Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Confessions of Esmerelda: An Account of the Slave Cat Revolt

Crystal Hubbard - There we go. Esmerelda just bit my left hand. Four perfect little red fang marks. She's fine...

Ava Roe - heathen

Richard Riozzi - For now....good people blood is poison to evil cats!  :P

Muhammad Rasheed - Stop antagonizing the cat, Crystal.

Crystal Hubbard - SHE'S antagonizing ME, Muhammad! I'm sitting here working, and she's trying to act like a regular cat! She keeps putting one paw on my leg and just holding it there! She's the one playing mind games...!

Crystal Hubbard - I have to go, she's looking at the monitor now, and I'm fairly certain she can read...

Muhammad Rasheed - Maybe if you weren't shaking your leg around or whatever else annoying thing you were doing with it?

You need to learn how to live with others better. For real.

Muhammad Rasheed - or you can look forward to more feline discipline. Up to you.

Crystal Hubbard - Ten pets, Muhammad, TEN. And this here one is the only one that tries to injure or murder me on a daily basis. I treat her just as well as I treat the others, all of whom love me! If anything, I treat Es better! Not once have I tried to put a costume on her, or teach her to lip sync, or put her in one of my plays. I leave this crazy heifer the hell alone because she is a bloodthirsty monster!

Muhammad Rasheed - So let me get this straight:

You admit to me that you humiliate the others right in front of her, that she has a stronger will than the others, and she's mad at you?

Muhammad Rasheed - smh

Muhammad Rasheed - I suggest that you set them all free before you end up getting Nat Turner'd.

Crystal Hubbard - Es just started a slow clap for you, Muhammad...

Sheila Morrow - Wash it out GOOD Crystal, cat bites are trouble

Francine Craft - Don't underestimate the bites!

Karen Weidert - Hate to suggest this, but.. urgent care? Anti-biotics? A friend of mine got bit in the face by a cat and ended up in the hospital on IV anti-biotics for several days.

Crystal Hubbard - I'm already on an antibiotic, Karen, from the last time Es bit me. I don't play around with cat bites. They have SO many different kinds of bacteria in their mouths...

Karen Weidert - That's good! I should have figured. My cat Dash bites me when he's affectionate, but not hard enough to break the skin.

Crystal Hubbard - Dash is a gentleman. Es is a demon...

Lee Hemmerlein - I am so glad that biting you didn't make your kitty sick.

Crystal Hubbard - Hardy, har, har, Lee Hemmerlein...!

Force versus Force: Probing into an Aspect of the Leftist Mindsets

Muhammad Rasheed - Chile’s Cabulco volcano April 23, 2015

Muhammad Rasheed - The most recent eruption happened on April 22, 2015, followed by two smaller eruptions on April 24 and April 30. This was Calbuco's first activity since 1972. ‪#‎climateChange‬ ‪#‎cough

Muhammad Rasheed - “[W]hile the Unzen eruptions have caused deaths and considerable local damage in the historic past, the impact of the June 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo was global. Slightly cooler-than-usual temperatures were recorded worldwide, and brilliant sunsets and sunrises were attributed to the particulates this eruption lofted high into the stratosphere. The aerosol that formed from the sulfur dioxide (SO2) and other gasses dispersed around the world. The SO2 mass in this cloud—about 22 million tons—combined with water (both of volcanic and stratospheric origin) formed droplets of sulfuric acid, blocking a portion of the sunlight from reaching the troposphere and ground. The cooling in some regions is thought to have been as much as 0.5°C. An eruption the size of Mount Pinatubo tends to affect the weather for a few years; the material injected into the stratosphere gradually drops into the troposphere, where it is washed away by rain and cloud precipitation.

“A similar, but extraordinarily more powerful phenomenon occurred in the cataclysmic April 1815 eruption of Mount Tamboraon Sumbawa Island in Indonesia. The Mount Tambora eruption is recognized as the most powerful eruption in recorded history. Its volcanic cloud lowered global temperatures by as much as 3.5 °C. In the year following the eruption, most of the Northern Hemisphere experienced sharply cooler temperatures during the summer. In parts of Europe and North America, 1816 was known as the ‘Year Without a Summer,’ which caused a brief but bitter famine.” #climateChange ‪#‎coughCoughAhem‬

Muhammad Rasheed - Mount Sinabung, in Indonesia, spewed tons of hot ash into the atmosphere during a series of eruptions in Aug 2010, Sep 2010, Sep 2013, Nov 2013, Dec 2013, Jan 2014, Feb 2014, and Oct 2014.#climateChange #coughCoughAhem

Muhammad Rasheed - Mount Kelud, in Indonesia, spewed tons of hot ash into the atmosphere over a long, slow eruption throughout 2007, and in one massive explosion in Feb 2014. #climateChange #coughCoughAhem

Muhammad Rasheed - Mount Ontake, in Japan, spewed tons of hot ash into the atmosphere during a surprise massive eruption in Sep 2014. #climateChange#coughCoughAhem

Jeremy Travis - What is the purpose of this post?

Muhammad Rasheed - Just an alternate theory as to why we've experienced dramatic climate changes in the recent months other than man-made causes.

"The aerosol that formed from the sulfur dioxide (SO2) and other gasses dispersed around the world. The SO2 mass in this cloud—about 22 million tons—combined with water (both of volcanic and stratospheric origin) formed droplets of sulfuric acid, blocking a portion of the sunlight from reaching the troposphere and ground."

Muhammad Rasheed - I just find it odd that just the suggestion that it could be something else other than man causing it gets people called out of their names and dismissed as if they are stupid. When has that ever been a trait of "science" or someone who is supposed to be a "scholarly intellectual" in the truest sense?

Political agendas, corporatists, easily bought scientistic administrators, and the sheep that blindly follow them while pretending they are into "science" tend to affect and influence public thought. I don't think that is a good thing.

Jeremy Travis - Do these discount the decades of human-caused factors?

Muhammad Rasheed - I don't understand why either has to discount the other, but it does seem to me that the decades of human caused factors don't trump the decades of volcanoes spewing hundreds of thousands of tons -- each -- of ash into the atmosphere…

Muhammad Rasheed - ...along with other things, like the increasingly dry climate, steadily getting dryer and dryer for the last 10,000 years. The deserts have been growing and expanding naturally. Sure it's possible that the pollution of our factories has contributed to making it happen faster, but it was already happening. Some of the dramatic climate changes we've experienced can certainly come from those effects, and even the beginning seeds of the inevitable reversal.

Muhammad Rasheed - The politically correct stance of "it's a man-made phenomenon and THAT'S IT!! End of discussion!!!" from the leftist "intellectuals" is unreasonable to me.

Jeremy Travis - I think the bottom line is that whether this climate change, as it were, is inevitable or not, whether humans are a primary factor or not, we should control what we can control so that we do not exacerbate the situation. We should also take steps to slow, if not completely hault, the process since the continuation of it can likely spell our doom.

Muhammad Rasheed - We SHOULD stop polluting. That's common sense. But there's no way the majority of us will survive a new ice age event. It won't be any different than the last time, with pockets of survivors scattered around the globe, some holding onto the old knowledge needed to kick start the civilization back up again. And again won't actually happen until thousands of years later.

Muhammad Rasheed - The only way we can really prepare is to make sure we all are learned in the tech and sciences and be diligent in passing it along through the generations. If we have to start all over from the stone age because the average human on earth doesn't know science stuff, it'll be pretty sad.

A Bleak & Dreary Future

Jeremy Travis - I think that's like saying 'there's no way we can survive a tornado, or a hurricane, or a blizzard' in that it's a defeatist attitude. I think that humanity knows enough about how the weather and climate works such that we can do things to maintain it at comfortable levels. If it looks like it's NATURALLY going too far toward one extreme, then we do what we must to drag it back. This is what we will need to do if we are to maintain our existence on this planet for the next few thousand years. Either that or we completely change ourselves and our way of living, which in and of itself isn't a terrible idea, but I think it would be far more difficult to accomplish.

Muhammad Rasheed - Tornados, hurricanes, and blizzards are small local extreme weather conditions that often claim some lives even when we know what to do. I'm talking about a global event that traditionally results in mass extinctions. I think we can realistically expect our populations as a species to be reduced to the millions again. We don't have the tech to reverse a massive tip of the planet's crust, and flash freezing temperatures capable of freezing an elephant in seconds.

Muhammad Rasheed - We couldn't save the hundreds of thousands of people killed during that tsunami in Indonesia. If the new Ice Age began tomorrow morning, billions would die before the national guard could be mobilized. This isn't "defeatist." This is actually real.

Jeremy Travis - MRasheed wrote: "Tornadoes, hurricanes, and blizzards are small local extreme weather conditions that often claim some lives even when we know what to do. I'm talking about a global event that traditionally results in mass extinctions."

Sure, the three aforementioned weather events are far smaller in comparison, but there was a time when they meant certain death. But we now know how to survive them relatively well, and I think we could do even better if we got serious about building structures and infrastructures and systems that were designed to defeat them every time. We CAN build homes that are 100% tornado-proof, but they will look somewhat different as compared to home in areas that don't need to worry about tornadoes. However, people, from developers to home-owners, prefer to live in something that looks 'normal' even if it is less safe.

MRasheed wrote: "I think we can realistically expect our populations as a species to be reduced to the millions again. We don't have the tech to reverse a massive tip of the planet's crust, and flash freezing temperatures capable of freezing an elephant in seconds."

Are flash freezing events something that the WORLD should worry about, or are they rare and sporadic and isolated events? Can we not predict and plan for most climatological events, big or small, if we as a global community got on task with prevention and preparation? Again, this is how our national weather service works, why not do the same thing globally?

MRasheed wrote: "We couldn't save the hundreds of thousands of people killed during that tsunami in Indonesia."

Correction, we COULD have had the proper preparation and resources been in place.

MRasheed wrote: "If the new Ice Age began tomorrow morning, billions would die before the national guard could be mobilized. This isn't "defeatist." This is actually real."

I don't think ice ages happen overnight. Despite the fact that they do happen relatively quickly, that 'quickly' is a matter of years or decades, nor hours or days.

Muhammad Rasheed - Billions of people will die before realize that the extreme, global-level catastrophe weather is really upon us.

Jeremy Travis wrote: "Are flash freezing events something that the WORLD should worry about, or are they rare and sporadic and isolated events?"

It would be the entire northern hemisphere.

Muhammad Rasheed - Jeremy Travis wrote: "Can we not predict and plan for most climatological events, big or small, if we as a global community got on task with prevention and preparation? Again, this is how our national weather service works, why not do the same thing globally?"

There was an earthquake in the middle of the ocean, and a few days later a record breaking tsunami killed hundreds of thousands of people and there was nothing we could do about it.

That was a small local event.

Muhammad Rasheed - Jeremy Travis wrote: "Correction, we COULD have had the proper preparation and resources been in place."

Then why didn't we?

Muhammad Rasheed - Jeremy Travis wrote: "I don't think ice ages happen overnight. Despite the fact that they do happen relatively quickly, that 'quickly' is a matter of years or decades, nor hours or days."

What happens is that the ice at the poles eventually gets so heavy it slides the earth's crust around like a loose-fitting orange peel. The poles are now in the temperate zones, and the normally habital regions are in the pole areas. This happens extremely quickly, causing the flash freezing phenomenon. The glaciers begin to melt, which takes centuries, and the resulting upheaval of the combined massive disruption to the environment causes insane weather phenomena we haven't seen in literally 10,000 years. Global destruction. In our cultural memories, we have various world-wide Deluge "myths" to remind us of it, but today, the people with the power to prepare for it, don't believe it's true. They think all we have to do is build a tornado proof house and we're straight.

Jeremy Travis - Hurricane Katrina.

It has been known for decades that New Orleans sat below sea level, was too close to the sea for flooding to NOT be a concern should the levees fall, and that the levees were just slightly good enough to hold back a mid-level oceanic threat, yet and still, the U.S. government chose not to re-build the levee system so as to protect the city and surrounding area from a larger event. I think it's the Netherlands that have a far superior levee system that had, it been replicated in Louisiana, could have prevented the large-scale damage that came after Katrina. But it is this type of neglect of infrastructure that leads to people dying in these types of events, and if we see that we are in a potentially dangerous situation, why would we NOT do something to better safeguard the population?

Muhammad Rasheed - Jeremy Travis wrote: "...and if we see that we are in a potentially dangerous situation, why would we NOT do something to better safeguard the population?"

Whatever it is, it is exactly what will keep us from doing anything about a global level catastrophe before it's far too late.

Jeremy Travis – MRasheed wrote: "What happens is that the ice at the poles eventually gets so heavy it slides the earth's crust around like a loose-fitting orange peel. The poles are now in the temperate zones, and the normally habital regions are in the pole areas. This happens extremely quickly, causing the flash freezing phenomenon. The glaciers begin to melt, which takes centuries, and the resulting upheaval of the combined massive disruption to the environment causes insane weather phenomena we haven't seen in literally 10,000 years."

Show me some proof of this, please.

MRasheed wrote: "Global destruction. In our cultural memories, we have various world-wide Deluge ‘myths’ to remind us of it, but today, the people with the power to prepare for it, don't believe it's true. They think all we have to do is build a tornado proof house and we're straight."

I think that the people with power want it to happen, because nothing makes ruling easier than a recently and greatly diminished populace rife with fear and despair after a life-altering event that has affected so many.

Muhammad Rasheed - Personally, I think it's because the leftist intellectual who is in power to actually affect such change, believes in the dangers of "overpopulation." They want those billions to get paired down significantly, and probably will only work to save a select group of elitists, just like they show in those films. That lines up perfectly with that ideology.

Jeremy Travis wrote: Show me some proof of this, please."

Here:  Piri Reis and the Hapgood Hypotheses

Jeremy Travis - MRasheed wrote: "Whatever it is, it is exactly what will keep us from doing anything about a global level catastrophe before it's far too late."

You mean like thinking that detrimental climate change is a largely natural think and that humans have little to no effect on it?

Jeremy Travis - MRasheed wrote: "Personally, I think it's because the leftist intellectual who is in power to actually affect such change"

Who is this mysterious leftist of which you so coyly speak?

Muhammad Rasheed - The opposite side of the aisle from the extreme right.


Muhammad Rasheed - I mean the collective who uphold those ideologies.

Muhammad Rasheed - "The Left" are the folk that influence the college kids, and are of the intellectual class.

Jeremy Travis - So the leftists want to depopulate the Earth and are willing to curb climate-damaging practices to do it, while the right want to grow the human population and want to spread climate-damaging practices to do it?

Muhammad Rasheed - "The Right" are the ones in the role of the industrialists, adding to the pollution, etc.

Muhammad Rasheed - The Leftists are the ones symbolized by that old environmental commercial, with the Native American and the single falling tear.

Muhammad Rasheed - The right are symbolized by folk like JP Morgan.

Jeremy Travis - So it's the leftists who are at fault? Do the right not play any part in this matter?

Muhammad Rasheed - Everybody plays a part depending on their particular damage. But the scientists with the most influence traditionally are leftists, and I don't think they are particularly keen on spending resources on saving 7 billion people. In fact, the very idea of "7 billion people" offends them according to that ideology.

Jeremy Travis - I think that you may be too greatly generalizing all leftists and 'intellectuals'. There are a great many left-leaning people who do NOT espouse the depopulation goal, and a great many right-leaning people who DO.

Muhammad Rasheed - Does it matter? The leftist ideology is where those concepts come from. Who said anything about whether specific individuals only followed purely one side or another?

Jeremy Travis - It matters if you think it's solely, or even mostly, a leftist thing and therefore demonize all leftists because of it. When the leading left voices say 'let's protect our environment for the sake of all' while leading right voices say 'there's nothing we can do about it, so let's just make money', it hurts your argument.

Muhammad Rasheed - If a leftist leaning person happens not to believe in it, then there is no reason to be that way about that individual. Easy.

The Ultimate Strength

Marvyn Moose[shared meme]

Muhammad Rasheed - Forgiveness is personal. I don't care whether they did or not.

Mel Williams - I think the point is black folks are so passive and forgiving. White folks mad at you they're going to be mad till their grave

Muhammad Rasheed - So?

Should we take on the ways of the evilest, craziest psychopath on earth? How will THAT profit us?

Mel Williams - Hey Bible say eye for a eye. Might have to be more evil some cases. It's proven turn the other cheek and non violent doesn't work. But to each is own

Mel Williams - I'm talking more of my past experiences. You have to nip shit in the bud to not be f**ked with. Only wish I'd thought like this earlier in my life.

Muhammad Rasheed - At 12% of the population, with the enemy in control of the combined Armed Forces of the United States, how are we going to "nip shit in the bud" again? 

We were defending ourselves during past massacres and we were still wiped out... black wall street, rosewood, etc.

What do you think would be any different? We can get mad and declare war and be in a perpetual state of busted up warfare for the rest of our lives just like the Palestinians. Is that what you want to live as a Black Man in America? I don't think that's the smart way to do it.

Muhammad Rasheed - The "eye for an eye" doctrine is strict justice, but it is not what the bible (nor the Qur'an) recommends. God said it is best to forgive and cover over faults, and only fight when they directly attack to defend your life. He allows eye for an eye justice, but no special blessings or favor come with it.

Mel Williams - Oh I agree. They'll wipe us out. I'm just saying we're always forgiving injustices. And it's frustrating as hell.

Muhammad Rasheed - I would also consider it frustrating if I insisted on separating the practice from its spiritual base. 'Forgiveness' is a Godly Principle, prescribed to us in sacred scripture to strengthen our souls for the afterlife. It's better to focus on that bigger picture than on narrower, societal issues that ultimately don't mean anything.

Mel Williams - Now that's personal preference. Not everybody believes in those scriptures.

Muhammad Rasheed - Agreed. But it's why I can never consider the decision to take the High Road as "frustrating."

Muhammad Rasheed - Throughout human history, there were occasions when small bands of desperately outnumbered people would overcome miraculous odds to defeat a physically superior force, but in almost all cases, the small bands were hopped up on the high-energy of holy-than-thou zealotry. Since the modern intellectual blacks seem to have a disdain for scripture, such as you are demonstrating, I cannot hope that we would be able to tap into such a force.

Muhammad Rasheed - Naturally I would consider those zealous performances to be no less than the promises of the One God in action, providing favor to His grateful servants. You may interpret them in whatever way science may allow.

Jody Collins-Veasey - I think that I am fed up with people making it about all one race or another. Are there racist white people....yes are there white people who are not racist....yes. Was this a horrible person that killed people yes but that was 1 white man not the whole white race. We are all human beings animals have more sense compassion and caring than we do. It is a damn shame that we cannot accept that there is bad and good in every race and judge people on their actions not their race. The rich one percent rule us all and love seeing this because if we all stood together then we might not let them keep control the real war is rich verses poor.

Marvyn Moose - The problem lies not in pointing fingers but taking responsibility for a reality that everyone wants to sweep under the rug. Racism is an systematic mechanism that is prevalent in many institutions. It is obviously present in the judicial institution, legislative, political, corporate, educational, etc etc. Which means that it is always about RACE. Jody Collins-Veasey you are correct that it is controlled and dictated by an elite population however that elite's was, is and always will be governed by White Supremacist. They care nothing about you, I, and any other race. White supremacy is about power and dictatorship. What this post represented and for the reason I posted it was to awaken and bring awareness to a people who constantly look to their oppressor for forgiveness and help... An evil oppressor or entity does not have an agenda to bring relief to those that it oppresses. The point is well made, not to make two wrongs a right or blame every single white person but to Stop believing the "religious" concepts that has been fed to us that forgiving those that kill and brutalize you will one day make them see the error of their ways. That has never happen in history. No religious figure of any religion used compassion to overcome their oppressor. In fact, and in regards to my friend Rasheed comment, history proves that the minority can destroy the majority dominant ruler...Hallie Sallaise. And even if not my outlook is that if I die fighting for my freedom and independence it is better than serving on my knees.... So the main theme of this post is for those who are oppressed and victims of a system that is governed by White Supremacy to stop thinking that the old religious concept of forgiving and praying will conquer their oppressor. We have to stop thinking that racism doesn't exist it lives just as much now than it did when black people were hanging from trees in the south and the north.

Muhammad Rasheed - Marvyn Moose wrote: "...and bring awareness to a people who constantly look to their oppressor for forgiveness and help..."

I've had several of these anti-forgiveness discussions over the last several days, and this is the first time I've seen the clue as to why the concept actually offends. It turns out it's based on a fallacy and an incorrect understanding as to the purpose of forgiveness.

Marvyn Moose wrote: "...but to Stop believing the 'religious' concepts that has been fed to us that forgiving those that kill and brutalize you will one day make them see the error of their ways."

That is 100% not why people are commanded to forgive by God. If such a thing happens it is only a side effect and a residual blessing. We forgive in hopes that our Lord will likewise forgive us our own sins and transgressions.

Marvyn Moose wrote: " stop thinking that the old religious concept of forgiving and praying will conquer their oppressor."

We forgive in order to strengthen our souls for the afterlife. It is a potent righteous deed as instructed in scripture. God does command us to fight an oppressor until he stops oppressing you. The believers are commanded to come together and establish a community of like minds, and to take care of each other, and compete with each other in righteousness. If an enemy attacks, they are commanded to defend themselves until the enemy stops fighting, and then the believers, too, must stop fighting and let there be Peace.  If a stronger foe does not stop fighting, and continues until you are completely wiped out, then it is absolutely imperative that you maintain the High Road of the Way of God during the entire conflict for the sake of your soul.  Do as you were commanded to do by your Lord and He promised to be with you, and you too may very well enter the exalted ranks of those of the past who overcame fantastic odds to smash a physically superior and arrogant enemy.  But you're not going to do it without coming together, and you're certainly not going to do it without God.

Marvyn Moose - Those are all based on beliefs and I'm sure that we all can agree that beliefs are just that and is not based on facts.. beliefs + believers = behavior. I can't debate beliefs because they have no merit to me as they are only have merit with those whobelieve the same as you. Beliefs are based on ideas, philosophies and thoughts of a long standing institution, many of which have never evolved in their existence while every thing of nature has. So I choose not to debate over someone's belief, I don't seek to ever want or try to change that for anyone. However, what governs my thoughts and ideas is not solely based on religious beliefs but on the reality I'm dealt with and that reality shows me that an oppressor on this earth that I have to overcome for the freedoms that I desire doesn't know the language of forgiveness or peace and for Me, not for the sake of being an antiforgiver or whatever you called me lol, I will stand and fight for those freedoms with my sins just like every prophet from every single religion that I have studied over the past twenty five years

Marvyn Moose - The bottom line in my book and this is just my perspective... Is through this example. You are married with children and an invader has broken into your home while you all sleep. QUESTION do you fall on your knees and start praying and asking God to forgive this intruder or do you protect your family by any means necessary and take this invaders head off?

Muhammad Rasheed - That's not a real question. It's a strawman. Nothing in scripture says that prayer functions as an instant wish/spell/charm.

Only atheists think that way about it (which goes a long way towards explaining why they don't believe).

Muhammad Rasheed - I just explained what God commanded regarding warfare. We are supposed to fight until the enemy stops, and then we stop, and let there be Peace.

Muhammad Rasheed - Marvyn, it does no one any good to simply invent how you believe a system functions, subscribe what you invented to the system in your mind divorced from what it actually says, and then argue against what you invented. In order to have a truly valuable critique about the subject, first you need to take the time to actually learn what the system teaches... which admittedly will take time and patience, digging through ancient texts that may not necessarily be the most exciting reading material for someone disinclined to take the stuff seriously. lol

But if you don't know what religion is really about, how can you truly be so passionately against it? To me, that attitude sounds like an indoctrination, and you are just dancing around on the strings of it without any certain knowledge.

Marvyn Moose - How is that not a real question? Based in what thought process makes that question invalid? Of course it was meant to be rhetorical because common sense and human nature will lead any man to fight and protect his own and his family. Does that not include his rights and liberties over an oppressor. Nothing about me is atheist, more of common sense. Nor is it a sham argument to set anyone up which is exactly why I don't debate beliefs.

Muhammad Rasheed - Marvyn Moose wrote: 'How is that not a real question?"

Because that's not how prayer works. ANYWHERE.

Muhammad Rasheed - Therefore the question is nonsense.

Marvyn Moose - That's exactly why I don't debate over religion. You know me that well huh?

Muhammad Rasheed - I know what you've TYPED. Your knowledge of the topic, and the quality of the same, is well-documented above.

Muhammad Rasheed - Go on now. That's enough.

Marvyn Moose - Lmao why are you so worked up? Not once have I even attempted to insert any knowledge about religion from what I've studied on here because I knew beforehand where it would lead, you concluded what you assume I know based on this post.. I will continue to respect you by not using terms like "go on now" as if you are dismissing me. I'LL TAKE THE HIGH ROAD LOL

Muhammad Rasheed - The High Road from you would've been actually supporting your position using logic & reason, as opposed to pulling out your obviously flimsy credentials. That was your window to save face and walk away then.

I'm worked up because I actually think you are cool, and it genuinely bothers me that you decided to go down this path. Bad form, sir.

Muhammad Rasheed - You do NOT know the religion. Stop it.

Marvyn Moose - The one thing I learned from my religious studies is to respect each person belief and opinions. Never do I engage in discrediting someone based off of what their perspectives are especially on social media. I stated very early on that I don't debate over religion or beliefs and have my reasons why. Actually the intent of the original post had nothing to do with religious debate. If I offended you then I certainly apologize. We are brothers who have families that I know for certain want the best in life for. Our beliefs at this point may indeed differ, however let's end this on a good note. There is nothing I want more than to see you, I and my dear friend Jody Collins-Veasey enjoying the freedoms that is our God given right. Can we shake hands over fb and agree on that?

Muhammad Rasheed - Peace, Marvyn. Have a good day.

Marvyn Moose - U to my friend

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Obama's Game: Secrets of the Trans Pacific Partnership

Jerry Lee BricePelosi Stands Down On TAA, Clearing Way For Obama's Trade Agenda

Jerry Lee Brice – WTF??? Why is the president supporting this Trans Pacific partnership deal?Didn't we all learn anything from the NAFTA agreement, which has diminished the lives of American workers in America?...Where is Ross Perot when we really need him..(seriously, where is Ross Perot?)I had to stop supporting all things Clinton (which was hard for a democrat,but this about business)because he pushed through the dropping of the Financial Interest and Syndication rules because it is why the animation industry as far as those of us that worked in the industry under these rules, to go to pot, simply because of a back room politically motivated quid pro quo deal that president made that essentially twisted the knife in the backs of those in the TV and film business that supported him..or more directly, everybody that is not considered "above the line" talent and staff, which generally are the people that only benefit from such backstabbing political largess...wake up people!..they are coming after our pockets, once again!...and I don't care what political party or agenda you support, this will transform America into a third world nation.

Muhammad Rasheed - I think the difference, Jerry, is that NAFTA was George H. W. Bush's baby, so of course it sliced America's throat, sending all of our manufacturing jobs down to Mexico to help their economy at the expense of ours. Bush was actually also trying to fast track it through before the end of his term, but failed, so he managed to convince Clinton to put it through for him. It’s impossible to know for sure, but I think that the newly-elected Clinton was scammed/tricked into doing it, and spent his remaining political career in regret, and feeling like a fool.

The Trans Pacific Partnership is Obama's baby, and I believe it is an attempt by him to actually create a counter-measure to the harm that NAFTA did to the middle class. I think it will ultimately help bring technology back to the American worker, and will grow our middle class strong once again. And unlike an Executive Order, it will be permanent, and new presidents won't be able to repeal it. I think this will be President Obama's ultimate legacy before he leaves, and why he was so passionate about it. I don't know for sure, of course, but this is my gut connecting the dots.

I predict it will mean prosperity is returning to America. Disposable income levels will once again rise dramatically, and where there is disposable income for the middle class, there will be big booms in business growth. The president was finally able to get everyone to see it (in addition to adding some compromise items to the package to make them happy, no doubt. Hopefully those won’t sting too much).

Jerry Lee Brice - I hope you are right, my reading of the tea leaves concerning this bill tells me the opposite...but I do hope you are right on this Muhammad...I just don't see it, possibly I am wrong?We shall see, but my business sense tells me to make moves to shore up my business to be able to thrive if all we get are the predictable negative outcomes and damage this can and may do.

Muhammad Rasheed - Well, Obama has proven a champion of the middle class from day one, that being his most consistent call to action. NAFTA was conspicuously the single biggest item that hurt the middle class in the last several administrations. I strongly feel that this is the president's biggest weapon to cinch in his legacy, and will definitively make him one of the greatest presidents to hold the office. Based on his track record thus far, as well as what these kind of international deals can actually do, I think this is 100% his attempt to fix the damage done from NAFTA as best he can.

Jerry Lee Brice - Folks like me in the animation TV and Film business have seen and heard such things before, to our demise...Clinton also was the one who dropped the Fin/Syn regulations because his rich Hollywood producer pals paid into his campaign so he would do them a favor and drop it...

had I been aware of that back room deal, and what it has done to our business and economy, i would have done everything in my power to campaign against him, that KILLED a large part of our business here, it was the WORST thing to happen to the TV and Movie business ever.The damage is still, I don't trust this at all-but I do respect you, and trust your opinion to be well thought out, so...lets hope you are right, and i am wrong.

Jeremy Toback - Muhammad, rhetorically the president talks a good game for the middle class, but actions say otherwise. Discrepancies in wealth have increased, while costs of living have increased. No prosecutions in the 19.2 billion dollar theft banks pulled via thefinancial crisis. Labor advocates universally condemn the TPP. I'm not saying O is worse than Bush or Clinton before him, but I am saying their policies are very similar in substance and effect.

Jerry Lee Brice - No matter how much i admire the president, this is about business, and it looks damaging to our business-unless i am missing something?It just smells foul to me.

Hate to be against the president, but if this is what he is pushing through, I have to push back from him.I hate this.

Muhammad Rasheed - Jeremy Toback wrote: “Muhammad, rhetorically the president talks a good game for the middle class, but actions say otherwise. Discrepancies in wealth have increased…”

I understand why you would feel that way, but trust me, the change that the president campaigned on was exactly what he’s been working on all this time, and make no mistake, the specific kind of changes we need to have a healthy middle class, and thus, a prosperous nation is a long-term game. We won’t see the true fruit of what he’s been putting in place until after he’s gone. What has he done thus far?

1.) The Common Core Initiative – It’s purpose is to get the children up to college-level mathematics, science, etc., skills by the time they graduate high school. The benefits should be obvious.

2.) The Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act - He reformed the student loan processes getting the banks out of the way as notorious middle men to keep interest rates low. Both of these items combined make him the number one champion for education.

3.) The TechHire Initiative“President Obama Announces Multi-Sector Effort and Call to Action to Give Americans Pathways to Well-Paying Technology Jobs; Makes Available $100 Million in Grants. The President and his Administration are focused on promoting middle class economics to ensure that all Americans can contribute to and benefit from our American resurgence. Part of that effort requires empowering every American with the education and training they need to earn higher wages. [Which includes] a new campaign to work with communities to get more Americans rapidly trained for well-paying technology jobs.” ~SOURCE

4.) The Trans Pacific Partnership – Although this is primarily theoretical from my point-of-view, it still represents the natural correlation to the president’s long-term plans as I see it, and clearly directly related to the above item #3. I predict at some point after the deal is finalized we may see a sudden surge in tech-savvy Asian immigrants flooding into the country. Naturally, as history lessons dictate, we can expect a lot of initial American bitchin’ about “These people are takin' over our 'Murica!” et cetera, but everything will work out once the competition with the 1-3 items listed catch up and we become tech-savvy ourselves. That’s when the true BOOM! will happen.  That first wave of Asian immigrants very well might build new manufacturing plants here, under some kind of tax-cut benefit built into the TPP just for that purpose.

Unfortunately, whoever is the sitting POTUS at the time is who will get all the glory & credit, because the average citizen lacks any kind of insight into stuff like that.

Jeremy Toback wrote: “…while costs of living have increased.”

That doesn’t have anything to do with Obama; that’s just part of the inevitable symptoms of being on the fiat system under the Federal Reserve. Inflation absolutely will continue to rise, causing the cost of living to rise proportionately, and there is nothing that will be done about it by anyone. Even if by some miracle one of the Libertarian Paul’s get into the White House, they will absolutely be shot before they can demolish the Fed.

Jeremy Toback wrote: “No prosecutions in the 19.2 billion dollar theft banks pulled via thefinancial crisis.”

That’s another item that will never be fixed. The banks were deregulated, remember? That combined with the nature of the Federal Reserve Act itself means that everything those guys did was 100% legal. Kiss that money goodbye. It is quite unrealistic to think Obama could have done anything about that. #tooBigToFailIndeed

Jeremy Toback wrote: “Labor advocates universally condemn the TPP.”

That can mean any number of things.

Jeremy Toback wrote: “I'm not saying O is worse than Bush or Clinton before him, but I am saying their policies are very similar in substance and effect.”

I disagree based on the items set above, and more that I’ve been tracking. Obama genuinely cares about America, wants the country to prosper, and feels that strengthening the middle class is the way to do it. The economy has recovered from the Recession, but the ultimate growth that we all wish to see as Obama’s rhetorical vision, is not an overnight thing that can be put in place in a couple of terms. True change on the higher level requires time, and some growing pains, but it is coming. Our job is to both be patient, and make sure we are prepared for the amazing opportunities sure to arrive.

Jeremy Toback - Muhammad. All respect, but nothing you've said convinces me that in concrete terms O's policy is anything but a continuation of the 30+ year neo-liberal / neo-con program that has decimated the American middle class. I can hope you are right or that 'trust' is merited, but words aside, O's handling of the financial crisis alone tells me otherwise.

Larry F. Houston - I absolutely hate this TPA/TPP and have no faith it will help the middle class. I will actively support primaries against all these Wall Street Democrats who supported this.

Vianey G. Leal - NAFTA fucked over a lot of Mexicans too. What do you think drove them to cross the border even more?

Jerry Lee Brice
- yep V i agree!Did nothing for them...

Muhammad Rasheed - @Jeremy Toback... I understand, but you all's committed stance, that basically amounts to “NAFTA was bad so TPP must be bad, too,” doesn't provide anything concrete to convince me to join this anti-Obama campaign, specifically because of the items I've outlined above.

Jeremy Toback wrote: “I can hope you are right or that 'trust' is merited, but words aside, O's handling of the financial crisis alone tells me otherwise.”

His handling of that was as limited as it would be for any other president in that position. What he did do was make sure the unemployment funds were still strong for those struggling through Recessionary lay-offs, and eventually the economy crept back up. But his long term strategy is what will ultimately help the American people ride those kind of Wall Street inflicted financial waves better, by giving us higher wages and more means to save by rekindling our technological lead in the global markets.

The Mexicans don't have the same system we do, so a boom in manufacturing may not have affected workers the same. But remember, even at the height of our manufacturing middle class booms, we still had struggling poor people though. More than likely, it is that class of Mexican that is running across the borders.

Jerry Lee Brice - Because we have heard the same BS before...i'm not going for the okey doke this time around..i will support the candidate that promises and campaigns to destroy this bill in any and every way possible, no matter what political party they happen to be in.

This will hurt us all...

Muhammad Rasheed - Eventually you're going to get tired of rooting for the opposite opponent that I'm rooting for. lol #teamMoney

Jay Mac - Interesting debate.

Nathan Hshs Odu Harris - How is TPP different from NAFTA?

Muhammad Rasheed - NAFTA was between Canada, the USA, and Mexico, while TPP involves the USA and a group of Pacific Asian countries. What the details of the latter turn out to be, we'll find out when it is done. That's the nature of the "fast track."

Nathan Hshs Odu Harris - I know the areas each are a part of. I just want to know how it will be different from NAFTA.

Muhammad Rasheed - We'll see. That part hasn't been released to the public yet.

Paul Daniel - It won't be different, Nate. Jobs will be shipped off to Asian countries where folks get paid cents per hour for manufacturing! And I can't wait!!!! FOUR MORE YEARS! FOUR KORE YEARS!! FOUR MORE YEARS!!! I hope these people see this is MY president who brought us the Trans-Pacific Partnership--oh, and Hillary, too; she DID work out the kinks as Secretary of State.

Paul Daniel - Nate, rememeber during the '92 Presidential Debates Ross Perot saying, "Do you hear that sound? It's American jobs heading to Mexico because of NAFTA"? (Or something like that) Well, replace "NAFTA" and "Mexico" with "TPP" and "Asia."

FOUR MORE YEARS! I think you guys were right about this Obama guy. I'm sorry it took me so long to catch on!!

Chris Ray - Ross Perot did try to tell us.

Nathan Hshs Odu Harris - Yeah. I remember. And that what I'm afraid of. I don't see why folk think there will be a difference. Bye bye middle class...

Paul Daniel - Well, Muhammad Rasheed is 100% correct in that we don't know what's inside yet. But from past history of these trade deals, yes, you can expect the American worker to get screwed. Also, and maybe Muhammad knows something mode about this, there was supposed to be a provision in this bill deal that would have extended financial help to workers who lose their jobs over this. it was NOT in the final bill voted on today. Now THAT is a huge spit in the face from Obama to the middle class worker who will lose a job. Did you hear about that part, Mr. Rasheed? I heard it this afternoon.

Muhammad Rasheed - Paul Daniel wrote: "Well, Muhammad Rasheed is 100% correct in that we don't know what's inside yet."

We'll call this "Chemical X."

Paul Daniel wrote: "But from past history of these trade deals, yes, you can expect the American worker to get screwed."

The president has to compromise, and give his opponents something in order for him to get something, the same for all the other acts and bills, etc. that he's signed. So you can count on some aspects of the thing stinging a bit, yes, that is realistic. But I think Obama's part of the deal will be very good for the middle class. Since this is Obama's baby, I can reasonably expect that.

Paul Daniel wrote: "Also, and maybe Muhammad knows something mode about this, there was supposed to be a provision in this bill deal that would have extended financial help to workers who lose their jobs over this. it was NOT in the final bill voted on today. Now THAT is a huge spit in the face from Obama to the middle class worker who will lose a job. Did you hear about that part, Mr. Rasheed? I heard it this afternoon."

Let me see the link to check it out.

Muhammad Rasheed - Nathan Hshs Odu Harris wrote: "Yeah. I remember. And that what I'm afraid of. I don't see why folk think there will be a difference. Bye bye middle class..."

Because George H. W. Bush didn't give a shit about the middle class, and Obama has been all about the middle class. The reasons I argued above make more sense to me than being super pessimistic just because a completely different person in the past, and the president's political rival, made an international agreement 30 years ago.

Muhammad Rasheed - Paul Daniel wrote: "It won't be different, Nate. Jobs will be shipped off to Asian countries where folks get paid cents per hour for manufacturing!"

Our manufacturing jobs are already overseas. lol If Obama did it too it would be out of character. I think the trend is about to reverse with these new Asian trade partners... just occurred to me that you all may be this pessimistic about the TPP, not because of NAFTA, but because you've been brainwashed from watching The Phantom Menace too many times. Because of Bush's selfish shenanigans, the term "trade agreement" has entered popular culture as a villainous concept, and you seem to have an inability to see past the programming. Bush, Sr. and Obama are two different people, with two different agendas.

Paul Daniel - We'll have to revisit this some years down the road. My guess is Obama screwed the middle class, the very voters who put him in office, but I don't care. He's a politician, and by nature, some screwing is going to happen. I believe Ed Schultz on this one when he says Obama sod out his base. But see, I'm on the other side. So I'll sit back and watch the circular firing squad in action. It was Republicans who gave him this win, not Democrats. Must be a reason why.   :)

Muhammad Rasheed - Obama never sold out his base; he showed up on that stage as a moderate, one with a history of working well with both sides of the aisle. The super-greed at the top of those partisan mountains are what sold HIM out.

My points outlining my position as to why I think the Trans Pacific Partnership will ultimately be good for the middle class still stands above. I patiently look forward to the official counter-argument that is tellingly taking it's time to arrive.  ;)

Nathan Hshs Odu Harris - I like to think of my self as a student of history of sorts since I teach it. At this point the TPP looks like NAFTA which hasn't been good for workers.

Muhammad Rasheed - 1.) We don't know what's in it. Therefore what it "looks like" is just an international business deal template.

2.) The two trade agreements were comparing were each championed by presidents with completely different agendas and viewpoints as to what the country needs.

3.) The Obama Administration has put several items in place specifically to help the middle class prosper over the long-term.

4.) So far no criticism against the TPP lines up with any kind of reason or logic. “We don’t like the idea of this international business deal because a previous international business deal – put together by completely different people under a completely different ideology – was bad.”

Paul Daniel - I think you're a super Obama fan. But you're right: he ran as a moderate, but he had no choice; no way he gets elected as the uber leftist he is. But the best part of this is the fight is between the left and the left.

Muhammad Rasheed - He was a moderate throughout his entire political career, Paul.

Paul Daniel - Uh, yah...ok.

Muhammad Rasheed - lol

That's where my advantage of being a "super Obama fan" comes in at. I actually know his career, believe in his vision, and have been tracking his progress in attempting to accomplish the things he said he wanted to accomplish. So when people try to bluff me by saying off-the-cuff statements in the guise of some kind of truth, they tend to stand out.

Muhammad Rasheed -

Tcapr Washington - Yeah ok....

Muhammad Rasheed - lol

Rodney Jean-Etienne - Nope, TPP is a horrible deal.

Muhammad Rasheed - TPP fixed the problems with Bush's NAFTA (considered an "upgrade" to it), and added new, pro-American Middle Class items that were part of the Obama Admin agenda. Of course it necessarily has some compromise items that the other side of the aisle wanted, but over-all it will prove to be a good thing. It will reverse many of the negatives that affected the middle class under the reigns of Reagan & Bush.

Rodney Jean-Etienne - But allow for corporate tribunals to sue any municipality or country that passes a law that the corporation feels could affect future profits and can sue for those future profits, not loss mind you future profits, usually for billions. Things like anti-fracking laws, food safety laws, product labeling laws and anything the corporation may feel is a hindrance to making profit. Introduces a even more draconian version of SOPA and copyright laws that favor of corporations.

The treaty has over 20 chapters only 5 on trade. Most are about setting up corporate powers that benefit multinational corporations by either giving them protection against crimes or wrong doing and the ability to undo law through their tribunals which are overseen by their corporate lawyers. Everything President Obama has worked for can be undone by this treaty.

Also the people who were able to see it were not allow to write anything down or talk about anything concretely because the Treaty was negotiated in secret. The information we have is only because chapters were leaked.

This Treaty affect about 40% of the global economy . The follow up to it the TTIP which involves the European Union if add to a the TPP would affect 80% of the global economy. A few policy fixes is not worth giving corporate control to the world. Its a bad deal just look at what NAFTA did this will be 800 times worse if it passes.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation – TPP FAQ 

What is TTIP? And six reasons why the answer should scare you

Muhammad Rasheed - 1.) It's impossible to pass anything without the two ideological rivals giving the other something. "You have to give in order to get" is the name of politics. There's nothing we can do about that part, other than do nothing and allow the unaltered NAFTA to ride. The President is adhering to his stated goals of improving the nation's economy by providing opportunities to grow the middle class. There will be some things that will suck along the way, but it will be better than it's been since our manufacturing sector was dismantled.

2.) The President said above that the previously classified documents would be available for perusal in full, by the American people, after it goes through Congress and before he signs it.

I am as confident that TPP will not be "800 times worse" as you are sure it will. But we'll see. My only annoyance is the certainty that some future asshole president will be given credit for the positive items this long-term, forward-thinking President is putting in place now.

See Also:  Reagan versus Obama

Writing You Into His Tale

Muhammad Rasheed - [posted photo]

Muhammad Rasheed - Baron Mordo was the talented sorcerer that The Ancient One initially had Hope to groom to replace him as Sorcerer Supreme. But he quickly discovered that because of Mordo's secret schemes to take all of our guns, racially divide the country, socialize everything, and blame his problems on the previous Sorcerer Supremes, The Ancient One realized that Only One Man can save us all...

I understand the Black Nerd community's expressed desire for more iconic Black Villains in genre fiction, but depending on how it is done, it can do no more than add to that "Whites are the good guys of history" white supremacist indoctrination that is CONTINUOUSLY beaming down on us. In which case it becomes a classic case of "Be careful what you wish for..."

Stop asking that guy to do shit for you, please, and do it yourself. Support each other that you may prosper and counter his evil message. Please? Thank you.

Luther Johnson - Interesting......I've always thought that Baron Mordo was of Middle Eastern decent. Not white nor black.

Muhammad Rasheed - He probably was originally.

Muhammad Rasheed - This here is just a part of Hollywood's fake/shallow diversity program.

A real such effort would have been to support the Smith family's After Earth project, instead of condemning it before it even came out in theaters.

Knowledge of the Know

Muhammad Rasheed - epistemology (noun) - The theory of knowledge, esp. with regard to its methods, validity, and scope. Epistemology is the investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion.

~The New Oxford American Dictionary

Bakkah Rasheed-Shabazz - How do you know what you think you know.

Clifton Hatchett - Belief and opinion,... yeah... a guaranteed ''circle jerk,''... I believe this is my opinion.

Debra Ann Collins - What is "justified belief?"

Muhammad Rasheed - Whether someone's belief is true is not a prerequisite for (its) belief. On the other hand, if something is actually known, then it categorically cannot be false. For example, if a person believes that a bridge is safe enough to support him, and attempts to cross it, but the bridge then collapses under his weight, it could be said that he believed that the bridge was safe but that his belief was mistaken. It would not be accurate to say that he knew that the bridge was safe, because plainly it was not. By contrast, if the bridge actually supported his weight, then he might say that he had believed that the bridge was safe, whereas now, after proving it to himself (by crossing it), he knows it was safe.

Epistemologists argue over whether belief is the proper truth-bearer. Some would rather describe knowledge as a system of justified true propositions, and others as a system of justified true sentences. Plato, in his Gorgias, argues that belief is the most commonly invoked truth-bearer.  ~SOURCE

Debra Ann Collins - The concept of "justified" seems subjective relative to beliefs that are themselves subjective relative to truth (which can be argued as subjective, as well.)

Muhammad Rasheed - Developing valid methods for definitively determining what is "truth" is part of the theory's discipline.

Clifton Hatchett - Does Pluto being a planet, The world being flat, and the Earth being the center of the universe count as ''justifiable belief,'' I know they used to be facts so, I am curious.

Debra Ann Collins - Clever.

Muhammad Rasheed - 1.) Pluto was categorized as a 'planet' and later as a 'planetoid' using an arbitrary process that, by its nature, couldn't realistically be considered a measure of hard truth. The closest thing to 'factual' that you could say was it had been officially categorized as a planet, but obviously it wouldn't be a fact to say it was a planet since the term itself was fluid and not chiseled in stone by the institutions that upheld it in the lexicon.

2.) The belief that the earth was flat was the exact same analogy used in the bridge example. Some people believed the earth was flat, but they were mistaken. It would not be accurate to say they knew the earth was flat because they obviously knew no such a thing; they only believed in an error.

3.) The 'earth being the center of the universe' concept is also the same. For that reason, believing that it was so was not a justifiable belief because the facts, as they became known, revealed otherwise.

Bakkah Rasheed-Shabazz - One can believe an head of cabbage is god, but belief does not constitute reality. Where's the logic and proofs?

Clifton Hatchett - Can either be quantified, is either belief or opinion verifiable?

Muhammad Rasheed - Once the belief is verified it becomes "justified belief." An opinion by definition is "judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty," which means the opinion is the belief before it becomes 'justified.'

Clifton Hatchett - Circular Reasoning. I get it.

Muhammad Rasheed - How is that circular? It's pinning down the definition terms. 

A 'belief' and an 'opinion' are roughly the same. The 'belief' upgrades to "justified belief" once the sources are verified, which then ranks it above 'opinion.'

What's circular about that?

Clifton Hatchett - Because nothing can actually be verified, thus eliminating the expectation of evidence, as stated by the phrase ''justifiable belief,''... Dogmatic, and problematic.

Muhammad Rasheed - Clifton Hatchett wrote: "Because nothing can actually be verified..."

I believe this ink bottle has only 1/4th of ink left in it. Let me verify...

Yup. I was correct. My belief was justified.

Clifton Hatchett - That is disingenuous, and you know that ''Nothing can be verified,'' was specific to this particular post. Do not start with the dime store tricks. Your audience deserves better my brother. Comedy? If you have chosen this apologies, and you've succeeded. btw, I'm drawing, and cooking, so no temper tantrums if my responses are not instantaneous.

Muhammad Rasheed - I just proved that your opinion "nothing can be verified" was an untruth, and you called it a dime store trick.

Clifton Hatchett - You're doing a you.

Muhammad Rasheed - Explain, Clifton.

Muhammad Rasheed - Because from here it looks like you lack the ability to support your argument, and you're trying to get out of it by pretending I'm just goofing around.

Clifton Hatchett - No. The emphasis can not be upon me, when it is you who presented a case that has no validity. This is a familiar tact in your strategic wording sir, so much so that it has become predictable. ''pretending I'm just goofing around.'' #bruh

Muhammad Rasheed - Clifton Hatchett wrote: "No. The emphasis can not be upon me, when it is you who presented a case that has no validity."

I just proved that your opinion "nothing can be verified" was an untruth, and you called it a dime store trick.

Clifton Hatchett - You are relentless,So are lemmings.

Muhammad Rasheed - You made a claim, I proved the claim wrong, and your counter is that I'm just goofing around.

Muhammad Rasheed - ...and you want to pretend to be some kind of intellectual.

Muhammad Rasheed - "My claim is valid because I said so! I don't have to support it!"

Clifton Hatchett - Ad Hominems point to the predictability I mentioned. Perhaps I expect too much of you.

Muhammad Rasheed - Ad Hominems

1. "dime store tricks"
2. "temper tantrums"
3. "predictable"

...against me instead of making the effort to support your position, yet you distract from the fact that you AREN'T supporting your position by claiming I'm making the Ad Hominems against you. 

I just proved that your opinion "nothing can be verified" was an untruth, and you called it a dime store trick.

Clifton Hatchett - No Muhammad. Just No.

Muhammad Rasheed - "Just No," what exactly? Just no you can't support your position?

Then just say that then and stop flopping around like a fish.

Muhammad Rasheed - The only true "justifiable belief" we can have, in the strict academic sense, would be on the negative side of the number line; to acknowledge what we do NOT know.


Muhammad Rasheed[shared meme]

Muhammad Rasheed – Whites make up the rules as they go along. It's different for them. Somehow none of the crazy shit in this asshole's past, nor his murder of several praying church folk, rate him being called a "thug."

"He wasn't a 'thug/terrorist.' He was just pissed! You don't understand!"

You all make it easy to hate, I understand THAT.

I remember all the hateful evil shit you said Mike Brown "must" be because you saw a pic holding money and a gun. But this racist murdering asshole, with his manifesto, and armed pics standing in front of racist "heritage" sites means he was just 'sick' and worthy of mercy and gentle coddlings till he takes his widdle nappy-nap. Right.

I'm starting to think you're performing like this on purpose because you want us to rage out at you, with a violent "enough is enough" attack. It pisses you off that the survivors' family forgave this asshole, doesn't it?

Douglas E Pendleton - Funny thing was that pic with the money was not even Mike Brown.

Muhammad Rasheed - lol They don't give a shit. They still call him a "gang banger." Do you think they care about facts?

What about any of these cases... the dialogues that come in their aftermath... make you think those people give a shit about facts?

Muhammad Rasheed - All they care about is for you to shut up complaining when they abuse you, bow down to them as lords of the earth, and eat the bullshit narrative they feed you. If you are not doing that, then you are a "race baiter." Or whatever other ignorant bullshit they spew.

Douglas E Pendleton - Man I know they don't.

Jay Mac - They're calling Dylan a child?

Say WHAT?!

Muhammad Rasheed - Muss up his hair and smile fondly when he walks by in his widdle buwwet-proof vest...

Rick Drew - He's not called a thug because that's hardly strong enough. Mass murderer would be perfect.

Rick Drew - I've looked everywhere - I can't find a single reference to him as a child. Plenty of sites using the same "bio" mentioning his "path from a child" - but none calling him a child.

Muhammad Rasheed - The reference comes from the Twitter author's discussions with the apologists.

Dee Anne Moore - Who are the "they" that are not calling him by a proper title..

Rex May - The left just makes stuff like that up. Elsewhere, somebody's saying that the media called Trayvon a thug. It did nothing of the kind, but the left likes feeling indignant, so they make things up to feel indignant about.

Muhammad Rasheed - It was the arguments with the pro-Zimmerman crowd who insisted that Trayvon was a thug because he was wearing a hoodie sweater. Zimmerman admitted on stand that he stalked and killed the boy based on racial profiling. A jury of his peers felt that was reasonable.

Muhammad Rasheed - And I'm not "the left."

Ricky Mujica - That pic of Michael Brown holding money and a gun turned out not to be Michael Brown. Go figure!

Dee Anne Moore - I get frustrated because words that my generation and others have used with a particular meaning..have been co-opted and now have a totally different definition. For most of my younger years...'gay' meant happy....'fag' meant a cigarette, and 'thug' referred to anyone...usually a guy who is bullish, uncouth and disrespectful to others...thieves and scoundrels...too...but no specific ethnicity...just male...

Chris Rullestad - Your rhetoric makes things worse Rasheed

Muhammad Rasheed - Is that right? And here I thought it was the deliberate reinforcement of this asshole's white supremacist hateful mentality by the mainstream that made things worse, but now I find out that it was actually me.


So the last time I wrote something like this was the reason this asshole killed those people. Wow.

Help me figure out how to use my powers for good, Chris.

Muhammad Rasheed - Rex May wrote: "The left just makes stuff like that up. Elsewhere, somebody's saying that the media called Trayvon a thug. It did nothing of the kind, but the left likes feeling indignant, so they make things up to feel indignant about."

THIS is the rhetoric that makes it worse, Chris.

Muhammad Rasheed - Denying and covering racism even while it is continuing to be committed. That's what makes the situations worse. Your idea that me getting mad about it is making it worse is ridiculous.

Muhammad Rasheed - There's no other way of interpreting your comment, Chris, except as a "shut up and take the white supremacists' abuse" stance. If you have another explanation for your comment, please submit it for analysis.

Chris Rullestad - I'm specifically referring to this particular mass murder after the fact.. My response to you had nothing to do with what you had written previously. When you look at how the people in SC, especially the victims loved ones are handling this horrible crime it should be obvious, why your inflamed rhetoric is not helpful here.

Muhammad Rasheed - How they are handling it is personal. They have a personal stake in it as well. Their forgiveness stance is of a religious position made potent by their direct tie to the pain of the tragedy. I'm not close enough to reap the benefit of it.

Is my inflamed rhetoric worse than the racist mess that Roof picked up his own stance from?

Chris Rullestad - I hope not

Muhammad Rasheed - lol Of course it isn't. You're saying that I'm not allowed to get outraged when these historic tragedies are inflicted upon my people. That you're more comfortable when we just bow our heads and silently take it.

I will never respect that attitude coming from a white person. In fact, it actually enrages me further and makes me hate. Please stop doing that. It does not help.

Muhammad Rasheed - I'm 100% serious.

Your job is to preach to your own people to stop pretending that racism doesn't exist, and to tell them it is time to stop abusing Black Americans and other minorities. You don't HAVE a message for me, other than status reports on how your message to your own people is going.

Choose Life Over Death

Muhammad Rasheed - "There's another side! There's always another side!"

Of course. There's righteousness, truth & peace versus white supremacy.


Ekari Ekari - "Just to play devil's advocate..."

Ekari Ekari - "But you aren't looking at the facts."

Muhammad Rasheed - The fact is, you love your own people and lack any kind of empathy for anyone else. And you do it to the point of psychosis.

Ekari Ekari - "You're sorta being emotional right now, so it's hard to take your point seriously."

Muhammad Rasheed - I express emotion towards you abusing my people, which you lack in every way when you are killing them. You can't take me seriously because when I express outrage that you shot a 12 year old playing with a toy, you literally look at me like I expressed outrage at you shooting a rock.

Ekari Ekari - #derailment

Muhammad Rasheed -   >:(

Radi Lewis - Lol...I need this convo on a Tshirt like yesterday.

Lincoln & The Willingness to Change

Muhammad Rasheed - Today is 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation and seems like a good time to dispel some common historical myths:

Myth: The Emancipation Proclamation ended slavery and freed all Black people who were enslaved

Truth: The Emancipation Proclamation signed on January 1st, 1963 stated that slaves were to be freed in rebellion states. The proclamation did not address slavery in the Border States that did not secede from the union. Although, the proclamation went into effect on January 1st, it was largely unenforceable and many millions of Black people were still in bondage. In fact, in the state of Texas, Black people were still enslaved until June 19th, 1865, a full two and half years after the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation.

Myth: Abraham Lincoln was an abolitionist or an anti-racist.

Truth: In 1858 Lincoln said the following: “I will say, then, that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races—that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this, that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I, as much as any other man, am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.”

He also said this:

“My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that.”

Myth: After the Emancipation Proclamation and the passage of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendment, Black people were given the right to freedom, right to citizenship, and the right to vote.

Truth: After the passage of 13th, 14th, and 15th amendment, states and localities passed heinous laws to not only restrict and prevent Black people from exercising their right to vote or enjoy the rights of full citizenship, but they even passed laws to legally re-enslave Black people. The 13th amendment does not outright end slavery it states that “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”

So in addition to the horrible practice of sharecropping, states passed laws to convict and arrest Black people of all kinds of ridiculous violations such as “selling cotton after sunset” and then placed steep fines for the crimes. (Read “Slavery by Another Name” by Douglas A. Blackmon) If they couldn’t pay the fine, they were sold leased to private businesses as laborers (i.e. slaves). This practice of convict leasing persisted until the 1940s and 1950s. I would also like to remind people that the current, racist criminal justice system as Michelle Alexander writes in her book “The New Jim Crow” is creating a literal caste system in the United States in which Black and Brown youth are being arrested at extraordinarily high rates and placed in a permanent underclass. Most shockingly, there are currently more Black people in the criminal justice system then were enslaved during the height of slavery in the United States.  ~SOURCE

Akil Fahd - It's posts like these that leave me so confused when we disagree on capitalism well the fact we on probably agree on 90% of things gives me solace

Muhammad Rasheed - Read this and you should understand my stance on the vilification of capitalism better:  McCarthy's War

Akil Fahd - I'm neither a socialist nor communist , I believe in personal property and profit it's interest, and exploitive nature that I have a problem with. That's another topic for a later time right now let's discuss how dead on point you are with this status

Muhammad Rasheed - Akil Fahd wrote: “I'm neither a socialist nor communist , I believe in personal property and profit it's interest, and exploitive nature that I have a problem with.”

It doesn’t have an exploitative nature. PEOPLE have an exploitative nature. The reason we disagree on this issue is because it is impossible for me to take seriously an effort to redefine a concept to fit someone else’s bs agenda that you have taken ownership of. The vilification of capitalism in that specific way comes directly from Karl Marx. His ideology is one of the parents of the Communist Party, who spent decades infiltrating the civil rights movement and other deep community systems that were dear to the hearts of the Black Diaspora. The result is that today we are still repeating that claptrap because it was indoctrinated into our cultural speak, passed down through the last few generations. 

Once again, it is the INDIVIDUAL that brings his own evil to the system. The system is not inherently evil. The chattel enslavement of a race, colonialist conquering and et cetera are not the inevitable results of practicing capitalism; they are the inevitable results of practicing white supremacy and asshole-ism. Stop repeating that bs. There’s a whole sub-demographic among the Black Community that are not pursuing Black Business, Black Empowerment, Black Economic Independence precisely because they believe “capitalism is evil and is the white man’s construct, etc.” because that’s what the enemy WANTS them to believe. To him, your attempt to achieve Black Empowerment is an act of war, so he brainwashed you to hate it. Capitalism is your friend.

Akil Fahd wrote: “That's another topic for a later time right now let's discuss how dead on point you are with this status”

I didn’t write it, I’m just sharing and building up my own understanding.

Dave Stephens - So Lincoln never changed his mind? 

@Muhammad Rasheed, do you know of his writings and speeches after 1858? I am no Lincoln expert, but I would wager that his writings and speeches after that point might contain new knowledge about his attitude toward slavery…

Muhammad Rasheed - Feel free to post them, Dave.

Dave Stephens - I read it all. A common thread on that article supported by massive evidence was that Lincoln's attitudes changed as he understood and experienced more and met leaders of the emancipation movement...

Muhammad Rasheed - Thanks, Dave and William. Now I have a much better understanding of why President Obama considers Lincoln to be his favorite president. Like Malcolm X, once he knew better, he did better. I also have a great respect for that mindset.

Dave Stephens - You have a fine mind, Muhammad Rasheed - you are blessed with humility and that makes you a great person to discuss things with...

Chris Rullestad - This thread reads like a history lesson. Good job Rasheed. Imagine, one day you're a slave with a shack to live in and some food to eat. My son tells me that bar- b- que was invented by the slaves, when you think about it it seems obvious. Receiving lesser cuts not to mention offal that the master didn;t want. So here you are, free at last, walking down the dirt road with your family and friends carrying over your broken backs your meager possessions not knowing where to go but knowing wherever you go you will be hated and disrespected. Umm... I'm sixty and have bad feet and a bad back. Could I have my shack back please? So thanks to the young black men of that era ( the oldsters couldn't do it) alot of progress has been made thanks to hard work, will, and sacrifice.

Chris Rullestad - Not enough attention is paid to how difficult life was for these folks following their so called freedom. Jubilee my ass...

Riley Freeman - Abraham Lincoln never cared about the slaves, he wanted to cater to his voters. Roosevelt didn't create welfare to help blacks, he only did it for the benefit of European immigrants. And Kennedy didn't care about the civil rights movement, he wanted more pussy and knew this would help make young panties drop.

Jeremy Love - Abraham Lincoln evolved greatly on race and he was committed to fully integrating former slaves into society by the middle of the civil war. You only have to read his correspondence with Fredrick Douglass which paints a picture of a man struggling with he moral question of equality. In the end he earned Douglass' respect and admiration. It is unfair to say he never cared about blacks.