Friday, November 28, 2014

An Equal Belief in Religion, Science, & Personal Myth

Michael Balance Williams[shared photo] My cousin on point like a decimal this AM! Thanks Del Bosby.
Michele Smith - Hmmm good one!

Miles Farris - Cause I just got up to go pee and my bed was dry when I returned.

Michael Balance Williams - Fluids are wet. That being said....all of the 22 fluids in your body make up what I call...a wet dream. When are you not having one lol

Miles Farris - Everyone knows you're never supposed to pee in a's a setup!

Laron Tanner - I'm feeling this Mike... Just like our conversation before... I believe we don't understand or know the concept of TIME... You have to go see Interstellar

Sharon Mcglothin Darkchocolate Thatz - toooooo deep for me! ;-)

Muhammad Rasheed - "It is believed" by who?

Michael Balance Williams - Whom ever lol

Muhammad Rasheed - That's not an answer!

Muhammad Rasheed - "It is believed" is a set up for a supposed 'truth.'

In order to proceed with the premise, I need to know whether the 'truth' is actually real, so I first need to know who actually believes this so I can determine why they believe it. If they believe because 'they on some bullshit,' then that is significant. lol It will instantly negate the point of the meme.

Iam Bennu - I read slow and would be dead before I could answer this.

Michael Balance Williams - To whom it may concern?

Michael Balance Williams - At least they gave a disclaimer...unlike religion. You don't have to believe in science for it to be true.

Michael Balance Williams - What's real is created by... you!

Muhammad Rasheed - Michael Balance Williams wrote: "At least they gave a disclaimer...unlike religion. You don't have to believe in science for it to be true."

You think so? Religion said that the universe had a beginning, and originally atheist scientist assumed that was false for no other reason (blind faith) than because religion said it. Today all the facts support what religion said first.

Currently atheist scientists believe [blind faith] in string theory and landscape theory and there isn't a single fact that supports it.

So you wanna try again?

Michael Balance Williams - Facts and truth will continue to change.

Science also says that our universe came from another one. Facts without works is dead.

It's ok to question the validity in everything. Do you believe any and every thing you hear and read? Religion will use science to back up their claims. Science doesn't need religion. If you want to get super deep with it....religion is a sub category of science...but that's another lesson for.

Michael Balance Williams - When u separate things...they no longer look related...Just like church and state. When people.get sworn into office, isn't the bible used?

Muhammad Rasheed - Michael Balance Williams wrote: "Science also says that our universe came from another one."

There are zero facts to support this.

Muhammad Rasheed - Michael Balance Williams wrote: "Do you believe any and every thing you hear and read?"

That's a suddenly odd position to take from someone who just declared that science is true whether you believe in it or not. Do you even know what your point is supposed to be?

Michael Balance Williams wrote: "Religion will use science to back up their claims."

That doesn't even make sense. The facts support the scientific theory, and they confirm what religion always said.

Michael Balance Williams wrote: "Science doesn't need religion."

It doesn't need religion to do what?

Michael Balance Williams wrote: "If you want to get super deep with it....religion is a sub category of science...but that's another lesson for."

lol Religion deals with those aspects of our existence that science is not equipped to deal with.

Michael Balance Williams - There are zero facts that God exist. We only believe what we hear.

In my experience, gravity exists whether or not I believe in it. I will drown in a pool of water whether or not I believe it to be true. These are facts.

Without your knowledge of something, it doesn't exist. Your subjective universe only exists because you create it.

They confirm what religion always said? Prove it?!?!

Michael Balance Williams - You need to check your equipment, it is not up to date Muhammad Rasheed
It is not up to date on science and religion.
Science doesn't need religion to back up scientific methods. Religion on the other hand, can't go a moment without using the methodologies of science to back up its claims.

Muhammad Rasheed - Michael Balance Williams wrote: “There are zero facts that God exist. We only believe what we hear.”

God told you He exists in His Book. That would be a fact.

Michael Balance Williams wrote: “In my experience, gravity exists whether or not I believe in it. I will drown in a pool of water whether or not I believe it to be true. These are facts.”

Yes, they are facts. These are facts that support certain theories. In the case of the universe having a beginning, facts supported that statement from God’s Book, but it didn’t support the atheist scientists’ position, forcing them to form a new theory.

Michael Balance Williams wrote: “Without your knowledge of something, it doesn't exist. Your subjective universe only exists because you create it.”

You are talking about modern physicists and their theories of ‘strings’ and the ‘landscape.’ These are 100% subjective concepts composed of nothing except their wishing.

Michael Balance Williams wrote: “They confirm what religion always said? Prove it?!?!”

The facts of the expanding universe feature “the metric expansion of space – which is the increase of the distance between two distant parts of the universe with time. It is an intrinsic expansion whereby the scale of space itself changes. This is different from other examples of expansions and explosions in that, as far as observations can ascertain, it is a property of the entirety of the universe rather than a phenomenon that can be contained and observed from the outside. Metric expansion is a key feature of Big Bang cosmology, is modeled mathematically with the FLRW metric, and is a generic property of the universe we inhabit. Technically, the metric expansion of space is a feature of many solutions to the Einstein field equations of general relativity, and distance is measured using the Lorentz interval. This explains observations which indicate that galaxies that are more distant from us are receding faster than galaxies that are closer to us (Hubble's law).”

These facts support the theory that the universe had a beginning, sprang into existence at a point in the distant past. The world religions have always said that the universe was created at a point in the distant past. In fact, Nobel Prize winning physicist (and co-discoverer of the cosmic microwave background radiation) Arno Penzias once said that “The best data we have concerning the Big Bang, are exactly what I would have predicted if I had nothing to go on but the five books of Moses, the Psalms, and the bible as a whole.”

Muhammad Rasheed - Michael Balance Williams wrote: “You need to check your equipment, it is not up to date Muhammad Rasheed”

You think so?

Michael Balance Williams wrote: “It is not up to date on science and religion.”

Really? lol

Michael Balance Williams wrote: “Science doesn't need religion to back up scientific methods.”

If the physicists had listened to religion in the beginning, and assumed it did know what it was talking about (faith) just in a non-scientific language, they would’ve spared themselves much wasted time chasing after their nonsense “didn’t have a beginning universe” that was composed only of more wishing.

Michael Balance Williams wrote: “Religion on the other hand, can't go a moment without using the methodologies of science to back up its claims.”

Religion doesn’t need science to back its claims because it functions on faith. The science can’t help but discover religion’s claims are true because God’s Word is true.

Michael Balance Williams - I can t believe that a god exists just because its in a book.

When I say Religion, I'm mainly referring to the Catholic religions.. FYI.

There is no outside of the universe, Mr Separatist! Everything is within YOU! You are the universe experiencing itself. In essence, you can never really think outside...

Michael Balance Williams - The perception of an expanding universe could be observed in several different ways. It could be a cycle that we are observing from one angle. We change the universe when we change our thinking of it. Religion is the same way. All is mind and mind is mental.

Michael Balance Williams - Lol

Muhammad Rasheed - Michael Balance Williams wrote: “I can t believe that a god exists just because its in a book.”

This will be your undoing. By the time you change your mind, you will be dangling over the Pit.

Michael Balance Williams wrote: “When I say Religion, I'm mainly referring to the Catholic religions.. FYI.”

lol This is a personal beef, eh?

Michael Balance Williams wrote: “Here is no outside of the universe, Mr Separatist! Everything is within YOU! You are the universe experiencing itself. In essence, you can never really think outside...”

Hmmmm… So, on the one hand my omniscient Lord has told me something in His Book, and on the other hand Michael Balance Williams has told me something (who’s wrong pretty much every time he touches a keyboard).

Whooo am I goingggg to belieeeeeve? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…


Muhammad Rasheed - Speak of more profound matters.

Throw down your rod. I can roll with the Catholics just this once. They believe in the beginning of the universe, too, you know?

Michael Balance Williams - Certain men, with certain thinking wants there to be a beginning to the universe because of their limited thinking.

Michael Balance Williams - How can gods word be true without the believer first knowing all there is about the history behind the blind faith. 50 million Native Americans and at least 100 million Africans in the Transatlantic Slave Trade died because of it this blind faith you speak of. Why would a god have Europeans kill millions of people during the dark ages that didnt want blind faith? Doesn't make sense. My knowledge of history says that the majority of indigenous people that already had a connection with god didn't accept blind faith in front of the barrel of a gun or weapon because they knew better.

Michael Balance Williams - Yeah...over the pit of bbq eating and not thinking about this convo lol

Michael Balance Williams - Never knew God touched a keyboard before. Got a pic of that Muhammad Rasheed?

Michael Balance Williams - I'd rather know than believe. Don't be lazy with your faith, I wasn't.

Michael Balance Williams - Yeah...I read that Catholics just accepted homosexual and evolution. They are scrambling for members because no one is going to mass or to church anymore. And because there are more Muslims now than Christians.

Muhammad Rasheed - Michael Balance Williams wrote: "Certain men, with certain thinking wants there to be a beginning to the universe because of their limited thinking."

It seems like you have no idea what big bang theory actually is, what it means, what its relationship is to science, or even what I'm talking about.

What are you trying to say here, Michael? You don't recognize Big Bang Theory as a legitimate working model theory in modern science?

Muhammad Rasheed - Michael Balance Williams wrote: “How can gods word be true without the believer first knowing all there is about the history behind the blind faith.”

Because, by definition, that’s not how “faith” functions. Faith is believing in a concept without physical proof of the concept. I believe in the inevitability of the Day of Judgment, without any scientific/mathematical proof that it will happen. But it WILL happen. That is my faith in operation.
Michael Balance Williams wrote: “50 million Native Americans and at least 100 million Africans in the Transatlantic Slave Trade died because of it this blind faith you speak of.”

This doesn’t compute. Blind faith in what caused these events?

Michael Balance Williams wrote: “Why would a god have Europeans kill millions of people during the dark ages that didnt want blind faith?”

Who told you that God told the Europeans to do it? Where did you get that info?

Michael Balance Williams wrote: “Doesn't make sense.”

Certainly not based on what you are saying. What do those events have to do with God’s instructions to the believers? Are you arguing against concepts that you believe in blind faith about the Abrahamic Religions that doesn’t exist? Tell me why you believe these things, please.

Michael Balance Williams wrote: “My knowledge of history says that the majority of indigenous people that already had a connection with god didn't accept blind faith in front of the barrel of a gun or weapon because they knew better.”

Again your understanding of religion how and it fits into these events doesn’t compute. I’m not tracking your thoughts; you’re going to need to explain what this means so I can understand how to address this.

Muhammad Rasheed - Michael Balance Williams wrote: “Yeah...over the pit of bbq eating and not thinking about this convo lol”


You’ll remember.

Muhammad Rasheed - Michael Balance Williams wrote: "I'd rather know than believe."

You are not equipped to know the unseen.

Michael Balance Williams wrote: "Don't be lazy with your faith, I wasn't."

I need you to explain those items above further so I can have better insight into how you see religion and how it functions. Right now it seems like you just made up your own religion and wrote "Christianity" on it on a piece of duct tape. I've experienced that before when talking to folk like Tony Steed.

Muhammad Rasheed - Michael Balance Williams wrote: “Yeah...I read that Catholics just accepted homosexual and evolution.”

I’m more interested in arguing the bible for them on certain matters, rather than certain church politics from theologian-priest decisions. God abolished the priesthood concept sometime around when the Book of Malachi was revealed, so I neither have interest in their grand pronouncements, nor do I respect the concept of “priest.” God abolished that foolishness for a reason after-all.

But as of this time, with all the relevant data known, they don’t have to “accept evolution.” The scientists themselves are actually only accepting it on blind faith; they lack everything they need to actually make it as real as they need it to be for they way they’ve been treating it. The church’s decision is little more than politics, and fearful that they will be embarrassed by finding themselves on the wrong side of history (like that sun around the earth thing), simply because the intellectual class has accepted evolution as ‘fact’ despite weak evidence.

Michael Balance Williams - I overstand your understanding of the big bang theory and what it is. I'm not limited by it. Its just a theory dude. I have my own about my god and the universe.

Your faith functions the way you set your box up. Don't limit yourself. Continue to push the envelope, I might get your message. I can't take you and your god seriously if you continue to antagonize and belittle my character.

I'm super cool about people and their system of faith. But when you have not took the time to research what's in the book you believe in...the way i have...there is a problem and the convo will not go any where if you're not willing to teach your self or take on new info. There are 100,000's and thousands of religions but the majority is set on the first one they get manipulated into without hearing about or searching other religions. SMH

Sorry it doesn't compute for you. Research it. You seem very educated.

Michael Balance Williams - I have to get ready for work. I'll respond shortly.

Michael Balance Williams - Oan: I clump american Muslims under the Catholic church. There were scrolls and knowledge about god before the old testament came out. Thousands of years before the old testament.

Muhammad Rasheed - Michael Balance Williams wrote: “I overstand your understanding of the big bang theory and what it is. I'm not limited by it. Its just a theory dude. I have my own about my god and the universe.”

The factual data discovered by scientists support Big Bang theory. Big Bang also happens to correlate to what God said about His creation of the universe… that at one time it did not exist, and then later on, it DID. The theory, the facts, the mathematics support this.

Alternate theories that desperate atheist scientists are scrambling around trying to topple Big Bang are coming up short. That means Big Bang isn’t “just a theory.” It means it’s true. The believer already knew it was true because the universe’s Creator already told us that.

Tell me what factual data supports your own theory, and/or why you believe it.

Michael Balance Williams wrote: “Your faith functions the way you set your box up. Don't limit yourself. Continue to push the envelope,”

The Supreme Creator is omnipotent… and He is the opposite of limited. There isn’t anything a human can invent that can even touch Him, because they are limited to what humans can and can’t do and use that as their “Oooo! Ahhh!” standard.

Michael Balance Williams wrote: “I might get your message. I can't take you and your god…”
There is only One God.

Michael Balance Williams wrote: “…seriously if you continue to antagonize and belittle my character.”

I took a couple of comments you said earlier as an attempt to belittle me, and it set the snippy tone I’ve taken since. If you didn’t mean it that way, then I apologize for reading into your posts what you didn’t intend, and will dial it back.

Michael Balance Williams wrote: “I'm super cool about people and their system of faith. But when you have not took the time to research what's in the book you believe in...the way i have...there is a problem and the convo will not go any where if you're not willing to teach your self or take on new info.”

Since this is our first conversation about this, we don’t yet know what the other has researched or not; we’re still in the Opening stage. The early Middlegame will reveal what is what. In the meantime I need you to explain the comments you made before so I’ll know how to respond.

Michael Balance Williams wrote: “There are 100,000's and thousands of religions but the majority is set on the first one they get manipulated into without hearing about or searching other religions. SMH”

You are off topic, and that comment is irrelevant here. I am a student of comparative religion.
Michael Balance Williams wrote: “Sorry it doesn't compute for you. Research it. You seem very educated.”

I’m asking you to explain your own understanding of the correlation between religion and the above mentioned historical events. I already know the religion, and the events. I can’t research what’s only in your head without asking you yourself to rephrase it for better clarity. The burden of presenting your point so that you are clear to your opponent is on you, not me.

Michael Balance Williams wrote: "Oan: I clump american Muslims under the Catholic church. There were scrolls and knowledge about god before the old testament came out. Thousands of years before the old testament."

So? God said the scripture revealed to the Hebrews and to the Arab prophet were only the latest of many going all the way back to the first men. I thought you said you were a student of comparative religion?

Michael Balance Williams - You started the onslaught of belittling and I called you out on it.
I am a student of comparative religions as well. God is what you make it.
You are not my opponent. This is not a battle. These are our ideas about what we think. If you want to have a private detailed dialogue about science and religion, inbox me. We have both strayed from the original topic.

Muhammad Rasheed - Michael Balance Williams wrote: "You started the onslaught of belittling and I called you out on it."

I will interpret that as confirmation that what I initially thought was belittling from you actually wasn't, and I apologize for the offense.

Michael Balance Williams wrote: "I am a student of comparative religions as well. God is what you make it."

God is what He said He is.

Michael Balance Williams wrote: "You are not my opponent. This is not battle."

It's a philosophical battle and debate.

Michael Balance Williams wrote: "These are our ideas about what we think."

Sure. Whose are the stronger? What differentiates a strong idea from a real one? Are all ideas equally strong or weak no matter whether they are supported or not, or are held together by poor logic structure? Why or why not?

Michael Balance Williams wrote: "We have both strayed from the original topic."

You set the topic with this line: "At least they gave a disclaimer... unlike religion. You don't have to believe in science for it to be true." This was the gauntlet thrown down that I'm challenging you on.

Tell me what is the correlation between religion and the two historical events you named based on how Michael Balance Williams sees it, please. I need to see how you are interpreting religion from your own insight so I can better understand your comments.

Michael Balance Williams - If I told you to believe that my god is stronger than your God, just because he said he is, would you? I'm gonna inbox you since you can't seem to respect my wishes.

Muhammad Rasheed - Michael Balance Williams wrote: "If I told you to believe that my god is stronger than your God, just because he said he is, would you?"

I would ask you to show me the revealed text that countered the revealed text that the One God gave to mankind.

Michael Balance Williams wrote: "I'm gonna inbox you since you can't seem to respect my wishes."

Okay, fine.

Michael Balance Williams - So you write your last comment after you responded to what inboxed you? I see that you like to get the last word. Disrespectful I tell you. I can care less about getting the last word. I'll still respect you until I'm disrespected.

Muhammad Rasheed - Since you actually asked the question here first, it didn't seem inappropriate to answer it here. Plus it gave me the chance to fix the typos in the PM, which doesn't allow for that.

Relax. I said, "Okay, fine."

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