Saturday, February 28, 2015

Violent Hatred & Angry Hate Rhetoric are Not Equal

Muhammad Rasheed[shared link]

KKK Was Terrorizing America Decades Before Islamic State Appeared

"There are racists who equate the KKK with the Black Panthers. Show me any photos of the Panthers having a picnic and smiling while a white man is lynched, burned, castrated and beheaded. Terrorism is as American as apple pie." ~ Andre Owens

Derek Mason - Original REAL Black Panthers and the KKK are nothing aike. The New Black Panthers and KKK share the same philosophies of hate though

Muhammad Rasheed - But who did they lynch & oppress? If all these groups were just talk then we wouldn't have any problems.

Empty rhetoric means NOTHING.

Derek Mason - Oh yeah no doubt. New Panthers talk a good game, but they are about as dangerous as a militant troop of boy scouts. Had former memebrs tell me that they don't even have ammo in their guns. Just a bunch of rhetoric

Muhammad Rasheed - Exactly.

But the true racist want to act like the BP are every bit the exact same as the KKK ever was. NO white men were hanging from trees like peculiar fruit by any BP folk.

Scooter Alvarez - Reiterating:
"But who did they lynch & oppress? If all these groups were just talk then we wouldn't have any problems.  Empty rhetoric means NOTHING."

Derek Mason - No, the only damage the rhetoric the NBPP does is to the legacy and credibility of the Real BPP. I know they didn't lynch or hang anybody.

Scooter Alvarez - Huh? How is the NBPP on equal footing with an organization hundreds of years old with thousands of bodies under its belt?

Derek Mason - Who said they were on equal footing ?

Muhammad Rasheed - Derek Mason wrote: "No, the only damage the rhetoric the NBPP does is to the legacy and credibility of the Real BPP."

The new guys are no more damaging to the real BP's legacy than these Arab militants are to the legacy of Ancient Egypt. If the chronically stupid want to believe they are the same group then let them. The stupid will always be among us, Derek. No rational argument is designed for the poor of mind.

Scooter Alvarez - "The New Black Panthers and KKK share the same philosophies of hate though"

Derek Mason - Same philosophies, not activities

Scooter Alvarez - Arguing for the sake of arguing...  Night

Derek Mason - Dude you were the one who misread what I was saying, chill with that shit bro. "

Derek Mason - Bpp chairman Bobby Seale once stated a lot of his speaking tours were cancelled because people thought the BPP and NPP were the same group

Scooter Alvarez - What does that have to do with the OP?

Derek Mason - sigh, nothing " Scooter ". I have neither the time nor patience tonite.

Scooter Alvarez - Comparing the KKK with any black organization is asinine.
So what they have "similar philosophies of hate", the Klan has a background of violence that pales in comparison.

This is along the lines of telling people that all lives matter vs. black lives matter...

Muhammad Rasheed - Derek Mason wrote: "Bpp chairman Bobby Seale once stated a lot of his speaking tours were cancelled because people thought the BPP and NPP were the same group"

That means that they booked these people to come speak, but didn’t do any research into who they actually were to know the difference.

That’s stupid.

Scooter Alvarez - Why even bring up the NBPP? This isn't about them.

Derek Mason - G'day sir

Scooter Alvarez -

Derek Mason - No actually I'm quite happy. Friday night. Just got paid.

Derek Mason - I see you feeing some type of way though. Some type of way .Made you fee some type of waaaaaaay. Scooter. Say hello to Turbo and Leader -1 for me

Scooter Alvarez - I thought you left

Derek Mason - I did, but you called me back.

Scooter Alvarez - @Muhammad Rasheed… come get yo' people LOL

Erik J. Nielsen - Excellent job of pointing out the obvious, that so few people want to acknowledge. Thank you.

Muhammad Rasheed - Both of you are my people. lol

Derek Mason - I apologize . Wasn't trying to disrupt the line. I know racists are gonna think what they want to think. I was just saying how one group could mislead those already mislead by acting a way simiar to the KKK. Sorry Scooter, no beef bro.

Muhammad Rasheed - Stop calling Scooter a "bro," you reverse racist!

Muhammad Rasheed -

Dan DeLyon - No lynchings. Apparently prefer burning buildings. #Ferguson

Muhammad Rasheed - 1.) The new Black Panthers burned a building in Ferguson? Is that what you are saying?

2.) How many buildings burned in frustration equaled to one human life?

Jeremy Travis - The buildings burnt in Ferguson were set on fire by law enforcement provocateurs, that's why they were allowed to burn down completely without the firefighters being called to put them out. These people do devilish things and then point the finger at everyone... EVERYONE... else.

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