Rahlistic Visions - Hmmmm....it's just a picture telling what I was talking about and it's not a facebook meme.
Muhammad Rasheed - (do they let retarded people on Facebook now..? oh, wait. clifton. of course)
Muhammad Rasheed - lol
Muhammad Rasheed - Tell me how it's supposed to prove anything, Rahlistic.
Rahlistic Visions - this argument is becoming juvenile. All I got from you is a bunch of insults and no facts.
Rahlistic Visions- waste of time my friend. keep dreaming.
Muhammad Rasheed - Try me. Facts regarding what?
Rahlistic Visions - That Jesus exist.
Muhammad Rasheed - So it's a waste of time to explain how your Facebook meme is supposed to be proving your point, huh?
Rahlistic Visions - no time for the childish remarks for real.
Rahlistic Visions - everytime I get into it with one of you religion heads you all do the same dumb shit. And I end up wasting time.
Muhammad Rasheed - Dude, you ARE a waste of time.
Muhammad Rasheed - Here:
Muhammad Rasheed - This is from the scholar responsible for making the Dead Sea Scrolls available to the public.
Muhammad Rasheed - Dr. Eisenman is THE scholar on Middle Eastern religions, is fluent in Arabic, Hebrew, and Aramaic, and a tenured professor.
Rahlistic Visions - I doubt that
Muhammad Rasheed - Let's see... what have you revealed? You get your knowledge from the air, and Facebook memes, and you can't answer basic questions, oh, and you doubt actual scholars and actual knowledge.
Muhammad Rasheed - An impressive resume.
Muhammad Rasheed - For a what, I don't know.
Muhammad Rasheed - Retard, I guess...
Rahlistic Visions - wrong that is not what I said....that is what "YOU' said.
Muhammad Rasheed - You realize that when you type stuff people can actually read it, right?
Rahlistic Visions - you basically made up your version of what I said for yourself to make yourself feel better about how wrong you were.
Muhammad Rasheed - lol
Muhammad Rasheed - Okay.
Rahlistic Visions - but if that is what you need to feel better it's cool cause it's not my life.
Muhammad Rasheed - Yes, I'm wrong and I feel really bad about it, too.
Muhammad Rasheed - If only I would've seen the light of your retarded point sooner...
Rahlistic Visions - so you believe everything you read huh? lol
Muhammad Rasheed - So you believe everythng the air conjures, huh?
Rahlistic Visions - Instead of researching it for yourself you would rather listen to what someone else had to say about it cause they are better then you right? So their research on what the truth is is better then your own I'm guessing?
Muhammad Rasheed - Rahlistic, in a scholarly work, bibliographies are listed to enable you to research the work for yourself. That's how that works.
Rahlistic Visions - So you rely on someone else opinion on what the truth is rather then check up on them yourself? did you actually read the "dead sea scrolls?
Muhammad Rasheed - This enables you to determine what aspects to travel down in your own work.
Rahlistic Visions - Did you study the language that the sea scrolls were written in? Did you find them yourself?
Muhammad Rasheed - Yes, I have the copies in my own library. It backs up my own independant study into the relationship of the early Chrsitians with Al-Islam.
Rahlistic Visions - how do you even know they are real?
Muhammad Rasheed - lol
Muhammad Rasheed - How do you know what the air tells you is real?
Muhammad Rasheed - Is this a question?
Muhammad Rasheed - hahahha
Rahlistic Visions - Yeah I know what a bibliography is. But did you do the scholars work or did you just trust the scholar.
Muhammad Rasheed - Rahlistic Visions wrote: "Yeah I know what a bibliography is."
Yeah, right. You should've looked up "prayer" while you were over there, too.
Muhammad Rasheed - Rahlistic Visions wrote: "But did you do the scholars work or did you just trust the scholar."
I am a scholar. And I have my own bibligraphy rof esearch works I use, of which Dr. Eisenman's works are a part, for my own books & articles.
Muhammad Rasheed - Rahlistic Visions wrote: "Did you study the language that the sea scrolls were written in?"
I thought you said you used to be a Muslim? A very interesting and telling question.
Muhammad Rasheed - smh
Rahlistic Visions - because the air doesn't speak smart guy you learn about life from studying the air and everything around it. Basically everything and what you find that takes place will give you a lot of what goes on in life. If you want to know the truth study the truth. We know that the air exist because it is right there but we don't know that jesus exist cause all we have is a bunch of story told by people who wrote books.
Muhammad Rasheed - So did you put this Facebook meme together yourself? It's adorable, really.
Rahlistic Visions - study the makeup of the air, water, biology, etc....everything and you will have the truth.
Muhammad Rasheed - What did you base it upon?
Muhammad Rasheed - Rahlistic Visions wrote: "study the makeup of the air, water, biology, etc....everything and you will have the truth."
Didn't I tell you to please stop trying to kick your ridicuous air knowledge at me? Quit it.
Rahlistic Visions - nope It's not a meme. It's a picture that somebody did that illustrates what I'm talking about.
Muhammad Rasheed - You wouldn't know "truth" if it popped you upside the back of your head.
Muhammad Rasheed - Rahlistic Visions wrote: "nope It's not a meme. It's a picture that somebody did..."
Naturally at this point I assume it was a member of the Air Nation...
Muhammad Rasheed -
Muhammad Rasheed - Okay, I'll bite.
Who is the "somebody?"
Rahlistic Visions - Well then since I'm not allowed the freedom (FREE the DUMB) to talk about the truth then there is no point to continue talking. Have a good die sir. Carry on. Keep up the bad work.
Muhammad Rasheed - You saw where this was going and ran like a bitch, hm?
Muhammad Rasheed - I am not surprised.
Muhammad Rasheed - B'bye.
Muhammad Rasheed - Rahlistic Visions wrote: "Well then since I'm not allowed the freedom to talk about the truth..."
I'm thrilled at this new found power to restrict the freedom of dumbasses that I didn't know I possessed...
Muhammad Rasheed - Did I reach right into Facebook to keep him from doing stuff like typing? Maybe Professor X can help me master it...
Muhammad Rasheed - Clifton you better not say another word about "agree to disagree."
Rahlistic Visions - did I. You did say I was not allowed to use the air to talk so then why continue. What if I said you could not use words to argue would you keep going. No point in that. Disregarding my whole argument is running like a bitch or shall I say.....Censoring like a bitch. So you are like Fox news you like to censor the truth if it's not going your way and if we are not using the same paradigms that enslaved your mind in the first place. Oh and BTW.....this is not a battle we are have an intelligent discussion to see what the truth is and to get "REAL' proof that Jesus is real. This is not a dick waving contest. See in my belief I don't have to prove how "bad" I am to prove the truth. This is not 2nd grade. I am mature you know.
Muhammad Rasheed - Rahlistic Visions wrote: "did I. You did say I was not allowed to use the air to talk so then why continue."
You say a lot of crazy nonsense, did it ever stop ME from typing? I notice you listen to me selectively...
Rahlistic Visions - huh?
Muhammad Rasheed - Rahlistic Visions wrote: "Oh and BTW.....this is not a battle we are have an intelligent discussion to see what the truth is..."
Hm. What kind of battle would it be? What do you have that would actually make it a battle? A curious statement.
How do you plan to have an intelligent discussion to find out what the truth is if you never plan to ever answer a question, and to duck, slide, dance, shuffle, all night?
Muhammad Rasheed - Rahlistic Visions wrote: "huh?"
Don't worry your pretty li'l head about it. I was just thinking out loud.
Muhammad Rasheed - Rahlistic... what is prayer? What is its function? What does scripture say about prayer based on the "fact" that you used to be a Christian and a Muslim?
Muhammad Rasheed - Tell me.
Rahlistic Visions - nevermind. I'm done. You figure it out. but guess what. I will read the book you presented and I will be analyzing it to compare notes and facts and then I will give my my take on it....so I won't be "Running like a bitch." cause that's how civilized people do things instead of insulting people because they don't agree.
Rahlistic Visions - Prayer is talking to "God."
Rahlistic Visions - or the God you believe in.
Clifton Hatchett - lollollol....that was refreshing.
Rahlistic Visions - or calling out to the universe.
Rahlistic Visions - I do that by taking action.
Rahlistic Visions - It is also preparing yourself mentally for what you have to do. It's meditation.
Muhammad Rasheed - Rahlistic Visions wrote: "nevermind. I'm done."
You were done before you showed up.
Rahlistic Visions wrote: "You figure it out."
Did you think you were my teacher?
Rahlistic Visions wrote: "...but guess what. I will read the book you presented..."
No you won't. It is above your head.
Rahlistic Visions wrote: "...and I will be analyzing it to compare notes and facts and then I will give my my take on it..."
awww. You're adorable.
Rahlistic Visions wrote: "so I won't be "Running like a bitch."
lol Is that why you came back (just to say "nevermind. I'm done.") because you're dancing around like a puppet and letting me drive your bus? These are not the droids you're looking for. ;)
Rahlistic Visions wrote: "cause that's how civilized people do things instead of insulting people because they don't agree."
Word? I thought they prayed to the air... or nah?
Rahlistic Visions - sorry if I'm typing slow but my laptops' d pad is sensitive and keeps moving the cursor on me.
Clifton Hatchett - I thought you agreed to disagree with one another...lol
Muhammad Rasheed - Rahlistic Visions wrote: "It is also preparing yourself mentally for what you have to do. It's meditation"
Jesus it's about TIME you figured out you were on the Internet and could actually just look it up like you did "bibliography.” Damn. lol
Muhammad Rasheed - Clifton Hatchett wrote: "I thought you agreed to disagree with one another...lol"
Do you even remember his first post? What made you think I didn't "agree to disagree" then? I like to potshot dumbasses. You of all people should recognize that by now.
Rahlistic Visions - ok young Paddawan you have much to learn. That's all I can say.
Muhammad Rasheed - JESUS! Shut UP!!
Muhammad Rasheed - hahahahaha
Muhammad Rasheed - You haven't said shit yet!
Rahlistic Visions - sure
Muhammad Rasheed - Doesn't stop you from typing though, even after you said "i'm done" like 8 times.
Rahlistic Visions - have a good one. Thanks for the book tho. lol
Muhammad Rasheed - Rahlistic Visions wrote: "sure"
So who's the "somebody" that created the Facebook meme?
Rahlistic Visions - yup...i
Muhammad Rasheed - "yup...i?"
Muhammad Rasheed - swahilli?
Clifton Hatchett - @Muhammad… you came unglued. Peculiar.
Rahlistic Visions - yup I'm done with you on this. We are going no where. All you did was give me a book....no quote from the book at all or anything. sooooo
Muhammad Rasheed - Rahlistic Visions wrote: "sure"
So who's the "somebody" that created the Facebook meme?
Muhammad Rasheed - You know what you look like everytime you shuffle & dance around a question while pretending to kick knowledge, right?
Muhammad Rasheed - Ask me what.
Clifton Hatchett - Stop saying ''kick knowledge,'' it's not the 80's anymore...lol
Muhammad Rasheed - I'll say what I want! How dare you!
Muhammad Rasheed - Prayer is designed to keep your goals in the forefront of your mind, and keep God first while you work towards your goals yourself.
Rahlistic Visions - hmmmm I'm done because I have a life and don't want to waste it trying to discuss something with someone that still has a child mind and kindergarten antics.
Muhammad Rasheed - Before you leave (again)
Rahlistic Visions wrote: "sure"
So who's the "somebody" that created the Facebook meme?
Muhammad Rasheed - Hm? Tell me.
Rahlistic Visions - If your mind is set on being a clown instead of on "Proving" the truth then I'm not going to waste my time.
Rahlistic Visions - What facebook meme?
Muhammad Rasheed - Let the record show that i did not have a problem at all posting sources when asked, yet THIS special fool is the master of the dancing shuffle and question duck.
Rahlistic Visions - dude just keep it real.
Muhammad Rasheed - You don't have any knowledge, Rahlistic. You are an idiot, are beneath me, and an insult to my race.
Take a fucking bow for your foolishness.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jackass.
Muhammad Rasheed - Clifton Hatchett wrote: "Muhammad you came unglued. Peculiar."
I'm from Detroit, Clif. Jackasses just like this one come a dime-a-dozen in the motor city, and few things piss me off more than their pseudo-knowledge bullshit.
Muhammad Rasheed - I reckon they use that bullshit rhetoric to pick up stupid broads.
Rahlistic Visions - Because you didn't ask me a real question. Your asking me a question that can't be answered because I don't know which facebook meme your talking about. The one with Bruce Leroy eating popcorn? Even that is not a meme. I'm the first to use that. However if you are talking about the PICTURE that I got off google images then I can't tell you who did it. It doesn't matter who did it...it's the knowledge that's in it that matters.
Muhammad Rasheed - Rahlistic Visions wrote: "See in my belief I don't have to prove how 'bad' I am to prove the truth. This is not 2nd grade. I am mature you know"
I know you don't know shit, like to pretend to know shit, and have the nerve to think you can speak on World Religion while not knowing any fucking thing about it. At all.
Muhammad Rasheed - I know THAT about your simple ass.
Rahlistic Visions - How do you know ? Do you know me? LOL
Muhammad Rasheed - Rahlistic Visions wrote: "Because you didn't ask me a real question. Your asking me a question that can't be answered because I don't know which facebook meme your talking about."
The jesus pic. Who's the "somebody" that put it togther?
Rahlistic Visions wrote: "The one with Bruce Leroy eating popcorn?"
Right. Because that was relevant to ANY FUCKING THING WE WERE TALKING ABOUT.
Rahlistic Visions wrote: "However if you are talking about the PICTURE that I got off google images then I can't tell you who did it."
Wow. A glimmer of integrity for fucking once. Amazing.
Rahlistic Visions wrote: "It doesn't matter who did it...it's the knowledge that's in it that matters."
Where does the knowledge come from, Rahlistic. Stop fucking bullshitting.
Rahlistic Visions - Claimng to know what someone knows that you don't know is being a simple ass. Insulting people for now reason is being a simple ass. Are you just going to insult or are we going to prove Jesus is real. which one is it. Don't have all day got shit to draw.
Muhammad Rasheed - Rahlistic Visions wrote: 'How do you know ? Do you know me? LOL"
I know a sneaky, question-ducking fucker when I see one.
Rahlistic Visions - Why cause you are one.
Muhammad Rasheed - Rahlistic Visions wrote: "Insulting people for now reason..."
I'm insulting you for "now" reason because you are of the unrepentant hellbound who dared come in here to insult my most cherished beliefs and somehow thought i wasn't going to come back at you for it.
Rahlistic Visions - such language for a Christian. lol
Rahlistic Visions - or muslim...or whatever you are.
Muhammad Rasheed - Rahlistic Visions wrote: "Why cause you are one."
Oh, is THAT why you have Dr. Eisenman's book because I ducked your question, you piece of shit?
Muhammad Rasheed - Rahlistic Visions wrote: "such language..."
Show me in scripture where typing a cuss word (in a language that hadn't been invented yet mind) is a sin or whatever and I will take you seriously and never cuss again.
Do it.
Muhammad Rasheed - Do it.
Rahlistic Visions - Did he just say hellhound?
Rahlistic Visions - BTW I'm not a hell hound I'm a Unicorn and If you don't stop I will get Santa Clause and his elves on you.
Muhammad Rasheed - 1.) I ask Rahlistic a point blank, easy question
2.) He responds with nonsense
3.) I call him out on it
4.) He says he doesn't have to take this shit and threatens to leave
5.) I make fun of him
6.) He comes back looking stupid
7.) I ask Rahlistic a point blank question
8.) He responds with nonsense
Rahlistic Visions - I roll with Leprechauns son.
Muhammad Rasheed - I thought we already established that you roll with the air?
Muhammad Rasheed - And "life."
Muhammad Rasheed - lol
Rahlistic Visions - LOL at the fake commentary.
Muhammad Rasheed - "Mork?! Is that YOU???"
Rahlistic Visions - That's your kind of world...sorry I don't really do mythological creatures like angels and demons. You can keep that world. I'll stay in the real one where things are real and you can actually see and feel them and have proof that the exist.
Muhammad Rasheed - So where did the "knowledge" from this Facebook meme come from again?
Muhammad Rasheed - Tell me.
Rahlistic Visions - form numerous sources over the years.
Muhammad Rasheed - Name.
Muhammad Rasheed - One.
Muhammad Rasheed - Preferably the one that actually mentions what's in the meme.
Rahlistic Visions - books on language.
Muhammad Rasheed - smh
Rahlistic Visions -
Rahlistic Visions - the book of the dead
Rahlistic Visions - the 42 laws of Ma'at.
Muhammad Rasheed - What does the destruction of black civilization have to do with lining the 12 apostles up with the months of the year? How does it fit?
Rahlistic Visions - Hercules
Muhammad Rasheed - All four of these align the apostles with the 12 months?
Muhammad Rasheed - "Hercules" what?
Rahlistic Visions - The Pagan Origins of Jesus & Christianity
Rahlistic Visions - Pagan Origins of the Christ Myth
Rahlistic Visions - I'll keep going.
Muhammad Rasheed - Which one lines up the apostles with the 12 months? You may keep going if it will somehow answer the question.
Muhammad Rasheed - Rahlistic Visions posted: The Pagan Origins of Jesus & Christianity
Akyeame Kwame wrote: "although i appreciate the spirit of your wanting to inform me, i have to stop telling folk i don't know about xtianity...whenever i do people invariably smear some of it on me."
Akyeame Kwame wrote: "although i appreciate the spirit of your wanting to inform me, i have to stop telling folk i don't know about xtianity...whenever i do people invariably smear some of it on me."
Not sure how useful you actually intended that link considering the owner of the site doesn't link the apostles to the 12 months at all.
Muhammad Rasheed - Rahlistic Visions posted: "Pagan Origins of the Christ Myth"
This one doesn't mention the 12 apostles at all either. Again I fail to see the point of posting the link. Did you even understand the question?
Rahlistic Visions -
Muhammad Rasheed - Rahlistic Visions wrote: "the 42 laws of Ma'at."
1.I have not committed sin. 2.I have not committed robbery with violence.
3.I have not stolen.
4.I have not slain men and women.
5.I have not stolen grain.
6.I have not purloined offerings.
7.I have not stolen the property of the gods.
8.I have not uttered lies.
9.I have not carried away food.
10.I have not uttered curses.
11.I have not committed adultery, I have not lain with men.
12.I have made none to weep.
13.I have not eaten the heart [i.e., I have not grieved uselessly, or felt remorse].
14.I have not attacked any man.
15.I am not a man of deceit.
16.I have not stolen cultivated land.
17.I have not been an eavesdropper.
18.I have slandered [no man].
19.I have not been angry without just cause.
20.I have not debauched the wife of any man.
21.I have not debauched the wife of [any] man. (repeats the previous affirmation but addressed to a different god).
22.I have not polluted myself.
23.I have terrorized none.
24.I have not transgressed [the Law].
25.I have not been wroth.
26.I have not shut my ears to the words of truth.
27.I have not blasphemed.
28.I am not a man of violence.
29.I am not a stirrer up of strife (or a disturber of the peace).
30.I have not acted (or judged) with undue haste.
31.I have not pried into matters.
32.I have not multiplied my words in speaking.
33.I have wronged none, I have done no evil.
34.I have not worked witchcraft against the King (or blasphemed against the King).
35.I have never stopped [the flow of] water.
36.I have never raised my voice (spoken arrogantly, or in anger).
37.I have not cursed (or blasphemed) God.
38.I have not acted with evil rage.
39.I have not stolen the bread of the gods.
40.I have not carried away the khenfu cakes from the spirits of the dead.
41.I have not snatched away the bread of the child, nor treated with contempt the god of my city.
42.I have not slain the cattle belonging to the god.
Muhammad Rasheed - That was oddly devoid of any mentions of "apostles" or "months."
Muhammad Rasheed - Another meme? What does THIS have to do with the 12 apostles, Rahlistic?
Muhammad Rasheed - You know in the movies when someone is being chased on foot, and they try to lose the chaser by randomly throwing chairs behind them, and pulling down shelves and shit?
That's you.
Rahlistic Visions - Christmas and Astrology
Muhammad Rasheed - This one doesn't mention the 12 apostles either, Rahlistic.
Clifton Hatchett - I think the intention is not to link the apostles with the months of the year, but the constellations and the progression of the Sun through the constellations. There seems to be some form of miscommunication among you two, or a misunderstanding of the point attempting to be made.
Muhammad Rasheed -
Rahlistic Visions - nah I mean what am I running from? lol. Nah I'm the dude in the movies where the other dude that gets mad when he doesn't have facts to prove his point gets mad and throws chairs and I' just kick back calmly and let the facts do all the blocking for me while I'm sipping on tea.
Muhammad Rasheed - Rahlistic Visions wrote: "because the apostles were named after the moon cycles."
Rahlistic Visions - yup
Muhammad Rasheed - Show some integrity and admit you have nothing to back this claim up except for that facebook meme and we can move on.
Muhammad Rasheed - Easy.
Muhammad Rasheed - lol @ "yup"
Muhammad Rasheed - You realize if you lack proof then it officially qualifies as "blind faith," yes?
Muhammad Rasheed - I'm trying to be nice for once and NOT call you a dumbass again, but you're making it very difficult for me.
Rahlistic Visions - but if you want to play like that then I'm like Bugs Bunny and your like Yosemite Sam busting shots and slinging insults cause your mad...and I'm like...
Muhammad Rasheed - I'm mad because a dumb black man is pretending to "kick knowledge" by insulting religion, as if we didn't have enough problems. That's the only reason I'm mad.
And if you want to play the Bugs role you have to get your wit game up, NY.
Rahlistic Visions - LOL why is it so hard for you not to insult me? I mean you are confident with your stance right? I didn't call you any names....must be something making you mad......facts do that you know.
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