Andrew Farago - [MEME] POPEYE: "If ya does good deeds jus' to get yerself a swell seat in heaven yer selfish. The only reward ya should expeck for doin' right is the sort of cumfterble feelin wich ya gets from doin it."
Popeye talksk the talks and walksk the walks.
Muhammad Rasheed - lol Humans do literally everything in exchange for SOMETHING. The One God said if you get on that program, you'll receive a literal INFINITE REWARD.
Rejecting the One God's message to accept "Popeye's" message would make me an idiot.
Muhammad Rasheed - Atheist new agey "virtues" are stupid. Especially in this era.
Heather Flescher - I'd rather follow Popeye.
Andrew Farago - @Muhammad... "Do good things because it's the right thing to do" seems like a nice way to live, doesn't it?
Muhammad Rasheed - lol
I'm a Black American anti-racism activist talking to a white man.
My people are a wealthless bottom caste in this country we've built while the white racial group literally controls 90% of the national household wealth.
Belief in God was the one thing that effectively conflicted the old slave holders, but now we see the effort to remove organized religion from the national consciousness to replace it with a fake virtue.
Andrew Farago - Where does "do good because it's nice to help people" conflict with any kind of Golden Rule?
Muhammad Rasheed - Because the history of race relations in the USA reveals this as a hypocritical, talking nonsense point conjured by the same people who are hoarding 90% of the national household wealth while pretending we are in a post-racial America.
Naturally, "do good because it's nice" means something very different to the demographic who reject God's message, compared to what God meant. lol
I would be a dumb-stupid-fool to choose "Popeye's" fake, Godless "virtue" over God.
Andrew Farago - Doing good for the sake of helping other people is literally the definition of virtue.
Muhammad Rasheed - Not when "doing good" is re-defined from a selfish, clearly hypocritical place.
Muhammad Rasheed - When God says "do good" it means an actual virtuous righteous deed.
Not a self-serving, performative "good" designed to make someone look good to other men.
Shawn Taylor - @Muhammad... you can and should do good without having to do God. When you do something for God you're not being selfless at all
Andrew Farago - @Muhammad... Well, I'm talking about actual good deeds. Helping people because it's the right thing to do. If your religion doesn't approve of that, I've got questions.
Muhammad Rasheed - Andrew wrote: "Well, I'm talking about actual good deeds."
Are you?
Because there is no evidence of that in the country from the demographic you represent. Just the opposite in fact. So, what am I to do with that message when the fruit of Godless faux-virtue is more politico-economic oppression to my people? lol
Muhammad Rasheed - Shawn wrote: "you can and should do good without having to do God."
I should do what God said until I build up the habit as lifestyle, but I never stop doing it because it's what the Lord the God commanded.
ALL virtue centers around God's truth, not around the bs faux-virtues of selfish humans.
Muhammad Rasheed - Andrew wrote: "Well, I'm talking about actual good deeds. "
Based on the history of the USA, you're talking about some fake "good deeds" as redefined from the white race's self-serving definition. Obviously.
Andrew Farago - @Muhammad... You're picking a fight for no reason other than to extoll your own imagined sense of virtue. Put that energy into picking up some trash on the sidewalk, buying a sandwich for someone who's hungry, or helping a senior citizen across the street.
Andrew Farago - I'm telling people to be nice to each other, you're yelling at me that it's racist to be nice to people. You do good your way, I'll try mine.
Muhammad Rasheed - Andrew wrote: "You're picking a fight for no reason other than to"
As a theist, I'm responding to a meme that literally called me selfish because I didn't accept bs nonsense pretending to be "deep" as true.
Muhammad Rasheed - YOU "picked the fight."
Andrew Farago - Nope. "Be nice to each other." All I said. You took that personally.
Muhammad Rasheed - Andrew wrote: "I'm telling people to be nice to each other"
While your identity group literally hoards 90% of the national household wealth with a straight face.
Your version of being nice to each other looks suspiciously like For Love Of Money.
Andrew Farago - Your God told me you need to shut up.
Muhammad Rasheed - Andrew wrote: "All I said."
So, you didn't post the meme that called me selfish, huh?
Is this another example of bs atheist "virtue?" lol
Muhammad Rasheed - Andrew wrote: "Your God told me"
Shawn Taylor - @Muhammad... Same could be said about having a sky buddy
Muhammad Rasheed - Andrew wrote: "I do good things because I"
Performatively to be seen of men. I know.
Andrew Farago - If "do good" makes you feel called out, then you're doing something wrong.
Muhammad Rasheed - Andrew wrote: "If 'do good' makes you feel called out"
lol Apparently, white folk have their own special definition of "doing good" while they reject the One God, Supreme Creator of reality.
Obviously your version of "do good" is nonsense designed to spread mischief in the earth.
Andrew Farago - @Muhammad... Me, personally?
Andrew Farago - "Help other people." That's it. All you have to do to live a good life and be a good person. Nothing controversial there.
Muhammad Rasheed - Shawn wrote: "same could be said about having a sky buddy"
Experience has shown that atheists are the most narrow-minded personality, incapable of processing info higher than basic 'ABC-123' levels. You are most likely to look raw facts in the face and reject it.
God is the necessary Initiator of reality.
Muhammad Rasheed - Andrew wrote: "'Help other people.'"
Help other people by self-servingly enriching people just kike like you while continuing to lock the ever-abused Black American former slave class out of access to capital, credit and wealth-building ownership.
Your version of "doing good" sucks.
Shawn Taylor - @Muhammad... This is the dumbest thing I've read all day, and this is Facebook. Your experience is not fact. Honor killings, the repression of women, slavery, colonization, rampant child sexual abuse under the aegis of god is very well documented.
Andrew Farago - @Muhammad... Was that a typo? I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and hope that was a typo.
Muhammad Rasheed - Shawn wrote: "this is the dumbest thing I've read all day, and this is Facebook."
You already proved yourself an idiot.
Shawn wrote: "Your experience is not fact."
Sure, it is. Watch.
Shawn wrote: "Honor killings"
Cultural. Is not a part of the religion. None of them, in fact (except maybe pagan ones?)
Shawn wrote: "the repression of women"
Again, cultural. Neither the One God, nor His prophets commanded/preached repressing women.
Shawn wrote: "slavery"
Is spread because it is lucrative and men are weak.
Shawn wrote: "colonization"
lol Was clearly spread from greed, not faith.
Shawn wrote: "rampant child sexual abuse under the aegis of god"
Again, comes from selfish evil men doing what they want to do, not from God.
Shawn wrote: "is very well documented."
Apparently, you don't know what well documented" means. You think it's the same as "ignorant biased men pullin' nonsense out of their butts."
Muhammad Rasheed - Andrew wrote: "Was that a typo?"
Of course it was a typo. What would that have had to do with the context?
But was that performance supposed to show that you care more about the most successful political identity group in the world being shallowly insulted more than you care about the most exploited and marginalized group in America being economically oppressed? lol
Muhammad Rasheed - ...while you espouse your Godless, fake version of "virtue?"
To be clear, you DON'T believe in the Lord thy God, but you got all EXTRA agitated at the very thought that the children of Israel were shallowly insulted. lol
Zack Davisson - I think the Gandi quote goes nicely here:
Muhammad Rasheed - @Zack... During slavery, the abolitionist movement was able to make anti-slavery a national discussion topic because it conflicted the slave holder class SPECIFICALLY FROM THE POSITION OF THEIR CHRISTIANITY*.
Obviously, your effort to remove Christianity/organized religion is so that you can return to your evil deeds without that argument. If you make up your own version of "virtue" you can have all the slaves you want guilt-free, amirite?
*Of course they allowed their ("for love of money") greed to override their religious discipline, but the point stands.
Zack Davisson - Jesus would agree with Popeye.
Andrew Farago - @Zack... Always broke because he's always giving money and possessions away, puts his body on the line to protect those in need, literally gives people the clothes off his back--you can hardly ask for a better role model.
Muhammad Rasheed - Zack wrote: "Jesus would agree with Popeye."
Literally no one in the bible warned of the dangers of hell more often than the Christ (peace be upon him). It was the Living Word's job to tell us about heaven & hell. wtf? You have zero idea what you are talking about.
You knuckleheads like to just make up nonsense about the religion you casually dismiss and think you are "deep" and wise when you high-five each other.
Why would I prefer a chemically-induced "cumfterble feelin" in a temporary flesh body over a literal eternal bliss? lol
Muhammad Rasheed - Andrew wrote: "Always broke because he's always giving money and possessions away"
There's $136 trillion in national household wealth and white people control $119 trillion of it.
Andrew wrote: "puts his body on the line to protect those in need"
Remember when Black women coined the term "womanist" because the white feminists pointedly ignored them whenever they were in trouble and needed help as fellow women?
Andrew wrote: "literally gives people the clothes off his back"
I'd settle for Reparations and equal wealth-building ownership opportunity in the markets.
Andrew wrote: "--you can hardly ask for a better role model."
Remember when the rich young ruler spun on his heel in outrage in rejection of those same points listed when the Christ told him what he had to do to be saved?
People are clearly trying to cancel organized religion because they want to replace the One God's definition of "doing good" with their own self-serving, wealth-hoarding, racketeering version of it.
Muhammad Rasheed - Andrew wrote: "Doing good for the sake of helping other people is *literally* the definition of virtue."
The literal definition of the word 'virtue' is behavior showing high moral standards; morally good behavior or character in a person; a good, moral, or desirable quality: "Patience is a virtue"
That means that "doing good for others" is A virtue, not the meaning of virtue itself. God revealed what the virtues are according to His criteria. The Christ preached that to be saved one had to believe in the One God who made you, keep the 10 Commandments and for the hoarders of wealth to spend it in God's cause. Do this and you will be saved from hellfire to enjoy paradise.
Here I find people who actually want to replace a literal eternal bliss with a fleeting "comfortable feeling" in a finite fleshy body while they hoard all the wealth in the nation for themselves alone and lock the Black American former slave class out of the sovereign full citizenship they enjoy. I find your lip-service concept of a Godless 'virtue' to be offensive when compared to the historical record of your identity group's deeds in the earth.
Zack Davisson - @Muhammad... I think you need to read more Popeye.
Muhammad Rasheed - The problem is that you need to read more scripture. Stop talkin' out your neck so much.
Zack Davisson - If you read all the Popeye then you know Popeye would never fight The Hulk. He would help him and they would have a picnic.
Muhammad Rasheed - lol There's always a reason to fight for characters that fight. You just have to pull it out of them.
Zack Davisson - Only if you misunderstand the core of the characters. That's cheap writing. Sounds like you don't understand Popeye very well. That makes sense, and explains why you would so completely misunderstand the original post and react angrily as you did. That's the internet for you though. The easiest thing in the world is to react with anger without really taking time to step back and process and wonder if you might be misreading something.
Darryl Ayo Brathwaite - @Muhammad... I’m a black American and I’m talking to a black person who believes in “god.”
Darryl Ayo Brathwaite - @Muhammad... No, you picked the fight. Take your Bible and go preach somewhere else
Muhammad Rasheed - Zack wrote: "Only if you misunderstand the core of the characters."
I do not. Nor do I misunderstand the narrow-minded atheist figure.
Zack wrote: "That's cheap writing. Sounds like you don't understand Popeye very well."
It sounds like you are only really saying that because the meme above wrote him as a narrow-minded atheist.
Zack wrote: "That makes sense, and explains why you would so completely misunderstand the original post and react angrily as you did."
The original post called theists who hold hope of their reward in the afterlife as "selfish."
Zack wrote: "That's the internet for you though. The easiest thing in the world is to react with anger without really taking time to step back and process and wonder if you might be misreading something."
I've had numerous battles with the one-trick-pony atheist figure in the last decade or so and I definitely didn't misread anything. Your intellect is too weak to gaslight me, atheist.
Muhammad Rasheed - Darryl wrote: "I’m a black American"
Not with that Yoruba word in your name you aren't. You're a immigrant-tied Nigerian.
Darryl wrote: "and I’m talking to a black person who believes in 'god.'”
What do you want? lol
Muhammad Rasheed - Darryl wrote: "No, you picked the fight."
They literally posted a meme calling theists "selfish." That was clearly a challenge.
Darryl wrote: "Take your Bible and go preach somewhere else"
Oh, I see... it's a silly African immigrant guy coming to save white people from their own poorly thought foolishness. Is your plan to win an Ignatz or something for this performance? lol
Muhammad Rasheed - They might give it to you. #MeritoriousManumission
Zack Davisson - @Muhammad... I'm not an atheist, but of course you make assumptions. You are the proverbial hammer who only sees nails. So blinded by your own sense of righteousness that you cannot see.
Jesus would recognize his teachings in Popeye. Not in what you are saying.
Muhammad Rasheed - Zack wrote: "Jesus would recognize his teachings in Popeye."
You're being stupid again. It was the Christ's job to give the Good News that the righteous would receive heaven for their good deeds, and to warn the wicked they would receive hellfire for the mischief they spread. Popeye is literally shaming people for following Jesus' message, silly.
Zack Davisson - Not in the slightest. You only see it that way because of the colossal chop on your shoulder and desire to fight.
You do good because it is the righteous thing to do. Heaven is the reward for righteousness. But if you do good deads BECAUSE of the promised reward, and not because it is intrinsically the right thing to do... that is not righteousness. That is doing good for how it benefits you. Not for how it benefits others. And that is selfish.
People like yourself who are so sure they have all the answers are rarely worth talking to. Extremists are closed. Open yourself to the idea that there are still things you might learn, and that you might be wrong. We all have the capacity to be wrong about things. That is what makes us human.
Zack Davisson - Both you and Popeye see someone cold in the street.
You say "I will give that man my coat, because doing so will earn me great reward."
Popeye says "I will give that man my coat because he is suffering. Giving him my coat will make him warm."
Which of those two seems righteous to you? Which seems selfish?
Muhammad Rasheed - Zack wrote: "Not in the slightest."
Yes, it is.
Zack wrote: "You only see it that way because of the colossal chop on your shoulder and desire to fight."
I see it that way because God called heaven "the Ultimate Achievement for a human" and that I am to strive with might & main to get close to Him. Nothing on earth is worth sacrificing for. I do everything for the literal ETERNAL REWARD promised me by my Maker.
Zack wrote: "You do good because it is the righteous thing to do."
The righteous thing to do is defined by the One God Himself and He said that my job as the believer is to do what He said to do in order to return to God in heaven.
Zack wrote: "Heaven is the reward for righteousness."
Heaven is the reward for believing in God, and my righteous record of deeds performed in God's Name is the evidence that I believed.
Zack wrote: "But if you do good deads BECAUSE of the promised reward..."
Then I am in obedience.
Zack wrote: "and not because it is intrinsically the right thing to do..."
lol It's the right thing to do because God proclaimed it to be and in that, the righteous deed is directly tied to heaven.
Zack wrote: "that is not righteousness."
...said a representative of the identity group who is literally hoarding 90% of the national household wealth. I have zero interest in your definition of righteousness.
Zack wrote: "That is doing good for how it benefits you. Not for how it benefits others. And that is selfish."
Literally everything we do is because it benefits us in some way. Popeye's message is to do it for a fleeting, temporary feelin' in yer guts. God said do it for a literal eternal bliss He has waiting for us. God wins.
Zack wrote: "People like yourself who are so sure they have all the answers are rarely worth talking to."
My answers come from sacred scripture, while yours comes from the funny pages. 😉 😃
Zack wrote: "Extremists are closed."
You label me an extremist because I believe God over Popeye, huh? An interesting stance for someone who wants to be taken seriously.
Zack wrote: "Open yourself to the idea that there are still things you might learn"
From you? hahahahahahaha
Zack wrote: "and that you might be wrong."
You're literally pitting Popeye versus God, and a hormone-induced "comfortable feeling" versus paradise. I'm clearly not wrong. lol
Zack wrote: "We all have the capacity to be wrong about things. That is what makes us human."
I'm willing to accept your apology for your being willfully wrong as f*ck. Try to stay out of trouble in the future. For once.
Muhammad Rasheed - Zack wrote: "You say 'I will give that man my coat, because doing so will earn me great reward.'"
I would say: "I will give that man my coat because he is suffering. Giving him my coat will make him warm. I pray this deed will go to my record of righteousness."
That's how it works.
Zack Davisson - Which is exactly what Popeye said, and which is what you would have realized if you were curious, and not judgemental.
But instead of pondering, you attacked. Instead of asking questions, you attacked. Instead of making any choice that could have lead to conversation and exchange... you attacked.
Muhammad Rasheed - Zack wrote: "Which is exactly what Popeye said"
He exactly called me selfish for striving to get to heaven with my Lord, you jackass.
Muhammad Rasheed - The meme itself is an attack.
Zack Davisson - Only to those who are blind. And it is not a meme. It is a panel from a comic strip.
Popeye does not say anything about the existence of Heaven, or Christ, or Chirstianity. He calls out the hypocrites who do good deeds ONLY because of promise of Heavenly reward.
You see this as an attack because you are the hammer who sees everything as nails.
Jesus would see the truth of what Popeye says and agree. Righteousness is doing what is right. Not because of promise of personal reward.
Muhammad Rasheed - Zack wrote: "Only to those who are blind."
Blind to your gaslighty foolishness?
Zack wrote: "And it is not a meme. It is a panel from a comic strip."
It's clearly being used as a social media meme.
Zack wrote: "Popeye does not say anything about the existence of Heaven, or Christ, or Chirstianity."
Zack wrote: "He calls out the hypocrites who do good deeds ONLY because of promise of Heavenly reward."
He's wrong. My entire reason for being on earth is to worship the One God who made me. God commanded humankind to strive for the means of approach to Him that we may receive our reward. Doing so in obedience to the Divine Command is the act of righteousness.
Zack wrote: "You see this as an attack because"
I know what "selfish" means.
Zack wrote: "Jesus would see the truth of what Popeye says and agree."
You're an idiot. The "Good News" is a direct reference to being rewarded with heaven for your good deeds.
Zack wrote: "Righteousness is doing what is right. Not because of promise of personal reward."
Righteousness is what God said it was, which is to perform in His Name for the promised reward of heaven.
Andrew Farago - @Muhammad... "Be nice because it's the right thing to do" is an attack?
Muhammad Rasheed - @Andrew... "You're selfish for doing what your Lord commanded" is an attack.
Andrew Farago - You're the only person who took it as an attack. Everybody's trying to be nice to you about it, and you're still attacking.
Muhammad Rasheed - Andrew wrote: "You're the only person who took it as an attack."
Is "selfish" a compliment in your new redefinition of terms?
Andrew wrote: "Everybody's trying to be nice to you about it"
By trying to convince me to believe Popeye over God and your redefinition of God's religion? That's not nice.
Andrew wrote: "and you're still attacking."
I'm defending. Being called "selfish" with the subsequent doubling-down on calling me selfish is the attack.
Zack Davisson - You are simply wrong here. Or your reading comprehension skills are poor.
"If ya does good deeds JUST to get yourself a swell seat in Heaven yer selfish. The only reward ya should EXPECT for doing right is the sort of comfortable feeling which ya gets from doing it."
Popeye is calling out the hypocrites who do good deeds ONLY in the name of personal reward, and those DEMAND FROM GOD a place in Heaven in exchange from doing good deeds."
Again, Jesus would side with Popeye on this one.
Zack Davisson - So far in this thread you have listened to no one, exalted your own righteousness, declared others as atheists for no reason, dismissed others because they were the "wrong" color or had the "wrong" name,
Not exactly Christlike behavior.
You could learn a lot from Popeye.
Muhammad Rasheed - Zack wrote: "You are simply wrong here."
YOU are simply wrong here. Worshiping Popeye is a sin, you know? lol
Zack wrote: "Or your reading comprehension skills are poor."
So, because I reject the foolishness you're peddling it means I can't read, huh? That sounds like some very on-brand entitled white people stuff. I suggest you repent.
Zack wrote: "Popeye is calling out the hypocrites who do good deeds ONLY in the name of personal reward"
You're supposed to do good deeds to get into heaven. lol The hypocrites are the ones who do "good deeds" to be seen of men and/or for earthly rewards.
Zack wrote: "and those DEMAND FROM GOD a place in Heaven in exchange from doing good deeds."
God said the believers will receive heaven in exchange for their goodly walk upon the Straight Path. lol God does not lie.
Zack wrote: "Again, Jesus would side with Popeye on this one."
Again, you're an idiot.
Muhammad Rasheed - Zack wrote: "So far in this thread you have listened to no one"
So far in this thread there has been no one worth listening to. You all have poor scriptural understanding and even make up your own definition of terms to suit your self-serving agenda. It's foolishness. I believe God.
Zack wrote: "exalted your own righteousness"
Turns out I can both read and believe God. Jealous?
Zack wrote: "declared others as atheists for no reason"
Here's the reason: Because you all agreed that it was "selfish" for a believer to believe God and follow the Divine Command.
Zack wrote: "dismissed others because they were the 'wrong' color"
That's a blatant lie.
Zack wrote: "or had the 'wrong' name"
I didn't do that either. I did challenge someone who pretended to be of my ethnic group when he had the tell-tale mark of another ethnic group in his name.
Zack wrote: "Not exactly Christlike behavior."
You think Popeye's word trumps Christianity. Your opinion isn't worth much to me.
Zack wrote: "You could learn a lot from Popeye."
I LOVE spinach.
Andrew Farago - @Muhammad... A fictional character is telling people to be kind to each other, you're calling everyone idiots because you decided it was calling you out for not being a nice person. What are we supposed to think?
Muhammad Rasheed - Andrew wrote: "A fictional character is telling people to be kind to each other"
A fictional character contradicted the Word of God and called the believers "selfish" for following the Divine Command.
Andrew wrote: "you're calling everyone idiots because"
They decided to believe Popeye over God.
Andrew wrote: "you decided it was calling you out for"
Following God's Command instead of Popeye's foolishness you all oddly agree with.
Andrew wrote: "What are we supposed to think?"
Who cares? Just stop being idiots. There's a lad.
Muhammad Rasheed - Zack wrote: "I'm not an atheist"
I don't believe you. You haven't posted anything thus far to suggest you had any knowledge of scripture whatsoever.
I seriously don't think "Popeyeism" counts as a form of theism...
Andrew Farago - @Muhammad... The initial post didn't call out or insult anyone, any more than if I'd just written "be kind to each other" on its own. Nothing in that initial post contradicts anything in any scripture, but here we are, 80 posts in, and you're still picking fights over an imaginary slight.
Muhammad Rasheed - Andrew wrote: "The initial post didn't call out or insult anyone"
Is "selfish" a compliment in your new redefinition of terms?
Andrew wrote: "an imaginary slight."
I shouldn't feel slighted for being called "selfish" then? lol This is textbook gaslight, bud.
Zack Davisson - @Muhammad... The initial post called out those hypocrites who do good ONLY for their personal benefit as a currency of exchange to buy their place in Heaven.
Is that you? If not, then you were not called out.
Muhammad Rasheed - @Zack... In this illusory, finite material realm, the only reason to do good in God's Name is to get into heaven.
That's the point of why we are here... to obey God as the act of worship and be rewarded for it.
Zack Davisson - Ah, and now you call me a liar. You are the most unChristlike person on this thread.
Muhammad Rasheed - Stop being a liar. #SolvedIt
Stop making false claims and you won't get called out for it. I promise.
Zack Davisson - According to you we are all liars, atheists, the wrong color, the wrong names, the wrong nationalities....
Does that sound like Christ to you?
Muhammad Rasheed - Zack wrote: "According to you we are all liars"
Stop making false claims. *shrug* Too easy.
Zack wrote: "atheists"
Stop contradicting scripture.
Zack wrote: "the wrong color"
A blatant lie. I never made such a claim.
Zack wrote: "the wrong names"
Only when trying to pretend to be another identity group. He should've taken that part off if he intended to fool me.
Zack wrote: "the wrong nationalities...."
Now you're just making up stuff.
Zack wrote: "Does that sound like Christ to you?"
Remember when the Christ flipped the tables in the Temple and the context thereof (prolly not since you're an unlearned atheist)? Obviously he didn't have a problem calling out liars and blasphemers, innit? #TeamChrist
Zack Davisson - You are not being attacked, you are attacking.
You are judging.
You are accusing.
Muhammad Rasheed - Calling me selfish for obeying my Lord was the attack. I am defending.
Zack wrote: "You are judging. You are accusing."
Stop your foul behaviors and let there be Peace.
Zack Davisson - Only if you are the kind of hypocrite who does good ONLY for the personal benefit you DEMAND from God, and see good deeds as currency to buy your way into Heaven.
Are you that person? If not, you are not being attacked.
Muhammad Rasheed - Zack wrote: "Only if you are the kind of hypocrite who does good ONLY for the personal benefit you DEMAND from God, and see good deeds as currency to buy your way into Heaven."
You're doubling-down on your idiocy, I see. I reject your false interpretation of scripture. it is demonic. I suggest you repent.
The believer's job is do what God said which is to do good to receive "The Ultimate Achievement" of eternal bliss. Only the fool "does good for comfortable feelings in the flesh." That's stupid.
Zack Davisson - No, I am using my reading comprehension skills.
You are not.
Muhammad Rasheed - Zack wrote: "No, I am using my reading comprehension skills. You are not."
I comprehend you are an idiot and your interpretation of scripture is befouled.
Repent, that you may manage to save your raggedy soul from hell.
Zack Davisson - Of course, more judgement from you. More attacks. More accusement.
That is all you have.
Never listen. Never learn.
Muhammad Rasheed - Zack wrote: "Of course, more judgement from you."
You are correct.
Zack wrote: "More attacks."
I stand in the righteous position of defense from being called selfish from a bunch of atheists, shadow atheists and "other."
Zack wrote: "More accusement."
Zack wrote: "That is all you have."
lol What else do I need? Sacred scripture versus a Popeye meme. It's not hard.
Zack wrote: "Never listen. Never learn."
Oh, I'm listening alright and finding your tripe wanting. Get your pathetic game up.