Muhammad Rasheed - I had a GREAT day! The Filipino nation has been destroyed. Their warrior-king vanquished, my office staff forlorn and sad, with their pitiful tears turning the floor into glorious sand-mud.
Muhammad Rasheed - Next time they'll listen to their supervisor, I'll bet.
Britnnie Kramer - I was wondering what everyone would be like over there. Assuming as much as you said and more.
Muhammad Rasheed - They totally started it. lol
Jay Mac - Ah man!
You rubbing it in their faces, huh?
Luther Johnson - 'glorious sand mud'....LOL
Gary McCoy - Sorry to disappoint. The Philippines are as strong as ever. Destroyed? Hardly. Maybe Mayweather, and those who idolize this money-obsessed thug, should stay away from the low blows. Floyd Mayweather: The thug with two jets, 100 cars and $250,000 in a duffel bag he'll blow at a strip club if he wins tonight's big fight
Abdur Rasheed - How's that any different from super wealthy Billionaires who toss away hundreds of million to buy elections?
"Thug" huh?
What makes HIM a thug?
Abdur Rasheed - Sheldon Adelson - Real Time Net Worth (Forbes)
Abdur Rasheed - Mayweather spends his money the way everybody does.
He's worth well over $300 million dollars.
If you took the same percentage of YOUR money, and could buy a high-end luxury car with $1500 dollars, you would have a fleet too.
If you're jealous then stop looking.
Gregory Walker - Damn Rasheed! Kinda harsh man.
Gary McCoy - Jealous? Hardly I'm not jealous of, nor do I look up to men like Mayweather. I've got something he is sorely lacking: Integrity. Anyone who could blow a quarter million dollars on strippers while there are starving children in this world is in dire need of a thing called values. If that's the kind of guy you look up to, then more power to you, brother. To each their own.
Abdur Rasheed - $250,000 helped starving strippers.
I never requested that you admire him. I'm just putting it in perspective.
The man is worth over $330,000,000.
So $250,000 may seem like a lot of money to you but for him it's .07% of his income.
To put that in perspective if you are worth $50,000 then that would be the equivalent of you spending $35 at the strip club.
$35 could go a long way toward starving children as well, but nobody would question your integrity over it.
It still sounds like jealousy to me.
Muhammad Rasheed - Gary McCoy wrote: "Jealous? Hardly I'm not jealous of, nor do I look up to men like Mayweather."
Based on our history of discussions, and the typical posts on your Timeline, naturally "men like Mayweather" means "Black American Men." You have a great disdain for them, that's the real reason this status post burns you up. You love indulging in the flesh of exotic beauties from many different nationalities though, right? You look up to scum like the Great White Colonialist types from the most blatantly evil era of the Euro-ethnic’s rule.
btw I'm usually significantly harsher in my own territory than I am when I wander into yours. FYI.
Muhammad Rasheed - I guess this makes me the True American Patriot since I was apparently the only American that genuinely wanted Floyd to win the fight, outside of my boxing analysis predictions.
I'll take it. I love my country and want us to be the best. I'm proud to have the top high-level talent coming from our lands.
Gary McCoy - Muhammad Rasheed, I thought I made it pretty clear, but let's try again. By "men like Mayweather", I simply meant guys who flaunt their wealth and beat their women. If you want to focus on the fact that his skin color matches yours that's your prerogative. Here's Floyd Mayweather's Son's Note Telling How His Dad Beat His Mom
Muhammad Rasheed - Gary McCoy wrote: “Muhammad Rasheed, I thought I made it pretty clear…”
You made it pretty clear quite a while ago. You tend to gravitate towards putting poor black people and desperate black criminals on your Timeline as your source of social commentary humor to your buds. Where are all the poor white trash jackasses to balance it out? Meanwhile you brag that you just LOOOVE the sexual flesh of non-white women.
Gary McCoy wrote: “…but let's try again.”
lol Okay.
Gary McCoy wrote: “By ‘men like Mayweather,’ I simply meant guys who flaunt their wealth and beat their women.”
Are these two separate items that get your goat, or just one? Does it have to be that precise combination that really burns you up? Do you usually go on an anti-domestic abuse tirade soapbox rant, or only when black men are accused of it? And is it a REAL pet issue of yours, or is it similar to all the GOP guys who are very publicly against homosexuals who frequently turn out to be homosexuals themselves? Do you abuse exotic, non-white flesh as part of your thing, Gary? When they go to the authorities is it easier to get out of the conviction by using your white privilege to your advantage? “Come ON, officer! Who’re you going to believe? ME or this fill-in-the-blank-racial-slur?”
That’s it, isn’t it? You can tell me. I’ll keep your semi-secret.
Gary McCoy wrote: “If you want to focus on the fact that his skin color matches yours that's your prerogative.”
Let me assure you that when your name pops up I always will. My advice? Change utterly.
Gary McCoy - Really, Muhammad Rasheed? I brag that I "just LOOOVE the sexual flesh of non-white women" You're growing into quite the prevaricator (psst... that means liar). Here's what it comes down to: You've got a wealthy boxer who likes to 'whup his women's assess'. If you want to keep focusing on his skin color, go ahead. You brought it up, not me. But I understand. If you hadn't, what meaning would your life have? Imaginary Racism: The gift that keeps on giving to Muhammad Rasheed.
Muhammad Rasheed - So you don't want to play, eh? awww. frown emoticon
And yes, you do brag that you loOOoooOOOve exotic female flesh, oddly as some kind of proof that you aren't a racist, all while your Timeline is full of you making fun of non-white MEN. It's interesting that you think this bizarre, sociopathic mindset would actually leave some kind of warm & fuzzy feeling on people and make them think you are their friend. It's actually a savagery I associate with the very worst aspects of your demographic from history (I'd love for you to provide some pushback to encourage me to probe into the psychology behind this behavior to see which buttons it actually pushes. :) Do it.)
I've decided to help you out though, Gary. I'm going to tag you in every single "dumb poor white trash criminal" meme I come across, in order to help your Timeline not look so racist as hell, so it'll at least give the illusion that you are an equal opportunity social humorist. You're welcome.
Muhammad Rasheed - Anyway, Floyd did his time for the 2010 incident in 2012, and there haven't been anymore accusations since. Your comment that he "likes" to commit domestic abuse offenses smacks of the judgmental assholery that you do very well when it comes to Black American men, so I look forward to seeing the hypocritical excuses you make for your own when I tag you in these "dumb poor white trash criminal" posts I find.
Floyd's father did time for a domestic abuse item before his son fought for his first world title, so Floyd get's the problem legit through, as the Christian calls it, a family curse. I pray that he is able to break that curse from the counseling he's been taking, as well as the motivation that comes from the shame of public scrutiny. The fact that there haven't been any more high-profile incidents from him since 2010 is significant. As a God-fearing man, perhaps he has repented of the wrong doing, and if so, his Lord will forgive him. Of course I expect someone like you to continue to proudly stand in the role of the Accuser of legend, to gleefully bring up what the Lord Most High has forgiven, but I can expect no better. That's your thing, right?
Gary McCoy - Muhammad Rasheed, you repeat your lie again that I brag that I "loOOoooOOOve exotic female flesh". So I'll pause here while you provide your proof.
Gary McCoy - Okay, so now that I've proven you to be a liar once again, I'd be as big a fool as you are a liar to continue any discourse with you. So go back to hunting your racist bogeymen.
Muhammad Rasheed - That's not the direction I expected the pushback to come from. lol
You're not really suggesting that you only like white women, are you? We are having this discussion in public. Maybe you should dial back on that before you end up divorced or whatever.
Muhammad Rasheed - Pick one of those other items to get mad about for the sake of your household.
Gary McCoy - I said provide proof that I said that I, " loOOoooOOOve exotic female flesh". You can't because you know you are a liar. You can type something now and claim I said it again, as you did twice already. Repeating something does not make it true. I don't mind having the occasional race-debate with you, but I'm not going to humor your sick proclivity to spin and lie. And don't flatter yourself by thinking you in any way could threaten my "household". There may be people weak enough to be threatened by you. I'm not one of them.
Muhammad Rasheed - lol I didn't say I was threatening your household. I said maybe you don't want to take the stance that you are actually offended by the idea that you LOVE the flesh of non-white women, because the non-white women in your life lmight get mad and see you for what you are. The threat would come from your mask coming off.
I'm just saying be careful with how you want to play this.
Muhammad Rasheed - I'm surprised that you really want to go here. It's funny. Are you SURE you want that proof? This is MY Timeline remember? You can't delete this thread.
Muhammad Rasheed - You can block me, of course, to keep your exotic ladies from seeing it though...
Gary McCoy - Being your timeline, I couldn't care less what you post as long as it's truthful. Because I doubt I care what those who read your timeline think of me. In a previous private message where I foolishly tried to convince you I wasn't one of those racist bogeymen you fear so much, I gave some of my background prior to marrying my Filipino wife, which explained that I've dated women of virtually every ethnicity, as well as having a black cousin. And if it's that simple declaration that makes you state falsely that I, "loOOoooOOOve exotic female flesh", then I recommend stronger meds for your delusions. By the way, I love Elton John's song, "Island Girl". Quickly, grab your inhaler!
Muhammad Rasheed -
Gary McCoy - Hey look! It's the woman-beater! Haha.
Muhammad Rasheed - You weren't trying to convince me that you weren't racist, you were trying to convince me the racists I was arguing with on your Timeline weren't racist. Haha.
Gary McCoy - Whatever. But back to the woman-beater. Please post more memes! I love me some memes!
Muhammad Rasheed - lol @ 'Whatever"
Gary McCoy - BTW, still waiting for the " loOOoooOOOve exotic female flesh" statement I supposedly made. Or are you ready to cry "uncle" yet?
Muhammad Rasheed - You already figured out exactly what I was referencing and mentioned your cleaned up version of it above. You admitted you have married and dated every exotic woman under the sun as somehow being proof that those anti-Obama cartoons of yours aren't racist in nature. You admit this freely, while your Timeline is full of anti-black men "jokes."
I don't understand why I would be the one saying "uncle." Aren't you the one that came onto my Mayweather victory post steaming mad? lol
Muhammad Rasheed - "The Filipino nation ISN'T destroyed!!! You take that BACK!!!!"
Muhammad Rasheed - hahahahahaha
Muhammad Rasheed - awwww.
Muhammad Rasheed - You're adorable, Gary.
Muhammad Rasheed - Don't EVER block me. We have too much fun.
Gary McCoy - Aw, Muhammad, just when I think you have your lying in check, you go and say, "You admitted you have married and dated every exotic woman under the sun as somehow being proof that those anti-Obama cartoons of yours aren't racist in nature. You admit this freely". Tsk tsk. How could I ever block you, Muhammad? For when your doctor asks you "what keeps you up at night?", you wouldn't be able to reply, "that grand wizard racist, exotic women-conquering, twerking in a tutu (your fantasy), Gary McCoy!"
Muhammad Rasheed - that's a good point...
Muhammad Rasheed - Then we agree you have my back then? Friends 4 life!
Muhammad Rasheed - We'll agree to never block each other. Like FB Blood Brothers or something like that.
Muhammad Rasheed - (please tell me you're not really twerking in tutus though)
Muhammad Rasheed - Your answer will determine whether I draw a caricature of you like that. Be forewarned.
Muhammad Rasheed - Gary McCoy wrote: "Quickly though... some background on my, lest you think that my anti-obama cartoons stem from racism.... before marrying my Filipino wife... I've dated, African-American girls, Kenyan, Jamaican, Romanian (yes, I know, Anglo).., Navajo, Malaysian, Chinese, Indian, oh yeah, and Filipino."
I guess that's not EVERY exotic woman under the sun, so I suppose my statement could technically be considered a lie, although I consider it disingenuous of you to sidestep the spirit of the message so sneakily. I forgive you though, since you're my FB Blood Brother now.
Muhammad Rasheed - btw How did that Romanian thing work out? Did you hate her because she wasn't brown enough or whatever?
Muhammad Rasheed - WAIT...!
Is SHE the one you beat?!
Omigosh!! Everything is making sense now!!! Gary, how COULD you???
Does your slimy Wizard evil have no end????
Muhammad Rasheed - Those are your own people, Gary!! YOUR OWN PEOPLE!!!!
Muhammad Rasheed - lol
Muhammad Rasheed - (this is almost as fun as when the unified undisputed boxing champion beat up your boy.)
Muhammad Rasheed - [patiently waiting for Gary to respond so I can post my 'Mayweather - He Mad' meme again]
Gary McCoy - You're a weird fellow, Muhammad Rasheed. In one instance, you beg me not to block you and want to remain FB buddies, and then you proceed to post incendiary things in an effort to provoke me. Do you treat your women in such a crappy way, ala your woman-beating hero, Mayweather? Just curious. Gotta move on, got work to do, and exotic flesh to tend to.
Michael Daniels - Bottom line is that Mayweather is a great defensive yet unexciting boxer and a pathetic excuse for a human being. Pacquioau is a great fighter who is passed his prime, but by most accounts is a stand up guy. I think I'm probably in the majority in that I was expecting Mayweather to win but was rooting for Pac. I think a lot of people were rooting for Mayweather because they either didn't know what type of person he is, didn't care, or in the case of a lot of black folks were willing to overlook his money worshipping, woman beating, non-reading ways because he is black. Do you fall into that latter category, Mo?
Muhammad Rasheed - Gary McCoy wrote: “You're a weird fellow, Muhammad Rasheed.”
I know. It’s a gift.
Gary McCoy wrote: “In one instance, you beg me not to block you and want to remain FB buddies…”
lol “Beg” would be a lie. You recognize that was a demonstration of you doing something that you kept accusing me of, yes? Now I know for a fact you abuse your non-white women folk. Checkmate.
Gary McCoy wrote: “…and then you proceed to post incendiary things in an effort to provoke me.”
You TOLD me to produce my proof! About a hundred times! Hahahahaha It’s damned if I do, damned if I don’t with you. Hahahaha
You’ll be alright. You have your Wizardry privilege on your side.
Muhammad Rasheed - Michael Daniels wrote: “Bottom line is that Mayweather is a great defensive yet unexciting boxer and a pathetic excuse for a human being.”
lol This is whose bottom line, Deac? Of folk like you and Gary who have intimate ties with the Filipino Nation? Hahaha I always thought Floyd was very exciting. I love actual boxing skill over slugger-ish half-boxing. According to the punch stats, he’s a great offensive boxer, too. In addition to his celebrated mastery of defensive techniques, Floyd is also famous for being deadly accurate with his strikes. That’s also exciting. To me.
Michael Daniels wrote: “Pacquioau is a great fighter…”
That’s your bias talking. Floyd is the great fighter. Manny proved to be merely “good.”
Michael Daniels wrote: “…who is passed his prime…”
They both are.
Michael Daniels wrote: “…but by most accounts is a stand up guy.”
Manny’s weakness is that he’s a puppet for his slimy handlers. He doesn’t stand up for anything.
Michael Daniels wrote: “I think I'm probably in the majority in that I was expecting Mayweather to win but was rooting for Pac.”
Probably. They’ve been billing Floyd as the bad guy for quite a while now.
Michael Daniels wrote: “I think a lot of people were rooting for Mayweather because they either didn't know what type of person he is, didn't care…”
I think everybody that rooted for Floyd knew exactly who he was, and the ones that hate him for whatever reason rooted for his rival.
Michael Daniels wrote: “…or in the case of a lot of black folks were willing to overlook his money worshipping…”
That’s slander. Very Christian of you. Floyd believes in God. He thanks God first thing at the end of every fight. You may want to dial that back and let his Lord do all the judging since He is the one that actually sees into His servant’s heart.
Michael Daniels wrote: “…woman beating…”
I notice people with strong ties to the Filipino Nation are fond of being in the role of The Accuser. That’s not a very Godly trait mind. This is a clue that The Philippines’ favorite son isn’t the Chosen One after all… lol
Michael Daniels wrote: “…non-reading ways…”
Yeah, he should go to prison AND hell for that I guess.
Michael Daniels wrote: “…because he is black. Do you fall into that latter category, Mo?”
I’m a fan of his because he is highly-skilled in my favorite physical fitness activity in the way I like, and he’s a successful African-American that does it. The same reason I enjoy the performances of all my favorite fighters.
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