Friday, April 16, 2021

The Need for a Better Strategy


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "The Need for a Better Strategy." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 16 Apr 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

webzilla - How dare you not fall for rashit's emotional manipulation? You are clearly super racist and you get off on seeing people suffer!

Muhammad Rasheed - I don't have any "emotional manipulation." This one is my critique of people who try to appeal to the non-existent morals of evil. You haven't seen a single cartoon of mine where I'm trying to make you feel sorry for homeless people, have you? 

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Thursday, April 15, 2021

VP Kamala Harris Weighs in on Daunte Wright Shooting


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "VP Kamala Harris Weighs in on Daunte Wright Shooting." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 16 Apr 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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[DECODED] The True Meaning of the 'Victimhood' Response


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "[DECODED] The True Meaning of the 'Victimhood' Response." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 16 Apr 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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Tuesday, April 13, 2021

The Comical Persistence of Nixon's Debunked Shady Grift


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "The Comical Persistence of Nixon's Debunked Shady Grift." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 14 Apr 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

webkilla - Even the black community that bought their own land and moved away from whitey gets shit on. Why? Because they're not supporting Rashit and his agenda.

Muhammad Rasheed - This one has nothing to do with a Black community who bought their own land. It's a reference to Nixon's "black capitalism" scheme (see the hint in the title?), and if you were read up on the anti-racism material instead of just making stuff up from your dedicated white supremacist perspective you would know that and your "review" would actually make sense. smh

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The Dilemma of the Black Gatekeeper of White-Owned Monopoly


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "The Dilemma of the Black Gatekeeper of White-Owned Monopoly." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 14 Apr 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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The Criminal Overclass' War Against Truth


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "The Criminal Overclass' War Against Truth." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 14 Apr 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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Saturday, April 10, 2021

The Responsibility of Verbal Etiquette


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "The Responsibility of Verbal Etiquette." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 11 Apr 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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True to Type


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "True to Type." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 11 Apr 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

linda W. - [ARTICLE] This best-selling devotional has a prayer that literally says “Dear God, please help me to hate white people.” | NotTheBee

This is a real book you can buy. At Target. Can you believe this?

David H. - Flip it. Imagine a book that said "Please help me to hate Black people"... Uh huh.

Muhammad Rasheed - Western literature has quite a few books in its library saying very hateful things about "the Negro" going back centuries. Compared to the ironic spirit in which Dr. Walker-Barnes is actually presenting this piece -- she DOESN'T have hate in her heart and so she is pretending to pray for it to draw attention to the seriousness of the work involved -- it is a lot different than what this thread is expressing.

Jason Kennedy - wow... nice spin there...

Muhammad Rasheed - The article has her entire devotional screen-captured; we all can actually read what it says and see the context in which it was written for the message it intends. There's no need to spin anything. 

Now if you are actually rejecting her message in favor of believing that we live in a "post-racial" society with the idea that racism is no long among us, then just say that. There's no need to treat her message as if she meant something other than what she expressed.

Jason Kennedy - Certainly, if we are missing context, then I stand corrected... I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Carry on...

Steven O. Petrey - @David H… that would be racist too! Judging anyone by the tone of their skin or any other immutable characteristics is wrong!

Steven O. Petrey - @Muhammad… Making such a statement is unwise regardless of the context. It is most certainly going to be misunderstood, thus adding fuel to the racial divide

Muhammad Rasheed - 'Unwise" in what way? In the historical context of the very divide you are referencing, that sounds like a thinly-veiled lynching, police brutality or some other domestic terror threat.

The point is that the racial divide was centuries old when Dr. Walker-Barnes showed up. Patient non-violent movements in the Mohandas Gandhi mold didn't fix it -- its most famous proponent was shot and killed for his efforts. Radicalized militancy didn't fix it -- such groups were infiltrated and dismantled from within by US intelligence agencies.

So if Dr. Walker-Barnes' middle ground approach of a clever poetic prose asking God to harden her kind heart so she can more effectively do the deep work also didn't work -- none of you made it pass the first line and didn't even TRY to understand her piece, presumably because you are more protective over your dominant politico-economic position as the white identity group than you are of courageously confronting truth -- then what in your opinion would be a wise statement?

Muhammad Rasheed – Steven wrote: "Judging anyone by the tone of their skin or any other immutable characteristics is wrong!"

In the context of her actual devotional message, asking God to harden her kind heart to help her more effectively confront the brutalities of racism that terrorizes her people, how exactly are you defining "judging" in your passionate comment?

Steven O. Petrey - @Muhammad… you make a lot of assumptions in your comments. I have to disagree that she has taken a middle ground approach. Anyone who advocates hatred in anyway is just perpetuating the problem. MKL Jr understood that the only way to defeat hate is with love and said so. You are right that he was killed because he was effective. What I find sad is that so few people are willing to see what he saw and we just keep hating on one another. We have been going in circles since King's death because of that hatred. Advocating hatred even satirically feed the beast that the scourge of racism has become. It has to stop!

Steven O. Petrey - lumping any demographic into a convenient "category" for negative judgement is wrong whether it is by skin tone, religion or ethnicity.

Muhammad Rasheed - You are making a lot of assumptions in your odd attempt to interpret Dr. King's message from your defensive position. Dr. King believed in providing the long-abused Black American with the same free land and extreme economic uplift programs that the poor whites and white immigrant communities were provided, and in his efforts to "coming to get our check" he was gunned down. Reading white people's defensive kneejerk reactions to address the racial problem where he left off as they are over-protective of their dominant position on the other side of the racial wealth gap, reveals the root cause of the divide.

It has nothing to do with Dr. Walker-Barnes' devotional.

Muhammad Rasheed - To be clear, your demographic invented American racism as we know it because your political identity group directly benefits economically from its effects. When the demographic who has never benefited from it ever protests aagainst the continued systemic racist exploitation that feeds your demographic's Whitopia, we get misdirection rhetoric such as what you are providing here.

Apparently, your idea of "fixing" racism is for the Black American to just allow you to continue to exploit us without saying anything about it. Please stop trying to paraphrase Dr. King as it is quite offensive.

Steven O. Petrey - I am not making an assumption that the tact she has taken will increase hateful feelings. You can easily see that in the comments others have made. I disagree with her approach because I sincerely believe it will alienate many of the white folks that she should be rallying to support her cause. If you do not see that, I can't make you. Let's just agree to disagree!

Muhammad Rasheed - All of the white people in this thread were already alienated from Black people. That's why not a single one of them even tried to understand the context of Dr. Walker-Barnes' message and all instantly kneejerk reacted to clownishly proclaim she was from satan. lol

You were already alien, preferring to hold onto the unfair economic advantages afforded by centuries of racist treatment of Dr. Walker-Barnes' people while pretending you are over race.

Steven O. Petrey - that was a fundamentally racist statement on multiple levels! You have no idea of my history and how it relates to the establishment of American racism. You just see skin tone and make assumptions. You are clearly a hateful, bigoted individual. It is my distinct pleasure to have offended you! However, you do not have the authority to tell me who I can and cannot quote or paraphrase.

Muhammad Rasheed - The history of systemic racism in the United States is less about "skin tone" than it is about targeting the specific lineage & heritage of the Black American former slave class. This is evident because the Black immigrant class has never been treated as poorly as the American Descendants of Slavery ethnic group has and continues to be treated. The white identity group hoards 90% of the national household wealth while continuously chipping away at stealing more & more of the mere 2.6% controlled by my ethnic group by unscrupulous mortgage predators. Those cold facts have nothing to do with judging based on "skin tone" but on the economic exploitation of my group by the dominant political group. Your disingenuous "skin tone" rhetoric is yet another demonstration of a racist effort to kneejerk defend your unfair dominant position and flee from the truth.

Steven O. Petrey - I can guarantee you that not "all of the white people in this thread were already alienated from Black people." Your assumption that is the case shows you own biogtry and hatred. Hate will only generate more hate. It takes love to defeat hate. You hatred towards white people nor matter how justified it may seem to you makes you one of the people who is perpetuating racism. I get that those who have been held back by racial discrimination have a right to be frustrated and angry. I also get the point Dr. Walker-Barnes was trying to communicate. I just do not believe it is the right approach to solving the problem.

Muhammad Rasheed - Steven wrote: "I can guarantee you that not 'all of the white people in this thread were already alienated from Black people.'"

The evidence of the thread itself demonstrates you are a proudly offensive liar.

Steven wrote: "Your assumption that is the case shows you own biogtry and hatred."

Should I be surprised that speaking truth is interpreted as "bigotry & hatred" by a kneejerk defensive white man who is proud to offend a Black American while twisting Dr. King's words into the rhetoric of a white supremacist?

Steven wrote: "Hate will only generate more hate."

I hate evil actions and so does the One God of Abraham. The road of evil is paved with love of money, and you love money more that you love both God and truth. Fix yourself that you manage to save your raggedy soul from hell.

Steven wrote: "It takes love to defeat hate."

What would a creature like you possibly know about "love?" Please note that hoarding money you steal from exploiting Black Americans is not "love."

Steven wrote: "You hatred towards white people nor matter how justified it may seem to you makes you one of the people who is perpetuating racism."

You're being silly. I want your demonic commitment to racist acts against my people to stop so that makes ME the racist, huh? lol This is the quality of nonsense I've been dealing with from you lot for 400 yrs.

 Steven wrote: "I get that those who have been held back by racial discrimination have a right to be frustrated and angry."

Do you? Because I distinctly remember you being proud to offend a Black American who expressed exactly that.

Steven wrote: "I also get the point Dr. Walker-Barnes was trying to communicate."

I know you do, that's why I pointed out the nature of this thread discussion as being a bunch of aliens who proudly hoard wealth and viciously defend their racism-derived dominant position as an evil act.

Steven wrote: "I just do not believe it is the right approach to solving the problem."

Please note that Dr. King's much more coddling and diplomatic approach to white people was met with murder.

Steven O. Petrey - the sad part of this is the you may actually believe the manure you are shoveling. You have made so many assumptions in that statement that it is clear have no interest in being anything but hateful. SMH

Muhammad Rasheed - So far you've expressed a kneejerk reaction to Dr. Walker-Barnes' work without even trying to meet her where her actual message lay. By default you leaned towards a racist, anti-Black position.

After that you twisted Dr. King's message into white supremacist foolishness.

Finally you kneejerk reacted to my own pushback against this incredibly ignorant thread and proclaimed how proud you were to offend me.

No assumptions are necessary. Enjoy your racism, bud.

Steven O. Petrey - whether you want to admit it or not your bigoted assumptions are the same sort of thinking that led to the racial issues we have in this country. BTW, I have no commitment, demonic or otherwise, to systemic racial prejudice. That is just one of your misguided assumptions towards me because is happen to be white. That does in fact make you the racist. And yes, I am always proud to call out bigotry whenever I see it whether the bigot is black or white. From your comments, you clearly have an irrational hatred of all white people simple based on the tone of their skin. That, by definition is racist.

Steven O. Petrey - I hope your false accusations towards me have at least allowed you to vent a little of that hate in your heart. If you don't find a way to let it go, it will consume you.

Muhammad Rasheed - Steven wrote: "whether you want to admit it or not your bigoted assumptions are the same sort of thinking that led to the racial issues we have in this country."

More nonsense? The racial issues we have in this country come directly from white people thinking that only they get to enjoy the Lord's bounty on the earth. It's a greed-fueled sociopathy that only you have. Confront your truth and save your soul.

Steven wrote: "BTW, I have no commitment, demonic or otherwise, to systemic racial prejudice."

Your documented position in this discussion reveals otherwise. I suggest you repent.

Muhammad Rasheed - @Steven... A racist white man fond of twisting Dr. King's words into white supremacist tripe and who admitted he was proud to offend anti-racism activists in defense of the white racist aristocracy believes that pushing back against his racism is "hatred." When the Christ tossed the tables of the money-lenders, do you consider that "hatred," too? lol 

Should I be surprised at this clown-car demonstration of yours? Woud you like to add a vaudeville song-n-dance number to it as a florish?

Steven O. Petrey - Horse feathers!  You have gone out of your way at every turn to misrepresent my comments.  You are wrong in your ASSUMPTIONS  about me.  i can't repent for what is not the case.  Get over your hatred,  It will be your downfall! 

Muhammad Rasheed - Steven wrote: "You have gone out of your way at every turn to misrepresent my comments." 

lol You're the one who keeps flapping his lips about "skin tones" when we BOTH know racism is all about economic exploitation of my group by your group. It hasn’t been about "skin tones" since the 1965 immigration act when you let Black immigrants over to replace me and hide from your greed-fueled sins, beast. Repent!!

Steven O. Petrey - You have spent too much time in your make believe world of graphic novels, etc. I never defended racist or said you can't push back against the. I just cautioned you to be sure your push back is in the right direction. Otherwise you just make matters worse by being responsible for another injustice. 

Muhammad Rasheed - Steven wrote: "I never defended racist" 

Meanwhile, your literal oppositional stance in this discussion is to protect your demonic Whitopia from the reparatory justice you fear. smh 

Steven wrote: "or said you can't push back against the." 

lol You said calling out the historic wrongs of the country is "hatred." That was you. Obviously you hate integrity. 

Steven wrote: "I just cautioned you to be sure your push back is in the right direction. Otherwise you just make matters worse by being responsible for another injustice." 

You took the clown-car position of pretending that Dr. Walker-Barnes was actually advocating for hatred. What credibility do you think you have? hahaahha

*** Steven O. Petrey has deleted his posts or Blocked me from seeing them ***

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The Real Reason Why We Can't Have Nice Things


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "The Real Reason Why We Can't Have Nice Things." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 11 Apr 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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Helping the Enemy Hide from What's True

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Rasheed, Muhammad. "Helping the Enemy Hide from What's True." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 11 Apr 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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Thursday, April 8, 2021

Super Appropriate: Burning the Torch of Righteous Anger

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Rasheed, Muhammad. "Super Appropriate: Burning the Torch of Righteous Anger." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 09 Apr 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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Wednesday, April 7, 2021

And a Legend was Born 4.0


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "And a Legend was Born 4.0." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 08 Apr 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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And a Legend was Born 3.0


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "And a Legend was Born 3.0." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 07 Apr 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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