Gary McCoy - “I am coming with a gun and i expect to get numerous bloodstained MAGA hats as trophies”.
- said a person from the side that wants to take away your guns and says that Trump is unhinged.
Muhammad Rasheed - I'm interested in the fact that an empty *threat* of violence from the left triggers you lot more than
ACTUAL mass shootings from the right. lol
Control your people and stop being silly.
Gary McCoy - @Muhammad... empty threat? Tell that to Congressman Steve scalise
Muhammad Rasheed - "This fallacy takes an anecdotal statistical anomaly and inflates it into a planet-sized 'proof.'"
Your logical fallacy is anecdotal | YOURLOGICALFALLACYIS.COM
Eric C. Martin - “Your people”?????
Muhammad Rasheed - And hurry up, too.
Eric C. Martin - ???
Gary McCoy - By the way, more mass Killers throughout history have more closely aligned with your side's ideology than mine. But who's counting?
Muhammad Rasheed - I'm a Black American non-Christian. You're a white male descendant of the European ethnic tribes who identifies as a conservative.
Gary McCoy - You left out that I'm a Christian. I'm very proud of that so please don't overlook it. But still, your point is?
Muhammad Rasheed - It was my understanding that the Western Christianity part was built into the conservative part. I'm pretty sure I'm not wrong on that. lol
My point is that your side's ideology definitely wins the "most mass killers & et cetera" award. Perhaps you'd like to be more specific as to what ideological lines actually separated us. The ones I default to are the ones known to radicalize young Black men as soon as they learn about it (see: "Fight the Power").
Gary McCoy - Care to provide your tally sheet proving that 'my side' has committed more mass killings? It's probably in your pantry behind the rolls of aluminum foil. I would say that the atheist communists of the 20th century have easily killed more people. But you seem to want to give them a pass for some strange reason to attack what? Christians? White people?
Muhammad Rasheed - Why are you aligning the atheist community to me?
Muhammad Rasheed - The descendants of the originators of atheist communists of the 20th century are the current leadership class of the nation-state of Israel, that white American conservatives pledge their unrestricted loyalty.
You may claim the atheist communists of the 20th century with my blessing.
Richard Sherman - Jihad. How many lives has that taken all over the world? How many Slave Auctions still exist in Islam? Gary McCoy, don't bother with this racist wannabe intellectual racist. He hides behind his loathsome and counterfeit ideology.
Muhammad Rasheed - Gary wrote: "Care to provide your tally sheet proving that 'my side' has committed more mass killings?"
Here's a couple titles writ by white conservatives admitting to y'alls dirt:
1.) Against Empire by Michael Parenti
Muhammad Rasheed - 2.) The History Thieves: Secrets, Lies and the Shaping of a Modern Nation by Ian Cobain
Gordon Campbell -
Gary McCoy - You throw out some barely legible sources of extreme left radicalism? And you expect to be taken seriously? How about addressing Richard 's point about the current slave trade today in places like Libya? Interested to see how you're going to pin that on Whitey.
Dave Olsson - @Muhammad... Your comment "an empty *threat* of violence from the left triggers you lot more than ACTUAL mass shootings from the right." Please explain how you objectively KNOW it was an empty threat. Are you in contact with the person who made the threat? Once you've done that, please give specific examples of "ACTUAL mass shootings from the right" since I'm not aware of any "mass shootings from the right." If you don't have any, then please stop making baseless accusations.
Muhammad Rasheed - Gary wrote: “You throw out some barely legible sources of extreme left radicalism? And you expect to be taken seriously?”
I noticed that you dismissed my posts as “barely legible,” while both you and Sherman ‘Liked’ the literally & objectively illegible image Gordon posted. Then you have the nerve to ask who should take who seriously. This is, of course, the quality of discourse I’ve come to expect from you both. Fortunately your foolishness lends itself well to cartoon satire, so it’s not completely without value.
By the way, the ‘extreme left radicalism’ portion of you comment qualifies as text book argumentum ad hominem.
Gary wrote: “How about addressing Richard 's point about the current slave trade today in places like Libya? Interested to see how you're going to pin that on Whitey.”
1.) The slave trade, although vile, doesn’t delegate chattel permanently along racial phenotype, like the infamous ‘peculiar institution’ of Western origin. Pretty sure we already talked about that since this is one of your short list of cycling GOP talking points. Anyway, based purely on what the Qur’an said about slavery, the practice was almost wiped out completely early in Muslim society, but was brought back in force because of the lust for profits. No doubt because of the influence of others they encountered during the trade routes. Speaking of which, ask your boy Sherman what is he doing on the Africa continent right now?
2.) The late Colonel Qaddafi protected his nation-state’s citizens from slavery, and even issued a public apology in Oct 2010 to the other African leaders for the Arab’s role in enslaving people. The current problems in Libya is the chaotic fruit that came from Qaddafi’s murder and the destabilization of the nation’s government. This allows unscrupulous outlaws and mercenaries to have their way with the people. The destabilization was caused by the Western world governments conspiring against Qaddafi, because they don’t believe in the concept of “national sovereignty” unless you pledge fealty to them and the world bank economy (and yes, all of that means “whitey did it”).
Dave Olsson - @Muhammad... Two can play that game: "an empty *threat* of violence from the left triggers you lot more than ACTUAL mass shootings from the right." 1. You've made an unwarranted assumption that the shooting threat is "empty" and, 2. based on that unwarranted assumption, you've claimed that Gary is "triggered" by your unproven attribution more than 3. what you claim are ACTUAL shootings "from the right" for which you provide no evidence. Not much of an argument.
Unwarranted Assumptions: Fallacies
Muhammad Rasheed - Dave wrote: “Please explain how you objectively KNOW it was an empty threat.”
No one got shot, hence it was just hysterical bravado and trash talking.
Dave wrote: “…please give specific examples of ‘ACTUAL mass shootings from the right’ since I'm not aware of any ‘mass shootings from the right.’”
Here you go:
Dylann Roof Sentenced To Death For Charleston Church Massacre
The Las Vegas Mass Shooting Investigation Has Closed Without Police Finding A Motive
Newtown Shooter Adam Lanza's Troubling Interview
Luby's shooting | George Hennard
Muhammad Rasheed - You may withdraw your "unwarranted assumption" charge since it was only based on your oddball impatience.
Dave Olsson - @Muhammad... Congratulations, you scored 50% in terms of what could passably be attributed to the opposite end of the spectrum of cultural views.
However, none of the four mass shootings were found to be politically motivated, unlike all of the hatred and violence coming from the Left (the most recent attack on Republican candidate Rudy Peters: "During the incident, Fazeli allegedly pulled out a switchblade knife and attempted to stab Peters. The knife malfunctioned and the candidate became involved in a physical struggle with Fazeli, according to sheriff’s Sgt. Ray Kelly"). From a politically motivated standpoint, your score is zero.
Dylann Roof: "American white supremacist and mass murderer convicted for perpetrating the Charleston church shooting."
George Hennard: "He hated blacks, Hispanics, gays. He said women were snakes and always had derogatory remarks about them, especially after fights with his mother."
Stephen Paddock: "All evidence shows Paddock acted alone and was the sole shooter, and that there was nothing indicating any radicalization or links to a specific ideology."
Adam Lanza: "He revealed little about his family and personal life. He liked to portray himself as someone who lived an isolated existence 'in which he was always in discomfort,' the documents said."
Gary McCoy - @Muhammad... I see. So basically what you just said is that you're okay with slavery as long as it's blacks owning other blacks, but are against the kind that this nation went to war with itself over 200 years ago and lost 600,000 men to end.
Muhammad Rasheed - Dave wrote: “Muhammad, congratulations, you scored 50% in terms of…”
You’re babbling.
Dave wrote: “However, none of the four mass shootings were found to be politically motivated…”
Slow down, Mr. Moving the Goal Post Fallacy. Who said anything about them being specifically politically motivated anyway? What matters is that they self-identify as conservatives. As a reasonable man, I wouldn’t expect the tenets of political conservatism to necessarily encourage members to go on mass shooting sprees.
Dave wrote: “…unlike all of the hatred and violence coming from the Left…”
Here you go:
Dave wrote: “(the most recent attack on Republican candidate Rudy Peters: ‘During the incident, Fazeli allegedly pulled out a switchblade knife and attempted to stab Peters. The knife malfunctioned…’”
So not only doesn’t your pet anecdotal fallacy even qualify as a “mass killer” with only one victim involved, but he doesn’t even have a body count since he didn’t follow through.
Dylann Roof: This character’s proud white supremacist affiliation certainly counts, since the white supremacist groups support Trump and the conservative ideology.
George Hennard: "He hated blacks, Hispanics, gays. He said women were snakes…” These all align to the conservative ideology.
Stephen Paddock: According to Paddock's partner Marilou Danley, the mass shooter "supported President Trump and his immigration policies." Obviously that means he identified as a conservative. lol
Adam Lanza: “He had access to guns through his mother, Nancy Lanza, who was described as a ‘gun enthusiast who owned at least a dozen firearms.’” The gun culture fetish is a signature conservative tenet.
Muhammad Rasheed - Gary wrote: “Muhammad I see. So basically what you just said is that you're okay with slavery as long as it's blacks owning other blacks…”
Meanwhile, I’m pretty sure I pointed out that slavery is vile. I think that was the part where you got confused. Allow me to assist:
vile – (adjective) horrible; morally bad; wicked
Clear? Good.
I bothered to point out the distinction between the chattel type slavery we performed in the West compared to the rest of the world, because white conservatives always play the whataboutism card using middle eastern Old World slavery as if its presence magically absolves Western whites of their unpaid accountability for anti-Black slavery and the current systemic racism it spawned. The whole point of you mentioning it is that you think it means racism should be given a pass.
It doesn’t. The effort actually functions as a logical fallacy (which apparently you're collecting like bottle caps or pogs).
Dave Olsson - To your comment about "unpaid accountability": white men fought a war with their brothers to end the practice. As Abraham Lincoln said, "Yet, if God wills that [the war] continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said 'the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.'" I believe we paid in blood for the crimes.
Muhammad Rasheed - That's adorable. awww...
Meanwhile, in reality, the white survivors of the war and their descendants:
1.) took advantage of the 13th Amendment loophole and created slavery 2.0 in what eventually became today's mass incarceration industry, fed by anti-Black for-profit prisons
2.) created the white supremacist domestic terror groups to sabotage the political-economic progress of the Black peoples
3.) created the 2nd class citizen jim crow system
4.) stripped away all political gains designed to empower and politically enfranchise the Black community
5.) deliberately excluded Blacks from all government affirmative action programs that gave exclusive free money, education opportunities and land to the whites
6.) created housing disparity systems that built wealth for whites while plundering the wealth of Blacks.
7.) continue to terrorize Blacks with a savage police brutality tradition.
You never stopped owing, and the ticket is still growing.
Dave Olsson - Yep, those grievances you have are all owned by Democrats. So go whine to them.
Gary McCoy - @Muhammad... what about the black slave owners that existed in the American South? What category do you put them in? Racists or ancestors? And show me the receipt for the reparations they've paid to you.
Gary C Li - "Empty threat of violence" from the left? You must indeed be in deep denial, Muhammad.
Liberals acting goofy
Plus Cory Booker and the "I am Spartacus" incident.
Liberals being violent
I recall with clarity that attack on Steven Scalise. Do you think that is a joke too?
Dan Mathewson - Dave, but, but, but the parties *shuffles deck * flipped in the 1890's. (end sarcasm)
Dave Olsson - The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party
Chris Bassett - Mohammed wrote: “I'm a Black American non-Christian. You're a white male descendant of the European ethnic tribes who identifies as a conservative. American.” Your family tree is associated with which tribe?
Muhammad Rasheed - Dave wrote: "Yep, those grievances you have are all owned by Democrats."
They are both owned and fought for by conservatives.
Muhammad Rasheed - Gary wrote: "what about the black slave owners that existed in the American South?"
I find this particular whataboutism card you're playing somewhat ironic, since of all my debate opponents you are often the first to run to the defense of the self-hating 'coon' figure, even presenting their parroting of GOP rhetoric as some kind of proof that your ideology is somehow legit. There absolutely were a small portion of Black-on-Black slave owners, over-eager to goose step behind the white racist aristocracy and prove they were "not like them others." Yet their treachery didn't prevent the Black Codes from being put into law, nor did it save them from the plundering exploitation of jim crow and the anti-Black systemic racism that gripped the country like a vice.
Just as you like to claim them while trying to make lesser political points, you may claim those wannabe-white imps, too, and the wrongs they committed upon their people will indeed be added to your own bill.
Dave Olsson - Terrific artist but your subject matter is thoroughly racist and thrives on stereotype. Too bad.
Muhammad Rasheed - Dan wrote: "Dave, but, but, but the parties *shuffles deck * flipped in the 1890's. (end sarcasm)"
When the Southern Democrats Switched to the Republican Party
Muhammad Rasheed - Gary C Li wrote: "Liberals acting goofy"
You're equating this "goofiness," and one shooting where the guy survived, with Dylann Roof slaughtering those innocent church-going Black people?
False Equivalence | Truly Fallacious
Muhammad Rasheed - Dave wrote: "Terrific artist but..."
I'm not interested in the GOP's custom definition for "racist," nor in your opinions. But thanks for playing.
Dave Olsson - @Muhammad... could've fooled me! LOL
Muhammad Rasheed - You lack insight. These discussions fuel my daily political cartoon project. Your opinions are fodder for satire, not to take seriously at face value.
Gary McCoy - @M. Rasheed wrote: "...and the wrongs they committed upon their own people will indeed be added to your own bill."
Good luck collecting on that. I've done paid it with the confiscation of my hard-earned money by your plantation-owning Democrat party, that then went to your welfare state. In fact, you owe ME reparations. But I'm nice enough to let you off the hook. Go buy yourself something nice. I hear there's things for sale in Libya.
Chris Bassett - @Muhammad... you uttered the most bigoted comment ever! Let me reverse it for you. I am a white non-Muslim American. You are a black male descendent with whatever lineage who identifies as an American
Muhammad Rasheed - Gary wrote: "Good luck collecting on that."
Oh, it'll happen. The white conservative has been campaigning hard to have another Civil War over this very item. I'll personally petition to have funds transferred to me from your and Sherman's bank accounts for all the grief you knuckleheads have put me through. Brace yourself...
Dave Olsson - "White conservatives ... all you knuckleheads" ... like I said, you thrive on stereotype. You are truly a racist.
Muhammad Rasheed - Gary wrote: "...that then went to your welfare state."
The 'welfare state' GOP rhetoric point actually supports the legions of poor white heroin addicts. The 'welfare queen' concept is myth.
Muhammad Rasheed - Dave wrote: "You are truly a racist."
Seriously, I'm not interested in what custom definition white conservatives attempt to shoehorn the words "racism" and "racist" into. You can keep it. I have no use for it. The regular definition based on your own historical record in the earth works just fine.
Gary McCoy - @Muhammad... here's your "myth"...
Muhammad Rasheed - lol Really?
Dave Olsson - @Muhammad... noticed that you've taken the name of the founder of Islam. Strange choice. "Black Africans were transported to the Islamic empire across the Sahara to Morocco and Tunisia from West Africa, from Chad to Libya, along the Nile from East Africa, and up the coast of East Africa to the Persian Gulf. This trade had been well entrenched for over 600 years before Europeans arrived, and had driven the rapid expansion of Islam across North Africa."
Learn What Role Islam Played in African Slavery
Muhammad Rasheed - @Gary... Remember when you dismissed the two books I posted as "extreme left wing drivel" or whatever?
Muhammad Rasheed - @Dave... I already addressed the "Arab slave trade" item brought up by the knucklehead Sherman with Gary earlier. Try to keep up.
ISIS says Islam justifies slavery - what does Islamic law say?
Dave Olsson - @Gary McCoy... you've got some interesting friends!
Muhammad Rasheed - Chris wrote: "Your family tree is associated with which tribe?"
How am I supposed to know? My family lineage was deliberately cut off by your psycho tribes to subjugate my people for your slave economy. Very few Black Americans can trace themselves back pass the Civil War.
Hey, while you're at it, why don't you give me a nice paper cut and pour lemon juice in it? >:(
Gary McCoy - @Muhammad... how do you pin this one ME?...
Slavery still haunts Africa, where millions remain captive
Chris Bassett - @Muhammad... I would but it would probably kill you. Hey the only reason I asked is you bragged you were an American and at the same time questioned Gary’s. You where the one that brought up white and black
Muhammad Rasheed - @Gary... Well, the last time you asked it was specifically in reference to Libya. That was yours, since it was specifically a Western governments' joint effort that destabilized Libya and caused the current issue.
The fact that there are millions of greedy white people in Africa right now -- including the very anti-Black Richard Sherman -- will suggest why the slave trade is still thriving over there, since I can't imagine why the usual suspects wouldn't continue driving it for the usual reasons.
Whether I pin it on you specifically depends on how close you are with Sherman. :)
Muhammad Rasheed - Chris wrote: "@Muhammad...I would but it would probably kill you."
The other item hurts enough thanks.
Chris wrote: "Hey the only reason I asked is you bragged you were an American and at the same time questioned Gary’s."
I questioned Gary's American citizenship? Where did I do that, Chris?
Chris wrote: "You where the one that brought up white and black"
Ha! You were the one that invented it.
Birth of a White Nation
My job is to call it out when it's in play (and it's ALWAYS in play).
Richard Sherman - @Muhammad... I don't know why you keep dragging me into your psychosis, but since you do, let's rock and roll.
I have been dealing with you for several years now. Mostly because I find your thought processes and narcissism both aggravating, and hilarious. You are, by ANY definition, a simple, run-of-the-mill, bigot. Though you obviously don't think so. I imagine you consider your bigotry to be more sophisticated and justifiable than other moronic bigots, but it's not. It's trite. It's easy to read. It doesn't make much sense when taken as a whole, but it's cute enough to hold the attention for a little while. Like a piece of bubble gum does.
You point out scraps of the Islamic slave trade, and toss out the word Vile as if it is enough to cover your sorry ass, and that of your reprehensible religious dogma that justifies owning other people, then accuse these men, here, who have never owned slaves, nor agree to the practice, of being responsible for your own religions' invention!
As I explained to Gary... you're a wannabe intellectual, and racist.
Not particularly good at either, but annoying enough to be interesting. For a while.
You and I have had this conversation, many times, and it usually ends with you writing something profoundly stupid, muttering threats to my person and holdings, and then storming away, looking for some fresh Depends.
Good luck to you and yours in the Revenge Business. I hope you're able to someday get real help in removing your head from your own ass.
Bret Rasch Sr - @Richard... you said it perfect on this douchebag. ..... except for one thing..... you didn’t capitalize “RACIST”. I’m glad someone else feels the same. Thanks and good job
Muhammad Rasheed - Richard wrote: "I don't know why you keep dragging me into your psychosis..."
You dragged yourself in with your uninformed "jihad" comment, remember? Funny how racists always think the problems in the world start with the RESPONSE to their foolishness though, since we're talking about psychoses now. *psh*
Muhammad Rasheed - Richard wrote: "I have been dealing with you for several years now."
You quit like a coward once I pointed out your savagery for all to gawk at. Did you think Gary would save you from yourself this time?
Richard Sherman - racist meme1
Richard Sherman - racist meme2
Muhammad Rasheed - Richard wrote: "...I find your thought processes and narcissism both aggravating, and hilarious."
'Aggravating,' huh? Explain, because I think we may be close to a breakthrough in curing you of your psychosis.
Richard wrote: "You are, by ANY definition, a simple, run-of-the-mill, bigot."
The only definition you use for those terms is the altered version white racists appropriated & developed, designed only to protect the anti-Black systemic racism that feeds their wealth coffers.
Richard Sherman - Did you really hide my cute little memes? How common.
Muhammad Rasheed - Richard wrote: "I imagine you consider your bigotry to be more sophisticated and justifiable than other moronic bigots, but it's not."
You talk a lot. One day, I'm going to get you to admit to exactly how you are abusing those Black people in Africa that you are exploiting.
Richard Sherman - Sure, sure. And while you're at it, get me to tell you where to find Bigfoot, too.
Muhammad Rasheed - Richard wrote: "...and that of your reprehensible religious dogma that justifies owning other people..."
The source texts of Al-Islam do not justify slavery. Just the opposite. It wasn't until the infiltrating influence of a vengeful enemy started creating hadith from scratch and adding them to the canon did slavery start to become encouraged in the culture from governmental leadership.
The fact that you yourself are currently in Africa doing who-knows-what, points to the clues of what is REALLY going on in the Muslim world. ;)
Muhammad Rasheed - Richard wrote: "...then accuse these men, here, who have never owned slaves..."
Strawman effigy. They don't have to literally own slaves to support the anti-Black systemic racism legacy birthed from the prototype American slave economy. They support it by actively fighting to protect systemic racism in their effort to shut down the activism that seeks to correct it, even in anti-racism efforts as small as my own. You all get passionately triggered over just the idea that Blacks wouldn't be under the white supremacist system, but fully free.
Muhammad Rasheed - Richard wrote: "...of being responsible for your own religions' invention!"
Is that the new racist white narrative? That Islam actually invented slavery? lol You know slavery is mentioned in the bible in several points that span the length of thousands of years, yes? But of course casual facts never moved those such as you, have they, Sherman?
The model of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade -- involving those great stinking ships, the sugarcane plantations and the rum distilleries -- was put in place by your people by way of Portugal and Spain from their New World headquarters in Rhode Island. The lucrative trade in Black flesh from day one ran like a well-oiled machine and YOUR people had full ownership of the methods & techniques. This is the truth of history, while you are here burning through your exclamation mark allotment.
Mitchell Berger - @Richard, we can thank Trump for one thing: people like you learned the word "narcissism." ;)
Dan Mathewson -
Chris Bassett - @Muhammad... American citizenship. I cut and pasted before you edited! Awwwwww. Look familiar. Mohammed wrote: “I'm a Black American non-Christian. You're a white male descendant of the European ethnic tribes who identifies as a conservative. American.”
Chris Bassett - @Muhammad... I invented black and white?God he said that not me!
Muhammad Rasheed - The current racial divide was invented by European ethnic groups' descendant slave owners in order to create their white racist aristocracy. It's not natural, it;s political, and God didn't have anything to do with that.
Muhammad Rasheed - @Dan...
1.) Nixon personally ordered his goons to steal info from his rival political party to give himself an advantage during the next election.
2.) Homeland Security under the Obama Admin functioned legally under the parameters established during its founding under the George W. Bush Admin after 9-11.
Chris Bassett - @Muhammad... so Abrams using an alias email addy sending stuff to Hillary was secure? Not to mention the bugging if Trump tower?
Muhammad Rasheed - Do those count as 'Fake News' or strawman effigies, or both...?
Richard Sherman - @Mitchell... At least I learned something. You're still blind, ignorant and wondering who took your puppy away.
Richard Sherman - @Mitchell... People like me learn all sorts of new things. People like me aren't stuck in a rut. Or an echo chamber. People like me learn, very early on, to differentiate between the sounds of our own voices, and those of others. People like me are not subject to Group Think. People like me have an actual conscience. People like me don't hide behind philosophical platitudes, and pretend to be smarter than we are. {People like me are pretty genuine.
How do I know this is true? I can see the glaring differences between people like me, and Hand Puppets that pose as people.
:) ;)
Chris Bassett - @Muhammad... Try to keep up! If anything, with you’re own B.S. you said that I invented Black and White
Muhammad Rasheed - Richard wrote: "People like me are not subject to Group Think."
Ha! That proved to be a lie when your very first word posted in this thread was "jihad."
Muhammad Rasheed - @Chris... You did invent the "Black/White" racial divide. Didn't I post the link to Dr. Battalora's lecture?
Chris Bassett - I did????? But but I am only 53!
Muhammad Rasheed - Dammit, you know what I mean! hahahaha
Richard Sherman - @Muhammad... Jihad. Dipstick, I know you and those like you. I have seen, firsthand what you're way of thinking does to other people. You have a grievance about something not done to you, personally, but id something of philosophical import to someone who has not been on the front lines.
Your ideology is only that. Your outrage and bloviations are simply hollow words. Your posturing is simple, unimaginative, and boring. Your experience comes from articles, not the real world. I have no respect for any man who claims this kind of fake outrage, but has no field experience. You're thoughts are the kinds of things real people use to clean their bums. :)
Muhammad Rasheed - Richard wrote: "Jihad. Dipstick, I know you and those like you."
This is yet more Group Think. You don't know anything about Islam, since there's a wall of willful ignorance blocking info that isn't GOP/conservative hate-based.
Muhammad Rasheed - Richard wrote: "I have no respect for..."
I have zero interest in your opinions other than to make fun of them. You revealed your slimy, diabolical filth long ago.
Richard Sherman - My experience with Islam comes from genuine interaction and study with real Imams. I have been where you think you live. I have seen what you do to each other and those not like you. Group Think IS Islam. Disagree? Go to your mosque. Say or do something unorthodox. Claim support for Israeli autonomy. See what happens next. You're a cartoon. I'm done with you. You may go, now.
Muhammad Rasheed - lol Your "experience with Islam" comes from interacting with ME. That's how I know you are full of crap because you've already tipped your hand. I see what triggers you into rage, and my research reveals the why.
Repent, Richard Sherman! And save your fool self from hellfire.
Dan Mathewson - @Muhammad, what evidence do you have that Nixon "ordered his goons... "?
Muhammad Rasheed - The exact same evidence that got him busted and headed towards formal impeachment before he resigned.
If you don't know anything about the case, then why post the meme?
Dan Mathewson - Post a link to a reputable source that has evidence of the order.
Muhammad Rasheed - No.
Since you posted the meme, Google the Nixon scandal yourself and actually learn about it so your posting the meme will make sense.
Muhammad Rasheed - Or don't and look the way you look now. It is all one to me.
Dave Olsson - Yep, those grievances you have are all owned by Democrats. So go whine to them.
Gary McCoy - @Muhammad... what about the black slave owners that existed in the American South? What category do you put them in? Racists or ancestors? And show me the receipt for the reparations they've paid to you.
Gary C Li - "Empty threat of violence" from the left? You must indeed be in deep denial, Muhammad.
Liberals acting goofy
Plus Cory Booker and the "I am Spartacus" incident.
Liberals being violent
I recall with clarity that attack on Steven Scalise. Do you think that is a joke too?
Dan Mathewson - Dave, but, but, but the parties *shuffles deck * flipped in the 1890's. (end sarcasm)
Dave Olsson - The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party
Chris Bassett - Mohammed wrote: “I'm a Black American non-Christian. You're a white male descendant of the European ethnic tribes who identifies as a conservative. American.” Your family tree is associated with which tribe?
Muhammad Rasheed - Dave wrote: "Yep, those grievances you have are all owned by Democrats."
They are both owned and fought for by conservatives.
Muhammad Rasheed - Gary wrote: "what about the black slave owners that existed in the American South?"
I find this particular whataboutism card you're playing somewhat ironic, since of all my debate opponents you are often the first to run to the defense of the self-hating 'coon' figure, even presenting their parroting of GOP rhetoric as some kind of proof that your ideology is somehow legit. There absolutely were a small portion of Black-on-Black slave owners, over-eager to goose step behind the white racist aristocracy and prove they were "not like them others." Yet their treachery didn't prevent the Black Codes from being put into law, nor did it save them from the plundering exploitation of jim crow and the anti-Black systemic racism that gripped the country like a vice.
Just as you like to claim them while trying to make lesser political points, you may claim those wannabe-white imps, too, and the wrongs they committed upon their people will indeed be added to your own bill.
Dave Olsson - Terrific artist but your subject matter is thoroughly racist and thrives on stereotype. Too bad.
Muhammad Rasheed - Dan wrote: "Dave, but, but, but the parties *shuffles deck * flipped in the 1890's. (end sarcasm)"
When the Southern Democrats Switched to the Republican Party
Muhammad Rasheed - Gary C Li wrote: "Liberals acting goofy"
You're equating this "goofiness," and one shooting where the guy survived, with Dylann Roof slaughtering those innocent church-going Black people?
False Equivalence | Truly Fallacious
Muhammad Rasheed - Dave wrote: "Terrific artist but..."
I'm not interested in the GOP's custom definition for "racist," nor in your opinions. But thanks for playing.
Dave Olsson - @Muhammad... could've fooled me! LOL
Muhammad Rasheed - You lack insight. These discussions fuel my daily political cartoon project. Your opinions are fodder for satire, not to take seriously at face value.
Gary McCoy - @M. Rasheed wrote: "...and the wrongs they committed upon their own people will indeed be added to your own bill."
Good luck collecting on that. I've done paid it with the confiscation of my hard-earned money by your plantation-owning Democrat party, that then went to your welfare state. In fact, you owe ME reparations. But I'm nice enough to let you off the hook. Go buy yourself something nice. I hear there's things for sale in Libya.
Chris Bassett - @Muhammad... you uttered the most bigoted comment ever! Let me reverse it for you. I am a white non-Muslim American. You are a black male descendent with whatever lineage who identifies as an American
Muhammad Rasheed - Gary wrote: "Good luck collecting on that."
Oh, it'll happen. The white conservative has been campaigning hard to have another Civil War over this very item. I'll personally petition to have funds transferred to me from your and Sherman's bank accounts for all the grief you knuckleheads have put me through. Brace yourself...
Dave Olsson - "White conservatives ... all you knuckleheads" ... like I said, you thrive on stereotype. You are truly a racist.
Muhammad Rasheed - Gary wrote: "...that then went to your welfare state."
The 'welfare state' GOP rhetoric point actually supports the legions of poor white heroin addicts. The 'welfare queen' concept is myth.
Muhammad Rasheed - Dave wrote: "You are truly a racist."
Seriously, I'm not interested in what custom definition white conservatives attempt to shoehorn the words "racism" and "racist" into. You can keep it. I have no use for it. The regular definition based on your own historical record in the earth works just fine.
Gary McCoy - @Muhammad... here's your "myth"...
Muhammad Rasheed - lol Really?
Dave Olsson - @Muhammad... noticed that you've taken the name of the founder of Islam. Strange choice. "Black Africans were transported to the Islamic empire across the Sahara to Morocco and Tunisia from West Africa, from Chad to Libya, along the Nile from East Africa, and up the coast of East Africa to the Persian Gulf. This trade had been well entrenched for over 600 years before Europeans arrived, and had driven the rapid expansion of Islam across North Africa."
Learn What Role Islam Played in African Slavery
Muhammad Rasheed - @Gary... Remember when you dismissed the two books I posted as "extreme left wing drivel" or whatever?
Muhammad Rasheed - @Dave... I already addressed the "Arab slave trade" item brought up by the knucklehead Sherman with Gary earlier. Try to keep up.
ISIS says Islam justifies slavery - what does Islamic law say?
Dave Olsson - @Gary McCoy... you've got some interesting friends!
Muhammad Rasheed - Chris wrote: "Your family tree is associated with which tribe?"
How am I supposed to know? My family lineage was deliberately cut off by your psycho tribes to subjugate my people for your slave economy. Very few Black Americans can trace themselves back pass the Civil War.
Hey, while you're at it, why don't you give me a nice paper cut and pour lemon juice in it? >:(
Gary McCoy - @Muhammad... how do you pin this one ME?...
Slavery still haunts Africa, where millions remain captive
Chris Bassett - @Muhammad... I would but it would probably kill you. Hey the only reason I asked is you bragged you were an American and at the same time questioned Gary’s. You where the one that brought up white and black
Muhammad Rasheed - @Gary... Well, the last time you asked it was specifically in reference to Libya. That was yours, since it was specifically a Western governments' joint effort that destabilized Libya and caused the current issue.
The fact that there are millions of greedy white people in Africa right now -- including the very anti-Black Richard Sherman -- will suggest why the slave trade is still thriving over there, since I can't imagine why the usual suspects wouldn't continue driving it for the usual reasons.
Whether I pin it on you specifically depends on how close you are with Sherman. :)
Muhammad Rasheed - Chris wrote: "@Muhammad...I would but it would probably kill you."
The other item hurts enough thanks.
Chris wrote: "Hey the only reason I asked is you bragged you were an American and at the same time questioned Gary’s."
I questioned Gary's American citizenship? Where did I do that, Chris?
Chris wrote: "You where the one that brought up white and black"
Ha! You were the one that invented it.
Birth of a White Nation
My job is to call it out when it's in play (and it's ALWAYS in play).
Richard Sherman - @Muhammad... I don't know why you keep dragging me into your psychosis, but since you do, let's rock and roll.
I have been dealing with you for several years now. Mostly because I find your thought processes and narcissism both aggravating, and hilarious. You are, by ANY definition, a simple, run-of-the-mill, bigot. Though you obviously don't think so. I imagine you consider your bigotry to be more sophisticated and justifiable than other moronic bigots, but it's not. It's trite. It's easy to read. It doesn't make much sense when taken as a whole, but it's cute enough to hold the attention for a little while. Like a piece of bubble gum does.
You point out scraps of the Islamic slave trade, and toss out the word Vile as if it is enough to cover your sorry ass, and that of your reprehensible religious dogma that justifies owning other people, then accuse these men, here, who have never owned slaves, nor agree to the practice, of being responsible for your own religions' invention!
As I explained to Gary... you're a wannabe intellectual, and racist.
Not particularly good at either, but annoying enough to be interesting. For a while.
You and I have had this conversation, many times, and it usually ends with you writing something profoundly stupid, muttering threats to my person and holdings, and then storming away, looking for some fresh Depends.
Good luck to you and yours in the Revenge Business. I hope you're able to someday get real help in removing your head from your own ass.
Bret Rasch Sr - @Richard... you said it perfect on this douchebag. ..... except for one thing..... you didn’t capitalize “RACIST”. I’m glad someone else feels the same. Thanks and good job
Muhammad Rasheed - Richard wrote: "I don't know why you keep dragging me into your psychosis..."
You dragged yourself in with your uninformed "jihad" comment, remember? Funny how racists always think the problems in the world start with the RESPONSE to their foolishness though, since we're talking about psychoses now. *psh*
Muhammad Rasheed - Richard wrote: "I have been dealing with you for several years now."
You quit like a coward once I pointed out your savagery for all to gawk at. Did you think Gary would save you from yourself this time?
Richard Sherman - racist meme1
Richard Sherman - racist meme2
Muhammad Rasheed - Richard wrote: "...I find your thought processes and narcissism both aggravating, and hilarious."
'Aggravating,' huh? Explain, because I think we may be close to a breakthrough in curing you of your psychosis.
Richard wrote: "You are, by ANY definition, a simple, run-of-the-mill, bigot."
The only definition you use for those terms is the altered version white racists appropriated & developed, designed only to protect the anti-Black systemic racism that feeds their wealth coffers.
Richard Sherman - Did you really hide my cute little memes? How common.
Muhammad Rasheed - Richard wrote: "I imagine you consider your bigotry to be more sophisticated and justifiable than other moronic bigots, but it's not."
You talk a lot. One day, I'm going to get you to admit to exactly how you are abusing those Black people in Africa that you are exploiting.
Richard Sherman - Sure, sure. And while you're at it, get me to tell you where to find Bigfoot, too.
Muhammad Rasheed - Richard wrote: "...and that of your reprehensible religious dogma that justifies owning other people..."
The source texts of Al-Islam do not justify slavery. Just the opposite. It wasn't until the infiltrating influence of a vengeful enemy started creating hadith from scratch and adding them to the canon did slavery start to become encouraged in the culture from governmental leadership.
The fact that you yourself are currently in Africa doing who-knows-what, points to the clues of what is REALLY going on in the Muslim world. ;)
Muhammad Rasheed - Richard wrote: "...then accuse these men, here, who have never owned slaves..."
Strawman effigy. They don't have to literally own slaves to support the anti-Black systemic racism legacy birthed from the prototype American slave economy. They support it by actively fighting to protect systemic racism in their effort to shut down the activism that seeks to correct it, even in anti-racism efforts as small as my own. You all get passionately triggered over just the idea that Blacks wouldn't be under the white supremacist system, but fully free.
Muhammad Rasheed - Richard wrote: "...of being responsible for your own religions' invention!"
Is that the new racist white narrative? That Islam actually invented slavery? lol You know slavery is mentioned in the bible in several points that span the length of thousands of years, yes? But of course casual facts never moved those such as you, have they, Sherman?
The model of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade -- involving those great stinking ships, the sugarcane plantations and the rum distilleries -- was put in place by your people by way of Portugal and Spain from their New World headquarters in Rhode Island. The lucrative trade in Black flesh from day one ran like a well-oiled machine and YOUR people had full ownership of the methods & techniques. This is the truth of history, while you are here burning through your exclamation mark allotment.
Mitchell Berger - @Richard, we can thank Trump for one thing: people like you learned the word "narcissism." ;)
Dan Mathewson -
Chris Bassett - @Muhammad... American citizenship. I cut and pasted before you edited! Awwwwww. Look familiar. Mohammed wrote: “I'm a Black American non-Christian. You're a white male descendant of the European ethnic tribes who identifies as a conservative. American.”
Chris Bassett - @Muhammad... I invented black and white?God he said that not me!
Muhammad Rasheed - The current racial divide was invented by European ethnic groups' descendant slave owners in order to create their white racist aristocracy. It's not natural, it;s political, and God didn't have anything to do with that.
Muhammad Rasheed - @Dan...
1.) Nixon personally ordered his goons to steal info from his rival political party to give himself an advantage during the next election.
2.) Homeland Security under the Obama Admin functioned legally under the parameters established during its founding under the George W. Bush Admin after 9-11.
Chris Bassett - @Muhammad... so Abrams using an alias email addy sending stuff to Hillary was secure? Not to mention the bugging if Trump tower?
Muhammad Rasheed - Do those count as 'Fake News' or strawman effigies, or both...?
Richard Sherman - @Mitchell... At least I learned something. You're still blind, ignorant and wondering who took your puppy away.
Richard Sherman - @Mitchell... People like me learn all sorts of new things. People like me aren't stuck in a rut. Or an echo chamber. People like me learn, very early on, to differentiate between the sounds of our own voices, and those of others. People like me are not subject to Group Think. People like me have an actual conscience. People like me don't hide behind philosophical platitudes, and pretend to be smarter than we are. {People like me are pretty genuine.
How do I know this is true? I can see the glaring differences between people like me, and Hand Puppets that pose as people.
:) ;)
Chris Bassett - @Muhammad... Try to keep up! If anything, with you’re own B.S. you said that I invented Black and White
Muhammad Rasheed - Richard wrote: "People like me are not subject to Group Think."
Ha! That proved to be a lie when your very first word posted in this thread was "jihad."
Muhammad Rasheed - @Chris... You did invent the "Black/White" racial divide. Didn't I post the link to Dr. Battalora's lecture?
Chris Bassett - I did????? But but I am only 53!
Muhammad Rasheed - Dammit, you know what I mean! hahahaha
Richard Sherman - @Muhammad... Jihad. Dipstick, I know you and those like you. I have seen, firsthand what you're way of thinking does to other people. You have a grievance about something not done to you, personally, but id something of philosophical import to someone who has not been on the front lines.
Your ideology is only that. Your outrage and bloviations are simply hollow words. Your posturing is simple, unimaginative, and boring. Your experience comes from articles, not the real world. I have no respect for any man who claims this kind of fake outrage, but has no field experience. You're thoughts are the kinds of things real people use to clean their bums. :)
Muhammad Rasheed - Richard wrote: "Jihad. Dipstick, I know you and those like you."
This is yet more Group Think. You don't know anything about Islam, since there's a wall of willful ignorance blocking info that isn't GOP/conservative hate-based.
Muhammad Rasheed - Richard wrote: "I have no respect for..."
I have zero interest in your opinions other than to make fun of them. You revealed your slimy, diabolical filth long ago.
Richard Sherman - My experience with Islam comes from genuine interaction and study with real Imams. I have been where you think you live. I have seen what you do to each other and those not like you. Group Think IS Islam. Disagree? Go to your mosque. Say or do something unorthodox. Claim support for Israeli autonomy. See what happens next. You're a cartoon. I'm done with you. You may go, now.
Muhammad Rasheed - lol Your "experience with Islam" comes from interacting with ME. That's how I know you are full of crap because you've already tipped your hand. I see what triggers you into rage, and my research reveals the why.
Repent, Richard Sherman! And save your fool self from hellfire.
Dan Mathewson - @Muhammad, what evidence do you have that Nixon "ordered his goons... "?
Muhammad Rasheed - The exact same evidence that got him busted and headed towards formal impeachment before he resigned.
If you don't know anything about the case, then why post the meme?
Dan Mathewson - Post a link to a reputable source that has evidence of the order.
Muhammad Rasheed - No.
Since you posted the meme, Google the Nixon scandal yourself and actually learn about it so your posting the meme will make sense.
Muhammad Rasheed - Or don't and look the way you look now. It is all one to me.
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