After completing my Monsters 101 graphic novel series at the end of the 2013 summer, I found myself with a little extra time on my hands, and was inspired to work on a special project. I decided to try to meditate every day for up to an hour, based on the specific instructions within the pyramid texts at Saqqara in Egypt, with the expressed purpose of attempting to open the Third Eye portal. Fatefully journaling the experience on this blog was a part of the project. It was very fun, but I had to back off of it when I started another big, multi-title graphic novel project, so I only made about eleven blog entries for it to date.
Shown below are the responses from social media friends and family to some of the blog entries. You may notice that I mined some of them for material to address in the next blog I wrote, along with my description of what took place during the session.
Awakening the Atrophied Eye – INTRODUCTION
[no responses to date]
Awakening the Atrophied Eye – Day One
Brett Barton - Zeeeesh. You breaking out the Korean finger board for this one....
Awakening the Atrophied Eye – Day Two
Nurah Rasheed - I dunno why, but these scare me so much.
Muhammad Rasheed - [rubs hands together]
Muhammad Rasheed - Every time you react that way it ends up inspiring some of my best shit.
Nurah Rasheed - lol what the heck?
Awakening the Atrophied Eye – Day Three
Jeremy Travis - If these come to an abrupt halt at some point, and your FB posts cease as well, should we just assume that something on the other side 'got' you?
Awakening the Atrophied Eye – Day Four
Jackals Home - You should find a guide for these spiritual experiments. Tila Tequila Has 100% Lost Her Mind
Muhammad Rasheed - I don't need no stinking guide.
Muhammad Rasheed - From Wiki: "In 2011 Vivid Entertainment released a video of Nguyen engaging in sexual acts with pornographic actresses Kristina Rose and Charlie Laine."
Jackals Home - There are others you could use: James Randi exposes Uri Geller and Peter Popoff
Jackals Home - This guy learned his chi-control from an old sensei. You love those! James Randi exposes James Hydrick
Jackals Home - Maybe this guy: Kiai Master vs MMA
Muhammad Rasheed - lol I already know about those "deep" people. That's why I know I don't need no stinking guide.
Jackals Home - If you want to have crazy hallucinations with imagined portent, without the use of psychotropic drugs, you can use the Ganzfield system (Hack Your Brain: How to hallucinate with ping-pong balls and a radio). Disclaimer: It's testable, verifiable, and repeatable. Which means it's not magic. So you might not be interested.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jackals Home wrote: "If you want to have crazy hallucinations..."
Ew. I don't want that. I don't need any crazy dreams.
Jackals Home wrote: "...with imagined portent..."
Ew. I don't want that either. I use that mindset for comics.
Jackals Home wrote: "...without the use of psychotropic drugs, you can use the Ganzfield system..."
No thank you. I'm already using one. It's the best.
Jackals Home wrote: "Disclaimer: It's testable, verifiable, and repeatable"
No, thank you. The one I'm using is like that. That's what the blog journal is for.
Jackals Home wrote: "Which means it's not magic."
lol The system I'm using is magic and it's testable, verifiable, and repeatable.
Jackals Home wrote: "So you might not be interested."
Maybe I'll give it a shot when I'm done with this one, depending on what that link reveals. It'll be more fun if you do it with me and we can argue over what the phenomena that we'll both see (everyone sees the same stuff using these techniques) means.
Jackals Home - I already had a lot of the stuff you talk about, like sleep paralysis, night terrors, etcetera. It was a symptom of sleep apnea. Using a CPAP has eliminated those effects. So CPAP's must be magic too. "Seeing the hag out of the corner of your eye while paralyzed in your bed? Try a magic CPAP!"
Jackals Home - And you're gonna have a hard time convincing me of the magical nature of your hallucinations, considering how easy the effects can be duplicated with non-magical ping-pong balls and white noise (IE sensory deprivation, which is basically what you're doing). This is neurobiology, not parapsychology. But I think you know that.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jackals Home wrote: "I already had a lot of the stuff you talk about, like sleep paralysis..."
I didn't have any sleep paralysis though.
Jackals Home wrote: "night terrors..."
I've never experienced night terrors, James.
Jackals Home wrote: "...etcetera."
I haven't experienced any etcetera. lol
Jackals Home wrote: "It was a symptom of sleep apnea. Using a CPAP has eliminated those effects. So CPAP's must be magic too. 'Seeing the hag out of the corner of your eye while paralyzed in your bed? Try a magic CPAP!'"
lol But I don't have problems sleeping. I sleep great. In fact, it's a primary requirement for performing correct meditation this way.
Muhammad Rasheed - Are you fussing at me? lol
Muhammad Rasheed - There's nothing wrong with my breathing so it's not sleep apnea. The breathing technique I use is charging me with air from the slower inhale. I feel great.
Muhammad Rasheed - Really.
Muhammad Rasheed - It's possible that it might be dangerous for someone to try if they have symptoms of asthma though. Maybe?
Jackals Home - I've read the posts, silly. The lurking figures (edit: shapes, apparently)? The "hag" from mythology (John Henry Fuseli)? That's neuroscience. No, I'm not fussing, but you're basically doing sensory deprivation experiments. There's nothing wrong with that, but we've already figured that out, the effects you can achieve can literally be accomplished with ping-pong balls and white noise.
Jackals Home - Your "immortal self" is the movie your brain plays when you deprive it of stimulus. This isn't like, a poorly understood area of science. Through practice, you'll be a witness to all manner of fanciful imagery (like shooting stars, which you're already getting). You can also get to the same exact neurological place using the Ganzfield process. It creates exactly the same effect, in less than an hour, first time for most subjects, complete with the increased feelings of spiritual portent. But since you didn't hear about it by a guy with "Baba," "Yogi," or "Mahareshi" in his name, it's not the secret world of magic your looking for. It's just boring old science.
Jackals Home - Here's the up side, though. As long as you continue to treat this as a supernatural journey, that makes you every bit as qualified to write a book like Clesson H. Harvey (who, unsurprisingly maintains an invisible presence online, unless you want to buy his books) that other people who believe in magic can buy and use as "evidence" that these completely mundane sensory deprivation methods enable the human soul to tap into TRUE HIDDEN POWER!!!!!!!
For my own piece of mind, I'll assume this is part of a long con to be executed in this manner. It's certainly less work than drawing cartoons, and likely an easier sell.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jackals Home wrote: "I've read the posts, silly. The lurking figures (edit: shapes, apparently)?"
There are no figures. There are just vague images that appear around that area. Instinctively, I'm intrigued and want to study them to see what they are, and probably would if it wasn't for the pyramid texts' instruction not to do so. I figure everyone would.
Jackals Home wrote: "The 'hag' from mythology...?"
I know no hags. In the beginning of the Day Four post I deliberately attempted to play up a scary aspect based on my sister's fears because she said that in the previous FB link. I also created a clown-like creature in my M101 story based 100% on that same sister's fears just to mess with her. I didn't mean to imply that I really saw that feral boy or anything actually scary. I'm not afraid of the dark. That was kind of the point of Day Four's early paragraphs. There's no hag.
Jackals Home wrote: "That's neuroscience. No, I'm not fussing, but you're basically doing sensory deprivation experiments."
I prefer to meditate in the dark because during earlier attempts I had a tendency to get distracted by things as small as cracks in the wall, so yeah, in that sense I'm depriving myself of light (except for the fovea spot, of course). Other than that, since the meditation technique can be performed normally in regular lighting conditions, I don't see how it can be considered a sensory deprivation at all.
Jackals Home wrote: "There's nothing wrong with that, but we've already figured that out..."
I don't think they are "figured out" since so much about the brain is still not understood. Many, many, many more experiments are still needed, much more data needs to be collected before we can figure it out fully.
Jackals Home wrote: "...the effects you can achieve can literally be accomplished with ping-pong balls and white noise."
I know. There's lots of ways we can get our DMT levels up and experience altered states of consciousness, like long bouts of rhythmic dance, and ingesting drugs. A certain percentage of the populace can trance out at will. I'm less interested in the effects on THIS side of it, than on the shamanic side of it. I'm interested in the side that isn't being explored by folk who want to catalog the process for posterity and general knowledge. The people with all the money and funding have this side covered.
Jackals Home - Much about the brain is not understood. This is not one of those areas. The technology to create these effects, complete with intense feelings of spiritual portent, can be bought at Target, for less than twenty dollars. If the effects you seek can be created with such paltry methods, you'll forgive me if I fail to sign off on it being a spiritual event.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jackals Home wrote: "Your 'immortal self' is the movie your brain plays when you deprive it of stimulus."
As a fan of your blog, your disbelief and disdain for the unseen is well-known to me, as my full belief in it is known to you. My immortal self is the body I will inhabit in the afterlife. You have no way of knowing whether that is true or not based on the info available in scientific literature (other than in the works of Dr. Rick Strassman). I know you are just expressing how you genuinely feel from your position, but I think it's unreasonable to expect me to accept those kinds of statements as truth. It just comes across as disrespectfully dismissive.
Jackals Home wrote: "This isn't like, a poorly understood area of science."
Sure it is if they just automatically assume it's "fanciful" and fail to maintain the objective mindset of the scientist.
Jackals Home wrote: "Through practice, you'll be a witness to all manner of fanciful imagery (like shooting stars, which you're already getting)."
How do you know it's "fanciful?" based on what?
Jackals Home wrote: "You can also get to the same exact neurological place using the Ganzfield process."
I would expect to be able to get my DMT up using other methods that touch upon similar techniques. That's not the most interesting part of it. Unless the meditator has a "stop and smell the roses" mindset, and I'm not famous for having that at all. I just want the pay-off.
Jackals Home wrote: "It creates exactly the same effect, in less than an hour, first time for most subjects..."
Yes, that's the science part.
Jackals Home wrote: "...complete with the increased feelings of spiritual portent."
I can't say for sure whether I would have that or not. I expect the spirit stuff because I believe.
Jackals Home wrote: "But since you didn't hear about it by a guy with 'Baba,' 'Yogi,' or 'Mahareshi' in his name, it's not the secret world of magic your looking for."
The guys in my blog's bibliography aren't those mystic "swammy" types. I'm familiar with those types of folk. I've been a fan of The Amazing Randi, too, James. This stuff isn't like that, though I can see why you'd be ready to lump it all in with the rest. My sense of discernment isn't complete garbage. Actually because of my respect for you and how you think, I would love if you'd crack open some of these books and let's just talk about it from that angle instead of from this side of the argument. It would be better if you approached this argument for a better informed stance, that way when you attempt to poke holes in it, it will have more weight. To me. But I would be genuinely interested in your opinion of it once you read them and had an opportunity to look it up in your own way.
Jackals Home wrote: "It's just boring old science."
I love science. I don't like certain scientists and their world-views and particular hypotheses/theories though, but that's not the same thing.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jackals Home wrote: "Much about the brain is not understood. This is not one of those areas."
Wait, which part? I'm talking about from the standpoint of knowing why certain effects are produced and what it could mean, etc. Why do we NEED DMT? Stuff like that. The reason is the interesting part to me, not the nuts and bolts of how necessarily. I'm not a techie. I don't care how this cell reacts to that stimulus, etc., I just care about the why and where's it going. What the function and how can I profit from it. Similar to that one post you had about the cell phone and video game tech. You don't care about the science behind how they are able to do what they do, even if you have a great deal of respect for science, you just want them to do what you need them to do. I feel the same. I'm fascinated by the abilities of the human brain but I care about how to tune this organic receiver onto Channel Third Eye.
Jackals Home wrote: "The technology to create these effects, complete with intense feelings of spiritual portent, can be bought at Target, for less than twenty dollars. If the effects you seek can be created with such paltry methods, you'll forgive me if I fail to sign off on it being a spiritual event."
They can also be duplicated by boiling certain types of plants and fungi and drinking the potion. But the particular effects produced are more important than the methods to get there. That's not a good reason to turn down signing off on it. The basic stylus and tablet are pretty simple and easy to produce as well, just grab a chunk of chalk and a flat slab of stone. But you can use those simple tools to record valuable bits of human knowledge so another human can learn what you know. Should I dismiss that feat because any ol' fool can scratch marks onto stone?
Jackals Home - I looked all over for "Clesson H. Harvey," to find out anything I could about his background, photos of him, credentials, where he's taught, anything. He's a ghost on the internet, except for the site where you buy his books. His lack of internet presence reeks of hucksterism, so I disagree regarding the bonafides of the authors from which you're taking spiritual direction.
Likewise, if spiritual portent is placed on any colors or shapes you see when no other light is provided, then as always, I will be unable to provide evidence that that's not what it is. Similarly, I cannot disprove the existence of the Russel's teapot, so I'm not going to willingly engage that familiar inversion of how proof works. I do know that pressing on my closed eyes provides a colorful burst of what science calls "phosphenes" and barring any verifiable, testable, repeatable, evidence that phosphenes are a message from my immortal self, I'm going to have to stick with the mundane. Phosphene
Jackals Home - And don't be disingenuous. You cannot reproduce digital artwork with a chunk of calcium and a rock. C'mon.
The part of neurobiology where shapes and lights appear when you deprive your brain of stimulus. That's what is well understood. That's what we were discussing.
Closed-eye Hallucination
Isolation Tank
Prisoner's Cinema
You'll note those entries all link to this one, describing the Tibetan "Dark Retreat."
Dark Retreat
This isn't a coincidence, much like the entry on "Solar Deitiies" links immediately to an entry on "The Sun." It's not because we're confused whether the sun is a boat piloted by Ra. It's because there were times in the past where people made shit up to explain phenomena they didn't understand. We understand what the sun is, now. We know what causes phosphenes, closed-eye hallucinations, and that feeling of spiritual import. These are known knowns.
Closed-eye hallucination - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Muhammad Rasheed - Jackals Home wrote: "Here's the up side, though. As long as you continue to treat this as a supernatural journey, that makes you every bit as qualified to write a book like Clesson H. Harvey..."
Jackals Home wrote: "...(who, unsurprisingly maintains an invisible presence online, unless you want to buy his books)"
That guy is four hundred years old. You see how lame his website looks. Plus he's a former college science professor, so he publishes. He's also focused on translating the hieroglyphs from the pyramid texts so he's busy.
Jackals Home wrote: "...that other people who believe in magic can buy and use as "evidence" that these completely mundane sensory deprivation methods enable the human soul to tap into TRUE HIDDEN POWER!!!!!!!"
lol That's how it works. Earth IS mundane. But it's not the final destination anyway, so it's good.
Jackals Home wrote: "For my own piece of mind, I'll assume this is part of a long con to be executed in this manner. It's certainly less work than drawing cartoons, and likely an easier sell."
A con from me?
Muhammad Rasheed - Jackals Home wrote: "I looked all over for 'Clesson H. Harvey,' to find out anything I could about his background [...] His lack of internet presence reeks of hucksterism, so I disagree regarding the bonafides of the authors from which you're taking spiritual direction."
He's an OLD academic. I'm not saying it's impossible that he's not a conman, but I know those kind of folk. He's really smart in his particular expertise, but he doesn't have a web presence because he's a goober when it comes to that stuff. I think that's the more likely explanation in this case.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jackals Home wrote: "Likewise, if spiritual portent is placed on any colors or shapes you see when no other light is provided [...] and barring any verifiable, testable, repeatable, evidence that phosphenes are a message from my immortal self, I'm going to have to stick with the mundane. Again."
Well, not just this Third Eye thing (I take back my invitation to join me on this thing based on your asthma issue), but other concepts in those works by other authors. Not to convert you or anything like that, but to have conversations/discussions with you regarding the content and the concepts. And to bounce ideas for stuff off of you.
Muhammad Rasheed - I promise some of that stuff you will find genuinely interesting.
Jackals Home - What college, exactly? Translating what texts? Where did he get his degree? What kind of respected academic doesn't have his bonafides available for perusal? People take pictures of their lunches now, I'm dubious that a guy translating ancient texts that hold TRUE ULTIMATE ENLIGHTENMENT!!!! wouldn't show off what they looked like a little online. Even if he's a luddite, surely someone involved in such a momentous undertaking would have an intern or two around, occasionally.
And I only wish you were planning a long con. Instead you're on the consumer end of one. Whatever, I mean, I spend tons of money on plastic D&D minis, it's not really for me to criticize what others do with their disposable income.
Muhammad Rasheed - I'll test you on that when I get to some of my notes.
Jackals Home - You're not hurting anyone, but I view this roughly the same as how I view Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's professed lifelong belief in the Cottingley Fairies.
Jackals Home - Naturally, I'm willing to discuss anything you like. I'm perfectly willing to be the skeptical friend.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jackals Home wrote: "What college, exactly?"
The University of California in Berkeley.
Jackals Home wrote: "Translating what texts?"
The Pyramid Texts hieroglyphs in Saqqara, James. About 10 miles from Giza.
Jackals Home wrote: "Where did he get his degree?"
My copy of The Short Path is in the states, so I'll get his bio to you next month for my visit home.
Jackals Home wrote: "What kind of respected academic doesn't have his bonafides available for perusal?"
Dude he's OLD. He probably still keeps that stuff in a dusty leather folio in an over-filled drawer with a bunch of papers on it.
Jackals Home wrote: "People take pictures of their lunches now, I'm dubious that a guy translating ancient texts that hold TRUE ULTIMATE ENLIGHTENMENT!!!! wouldn't show off what they looked like a little online."
What do you mean? Examples of his translations are all over that site.
Jackals Home wrote: "Even if he's a luddite, surely someone involved in such a momentous undertaking would have an intern or two around, occasionally."
He's retired now. I remember that from the bio in The Short Path.
Jackals Home wrote: "And I only wish you were planning a long con. Instead you're on the consumer end of one. Whatever, I mean, I spend tons of money on plastic D&D minis, it's not really for me to criticize what others do with their disposable income."
It's not a con. I'm not saying it's impossible that it couldn't be, but it's not.
Jackals Home wrote: "You're not hurting anyone, but I view this roughly the same as how I view Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's professed lifelong belief in the Cottingley Fairies."
lol I know you do. That's why I'm going to test you with some of this stuff to see what you think. The straight "spirit" stuff I know you'll dismiss out of hand. I'm not talking about that. You'll see. It'll be fun.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jackals Home wrote: "Naturally, I'm willing to discuss anything you like. I'm perfectly willing to be the skeptical friend."
Cool! That's all I ask. When I get back I'll loan you my copies of some of this stuff. You don't have to read everything, but there are certain things I want to show you so you can look them up in your own research train so we can talk about it later.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jackals Home wrote: "And don't be disingenuous. You cannot reproduce digital artwork with a chunk of calcium and a rock. C'mon."
I thought my analogy was very clever. My point was that you can write detailed valuable instructions to pass on to further human knowledge using cheap, simple tools that can be purchased at Target or Dollar Tree. Did you really side step my entire point to nitpick my example?
Muhammad Rasheed - Tsk.
Muhammad Rasheed - I meant "basic stylus and tablet" in the old school terminology definitions. lol
Awakening the Atrophied Eye – Day Five
Jackals Home - I wouldn't hold out too much hope for the big payoff of "Opening the Door to Immortality." According to the University of Berkeley in-house chemistry magazine, Clesson H. Harvey died in October of 2012.
(In Memoriam '54 - Clesson H. Harvey)
He had no degrees in Archaeology, Linguistics, World Religion, World History, Parapsychology, or really anything other than dual Bachelors in Chemistry and Education. As I suspected, his qualifications regarding acquiring and then translating ancient Egyptian scrolls that give you superpowers might have been a bit lacking. I tried to look at his obituary in the Idyllwild Town Crier, but it was behind a paywall, so I have no idea if he has a plucky great-nephew, a Chosen One-type, perhaps, that will find the scrolls buried in his office and finally tap into that TRUE REALLY FOR REAL ULTIMATE POWERRR that his uncle was working on.
Muhammad Rasheed - "Clesson H. Harvey (B.S. Chem; CRED ’55, Educ), a retired physics and chemistry teacher, died at his home on October 18, 2012. Clesson’s education included courses in Tibetan and ancient Egyptian religion at UC Berkeley, and he was the author of many articles and books. He made his home in Idyllwild, CA."
Aw, that's sad! I wonder if he'd been sick since 2006 when his last Utterance translation went up? I'm sure his folk gathered his stuff and finished publishing his book for him. awww...
Muhammad Rasheed - Anybody can learn how to translate ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, James; they have courses for that everywhere. That's what the big rosettta stone/Champollion breakthrough represented. The pyramid texts themselves are also famous and widely available in publications for study.
Jackals Home - Got it. So the REAL ULTIMATE POWERR!!! Is widely available to anyone who can translate these texts, and an undergraduate class in Egyptian history is sufficient to qualify you to do that. Who else is working on this immortality secret, then? I'd like to familiarize myself with what kind of progress these other stalwart scholars are making.
Also, if you could let me know the Email addresses of a couple of the surviving pharoahs who used this ancient immortality secret, that would be a big help, too. I imagine the amount of useful information you could get from someone who became pure energy and lived for four thousand years would be significant.
Jackals Home - I'd also like to reiterate that your everyman approach to this quackery demonstrates that you are every bit as qualified to sell books about REALLY FOR REAL SPIRITUAL POWER!!! as Clesson H. Harvey.
Muhammad Rasheed - lol
Muhammad Rasheed - What is this "quackery" you speak of, Mr. Home?
Jackals Home - I think your sensory deprivation experiments have affected your short-term memory. Over the past couple days we've been discussing how a guy with a Bachelors in Chemistry wrote a book that convinced you that he was translating ancient Egyptian texts that would give you super powers.
His most recent book "Opening the Door to Immortality" was published posthumously, which is about as close to irony as you can get without a Homeric narrative.
Jackals Home - The "quackery" is the part where you've become convinced by a chemistry teacher that closed-eye hallucinations, easily replicatable through use of the cheapest, most tawdry man-made instrumentalities and methodology, is communication with extraplanar creatures.
Jackals Home - I especially like how you keep citing the completely unremarkable fact that "everyone sees the same visions when they do this" as if lack of diversity in results isn't what you would expect with a purely biological phenomena. Like, when people ingest methylene blue, their urine exclusively turns blue. It's not surprising that consistent stimulus results in consistent results. It's kinda the opposite of surprising.
Awakening the Atrophied Eye – Day Six
[no responses to date]
Awakening the Atrophied Eye – Day Seven
Ali Rashada - I'm finding your exploration and documentation interesting thus far. keep up the good work. This episode triggered a remembrance of great book i read called "The Mastery of Being." It was a logical explanation of how anything that was "real" was immortal, and then how anything immortal was part of the creator. Do you see this immortal self you are trying to contact as separate from the source of life? and if so, how does it maintain its immortality?
Muhammad Rasheed - Ali wrote: "It was a logical explanation of how anything that was "real" was immortal..."
That's neat. It reminds me of the work of René Guénon, who showed that high mathematics principles like the transcendental numbers point towards the proof of the other infinite realms that our terrestrial realm is but the shadow of. I'm going to check your book out. Wait... by William Walker Atkinson? Is he one of the folk from "The Secret?"
Ali wrote: "Do you see this immortal self you are trying to contact as separate from the source of life?"
No, I would suspect that our immortal half... which represents our conscious, having personal memories of life in heaven, and being the form we will inhabit in the afterlife... to be the part of us that God metaphorically "breathed" into us in order to give us life in the first place. It would definitely be part of the Source in that since.
Ali wrote: "...and if so, how does it maintain its immortality?"
That's an interesting concept, Ali. That some effort would be required for an immortal being to retain its infinite nature. In the Qur'an, God says of those who have attained paradise that they will have no need to fear, nor shall they grieve. To me that implies that, after a human lifetime on earth of continuous struggle, effort and a break-neck racing against the clock, now that time is over; you can now finally just "be." There is no longer any effort. To be truly immortal is to be free of any form of 'rat race' and to be at Ease as you so will.
Awakening the Atrophied Eye – Day Eight
[no responses to date]
Awakening the Atrophied Eye – Day Nine
[no responses to date]
Awakening the Atrophied Eye – Day Ten
Ali Rashada - Sometimes it seems as if you write about the wants and requirements of spiritual beings almost tongue in cheek. i wonder, do you really believe you can piss off spiritual being so that they refuse to help you forever, by something as trivial and human as being distracted.
Muhammad Rasheed - There's a few aspects making these posts come across that way:
1.) Is the pyramid texts' specific instructions of how to do this stuff and what the consequences are if you fail to do it correctly.
2.) My writing style will tend to project possible reasons and motives, in an anthropomorphic way, onto the possible motives or reasons as to the why of #1, which is very tongue-in-cheek since I really have no idea as to why the rules are exactly that way, or why they would be.
3.) The being directly responsible for having the Third Eye open is actually myself... my spiritual half. The part of me that will "take over the driving" so to speak after the death event. This side of me has personal memories of living in paradise, and doesn't operate out of 'faith' and 'belief' but knows for a fact that these things are real. Since the earthly actions of it's mortal half... me... are directly responsible for getting us there, I find it difficult to believe that it wouldn't get pissed if witnessing me do something that may jeopardize the state of our afterlife existence.
See Also:
Awakening the Atrophied Eye: A Personal Quest to Find the Followers of Second Sight
Awakening the Atrophied Eye - DAY ONE
Awakening the Atrophied Eye - DAY TWO
Awakening the Atrophied Eye - DAY THREE
Awakening the Atrophied Eye - DAY FOUR
Awakening the Atrophied Eye - DAY FIVE
Awakening the Atrophied Eye - DAY SIX
Awakening the Atrophied Eye - DAY SEVEN
Awakening the Atrophied Eye - DAY EIGHT
Awakening the Atrophied Eye - DAY NINE
Awakening The Atrophied Eye - DAY TEN
Awakening the Atrophied Eye: INITIATION
Awakening the Atrophied Eye: The Wisdom Eye Returns
Awakening the Atrophied Eye: Third Eye FAQ
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