Muhammad Rasheed - [shared meme]
Ikyena Yahaziah Green - Any Black child, raised up in the church, knows this look QUITE well!! LOL
Nurah Rasheed - Lmao Milan Johnson
Daniel McNeal - lmao.......
Jersey Peach - Yuuuup...been there myself AND put my kids through!
Michael Daniels - My kids have had that look a time or two......THIS WEEK......BWHAHAHAHAHAH.
Tony Boyd - Ha! I was that kid.
Jason Herring - HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON......whatchu know 'bout this muslim....whatchu know 'bout that CHRISTIAN church tradition??
Jerome Scorpiochild Dickens - omg
Dustin S Hunter - That moment when you go... and the kangaroos left the arc and went where? Why no dead kangaroos anywhere outside of Australia? You know... I think you might be making it up as you go along... I could have been playing Nintendo! .... maybe that's just what I see.
Michael Daniels - I've put some thought into that question and how a worldwide flood may have had cataclysmic implications for geological functions including sn accelerated continental drift. Btw, evolution doesn't have a solid explanation for their isolated existence either.
Muhammad Rasheed - Dustin S Hunter wrote: "That moment when you go... and the kangaroos left the arc and went where? Why no dead kangaroos anywhere outside of Australia? You know... I think you might be making it up as you go along... I could have been playing Nintendo! .... maybe that's just what I see."
Noah was one of several prophets who had the same mission: Collect the animals and the sciences of your people and put them, you, and the believers in a place of safety so the coming global cataclysm doesn't destroy them too. Noah was real, but he also represented an archetype... prophets from all over the world who did the same thing he did... obeyed God and saved humanity from the Deluge. The kangaroo was rescued in someone else's "ark" or whatever that particular prophet's means of safety happened to be. People from all over the world tell the tales in their origin legends of the terrible cataclysm that smashed their distant ancestors back to the stone age, and the civilizing hero figure that helped them build their civilization anew.
Michael Daniels - Dislike!
Muhammad Rasheed - What is this? Is that supposed to be your official response?
Muhammad Rasheed - The scriptures are full of examples of prophets who were contemporary with each other, and the tales of the prophets were told to instruct us in the lessons gleaned from the experiences of those particular men. The tales of most of the holy prophets have not come down to us because for one, we didn't need to know their stories, and for two, they were probably no different than the tales we'd already read. People from all over the world tell the stories of their very own "Noah" that kept their civilization from going extinct in the wake of the global cataclysm. We only needed to know one of those tales from the lesson involved as far as the reason why revealed scripture is on earth.
Michael Daniels - Many cultures have a Noah/flood story because they all sprang from the same man/incident. People didn't migrate until a few generations later when God confused the languages.
Genesis 6
"9 This is the account of Noah and his family.
Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God. 10 Noah had three sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth.
11 Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence. 12 God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for ALL the people on earth had corrupted their ways. 13 So God said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to ALL people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth."
1 Peter 3:20
Scripture is clear on what happened. Why don't you just come out and say you don't believe the Bible is the word of God instead of pussyfooting around it. It's one thing to speculate on issues the Bible is silent on such as the geographical location of the Garden of Eden, but it's quite another to contradice the Bible outright. You should be ashamed.
Jeremy Travis - And this, kids, is where we all lean our heads back onto the wall and sleep standing up because THESE TWO YAHOOS gotta debate about the flood and the ark.
Muhammad Rasheed - Michael Daniels wrote: “Many cultures have a Noah/flood story because they all sprang from the same man/incident.”
They all reference the same catastrophe, but the rescue took several men of God from around the world. In the bible, there were many prophets whose missions overlapped others. God said some of the prophets He told us about, others He did not. What would’ve been the point of telling us about a prophet whose story was identical to Noah’s?
Michael Daniels wrote: “People didn't migrate until a few generations later when God confused the languages.”
Based on what?
Michael Daniels wrote: “Genesis 6 -
"9 This is the account of Noah and his family. Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God.
10 Noah had three sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth.
11 Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence.
12 God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for ALL the people on earth had corrupted their ways. 13 So God said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to ALL people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth."
Scripture is clear on what happened.”
Yes. God put an end to all the people of the earth except for His messengers and those people who followed them.
Michael Daniels wrote: “Why don't you just come out and say you don't believe the Bible is the word of God instead of pussyfooting around it.”
Why don’t you stop worshiping the messenger, repent of your blasphemy, and submit your will to the One God who made you as a Muslim?
Michael Daniels wrote: “ It's one thing to speculate on issues the Bible is silent on such as the geographical location of the Garden of Eden, but it's quite another to contradice the Bible outright. You should be ashamed.”
It’s a shame how the reverend demonstrates again and again such a poor insight into the scripture. Maybe you should consider some kind of formal training?
Stick to the topic at hand, Deac and stop being a jerk. Argue your case for the Noah thing and confine your other opinions to the shame of your own deficiencies.
Michael Daniels - @Mo.....In both of his epistles under inspration of the Holy Spirit, Peter specifically stated that only eight people made it through the flood. Your beef is with a designated Apostle and ultimayely Almighty God, not this lowly preacher, Take it up with them.
1 Peter 3:20
2 Peter 2:5
Muhammad Rasheed - "Two epistles in the New Testament are ascribed to Peter, although the majority of biblical scholars rejects the Petrine authorship of both."
New Testament History and Literature (The Open Yale Courses Series) by Dale B. Martin
Muhammad Rasheed - Jason Herring wrote: "HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON......whatchu know 'bout this muslim....whatchu know 'bout that CHRISTIAN church tradition??"
lol I think it's clear that I know more about Christian traditions than you know about Muslim traditions, Jason. Plus my own household duplicated this scene with my wife.
Michael Daniels - So typical....When you're shown by established Scripture to be completely wrong and out of your mind you attack the Scripture itself. As I said before, take it up with the Holy Spirit. And while Peter may not have actually written down one or both epistles (as Mark was known to be his Scribe) they most definitely originated with him along with the Holy Spirit. The early Church Fathers (including Peter himself) never questioned their origin or content.
Here's a novel idea. Why don't you provide some type of Scripture that you think supports your erroneous assertion of multiple Noahs (The Gospel According to Mo doesn't count....I'll be waiting with bated breath.
Muhammad Rasheed - Michael Daniels wrote: "So typical....When you're shown by established Scripture..."
You quoted some scripture, and then you gave a very shallow and uninsightful interpretation of it. What you usually show me.
Michael Daniels wrote: " be completely wrong and out of your mind you attack the Scripture itself."
So... posting the title of a book by a Christian scholar of Christian scriptures is "attacking the scripture" how exactly? If anything I'm attacking what you like to pass off as scholarship. You're done here, Deac. You were supposed to be posting your theory of Dustin's kangeroo question, but instead you decided to attack ME when I posted mine. You seem to have a problem sticking to the topic without attacking the person you're discussing it with. How come? Is that part of being a reverend?
Michael Daniels - What! Look in the thread. At first I merely expressed general displeasure for you're contradiction of the word of God. You begged me for a more specific response. And then, a month later, as I was eating a bowl of oatmeal you tried to pick a fight again. Don't get mad at me if I provided you with what you asked for...and prevailed.
I'm not going to share my kangaroo theory until it is better researched and more set in my mind. WHy would I if jokers like you would just pick it apart (even though between the two of us I'm guessing only one has recently taken a course in advanced geology).
Muhammad Rasheed - Michael Daniels wrote: “What! Look in the thread. At first I merely expressed general displeasure for you're contradiction of the word of God.”
There was no contradiction.
Michael Daniels wrote: “You begged me for a more specific response.”
I asked if “Dislike!” was the extent of your response. Instead I received: “Why don't you just come out and say you don't believe the Bible is the word of God instead of pussyfooting around it. You should be ashamed.” as an unprovoked attack from you.
Michael Daniels wrote: “And then, a month later, as I was eating a bowl of oatmeal you tried to pick a fight again.”
I shut the notifications off early because too many people were ‘liking’ this church kid pic and I was tired of the alarm going off for it every four seconds. When I scrolled down my Timeline a few weeks later I saw your crazy, insulting, off topic response.
Michael Daniels wrote: “Don't get mad at me if I provided you with what you asked for…”
I asked you for an intelligent, rational response.
Michael Daniels wrote: “...and prevailed.”
But all I got were attacks and the usual weak insights into your own scripture.
Michael Daniels wrote: “I'm not going to share my kangaroo theory until it is better researched and more set in my mind.”
You’d better not if it’s just going to be as dumb as your ‘neanderthal’ hypothesis. Keep it.
Michael Daniels wrote: “WHy would I if jokers like you would just pick it apart…”
lol You’re scared to put it out there for fear someone will poke holes in it and reveal how dumb it is. Too bad you didn’t consider that with the Neanderthal thing. smh
Michael Daniels wrote: “(even though between the two of us I'm guessing only one has recently taken a course in advanced geology).
Ah. That must be where you learned to interpret scripture. NOW it makes sense.
Michael Daniels - I believe that the plate tectonic shift, formerly known as continental drift was completed after the flood. I believe the flood exacerbated the natural process God had already set in motion. I believe that up to a few generations after Noah the continents were still accessible to each other via boat or land bridge. When the languages were confused linguistically and culturally compatible folks banded together and migrated via these vehicles, which would explain the aborigines in Austrailia. By this time the animals had already found their way to the places they were most comfortable in. It's a simple theory, but, one that fits all the observable facts and the Bibklical record.
Muhammad Rasheed - Michael Daniels wrote: "I believe that the plate tectonic shift, formerly known as continental drift was completed after the flood."
How long does it take continental drift to move a landmass? Compared to how long humans have been on earth?
Michael Daniels wrote: "I believe the flood exacerbated the natural process God had already set in motion."
By doing what?
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