Michael Balance Williams - If blacks were and still are 3/5ths human and more animal like according to Christian laws of the land and sea, where is/was PETA when we need(ed) you the MOST????
Muhammad Rasheed - Michael Balance Williams wrote: "....according to Christian laws of the land and sea..."
Muhammad Rasheed - What?
Adreana Hbg Shavers - Where....um...waa...o_0
Twalla MissVirgo Rogers - Lol
Michael Balance Williams - What? What? Lol Did I say something?
Michael Balance Williams - You can't ship slaves legally without laws.
Muhammad Rasheed - "Christian" laws?
Define the term, please.
Muhammad Rasheed - Within this context.
Admon Smetler - LMAO
Michael Balance Williams - Animals have more rights in this country than brown and black folks. Mike Vick's case Vs. Darren Wilson's [drops mic]
Muhammad Rasheed - Stop. Retrieve that mic, please.
Define what's "Christian" about the international slave trade. You are not yet clear.
Muhammad Rasheed - At the moment it seems odd that you randomly stuck that word in there.
It would've made more sense if you said "European colonialist laws of the land & sea" instead.
Michael Balance Williams - Buddhists didn't transport slaves to and fro. Christians and Muslims did. I'm not your teacher. You're your own teacher. If you're curious, decipher and weigh the info like I have.
Muhammad Rasheed - Christianity is 2,000 years old. Islam is 1,500 years old. The international slave trade that brought Africans to America under a unique chattel slave institution based on race was only a few centuries old. If the laws of that system were "Christian," why didn't it begin 2,000 years ago and endure until the present? Why was it abolished? Why did Europe abolish them first? Why have there been legions of Christians & Muslims throughout the last 2,000 years who didn't own slaves, fought against the practice, and even freed them whenever they could?
And no, you are not my teacher.
Muhammad Rasheed - Show me in the bible where it says black people are "more animal like" where these so-called "Christian laws" were derived, please.
Michael Balance Williams - You have to be enslaved mentally, first. Who says we're free?
The African Sub Saharan slave trade (which no one talks about) by the hands of Muslim Arabs lasted 1200yrs. The transatlantic slave trade lasted over 400yrs. At what point will blacks stop praying to their slave masters god? You can't pray to your slave masters god and expect freedom. The mentality/system that enslaved you mentally and physically can't free you mentally and physically. Stop rubbing your eyes and wake up.
Muhammad Rasheed - Michael Balance Williams wrote: “You have to be enslaved mentally, first. Who says we're free?”
More to the point, who asked a question about mental enslavement at all? Are you even going to bother defending your position, or do you plan to duck questions like Neo ducking bullets?
Michael Balance Williams wrote: “The African Sub Saharan slave trade (which no one talks about)”
Notice that it didn’t have anything to do with your status post, nor any of the questions asked of you that you are conspicuously ducking? Is that the usual reason that you find people don’t talk about it, because you like using it as a clumsy misdirection tool? We can talk about it all you wish as soon as you get back to the point and make yourself clear of this other item.
Michael Balance Williams wrote: “…by the hands of Muslim Arabs lasted 1200yrs.”
So? Are you supposed to be implying that the practice IS Islam? There are also Christian and Muslim software engineers. Does that mean software engineering is also Christian and Islamic based?
Michael Balance Williams wrote: “The transatlantic slave trade lasted over 400yrs.”
Why did it stop since Christianity didn’t stop and you claimed that they were “Christian laws?”
Michael Balance Williams wrote: “At what point will blacks stop praying to their slave masters god?”
At what point will you start making sense?
Michael Balance Williams wrote: “You can't pray to your slave masters god and expect freedom.”
You can’t speak on subjects that you are clearly extremely uninformed on and expect to impart any kind of knowledge except the depths of your own ignorance.
Michael Balance Williams wrote: “The mentality/system that enslaved you mentally and physically can't free you mentally and physically. Stop rubbing your eyes and wake up.”
At the moment it is you who are broadcasting your mental enslavement to the world. Spreading a confused and false message about a system, when you obviously have not a clue what that system actually teaches about the concepts you are against, is the stance of the proud fool.
Michael Balance Williams - I see you like attacking my character. Says a lot about you. Unfriend me if I'm so confused. I'm not attacking you personally. Did I strike a nerve?
Ogidi Musso James - Mr Balance, you just need to realise the difference between Christianity and Europeans (or Whites). Likewise, the difference between Arabs and Islam. Nowhere in the Bible or Koran was it authorised for "believers" to enslave others and maltreat them.
Take for instance, the 1978 mass (suicide) murder orchestrated by Rev Jim Jones in JonesTown, Guyana, do you condemn Christianity or the barbarism of an ogre who called himself a "man of God"? Was it ever possible he got his inspiration from the Bible? Likewise, many Muslims today insist Islam is a religion of peace and outrightly condemn Islamic fundamentalists and terrorists Worldwide.
Michael Balance Williams - @Mr. Ogidi Musso James... I disagree? Don't be so sure. I'm only pointing to the truth. I no longer waste my time buying a ticket for people to the facts. People will believe what they will along the way.
I know of and personally know scholars that have don't the hard work and research to what I speak of.
Look at some of the house of consciousness debates that 'Polight' is in and then get back with me.
Muhammad Rasheed - Michael Balance Williams wrote: "I see you like attacking my character. Says a lot about you. Unfriend me if I'm so confused. I'm not attacking you personally. Did I strike a nerve?"
lol Michael from where I stand, a person who has literally no idea what the Islamic rules are regarding slavery, and acts like slavery didn't exist at all until Christianity began,who tells me to "wake up," is a fool. This is not an attack on your character, it is merely the picture you are painting of yourself.
I'm just naming the painting you present.
Muhammad Rasheed - Michael Balance Williams wrote: "I'm only pointing to the truth."
Then why are you so afraid to explore it? What do the religions themselves say about slavery if you are so sure of your "truths?"
Answer the question and reveal what facts you actually know.
Michael Balance Williams - Don't piss on me and call it rain. You're trying to discredit me and what I know because you think you know all the answers. If YOU have never researched what I've researched, why discredit me and my info that you have not received yet? Ignorance.
I only debate my equals and as of right now, Muhammad is < my equal.
I'll give you some info since I'm your target. I don't have to duck to see your ignorance.
Michael Balance Williams - Since you're so ignorant, I'll try to teach you a thing a two.
Ogidi Musso James - Lol.
Michael Balance Williams - @Muhammad… @Ogidi…
Did you know that Muhammad had black slaves in the Qu'ran?
"Muslim 3901 - Muhammad trades away two black slaves for one Muslim slave
Book 010, Number 3901:
Jabir (Allah be pleased with him) reported: There came a slave and pledg- ed allegiance to Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) on migration; he (the Holy Prophet) did not know that he was a slave. Then there came his master and demanded him back, whereupon Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) said: Sell him to me. And he bought him for two black slaves, and he did not afterwards take allegiance from anyone until he had asked him whether he was a slave (or a free man)" -Islam
Michael Balance Williams - Start the video at 45mins
**Warning** Heavy knowledge pass this sentence...
Muhammad Rasheed - Michael Balance Williams wrote: "Don't piss on me and call it rain."
Did you really think you would get to call me "mentally enslaved to my slave god" because I know my religion and book while you don't, and not get called a fool in return? Do you really think the insult started from my end? lol
Michael Balance Williams - Say what you will.
You'll see from this video that all Muslims are really Christians.
Muhammad Rasheed - Michael Balance Williams wrote: "You're trying to discredit me and what I know because you think you know all the answers."
I asked you a point blank queston regarding the sources of the systems you are against, and you conspicously didn't answer them. Am I to realisically believe someone who wants to walk around pretending they're smart on a topic wouldn't simply answer a simple and fundamental question on that topic if they really knew the answer? Is this my very first discussion thread?
Michael Balance Williams wrote: "If YOU have never researched what I've researched, why discredit me and my info that you have not received yet? Ignorance."
Because I know Islam & Christianity and what they teach and don't teach, while you only pretend to. It's not hard to recognize the fool once he starts running his suck. Take a bow.
Michael Balance Williams wrote: "I only debate my equals and as of right now, Muhammad is < my equal."
Michael Balance Williams wrote: "I'll give you some info since I'm your target. I don't have to duck..."
...and yet you keep doing it. Curious.
Muhammad Rasheed - Michael Balance Williams wrote: "You'll see from this video that all Muslims are really Christians."
Let me save you the energy: One of the 5 Pillars of Belief in Al-Islam is "Belief in All the Prophets." This means that as a Muslim, I am obligated to believe in the mission of all the messengers of God through whom the sacred revelation was revealed. I believe that all of the prophets were instructed by their Lord to teach us in scripture and wisdom, and show us how to walk it out on earth. This includes the Christ Jesus, son of Mary who did not have an earthly father.
In other words, I wouldn't even BE a Muslim if I did not love Jesus, and recognize his message as true. And since the Qur'an corrects those corrupted items in the previous scriptures, and clears Jesus' name of the blasphemies assigned to him, as a Muslim I am literally more Christian in my beliefs than any of those who wear the actual title.
Muhammad Rasheed - I hope that helps.
Muhammad Rasheed - Michael Balance Williams quoted: “There came a slave and pledg- ed allegiance to Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) on migration; he (the Holy Prophet) did not know that he was a slave. Then there came his master and demanded him back, whereupon Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) said: Sell him to me. And he bought him for two black slaves, and he did not afterwards take allegiance from anyone until he had asked him whether he was a slave (or a free man)"
lol So where was he supposed to have gotten the “black slaves” from? It is well known that the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) only ever had one slave, and upon receiving his prophethood commission, freed and adopted him as his legal heir. Obviously this hadith is among the unauthentic class. I challenge you to explain the origin of these "black slaves" in a coherent, logical argument.
Now I will enlighten you as to what Islam actually preaches about slavery (or more accurately, 'lead this horse to water'). Tell me what the Qur’an --the Word of God and most important text in the faith that the prophet “walked out perfectly” --says about slavery. Tell me if you know.
Michael Balance Williams -
Challenge denied.
Michael Balance Williams - Btw He had multiple slaves
Muhammad Rasheed - He had one slave, Michael.
Muhammad Rasheed - Tell me why he freed that one slave and adopted him as his son based on the tenets of Al-Islam.
Tell me if you know.
Michael Balance Williams - Oh really? Is that what you believe or is that what you know?
Muhammad Rasheed - It's what I know based on the biography of the prophet's life.
Muhammad Rasheed - Zayd was the name of his former slave. He was the only one.
Michael Balance Williams - It seems as though you have the time to be a fb scholar most of your day and you like to troll a lot of your fb friends posts and try to correct their every word. Why don't you answer your own questions for me since you're giving cyber dissertations? I don't have that kind of time. I don't want to humor you. You're not interested in learning anything knew from our public and private convos, so why have a convo?
If you can't respect me, then you have an issue. When we first became friends on fb you knew that I wasn't bound by any thought form as you continued to like my posts as I returned the favor in kind. Again, delete me if you're bent on being an ads hold. Your practice of Islam is not a peaceful one from what I can tell. Please refrain from attacking me personally or I will delete you. You started attacking my character last week. I didn't start it...you did.
Muhammad Rasheed - Michael there's a difference between not being "bound by any thought form" versus deliberate misrepresentation of a thought form based on shoddy research. You should be aware that the latter can be deeply offensive if it steps on the toes of someone's most sacred beliefs.
Just as an FYI for the future.
Muhammad Rasheed - Michael Balance Williams wrote: "You're not interested in learning anything knew from our public and private convos..."
I learn new stuff all the time. I think it's unreasonable for you to present false information that conflicts with solid scholarship and then have the nerve to get offended because I don't want to "learn" the nonsense presented. That's the nature of this thread's conflict.
Michael Balance Williams - My open mind is my sacred temple.
Michael Balance Williams - Islam is nonsense
Muhammad Rasheed - ^Is this an attempt to goad me into "attacking your character" so you can manufacture an excuse to delete me?
Muhammad Rasheed - smh
Muhammad Rasheed - open mind + "Islam is nonsense" = huh?
Muhammad Rasheed - hahahahahaha
Muhammad Rasheed - I don't think "open mind" means what you think it means. hahahahaha
Michael Balance Williams - Notice I didn't call you nonsense.
Muhammad Rasheed - No, you merely referred to my most sacred beliefs as nonsense, even though you don't know anything about them.
That's a clear "goading" from the "nanny nanny boo boo!" school of goading.
Michael Balance Williams - People unsubscribe from religion everyday and either go to a new one or keep an open mind to all. I take and use a little wisdom from closed minded and open thought forms all the time.
Michael Balance Williams - My open mind is where my alter is.
Do you agree with every sect of Islam?
Muhammad Rasheed - Michael Balance Williams wrote: "People unsubscribe from religion everyday and either go to a new one or keep an open mind to all. I take and use a little wisdom from closed minded and open thought forms all the time."
It doesn't mean anything if they never take the time to actually learn the faiths, but are lazily content to skim the surface with inaccurate sound bites that they just heard from somewhere. Bouncing around from doctrine to doctrine without any commitment, or even any demonstrated skill enabling one to study and absorb multi-layered knowledge, isn't any kind of commendable trait or habit.
Muhammad Rasheed - Michael Balance Williams wrote: "Do you agree with every sect of Islam?"
Do I need to? If so, based on what?
Michael Balance Williams -
Not everyone is like that. Some people actually have put in the work to know what they are talking about.
Muhammad Rasheed - Michael Balance Williams wrote: "Not everyone is like that.”
True. You can find exceptions, or alternate cases and events to every theory.
Michael Balance Williams wrote: "Some people actually have put in the work to know what they are talking about.”
No doubt. I’m on a quest to find one of them.
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