."

Sure, I did. 

KIRB: "You barely understand my arguements"

Which part didn't I understand? You literally twisted what I said to misrepresent my position.

KIRB: "but quick question who is lying in this video?"

Tell me what their position is. I'm not watching your vids without you first watching mine and giving me your thoughts. If you want me to watch yours then you will watch mine first because I've always watched yours in the past—many times—and it's your turn.

Kirb Brimstone - Watch the video.

Muhammad Rasheed - What did I just say?

Muhammad Rasheed - What does posting the link at me twice supposed to represent? lol

After our lengthy discussion, your takeaway was to deliberately lie and twist and misrepresent my position.

So now I have even less motivation to humor you and watch your vids. You are a proven piece-of-shit who lacks integrity.

Kirb Brimstone - What did I lie about?

Muhammad Rasheed - You're a liar and you lack integrity.

Kirb Brimstone 

Thanks for helping me find the incomplete sentence in point 4

Muhammad Rasheed - According to Islam, Jesus (pbuh) is the prophet of God, he's not God. 

So, how would it be a "fun fact" that the prophet Jesus would send Muhammad? You're trying to give the impression that it was something I said, and that would be a lie.

KIRB: "but somehow you know that it specifically taught the concept of turning the other cheek"

God said that it taught that in the Qur'an. That point is referenced in the New Testament, but you've forgotten most of the messiah's Gospel and his full message was never written down.

You literally do not have the original "Gospel of Jesus" written down verbatim as the Qur'an was preserved verbatim as preached by the prophet Muhammad. The new testament can never pretend to be that work; at best it just references certain of Jesus' true message occasionally.

Muhammad Rasheed - The One God of Abraham revealed the Law of Moses, the Gospel of Jesus and the Qur'an of Muhammad (peace be upon the prophets of Allah). 

The Christians forgot most of the Gospel, but God in His Mercy repeated what He revealed to the messiah in the Qur'an. 

Muhammad Rasheed - Jesus (pbuh) is a Muslim because he worshiped only the One God alone. Whether he used the Jewish scriptural tradition of symbolically referring to God as "Father" is irrelevant. Pauline Christians are alone in using the "Parent/child" thing as a literal spiritual doctrine. Even Jesus himself pointed out that he was only using the "son of God" concept as a metaphor in the way the Jews were already used to using it—he didn't mean it literally because the One God does not beget. 

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "because it says so in John Chapter 14 but the very verse I am referring to to is corrupted."

It is corrupted. It's not even a controversial statement. Your own scholars admit that the bible is a fabricated document, written by an army of pro-Pauline anonymous randoms centuries after the events in question. 

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "(Nevermind the Qurans affirms the preservation, Inspiration, and authority of the Bible)

The Qur'an doesn't even mention the bible. 

The Qur'an affirms the inspiration, preservation, and authority of the revelation God sent to the previous prophets. The bible narratives are only loosely based on those messages.

The Islamic Pillar called #BeliefInTheBooks is talking about the revelations the previous prophets preached to the people. The bible isn't that.

The bible sometimes references what the prophets actually preached, but it isn't full of those messages. The bible is telling the story of the prophets, it's not the message of the prophets. 

That's the part you all are missing from your idea of what the Qur'an is saying.

Muhammad Rasheed - In other words, the bible is the equivalent of the Islamic hadith literature; it's not the equivalent of the Qur'an.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "The Qur'an is true."  

Very. The Qur'an is the inerrant Word of God, to be quite certain.   

KIRB: "The evidence is found in the bible."

Where did you get that? No one uses the bible as evidence to prove the Qur'an. The ONLY reason the bible is quoted is because YOU believe in it and are bound to it. For the Muslim, the Qur'an suffices; we don't need your book.

KIRB: "I know anything that contradicts the Quran is false because the Quran is true."

Correct. Jealous? 

Remember when y'all used to pretend the bible was true? awww...

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "but somehow you know that it specifically taught the concept of turning the other cheek when insulted by the poor you"

That's this verse here (5:45):

KIRB: "the Quran that came on the scene 600+ years later"

This is an ignorant non-point. The Gospel of Jesus came about 1500 yrs after the Law of Moses. Should we dismiss Jesus' message for that same reason? The enduring scripture of the ages was revealed in a linear sequence.

KIRB: "said something about an ear for an ear"

"Something?" God put back what the Pharisee scribes edited out. I'll admit the nature of this mockery escapes me. Are you supposed to be dismissing what God said in the Qur'an because He fixed what the Pharisees removed without authority?

Kirb Brimstone - Who is the spirit of truth?

Muhammad Rasheed - lol The prophet Muhammad (pbuh). His nickname since he was a small boy was "the truthful one."

Take the hint.

Kirb Brimstone - Are you okay? Are you even following along? I am asking you what's in the Injeel?

Muhammad Rasheed - What's wrong with all the times I already posted what was in the Injil?

Kirb Brimstone - Without begging the question and assuming the Quran is true (which I don't assume. I need to see evidence that the Quran is what it claims to be) how do you know what passages in the Bible are true?

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "I need to see evidence that the Quran is what it claims to be"

Why? So you can compile another list twisting and misrepresenting what I say? lol

Kirb Brimstone - Allah can't keep his word from being corrupted until he learns a new trick with the Quran? That's crazy. Why does the Quran affirm the inspiration, preservation, and authority of the Torrah and the Gospels?

Muhammad Rasheed - You're not paying attention. Allah preserves His Word first by anointing new prophets to correct, and now to maintain the integrity of the Final Revelation.

Kirb Brimstone - How  do you know that Jesus worshiped only the one true God? Do you have a reliable source to back up the Quran's claim? Or are we doing "trust me bro" and I have blind faith again?

Muhammad Rasheed - Who else would the prophets worship? Everything humanity knows about the One God came from the teaching of His prophets.

Kirb Brimstone - So why should I trust a corrupted verse? Do you have any reliable source to back up the Quran? Becuase this one Jesus calls God Father and the Quran says none can come to Allah but as a Slave. So Jesus can't be talking about Allah here.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "So why should I trust a corrupted verse?"

Do you still worship the Hebrew prophet, son of Mary as a co-deity? So, why change up now?

KIRB: "Do you have any reliable source to back up the Quran?"

lol The inerrant Word of God *IS* the reliable source, Kirb.

KIRB: "So Jesus can't be talking about Allah here."

Jesus isn't talking there at all, since the bible was written by mere men—telling narratives only based on what Jesus said and what God revealed in Works that have been forgotten.

The Qur'an is the pure Word of God, and what He says in it is the Truth of all matters it describes by default—the One God does not lie. The bible can't provide that comfort to you since it is notoriously contradictory and corrupt.

Literally every single jot, tittle, molecule & atom of the creation comes to Allah as a servant—even the Christ Jesus, son of Mary (peace be upon them). 

And this is a literal servitude to the Most High, not metaphorical like your played out 'sonship' you're holding on to.


Kirb Brimstone - @M. Rasheed...  I see you sniffing around my DM again. So, I'm going to assume you want another go and I said I'd only do this publicly. So if you can finally answer the original challenge depicted in the attached image, I will take my shahada. #islamicchallange

Muhammad Rasheed - ???

But I haven't posted in the DM since 01 Nov. And that was just to build a response block to post a public Tweet to get around the character restriction thing.

Muhammad Rasheed - lol Wait, is this performance supposed to be the official response to my own blog record archive of the discussion? 


Muhammad Rasheed - Plus, I already answered that question several times. Here's a quick copy/paste from my own record of our discussion:

Kirb Brimstone - Good, so you should be able to do it here. Go ahead. Answer the challenge.

Muhammad Rasheed - Here ya go:

Kirb Brimstone - Oh, so you are saying that anyone who worships the one true God is a muslim?

Muhammad Rasheed - Jesus submitted to the Only True God he worshiped exclusively. He was a pure & strict monotheist in the true definition of the term—with NO tricks ("3-distinct persons in-1"). 

The messiah was definitely a Muslim per the definition of the term, as were all the other prophets.

Kirb Brimstone - #Nowaffling Answer my Question: Are saying that anyone who worships the one true God is a muslim?

Muhammad Rasheed - Here you go:

Muhammad Rasheed - You don't seem to know what 'waffling' means.

Here you are:

Note that my use of the word "definitely" violently conflicts with your 'waffling' charge.

Kirb Brimstone - Here we go with the #Muslimshuffle ANSWER MY QUESTION: Are you saying that anyone who worships the One God is a Muslim? I'm going to keep asking until you answer the question. Don't be THAT kinda Muslim. Do better.

Muhammad Rasheed - What does "shuffle" mean in this context? What's this new charge? 

Here's my answer to the question (again).

Muhammad Rasheed

Kirb Brimstone - Islam can't answer basic questions. If you've got to play games hoping I get tired and  frustrated or forget my question maybe you've got a false religion. #answerthequestion

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "Islam can't answer basic questions"

I did answer them. As you see, I have a folio of entire blog threads dedicated to answering your questions. 

KIRB: "If you've got to play games hoping I get tired &  frustrated"

Isn't that what these easy-to-copy/paste cards are for?

Kirb Brimstone - All you gotta do is type YES or type NO. Repeating the claim that Jesus was a muslim because he submitted to the One True God doesn't answer the question: If that's the only criteria to being a muslim then is anyone who submits to the One True God a muslim? #answerthequestion

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "All you gotta do is type YES or type NO."

I'm not interested in your instructions in how I should answer a question about my own religion. No, thank you. I'm answer how I feel like it.

KIRB: "Repeating the claim that Jesus was a muslim because he submitted to the One True God doesn't answer the question"

Of course it does. I'm sorry that you don't know what being a Muslim means. I tried to help you, but you are a stubborn and narrow-minded fellow.

KIRB: "It's not my instructions"

lol You're literally trying to instruct me to answer a baited question in a specific way so you gain an advantage. This is a manipulation tactic. Islam is my religion, and I'll answer the questions based on my own understanding of the materials I study. I'm not interested in your sloppy trolling effort for Christian Prince Ministries® clout.

KIRB: "it's how questions work."

No, it's not.

KIRB: "You can't answer the question, 'Are you turning 22 next year?' with 'I live on the second floor' It's Yes or No."

Your logical fallacy is called: "False Equivalency."

Muhammad Rasheed - You'll be okay.

Here's my answer, by the way.

Kirb Brimstone

Muhammad Rasheed - Ironic, considering you made all these cards to demonstrate your own bot powers.

Kirb Brimstone - The fact that I could use pre-made graphics for your predictable responses is evidence that you are a bot. Congrats. You wasted my time. The world sees that Islam can't stand up to intellectual scrutiny.

Muhammad Rasheed - My answers aren't predictable, Kirb. They are actually well-thought out and supported by my studies. 

The source of your irritation is the fact that my answers are NOT the canned & predictable ones Christian Prince Ministries® trained you to respond to.

Muhammad Rasheed - Your intellect is not very flexible & adaptable, I've noticed. Your critical thinking levels are low. 

That's because you are only capable of parroting the lore carefully spoon-fed to you by your pastor as a gullible sheep-of-the-pews.

Kirb Brimstone - You can't even answer a question. Nobody is buying it that you're the superior intellect. Not even yourself. #botanswers

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "it's how questions work."

lol That's why you need me to answer questions in a specific way or else your 1981 karate class yellow belt fighting style can't work.

Muhammad Rasheed - Instead of studying the source texts of Islam for yourself with an open-mind, you're content to blindly parrot pre-packaged hate rhetoric from your favorite anti-Islam goons.

You're not making this drama fun for me either, but I'm committed to grinding it out for my records.

KIRB: "You can't even answer a question"

Oh, you mean THIS question with my attached answer, that I've posted several times now? Oh.


Wouldn't it be novel if you could reword it in a way to get your opponent to answer it the way you want for your trap to work? ๐Ÿ˜‡

Muhammad Rasheed - But if you think continuing to throw childish tantrums and futilely trying to bully me into answering it a different way with all of your pathetic whining will somehow manage to work, then go ahead. Have fun.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "Islam can't answer basic questions"  

Sure, it can.  Islam quite tidily answers the classic questions: 1) Where Do We Come From? 2) What Are We? 3) Where Are We Going? with zero ambiguity.   

That's why actually serious & sincere minds don't mock the Qur'an.

Kirb Brimstone - I think you think that if you have the last word, you've won the argument, like your misunderstanding of questions.That's also not how arguments work ๐Ÿคฃ

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "I think you think that if you have the last word, you've won the argument"

Although I do have the must-have-the-last-word toxic trait in my personality, I grade the argument on logic, reason, strength of evidence and cleverness of wit.

Kirb Brimstone - M. Rasheed wrote: "Wouldn't it be novel if you could reword it in a way to get your opponent to answer it the way you want for your trap to work? ๐Ÿ˜‡"

I've reworded it twice (once on the gtaphic you didn't read). I'm starting to doubt you're reading comprehensive abilities. Let's give you one last chance: Is a Muslim merely someone who submits to the one true God, or are there other criteria?

Muhammad Rasheed - You mean these two that I've answered both times? These bleeds?

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "Is a Muslim merely someone who submits to the one true God, or are there other criteria?"

You mean other criteria that would differentiate a Muslim Jesus from me, for example? Like that?

Muhammad Rasheed - In order to successfully submit your will to the One God, it requires obedience to the tenets of faith that God established that represent the Straight & Narrow Path. These are what God will Judge us on.

In Islam, that means the believer is Commanded to:

• Believe in the One God
• Do Good
• Reject evil
• Repent of your sins
• Beware of the Day of Judgment

Muhammad Rasheed - That's the practical application of submitting to God as a Muslim, and what He expects. 

Let's compare that to what Muslim Jesus (pbuh) taught in the fragments of his Gospel you lot accidentally managed to retain:

Kirb Brimstone - Is Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John reliable resources for the life of Jesus?

Muhammad Rasheed - No. Why would they be?

We can see the same tenets of faith from Islam in Jesus' teachings:

• Believe in the One God (the Only True God who sent Jesus)
• Do Good  (spending of your wealth in God's cause as charity)
• Reject evil  (keep the Commandments)
• Repent of your sins 
• Beware of the Day of Judgment

The only difference is that Jesus' Gospel was only a local message for the children of Israel, whereas the Qur'an is universal as a fuller explanation of the Book of Moses.

Kirb Brimstone - If I do all the things listed there, but when I say, "the one true God," I mean the statue I keep in my closet. Would I still be a muslim then?

Muhammad Rasheed - No. God is not an idol. 

He's the Immaterial, Unseen, Supreme Creator and Initiating First Cause of reality.

Kirb Brimstone - Gotcha, so the Muslim conception of the one true God has particular characteristics. Not being a statue, having no partners, etc. Does the Quran lay out those particular characteristics, or is it silent on who God is?

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "Gotcha, so the Muslim conception of the one true God has particular characteristics"

Yes. The 99-Names of Allah listed throughout the Qur'an are pretty famous, at least in general concept. Also see Gรถdel's mathematical proof.

Kirb Brimstone - Okay, good, so there are certain tenets that you must follow in order to be Muslim. Is calling Allah a father one of those tenets?

Muhammad Rasheed - No.

Kirb Brimstone - Gotcha, so the Muslim conception of the one true God has particular characteristics. Not being a statue, having no partners, etc. Does the Quran lay out those particular characteristics, or is it silent on who God is?

Muhammad Rasheed - Yes. The 99-Names of Allah listed throughout the Qur'an are pretty famous, at least in general concept. Also see Gรถdel's mathematical proof.

Kirb Brimstone - M. Rasheed wrote: "No. Why would they be?"

Why did you bring them up then?

Muhammad Rasheed - Because I'm having a comparative religious discussion with a Christian, and that involves referencing his book with him so he understands the points I'm making. This is necessary because he doesn't believe in the scriptural legitimacy of the Book I use.

In addition to this, God said that the Christians forgot most of the Gospel of Jesus (pbuh), which implies there's a portion of the original message that you all have managed to retain. That's the part the Qur'an confirms and I'm highlighting here for the discussion.

It's not lost on me that you appear not at all interested in the civil comparative religious discussion I prefer, and are instead engaged in trying to scoot me over to your shallow rhetoric trap, presumably for the type of fake "gotcha!" GodLogic and Shamoun perform.

I think that form of "missionary" work probably works best on undereducated folk who don't speak English very well and are most likely to get confused & dazzled by rhetorical Three-Card-Monte games in the guise of ministry.

Kirb Brimstone - How does this prove that Jesus was a muslim?

Muhammad Rasheed - What he told the rich, young ruler In Mark 10:17-27 proved it from your side alone. 

I don't know what your new graphic card is supposed to mean.

Kirb Brimstone

Kirb Brimstone - I am happy to discuss these passages. I've been studying them since I was a toddler. But before we do, since YOU brought them up, I need to know, Are these passages reliable information on what Jesus taught or believed?

Muhammad Rasheed - No. Just the general concepts that I highlighted for the Muslim Jesus topic. 

According to biblical scholarship, the bible is a fabricated document written by an army of pro-Pauline anonymous randoms, so it is unwise to treat it as a reliable anything.

Kirb Brimstone - So if they aren't reliable, why bring them up? How blind are you that the very oassages you bring up disprove your claim.

You know what? I am now an original Quran, only Christian. I only believe in the parts of the Quran that confirm the Bible. Everything else is corrupted.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "So if they aren't reliable, why bring them up?"

You ask me the same questions all the time like a russian bot while pretending I don't respond.

KIRB: "...disprove your claim."

It's not my claim, it's the claim of the scholars of your own Christian literature library. I'm just pointing out what they said, as I find it interesting as a historical curio, of value mostly in these discussions.

KIRB: "You know what? I am now an original Quran, only Christian."

It doesn't work like that. You're not allowed to know about the truth and still reject it in favor of a corrupted religion without receiving hellfire in return.

Kirb Brimstone - Why not?

Muhammad Rasheed - God said rejecting any of His prophets is a hellbound offense. You don't get to pick and choose among them, and elevate some above others, etc. 

God considers such behavior unbelief.

Kirb Brimstone - Name one NT scholar that says the NT is a fabricated document.

Muhammad Rasheed

The Book of Matthew

The Book of Mark

The Book of Luke-Acts

The Book of John

Epistle to the Hebrews

The Book of Revelation

Kirb Brimstone - Where in that quote does it say the Gospel of Matthew is a fabricated document? You thought you'd just quote mine some random scholars?

Muhammad Rasheed - They're saying "Matthew" didn't write it as you were taught. It was put together by some anonymous randoms and they all pretended it was written by Matthew later.

Kirb Brimstone - The late E.P. Sanders was a liberal scholar who dates the gospels in 70AD (relatively late), but he never says Mark was a fabricated document? Find one quote scholar who makes that claim. I didn't ask about authorship disputes.

Muhammad Rasheed - The authorship dispute is the fabrication. 

They lied and told you they were written by actual eye witnesses. Even some of Paul's letters weren't written by him either. 

Nearly the entire book is just a work of Pauline evangelical fan-fiction. How is this "reliable?"

Kirb Brimstone - Where in that quote does it say the Gospel of Mark is a fabricated document? You thought you'd just quote mine some random scholars?

Muhammad Rasheed - They're saying "Mark" didn't write it as you were taught. It was put together by some anonymous randoms and they all pretended it was written by Mark later.

Kirb Brimstone - That isn't what the scholar you quoted nor I are saying, but honesty, but if you're right about all this. Then Islam is false because the Quran affirms the Gospels.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "That isn't what the scholar you quoted"

Yes, it is.

Kirb Brimstone - Here is what an enemy of the faith says in the reliability of the Gospels.

Muhammad Rasheed - How can there be reliability when the oldest version of the bible is a fragment of a copy from over a century after the events in question and you can't use science to compare it to an original for verification?

Kirb Brimstone - How can you believe the Quran when if affirms the books you attack?

Muhammad Rasheed - I already answered that question a number of times (you repeat yourself a lot, like a russian bot). 

You are wrong. You don't know enough about Al-Islam to have a serious critique anyway.

KIRB: "the books you attack?"

I didn't attack anything, I just pointed out what the biblical scholars said.  These are not Muslim works.

Kirb Brimstone - You said earlier that Jesus only brought the Gospel to the Children of Isreal. How do you know where he preached?

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "You said earlier that Jesus only brought the Gospel to the Children of Isreal."

I was quoting your book. It wasn't my claim.

Kirb Brimstone - I am positive that I know more about Islam than you do about Christianity. Since we can't prove Jesus is a muslim and you've shifted to attacking the Bible, can you tell me why Allah affirms these corrupted

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "I am positive that I know more about Islam than you do about Christianity."

You didn't even know about the 99-Names of Allah.

KIRB: "Since we can't prove Jesus is a muslim"

You are disingenuous and lack integrity.

KIRB: "and you've shifted to attacking the Bible"

I referenced works from biblical scholars. It wasn't an attack.

KIRB: "can you tell me why Allah affirms these corrupted texts?"

He doesn't. This is a myth conjured by willfully ignorant anti-Islam hate trolls.

Kirb Brimstone - Surah 3 3-4 says ut confirms what was before it. The Gospel and Torah. Interact with the verse.

Muhammad Rasheed - Why do you assume Allah is talking about the Old Testament and the New Testament?

Kirb Brimstone - Bro, stay focused. Does that Quran describe the peculiar characteristics of the one true God?

Muhammad Rasheed - Why are you telling me to "stay focused" when you appear to have missed me say that the Qur'an has the famous 99-Names of Allah in it that are the characteristics/attributes of God? 

How am I the one not focused when you are clearly not playing attention?

Muhammad Rasheed - Didn't I call it that you weren't interested in my answers anyway? You're just focused on your intent to respond with whatever prepacked rhetoric you have in the Christian Prince Ministries® kit.

It's not lost on me that you appear not at all interested in the civil comparative religious discussion I prefer, and are instead engaged in trying to scoot me over to your shallow rhetoric trap, presumably for the type of fake "gotcha!" GodLogic and Shamoun perform.

Kirb Brimstone - So yes, the Quran describes the particular characteristics of the obe true God. Awesome. Can you show me evidence that Jesus followed/worshiped/submitted to this conception of the one true God?

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "Can you show me evidence that Jesus followed/worshiped/submitted to this conception of the one true God?"

There is only One God, and that's the One all the anointed prophets worshiped and served.

Kirb Brimstone - This one isn't even a reputation of the Gospel of John. ๐Ÿคฃ You don't even know what you're talking about. 1st and 2nd John aren't the same thing as the Gospel of John.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "๐Ÿคฃ"

It literally says that  John the apostle wrote NONE of the works attributed to him, so your giggling looks like more:

Kirb Brimstone - Then why does the Quran affirm them?

Muhammad Rasheed - Point to the part of the ayah where Allah affirms the fabricated works falsely attributed to Matthew, Mark, Luke & John, please.

Muhammad Rasheed - Christians use the plural "gospels" to refer to their version of scripture. God always refers to a singular "Gospel" that He sent to the Christ (pbuh) to preach. There's no reason to think Allah is talking about the NT at all.

Kirb Brimstone - So you aren't  claiming that Jesus's Gospel was only for the Children of Isreal?

Muhammad Rasheed - Why would you care what I thought about it? I quote your book to keep from being dismissed casually, but you do it anyway. Obviously, it doesn't matter what I type.

Kirb Brimstone - Because you are making a case for the Quran. Unlike you, I don't assume the Quran is true in order to prove the Quran is true. So why do you keep even going to the Bible to establish facts about Jesus? It's almost as if the Bible is the primary source for the life of Jesus.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "Because you are making a case for the Quran."

I was supposed to be making the case for Jesus (pbuh) being a Muslim. Isn't that the question you were hounding me over for days?

KIRB: "Unlike you, I don't assume the Quran is true in order to prove the Quran is true."

Do you assume the bible is true?

KIRB: "So why do you keep even going to the Bible to establish facts about Jesus?"

Because I'm talking to someone who expressed he has zero respect for the Qur'an, so why would I use the Qur'an to prove a point with you? It would be just as worthless as you sharing these dumb "The Gospels in context" flyers with me all the time.

KIRB: "It's almost as if the Bible is the primary source for the life of Jesus."

For you.

Kirb Brimstone - People through out history have referred to the 4 Gospels as the Gospel. But if you have a problem with the word Gospel then Surah 2:89 says, "confirming that which was with them." What was WITH THEM  Mo?

Muhammad Rasheed - Do you actually believe that the Christ was preaching from the 4-gospels you hold today?

Kirb Brimstone - I don't know what it means to "preach from the 4-gospels." I believe as the Quran teaches that the Gospels are the inspired, preserved, and authoritative  word of God.

KIRB: "What was WITH THEM  Mo?"

In the Qur'an, God said the people of the book were very  poor guardians of what was sent to the prophets. Far from being "the inspired, preserved, and authoritative" revelation, your 4-gospels represent corruption with a piece of truth remaining.

Muhammad Rasheed - As I've pointed out numerous times now in a classic 'casting pearls before swine' performance, the Qur'an confirms that piece of Truth you've miraculously managed to retain, it fulfills prophecy and it corrects your shameful errors.

KIRB: "I don't know what it means to 'preach from the 4-gospels.'"

Meaning that when Jesus "preached the Gospel," did he preach the "sacrifice/blood atonement" message from the 4-gospel books you have today?

Kirb Brimstone - You're waffling again. Why does your Quran affirm our Scriptures? Especially if they are as you claim, fake documents written by an army of anonymous Pauline people?

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "Why does your Quran affirm our Scriptures?"

It doesn't. That's only your wishful thinking you made up.

Kirb Brimstone - M. Rasheed wrote: "I was supposed to be making the case for Jesus (pbuh) being a Muslim."

Yes and you failed miserably and then pivoted to the overstating the case against the Gospels. So, that lead me to ask why the Quran affirms corrupt scriptures.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "Yes and you failed miserably"

According to what measure?

How can you make the claim that you know Islam better than I know Christianity, when you don't even know what a Muslim actually is?

Kirb Brimstone - Why because I don't buy the B.S. reductive definition you guys always give, "A Muslim is just someone who submits to the one true God." (like I haven't heard this a thousand time before) and when I take that logic to it's logical conclusion you guys start shuffling.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "because I don't buy the BS reductive definition you guys always give"

You admit you stubbornly just conjured your own definition of someone else's religion, and you think that makes you magically more learned about their religion than the adherents who actually study it.

KIRB: "when I take that logic to it's logical conclusion"

You hold no logic. You obviously don't know what that means either.

KIRB: "Yes and you failed miserably"  

According to what measure? I proved that Jesus was indeed Muslim by pointing out that, according to the new testament, he believed what I believe, taught what I believe, and did not believe in trinitarianism that you believe.

Kirb Brimstone - Surah 5:12-14 assumes the Christians have access to the Scripture. This is talking about Christians forgetting what is written in their scriptures. How do you forget something you never knew? Those Surahs assume and affirm the preservation of our scripture just like Surah 18:27

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "Surah 5:12-14 assumes the Christians have access to the Scripture"

The Qur'an is that scripture. Yours is molested and forgotten (5:14). If you want it in its fullness—what Jesus prophesized the comforting spirit of truth would bring after him—then convert to Al-Islam.

KIRB: "This is talking about Christians forgetting what is written in their scriptures"

No, it's talking about you forgot much of what Jesus actually preached to you—a message never written down. Very little of your 4-gospels include what Jesus actually preached.

KIRB: "How do you forget something you never knew?"

As a 2,000-yr-old body of believers, you forgot what the messiah preached. Only that first generation after the disciples were raised up in their righteousness. The rest succumbed to pagan trinitarianism.

KIRB: "Those Surahs assume and affirm the preservation of our scripture just like Surah 18:27"

No, you forgot most of what Jesus preached, and filled in the gaps with Greco-Roman pagan-polytheist claptrap. The Gospel of Jesus is now preserved within the Qur'an alone.

Kirb Brimstone - And the very passages you used as source texts show that Jesus can't be a muslim. Begging the question you'll say anything that contradicts the Quran is corrupt and I'll just reply anything in the Quran that contradicts the Bible is corrupt. #OriginalQuranOnlyChristian

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "And the very passages you used as source texts show that Jesus can't be a muslim"

Are you the one who admitted he invented his own personal use definition for the word "muslim?"

KIRB: "and I'll just reply anything in the Quran that contradicts the Bible is corrupt"

Biblical scholars admit that they 4-gospels are not eye witness accounts of the relevant events, but are instead fan-fiction written by anonymous pro-Pauline evangelical randoms. Which confirms the bible you hold is indeed a corruption. #FalseEquivalency

Kirb Brimstone - ๐Ÿคฆ‍♂️ Gospel means good news. In Matthew, Jesus is talking about the good news of the kingdom aka his arrival.  Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John each record the good news of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

Muhammad Rasheed - Did Jesus preach "the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus" when he went around preaching his Gospel revelation sent to him by his Guardian Lord?

Kirb Brimstone - Prove it. Here is another Surah that affirms our scriptures. It warns to not to be the first to disbelieve in it. Be careful Mo you might be violation of your Quran.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "Prove it."

See: 5:12-13 and 5:14.

KIRB: "Here is another Surah that affirms our scriptures."

It affirms the pieces you didn't forget.

KIRB: "It warns to not to be the first to disbelieve in it."

That part's talking about the Qur'an, genius. ๐Ÿ™„

Kirb Brimstone - M. Rasheed wrote: "No, you forgot most of what Jesus preached"

How do you forget something you never knew?

Muhammad Rasheed - Again, it's not a message to the single individual, but to the 2,000-yr-old body of Christians. In the beginning they knew it from the messiah, only to forget most of it later on in history.

Kirb Brimstone - Oh I never looked at it that way. So you're saying that the disbelievers (the pauline folks) became superior over Jesus's disciples? That's why we have the bible the way we do today?

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "So you're saying"

I would never say anything so stupid. Jesus' disciples and their first (and maybe second) generation followers became superior to those who schemed to kill Jesus. Those believers were true in faith and guaranteed paradise.

The rest of you court hell.

Kirb Brimstone - Show me where it says it only confirms pieces or some of what is with them?  In fact, the Surah 2:85 warns against believing in only part of the scripture and disbelieving other parts and Surah 18:27 reminds us that none can change the words of Allah.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "Show me where it says it only confirms pieces or some of what is with them?"

The Qur'an confirms what was sent to the prophets. The Old and New Testaments are works loosely based on the narratives of the prophets and that sometimes references what the prophets preached. 

KIRB: "In fact, the Surah 2:85 warns against believing in only part of the scripture and disbelieving other parts"

The Jews disbelieve in the Gospel revealed to Jesus (pbuh) and in the Qur'an revealed to Muhammad (pbuh), while the Christians disbelieve in the Qur'an revealed to Muhammad (pbuh). Muslims believe in all the revelation revealed to all the prophets. That's what the Qur'an is talking about here.

KIRB: "and Surah 18:27 reminds us that none can change the words of Allah."

None has. The Qur'an is the tangible sign of this miraculous Truth.

Kirb Brimstone - So the followers of Jesus where superior only until the 2nd or 3rd generation and then these boogiemen  pauline imposters over took the true followers of Jesus thus becoming superior? Hmm. But the Quran says the followers of Jesus will be superior until the day of resurrection.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "So the followers of Jesus where superior only until the 2nd or 3rd generation and then"

Yes, the righteous followers of Jesus (pbuh) who worshiped the Only True God who sent the Christ were made superior to those who persecuted them. You followers of Paul are not of them.

Kirb Brimstone - M. Rasheed wrote: "God has never been a father to anyone."

Right. Allah is a father to no one. Jesus prayed and submitted to his father. Therefore Jesus didn't pray nor submit to Allah. #jesuscantbemuslim

Muhammad Rasheed -  KIRB: "Right."

You don't know what "right" means. Add that to your vocabulary list.

KIRB: "Allah is a father to no one."

And never has been. Adam (pbuh) who also had no father, was not the begotten "son of God" either.

KIRB: "Jesus prayed and submitted to his father. Therefore Jesus didn't pray nor submit to Allah."

Jesus didn't have a father—that was the point of his great miracle. The messiah prayed & submitted to the Lord thy God who made him as part of creation.

Kirb Brimstone - But when I go to the Quran 5:68 it tells Christians to uphold the Torah and the Gospel. Why is Allah sending me to corrupt scriptures?

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "But when I go to the Quran 5:68 it tells Christians to uphold the Torah and the Gospel."

Which is found purified in the Qur'an. Will ye not be wise?

Kirb Brimstone - And your scholars say Muhammad affirms the Scriptures that the Jews had with them.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "And your scholars say"

Muhammad (pbuh) was illiterate. The Jews asked him to judge in a matter between them assuming he would rule from the Qur'an, but the prophet surprised them and ruled from their book instead with the help of the learned Jewish youth.

In the Qur'an, God gives the punishment for fornication as 100-lashes. In the Jewish scriptures the punishment for fornication is stoning to death. That's why the Jews came to Muhammad with a show of accepting his authority, because they wanted the lesser punishment for their companion.

The point was clear, that they didn't get to be "Qur'an only Jews" — they either accept the message fully or not. If they wanted to reject Islam and remain Jews then they get to be judged according to what they held. If they wanted a life where the yoke is easy, and its burdens light, then they can come to what was revealed unto the Comforting spirit of truth in Islam.

Kirb Brimstone - M. Rasheed wrote: "Jesus (pbuh) was preaching to the children of Israel"

Who are the Children of Israel? How do you know Jesus preached to them?

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "Who are the Children of Israel?"

The twelve tribes of Jacob (pbuh).

KIRB: "How do you know Jesus preached to them?"

God said so in the Qur'an.

Kirb Brimstone - M. Rasheed wrote: "Which is found purified in the Qur'an. Will ye not be wise?"

The Torah and the Gospel is inside of the Quran? Can you provide a source for that?

Muhammad Rasheed - Read the Qur'an for yourself and see.

Kirb Brimstone - M. Rasheed wrote: "Jesus didn't have a father—that was the point of his great miracle."

The source you sent me to says Jesus called God his father. That's not Muslim.

Muhammad Rasheed - The 'Parent/child' analogy is only relevant into of your narrow pagan ideology. 

It doesn't mean anything at all outside of that, so who cares? I sure don't. All you do is activate my eye roll reflex every time you bring it up.

It's understood that the the Israelites used the 'Parent/child' analogy in the Jewish scriptural tradition ONLY as symbolic metaphor, and it's understood that the followers of Paul changed the 'Parent/child' to be a literal beget. Which is *WRONG.*

Kirb Brimstone - MO: The twelve tribes of Jacob (pbuh).  

How do you know that? Who is Jacob?    

MO: God said so in the Qur'an.  

Can you provide a verse?

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "How do you know that?"

Because I'm learned. ๐Ÿ™„

KIRB: "Who is Jacob?"

The prophet of Allah, son of Isaac (pbuh).

KIRB: "Can you provide a verse?"

Kirb Brimstone - So Muhammad ruled from a corrupt book? Muhammad said he believed in a corrupt book? Allah revealed a corrupt book?

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "Allah revealed a corrupt book?"

Allah is the One God of Abraham (pbuh). You enjoy being a fool courting hellfire, don't you? When you find yourself writhing in agony for eternity, you will not be wronged.

The people corrupted the Book. The Pharisee scribes lacked faith.

Kirb Brimstone - M. Rasheed wrote: "Read the Qur'an for yourself and see."

I have read the Quran. I own a few copies. You couldn't just amswer me and tell me Surah 43:57-59, Surah 61:6, or Surah 61:14?

Can you tell how you know who the Children of Israel are?

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "I have read the Quran"

That's a silly lie. You lack the patience to even read the bible through.

KIRB: "You couldn't just amswer me and tell me"

No, I don't have any memorized plastic answers that you expect me to recite from wherever. I answer based on my own understanding from studying to show myself approved.

Kirb Brimstone - M. Rasheed wrote: "It's understood that the the Israelites used the 'Parent/child' analogy"

Oooh, So your saying Jesus mean't Son of Allah like the Jews mean't it? Now I'm confused again, the Quran condemns the Jews for the way they mean't it. So Jesus is doing what is condemn in the Quran? Not much of a Muslim.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "Now I'm confused again"

"Again?" That's your natural state.

KIRB: "the Quran condemns the Jews for the way they mean't it."

They meant it as metaphor when they called both Adam and David 'sons of God.' God had no problem with innocent symbolism.

One particular group of Jews revered Uzair as a 'son of God' and clearly stepped over the line in the blasphemous Pauline way and meant God literally 'beget.'   

THAT'S what God condemned—giving Him children & partners like the pagans do.

In 5:18, God is referencing the people of the book's penchant for pretending only they will get to go to heaven as if they have some extra special favor. God is letting them know that the unrepentant sinners among them will be in for a rude awakening on Judgment Day.

Kirb Brimstone - You still haven't answered my question. Who Jacob is? A prophet? But who is he? what did he do? Also, now I have new questions. What books were given to Moses?

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "You still haven't answered my question."

lol You're a scum-sucking piece-of-sh*t. You know that, right? 

KIRB: "Who Jacob is?"

Again (๐Ÿ™„) he's the prophet of Allah, son of Isaac (pbuh).

KIRB: "A prophet?"


KIRB: "But who is he?"

The prophet of Allah, son of Isaac (pbuh), father of the Twelve Tribes. 

KIRB: "what did he do?"

Preached God's Word. ๐Ÿ™„

KIRB: "Also, now I have new questions."

You mean the same three questions over and over again?

KIRB: "What books were given to Moses?"

God said He revealed to Moses (pbuh) the Torat. He didn't name the individual five books within the modern version of the "Torah."

You said the other day you had ZERO RESPECT for me quoting Jewish scholars at you, so obviously you don't want me to repeat the names of the Torah's books since, you know, that's Jewish scholar stuff and you hate that.

Kirb Brimstone - M. Rasheed wrote: "That's a silly lie. You lack the patience to even read the bible through."

My father was a Pastor. My Grand Father wrote a concordance. ai was raised in an extremely Biblically literate family. I read the entire Bible at 12. As for owning and reading the Quran, see the picture of my bookshelf below.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "My father was a Pastor."

Atheists tell me that worthless trash all the time, too, and you are all idiots. 

So and?

At no point have you ever given the impression you have read the Qur'an. 

Your entire discourse reflects the prepackaged canned arguments of your favorite anti-Islam hate websites. You just parrot that sh*t over and over like all of these other goons I argue with.

Kirb Brimstone - Stop falling back on your dawah talking points and pay attention! Muhammad affirms the Torah he had "between his hands" and said Allah revealed it. Did Allah reveal a corrupt book?

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "Stop falling back on your dawah talking points and pay attention!"

Weird. It's almost like a fat pagan thinks he has some kind of authority over me. Huh. You must be feeling yourself because the king of the white supremacists just won his election. lol

KIRB: "Muhammad affirms the Torah he had 'between his hands' and said Allah revealed it. Did Allah reveal a corrupt book?"

Muhammad (pbuh) was illiterate. His Lord expressed the Truth about what the people of the book held.

What's important about that story is that the Jews expected Muhammad to rule from the Qur'an and were shocked and disappointed when he ruled from the letter of their own book.

As you pointed out, he made sure to show it in reverence (even if he was putting on an over-the-top performance) so they couldn't act like he wasn't respectful.

The point was if they wanted their yoke eased and  burdens lightened, they needed to actually convert to Islam. He wasn't going to coddle them in the way they obviously hoped he would.

If you're gonna be a whore, 100-lashes is objectively better than being stoned to death.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "Stop falling back on your dawah talking points"

It's not a talking point. Your book is corrupted because your scribes sucked. They had no faith and thought they could invent God's Words as they liked. That's why the Jews lost God's Protection & the Temples were destroyed.

Kirb Brimstone - I don't know what part of this you're struggling with. If Jesus meant it in the sense that the Jews meant it, he is condemned by Allah. You can't be a Muslim and come to Allah as a father.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "I don't know what part of this you're struggling with."

I'm not struggling at all. You're the one who actually believes that pagan bullsh*t, and you insist upon reading the ayahs from that lens, which is causing your confusion.

KIRB: "If Jesus meant it in the sense that the Jews meant it"

For millennia the Jewish tradition meant it only as poetic metaphor and God was fine with it and never corrected it.

KIRB: "he is condemned by Allah. You can't be a Muslim and come to Allah as a father."

It was only those pagan Jews who literally called Uzair the "begotten son of God" who earned God's Wrath. Jesus NEVER would do that stupid sh*t. The followers of Paul did it later though.

Kirb Brimstone - There is nothing about Jews pretending only they will go to heaven. It says the Jews call Allah father, condemn them for it, and then makes an odd punishment based argument against Allah's fatherhood 

Wow! I have more respect for the Quranic then you! #innovation

Muhammad Rasheed - You're just stupid as f*ck, Kirb.

You're also disingenuous and a liar.   

We both know that the Jews and Christians each believe only they get to go to heaven and the "we are his beloved!" part of the ayah is referencing you all's idiot delusions.

Kirb Brimstone - Either your reading comprehension skills are abominable or you a being maliciously obstinate and obfuscating.

It doesn't matter what "we both know"  it matters what the Quran actually says. It's innovation a sin in Islam? Why are you abusing your Quran?

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "It doesn't matter what "we both know"

Of course it does. Context always matters. You Pauline turds love isolating a few words out of a verse and conjuring an entirely new denomination from it. 

I have zero patience for your stupid sh*t.

Kirb Brimstone - M. Rasheed wrote: "You're just stupid as f*ck, Kirb."

๐ŸคฃThis is how Mohammedans manifest when they are held to their Quran. You made my day Mo.

Muhammad Rasheed - Stop being stupid as f*ck. It's easy if you can manage to find some integrity from somewhere.

All you do is play ignorant games. 

I don't have unlimited patience for your bullsh*t, on top of the fact that your argument style has always been aggravating as hell.

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "when they are held to their Quran" 

You're not "holding me to the Qur'an." You read something into it that doesn't exist and trying to pretend it's real. You do that with your own compromised book; the Qur'an doesn't take to it at all and you just look dumb.

Kirb Brimstone - M. Rasheed wrote: "That's clearly what the ayah is talking about."

I'm starting to feel embarrassment by proxy. Just admit Surah 5:18 doesn't say what you're trying to make it say. #islamicinnovation

Muhammad Rasheed -  Why would I "admit" to something that's clearly a fiction? You believe that the Hebrew prophet is God, and despite clear & unambiguous ayahs saying this is NOT true, you want to force hadith and other verses to claim Islam says he is God anyway.  

Your judgment can't be trusted.

Kirb Brimstone - No worries. I'll be your Imam. At this rate I'll be a sheikh.

Muhammad Rasheed - You're just throwing every Arabic word you ever heard out there, regardless if whether it means anything to me as an American-culture Muslim. 

Kirb Brimstone - M. Rasheed wrote: "The bible is corrupt because biblical scholarship admits is a fabricated document, writ by an army of pro-Pauline anonymous randoms."

That's crazy! Liberal secular scholars have more authority in your life than your holy Quran which confirms my Scriptures  over and over, says none change it's words, and condemns believing only parts of them.  Why is Allah confirming corrupt Scriptures?

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "That's crazy!"

Is it?

KIRB: "Liberal secular scholars"

Integrity check failure. The vast majority of biblical scholars recognize the bible in this way. Many of them are of the clergy.

KIRB: "have more authority in your life than your holy Quran which confirms my Scriptures  over and over"

This comment means nothing to me. I've already debunked your claims dozens of times now. The Qur'an isn't talking about the bible, it's talking about God's revelation to His prophets. Only your willfully ignorant delusions insist they are one and the same.

KIRB: "says none change it's words"

God's Words haven't changed. That's what the Qur'an represents. His normal method for keeping His Word pure was to anoint a new prophet to get the people back on the Path. In the post-Prophetic Age, His method is to maintain the integrity and preservation of the Final Message.

KIRB: "and condemns believing only parts of them"

As a Muslim, I obey my Lord and believe in the whole of His message, which is currently found in the Qur'an. The bible can NEVER pretend to be the Word of God—the little bit of God's message you did miraculously manage to retain in the bible has been abrogated anyway.

KIRB: "Why is Allah confirming corrupt Scriptures?"

Allah is only confirming what He Himself revealed, not what your scribes molested in their arrogance.

Kirb Brimstone - I don't believe you and my website is the quranx.

Muhammad Rasheed - lol Well, I don't believe YOU and you're the one who introduced GodLogic, etc., into the thread revealing the exact sources of your pre-packaged, canned arguments you conspicuously cannot defend.

Kirb Brimstone - M. Rasheed wrote: "I'll assume you got that new age pagan mess from whatever girl you're simping around lately."

You got me. I simp for my wife and the mother of my kids. Now, why does Allah confirm corrupt scriptures?

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "You got me."

You're pretty transparent. A-Rah read you your mail back on BSH.

KIRB: "I simp for my wife and the mother of my kids."

Which one of them believes in that New Age "manifesting" mess? Does she have a septum ring? lol

Kirb Brimstone - M. Rasheed wrote: "No, I don't have any memorized plastic answers that you expect me to recite from wherever. "

No, you just have memorized Dawah scripts that I heard a hundred times before from other Muslims. And you're own little cards. Where do you think I got the idea from?

Muhammad Rasheed - KIRB: "No, you just have memorized Dawah scripts that I heard a hundred times before from other Muslims."

If that were true, you wouldn't have had an issue watching my videos and giving me your thoughts on it in exchange for me watching yours again.

KIRB: "And you're own little cards. Where do you think I got the idea from?"

Oh, I thought you were just flexing your graphic design powers at me from something you do all the time. They save me on typing time.

Kirb Brimstone - If you keep this up I'm going to start calling you Duck Dodgers in the 24½th Century.

Muhammad Rasheed - Why would I care what a hostile, biased outsider who hates Islam calls me? I'm about to turn 54-yrs-old. lol Do as you like. 

I'm Black American, not an Arab. So mocking Arab culture when MOST of the 1.8 billion Muslims aren't Arabs just makes you look unserious.

It's the equivalent to doing a sh*tty impression of Southern hip hop Black American artists when you see a black British guy, thinking you're offending him.