Thursday, August 26, 2021

Legacy of the Revolution


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "Legacy of the Revolution." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 27 Aug 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

This #MRasheedCartoons image was inspired by several comments from middling white racists making fun of Black Americans in some of our fiction in which we need to be saved by some outside power instead of doing it ourselves. This toon was created to remind of exactly what kind of tremendous, unfair advantage nigh-unlimited money provides to our traditional foe. Is it possible for a small under resourced party to defeat the larger one? Sure. But in history, that happens from the fire of faith fueling an over-the-top zealotry. David cannot hope to defeat Goliath without the Lord thy God on the prophet's side (peace be upon him) so to me it is clear that the atheist movement is yet another weapon of systemic racism against my people for this very reason. Should I believe that the U. S. Colored Troops who dramatically turned the tide of the American Civil War were Godless? By no means!

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