Saturday, July 31, 2021

Dance of the Colluding Cartels


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "Dance of the Colluding Cartels." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 01 Aug 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

This #MRasheedCartoons image was inspired by an APnews article that attacked Dr. Byram Bridle of the University of Guelph, Ontario for his sharing of information that shows that the SARS coronavirus-19 spike protein used in the 'gene therapy technology' marketed as a "vaccine" was actually a tissue damaging toxic pathogen in its own right, even enabling the virus itself to penetrate deep into all organs throughout the body. Despite the fact that it was the Salk Institute that provided the info, APnews actually misdirects from that fact to pretend Dr. Bridle is some crazed nut spreading misinformation.

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Thursday, July 29, 2021

Remembering Juneteenth


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "Remembering Juneteenth." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 29 Jul 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

This #MRasheedCartoons image was inspired by all the jackass comments directed towards the great Simone Biles for her decision to not put up with further unnecessary abuse by the officials of a sporting body that care more about exploiting her name, talent and skills than actually appreciating her. The title that I’ve chosen for this piece is intended to remind my Black American ethnic group that we are free – both legally and as the One God so made us – and we do not have to put up with another 400 yrs of exploitation by the usual suspects. I 100% agree with Ms. Biles that enough is enough.


Q: Why don't we actually make justice blind?

Muhammad Rasheed - Because that would not serve the agenda[s] of the wealthiest and most selfish among us.

Sam Colbert - @Q... I agree. Now we get the BLM and Antifa committing very serious criminal acts and get away with it. Its a scandal.

Muhammad Rasheed - What “very serious criminal acts” did BLM/Antifa commit that weren’t already being committed by their rivals and ignored by the system?

Sam Colbert - You do realise incitement to kill and damage property is a criminal act. Also, I dont care if they are black or white. I DO NOT and NEVER HAVE supported criminal acts by any person or group. If a bunch of Republicans blew up the Statue Of Liberty I would strongly want them in prison for 20 years. Whereas the leftie /Dems (not saying you are - or would) would not care if Dems or leftie Commie groups did it. That is the difference between me and the lefties - I 100% support the Rule Of Law no matter who it is breaking the law, I want the full weight of the law and justice system upon them. Republicans or Dems, lefties or righties, white or black. I despise the KKK as mush as I despise Antifa and BLM. But whoever it is I insist on evidence. In To Kill A Mocking Bird I am 100% on the side of Atticus. That how I am and thats my true standards. But you might be 100% (correct me if I am wrong) in support of OJ Simpson, when that shrunken leather glove scam was applied in court - an excuse to support that he is black so therefore innocent because 200 years ago the black people had a hard time of it. I do not. I saw a killer an was it turned out I was right. Glove or no glove. I am not blinded by colour. If a white guy attacked you I would immediately assist you or as a witness in court I would back you, every time. If you attacked him I would assist him, not because he is white but because YOU attacked him.

Muhammad Rasheed - Sam wrote: “You do realise incitement to kill and damage property is a criminal act.”

I realize that the right-wing has been inciting to kill and causing property damage themselves for centuries, but you singled out the very, very recently arrived BLM and Antifa goons as if they invented the concept. That performance sends a very specific message about how you think.

Sam wrote: “Also, I dont care if they are black or white.”

The fact that you singled out BLM as the bad guys says otherwise.

Sam wrote: “I DO NOT and NEVER HAVE supported criminal acts by any person or group."

Really? lol

Sam wrote: “If a bunch of Republicans blew up the Statue Of Liberty I would strongly want them in prison for 20 years.”

Show me your formal public condemnation of the Capitol Hill attacks, Timothy McVeigh’s terrorism, and Cliven Bundy’s psychotic retardation.

Sam wrote: “Whereas the leftie /Dems (not saying you are - or would) would not care if Dems or leftie Commie groups did it.”

I’m a patriotic anti-racism activist who wants the USA to live up to its highest ideals for all citizens. I don’t believe in the mass destruction antics of anarchists and government agents, the latter of which are just fueling partisan deception.

Sam wrote: “That is the difference between me and the lefties”

lol There is no difference between the two. They’re just two teams wearing two different colored jersies with the same goal… to monopolize the system just for themselves.

Sam wrote: “I 100% support the Rule Of Law no matter who it is breaking the law, I want the full weight of the law and justice system upon them. Republicans or Dems, lefties or righties, white or black.”

Partisan politics uses it’s power to grift the system by making it technically legal to screw the people over so a dominant group can get over on everybody else. “Rule Of Law” is one of Lee Atwater’s racist code terms. Slavery and forced jim crow segregation were evil as hell and also very “legal.” White men insisting non-whites blindly obey white man laws isn’t a demonstration of morality or ethics — in fact, it’s often just the opposite.

Sam wrote: “I despise the KKK as mush as I despise Antifa and BLM. But whoever it is I insist on evidence.”

You deliberately singled out BLM and Antifa as the bad guys in your worldview, Sam. Your “evidence” comment means you don’t think the KKK are really that bad.

Sam wrote: “In To Kill A Mocking Bird I am 100% on the side of Atticus. That how I am and thats my true standards.”

So, in a fake story invented by a white writer, you can point to a contrived fake character to publicly proclaim you are the good guy in what really amounts to nothing more than a fake Facebook quiz? Am I supposed to take that seriously?

Sam wrote: “But you might be 100% (correct me if I am wrong) in support of OJ Simpson”

Here you go: Muhammad Rasheed's answer to Why do some people still believe that O. J. Simpson did not kill Nicole Brown Simpson?

Sam wrote: “I saw a killer an was it turned out I was right.”

It turned out you were right based on what? I’m pretty sure he was officially found innocent of the crime in a court of law. Did I miss something?

Sam wrote: “Glove or no glove. I am not blinded by colour.”

And yet, in your original post you gave the impression that only BLM are terrorists and you ignored all the violent, demonically savage white terrorists causing evil in the land before the very recent BLM group even showed up.

By the way, why are you spelling the word “color” as if you are a foreigner even though you are so passionately opinionated about American politics? Is this why you don’t know what you are talking about?

Sam wrote: “If a white guy attacked you I would immediately assist you or as a witness in court I would back you, every time. If you attacked him I would assist him, not because he is white but because YOU attacked him.”

I have zero reason to believe you. The evidence from your posts reveals that you aren’t even an American, yet you uncritically default side with the American white domestic terrorist’s worldview.

Sam Colbert - Sam did write that. Thanks for showing it again. It has resonance. The difference is I do NOT approve of any WING, right or left committing criminal acts. I am too the right, if i saw a peer colleague committing a criminal act I would bloody well sort him out. Even if he punched a non threatening leftie - I would bloody well sort out the rightie guy - you and your leftie people would not do as I would do. That is THE difference.

If I saw a WHITE LIVES MATTER group burning down buildings and killing cops I would ASSIST the cops in catching them. Thats the difference.

Muhammad Rasheed
- Naturally I don’t believe you at all on any of these comical claims. The fact that you singled out BLM and Antifa as your default bad guys is clear divisive partisan subjectivity at play from the classic mold.

Please show me your formal public condemnation of the Capitol Hill attacks, Timothy McVeigh’s terrorism, and Cliven Bundy’s psychotic retardation. Thanks.

Sam Colbert - Err… no thanks. I am not seeking approval. I simply express my views from a base of being truthful. I accept there are people who will not agree with me. Its not a problem.

I dont presume to think that black people liked what McVeigh did. That would insult good, rational black people. So why do you presume to think I like Mc Veigh just because I know the BLM are criminal scum. I guess I must be a supporter of the KKK, based on your logic, because they are white and I am white?? You excuse crime because of colour. I never excuse crime no matter the colour of the criminal.

Muhammad Rasheed - Sam wrote: "I simply express my views from a base of being truthful."

So ducking questions and lying is how your country's culture expresses "being truthful," huh? Fascinating. How exotic.

Sam wrote: "So why do you presume to think I like Mc Veigh just because I know the BLM are criminal scum."

Because you don't have any posts where you have used passionate language such as 'criminal scum' against white domestic terrorists. Your posts are 100% slanted partisan with the predictable accompanying bias folio. Note that all efforts to give you the benefit-of-the-doubt and help you out were ignored. lol

Sam wrote: "I guess I must be a supporter of the KKK, based on your logic, because they are white and I am white??"

That's exactly what the evidence reveals thus far with zero ambiguity.

Sam wrote: "You excuse crime because of colour."

Meanwhile, I never excused anything. I merely asked you point blank what “very serious criminal acts” did BLM/Antifa commit that weren’t already being committed by their rivals and ignored by the system? 

You oddly responded (as a white foreigner!) with passionate projection into U.S. American politics to lean fiercely in a specific partisan direction. When I asked you to explain the curiosity you started lying and tap-dancing. Tell me, what flag do you use when you post on 4chan/pol/?

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Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Classical Delusion, pt two


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "Classical Delusion, pt two." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 20 Jul 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

This #MRasheedCartoons image was created as the cover to a sequel post in which I decided to go ahead and directly address some genuinely stupid comments made by my foreign white supremacist foe. This one was inspired by his clownish, twisted take away from a dialog we had days ago when he thought I was a white liberal university academic named “CartoonFun.”

webkilla wrote: "Months after the review was finished (though its being continualy updated, for the lulz), after the forum was hacked and most of the original forum thread where that lovely 52 page flamewar between Rashit and the BWW forumites took place, a new discussion arose in the remnants of the thread. It wasn't with Rasheed, but some rando"

Curiously, although he acknowledged the dialog with my fake account doppelganger, he refused to acknowledge my successful infiltration of the boards once I was once again banned and I revealed myself on my blog. It seems like, since I never blew my cover in their actual thread, they have all decided to pretend CartoonFun was a real random M. Rasheed apologist in an attempt to save face. I created the account when I saw that the thread dedicated to my work had been wiped back to the scant few posts it contained when I first found it last year, and took the opportunity to rekindle the flame war, but from a different angle. Here’s my silly foe’s take on the reset:

webkilla wrote: "Suffice to say, NOTHING claimed about Rasheed regarding his statements have been embellished here, there's no need to do so."

Hilarious, since the entire “review” as he calls it is literally just the very taking everything out of context to suit his own deranged narrative that he directs at my satire of their foolishness. But my favorite of his recent comments is this one:

webkilla wrote: "The problem was that it wasn't difficult to pick appart the poor soul's arguments"

Meanwhile, he has zero idea of how to pick apart an argument, especially on the USA’s race relations history that he rejects while psychotically picking sides with the white supremacists. When I cornered him in one of his favorite pet dumb complaints - -namely that I should tailor my work to the people who care the least about the topic so I can waste time trying to recruit racist jackasses – this is how his superior ‘argument picking’ actually went:

WEBKILLA: its also an interpretive nuance lost in that its not pointed out that that's what he's talking about in the comic. Again, he doesn't exactly make the comic "outsider reader friendly"

CARTOONFUN: As an independent comic artist with a specialized product intended for a specific demographic? What you're suggesting goes against business 101 principles that instruct not to try to make a product for everybody... choose a demographic to craft it towards. It would seem that your critique is making unreasonable demands upon this particular artist that do not align to business norms.

WEBKILLA: Perhaps, but I would critique his entire business model then because if all he wants to do is preach to the choir, then why even bother with the comic - I honestly believe he'd further his cause more by trying to appeal to people outside his community to support his political goals - that's another point of critique really.

CARTOONFUN: I wanted to explore this topic more because your position has me a bit confused. I suspect it's because they do things different in the Danish local business markets? In American business practice tradition, entrepreneurs are instructed to define a specific target market and create content for them. This is not only normal, but widely recognized as a business best-practice. You seem to be saying, and please correct me if I'm interpreting your position wrong, that Rasheed should actually do the opposite of the industry standard business best practice in order for his work to be acceptable to you.

WEBKILLA: CF, were you active on the forum here before the hack? I don't remember you being active here. How did you come across us?

Because quite frankly, you seem to project really hard on us.

CARTOONFUN: When you said that I was projecting really hard on you, was this in reference to my question about defining a specific target market for content? It was not my intention to sound like I was projecting hostility, I was genuine in my interest in your breakdown of it. I just wanted to know. I wasn't trying to offend you.

WEBKILLA: I suspect we're done here - [...] By the power of the internet, I castigate thee CartoonFun as Rasheed 2.0

His self-lauded powers of picking arguments apart looks a whole lot like running, ducking and looking like a cowardly weakling to me. Perhaps they do arguing different in Denmark then? Idiot.

This cartoon summarizes the back-n-forth posted below he had with my doppelganger, which puts on dazzling display his inability to process any kind of information:

WEBKILLA: he also seems to think that the US school system is still somehow segregated.

CARTOONFUN: It is. It's literally more "separate and unequal" segregated than it was back in 1970. The most segregated state in the union is New York, and the liberals there will tear your head off for trying to increase the number of African-American kids in their schools from their 15% cut off. We hoard quality education from them and always have, giving two big middle fingers to the landmark Supreme Court Brown v Board of Education decision.

WEBKILLA: I think black people are able to solve their own problems far better than what you give them credit for

CARTOONFUN: Then why are you so concerned about Rasheed offending potential outsider allies if they can just do it themselves?

WEBKILLA: not that a shitload of barriers of entry haven't been lowered already. Harvard and a number of other ivy league universities are well known for having lower SAT score requirements for black applicants while in turn discriminating the shit out of asian immigrants by requiring a much higher score from them, higher than even what they ask of white people.

CARTOONFUN: A white-controlled government and white-controlled institutions have sabotaged the American educational system to keep the highest quality education out of the reach of African-Americans, while still mandating the "13% diversity hire quotas" for their Integration policies. That means African-Americans are ill-equipped to enter the Ivy leagues, so white gatekeepers need to cheat to make the diversity numbers (obviously it doesn't matter if they graduate or not).

CARTOONFUN: The only real competition whites have since they artificially took the black community off the table are the Asians, who have just as much access to higher education programs as we do. Since we cheat to prevent entry of any African-American competition, should we be surprised that we also cheat to stifle the competition that is present? We hate competition, webkilla, that's why our best & brightest are professional monopolists. Racism at its heart, is selfishness.

WEBKILLA: if they have to lower the barrier of entry just to meet that quota, what does that say about black people?

CARTOONFUN: That white people refused to comply to the Supreme Court Brown v Board of Education decision. What else? Because African-Americans are not prepared for the workload of the Ivy leagues; they get in but they are no competition. There's no way they can graduate.

WEBKILLA: That is the single most racist thing I've heard you say so far - and yet you probably think nothing is wrong with such a statement

CARTOONFUN: Pointing out the effects of racist policies is racist?

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Classical Delusion, pt one


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "Classical Delusion, pt one." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 20 Jul 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

This #MRasheedCartoons image was inspired by a more hypocritical than usual idiotic comment from my foreign white racist stalker.

“…it just goes to show that the BWW community still lives rent free in his head, because he keeps making comics based on what we post, even if he keeps taking everything out of context to suit his own deranged narrative.” ~webkilla

Huh? So to be clear on that first point, even though this same silly guy is maintaining two shrines dedicated to my art, one of which is regularly updated, it means they’re living rent free in my head when I go to see what slanderous, racist nonsense they are putting out in the world about me. Interesting. In actuality, I have them so triggered, that they stay keeping these shrines updated, which means, I’m actually living rent free in their heads. Plus I think it’s quite reasonable to regularly check certain sites (this one, the ones on kiwifarms, on reddit and of course the psycho ones on 4chan) that have material literally dedicated all about me. lol Even more so if you happen to be a cartoonist who pulls inspiration from dialogs and comments about your chosen fields of interest, right?

On his second point, he literally has an 8,800+ word “review” of my comic where he literally spins every single point into the white supremacist position. He’s foreign (Denmark), knows almost nothing about the history of race-relations in the United States, all of my and his colleagues' historical references go over his head, and yet he enthusiastically takes the hardcore white supremacist stance while dismissing all historical evidence that his position is the wrong one. He’s an aberrant dumbass (lol) in every way, shape and form with zero redeemable qualities, but when I mock his racist, hateful foolishness he calls it “taking everything out of context,” because he’s even too stupid to know what basic satire is.

Anyway, since I’m here now, I may as well scroll up further in his “review” to directly address some of his other jackass comments. Normally, I just make a cartoon as my response (which I’ll still do), but I think some of these are worth pointing out right now while I’m looking right at them.

webkilla wrote: “For extra hilarity, consider the following description from the comic: ‘This #MRasheedCartoons image was inspired by the craziest member of a certain message board, whose most notable trait is the power to make casual, joking death threats on the board at will with impunity.’ Uhm... Rasheed darling, it was you who posted that death threat. What you've written sounds like it was us threatening to kill you. I think you got something mixed up here. Oh well, just another example of Rasheed re-writing history to suit his narrative of being eternally oppresed.”

This one is a perfect example of this jackass “taking everything out of context to suit his own deranged narrative,” since I was originally banned from the message board because for the first time in 52 pages of ‘flame war’ as he calls it, I started posting cite links to back my anti-racism position. This 100% triggered all of them to the point of savagery and they decided I had to go. Instead of just saying that’s why they wanted me gone, or just banning me instantly without saying anything, they decided to invent a fake reason by pretending my joking around that I was going to go all the way to Denmark just to kick webkilla to death was a serious terrorist comment worthy of being instantly banned – a nonsensical ruse webkilla continuously repeats as if he’s trying to convince himself it’s real. The scam was already sloppy and clearly fake at face value, but what made it even more sloppy and transparent was that during their silly teleplay, one of them accidently admitted that member Crazy J makes fake death threats on the boards ALL THE TIME, hence my reference to him having the apparent power to make joking death threats on their boards without being banned for it.

webkilla wrote: “Of course, Rasheed being rasheed, seemed to entirely ignore this and instead mock a strawman that says things nobody on the forum ever said”

The satirical version of what I had Crazy J saying in the ‘Obvious Downside’ comic comes from this actual quote from him:

“I would like to point out to The people constantly demanding reparations for slavery that the wealth that slavery built Was actually destroyed. The wealth of pre Civil War South was based on the production of cash crops; I.e cotton, tobacco, sugar, and rice. So what happened to it? Non liquid capital was primarily real estate and slaves. The slaves were freed with no financial compensation to the owners and the plantation farms were ruined. This also happened to warehouses, railroads, ships, and other transportation assets. Liquid Capital, ie. hard currency was invested into Confederate Bonds for the war effort, which became worthless after the war. The South didn't really recover until the 1940's.” ~Crazy J

Anyone with a lick of sense can see that this rancid turd is trying to say that we shouldn’t demand our Reparations from the government because the original slave holder monied class lost their wealth when the free slave labor economy collapsed and that’s where all of our money went, too, ‘so leave those poor guys alone.’ But of course, since he’s an unrepentant dumbass, webkilla lacks any sense.

Now I’m going to end this here and skip up to an especially stupid comment he made in his ‘Religion’ section…

webkilla wrote: “Oh and of course he doesn't like jews either

So, because I critiqued the well-documented “gradualism/paternalism” that even the Jews themselves condemned certain of their own members for performing during the Civil Rights Movement era, actions that stifled my own group’s socio-economic progress, in webkilla’s dumbass eyes it magically means that I don’t like all the Jews because they are all Jews. This was the cherry on top of this fool’s deliberately taking everything out of context to suit his own deranged narrative, while he is clearly incapable of recognizing satire because he is stupid as hell.

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Sunday, July 18, 2021

The Most Coveted Divide & Conquer Goal of All


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "The Most Coveted Divide & Conquer Goal of All." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 18 Jul 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

This #MRasheedCartoons image was inspired by the inner-community 'gender wars' taking place among the Black American ethnic group, initiated and fanned by the usual suspects among the white racist aristocracy. In the era of 'Assimilated Integrationist Tokens,' each jockeying for position under white gaze, the Black woman appears to be the one favored over the male, hence whenever a Black woman mentions the lineage-based racism struggles, she always over-emphasizes the female aspect of her identity. This performance, of course, receives approval from her white counterpart, while in general, her male counterpart is the one who is sacrificed as fodder to fuel liberal social justice programs that benefit rival groups.

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INGREDIENTS: Pork, Chicken & Beef (A visual representation)


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "INGREDIENTS: Pork, Chicken & Beef (A visual representation)." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 18 Jul 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

This #MRasheedCartoons image was inspired by yet another packet of initially appetizing looking meat stuff that upon closer inspection turned out to have a bunch of different types of meats added to it, including the abominable non-food swine flesh. Blechh!!! When I see the ingredients that read "pork, chicken & beef," all that it means is spoiled chicken and beef. >:(

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The Black American's Relationship with the White Liberal


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "The Black American's Relationship with the White Liberal." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 18 Jul 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

This #MRasheedCartoons image was created as the cover to a FB thread I took part in last night. The original poster shared a meme that said it was "smart" to get the experimental vaccine, and when I queried how could it be smart to blindly get a vaccine through gambling and fear when there is ample reasonable & logical reasons to doubt the mess, I was dog-piled upon by a coven of foul-mouthed, uncouth white liberals.


Milt Priggee - Ray Laxamana posted: "NEWSFLASH! No one is 'forcing' you to be vaccinated. Honestly, we just hoped you were smart enough to do it."

Muhammad Rasheed - ???

What's "smart" about allowing people to inject you with an experimental substance that they didn't have to prove actually did what they claimed it would do before they received the patent under suspicious circumstances?

Keith Brown - @Muhammad... Well, the numbers don't lie. It has worked and it won't change your DNA or make you magnetic. Perhaps you are merely being selfish and hysterical.

Muhammad Rasheed - What "has worked?"

Muhammad Rasheed - So far the only thing that "has worked" is that everyone seems to have collectively agreed to not only go along with pretending it's really a functional vaccine just so they don't have to stay cooped up in the house any more, but now people who have gotten it are starting to peer pressure/bully the ones who haven't gotten it. 

Muhammad Rasheed - Obviously, these colluding cartels that you trust so much are banking on people like you successfully bullying and peer pressuring the public until a critical mass of the populace accept it, after which their cronies in government will feel comfortable making the experimental vaccine mandatory by law to get the rest.

Roger K Eriksen

Steve Lefkowitz - Once it becomes clear that we’re able to keep up with the variants with on-going booster shots., it’s tempting to say “let ‘em get Covid”. I’m sorry healthcare workers. I know that’ll be hard on you. But there will be something both poetic and Darwinian about the economy opening back up for the non-paranoid and civic minded, while it remains a deadly threat to conspiracy-friendly Fox /Newsmax/OANN viewers. And PS: the Murdoch family is all vaccinated. They may be social pariahs, but they’re not idiots.

Keith Brown - @Muhammad... *sigh* Ok. Then never, ever, ever go to a doctor or seek medical treatment of any kind for any reason ever again, ok?

Denise Palesch - You’ll be missed, Mohammad Rasheed. A lot.

Muhammad Rasheed - The problem is that proving the substance worked as a functional vaccine was part of the requirement to get the patent, but the team was able to get the patent (meaning they were able to license it for profit under exclusivity IP laws) without proving it actually worked.

That means it's not a vaccine. It's a money grab pretending to be a vaccine. That's why the COVID-19 cases aren't being controlled by it at all.

Muhammad Rasheed - Steve wrote: "And PS: the Murdoch family is all vaccinated."

How do you know?

Steve Lefkowitz - Miscellaneous articles about influential people like Trump and Fox News Management who get vaxxed and yet hypocritically enable the anti-vax movement. My awareness of Fox News goes back to May 2020 when ur was reported that the offices of Fox News had strict protective measures in place yet was full - on “Covid conspiracy “ on the air.

Muhammad Rasheed - Steve wrote: "miscellaneous articles about"

What are you using to determine whether your preferred articles are the truth and my sources are the fake conspiracy theories, please?

Steve Lefkowitz - @Muhammad...

Steve Lefkowitz - I’m done. Have a great day

Muhammad Rasheed - Before you go, please tell me what are you using to determine whether your preferred articles are the truth and my sources are the fake conspiracy theories.

For the record, I didn't post anything about "change your DNA" or "make you magnetic" or anything like that.

Muhammad Rasheed - Keith wrote: "Well, the numbers don't lie."

What "numbers" are you talking about exactly, please?

Muhammad Rasheed - It would help a lot if, instead of all of your name-calling and condescending snarky comments, if you could instead provide the information that definitively proves this is not only a real vaccine, but that it works as advertised. They same material that you yourselves used that made you true believers.

A civil, quasi-formal argument that proves your position is enough to persuade someone willing to have the discussion.

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The Megalomaniacal Satisfaction of Crowd Manipulation


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "The Megalomaniacal Satisfaction of Crowd Manipulation." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 18 Jul 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

This #MRasheedCartoons image was inspired by the shady way the SARS coronavirus-19 cartel received the patent for their experimental 'vaccine' and the consequent games on the world stage that not only helped reap unlimited profits for them through manipulation of the world governments, but also the manipulation of the populace.

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Friday, July 16, 2021

A Cathartic Release of Projection


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "A Cathartic Release of Projection." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 16 Jul 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

This #MRasheedCartoons image was inspired by this guy's pseudo-brave, after-the-fact comment made at the lurkersphere once he had safely banned me from a certain message board so he wouldn't have to actually engage. Ironic, considering the cowardly spirit in which he banned me was actually because he was feigning victimization since he didn't know how to argue.


webkilla - Wow that is just sad. We really are living rent free in your head.

Muhammad Rasheed - You literally created a shrine dedicated to lying about my work and about the anti-racism struggle of my group. lol

It would be stupid not to monitor your racist hate that's specifically designed to lie on me. Stop being stupid for once in your miserable life, please. Thanks.

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The Self-Correcting Finesse


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "The Self-Correcting Finesse." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 16 Jul 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

This #MRasheedCartoons image was inspired by one of those overlapping circle chart memes I saw on LinkedIn, specifically on the third bullet that read "You no longer try to show that it was your idea. You empower other people to own the idea." As it was presented, trying to be all deep & uplifting, all I saw in it was corporate grifting people — the bosses retaining ownership of the IP on the sly while giving the underpaid, overworked employee who invented the idea a paper crown and an office pizza party.

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Why We Can't All of Us Have Nice Things


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "Why We Can't All of Us Have Nice Things." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 16 Jul 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

This #MRasheedCartoons image was inspired by a LinkedIn meme that used Trump's bible signing side hustle in this way as a lame side swipe at religion. The religion is the One God's revealed message and the prophet's example in walking it out for our instruction. In the case of Christianity, in it's purest form, it would be the Christ's example in walking it out. Everything that came after the Christ, i.e., the two thousand plus years of extra stuff, bureaucratic priest craft and even the writings of Paul of Tarsus, are not the religion. The religion itself remains pure, you just have to work to find it, wading through all the stuff built up in the way, and it's all of that stuff that gives the religion its bad name since very few people understand enough to discern the religion of God from the in-the-way of mankind.

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Thursday, July 15, 2021

The Dubious Value in Ignorant, Long-Distance, Racism Support


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "The Dubious Value in Ignorant, Long-Distance, Racism Support." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 15 Jul 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

This #MRasheedCartoons image was inspired by a weird and goofy post my foreign white supremacist stalker made earlier, where he posted some images or whatever and proclaimed, "I don't know enough about the specifics of US history to comment on [the accrued discrimination after slavery is included in our Reparations justice claim] - but.. I did find this gem [...] Looks like people do NOT agree with these race-hucksters."

In other words, he admits he knows nothing about US race-relations and its history, yet he by default sides with the anti-Black American white racist position, and uses his own well-rehearsed gaslighting/spin-job skills to automatically assume ANY opposing stance against the anti-racism one is the correct one. smdh

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