Sunday, February 8, 2015

Slimy Residue from the 'Peculiar Institution'

Muhammad Rasheed - [posted quote] "Like many liberals, I will go to my grave believing that if every person who went to the polls in 2000 had succeeded in casting the vote s/he intended, George W. Bush would never have been president. I supported Gore in taking his case to the Supreme Court. And, like Gore, once the Court ruled in Bush’s favor — incorrectly, in my opinion — I dropped the issue.

"For liberals, the Supreme Court was the end of the line. Any further effort to replace Bush would have been even less legitimate than his victory. Subsequently, Democrats rallied around President Bush after 9/11, and I don’t recall anyone suggesting that military officers refuse his orders on the grounds that he was not a legitimate president.

"Barack Obama, by contrast, won a huge landslide in 2008, getting more votes than any president in history. And yet, his legitimacy has been questioned ever since. The Birther movement was created out of whole cloth, there never having been any reason to doubt the circumstances of Obama’s birth. Outrageous conspiracy theories of voter fraud — millions and millions of votes worth — have been entertained on no basis whatsoever. Immediately after Obama took office, the Oath Keeper movement prepared itself to refuse his orders.

"A black president calling for change, who owes most of his margin to black voters — he himself is a violation of the established order. His legitimacy cannot be conceded."

Not a Tea Party, a Confederate Party

Richard Sherman - It was NOT about color. That ship has sailed. It was about him being a democrat. That and the fact that he had ZERO qualifications or management experience, as his presidency has demonstrated actually matters.

At least Bush (for the endless multitudes of his faults) had management experience.

NONE of the Presidential candidates of that cycle had ever managed anything, except for Sarah Palin who had actually governed a State, but had no clue how to do politics.

Obama's Presidency is only about color to those who try to defend a man who was disqualified by his own lack of experience and training to begin with. Most people who are stuck on the Race issue tend to forget that his mother was white.

That being said, is he Black, white or both?

I suggest is none of those things: He was simply unqualified because he had no experience.

Jeremy Travis - Um, no, Richard, the birther movement and all of the Confederate flag-waving goons were because of race, not lack of experience.

Muhammad Rasheed - Richard Sherman wrote: "It was NOT about color. That ship has sailed. It was about him being a democrat."

Tell me when the Republicans locked arms in a "party of 'no'" against another Democrat, and said that their mission was to keep that democrat from getting a second term.

Richard Sherman - That may be YOUR take on it, but there is no denying that neither he, nor Hillary, nor Paul, nor McCain had never managed a thing. NONE of them were qualified to lead a country.

The Birther Movement simply asked stupid questions for the sake of obfuscation.

Muhammad Rasheed -Richard Sherman wrote: "That being said, is he Black, white or both?"

He's black. Only exceptionally successful blacks get asked that question.

Richard Sherman - Muhammad Rasheed wrote "Tell me when the Republicans locked arms in a "party of 'no'" against another Democrat, and said that their mission was to keep that democrat from getting a second term."

Clinton, Johnson, Roosevelt, Truman, et al,...

Muhammad Rasheed - Integrity check: Fail.

Muhammad Rasheed - Congrats.

Richard Sherman
- Muhammad Rasheed wrote "He's black. Only exceptionally successful blacks get asked that question."

He's neither Black nor White. He is the President. NOT the BLACK President or the WHITE president, simply THE President.

Get off the racist soapbox and own his actions: Ignore your bias and see him as simply a MAN>

Character check: FAIL.

Richard Sherman - Way to go.

Jeremy Travis - Didn't an old white lady at a townhall meeting ask John McCain if Obama was a Muslim? Haven't people STILL been calling him a Kenyan Muslim terrorist?

Muhammad Rasheed - Barack Obama is the president of the United States who is a black American. Those who voted for the McCain-Palin/Romney-Ryan tickets resented that.

Jeremy Travis - Do I NOT see guys in t-shirts that say "It's called the 'WHITE House' for a reason"?

Muhammad Rasheed - Richard you are the one on the racist soapbox by trying to minimize that aspect of this political conflict.

Richard Sherman - I don't vote Party or color. SOME do. I think it counterproductive and simply stupid to make so narrow a choice for so broad a position.

I vote for the one who is most qualified for the job. I don't care what race, religion or creed he/she may be. That shit is for the narrow-minded and simple.

Either the candidate is qualified or they aren't.

NONE of them were, and this President, despite his experience still leads like a rookie.

Muhammad Rasheed - Richard Sherman wrote: "I don't vote Party or color. SOME do."

Then what do you want? To deny that those do you admit do it don't?

Richard Sherman - Barack Obama is the President of the United States, who is an American.

Nuff said.

Muhammad Rasheed - That's "Nuff said" in an ignorant fantasy land in which the country hasn't been polarized by race for centuries.

Richard Sherman - You are simply perpetuating the ignorance by buying into it as being valid. As long as you see him as being anything other than simply our President, you remain in the Ignorant column.

Muhammad Rasheed - Will racism simply vanish if the members of the disenfranchised class ignore it?

Muhammad Rasheed - Nothing is more ignorant than that opinion, Richard.

Richard Sherman - I cannot speak for the 'disenfranchised', only for myself. Just as you can only speak for yourself.

As long as people remain separated by their own ignorant biases, we will not have unity. As long as you continue to see our president as a Black American, you will be limited in that scope and looking for separation. Choose the smarter and more narrow path of true open-mindedness and stop following the herd. Come into the 21st century, my friend: Baraxck Obama is simply a man. YOU have decided his color denotes his worth. Not me.

Jeremy Travis - Richard Sherman wrote: "I don't vote Party or color. SOME do."


That was all the 'Nuff Said' you needed.

Richard Sherman - I am hoping, Jeremy, that you are not part of that SOME.

Muhammad Rasheed - If racism was nothing more than a wisp of an abstract concept that didn't have the country tipped over into vast economic power gap, then that could have some truth to it. But in the real world, racism actually negatively effects peoples' lives, and to continue to not talk about it and address it will only continue to drag out the problems it cases. Covering your ears will not fix it. That's only what cowards wish would happen.

Jeremy Travis - I am hoping, Richard, that one day you will realize that that 'SOME' is a lot more prominent than you think.

Case in point, since 2009 the FBI has noticed a marked increase in the actions, recruiting, and rhetoric of white supremacist groups. Now what, if anything, changed in 2009? Perhaps the race of the President?

Richard Sherman - Not covering my ears. We ARE talking about it. I am talking about MY opinion, you are talking about a nebulous "Everybody' opinion.

YOUR personal statements smack of unreasonableness and prejudice. I am inviting you to drop the bias and simply see people as people- their value coming from The Almighty, not their color; their color being of no consequence except as a means for the ignorant to divide and categorize.

I do not see you as a religion or a color, I see you as a bright, capable, creative and talented man; a PERSON of value and substance because you ARE one. IF you see me as a socio-economic statistic, or a color or religion, then shame on you. You are smarter and better than that. We BOTH know that.

Richard Sherman - Jeremy, it starts somewhere. Prejudice is learned. Just as prejudice has a starting point, so does acceptance. It begins, right here, right now, with the three of us. I opt to be reasonable and a part of the Human race. I extend to you that same invitation- Join the Race against Racism. it starts with you and me.

Jeremy Travis - Richard, are you suggesting that recognizing that racism exists and has an effect on how people behave and treat others is somehow equal to giving in to it and becoming a racist?

Muhammad Rasheed - Richard Sherman wrote: "YOUR personal statements smack of unreasonableness and prejudice..."

Your personal statements sound like your head is in the sand, or you are being deliberately offensive.

Ken Peck - George W. Bush indeed had "management experience" having led several companies to bankruptcy prior to becoming president and bankrupting the nation.

Ken Peck - Barack Obama's principle opponent, John McCain, never managed anything either.

Muhammad Rasheed - I would imagine he managed to keep his POW cell clean... or nah?

Jeremy Travis - Not with those T-rex arms.

Ken Peck - Yes, Barack Obama's mother was White. The fact that she was an American citizen, quite apart from the PLACE of his birth, makes him a "natural born American citizen." (The same is true of Ted Cruz, who was in fact NOT born in the United States.)

It is also true that, like many mixed race individuals, Barack Obama was identified as Black and self-identified as Black. He could not "pass" as White due to his color and other physical features.

Tcapr Washington - This is how your beloved liberals put the spin on things:

They are mad as hell that Barack Obama is married to an impenetrable Black woman

Ken Peck - Huh? I associate with a lot of liberals. I've never heard anything but the highest praise of our First Lady. These are people who have no qualms about criticizing our President for being too far right.

Richard Sherman - It would seem that I have given you WAY too much credit for having the ability to comprehend what is written.

Good luck with your tunnel vision.

Jeremy Travis - OR, you either have poor comprehension yourself, do not know what you're talking about, or are terrible at expressing yourself.

Richard Sherman - I am far from terrible at expressing myself, as my being published regularly for my writing prowess demonstrates. My reading comprehension has always been at the top of the class, and I know very well the subject matter. I am not, however, one of those people who sees things from an "Us and Them" perspective. That, to me, smacks too much of a lazy kind of paranoia bordering on plain old martyrdom.

I am instead, proactive when it comes to changing my surroundings, so I'll start with this one. Good night and good luck.

Jeremy Travis - ...and good riddance.

Richard Sherman - My thoughts exactly. I have no appetite for racists.

Jeremy Travis - LOL


Richard Sherman - We?

Jeremy Travis - We here whom you seem to disagree with.

Say, what happened to you leaving?

Richard Sherman - Lots of speaking for others going on here. Safety in numbers? Can't stand on your own opinion?

Richard Sherman - Unable to formulate an independent thought?

Jeremy Travis - I'm fairly sure that I have been speaking for myself this whole time. But tell me, what have I said that you disagree with?

Richard Sherman - That's the problem with the herd mentality- no courage to stand alone.

Richard Sherman - No, you have been speaking as if you represent more than just you. The Klan does that a lot. The other racist groups do that as well. Anyone who swims in the ideology that they are either superior because of their race, or a victim because of it usually does so with the group in mind, and writes and speaks as if they are simply one of many of like mind. That's not only illogical, it's fallacious and intellectually dishonest.

Richard Sherman - I disagree with your point of view as you have represented it and invited you to drop the pretenses and act and think like a grown man. Tolerance of others, and love for each other is the ONLY thing that will change the world. The good Dr. King, and Malcom X knew this to be true, as did Ghandi, the Dalai Lama, and many other peaceable and noble men.

Muhammad Rasheed - It sounds like you are calling all of the children of Israel illogical, fallacious and intellectually dishonest.

You should be careful with that.

Jeremy Travis - So if I say that there is a system in place that affects me and others like me based on our race, and this system has even had an effect on Pres. Obama, then there is no regard to whether what I say is true or not, just the fact that I'm speaking about something that pertains to a group of which I belong, I am speaking from a group mind perspective, my argument is fallacious, and I am being intellectually dishonest?

Are you saying that racism does not exist?

Richard Sherman - The Children of Israel. That you go there simply shows that you are blinded not only by unreasonable racism, but religious hatred as well. I thought much better of you than that, Muhammad. MUCH better. I suppose I cannot expect peace from hatred. It's the polar opposite.

Richard Sherman - Jeremy, I am saying that YOU choose to think and act as a separatist. YOU are therefore responsible for your own hubris and fear.

Jeremy Travis - *scratches head in confusion*

When did I type ANYTHING that even remotely smacks at intolerance of others? What I posted was that there are people who hate the current President because he is not a full-blooded white man. Where you got the rest is far beyond me.

Jeremy Travis - How am I acting like a separatist by stating the facts about people who take issue with the President's race?

Are you high or something?

Muhammad Rasheed - So are you honestly saying that the children of Israel don't act/write as if they represent more than just their individual members? Really?

And me pointing that out means I'm demonstrating "hatred?"

Jeremy Travis - Muhammad, where do you FIND these people?!

Richard Sherman - What do YOU care what other people think? What do YOU think? Are you of that separatist mindset, or are you man enough to eliminate the prejudice and walk among the human race as a man, rather than a circumstance?

Muhammad Rasheed - Jeremy Travis wrote: "*scratches head in confusion* When did I type ANYTHING that even remotely smacks at intolerance of others?"

It's a nonsense misdirection tactic in the guise of a high-minded intellectualism.

Richard Sherman - No, it really isn't.

Richard Sherman - It is an honest plea for you to grow up.

Jeremy Travis - Is THIS a product of MY intolerance as well?

Muhammad Rasheed - Jeremy Travis wrote: "Muhammad, where do you FIND these people?!"

lol I collect them for the variety and "pop."

Richard Sherman - The interjection of 'The Children of Israel' was pure misdirection and dishonest as hell.

Jeremy Travis - What about this?

Richard Sherman - I could care less what a bigot writes. I have no time for lunacy, nor a desire to lend credence to it.

Muhammad Rasheed - Richard Sherman wrote: "No, it really isn't. "

Yes, it absolutely is.

Richard Sherman wrote: "It is an honest plea for you to grow up."

So you... in your '"if we just BELIEVE racism doesn't exist everything will magically be okay and all the ills of the world will vanish without us having to do anything!" mentality are pleading for ME to grow up, eh?

Richard Sherman - I do not suggest that if YOU grow up the world will change. That's pollyanna and borderline insane.

I am suggesting that if YOU change how you think, YOUR world will change.

Muhammad Rasheed - Richard Sherman wrote: "The interjection of 'The Children of Israel' was pure misdirection and dishonest as hell."

Pointing out that the children of Israel demonstrate the very trait you typed in a perfect analogy means I'm dishonest. lol

No, Richard, it means I won.

Jeremy Travis - Aight, Muhammad, I see that this is going nowhere, so I'LL make the great journey out of here like SOMEONE was supposed to do a few minutes ago.

Peace out!

Richard Sherman - Peace. You USE the word, but you do not UNDERSTAND the word.

Richard Sherman - If winning is that important to you that you would overlook reason to achieve it, then by all means, you win, and I hope that is able to feed you well through your years. I call that simply arrogance, but you call it winning.

Muhammad Rasheed - Richard that 'children of Israel' thing just demonstrated your complete lack of credibility. You can stop now.

Richard Sherman - That children of Israel thing is your Straw Man attempt to dislodge the REAL issue.

Muhammad Rasheed - Richard Sherman wrote: "If winning is that important to you that you would overlook reason to achieve it..."

You just overlooked reason with that whole "children of Israel" thing (see: above).

Richard Sherman - YOU can stop now.

Richard Sherman - Most likely, though, you cannot. Ask yourself why that is.

Muhammad Rasheed
- Richard Sherman wrote: "That children of Israel thing is your Straw Man attempt to dislodge the REAL issue."

No, it was me pointing out the nonsense hypocrisy you uttered, and you got butthurt over it.

Muhammad Rasheed - Richard Sherman wrote: "YOU can stop now."

This is my thread, genius.

Muhammad Rasheed - Richard Sherman wrote: "Most likely, though, you cannot. Ask yourself why that is."

I'm collecting data and building this Note. What are YOU doing?

Richard Sherman - Muhammad Rasheed wrote: "No, it was me pointing out the nonsense hypocrisy you uttered, and you got butthurt over it."

I did not bring Israel into a conversation about Obama. That was entirely YOUR fiction.

Richard Sherman - Muhammad Rasheed wrote: "This is my thread genius."

Understood. Doesn't make it any less unreasonable.

Muhammad Rasheed - Richard Sherman wrote: "I did not bring Israel into a conversation about Obama. That was entirely YOUR fiction."

You typed something, I pointed out that you must be talking to the children of Israel because they do it too, and you got mad.*

Just admit it.

*(and interestingly are attempting to manufacture some kind of 'anti-semite' defense to somehow nullify my victory. Slimy & dishonest much?)

Muhammad Rasheed - Richard Sherman wrote: "Understood. Doesn't make it any less unreasonable."

Do all arguments immediately cease just because you say they should stop? Where do you live?

Richard Sherman - Muhammad Rasheed wrote: "You typed something, I pointed out that you must be talking to the children of Israel because they do it too, and you got mad. Just admit it."

I have no idea what you're talking about. We were discussing you and your friend's need to speak as if for many, and how that is illogical, and somehow, Israel enters the conversation. A bit paranoid, if you ask me.

Richard Sherman - This comes down to reading comprehension, I think.

Richard Sherman - And with that, I am going to bed.

Muhammad Rasheed - Richard Sherman wrote: "I have no idea what you're talking about. We were discussing you and your friend's need to speak as if for many, and how that is illogical, and somehow, Israel enters the conversation. A bit paranoid, if you ask me."

So you are really going to sit there and pretend every Jewish scholar in the universe (except you) doesn't talk about their collective group and speak for the many? Especially the secular Zionists?

You lack integrity, Richard. Congrats. You win the intellectually dishonest badge, too.

Muhammad Rasheed - Richard Sherman wrote: "And with that, I am going to bed."

Good night! Be good.

Stephanie Radakovich - Best not to under-estimate the beautiful, tenacious, brave gift of his blackness to this country.

Muhammad Rasheed - (i wonder if the jews would've simply stopped talking about hitler's racism if that whole thing would've magically cleared up the way richard suggests?)

Muhammad Rasheed - Richard Sherman wrote: "What do YOU care what other people think? What do YOU think?"

I guess that only has value as long as it doesn't involve individual research and critical thinking into the children of Israel, eh? Then you demand a group think sheeple attitude of uncritical obedience, right?

Richard Sherman - Generalized negative statements about a specific group of people- Children of Israel. That meets all the earmarks of bigotry and racism. How do you SLEEP at night with that kind of hatred in your soul?

Muhammad Rasheed

Muhammad Rasheed - I sleep fine considering this fictional "hatred" is only something Richard Sherman is attempting to saddle me with from his intellectual dishonesty baggage. No thanks, Rick. You can keep it.

Muhammad Rasheed - Keep building up evidence against yourself regarding the whole hypocritical "My historical atrocity is magically more sacred than yours" thing you are so fond of. That foolishness is the very opposite of "intelligence," "scholarship," and whatever else you would like to project yourself as. Keep it up.

Muhammad Rasheed - Richard Sherman: "The very mention of 'the Jews' in any context outside of pure reverence is fundamentally insulting to the spirit of the Jewish soul and reveals 'the hatred within your heart' I just made up. But any mention of your people's historical atrocities is a weak victimhood mentality that you should stop talking about."

Richard Sherman - As far as intellectual dishonesty baggage goes, it was YOU who brought up Jews. Not I. I am not defending paper tigers, nor creating Straw Men to argue about. The racism is obvious without your bringing Israel into it. That simply compounded, then confirmed the implications as fact. Now there can be no doubt. That's too bad, really. We have had good discussions in the past, and they seemed pretty clear-headed; no unction to filet anything but ideas. Now the elephant in the room is unavoidable. I hope you get help for this spiritual maladay, as only The Creator can remove the blight of a heart bent on maligning his fellows. You will be in my prayers for a deep and lasting peace with ALL people, not just those like you.

Muhammad Rasheed - lol smh

Richard Sherman - show me where I err, please. Specifically. You like to post my words as quotes, so please post here where I brought up the Children of Israel or the Jews as anything but an answer to your missives.

Muhammad Rasheed - 1.) You claimed that it was weak-minded to "speak for the group."

2.) I pointed out that the children of Israel "speak for the group" all the time so you must be talking about them, too, thus securing my checkmate.

3.) You got mad (think 'Gump' from the movie 'Legend' after losing the bluebell flower riddle), and dishonestly began obviously fishing for some way to slap the ole 'anti-semite' label on me for DARING! to mention the Jews while checkmating you in grand fashion.

4.) Now I'm 'smh' and 'lol' at your tantrum.

You would've been better off just retiring from the thread and graciously accepting defeat rather than revealing your intellectual dishonesty for all of FB to marvel at. I thought YOU were better than that. Now we both know, eh?

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