Monday, August 31, 2020

A Faux-Friendly Passive Attempt at Sabotage

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Rasheed, Muhammad. "A Faux-Friendly Passive Attempt at Sabotage." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 01 Sep 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.

SUBSCRIBE and receive a FREE! Weapon of the People eBook by M. Rasheed!

Caterwauling of the Domestic Threat

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Rasheed, Muhammad. "Caterwauling of the Domestic Threat." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 01 Sep 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.

SUBSCRIBE and receive a FREE! Weapon of the People eBook by M. Rasheed!

The Conspicuously Missing Oath of True Leadership

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Rasheed, Muhammad. "The Conspicuously Missing Oath of True Leadership." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 01 Sep 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.

SUBSCRIBE and receive a FREE! Weapon of the People eBook by M. Rasheed!

Saturday, August 29, 2020

OPERATION: Law & Order®

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Rasheed, Muhammad. "OPERATION: Law & Order®." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 29 Aug 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.

SUBSCRIBE and receive a FREE! Weapon of the People eBook by M. Rasheed!

Awakening from the Exploitation Nightmare

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Rasheed, Muhammad. "Awakening from the Exploitation Nightmare." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 29 Aug 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

Sebron Snyder - VOTE! To not participate is a slap in the face to all that have died getting us the right to vote and died recently at the hands of a system we need to still work to change.

Muhammad Rasheed - Vote Democratic Party down ballot. Don't vote for the POTUS candidate unless they commit to Reparations for the Black American former slave class.

Aaisha Gilmer Lawrence - @Muhammad... Down ballot is the one that actually will get you the solutions you seek. But you need the top of the ticket to sign it in law. So you need to vote the entire ballot. Also of the two choices who will sign it into to law?

Muhammad Rasheed - The down ballot items aren't going to reflect my specific interest groip political agenda stuff on it in this 2020 election. This is a boycott strategy designed to shake up the system to let the Federal government know that their most loyal constituency will no longer give up our vote without a fair exchange in return. We have been neglected and taken for granted long enough.

Matthew Hill - ...sentiment acknowledged though Kamala was born in the states...

Muhammad Rasheed - Her family is recently arrived in the US while my family has been here before the Civil War.

Matthew Hill - Yet she was born in the states, I live in the UK but my grandfather's ancestors arrived in the states in 1720. Honestly regardless.of when you arrived in the states you're all citizens right?

Muhammad Rasheed - I can't tell whether you are deliberately missing the point or not.

I'm from the group whose political agenda has been deliberately ignored by my government for over a century and a half, yet this outsider immigrant class is being given status over me WHILE she panders my community for our vote after a career of being hostile to us and contributing to the racist mass incarcerate state agenda.

She's a second generation immigrant who is given an elevated status and the ability to help her own people, while my own efforts have been sabotaged continuously for trying to do the same thing for my own. It's offensive and it's offensive for them to try to pressure me to give them my vote for free.

Matthew Hill - Honestly I understand the points you raise about her career and where she has stood on the issues you support, but her family's immigration status shouldn't be coming into it. In my opinion it verges on othering for the sake of othering. On the points you raise re policy and career history shes objectionable at best and downright awful at worst but those facts would remain the same regardless of immigration status. I would object to anyone raising the point of "we've been here longer" regardless of who they are, and as it isn't the crux of your post I think its a distraction from the point you're making. All in my opinion of course.

Muhammad Rasheed - Matthew wrote: "In my opinion it verges on othering for the sake of othering."

Literally NO ONE has been systemically "othered" more than MY group, and I'm being pressured to give up my vote for free -- unique to any other special interest group -- to vote for someone pandering for my vote by dancing and shaking hot sauce on her food and eating fried chicken, because she favors me physically by racial phenotype. That's an insulting grift the immigrant class are being allowed to play at my expense.

Direct ALL of your admonishments and lecturing in THAT direction.

Matthew Hill - There's no point in othering anyone. We're supposed to be living in an enlightened time or striving for more enlightenment. Admonish Kamara for what she's doing not who she is. That's my opinion and we are both entitled to one.

Muhammad Rasheed - Matthew wrote: "there's no point in othering anyone."

I understand why you are eagering running to her defense by pointing out her family are newly-arrived alien immigrants compared to my own, but my bluntly pointing out what is true is not "othering" her. She literally has all the status and prestige while I hold zero. lol Your protests are weak.

Matthew wrote: "We're supposed to be living in an enlightened time..."

The Black American former slave class is MORE politically disenfranchised and MORE artificially impoverished than we were during jim crow. Obviously this "enlightened time" you envision involves my rival Democratic party groups and I am excluded (as usual).

Matthew wrote: "or striving for more enlightenment."

What does the term mean when you use it?

Matthew wrote: "Admonish Kamara for what she's doing not who she is."

I did. The DNC is using its marketing/propaganda arm to manipulate "who she is" for flexible convenience to trick my people into voting for that ticket. I'm sorry this topic and my argument are too nuanced for your position.

Maus Merryjest - Your xenophobia is showing, my dude.

Muhammad Rasheed - I hold no xenophobia. I have nothing at all against the immigrant community. My gripes are against those cliques among them who are:

1) attacking my ethnic group for trying to politically unify along our unique lineage & heritage and fight for our Black Agenda

2) trying to bully me into voting for the Biden/Harris ticket on behalf of white supremacy.
Rhonda Hardy - One thing is for sure, something bad is going to happen if you let Republicans control you with another 4 years of this chaos. Get real you Russian avatar

Muhammad Rasheed - @Rhonda... Something bad has already happened. Trump is no more a boogieman to my ethnic group than any Democratic Party POTUS since they have all ignored my Black Political Agenda. If they refuse to provide my fair & reasonable asks in exchange for my vote then they don't get my vote.

James Sullivan - Now do Republicans.

Muhammad Rasheed - Why? The Republicans aren't my party.

James Sullivan - No, but this is definitely about your future! This is no longer about party. It's a fight to stop fascism in its tracks. Check out the Peoples' Convention to get the full perspective on why THIS vote for Biden is neither an endorsement of Biden or the Democratic Party, but is absolutely necessary!

Muhammad Rasheed - @David... No. My message is for my people to vote Democratic Party down ballot while boycotting the POTUS candidate slot. This will simultaneously show engagement in the process while revealing the nature of the flex in the record.

Muhammad Rasheed - James wrote: "No, but this is definitely about your future!"

My future is 100% about economic status and has nothing to do with celebrity politician symbols. Spew your nonsense propaganda to someone else. It literally means nothing to me.

[ARTICLE] Median wealth of black Americans 'will fall to zero by 2053 | The Guardian

David Rigg - So the Democratics that we complain about, still gets our vote.

And we top it off by helping to give Trump four more years???

Sounds kinda odd...but maybe it's just me.

Muhammad Rasheed - David wrote: "So the Democratics that we complain about, still gets our vote."

The down ballot affects me at the local level and has more direct impact upon me than the Federal level.

David wrote: "And we top it off by helping to give Trump four more years???"

I didn't vote for Trump. An officially recorded 91% of voting Black Americans voted for Hillary. Most elligible white voters leaned hard for the GOP, so nothing about Trump has anything to do with me. 

What IS important is that the Democratic Party's most loyal constituency is demanding their long neglected Reparations in exchange for our vote, and if the party wants to ignore that demand, then a win for Trump is once again not our fault. We TOLD them what we demanded upfront.

David wrote: "Sounds kinda odd...but maybe it's just me."

It means you either don't know enough, or you identify as one of the rival Democratic special interest groups who would actually benefit from a Biden/Harris win. I would not benefit AT ALL from their win since they are sticking hard to ignoring my Black Agenda and continuing the trend of taking me for granted.

Gerri Gibson - I'm seeing this all over the country. Black men not voting or saying the Dems are taking them for granted. This even though we have the worse president in the history of this country. I could say a lot, but will just say black man up YOUR game up. Do whatever it takes to become a powerful force in this country-period. Stop killing each other, get an education or open a business. You dont see Asians telling their people not to vote.

Muhammad Rasheed - Gerri wrote: "I'm seeing this all over the country."


Gerri wrote: "Black men not voting..."

I'm advocating for voting Democratic Party down ballot and ignoring the POTUS slot unless they agree to commit to our Black Political Agenda. That's how voting works -- to give me what my special interest group needs in exchange for my vote.

Gerri wrote: "...or saying the Dems are taking them for granted."

They've done worse than that. They actually disenfranchised me form the process and increased the poverty in my communities.

Gerri wrote: "This even though we have the worse president in the history of this country."

For my ethnic group, ALL 'Integration' era presidents have been the worst in history since Andrew Johnson.

Gerri wrote: "I could say a lot..."

So far, you've failed to say anything to help my people, but you just want me to get poorer and poorer by voting status quo without receiving anything at all for it.

Gerri wrote: "...but will just say black man up YOUR game up."

That's exactly what the #ADOS political unification movement is all about. Notice that our efforts got the Democratic Party POTUS candidates talking about Reparations for the first time in 80 yrs? That was specifically through our efforts & pressure through ADOS chapters in every major city. There will be more, God willing as our numbers continue to grow. #ADOSrising

Gerri wrote: "Stop killing each other, get an education or open a business."

This is ignorant. That doesn't have anything to do with using politics to gain access to capital and resources to uplift the group as a whole.

Gerri wrote: "You dont see Asians telling their people not to vote."

Because they have a powerful immigrant lobby that has more favor with the political swamp than my group does. But that's about to change.

Vince Field - Birtherism is RACISM... f*ck off with this sh*t!

You've violated the TOS and Group Rules.

RACISM = Not permitted.

Muhammad Rasheed - @Vince... This isn't a case of "birtherism." I do not deny she is a black woman with a proud Jamaican/Aryan Brahmin Indian lineage & heritage. That was never the issue.

The problem is that my ethnic group, as the ever-abused Black American former slave class, is not being represented, but this woman was being presented as if she represented me despite her long professional career of being hostile to my group on behalf of the mass incarcerate state. This is a fundamental probem and she cannot have my vote without some real benefits to my ethnic group other than the empty foolishness ("Get rid of Trump at ALL costs!") that her ticket is offering me.

MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.

SUBSCRIBE and receive a FREE! Weapon of the People eBook by M. Rasheed!

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Final Say

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Rasheed, Muhammad. "Final Say." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 27 Aug 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.

SUBSCRIBE and receive a FREE! Weapon of the People eBook by M. Rasheed!

The Plastic Boasting of the Comically Risk-Adverse

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Rasheed, Muhammad. "The Plastic Boasting of the Comically Risk-Adverse." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 27 Aug 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

Herbert Ladson - Clever isn't it? Is it run like one big gangster operation?

MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.

SUBSCRIBE and receive a FREE! Weapon of the People eBook by M. Rasheed!

The 'Flat Blackness' Smothering Effect

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Rasheed, Muhammad. "The 'Flat Blackness' Smothering Effect." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 26 Aug 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

Meko Harris - So this group is against immigration?

Gre Go - Like the cartoon! Only if the artist would explain it since I'm not sure I understand the message.

Muhammad Rasheed - It's not an anti-immigrant message, it's an anti- treat all Black ethnic groups in America the same message. Black people are not a monolith, and if you treat all of them the same according to the most successful ethnic groups among us, then the one who has been historically subjugated, exploited and systenically locked out of access to capital, credit and the wealth-building ownership class will fair worse and worse through benign neglect.

Meko Harris - Your imagery is all about money. Immigrant Black are shown with bags of money. It's an anti-immigration imagery used by many.

This is several post where you discuss reparations. It seems like you are a one issue person. I don't assume you do or don't vote. I support some logic around reparations but reparations isn't the sole issue that will change lives.

Muhammad Rasheed - Meko wrote: "Your imagery is all about money."

Politics is all about special interests successfully getting the resources they need from the government for economic advancement as a group. My group has been deliberately disenfranchised from that process for the last century and a half leaving us as a wealthless bottom caste. My economic situation is VERY different from that of the various Black immigrant groups we now share this land with.

Meko wrote: "It's an anti-immigration imagery used by many."
Irrelevant. Nothing in this cartoon says "anti-immigrant." Having money isn't an inherently bad thing, but it is bad to pressure someone else to not fight for the money that has been deliberately withheld/stolen from them.

Meko wrote: "This is several post where you discuss reparations. It seems like you are a one issue person."

I fight for the Reparations that the US government owes my people for the last 400 yrs worth of discriminatory practices, as well as economic inclusion into the wealth-building ownership class promised by the 1866 Civil Rights Act, but cheated me by my enemies among the 1% monopolist class.

Meko wrote: "I don't assume you do or don't vote."

lol I do vote. Currently I'm advocating for my ethnic group to agree to boycott the POTUS candidates in a strategic boycott while continuing to vote Democratic Party down ballot.

Meko wrote: "I support some logic around reparations..."
Does it matter what you support? The nature of your complaints gives the impression that you are a rival special interest group to my own. How about you worry over the issues that concern your people, while I worry over the issues that concern mine?

Meko wrote: "...but reparations isn't the sole issue that will change lives."

A robust Reparations program is the number one item that my people need to be made economically whole, an item deliberately withheld from me for the last 150 yrs because the white racist aristocracy has refused to share wealth, land & rule with my people since slavery was abolished. This is the nature of my people's fight in the country of our birth and as you see, it has NOTHING to do with you as an immigrant outsider. How about you worry over the issues that concern your people, while I worry over the issues that concern mine and let there be Peace between us?

Yohance Serrant - That’s funny cause I don’t know what $ black immigrants are getting. LOL

Very well drawn tho.

Muhammad Rasheed - Giggling over your own ignorance of the topic as if it is a universally shared status is a curious display...

Gre Go - I hesitated before replying to your comments because this is an art group and I really didn't want to have that kind of exchange in here. However, a black immigrant myself, it wouldn't make sense for me not to address some of the statements you've made.

Your art is a reflection of your thinking and you're entitled to that. The message you're conveying is taken in a negative way because it's far from the truth. The screenshot you posted about Asset, Debt, and Net Worth Values for Nonwhite households can be used as a reason for your xenophobia.

Muhammad Rasheed - I have no xenophobia, Gre. Calling for the political unification of my ethnic group so we can pressure our government for the Reparations we have been denied has caused some cliques among the immigrant community to attack us for it. Defending myself from these weird kneejerk emotional smears (we're often called 'russian bots' by some of the most high-profile celebrity immigrants) does not make me "xenophobic."

Calling me that is an unfounded attack.

Gre Go - My post was not to attack you, but only to help you understand that you can't blame blacks from other countries for how black Americans are treated here. My family and I have never kissed anyone's @$$, stole or trafficked anything illegal (wasn't this an attack?). We're living in very hard times right now and the last thing we want is to turn against each other. I have no issue with black Americans asking for reparations (it's your right). I responded to your post because through your artwork you're blaming/attacking black immigrants for not receiving your reparations or for having a higher asset value compared to black Americans. This is wrong! I wouldn't expect it from someone else, but not from someone who looks like me.

We work hard just like everyone else. We do have have our values and imperfections like everyone else. However, we are not the reason why your "ethnic group" is being treated fairly.

Muhammad Rasheed - Gre wrote: " can't blame blacks from other countries for how black Americans are treated here."

I'm not. But I am blaming those among them for partnering with white supremacy once they do get here and calling me 'russian bots' and gaslighting me and telling me I shouldn't vote in my best interests as a political group with my own goals and needs separate from other Black ethnicities.

Muhammad Rasheed - This is an example of the idea of "if it doesn't apply to you, then I'm not talking to you."

If you tell me that you aren't guilty of the things presented in the cartoon, but you respond defensively as if the cartoon is calling you out, then you cast suspicion upon your denials. #OnlyHitDogsHoller

Gre Go - Wait... black immigrants are partnering with white supremacy once they get here? I'm sorry, come again.

Of course it doesn't apply to me, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't say anything if you're making false statements (it's the Internet, we're all entitled to that). You seem like a good artist and I do like the art, but I'll leave it at that. I don't think we will ever be on the same page and my sole reason for being here is for the artwork. We need each other. We do not need to fall into the trap that they want us to fall into. Peace, positive energy, and blessings to you brother.

Muhammad Rasheed - Gre wrote: "I don't think we will ever be on the same page..."

No, because you don't know enough. My ethnic group is in daily battles with these anti-ADOS immigrant cliques I'm talking about, you seem to be unaware of this, but yet you want to definitively proclaim that this is not true based on your emotions alone. Your uninformed kneejerk emotional denial of my reality is the fullness of your argument and it lacks value.

That leaves us at an impasse.

S Michelle Forrester - @Meko... That was exactly my thought too! Black people in the North American diaspora were also enslaved and had to fight for freedom. This divisive message is why we will get no where. There's a larger problem of white supremacy. Until all of us are free, none of us are free. Also, black people are not a monolith. The broad generalization based on people's culture is just as bad. I deeply appreciate art and the different perspectives it conveys, but like Meko said, no one is above speech and all that.

Muhammad Rasheed - S Michelle wrote: "Meko, that was exactly my thought too!"

lol That's unfortunate.

S Michelle wrote: "Black people in the North American diaspora were also enslaved and had to fight for freedom."

My ethnic group is still fighting and is actively being disenfranchised as a special interest as the US gov uplifts immigrant rights over our rights.

S Michelle wrote: "This divisive message is why we will get no where."

This is not a divisive message, it's a message of protest from political activism from the exact same voice my people's activists have always used. And the immigrant community -- with its powerful multi-tentacled lobby -- is in a much better position than my ethnic group.

S Michelle wrote: "There's a larger problem of white supremacy."

A "larger problem" than what? Because it seems like you are saying that I should never politically unify as a special interest group to fight for the long-neglected agenda of my own people, to instead use my vote to help other people's agendas instead.

S Michelle wrote: "Until all of us are free, none of us are free."

Again, my people are NOT free, while the immigrant community is doing just fine.

S Michelle wrote: "Also, black people are not a monolith."

I know. Out of all of the Black people in America, my group remains the wealthless bottom caste still struggling for the enforcement of our rights so we can finally enjoy the benefits of American-ness in this country we've built. For some reason, the recently arrived immigrant community has dedicated itself to joining white supremacy is attempting to quiet my activist protests. Case in point.

S Michelle wrote: "The broad generalization based on people's culture is just as bad."

What "culture" is being showcased within the cartoon exactly? lol

S Michelle wrote: "I deeply appreciate art and the different perspectives it conveys, but like Meko said, no one is above speech and all that."

Your attempts at "reproach" are nonsensical trash.

MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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Monday, August 24, 2020

Notes While Observing #17: How Systemic Racism Works

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Rasheed, Muhammad. "How Systemic Racism Works." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 24 Aug 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

Joe Rogan Experience #1512 - Ben Shapiro

1.) In this quote from so-called Intellectual Dark Web talking head Ben Shapiro, he's being disengeneous and ridiculous in how he's trying to frame the definition of "systemic racism." He's trying to give the impression that the concept is a fiction because we've had laws (at least since the Civil Rights Act of 1866) that make race-based discrimination illegal.

"If you have a grandfather who went to prison on a particular charge, that leads to poverty for your parents which led to more poverty for you, right? People have histories, those histories are embedded in their life experiences  and that’s true for societies as well. All of that is for sure true. Then there’s the question as to whether the institutions TODAY are racist. And that’s not quite the same thing. Right? Because history has consequences is not the same thing as saying that the rules of today are racist. Because the rules of today are NOT racist, actually. The rules of today are quite not racist.  […] You fight against the system to make sure that the system has rules that apply to everyone." ~Ben Shapiro

Joe Rogan Experience #1447 - Tom Segura

2.) In this quoted dialogue between Joe Rogan and comedian Tom Segura, Joe inadvertently describes the basic principle behind how systemic racism works in getting around Califormia state animal protection laws in order to get rid of the coyote population in Whitney Cummings' neighborhood.

JOE: “I told her to get a sub-sonic 22 and just start taking them out. ‘PAP!’ It’s like this: ‘PAP! PAP! PAP! PAP!’ Put a little bait out there… [wink wink].”

TOM: “What’s the city rules about taking out a coyote?”

JOE: “The city rules… you keep your fucking mouth shut… yeah. Shoot, shovel and shut up.”

3.) In the film Edge Of Darkness, Mel Gibson's Thomas Craven character is a highly-skilled, tough-as-nails Boston police detective on a single-minded mission to solve a mystery/conspiracy and avenge the murder of his beloved daughter.  One of Craven's biggest powers is the multi-generational cartel of ethnic white men who have monopolized the Boston PD for decades in partnership with local and state political cronies. In the film, Craven only uses this powerful network for good in helping him solve the evil conspiracy, but in real life, exactly such a white male dominated force is used to keep the local Black American populace disenfranchised and locked out of access to the wealth building ownership class.

The Historic Danger of the White Male Gatekeeper

4.) “The average book will pass through a white agent, a white editor, a white publicist, a white sales team, a white cover artist, and white booksellers. And this process is considered natural and objective.” ~Brit Bennet                                        

Racketeering [WIKI]

5.) Systemic racism is no less than the collusion of unscrupulous white racists in partnership with political cronies to enable the group to commit race-based discriminatory crimes against the Black American former slave class. Systemic racist criminal activity is conducted in the structured process commonly referred to as racketeering. A racket, is an organized criminal act or activity in which the criminal act or activity is some form of substantial business, or a way to earn illegal money either regularly, or briefly but repeatedly.

Examples of crimes that may be alleged to be part of a pattern of systemic racist racketeering activity include:

Federal Communications Commission 
6.) In the United States of America, competition law is known as "antitrust." The point of it is to protect the open free markets our capitalist tradition requires to function from the dangers of "bigness." Bigness is the tendency for a business to do better than its competition, and then the owners will start making moves to monopolize the market usually by merging and acquiring other businesses. Antitrust makes that illegal, and it's the government's job to protect the healthy flow of multiple businesses competiing from that 'bigness' company's greed-fueled ambitions. The biggest danger is the tendency for unscrupulous politicians to give in to their own greed and allow themselves to be bribed by the bigness company's owners to look the other way so they can monopolize that market anyway. 

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) were specifically created as the enforcement agencies to make sure all US businesses comply with antitrust laws and protect our free open markets. They have both failed abysmally, causing the ushering in of the Second Gilded Age -- a nigh-complete monopolization of the markets of industry by just a handful of mega-corporate entities that hoard 99% of the nation's wealth creating an evil economic imbalance. Today both the FTC and the FCC -- instead of strictly enforcing antitrust to prevent a handful of greedy corporate powers from hoarding all of our wealth -- they contract out antitrust attorneys to corporate to help them figure out flimsy loopholes to get around the law and do whatever they want. 

Antitrust violations function as a major tool of systemic racism. The 1866 Civil Rights Act -- recently receiving public spotlight due to Comcast Corporation's attempt to repeal it to prevent from allowing Byron Allen's media company from entering the wealth-building class of his chosen industry -- is the law that enables the Black American former slave class to do business, make contracts and have all of the exact same wealth-building opportunities that whites enjoy. During Reconstruction, the former slave holder class deliberately fanned the flames of poor white resentments to create domestic terror hate groups designed to discourage the Black American freedmen from doing business and building wealth by actively destroying/stealing everything they were able to create and amass. Then the 1% class began monopolizing industries beginning with John D. Rockefeller's monopolization of the petroleum industry. Because this closing of the markets prevented white companies from building wealth, too, the white populists protested and the first antitrust laws were established in 1890. But the damage had already been done -- the 1% class saw that the rest of the white populace were 100% willing to economically oppress a portion of American citizenry to quench their own selfish greed, so the rich had no qualms about exploiting this hypocrisy and doing whatever they wanted to do. Despite more and more antitrust laws being put in place by a short succession of white populace free market champions, the rich would push back until eventually the greater population of the country would forget how important preventing the markets from closing really was. 

Today, the idea of the American captalist free markets is practically a myth, as the who's who of mega-corporate entities have free monopolist reign to hoard wealth as they like with the very stupid modern population actually applauding them for it: figures like Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffett, Elon Musk, etc., are treated like a modern new gods pantheon instead of the wealth hoarding cartel of villains they really are.

6a.) Comcast Corporation and its outside counsel retained Cornerstone Research to work on regulatory and competition issues related to the $30 billion joint venture between Comcast and NBC Universal (NBCU).

The FCC and DOJ approved the joint venture with certain conditions.

Cornerstone Research provided economic analysis during the regulatory review process at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Department of Justice (DOJ), which focused on the competitive implications of the combination of NBCU’s content with Comcast’s distribution platforms. We worked with two economic experts, Professor Gregory Rosston of Stanford University and Dr. Michael Topper, a vice president of Cornerstone Research, who submitted reports to the reviewing agencies.

Professor Rosston and Dr. Topper analyzed the implications of the transaction for competition in national and local advertising markets; analyzed the likely procompetitive effects of the transaction on the quantity, quality, and convenience of video viewing by consumers; and responded to theories of competitive harm. Cornerstone Research also contributed to several other submissions to and meetings with the FCC and DOJ, and worked with counsel for Comcast and NBCU to respond to economic issues advanced by parties opposing the transaction or seeking the imposition of conditions. After an extensive review process, the FCC and DOJ approved the joint venture with certain conditions.

Laura Phillips Sawyer

7.) "Rather than viewing the history of American capitalism as the unassailable ascent of large-scale corporations and free competition, American Fair Trade argues that trade associations of independent proprietors lobbied and litigated to reshape competition policy to their benefit. At the turn of the twentieth century, this widespread fair trade movement borrowed from progressive law and economics, demonstrating a persistent concern with market fairness - not only fair prices for consumers but also fair competition among businesses. Proponents of fair trade collaborated with regulators to create codes of fair competition and influenced the administrative state's public-private approach to market regulation. New Deal partnerships in planning borrowed from those efforts to manage competitive markets, yet ultimately discredited the fair trade model by mandating economy-wide trade rules that sharply reduced competition. Laura Phillips Sawyer analyzes how these efforts to reconcile the American tradition of a well-regulated society with the legacy of Gilded Age of laissez-faire capitalism produced the modern American regulatory state." ~Laura Phillips Sawyer; American Fair Trade: Proprietary Capitalism, Corporatism, and the 'New Competition,' 1890–1940

Joe Rogan Experience #1114 - Matt Taibbi


8a.) Joe Rogan: “How the fuck did they get away with giving the CEOs bonuses?" 

Matt Taibbi: “lol During that time?”

Joe Rogan: “Yeah. Giant bonuses during the time when they had to be bailed out by the tax payers.”

Matt Taibbi: “Yeah, that was another scam, like, so there were… if you looked at the fine print of all the bailouts, it basically said that you had to repay the money to us by X time, before you could start paying people exorbitant amounts of money again, but a lot of those conditions were never really followed. And the conditions of repayment were kind of glossed over and… The companies were supposed to be able to pass these things called ‘stress tests,’ which demonstrated that they were back on solid footing again before they paid people, but the stress tests were all fudged. You know, there was crime and corruption and illegality in basically every direction during that whole period and not just in the government, but in all of these companies as well.” 


8b.) Joe Rogan: “What was it feeling like to have very little understanding about finance and then to immerse yourself into it and then realize that this is the underlying structure that our society is run on? That our money is established through… this… this is how we sell houses and loans and… This is what we’re doing?!”

Matt Taibbi: “Yeah, it was fascinating because before that I was mostly covering, like elections. Right? And again if you cover elections it’s incredibly boring and you never hear of anything of substance. It’s not terribly complicated and one… the Democrat says, ‘We want to help the middle class,’ and the Republican says, ‘We want to protect American family values,’ that’s pretty much the extent of the intellectual challenge as far as covering that stuff, And I always thought to myself, politics in America MUST be a lot more complicated than this, right? There must be some other hidden thing where it’s incredibly complex and diabolical and the real machinations of power must be visible somewhere. And I think you find that when you start looking into how Wall Street works, how money works, how central banking works, how the concentration of wealth works. Basically the sub-prime scheme was an effort to pull the remaining savings out of the population. Right? It just wasn’t… In the old days, investment banks made their money by lending money to companies who would build factories and they would make stuff and sell it around the world and everybody would make money and you know, even the population would benefit from it. But that manufacturing economy is all gone. It’s overseas. So you have this financialized economy – they have no normal beneficial way to make money. All they can really do is look to see where is there money and how they can get it and most people had money in their houses, right? Like the accumulated savings of most people – whatever was left after the Internet crash of the ‘90s – was in real estate. And this was the scam by which they took the wealth that was left in the pockets of ordinary people and transferred it to nine people in Manhattan, basically. I mean, that’s why when we talk about wealth inequality now… and how the top 1% of the population owns 90% of the wealth in the country or whatever it is, that’s the consequence of schemes like this where they are finding out where people have a little bit of money and they’re systematically coming up with scams to move it from there to here.”

Joe Rogan: “With no consequence?”

Matt Taibbi: “No. With no consequence.”


8c.) Joe Rogan: “Wow. That had to be depressing.”

Matt Taibbi: “Oh, yeah. Of course. Of course. I mean, lol, most investigative reporting is depressing."

Joe Rogan: “But particularly THAT because, I mean, a lot of it was old people…”

Matt Taibbi: “Oh, my God. Old people. Minorities. I mean, I did one story about a bank in Maryland… well, it’s a national bank. It’s a bank that I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of people listening have their accounts at this bank. They had to pay a settlement to the government because they were intentionally targeting elderly Black people to sell sub-prime mortgages to and they called them ‘mud people.’ And there were all these toxic emails going back-n-forth about how stupid they were and how they would buy anything, et cetera, et cetera." 

Joe Rogan: “In the emails they called them ‘mud people?’”

Matt Taibbi: “Yeah… and so they had to pay a settlement to the government. But the racial component of that crash was something that I didn’t really clue into until late, but that was something that was a big part of it, too. It was… a lot of it involved these mortgage lenders going into particularly lower middle class Black neighborhoods and knocking on doors where there would be an elderly person at home and saying, ‘Hey! Would you like to re-fi[nance] your mortgage? And you’ll have a little bit of extra spending money this month.’ Right? And the person won’t know anything about finance and they’ll sign this re-finance deal that allows them to save a little bit of money each month, not knowing that they had just converted their fixed mortgage into a floating mortgage and that as soon as the interest rates change, you know, you’d have people who went from paying $900 a month to $7,000 a month, right? And suddenly they’re out in the street and the company that sold them the loan is long gone by then. They’re not holding it. They… as soon as they got her name on the dotted line they sold it off to a bank in New York who in turn again chopped it up into hamburger and sold it probably to your pension fund or whatever. So there’s nobody she could complain to. And yeah. That stuff was really depressing.”      

See Also:

What is White Supremacy? by M. Rasheed

Notes While Observing #1: Stephen King (Carrie) & Barbra Streisand (Yentl Mendel)                                             

MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.

SUBSCRIBE and receive a FREE! Weapon of the People eBook by M. Rasheed!

Thursday, August 20, 2020

A Dubious Grasp of the Politic

Click for Artist's Description

Rasheed, Muhammad. "A Dubious Grasp of the Politic." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 21 Aug 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

Brandon Easton - #Kamala rocks.

I have spoken.

Muhammad Rasheed - Unfortunately, Trump/Pence/Biden/Kamala collectively rock for every single political special interest group except for the Black American former slave class. Systemic racism is a bi-partisan evil when neither political party will commit to economically including us into the wealth-building ownership class. It's a shame when the long neglected and exploited Black Americans agree to continue to allow the racial wealth gap to widen by continuing to vote status quo which does nothing to address the Black Political Agenda.

But if you happen to be of the LGBT, one of the immigrant tied groups or a Wall Street banker -- all who will absolutely benefit from a Biden/Harris2020 presidential win, then please by all means...

...rock out.

Every special interest group has the right to vote in their own interests. Personally, I'm voting Democratic Party down ballot since a vote for the status quo won't help me at all as a Black American member of the former slave class -- both Trump and Biden hate my guts. So I'll first need a commitment to my agenda and exclusionary policies that will make my group economically whole if either one of them wants my vote (naturally I will expect the blatantly diabolical Trump to reject it out of hand).

Staci Williams - I'm going to need you to take skee wee out your artwork, ESPECIALLY when you are using it for political purposes. It is trademarked. 

All that other stuff you are spewing I dont care about.

Muhammad Rasheed - Here you are:

Is Satire or Mimicking a Trademark Protected under Fair Use? | JHRLEGAL.COM

Staci Williams - did you sell it?

Staci Williams - if you placed this for sale or profit financially in any capacity then this does not apply. If you did then its still a trademark violation

Staci Williams - Furthermore:

It may be infringement if the trademark is used to invoke the idea of the trademarked business, product, or service and make fun of it in an attempt to dissuade people from using it. It may also be defamation if what is said is untrue. In this case using it politically as in voting one way or another. But hey maybe you should just consult the organizations trademark attorney

Muhammad Rasheed -

Staci Williams - I'm not the one you need to convince. My organization is very diligent especially when it comes to using their trademarks.

Muhammad Rasheed - Staci wrote: "It may be infringement if the trademark is used [...] in an attempt to dissuade people from using it."


Staci wrote: "IIt may also be defamation if what is said is untrue."


Staci wrote: "IIn this case using it politically as in voting one way or another."

lol No so. In this case it's being used to tease the satirized figure and her soror org that support her with uncritical Agape love.

Staci Williams - I said what I said. You trying to justify using it.. im not going go back and forth with you anymore. If you are comfortable with your disresp..."satire" so be it. You have nothing to worry about then. Lol, have a good one

Muhammad Rasheed - Staci wrote: "I said what I said."

You should fight just as hard for your people's Reparations and economic inclusion. #ThinkAboutIt

Staci Williams - @Muhammad… you know nothing about me or what I do. You also know nothing about what my organization does. I can say the same thing of you and supporting black women considering they are the most disrespected people in the country. As a Muslim the words of Malcolm X should be something YOU think about. If you are anti-Joe is one thing but to pick the black woman on the ticket to use her as your "Satire" is not practicing what you preach.

Muhammad Rasheed - Staci wrote: "you know nothing about me or what I do."

Staci ALSO wrote: "All that other stuff you are spewing I dont care about."

Staci Williams - now you are twisting words. "All that other stuff" means I did not (and do not) care about debating you on the legitimacy of what you said via your "satire" on social media. And that stands. "All that other stuff you spewing I dont care about."

Muhammad Rasheed - Staci wrote: "now you are twisting words."

Staci ALSO wrote: "I said what I said."

Muhammad Rasheed - Staci wrote: "You also know nothing about what my organization does."

Are they fighting tooth & nail for Reparations and economic inclusion for the Black American descendants of slavery? This is what my people need. If your precious org isn't doing that then they lack value.

Staci wrote: "I can say the same thing of you and supporting black women considering they are the most disrespected people in the country."

Only white racists and their treacherous "POC/BIPOC" support class use that kind of rhetoric to split up the Black Family. Both genders of our ethnic group are disrespected by the White Supremacist Ideology and the anti-Black systemic racism for which it stands. You are on the wrong side of history, but realize it not.

Staci wrote: "As a Muslim the words of Malcolm X should be something YOU think about."

As a Muslim, I bear withness that there is no God but the One God of Abraham, and the Ishmaelite prophet Muhammad ibn Abdullah (peace be upon him) was the messenger of the Lord thy God. Although I respect his story, Malcolm X is not part of my salvation. Please stick to the topics you are actually learned in.

Staci wrote: "If you are anti-Joe..."

I'm anti-white racist aristocracy which is quite bi-partisan. All that matters is the Black Political Agenda and policies developed from the same. Celebrity worship is a grift scheme of the diabolical 1% monopolist class. You should discard it.

Staci wrote: " one thing but to pick the black woman on the ticket to use her as your 'Satire' is not practicing what you preach."

This black woman you champion is of the Aryan Brahmin class who actually invented the oppressive caste system of India. More importantly for our purposes, she is a proud agent of the mass incarcerate state with a record of systemic racist oppression against my people specifically. She has point blank rejected the policies my people need to be made economically whole and I would be a fool to give her my vote for free.

Staci Williams - im not having this conversation with you. If you REALLY wanted to know you would have asked before hand instead of make assumptions. Now you just want to argue and debate and ive lost interest. I have no desire to discuss with someone with no genuine interests. Have a good one.

Muhammad Rasheed - Staci wrote: "im not having this conversation with you."

We're already 861 words in. lol

Staci wrote: "If you REALLY wanted to know..."

Ma'am, it was rhetorical. All of these groups have proven impotent in the fight for the actual needs of our people. The infamous racial wealth gap is wider than ever and is an embarrassing testament to the failure of 50+ yrs of 'Integration' era leadership across the entire spectrum.

I suggest you repent and help our people politically unify under the banner of #ADOS that we may pressure our Democratic Party into meeting our needs as they so enthusiastically meet everyone else's,

American Descendants of Slavery (#ADOS)

Staci Williams -

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. - Service to All Mankind Since 1908

Staci Williams - There. Fixed it.

Muhammad Rasheed - What did you fix by posting a marketing piece showcasing exactly how impotent this group has been to our people's actual needs?

Please stop and instead work to direct that group's focus towards a cause that actually matters. #ThisAintIt

Staci Williams - lol. If only you knew. Have a good one sir.

Muhammad Rasheed - Oh, I do know.

You also have a good one. Peace.

JG Haynes - Your criticism of Kamala Harris’s ethnicity makes you a victim of the Willie Lynch Letter. I don’t believe in blindly supporting people however, out right denying her as a member of the black community is continuing the legacy of Willie Lynch. Stop being a slave so openly, proudly and ignorantly. You’re very articulate but if you haven’t read the Willie Lynch Letter recently then you should and maybe you’ll wake up frfr and create something useful & that will better our community. not this fake woke mess you call satire. It’s toxic to our community and we have enough issues.

Muhammad Rasheed - Kamala Harris is a Jamaican-Indian American who identifies as Black through her father's Jamaican family line. I do acknowledge that she is a Black woman both through that line and by way of physical racial phenotype as she does look like a lightskinned Black woman.

But she is not a member of the Black American descendants of slavery ethnic group who are identified by way of our unique lineage & heritage. We are a completely different people. The history of anti-Black systemic racism has left my people as a wealthless bottom caste, while her mom's people were literally the highest caste of her nation. Kamala is a "Black woman," but that does not mean she is me anymore than any other rival group in the diaspora is me. We all have our unique lineages & heritages that define us far more than shallow melanin does alone.

Kamala spent her career actively attacking my ethnic group, and actually gives the impression she hates us and will absolutely throw us under the bus -- as Obama did -- for political gain.

Mark X Moses - Reparations what. I guess we have to do same for every other race on this earth reparations my foot

Muhammad Rasheed - lol My specific ethnic group has a legitimate and righteous justice claim with the US government. That has nothing to do with anyone else.

Mark X Moses - everyone can say same

Muhammad Rasheed - What does that have to do with my own people pursuing our own debt owed to us by our own government?

I don't understand your point.

Mark X Moses - my point no one owns you nothing, you can’t keep blaming someone for your failure or the fault of their ancestors

Muhammad Rasheed - Just because you yourself happen to be unlearned in the history of my ethnic group and our government, doesn't mean I'm not entitled to pursue the debt owed in my ethnic group's political interest.

Your point doesn't make any sense and comes across as unfairly hostile to my group for no reason. On one hand you admit that my legitimate Reparations claim is "the same as everyone else's," then you pivot and claim I'm not owed anything in a perfect imitation of what my traditional enemy says all the time. I don't understand.

I thought you were a Black African? Is this not true?

Mark X Moses - yep fighting for something you have no right to own, and even after you achieve that, let see how much of a change it going to bring to you, and if that will make you guys stop blaming everything on others.

Muhammad Rasheed - Mark wrote: "fighting for something you have no right to own"

I'm the group who was exploited and plundered to build this nation and her great wealth. Obviously I'm entitled to a significant portion of this country's benefits.

Mark wrote: "and even after you achieve that"

I will, Insha'Allah.

Mark wrote: "let see how much of a change it going to bring to you"

The point of a robust Reparations program is to duplicate the exclusionary wealth-building programs that poor whites received in the previous 150 yrs that enabled them to become the middle class. They were given free money, free land and numerous educational programs to help them manage the multi-generational windfall my group was pointed excluded from. I only ask for the same thing for my people. It is only fair.

Again your hostility and negativity against my people as an outsider is confusing me with its intensity. I don't understand your point.

Tasha Brown - I think she would make a good president if she’s giving that chance not because she’s half black and Indian it’s because she’s a strong woman that might make a difference in this world.

Don’t judge the book by the cover judge what’s written inside she might surprise you and do something for the black communities

Muhammad Rasheed - At no point have I ever "judged the book by its cover" in this context. Instead, I reject her nomination purely based on her well-documented hostility towards my own ever-abused ethnic group.

What difference does it make to me if she's a "good president" to everyone except me? I don't need a repeat of the Obama confidence scam where a candidate pretended to be for me only to leave me in worse economic conditions than I was in before I was convinced to believe in their faux-Hope.

Tasha Brown - Lol I wasn’t commenting you. You have every right to vote for whoever you want for me I want to see a woman president:)

MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.

SUBSCRIBE and receive a FREE! Weapon of the People eBook by M. Rasheed!

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Champion Policies, Not People

Click for Artist's Description

Rasheed, Muhammad. "Champion Policies, Not People." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 19 Aug 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.

SUBSCRIBE and receive a FREE! Weapon of the People eBook by M. Rasheed!

Cruel Bullying of the Faux-Ally

Click for Artist's Description

Rasheed, Muhammad. "Cruel Bullying of the Faux-Ally." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 18 Aug 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

Andre Roberts - Wow. The anti-vote crew are out in full force tonight.

Andre Owens - They keep saying withhold the presidential vote to teach the Democratic Party a lesson. This is inherently a position of privilege, as these people are well off enough to survive 4 more years of Trump. The rest of us, not so much.

William Satterwhite - "withhold the presidential vote to teach the Democratic Party a lesson"
Everytime I see something like this i just think, wouldn't it be easier to just go to a few local Democratic Party meetings, become active members and work to steer the party from within.

Andre Owens - @William…I’ve been preaching this forever. Or join a Socialist or Libertarian organization, depending on ones politics.

Andre Roberts - @Andre… it's not just that...Yada yada...ados...Yada yada...tangibles...Yada yada...cut the check...Yada yada...

Muhammad Rasheed - William wrote: "...wouldn't it be easier to just go to a few local Democratic Party meetings, become active members and work to steer the party from within."

Isn't that what two whole generations of 'Integrationist' politics represented and why we even have the CBC? Power corrupts and those guys have proven impotent and self-serving, literally doing nothing in those offices but working for our rival liberal groups while spouting old nostalgic reminders of the civil rights era.

The best strategy is to unify ourselves as a special interest group and join the push-n-shove for attention for our Black Political Agenda and receive resources for our Black American former slave class ethnic group. That's how politics works -- special interest groups using their voting voices to demand opportunities, exclusive policies and access to capital for their groups. During the 'Integration' era we were disenfranchised out of that system and exploited to use our power to strengthen other groups while completely neglecting our own.

#ADOS is the movement to fix that and return the fight to where it left off before the assassination era of the 1960s. For those of you who share the unique lineage & heritage of the Black American descendants of slavery, please join us.

American Descendants of Slavery (#ADOS)

Muhammad Rasheed - If I am mistaken and you William and you Andre happen not to be of the ADOS ethnic group, but actually identify with other ethnic groups in the Black diaspora like Andre does, then I'll withdraw the offer since this isn't your fight and you will actually benefit from the pro-immigrant slant of the Biden/Harris 2020 ticket.

Andre Roberts - @Muhammad… i identify as black, American of West Indian decent and yes, I'll be voting.

Muhammad Rasheed - See? ^^^

Muhammad Rasheed - I'll be voting, too, just not for the POTUS slot since none of the candidates will agree to my #Reparations demands.

Andre Roberts - I respect that.

Muhammad Rasheed - Then why are you laughing at me, jerk! lol

Andre Roberts - because although, I respect the need for reparations. I don't believe this racist country will ever pay it. So holding out your vote (or better yet trying to convince "others" to "not" vote) is a fruitless endeavor. But, hey, it's your journey to walk. Walk it out.

Muhammad Rasheed - Well, of course they won't pay it if I just give up and 100% commit to doing whatever my enemies and rivals tell me in a perfect continuation of the last 50 yrs.

Unifying and the continuous hardwork of activism will make the change. It always does. Being a pessimistic sad sack resigned to things as is, is guaranteed to give me more and more nothing until I find myself back in chattel.

MsTeri Will - @Muhammad… Bless your heart. Presidents appoints Judges and those Judges will have the final say whether Reparations are paid or Not. As long as there are APPOINTED lifetime CONSERVATIVE Judges on the benches, You won’t see any form of Reparations in your lifetime.

Andre Roberts - @MsTeri…Any of those conservative judges can contest any attempt at reparations as unconstitutional. Dragging out the fight for them even further. Truth.

MsTeri Will - @Andre…it’s apparent that there are persons in our community unaware of the process.

Andre Roberts - honestly this brother is well versed in the process. But I'll let him answer you.

MsTeri Will - I’m not saying he is or isn’t. I just see that there are too many amongst Us that are unaware of the process and are easily swayed when people like this gentleman make blanketed statements.

Muhammad Rasheed - The foremost expert on the Reparations topic is Dr. William Darity, Jr. His book, From Here to Equality is the definitive work.

We already know the problems inherent with trying to target the fickle Judiciary Branch, remembering how long it took the government to respond after they finally ruled in favor of desegregating schools (that they still didn't do). Instead, we're targeting Congress for more immediate actions on this long overdue Reparatory Justice debt. We're not just talking, even though I appreciate you ‘blessing my heart’ and all. Our movement is backed by quality data and scholarship.

Muhammad Rasheed - The average person seems to be quite removed from the actual Reparations literature and research, and fond of just speculating wildly from a very negative place about what cannot be done and what we ain't gonna get, etc., especially when they are of outsider rival political groups to my own.

MsTeri Will - @Muhammad… the problem with That is the President has VETO powers and the luxury of appointing judges who will Have the final say when these things are challenged. Especially those judges on the Supreme Courts. Our goal is the have more progressive judges on the Federal level. Why do you think ObamaCare can’t be totally repealed.

Muhammad Rasheed - @MsTeri...

Radical political activism is FAR more effective and valuable to the political empowerment goals of the Black American former slave class than submitting to yet another 50 yrs of fake 'Integration' status quo goosestepping. Only a very specific type of person insists that I abandon it to submit to doing things the way my white racist enemy and their "POC/BIPOC" support class prefer I do it.

MsTeri Will - Separatism never wins. NEVER. History have proven that. To think you can progress with the ideology of NOT VOTING is silly. You’ll only stall your supposed goal.

Muhammad Rasheed - MsTeri wrote: "the problem with That is the President has VETO powers..."

That's why we're strategizing for a POTUS vote boycott. Once #ADOS numbers reach critical mass, they will listen. That's the nature of activism.

MsTeri wrote: "and the luxury of appointing judges who will Have the final say..."

We're not going through the Judicial Branch. We're going through the Legislature Branch. Here's an example of Congress flexing its power in that regard:

MsTeri Will - @Muhammad…So you really believe by giving a known Supremest another 4 years will help your cause?

MsTeri Will - the judicial branch has the final say.

Muhammad Rasheed - MsTeri wrote: "To think you can progress with the ideology of NOT VOTING is silly."

A member of an outsider rival group who *WILL* benefit if my group continues to submit to a toxic compromised system that does not benefit me at all, insists that the tried & true radical activist techniques that have worked in the past won't work. lol

Please note that this is the traditional message of my diabolical enemy.

MsTeri Will - Good luck with your cause

Muhammad Rasheed - MsTeri wrote: "So you really believe by giving a known Supremest another 4 years will help your cause?"

Both Trump and Biden are known white supremacists. Without a commitment to my agenda, it doesn’t matter to me which one is in office, it is all one.

MsTeri Will - @Muhammad…give actual evidence of Biden Supremest acts. Enlighten us. Also, educate me on what ADOS is and what does it represent.

Muhammad Rasheed - MsTeri wrote: "give actual evidence of Biden Supremest acts. Enlighten us."

Will Black Voters Still Love Biden When They Remember Who He Was? | NY Mag

Joe Biden was quoting racist comments when he used the N-word in 1985 | AP News

Joe Biden’s Stunningly Racist Answer on the Legacy of Slavery Has Been Overlooked | The Intercept

Joe Biden is a Racist Who Loves Police Brutality | LeftVoice

Biden's record on race expected to be in crosshairs at second 2020 debate | Reuters

Why Joe Biden’s Murky History on Racism May Lead to His Downfall in the 2020 Election | YoungFabians

MsTeri Will - Did you even read the articles you included? Re-read the highlighted area.

Muhammad Rasheed - MsTeri wrote: "Also, educate me on what ADOS is and what does it represent."

Should I be surprised that all while you were 'blessing my heart' with your extreme negativity and shifty grasp on US government structure, that you had no idea what my argument even was -- you just saw a Black American and automatically went on the attack? lol Typical.


American Descendants of Slavery (#ADOS)

Muhammad Rasheed - MsTeri wrote: "Re-read the highlighted area."

Okay, so that link was a dud. What about the article above that one that you conspicuously didn't comment on?

Muhammad Rasheed - @MsTeri... Here, I'll replace the dud link with these:

The controversial 1994 crime law that Joe Biden helped write, explained |

‘Lock the S.O.B.s Up’: Joe Biden and the Era of Mass Incarceration | NY Times

Joe Biden questions my blackness one moment, defends racist 1994 crime bill the next | USAToday

MsTeri Will - I’m actually breaking down your response that is riddled with holes. You did not consider your source at all. You failed to read any of those articles you included. While I’m dissecting your response, can you tell Us what exactly is ADOS & their goals.

MsTeri Will - We will discuss that crime bill as soon as you tell Us What ADOS is and WHO do they actually think they represent.

Muhammad Rasheed - @MsTeri... You are 100% willing to overlook Biden's racism because his platform is friendly to the immigrant lobby and he is only directing his hatred towards my group as the Black American former slave class whom you also have contempt for... you lot just want to exploit us of our voting capital to score political victories at my expense in the usual fashion.

How do you think I should feel about this behavior? I mean honestly? Tell me.

MsTeri Will - @Muhammad… this is the First article you copied and pasted right?

MsTeri Will - @Muhammad… Read the highlighted area

MsTeri Will -

MsTeri Will -

Muhammad Rasheed - Highlighting his empty campaign rhetoric that was never implemented is supposed to be proof of what now?

MsTeri Will -

MsTeri Will - @Muhammad…After you actually READ the highlighted areas, Explain to me what he said was wrong. The only conclusion I can make is he’s being charged with being a Racist because he’s white and spoke out what many EDUCATED black people think. What He said was the absolute truth. Until Black people face the reality of what is killing our people the more we will get used institutionally. There are systematic problem we face because We allow them. We accept dysfunction as a way of life and that is the true definition of a slave mentality. So AGAIN, explain what is ADOS & what does it represent. I’m waiting

Muhammad Rasheed - MsTeri wrote: "I’m actually breaking down your response that is riddled with holes."

So far your efforts are pretty clumsy.

MsTeri wrote: "You did not consider your source at all."

Your logical fallacy is called "argumentum ad hominem." Congratulations!

MsTeri wrote: "You failed to read any of those articles you included."

I certainly didn't read them TODAY. I read them when they came out. You're combing through them desperately searching for precious confirmation bias nuggets doesn't move me. Should it?

MsTeri wrote: "While I’m dissecting your response, can you tell Us what exactly is ADOS & their goals."

I posted the link to the comprehensive website. It won't bite, you know?

The American Descendants of Slavery (ADOS) is the political moniker for the Black American former slave class which identifies us by our unique lineage & heritage as an ethnic group of the Black diaspora. Our goals are 1) the long overdue Reparations owed to us by the US government for slavery and 150 yrs of accrued discrimination, 2) economic inclusion into a protected ownership class and 3) a commitment to the Black Political Agenda.

MsTeri Will - @Muhammad… how is he directing hatred towards black peoples by calling out our flaws? I’ve heard him call out his own people. Aren’t WE ALL AMERICANS? We call out White people everyday. So he can’t do the same? You got to be young. From the generation of, not accepting reality and I wanna do what I want. The mere fact that you laugh at actual evidence and your inability give an educated answer says a lot.

Muhammad Rasheed - MsTeri wrote: "After you actually READ the highlighted areas, Explain to me what he said was wrong."

The first three highlighted screenshots are him running his mouth on the campaign trail about things that were never implemented, which represents him pandering for votes.

The last one with the partial highlighted portion at the bottom is him actually admitting he sent unqualified and incompetent agents into our communities to wreck destruction, and he's actually throwing up his hands impotently. An odd one to post for your argument strategy.

Muhammad Rasheed - MsTeri wrote: "how is he directing hatred towards black peoples by calling out our flaws?"
That's offensive.

The very white supremacist piece of shit that helped create the 'War on Drugs' mass incarcerate state that DESTROYED my community and enriched the 1% grifter class is blaming the effects of that destruction on me and you are siding with him on it.


Muhammad Rasheed - Did you see Ava DuVernay's 13th documentary?


13th Trailer (2016) | YouTube

Muhammad Rasheed - Your entire argument is from my traditional enemy's side, while you are "blessing my heart" with your hateful, uniformed foolishness.

MsTeri Will - @Muhammad… There were policies implemented. But because of the mentality that your so called group has caused for many policies to get stalled during the Obama administration. When Black people don’t vote the other side actually win. By failing to VOTE during the midterms of the Obama presidency allowed the Republicans to take over the house and senate. They overruled many polices that were created to help our community.

MsTeri Will - @Muhammad… the mere fact that you fail to read thoroughly disqualifies you from having any type of debate with me. I’m an Educator. You’re attempting to argue with someone who studied and taught these subjects.

MsTeri Will - @Muhammad…are you a felon? Were you ever convicted of a crime that you can honestly say that you didn’t commit?

MsTeri Will - @Muhammad… You laugh at the responses because you’re feeling silly. I get that. You’ve FAILED to explain WHAT & WHO is ADOS. Your best bet is to move on so you won’t have to look so comical. Good luck with your supposed cause.

Muhammad Rasheed - MsTeri wrote: "There were policies implemented."

There were zero policies even considered that would close the infamous racial wealth gap. Obama gave all of his love to white people (4 million white millionaires into 12 million white millionaires during his two terms), to the immigrants and to the LGBT. He made one very, very weak attempt to fix the very racist criminal justice system that AG Jeff Sessions IMMEDIATELY dismantled in his first hour of office.

MsTeri wrote: "But because of the mentality that your so called group has caused for many policies to get stalled during the Obama administration."

The #ADOS movement rose up after 2-terms of the first Black president who did nothing for our community. We are literally poorer than we were during Bush. During his terms, no one supported him with greater hopes than we, only to be colossally let down and betrayed for our investment. Obama is trash.

(PDF) How Barack Obama Failed Black Americans |

MsTeri wrote: "When Black people don’t vote the other side actually win. By failing to VOTE during the midterms of the Obama presidency allowed the Republicans to take over the house and senate."

That's ignorant. We did vote. The GOP cheated during 2016 and literally threw away 4 million Black Democratic Party ballots... in the exact same numbers the polls predicted Hillary to win by a landslide. The problem wasn't on our end, but you are uncritically repeating the racist propaganda blaming it on us. Should I be surprised?

Muhammad Rasheed - MsTeri wrote: "the mere fact that you fail to read thoroughly..."

I read them when they came out.

MsTeri wrote: "...disqualifies you from having any type of debate with me."

Please note that you never addressed the meat of the articles, only highlighting Biden's campaign rhetoric. lol You don't have an argument.

MsTeri wrote: "I’m an Educator."

You are a fool. This very thread reveals the poor quality of your debate skill and lack of integrity.

MsTeri wrote: "You’re attempting to argue with someone..."

lol Meanwhile, you attempted to argue with me when you saw a Black American you assumed was easy prey to "bless his heart."

MsTeri wrote: "...who studied and taught these subjects."

Obviously that's a blatant lie. You've only studied FoxNews pro-white racist rhetoric since that is all you have revealed in your tool kit here.

MsTeri wrote: "You laugh at the responses because you’re feeling silly."

Meanwhile, I laughed at your comically ridiculous responses.

Have a nice day. :)

Andre Roberts - @Muhammad… she still wins. America can't even agree that "Black lives matter". America will never cut that check. Ever. That's just reality. Facing reality is the first step in getting help...

MsTeri Will - @Muhammad… And that L can stand for how many of Us are LAUGHING at your level of Stupidity. You still haven’t explained what ADOS is. You know why you haven’t? Because you know I’ll tear that ass up like a Popeyes chicken sandwich.

Andre Roberts - to be fair, i agree with reparations. They are owed. I just don't agree with ADOS and their fruitless plan to get them. That and their rampant misguided xenophobic nativism full of nonsensical assertions.

Muhammad Rasheed - Andre wrote: "she still wins."

She never addressed the content of the links I provided. She pretended I didn't explain what ADOS stood for. The only body of information she uses to back her claims happens to be the die-hard, bi-partisan white supremacist ideology weaponized against my ethnic group. And when she was exposed as a wingnut, she started tossing around her credentials to save face. Is that a "win?" You're silly.

Andre wrote: "America can't even agree that 'Black lives matter.'"

I know, that's what activism is for. We have to make them. No one said it would be easy.

Andre wrote: "America will never cut that check."

Sure they will if God wills it.

Andre wrote: "Ever. "

You're very pessimistic, but your group benefits from that pessimism on this topic.That's kind of a conflict of interest.

Andre wrote: "That's just reality."

The unseen future is not yours to know. Now you are taking your extreme negativity & pessimism fetish too far.

Andre wrote: "Facing reality is the first step in getting help..."

Political boycotts work. The technique is also targeted by the enemy because of how effective they are. All we have to do is not give up and certainly don't listen to this extreme negativity and pessimism pretending to be sound advice and "reality."

Do you think nonviolent resistance is an effective form of protest? | Quora

Andre Roberts - who is "my group".

MsTeri Will - @Andre Reparations been due since to 40 acres and a mule was promised. I am certainly not disputing that piece. I disagree with how some think that they are going to stronghold the process of getting it. The tactics described by this “ADOS” group will only prolong any process. In fact, it will only set any form of progress back.

Muhammad Rasheed - Andre wrote: "i agree with reparations. They are owed."

You just don't believe we will ever receive them. lol

Andre wrote: "I just don't agree with ADOS..."

You don't agree that the black American former slave class ethnic group should politically unify and pressure their government to commit to their special interest agenda and the Reparations you admit are due to them. Interesting. You realize this stance formally makes you my enemy, yes?

Andre wrote: "...and their fruitless plan to get them."

God knows and you know not. God said if I believe, seek His help wth patient perseverance and prayer then He will be with me. Only the adversary is this dedicated to pessimism and trying to break my spirit in a righteous cause. Have a care, bud.

Andre wrote: "That and their rampant misguided xenophobic..."

I hold no xenophobia. But I am entitled to defend myself against those members of the immigrant community who attack my group for political gain.

MsTeri Will - @Andre… That guy is living in LaLa land. He is incapable of accepting Reality. He distort actual facts.

MsTeri Will - @Muhammad… You preach of separatism but claim others refuse to unify. Do you realize how ASININE that sound?

Muhammad Rasheed - Andre, please tell your girl that I never said anything about anyone else unifying. The #ADOS mission is for *MY* ethnic group to unify under that hashtag movement to achieve *OUR* goals. Thank you.

Muhammad Rasheed - Andre wrote: "who is 'my group?'"

Immigrants and those with close immigrant ties, which apparently reflects everyone opposing ADOS in this thread.

The very anti-Black American (ADOS) Biden/Harris2020 ticket is pro-immigrant and that's why you lot want then to win and trying to bully me into voting for it, despite the fact that I will receive nothing at all for the trouble.

Muhammad Rasheed - So to be clear, you want me to vote for team mass incarceration and receive nothing at all in exchange for my vote, instead of politically unifying and empowering myself to use tried-n-true radical activism to shake up the system and achieve the political goals you yourself readily admit have been unfairly denied us.

Got it.

Muhammad Rasheed

Andre Roberts - of course black Americans have laid the groundwork and built this country that we ALL benefit from. It's your corny language like "enemy" and "competing" that has me looking at you sideways. How are WE (me and YOU) competing? Over what? Where? Over what thing?

Andre Roberts - Sounds as dumb as when white people scream "Mexicans are takin' our jerbs"....shit's beyond corny.

Muhammad Rasheed - Andre wrote: "It's your corny languag like 'enemy' and 'competing' that has me looking at you sideways."

That's because you're being willfully ignorant which has me looking at YOU sideways. I guess that makes us even. ;)

Andre wrote: "How are WE (me and YOU) competing? Over what? Where? Over what thing?"

Politics involves groups of special interests competing for government resources for their communities. The fact that you somehow think it’s an individual vs individual competition means you are just as dumb as your girl. Was she your "Educator?" Figures.

MsTeri Will - @Muhammad… HOW DID THEY GET INCARCERATED? You are saying all those who were Convicted were LAW ABIDING citizens? Now the balance of time given was & is No doubt UNFAIR but WHY DO FOLKS CONTINUE to put themselves in those SITUATIONS???? WHY???? Especially knowing how UNJUST the Judicial system is.

Muhammad Rasheed - Andre wrote: "...shit's beyond corny."

Well, when you are woefully uneducated on a topic, the emotional depths of how something merely sounds is how a sheep is triggered, revealing you shouldn't be running your mouth on topics above your pay grade.

Andre Roberts - M. Rasheed wrote: "So to be clear, you want me to vote for team mass incarceration"

No. Don't vote, that's your right. But mind your business for those of us that do. You can't say "voting doesn't matter in one breath then affirm that it does in the second breath". If it doesn't matter then you should have zero concerns about us doing it.

Muhammad Rasheed - Andre wrote: "But mind your business for those of us that do."

I am minding my business. You're the one who created a whole ass post specifically to disparage our group. lol

Are you getting dumber the more you type?

Andre Roberts - @Muhammad… you didn't answer my questions. I'll try again,
- How are WE (me and YOU) competing? Over what? Where? Over what thing?

Muhammad Rasheed - I did answer it. You're just stupid.

Make your girl give you your money back for that "education."

Andre Roberts - @MsTeri… You didn't know that every criminal (who happens to be black) is an innocent political prisoner? If they kill your family they should get a break from the law.

Muhammad Rasheed - MsTeri wrote: "HOW DID THEY GET INCARCERATED?"

13th Trailer (2016) | YouTube

Andre Roberts - i made a post on MY page, you decided to stop in blabber. I get it, you're a "internet warrior" ...a gladiator in your mind. This is your entertainment.

Andre Roberts - @Muhammad… notice I haven't called you stupid yet? I thought you were a minister or something?

Muhammad Rasheed - Andre wrote: "You can't say 'voting doesn't matter in one breath then affirm that it does in the second breath.'"

A vote boycott for the POTUS slot is my group's strategy. I never said you had to do it, especially since you will actually benefit from team mass incarceration winning.

Andre wrote: "If it doesn't matter then you should have zero concerns about us doing it."

lol Again, to be clear, #ADOS is for MY group to enact the vote boycott strategy for OUR goals while YOUR team disagrees with what WE want to do. lol Nobody EVER told YOU how YOU should vote. hahahaha

Fuck you are stupid. lol

Muhammad Rasheed - Andre wrote: "notice I haven't called you stupid yet?"

Because I'm not. lol

Andre wrote: "I thought you were a minister or something?"

That's the NOI. And probably the Moorish Temple or whatever. I'm not them.

Andre Roberts - so we are disrespecting each other? Is that's what we are doing? I'm "fucking stupid".

Muhammad Rasheed - Andre wrote: "i made a post on MY page..."

Attacking my group instead of minding your business.

Andre wrote: " decided to stop in blabber."

To defend my group from an idiot. Sure did. What are you gonna do about it?

Andre wrote: "I get it, you're a 'internet warrior' ...a gladiator in your mind."

You know who I am. :)

Andre wrote: "This is your entertainment."

Sure is.

Muhammad Rasheed - Andre wrote: "so we are disrespecting each other?"

You created a whole ass post specifically to disparage my group. #DejaVu

Andre wrote: "Is that's what we are doing?"

Any time you feel like apologizing.

Andre wrote: "I'm 'fucking stupid.'"

Any time you feel like reading a book.

Andre Roberts - alright. I'm done.

Muhammad Rasheed - You were done when you made this stupid ass post, bud.

Call me out again when you're ready.

MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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