Gravitucron - You have no idea how long I have felt this way!!!
Gary McCoy - The left decries Trump's harmful effect on American values. The same left that's for giving $500 million to Planned Parenthood -- The left decries Trump's harmful effect on American values. The same left that's for giving $500 million to Planned Parenthood
Muhammad Rasheed -
Gary McCoy - Terrible, if real. But off topic regardless.
Muhammad Rasheed - No, it's real and still on topic. Abusing babies has apparently been America's value system since its inception. This "let's pretend we are so outraged over Black baby abortions!" GOP political talking point is just a grift deflection from the murders of innocents Republicans routinely allow with a stony face ("I CAN breathe").
We're either REALLY for the ideals of America's highest values, or we're just continuing to play like we are for another 200+ yrs.
I'm a conservative Black American Muslim who believes in civil rights for my ethnic group, so that leaves me with the problematic liberal/Democrat team since the conservative/Republicans hate my f*cking guts because I'm Black. It wasn't the "Trump vs Hillary" election that represented the "lesser of two evils" choice, but both political parties period.
So these rhetoric memes you're posting aren't real, don't make real points, and aren't triggering real discussion, they are just playing more damn games.
Gary McCoy - I see you have not learned to think for yourself, much to Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, and Chuck Schumer's delight. "Conservative/Republicans hate your f$cking guts"? That's hilarious. Tell Condoleeza Rice, Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Mia Love, .... I could go on and on. But tell me more about how Hillary "I carry hot sauce in my purse" Clinton, or Joe " Obama is the first clean, articulate black man..." Biden are the ones looking out for you. Which party freed the slaves again? And which party is it that treats blacks like the slaves they kept for years?
Muhammad Rasheed - You see that conservative/republican squirting that Black child in the face with tear gas because he thought it was funny? Why do you think your cherry-picked list of GOP Black people means the conservative/Republicans don't have a modern history of hating Black people? Because you've committed to playing games?
Muhammad Rasheed - The modern white hate groups --including David Duke's crew -- side with the conservative/Republican team. It's not hard.
Gary McCoy - Wow, you must have great eyes to be able to see the voter ID card in that cop's pocket. Can't argue with your kind of "logic".
Muhammad Rasheed - He's a white policeman abusing a Black child because he thinks it's funny and believes that he can get away with it.
There's a 100% chance he's a Republican.
Gary McCoy - I'm going to bed. You just proved you got nothing. No proof. This guy is likely a Joe Biden Democrat. That's the party that's keeps throwing table scraps to its black base to keep them voting in lock step. It's a shame that a smart fella like you lap up their transparent hocus pocus.
Muhammad Rasheed - Here's Gary doubling down on game playing. Nice.
Chris Bassett - @Muhammad... whooopsie May want to Check your bullshit before spreading you bullshit
Margot Maven - @Chris... I knew there was "something wrong with this picture". Thanks
Robbie Guina - M. Rasheed wrote: "You see that conservative/republican squirting that Black child in the face with tear gas because he thought it was funny?"
That's funny. I see a black woman in the process of committing a crime WITH her children. At best that is child abuse & neglect.
Richard Sherman - @Gary... Muhammad is not a 'smart fella' at all. He writes nice, but he's easily duped and manipulated - an emotional yo-yo. Nothing smart about that.
Al Goodwyn - Even if the photo actually had ANYTHING to do with US law enforcement (and it clearly doesn't if you take 2 seconds to check), Muhammad Rasheed makes the link that the act represents something whites are okay with. That smacks of racism. Plus, I didn't know the Pinto came in a Law Enforcement model.
Richard Sherman - @Al... I've been explaining his racism to him for years.
Muhammad Rasheed - Chris wrote: "whooopsie"
In the USA, white conservative cops routinely do stuff like this, and you lot think it's okay.
Al wrote: "Muhammad Rasheed makes the link that the act represents something whites are okay with."
The fact that all the comments here, especially Robbie's, are justifying the Brazilian cop's actions nullifies Chris' "whoopsie" and supports my point. White conservative racist whites are the same in all counties it turns out. Right, Richard? ;)
Margot Maven - @Muhammad... some of the most extreme racists I have met are not white. They are black. And they hate it when they are called out on it, because they absolutely can't hear what they are saying. Like Mr. of the most outrageously racist individuals we have had the displeasure of hearing...he has gotten away with blatant racism because he is black... A lot of your comments illustrate your disdain for white people.
Al Goodwyn - There are 800,000 law enforcement personnel in the US with arrest authority. Please help me understand what percentage of these you consider to be "routinely doing stuff like this"? And yet Muhammad, you pull a picture from 2011 that shows a Brazilian LEO. Shoots down your theory that it's so routine if you have to resort to lies.
And disgusting name calling all of one political affiliation who are of one race is, well, racist.
Gerry Harris - @Muhammad... What a dumb ass you are.
Gerry Harris - It's like taking your kid to a riot. Then when shit hits the fan, it's the cops fault.
Muhammad Rasheed - Margot wrote: "some of the most extreme racists I have met are not white."
All that means is that you made up your own special definition for "racist." Your comment means nothing to me.
Richard Sherman - @Muhammad... Time for your meds, now.
Muhammad Rasheed - Al wrote: "Shoots down your theory it's so routine if you have to resort to lies."
lol For one, it doesn't shoot down my theory since it just demonstrates that the blight of demonic anti-Black white supremacy—particularly prevalent in law enforcement—is a global blight. For two, I didn't lie. Clearly the Brazilian cop featured in the meme is a white conservative behaving the way we in the USA are used to white conservatives behaving, so my point stands. It is irrelevant whether he was specifically an American Republican or not since these responses from you lot show a despicable spiritual affiliation with his deeds.
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White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement | F.B.I. Report (2006) |
Muhammad Rasheed - Gerry wrote: "It's like taking your kid to a riot."
lol She didn't "take her kid to a riot." Instead, they showed up to peacefully protest the oppressive injustices inflicted upon them as is their right and in typical fashion, the slimeball moneyed powers unleashed their psychopathic cops upon them.
@Muhammad Why are you engaging in conversation with these dumb fucks? You know they love their racism and won't admit it. White people are truly weak and insecure not to mention naive about real world and the world.