Crystal Hubbard – [shared link] This story brightly illustrates the stubborn divide in St. Louis. One group blithely believes Brown deserved the death he got and the other group is wounded and angry that killing was the option Wilson chose. Making light of a death in this way is cowardly, backward, insensitive, and hateful. These haters behave as if they have a personal beef with Brown, as if he strong - armed THEM, or left a red mark on THEIR faces. Brown is dead. Why torment those still here? Why disregard very real feelings of distrust, anger, and pain? Are these feelings invalid simply because you don't understand or share them...?
Chris Andoe - Anyone who shared the obviously altered image should feel ashamed and embarrassed.
Crystal Hubbard - They don't. It'll be shared even more now. People at this level of ignorant hatred don't understand shame or embarrassment...
Mark Mercier - Very well said Crystal.
John Oliver - well that was well said.....and mark beat me to it while i was typing
Alex Marshall - @Crystal Hubbard... You nailed it. There's so many layers to this onion that I couldn't possibly touch on them all in just one comment. There is a lowest common denominator tbat a lot of people hover around when they are part of a group and feel safe behind a (relative) veil on social media. When I confront people that share posts like this I often get the response that they were "joking". My personal favorite is when they get defensive and deny that any action they take is "racist" because THEY don't acknowledge it as so ... which is, in itself, hella racist.
Richard Howes - Making light of anyone death is bad. Racism is horrific. But Michael brown is a poor role model for justice or miscarriage of justice. I teach my kids to always do what a policeman says. If the cop is wrong we will handle that later. I taught the. To not start fights and that punching someone can kill them. I've taught them how to shoot a gun and if they are attacked and they feel their life is in danger then to shoot to stop the violent action. Michael brown was not shot in the back. Half the witnesses said he had his hands down and the other half said he had his hands up but some said his hands were clenched in fists. He did rib a store and string arm the owner, indicting e was not a peaceable man. He was a man. Not a boy. Death may not be justifiable fr robbery and mugging. But that was not the cops decision. The decision was made by the criminal when he chose to commit crimes. The police protect society, try to stop comes in progress, and enforce the law. Without laws, without government and without police we have chaos and violence Commitee by people who feel they can take what they want from those who are physically weaker then them. This is why so many people don't want people having guns. It puts 5 foot tall Asian show owners at a disadvantage to 6 foot tall criminals. Guns make 80 year old ladies equal to 20 year old football players. Guns make 10 and 12 year old boys equal to 30 year old mixed martial arts fighters. Some people hate the fact that criminals might die. I lee well the father of a criminal and he hated the fact that his son might die in a house robbery. I understand he doesn't want his kid to die. I don't want me kids to de in a house robbery either. That's why my kids know how to shoot a gun. If someone is going to get hurt. If a fight is going to break out during the commission of a crime then my family comes first. THe father of the criminal feels the same way. I get it. I understand. My family won't start the crime but we won't allow ourselves to be victims of a crime. This isn't a white versus black thing. It's self preservation against criminals.
Richard Howes - And before the flames start, I lost a few so-called friends because they were using racial slurs in regard to ferguson protests. One of them is a democrat, a racist and retired cop.
Muhammad Rasheed - 1.) Mike Brown didn't have a criminal record.
2.) The store owner and staff said it wasn't Mike Brown in the security video, even though the cops, in their effort to manufacture evidence to save their murderous colleague from prison, insisted it was. The store was a neighborhood store that Brown had been patronizing for his entire 18 years. Why wouldn't the store owner know his customer better than the cops?
3.) Now that his deed was very public, Darren Wilson would do anything... say anything... to stay out of prison. But his entire defense was built on the integrity of his word as a cop, and appeals to the jury's believe in the "big scary black man" stereotype.
4.) After having never committed a crime before, why would Mike Brown start THAT day when he just happened to be accosted by a white cop with KKK affiliations and an itchy trigger finger?
Richard Howes - Item 1: I didn't know that. Item 2: The only source I can find for the store owner saying that is a counter-culture website, not multiple major news outlets. I don't find that reliable. Item 3: that's subjecture and not admissible in court. Item 4: I think you mean he never committed a crime he was arrested/tried for. If he did mug the store owner - that's a crime. Smoking pot is a crime. No major news outlet reports that Darren Wilson was a KKK member. They report that it was investigated by an anonymous police source. No news outlet what-so-ever has evidence that Darren Wilson's trigger finger was itchy. None of your comments directly or indirectly relate to my statements above.
Muhammad Rasheed - Item #2 -
Muhammad Rasheed - Item #3 IS "court," and why lawyers and attorneys have the reputation they have. Finding the truth is not their goal; their goal is to win the case.
John Oliver - "oh crap, i over reacted and killed someone by mistake" said no cop ever. LOL.
Muhammad Rasheed - Richard Howes wrote: "Smoking pot is a crime."
Should every citizen in America be shot and killed by Darren Wilson for smoking pot?
Richard Howes - Item #2: I watched that video twice, very closely, There is no mention of the store owners saying what you claim. It is about the tapes and the 991 call. There's nothing about who is on the tapes.
Richard Howes - Absurdity is not a valid debate technique.
Muhammad Rasheed - Continuously claiming this kid is a criminal when he has no criminal record is an absurdity, Richard.
Richard Howes - He had pot in his system. That is illegal.
Richard Howes - failure to obey a police officer is illegal.
Muhammad Rasheed - Did he deserve to be shot and killed for it?
Richard Howes - walking down the middle of the street is illegal.
Richard Howes - No sir. Firing a weapon in self defense may result in death. It's called justifiable homicide.
Muhammad Rasheed - It is an absurdity to suggest this 18 year old with no criminal record deserved to be shot and killed for any of these items.
Crystal Hubbard - No one chose Mike Brown to be a martyr. His community reacted to his death in a way that other communities didn't, hence the media fertilizing it to grow it into what it has now become. So let's hope the next black person killed by a trigger-quick cop is a Harvard history major with a spotless record, one who volunteers with orphans and sings in the choir on Sundays. Let's pick someone to die who the majority deems worthy of bearing the weight of martyr so that no other black youth is shot to death in the street, or at the side of his car, or at his own front door! Black people didn't choose Brown.
Darren Wilson did...
Muhammad Rasheed - Richard Howes wrote: "No sir. Firing a weapon in self defense may result in death. It's called justifiable homicide."
Killing a black teenager because you wanted to for the thrill of it, and then lying and saying it is self-defense relying on ingrained prejudices to get you off, is evil.
Richard Howes - I agree that he didn't deserve to die. Failing to obey a policeman, and attacking the policeman may result in the policeman defending himself. Anyone with firearms training knows that you don't shoot to kill. You shoot to stop a violent crime. If you catch a rapist in the act you can shoot him. If he stops raping, you cannot legally shoot him. Same for muggings, etc. but if you shoot, the perpetrator may die.
Richard Howes - Muhammad, Do you have direct evidence of that and why did you not present it to the investigation? Or are you engaging in more subjecture?
Muhammad Rasheed - Richard Howes wrote: "Failing to obey a policeman, and attacking the policeman may result in the policeman defending himself."
Crossing the path of a psychopath with legal authority may result in death, as is the case here.
Muhammad Rasheed - Darren's whole defense was subjective, Richard. It was based 50% on his word, and 50% banking on racial prejudice.
Richard Howes - More subjecture? Do you know darren wilson personally? Please cite your sources... or continue ranting...
Richard Howes - Were you on the grand jury?
Muhammad Rasheed - Why are my posts "rants" but yours weren't?
Muhammad Rasheed - Were you on the grand jury, Richard?
Muhammad Rasheed - You believe Darren's story, and I don't.
Muhammad Rasheed - You give him the benefit of the doubt that his integrity as a cop was strong, and I don't.
Richard Howes - No sir. I read reputable news sources. and the grand jury disagrees with you.
Muhammad Rasheed - Yes, sir. The grand jury let him go free because they believed him, and felt Mike was a criminal because he was black. Just like you did, Mr. "I didn't know he didn't have a criminal record."
Richard Howes - Are you calling me a racist?
Muhammad Rasheed - You are a racist.
Richard Howes - You know me as well as you know darren wilson or michael brown.
Muhammad Rasheed - Why did you assume Mike Brown had a criminal record?
Muhammad Rasheed - Tell me.
Richard Howes - resorting to insults is not a valid debate technique. That's two rule violations for you.
Muhammad Rasheed - Why did you assume Mike Brown had a criminal record?
Muhammad Rasheed - Tell me.
Richard Howes - I never said he had a criminal record. I said he was never arrested/convicted. He had pot in his system. That is a criminal act.
Richard Howes - among other criminal acts.
Richard Howes - I'm going to give you the last word here. I'm out. You have lost the debate by violating the rules. We will let the jury of public decision chose if you won any points with your opinions.
Jennifer Gosnell - And back on topic, I plan to use this example with my students to help underline for them how quickly they lose control of images once they are online.
Richard Howes - images?
Jennifer Gosnell - Photographs. Once they are out there, anyone can grab them and edit them or reuse them to create a new narrative...
Crystal Hubbard - Jesus Harold Christ, Richard Howes and Muhammad Rasheed, please send each other friend requests! I know the both of you well enough to honestly say that you're too much alike! Richard is a writer, Muhammad is an artist. YOU'RE BOTH RACISTS. Now quit being mad at each other, friend each other, and find out how very alike you both really are! I promise, you'll both find common ground. Do it, or I swear, I'll find both of you in the real world and make you extremely sorry you forced me into taking two trips...!
Richard Howes - Where did I call him a racist? I never said such a thing. It is insulting for you to say so...
Muhammad Rasheed - I am attempting to understand him. I felt he was a racist because of the stance he took and how he was defending it. He protested the accusation, so I asked him specific questions to probe and see if he was.
Muhammad Rasheed - That was an honest attempt.
Crystal Hubbard - My apologies, Richard Howes, you're right. You ASKED if Muhammad Rasheed was calling you a racist...
Muhammad Rasheed – ^I remember that part!
Richard Howes wrote: "1. The decision was made by the criminal when he chose to commit crimes.
2. It puts 5 foot tall Asian show owners at a disadvantage to 6 foot tall criminals.
3. Some people hate the fact that criminals might die.
4. It's self preservation against criminals."
Me: "Mike Brown didn't have a criminal record.
Richard Howes wrote: "I didn't know that."
Richard Howes wrote: "I never said he had a criminal record."
To me this feels like dishonesty. But since I don't know you well enough to officially go there, please explain how you actually meant this so I don't jump to more conclusions and get banned by Crystal by flipping out on her Timeline.
Crystal Hubbard - Richard Howes, I find you insensitive on this matter, not racist...
Muhammad Rasheed - [raises hand] I find you racist, but am willing to alter that opinion as the facts come in suggesting otherwise
Richard Howes - I've already pointed out that pot use, disobeying police, and attacking someone is illegal. Illegal = Criminal. I'm using the term illegal to mean a criminal, same as "illegal immigrant" means "criminal immigrant". Let's turn to merriam websters: Crime or criminal act:
noun \ˈkrīm\
: an illegal act for which someone can be punished by the government
: activity that is against the law : illegal acts in general
: an act that is foolish or wrong
adjective \(ˌ)i(l)-ˈlē-gəl\
: not allowed by the law : not legal
: not allowed by the rules in a game
Full Definition of ILLEGAL
: not according to or authorized by law : unlawful, illicit;also : not sanctioned by official rules (as of a game)— il•le•gal•i•ty noun— il•le•gal•ly adverb See illegal defined for English-language learners »See illegal defined for kids »
Examples of ILLEGAL
In this state, it is illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to drink alcohol.
The team was penalized for an illegal play.
Crystal Hubbard - There's too much for you and I to learn from one another, Richard Howes. You're going to have to do a lot worse than challenge my thinking and that of my friends to get me to block or unfriend you. Sorry, but you're stuck with me...
Richard Howes - Then you are stuck with all my insensitivities!
Muhammad Rasheed - @ Richard - So you would consider all of these college kids experimenting with pot to be criminals?
Muhammad Rasheed - Honestly?
Crystal Hubbard - You fellas can stay and debate as long as you want, but I want no more name calling. And use your indoor voices...
Muhammad Rasheed - Yes, ma'am.
Muhammad Rasheed - (i don't think jesus' middle name was really "harold")
Richard Howes - I'm not very sensitive when it comes to criminals. I lived in the highest crime neighborhood of Boston for five years. My car was repeatedly broken into. I've been attacked and beat up. I was robbed, stolen from, tires slashed more than once, I've had a trailer and four wheelers stolen out of my driveway at other locations, I've had my horses shot with paintball guns. I am very much anti criminal. I have no sympathy for criminals, convicted or otherwise. And violent criminals who die as a result of their own actions, unfortunately for them and their families, suffer their fate.
Richard Howes - Yes. smoking pot where it is illegal is a crime.
Muhammad Rasheed - But would you consider those college kids to BE "criminals?"
Richard Howes - Yes.
Muhammad Rasheed - Even at a predominantly white school?
Muhammad Rasheed - Like VERY "predominantly." lol
Muhammad Rasheed - VERRRRY.
Crystal Hubbard - Asked and answered, Muhammad Rasheed, move along in your line of questioning...
Muhammad Rasheed - Okay, I'm done. Crystal defused my anger and I want to go do something else now.
Richard Howes - Race has nothing to do with it. But I see you are continuing the absurd. You win. I'm a racist. Whatever. Your opinion means nothing. I'm outta here.
Muhammad Rasheed - Don't worry about it, I was mostly just goofing at the end there.
Richard Howes - No sir. I won't say what you are doing. And I'm not so dumb to not know what you are doing.
Crystal Hubbard - If you two think I'm going to let you part ways hating each other, you both have two big new thinks coming. This is NOT how grown-ass, smart men behave! Muhammad Rasheed, you can't judge Richard Howes as a person through a Facebook thread. Apologize for calling him a racist. Richard, don't presume to know what Muhammad is trying to do. That's unfair as well...
Muhammad Rasheed - I was just goofing, but I DO still think you are a racist (no offense) even if you delude yourself into thinking otherwise. Or you possibly are just wearing a public mask. I have no way of knowing which.
Muhammad Rasheed - I apologize for proclaiming that you are a racist, Richard, and hurting your little feelings. awww… You must feel 10x worse than getting shot by a KKK-affiliated white cop, don’t you? I know.
Crystal Hubbard - DAMMIT, Muhammad Rasheed! Richard Howes is not a racist, no more than you are! Chew on that for a minute...!
Muhammad Rasheed - I am a racist. Whatdoyoumean?
Muhammad Rasheed - I don't really have any power to exert any FORCE to my extra weak sauce racism, but I feel it. More and more every time a new kid gets shot.
Muhammad Rasheed - I apologize to you, too, for messing up your thread with my mess.
Crystal Hubbard - For the love of @#$%! You aren't messing up my thread! No one is! You were arguing, which is fine! I encourage it! I like it when Scylla and Charybdis confront each other. How else do people learn about each other and other viewpoints...?!
Muhammad Rasheed - ...and everytime somebody defends that racist viewpoint -- from whatever angle they justify it from --- on facebook. It drives me batshit.
Muhammad Rasheed - There's nothing I can do about it except argue at them. Type at them.
Muhammad Rasheed - lol
Muhammad Rasheed - Richard's whole "criminal" explanation/justification is coming across so SLIMY to me! hahahaha I'm sorry, Richard. I want to go the fuck OFF on you. (I just don’t want to disrespect Crystal’s Timeline, and her adorable efforts to make us friends.)
Muhammad Rasheed - I'm sorry, it's just the impression it's leaving on me. It FEELS like raw intellectual dishonesty. Just emotionally. In my GUTS.
Of course that means absolutely nothing. Right? It's not facts.
Muhammad Rasheed - There's a wall between us made up of pure "I Don't Know You," and I'm projecting my own racism at you.
Muhammad Rasheed - Filtering everything you typed through it, and it makes me hate you.
And I really don't believe a single thing you said.
Crystal Hubbard - You think I like it? I don't. I'm one of the quiet middle who's speaking up, finally and at last. I've spent my life in environments where I was the sole or one of a very few people of color. I see every viewpoint, and naturally, mine is the only one that's right -- and my viewpoint is that everyone has the capability for racism within them. It's how you behave when confronted by issues of race that determine whether you are or not. For all you and Richard Howes have said on this thread, I think you both might have different views had you been in that grand jury room. You weren't. You're here. And you're both clinging to your view and being insensitive to the other's. You'll walk away annoyed and angry, not having moved any closer to benefitting humanity...
Richard Howes - I've been jerked around by jerks way too many times in my life. It's a failing I have to live with, but I cut those people out of my life at every opportunity. He admitted he was testing me to see if I was a racist. Who is he to test anyone? He's no better or different from anyone else on the planet and him thinking he is, and him thinking he can judge other people is arrogant and basically shitty. He's not the biggest jerk I've ever met. I had a two bosses in my life that were far worse. But I wont tolerate it from him or anyone else. Looking at his facebook page I see how he and I are a lot alike and actually believe in some of the same things, but jerking me around was his critical mistake. I don;t fuck with people and I don't tolerate being fucked with. Fuck him.
Crystal Hubbard - I know. I'M your middle ground! Instead of snapping at each other, band together against me. I called you both racists. Now let me have it! Join forces to take me down...!
Muhammad Rasheed - (join forces with that [...] guy?)
Muhammad Rasheed - the hell...?
Muhammad Rasheed - Against Crystal???
Muhammad Rasheed - No. Crazy talk.
Muhammad Rasheed - I honestly don't think richard's viewpoint is worthy of being sensitive towards. I think it's an evil viewpoint, and part of why my people are stepped on and slaughtered routinely, and casually.
Muhammad Rasheed - Richard Howes wrote: "He admitted he was testing me to see if I was a racist."
No, I thought you were a racist from that 800 word rant up yonder. After your protest I tested you to see if I was wrong.
Muhammad Rasheed - That's totally different.
Muhammad Rasheed - Alex Marshall wrote: "My personal favorite is when they get defensive and deny that any action they take is 'racist' because THEY don't acknowledge it as so ... which is, in itself, hella racist."
Me too. I find it's often followed by some kind of faux-victim role, where they oddly want people to feel sorry for them for being confronted. And then right on cue they call me the racist for getting angry at their behavior. I think that's precisely the formula that Darren Wilson used to great effect to get that grand jury to side with him.
"Evidence" my ass...
They looked into his big blue puppy dog eyes and were all like, "Awww..! How dare that black savage attack you, Darren-poo!"
Richard Howes - I tried to hate you but actually I just don't care and that is far worse than hate…
I hated how you defend Michael Brown, like he's an innocent child.
I hated how you bait and lead, asking stupid questions, like, "Does smoking pot make someone a criminal?"
If it is illegal, is there any other answer? Or, "Does someone who smokes pot deserve to die?" No sir. No one deserves to die, but if you attack a police officer, you might suffer that fate.
I spoke of protecting my family, as you might protect yours.
I spoke of knowing how to use a gun, teaching my children to protect themselves, and when it is acceptable to stop violent crimes in progress. Does that make me a racist? How? I didn't mention any skin color or ethnicity, not even alluded to that, but you can judge me?
You judge me for defending law and order, like an anonymous anarchist... How you might be ready to burn down people's businesses and houses while claiming to want justice.
"The store owner says it wasn't Michael Brown." I'm sorry, the youtube video you posted talks about the 911 call and the surveillance tapes. There's no mention of the store owner saying who the perpetrator was.
"Darren Wilson was a KKK member." No sir. He was investigated for KKK ties, but nothing was discovered.
"He had an itchy finger and wanted to kill someone." Did you present your evidence to the investigation or do you offer conjecture?
You call me a racist. Did I once mention any race or skin color? Insulting your opponent violates the rules of debate. You've earned a debate team penalty.
I've traveled all over the world and I've seen and experienced many cultures. The USA has a large population of racists, this is true.
Then you admitted that you were testing me, trying to see if I was a racist.
It is interesting how you label everyone who disagrees with you as a racist. I don't think you know the meaning of the term, but I've heard it said before, "Only white people can be racist." Yes. That's exactly what someone told me. How enlightened.
You judge no one. Oh, you were just goofing? You were just joking when you called me a racist. How dumb of me to think you were intelligent enough to recite facts of the case and not post links to extremist pseudo-news websites.
So you believe inflammatory statements drive home your point? Burn this bitch down... said no orator in the world.
Yes. I dislike jerks. I won't tolerate racists. I blocked several people last week for using racial slurs, and I won't tolerate jerks playing some stupid game, trying to race-bait people to prove they are racists... And when you lost the debate you call me a racist.
I don't give a rat's behind what your skin color is. You are a jerk.
And now I will forget you.
You are only as powerful as the amount of people who "pay" attention to you. For now on, I will ignore you. I will block you on Facebook, and pretend you don't exist. I know someone else said that ignoring you let's the darkness win. I disagree. Like her, I spend my efforts on charities, and community service projects, and helping people who need help.
Spending any time or effort on you wastes my limited resources. That power is better spent elsewhere. I've already forgotten your name. I'll look, for an instant, and then I'll press the "block" button, and have you erased from existence. Never was. Never will be. Forever forgotten.
I used to hate you. Now I don't care and not caring is far worse... for you.
Muhammad Rasheed - Richard Howes wrote: "Spending any time or effort on you wastes my limited resources."
That explains this 625 word essay, I guess. hahahaha
You know you can't quit me. We have a 'thing' now, don't you see? You are now my archrival. This love note you sent me cinches it. You may as well accept my Friend Request and stop playing around.
Muhammad Rasheed - Thanks for proving to me that you really are a racist by the way.
Richard Howes - There's no wonder in the world why your shit comic books don't sell.
Muhammad Rasheed - That's your comeback? lol
Hold on, I'm addressing your essay now. Patience.
I'll give you some real ammo. :)
Muhammad Rasheed - Richard Howes wrote: “I tried to hate you but actually I just don't care and that is far worse than hate...”
Is it? When your people are apathetic, you simply ignore us and pretend you are the only people in the universe. When you express hatred, my people tend to hang from trees like peculiar fruit, and find ourselves shot dead in the streets over imagined crimes. We’re safer when you don’t care.
Richard Howes wrote: “I hated how you defend Michael Brown, like he's an innocent child.”
I hate how you treat him like a monster and just assume that the KKK affiliated Wilson was telling the truth about events because he catered to your own preprogrammed prejudices against brown’s demographic.
Richard Howes wrote: “I hated how you bait and lead, asking stupid questions, like, ‘Does smoking pot make someone a criminal?’ If it is illegal, is there any other answer? Or, ‘Does someone who smokes pot deserve to die?’ No sir. No one deserves to die, but if you attack a police officer, you might suffer that fate.”
No white college student casually smoking pot to unwind would be considered a criminal by you. You ONLY paint Brown with that brush because he is black, and “urban” or whatever else you people judge these kids with. And the more I think about it, the more your filthy hypocrisy disgusts me.
Richard Howes wrote: “I spoke of protecting my family, as you might protect yours.”
This was a misdirection.
Richard Howes wrote: “I spoke of knowing how to use a gun, teaching my children to protect themselves, and when it is acceptable to stop violent crimes in progress.”
And MORE misdirection.
Richard Howes wrote: “Does that make me a racist? How? I didn't mention any skin color or ethnicity, not even alluded to that, but you can judge me?”
The topic is an 18 year old with no criminal record who was killed by a savage cop who killed him and made up a nonsense excuse so he could stay out of jail. You are racist because you sided with him with NO question, and bought his manipulative story the way he knew you would.
Richard Howes wrote: “You judge me for defending law and order, like an anonymous anarchist...”
You didn’t defend law and order, you defended the law twisted and manipulated to support a racist, and the racist cops that conspired to keep their comrade out of prison. That’s the White Supremacist system you threw your support behind. You wouldn’t know law and order if you saw it. All you know is supporting the white point of view no matter what.
I do support Law & Order, which is the source of my fury. There is no law and order for the disenfranchised class.
Richard Howes wrote: “How you might be ready to burn down people's businesses and houses while claiming to want justice.”
Perhaps I would desperately prefer anarchy, and indiscriminate destruction, if I lived in a filthy ghetto, with no skills, no income, and no hope. It’s easy to rile the members of THAT class up to revolt – it’s easy to revolt against a worst case scenario after-all. lol I don’t live that way however, and prefer to think that the savagely murderous privileged class can somehow be convinced to leave other people alone and police their own neighborhoods so that we will all know peace.
Richard Howes wrote: “’The store owner says it wasn't Michael Brown.’ I'm sorry, the youtube video you posted talks about the 911 call and the surveillance tapes. There's no mention of the store owner saying who the perpetrator was.”
In addition to revealing that neither the owner nor the staff called the police on Mike Brown, and how the police confiscated the security video because they alone INSISTED it justified Wilson’s savage act of violence, it also explained that the store owner’s attorney said that the owner never said the security video was Brown.
Richard Howes wrote: “"Darren Wilson was a KKK member." No sir. He was investigated for KKK ties, but nothing was discovered.
Was that supposed to be a quote from me? More of your slimy dishonesty, eh? I said he was affiliated with the Klan, not a member. Did you learn to write at the Strawman Academy?
Richard Howes wrote: “’He had an itchy finger and wanted to kill someone.’ Did you present your evidence to the investigation or do you offer conjecture?”
He killed a teenager for walking up the middle of the street. To ME that’s kind of over-the-top, and reveals someone with an itchy trigger finger, but of course I don’t feel the same way about black teenagers as you and Wilson do.
Richard Howes wrote: “You call me a racist. Did I once mention any race or skin color?”
Did you have to? Assuming someone is a criminal deserving of cold-blooded murder when you would be horrified if the same scenario was acted out upon a white teen is a racist trait.
Richard Howes wrote: “Insulting your opponent violates the rules of debate. You've earned a debate team penalty.”
I’ll take it. Thanks.
Tell you what… stop being a racist and I’ll stop calling you one. Deal?
Richard Howes wrote: “I've traveled all over the world and I've seen and experienced many cultures.”
lol @ you “experiencing” cultures. Sure you did.
Richard Howes wrote: “The USA has a large population of racists, this is true.”
Western society invented the concept of “racism.” It was a byproduct of the new concept of a civilization-wide chattel slavery built around physical racial traits. No one had ever done that before in recorded history, and a brand new psychosis was born from it.
Richard Howes wrote: “Then you admitted that you were testing me, trying to see if I was a racist.”
To be clear, I knew you were a racist from your very first posts. It was your protest against the charge that made me probe into exactly what your thoughts were on certain items to give you the opportunity to explain yourself. You decided to duck the questions, of course, solidifying my original assessment.
Richard Howes wrote: “It is interesting how you label everyone who disagrees with you as a racist.”
lol Not everyone, Richard. Only those who demonstrate racist traits.
Richard Howes wrote: “I don't think you know the meaning of the term, but I've heard it said before, ‘Only white people can be racist.’ Yes. That's exactly what someone told me. How enlightened.”
[From the Oxford Dictionary] “Racism consists of both prejudice and discrimination based in social perceptions of biological differences between peoples. It often takes the form of social actions, practices or beliefs, or political systems that consider different races to be ranked as inherently superior or inferior to each other, based on presumed shared inheritable traits, abilities, or qualities. It may also hold that members of different races should be treated differently.”
The disenfranchised underclass lacks the ability to enforce both of the prejudice and discriminatory aspects of the concept which involves institutional permeated practices such as those that enable a cop to get away with murder. A “Blacks Only” sign would never be taken seriously in any era in American history.
Richard Howes wrote: “You judge no one. Oh, you were just goofing? You were just joking when you called me a racist.”
No, that part was absolutely serious. I was just goofing with the “Like VERY ‘predominantly’” part. I already knew the answer to that and was just messing with you. I knew you weren’t going to admit it in public.
Richard Howes wrote: “How dumb of me to think you were intelligent enough to recite facts of the case and not post links to extremist pseudo-news websites.”
That’s one way to think of it. Another more accurate way would be to notice that I posted a youtube clip from an actual local news broadcast… the kind you said you only pay attention to.
With real life reporters and everything.
Richard Howes wrote: “So you believe inflammatory statements drive home your point? Burn this bitch down... said no orator in the world.”*shrug* Inflammatory statements are used to stress the opponent and get him to blurt out his true feelings in a moment of weakness.
Richard Howes wrote: “Yes. I dislike jerks. I won't tolerate racists. I blocked several people last week for using racial slurs, and I won't tolerate jerks playing some stupid game, trying to race-bait people to prove they are racists... And when you lost the debate you call me a racist.”
??? I lost the debate? How so?
Richard Howes wrote: “I don't give a rat's behind what your skin color is. You are a jerk.”
I know. And you really, REALLY wouldn’t give a rat’s ass if I was even darker, right? ;)
Richard Howes wrote: “And now I will forget you.”I doubt it.
Richard Howes wrote: “You are only as powerful as the amount of people who ‘pay’ attention to you. For now on, I will ignore you. I will block you on Facebook, and pretend you don't exist. I know someone else said that ignoring you let's the darkness win. I disagree.”
Go for it. I don’t mind.
Richard Howes wrote: “Like her, I spend my efforts on charities, and community service projects, and helping people who need help.”
I doubt it. God’s people do that work in secret without bragging.
Richard Howes wrote: “I've already forgotten your name. I'll look, for an instant, and then I'll press the ‘block’ button, and have you erased from existence. Never was. Never will be. Forever forgotten.”
Trying to take the cop-out insanity defense, eh? smh
Richard Howes wrote: “I used to hate you.”
I never hated you because I don’t know enough about you to have that kind of emotional commitment. I hate a racist system, racist actions, and the support of those actions. Personally I would consider that to be a far more rational approach than the classic “hate” you admitted you are capable of for someone you know absolutely nothing about except they self identify with the Black American ethnic/racial group. Interesting, don’t you think?
Richard Howes wrote: “Now I don't care and not caring is far worse... for you.”
So basically you’re saying this is some kind of upgrade from the inferior race-based hate you had for me before, and now it’s a horrifyingly worse race-based apathy? Naturally I’m going to assume this is still a part of your insanity defense.
Richard Howes - People don't hate you because you are black. They hate you because you are an asshole.
Muhammad Rasheed - Probably that too. I’ve heard that before and usually from folk who are equally assholes. The fundamental problem in context of this topic is that a certain demographic hated me before I revealed I was an asshole.
...I thought you were supposed to be ignoring me? I think "ignore” means something different over there in racist land from what it means here in disenfranchised land. Is it one of you all’s bullshit pet terms like "race bait?"
Richard Howes - The debate is over. You lost.
Muhammad Rasheed - I suppose that is one of the perks of 'white privilege' where you have the magic power to proclaim who wins or loses something willy-nilly, and genuinely expect people to take you seriously. lol
Tell me, Richard: Have I given the impression that I respect what you think to that degree? Did you expect me to cry because you said I lost and feel bad? hahahaha
Muhammad Rasheed - What's WRONG with you people???
Don't answer; it's rhetorical.
Muhammad Rasheed - I think that's really my favorite part of privilege, and the one I'm most envious of... how y'all can just go around proclaiming shit. lol Do you watch The Office?
Muhammad Rasheed - For example, that Jennifer Gosnell's "back on topic" comment. What the pluck did her class using Internet pics have to do with the damn topic?! lol Because she said so??
Y'all are a TRIP!!
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