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Rasheed, Muhammad. "The Fake Diversity Loophole of Systemic Racism." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 12 Sep 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.
I never understood why folks are compelled to try and change everything to the vision "they" believe is the right way. There are many options open to you folks. Take them or quit your bitchin. It really is that simple.
Muhammad Rasheed - I'm a member of the black American Decendants of Slavery. My people built this country and allowed the amassing of her great wealth. Why wouldn't I want to stay and work politics to enable my nation to achieve her highest ideals?
Surrendering to the bad guys isn't noble nor respectable from my position.
Will Caligan - LOL I am Native American. Get the freak off my lawn.
Muhammad Rasheed - The Native Americans have a standing agreement with the US government and have accepted the concessions that make their sovereign nations okay living with the USA invader. "Get the freak off my lawn" doesn't make sense in context, unless you are formally saying you reject the reparations and land you've received and want to start that war back up?
Will Caligan - Look. Play the victim all you want. You are not entitled to crap. Nothing. You can either work in the system that is here or move or act like a spoiled child thinking someone owes you something. They don't . Nothing. Not a cent. Not a dime. Nothing. You don't like how America is then get the freak out. It really is that freaking simple.
Muhammad Rasheed - Are you trying to impose your opinion on me in a hostile lecture, Will? lol
Oddly, you are suddenly taking the position of a white supremacist here. I thought you wanted me to believe you were a native American?
Will Caligan - LOL Yeah, that is me. All white supremacist. SMH See victims love to name call. This is called deflecting.
As for my opinion I could careless if you listen or now. Will not change the truth. As long as you play a victim then a victim you will be.
Also, I am curious as to how many other countries you have actually lived in? I have lived in several including the Middle East, Mr Muhammad, and I know for a fact this type of nonsense would not be permitted in these countries. Go on over there and spit that nonsense that they are not running the country right and see where that gets ya. SMH
Muhammad Rasheed - Will wrote: "LOL Yeah, that is me. All white supremacist. SMH"
lol I already saw exactly who you actually were.
Paying to Play Indian: The Dawes Rolls and the Legacy of $5 Indians
Will wrote: "See victims love to name call."
Do you think it was name calling? It was actually just an objective observation.
Will wrote: "This is called deflecting."
Nah. I'll show you what "deflecting" looks like shortly.
Will wrote: "As for my opinion I could careless if you listen or now."
Oh, is THAT why you're banging the shit out of your keyboard with a beet-red face? hahaha
Will wrote: "Will not change the truth."
I'm amused that you want me to believe your hostile racist rant is "truth." #Adorable
Will wrote: "As long as you play a victim then a victim you will be."
Ironic, considering the whole point of your level of racism is the poor whites whining that they couldn't get a fair shake because of slaves and then the highly-skilled former slaves kept them from competing in the job markets. Still playing the resentful bigot victim, huh?
Will wrote: "I have lived in several including the Middle East, Mr Muhammad, and I know for a fact this type of nonsense would not be permitted in these countries."
All you knew for sure was where to traffick booze and where to get filipina prostitutes. Let's not pretend you were actually paying attention to the surrounding culture, bud. lol
Will wrote: "Go on over there and spit that nonsense that they are not running the country right and see where that gets ya."
This is deflection in the form of a "Whataboutism" logical fallacy. You think that I -- as a natural born American citizen, mind you -- don't have the right to work politics to get what my people need from my own government. That sounds very unpatriotic, like something an unAmerican domestic threat would say.
MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.
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