Dee Anne Moore - [shared meme]
Muhammad Rasheed - Muhammad was clearly a Muslim.
Dee Anne Moore - During his term in office, Reagan was not an x-pres. That happened after he left office.
Muhammad Rasheed - Neither you, nor "hopefulosophy," actually read the Qur'an which defines the word "Muslim."
Muhammad Rasheed - *sighhhh*
Muhammad Rasheed - Quit it, Dee.
Dee Anne Moore - Was the Qur'an written before Muhammad or, did Muhammad write the Qur'an? And, I have a copy of the Qur'an and try to read it as well as trying to read the 'bible'.... I have difficulty reading books by men about men for men and their rules and regulations for everybody else.
Dee Anne Moore - I will Mu. I am an equal opportunity critic of all the 'religions' that are mostly about rules and regulations and rituals... Just can't abide them and find all of them quite tiresome.. But I respect many of the people who do abide!
Muhammad Rasheed - Dee Anne Moore wrote: "Was the Qur'an written before Muhammad or, did Muhammad write the Qur'an?"
The Qur'an was revealed in its entirety during the 22 years of Muhammad's mission.
Dee Anne Moore wrote: "And, I have a copy of the Qur'an and try to read it as well as trying to read the 'bible'.... I have difficulty reading books by men about men for men and their rules and regulations for everybody else."
So you haven't read past the first 6 pages, but you're going to argue with me about what's in it?
Quit it, Dee.
Dee Anne Moore - I would never ague with you about what is in any book that I have not fully read. Religions are known by those that practice them. I find that Christianity is like an elephant being described by several blind men. One has hold of the tail and suggests that the elephant is like a rope. One may have arms wrapped around a mighty leg and profess that an elephant is surely like a tree...and so forth. I very much care for human beings in spite of their religious expressions. I'm a Cosmos fan. Jane Goodall is one of my hero's... Dr. King.... most innocent small children... mechanics that can figure out what is really wrong with cars and surgeons, like mechanics that can figure out how parts fit to make a 'whole'... I'm totally in awe of those who use their time on earth to go about their business doing... and doing what they can to make life a little bit better for other creatures... So, when I saw this bit of someone's 'wisdom', it reminded that most philosophers become what others perceive them to be and that in their pure state, they may be quite simply a good person trying to share their own experiences.
Muhammad Rasheed - Dee Anne Moore wrote: "I would never ague with you about what is in any book that I have not fully read."
Okay, well in the Qur'an the definition of "Muslim" is given, and all followers of God are referred to by that term within it. This includes Muhammad himself. Therefore the meme's third line is quite wrong.
Muhammad Rasheed - Oh, and regarding the last line in the meme:
The Holy Qur'an - Chapter 5:3
"This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion."
Muhammad Rasheed - To me, when I read this meme, it just came across as very poorly researched. The addition of the third, inaccurate line ruins the credibility of the meme maker.
Kamau Mkafele Mshale - [shared meme]
Muhammad Rasheed - *sighhh...*
Warren Eugene Merrick III - Buddha was an atheist, Mohammed was a warmonger, Jesus is the Christ, to put them in the same category as Jesus is insane. Love is of God, and an atheist denies God, Christ came and died for His enemies whilst Mohammed slaughtered his; of the three, only Christ taught love.
Kamau Mkafele Mshale - Lol u can change love to peace and it's more accurate right
Kamau Mkafele Mshale - Buddha didn't teach love
Kamau Mkafele Mshale - Wow muhammad a warmonger
Muhammad Rasheed - It was clear from the other thread that Warren doesn't even know his own religion well, can he realistically be expected to understand Islam or any other faith? Come on. Of COURSE he's just going to spew some slander he picked up from a conservative right, post 9/11 email forward. hahahahaha
Warren Eugene Merrick III - Says the man that gets his "knowledge" of Jesus from a book that has no truth in it, written by a false prophet pedophile.
Muhammad Rasheed - Notice that I referenced the story from Jesus himself that you deliberately downplayed, as well as I said my reference was from the official Christian scholars who compiled, edited, translated the bible, but you never took the bait. I guess you were afraid to. Instead, tellingly, you invented your own reason and decided to believe it as a truth as demonstrated here. You're an interesting piece of work there, Warren Eugene Merrick III.
Muhammad Rasheed - You should stick to acting, and leave the religious scholarship to your betters.
Warren Eugene Merrick III - I also noticed that you mentioned that I was protestant as though that invalidated the credibility of what I said. These "scholars" you get your knowledge from are no better than your prophet Muhammad, if they deny the death and resurrection. The reason I didn't "take the bait" as you say is because it wasn't worth my time. Here's a question for you, why would you trust these scholars over actual authors of the Bible, since you supposedly by your own admission only need the words of Jesus? It seems a little convenient that you would believe supposed Christian scholars millennia later that agree with your convoluted nonsense.
Warren Eugene Merrick III - When one shows up I might, but you're not even close.
Muhammad Rasheed - If you had actually "studied Islam" as you originally claimed, you wouldn't need to ask me that. I could just as seriously ask why you aren't following the letter of the Law as preached by the Pharisees.
Warren Eugene Merrick III - Buddy, I'm no longer under the law, I'm under grace. If you actually knew scripture you would know that.
Muhammad Rasheed - Warren Eugene Merrick III wrote: "I also noticed that you mentioned that I was protestant as though that invalidated the credibility of what I said."
Protestants believe a very specific thing as echoed by your painfully limited understanding of scripture. I mentioned I peeped that in you as a response to your "'d do well not to presume to think you know what I think" comment.
Warren Eugene Merrick III wrote: "These "scholars" you get your knowledge from are no better than your prophet Muhammad, if they deny the death and resurrection."
They are the very scholars who translated, edited, and compiled the bible for you, and are responsible in many ways for why you believe what you believe. I don't expect you to understand that so don't worry about it.
Warren Eugene Merrick III wrote: "The reason I didn't 'take the bait' as you say is because..."
You were either frightened, or because you didn't understand.
Warren Eugene Merrick III wrote: "Here's a question for you, why would you trust these scholars over actual authors of the Bible, since you supposedly by your own admission only need the words of Jesus?"
These scholars' work revealed the reason why there was a split in the early Christian community, where it came from, who was responsible, where it went, and why modern Christians believe what they believe in the first place. As a follower of the Abrahamic religions, that history is actually important to me, and it provides immense insight into sacred scripture and the actual message God wants mankind to know. For a believer to NOT inquire into these things is foolish.
Warren Eugene Merrick III wrote: "It seems a little convenient that you would believe supposed Christian scholars millennia later that agree with your convoluted nonsense."
"Millennia later?" You wouldn't even HAVE your book if it wasn't for that lot.
Warren Eugene Merrick III - Meanwhile with all that talk, my question remains unanswered, and for your clarity, Islam has not a thing to do with the Abrahamic religions, nothing at all. It's a false affiliation, Allah is an idol moon god and that's who Mohammed worshiped, not the God of the old and new testaments. Do your own research.
Muhammad Rasheed - Warren Eugene Merrick III wrote: "Buddy, I'm no longer under the law, I'm under grace. If you actually knew scripture you would know that."
My point went directly over your head. lol Let me take you by the hand and show you. (actors... sheesh)
If you had studied Islam truly, you would've learned that Muhammad was the messenger of God, and the Qur'an is the final message. God confirmed and fulfilled the message from the previous prophets, and explained how their message was allowed to go astray by you all and your slipshod guardianship. When your very own scholars do the research for me and discover, obviously to their surprise and annoyance, that the facts of history regarding the origins and development of Christianity back up exactly what God in the Qur'an said about that very faith, why wouldn't I believe those scholars? Their research confirms what the Lord Most High already revealed as true.
But you don't know that stuff and prefer to be happy in your ignorance, embracing instead the message of the figure whose entire life corresponds to the bible's definition of "false prophet" while you slander Muhammad and Islam in turn. Good luck with that path on the Day of Judgment.
Muhammad Rasheed - Warren Eugene Merrick III wrote: "Meanwhile with all that talk, my question remains unanswered..."
Again, very ironic coming from you.
Warren Eugene Merrick III - Muhammad was as much a messenger of God as the Pope is, which is to say he's not.
Muhammad Rasheed - Warren Eugene Merrick III wrote: "...and for your clarity, Islam has not a thing to do with the Abrahamic religions, nothing at all. It's a false affiliation, Allah is an idol moon god and that's who Mohammed worshiped, not the God of the old and new testaments. Do your own research."
Unlike you, I don't get all of my religious knowledge by "researching" from anti-Islam email forwards from the tea party, so forgive me if I simply ignore your weak digs at my faith. We both know you don't have anything to back it up with so you might as well stop.
Warren Eugene Merrick III - As they say, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink. You may continue to ignore me and follow your false religion and count on your good works to save you from the wrath of a holy and righteous God, that is your choice and you will see exactly what that gets you in the end. When you stand before Christ, and it is Him whom you will stand before, you will have to give an account for your unbelief and how it was that you thought good works could earn you redemption when Christ Himself said that "There are none who are good, there are none who seek after righteousness." Hell is hot, and neither Mohammad nor his god can save you from it, Only Christ can.
Muhammad Rasheed - Warren Eugene Merrick III wrote: "Muhammad was as much a messenger of God as the Pope is, which is to say he..."
Yeah, take a dig at your denomination's ideological enemy, too. Who didn't see that coming?
Muhammad Rasheed - Warren Eugene Merrick III wrote: "As they say, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink."
Right. I left the door open for you to prove your claims about Islam, and you respond with a tired cliche. That's your whole argument in a nutshell.
Warren Eugene Merrick III wrote: "You may continue to ignore me..."
I'll ignore Paul's foolishness. You're a lot further down on the totem pole.
Warren Eugene Merrick III wrote: "...and follow your false religion and count on your good works to save you from the wrath of a holy and righteous God, that is your choice and you will see exactly what that gets you in the end. When you stand before Christ, and it is Him whom you will stand before, you will have to give an account for your unbelief and how it was that you thought good works could earn you redemption when Christ Himself said that "There are none who are good, there are none who seek after righteousness." Hell is hot, and neither Mohammad nor his god can save you from it, Only Christ can."
Everything you believe has been demonstrated to be false by your own scholars and the facts of sacred scripture history. You literally have nothing to stand on. Between us, I am the only one who recognizes the message of Jesus to be true. Your impotent and foolish beliefs have not a leg to stand upon. Repent of the 'divine son' blasphemy, bow down to your Guardian Lord who made you, and show yourself approved that you may prosper and know Peace.
Warren Eugene Merrick III - It seems you (Islam) and the Catholic church have a few things in common, namely being false religions and being works based. You do know that in this context, being further down on the totem pole is a compliment, the base holds everything up, so being further down actually contradicts your "No leg to stand on" metaphor. You recognize nothing, you've bought into the lies of Islam and blaspheme the God that made you and think you do Him honor. I know peace, His name is Jesus, He's the Son of the Most High, second member of the triune Godhead, the Christ, Messiah, the anointed One.
Muhammad Rasheed - Warren Eugene Merrick III wrote: "It seems you (Islam) and the Catholic church have a few things in common, namely being false religions and being works based."
You know that Catholicism birthed Protestantism, right? You are both pauline Christians, you realize that, right? In every way they are false, you would be false as well.
Warren Eugene Merrick III wrote: "You do know that in this context, being further down on the totem pole is a compliment, the base holds everything up, so being further down actually contradicts your "No leg to stand on" metaphor."
The false prophet is on the top of this totem pole, and you, as a peasant, uneducated sheep blindly echoing his false message, continues to hold it up in the land. False prophet at the top, peasant sheep at the bottom. What is underneath YOU?
Warren Eugene Merrick III - Before there was either protestant or Catholic, there was just Christian. Catholicism did not come about until around 300 A.D.. First century Christians were taught by the apostles and those whom the apostles taught and so forth, Protestantism is the same faith as that of the early church. To call Paul a false prophet is to expose your ignorance, as the other disciples took no issue with any of his teaching, he even publically corrected Peter to his face. It's clear that you really don't know what you're talking about.
Muhammad Rasheed - Warren Eugene Merrick III wrote: "First century Christians were taught by the apostles and those whom the apostles taught and so forth, Protestantism is the same faith as that of the early church."
lol You wish. Protestantism is just a trimmed down, baby version of Catholicism. The earliest forms of Christianity were nearly indistinguishable from Judaism in comparison.
Warren Eugene Merrick III wrote: "To call Paul a false prophet is to expose your ignorance, as the other disciples took no issue with any of his teaching..."
Meanwhile he was the rival to the message of the 12 apostles and died as their avowed enemy.
Warren Eugene Merrick III wrote: "...he even publically corrected Peter to his face."
What was Peter's side to that story? Tell me if you know.
Warren Eugene Merrick III wrote: "It's clear that you really don't know what you're talking about."
Warren Eugene Merrick III - I don't hate anyone, it is out love that I preach the gospel. You're offended because I've said what I did about Mohammad, truth does that, you say yours is a religion of love, tell that to the people who call themselves Muslim and blow other's up or the one ones who hack off the heads of Christians. If you want to know a religion look to its founder, Mohammed was a man of violence, is it any wonder that many of his followers are the same? Jesus loved all, even those society deemed beneath them. Islam says "You will die for what I believe! " whilst Christianity says "I will die for what I believe!" Christians aren't blowing up innocent people, hacking off their heads and raping women, Muslims are, why? Because they are following in the steps of their founder. You can say whatever you wish to clear up my supposed "misunderstanding", but they must be getting the idea to behave as such from somewhere, yet Jesus said to love your enemies, and so we do. It's kind of hard to misinterpret that. Jesus said you would know a tree by its fruit, so anyone claiming to follow Christ that demonstrates nothing but hate, unforgivness and impatience is lying, what's the litmus test for Muslims? Now any Muslim can come to Christ, but Islam itself has no part with Him, none at all. It's a false, works based religion that leads to hell and damnation, whatever it is you think you know about Jesus, whatever secret knowledge you claim to possess is a lie. There is no more revelation, when Christ was on the cross and said "It is finished." That was it, His purpose was fulfilled, no one was coming after Him to complete salvation, it was finished. All we have to do is repent and believe, that's it, just like the thief on the cross. Now, you'll no doubt contest everything I've said which is your right, but as for this thread, I'm done. Have a good day. May the savior of the world open your eyes that both of you may see.
Muhammad Rasheed - The funniest part is where you just make up stuff out of your own head, present it as some kind of truth, and then just expect other people to just accept it too. What IS that?
Muhammad Rasheed - At the very least I hope these two threads have cured you of going around saying you've "studied other faiths." Cut that out.
Muhammad Rasheed - Warren Eugene Merrick III wrote: “I don't hate anyone, it is out love that I preach the gospel. You're offended because I've said what I did about Mohammad…”
Do you consider Abraham and Joshua to be warmongers too?
Warren Eugene Merrick III wrote: “…truth does that, you say yours is a religion of love, tell that to the people who call themselves Muslim and blow other's up or the one ones who hack off the heads of Christians.”
What would that have to do with Islam? The American whites who lynched blacks and treated them less than human because of their race were Christians, but I would be a damned fool to blame that behavior on Christianity. You lack basic powers of discernment, and would not know truth if you saw it.
Warren Eugene Merrick III wrote: “If you want to know a religion look to its founder, Mohammed was a man of violence…”
Warren you don’t know anything about Islam, and you are a fool.
Warren Eugene Merrick III wrote: “…is it any wonder that many of his followers are the same? Jesus loved all…”
Jesus is not the founder of your faith. Paul is. Jesus is the founder of the rival sect that no longer exists. Islam is the true heir to Jesus’ message now.
Warren Eugene Merrick III wrote: “…even those society deemed beneath them. Islam says "You will die for what I believe! " whilst Christianity says "I will die for what I believe!" Christians aren't blowing up innocent people, hacking off their heads and raping women…”
Warren Eugene Merrick III wrote: “…Muslims are, why? Because they are following in the steps of their founder. You can say whatever you wish to clear up my supposed "misunderstanding", but they must be getting the idea to behave as such from somewhere, yet Jesus said to love your enemies, and so we do. It's kind of hard to misinterpret that. Jesus said you would know a tree by its fruit, so anyone claiming to follow Christ that demonstrates nothing but hate, unforgivness and impatience is lying, what's the litmus test for Muslims?”
It’s exactly the same. God said let there be peace in the land, and defend yourself if someone attacks you. If they stop, then you stop and let peace reign again. People who attack for nothing, or just to attain wealth and as a land grab, are not behaving Islamic. If you studied Islam as you claimed you would know this. Making up stuff in your own head doesn’t count as studying, Warren.
Warren Eugene Merrick III wrote: “Now any Muslim can come to Christ, but Islam itself has no part with Him, none at all.”
The Christ Jesus is mentioned in the Qur’an as the messenger of God who preached the Gospel to his people. I recognize his message as truth that comes from my Lord and love and believe in him.
Warren Eugene Merrick III wrote: “It's a false, works based religion…”
Notice that in your own book Jesus never condemned good works, but in fact instructed the rich man to do good works in order for him to be saved. You are a very confused person.
Warren Eugene Merrick III wrote: “…that leads to hell and damnation…”
Meanwhile Jesus Christ himself said it leads to the exact opposite of that as stated in your own book.
Warren Eugene Merrick III wrote: “…whatever it is you think you know about Jesus…”
I know it from your own book, from the very incident that causes you this confusion.
Warren Eugene Merrick III wrote: “…whatever secret knowledge you claim to possess is a lie.”
So you admit you don’t follow Jesus at all but instead follow Paul as your savior? Got it. In hell you will dwell. Good luck.
Warren Eugene Merrick III wrote: “There is no more revelation, when Christ was on the cross and said "It is finished." That was it, His purpose was fulfilled, no one was coming after Him to complete salvation, it was finished.”
In your own book, Jesus told his companions that he couldn’t stay because the comforter was coming after him. For centuries Christians were waiting for a new messenger to come ("Are you 'that prophet...?'") because of that, and then got jealous and mad when he showed up in Arabia. Then their theologians retconned it to mean something else, but you can’t hide the Truth from God. The comforter Jesus prophesized was Muhammad, and his message was the Qur’an. Accept it so you may be saved from your recent blasphemies.
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