Tuesday, August 31, 2021

My Art, My Sword and a Head Full of Spells


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "My Art, My Sword and a Head Full of Spells." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 01 Sep 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

This #MRasheedCartoons image was inspired by the silly white racist figure who has refused over the last 70 yrs to comply with the SCOTUS' Brown v Board of Education decision to allow the American Descendants of Slavery to enjoy the same quality of education that he enjoys, yet he pretends that the group's under performance in academics in a result of inherent genetic defects. He's repeated this lie so often among themselves within their watering holes, that he actually started to believe it, only to experience bone jarring cognitive dissonance when the inevitable truth reveals itself. But he prefers to believe his lies, of course, and takes pains to protect his precious White Supremacist Ideology with more lies to support the others. It won't stop until he humbles himself and gives that evil up for good.

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The Unsolicited Opinion of the Entitled Thief


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "The Unsolicited Opinion of the Entitled Thief." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 01 Sep 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

This #MRasheedCartoons image was inspired by a response to one of my comments over on YouTube, where a snarky white supremacist demonstrated the entitled arrogance caused from half a millennium of bullying, violent theft and a culture of lying and pretending he's done nothing at all.

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Saturday, August 28, 2021

A Message from the Cheap Seats


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "A Message from the Cheap Seats." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 29 Aug 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

This #MRasheedCartoons image was inspired by the numerous drive-by trolls among the middling white racist community who take time out of their busy trolling schedules to post under my toons that they feel my work should be completely different from what I create, and to post the "we wuz kangs" white supremacist mantra. Unfortunately, the shear volume of these types of posts prevent me from commenting on every single one, nor would it make much sense for me to do so since they are designed in their quantity as zombie-like hive mind/group think, which is the white racist aristocracy's greatest strength. Instead I've decided to create this toon to acknowledge their hard work as a group. Thanks, guys. You are seen and appreciated for your service. ;)

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Weak Alibi of the Hired Goon Class


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "Weak Alibi of the Hired Goon Class." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 29 Aug 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

This #MRasheedCartoons image was inspired by the middling white racist and his continuous efforts to explain that the lineage-based systemic economic oppression had nothing at all to do with the gentile white supremacists over the last 400 yrs, but was all the fault of the Jews. I'm supposed to simply forget the fact that it was their political identity who have not only also slave holders, but also overseers, slave breakers, slave takers, bounty hunters, correctional officers, 'Law & Order' police officers and savage lynch mobs, all enthusiastically helping to maintain the systemic integrity of the white racist aristocracy by subjugating the Black American former slave class for continued exploitation & plunder. Another big part of the guardianship of white racism against the American Descendants of Slavery is they never, ever stop lying.

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Recommended Tools of Industry (Whites Only)


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "Recommended Tools of Industry (Whites Only)." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 29 Aug 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

This #MRasheedCartoons image was inspired by a member of the incel gang, Nathan Downhour, who was caught on the original Chris Hansen Dateline program "To Catch a Predator." Of note, was Downhour's penchant for using big words after he got caught to give the impression that he really wasn't as stupid as the situation revealed him to be. This is interesting to me in light of my new middling white racist buddies continuously saying my vocabulary is fake and just an effort to make myself feel smart.

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The Stubbornness of White Racist Projection


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "The Stubbornness of White Racist Projection." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 28 Aug 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

This #MRasheedCartoons image is another inspired by the white racist trait of fraudulent redefinition of terms to propagandize his evil behaviors as magically noble & virtuous.

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Confident Braying of the Willfully Ignorant (It's Cultural, Not Racial™ series)


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "Confident Braying of the Willfully Ignorant (It's Cultural, Not Racial™ series)." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 28 Aug 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

This #MRasheedCartoons image was inspired by a colossal level of ignorance that still manages to take me aback despite all I know about that demographic ("They still make you?!" ~Chris Rock). This is the kind of stuff they used to say to the slaves in an effort to break their spirit -- there was NOTHING going on in Africa and they did us a favor by enslaving us and allowing us to taste of the cast off scraps of a white "civilization" as it were. ("You get to taste the best cast off scraps of any of the world's n1993rs! You should be grateful!"). The educated elite would know better, as a casual glimpse into the contemporary opinions of the Ancient Greeks would attest, but these middling white racists -- and their penchant for reinforcing favored lies amongst each other until they actually start believing them to be true -- is what the toon above showcases. If you push back on their foolishness, then on cue they will call you an 'idiot' or 'moron' as if it is you who are the stupid one.

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Friday, August 27, 2021

Criminalizing Me to Cover Up Your Systemic Criminality


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "Criminalizing Me to Cover Up Your Systemic Criminality." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 27 Aug 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

This #MRasheedCartoons image was inspired by the ever-present usage of the "but what about black-on-black crime?!" white racist talking point. These middling white racists I've been engaging lately very well may have originated the tactic, back a generation or so.

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Thursday, August 26, 2021

Request for Justice Exemption DENIED


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "Request for Justice Exemption DENIED." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 27 Aug 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

This #MRasheedCartoons image was inspired by all the chimpin' out middling white racists who are aghast at a previous cartoon in my alien visitation series with the implication that they would be punished for their lineage-based systemic racism against the American Descendants of Slavery. In a particularly weird manifestation of the infamous white entitlement psychosis, the white racist aristocracy not only believes that they should be allowed to inflict any & every demonic evil upon the world with impunity, but they also interpret violent punishment (capital or vigilante) as the literal exact same thing as what they did. This type of crazy you cannot argue with, only point and laugh at (and caricature).

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The Signs Strengthen Faith, Not Convert the Wicked


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "The Signs Strengthen Faith, Not Convert the Wicked." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 27 Aug 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

This #MRasheedCartoons image was inspired by the weaponization of this old cartoon by my middling white racist foes, seeking to use their twisted translation of the insightful encounter it caricatures to paint me as a lemming-like fool. lol Nice try, but it was only one guy, and his confirmation of a controversial subject that is so easy for the mainstream to treat as a fringe "conspiracy theory" not worth taking seriously is appreciated.

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The Mental Prison of Bigotry


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "The Mental Prison of Bigotry." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 27 Aug 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

This #MRasheedCartoons image was inspired by this relentless hard-sell attempt by the entire middling white racist "incel" community that the Jews are somehow not white and are a completely different people. Obviously this ridiculous song-n-dance is more than just traditional racist ideology, but it's also a pagan belief system in its own right, since it has only the wishes & feelings of the goofy true believers to buoy the foolishness.

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Legacy of the Revolution


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "Legacy of the Revolution." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 27 Aug 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

This #MRasheedCartoons image was inspired by several comments from middling white racists making fun of Black Americans in some of our fiction in which we need to be saved by some outside power instead of doing it ourselves. This toon was created to remind of exactly what kind of tremendous, unfair advantage nigh-unlimited money provides to our traditional foe. Is it possible for a small under resourced party to defeat the larger one? Sure. But in history, that happens from the fire of faith fueling an over-the-top zealotry. David cannot hope to defeat Goliath without the Lord thy God on the prophet's side (peace be upon him) so to me it is clear that the atheist movement is yet another weapon of systemic racism against my people for this very reason. Should I believe that the U. S. Colored Troops who dramatically turned the tide of the American Civil War were Godless? By no means!

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Advanced for the Selfish, Narrow Mind


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "Advanced for the Selfish, Narrow Mind." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 27 Aug 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

This #MRasheedCartoons image was inspired by the same theme as the previous toon, where I'm challenging a gagglefuk of middling white racists of their goofy, self-servingly limited usage of the concept of "advancement" when it comes to the visitation of an alien species.

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