Russell Odal - The clan doesn't do half the things ISIS does, they are two completely different worlds. You cannot get proper results when you compare apples to oranges. Fuck Islam and the klan and everyone who affiliates with either.
Raven Black - @Russell Odal… there are 1.5 BILLION Muslims in the world and maybe several thousand radical nut jobs., IF it was really all of Islam we would have far far greater problems.
Andrew Sadtler - You can't compare the clan to Isis? Are you serious? How are they different? The clan murdered and hung black people, Jews & gays with impunity. They were in many cases supported by the southern states. They based their beliefs off a religious book. They tried to eradicate an entire culture. How is that different then Isis again?
Andrew Sadtler - Heck; the clan even killed non Jewish white people who simply didn't agree with them
Benvolio Dietrich - Cause they are wearing Black
Benvolio Dietrich - Well I'm good cause I hate the Christian faith just as much as i hate the Muslim faith ayyyyyy
Russell Odal - You know what, you guys are right. The KKK is a much bigger problem than ISIS could ever be, not all Islamists are pieces of shit...
Raven Black - They both are senseless hate but one is given a pass and the other is not . The KKK does not reflect all Christians and Isis does not reflect all Islam.
Rachel Dwane - ISIS is also run by Americans
Russell Odal - *funded, but hollywood used to do the same with the klan to "combat the Italian gangs," or however they excused themselves. Last comment was also sarcastic as fuck, just saying.
Rachel Dwane - Funded to me also means run. Without the funds and media they wouldn't exist
Andrew Sadtler - Lol, what? Are you guys actually suggesting Isis is run by the US and that Hollywood funded the klan?
Please stop reading info wars!
Rachel Dwane - Please stop being brainwashed
Andrew Sadtler - Russel; we're not talking about the current day klan. Their numbers have diminished because our federal government got involved. Yet several klan members are now running for elected office all over the south. So we are seeing a resurgence.
Raven Black - Anderw is right but i think part of it is the grandkids of the KKK members in general dont have the same level of hate
Zach Testerman - I have been reading the Quran lately and have to say there is nothing good about that religion. It is evil and every one of its follower belongs in the middle east or dead. Not fond of Christians either, but their religion is better than the other two Abrahamic religions.
Russell Odal - I used to think that Christianity would reveal to the world how shitty religion is, and then I met Islam.
Zach Testerman - Yeah, I mean Christianity is definitely a pile of shit. It could have been something good if it was actually modeled around Jesus, but the early followers fucked up big time and it has just continued to be a mess. Mostly due to Paul writing majority of new testament. Quran is the joke though. Every other sentence is something bad, you will burn, praise Allah he is a forgiving. Its brainwashing bullshit and pretty sad anyone is willing to follow that crap. I always find it fun when western women defend Islam. It straight up says when a woman does something against Allah that she should be locked up for the rest of her life, but if a man does it than he can repent. When I have a woman I see her as my equal, fuck any philosophy that says she isn't.
Rachel Dwane - Bias behaviour.
Zach Testerman - You are correct Rachel, I am bias. Having read their books I decided what I read was some pretty bad stuff considering how they say to treat people. So now I have a healthy educated bias. You also are bias, but I wonder what your reasons are. When I study a subject, I approach with as little bias as possible. If I am leaning one way or the other I allow the possibility I am wrong or else I would not bother to look into in the first place. Often times I thought something before research and came out with the opposite view because I was willing to look at all sides when looking into it. When I am done I certainly have an opinion or bias on it one way or another, but it is based on the facts presented from the subject.
Kamajian Kamajinator - I have seen this before and it really isn't an accurate comparison. While only a few Muslims are committing the acts of terror, a significant number of moderate Muslims agree with or will not condemn what the terrorists are doing. While the vast majority of modern day Christians condemn the acts of the KKK. This is coming from a Christian who , understands probably better than most, why muslims are so angry. The situation is much more complex than this picture paints it to be.
Rachel Dwane - I also studied the Quran too. It paints a different picture to me. I also visited Tunisia many times and Egypt on my studies. I have been to kahoan. A place where all religions co exist in harmony and women have rights and wear what they choose.
Yes you are bias because you are American. You are brainwashed by what the news tells you and what your governments allows you to feel. You talk of education. Then educate your self without the American flag waving the fire from your ass
Ashar Aziz - Rachel Dwane is 100% right on!!! I have been with her on her life journey and yes she studied in University of Liverpool and toured Tunisia and Turkey in blistering summer heat of 2008.
Kamajian Kamajinator - How many innocent families did we kill maim and destroy when the U.S. "Shocked and Awed" Iraq? and how do we as a nation condem terroism , after having decimating so many lives? If the killing isn't accomplished with hi-tech weaponry then it is an act of terror? THAT is the discussion /comparison we should be having. (IMO)
Muhammad Rasheed - Zach Testerman wrote: "Quran is the joke though. [...] It straight up says when a woman does something against Allah that she should be locked up for the rest of her life, but if a man does it than he can repent."
The Qur'an says several witnesses have to have actually seen the woman commit the crime in order for her to be punished, and even in that case, if she repents you have to let her go.
Raven Black - There was stoning women to death in the Christian and old testament , people forget that too.
Ashar Aziz - Faggotry is also condemned in bible. Anal sex with wife breaks marriage in islam. It's all about DAT BOOTY thing, my nigga!
Muhammad Rasheed - Kamajian Kamajinator wrote: "I have seen this before and it really isn't an accurate comparison. While only a few Muslims are committing the acts of terror, a significant number of moderate Muslims agree with or will not condemn what the terrorists are doing."
Here: Reza Aslan - Anyone Who Asks Why Muslims Aren't Denouncing Attacks "Doesn't Own Google"
Kamajian Kamajinator wrote: "While the vast majority of modern day Christians condemn the acts of the KKK."
The "vast majority" of white Christians sided with the racist cops who gun down these unarmed black kids because of what they "probably" did in their pasts because of the black thug stereotypes they like to believe.
Kamajian Kamajinator wrote: "This is coming from a Christian who , understands probably better than most, why muslims are so angry."
lol Apparently not.
Kamajian Kamajinator wrote: "The situation is much more complex than this picture paints it to be."
That part is true.
Muhammad Rasheed - Ashar Aziz Faggotry wrote: "Anal sex with wife breaks marriage in islam."
"In Islam" or in some cultural laws?
Raven Black - Straight or gay a lot of relgions have issues with anal
Ashar Aziz - I am an atheist. Islamic views on anal sex
Muhammad Rasheed - Raven Black wrote: "Straight or gay a lot of relgions have issues with anal"
"A lot of religions have issues with" is one thing, but what does the scripture say specifically? Any guy with a handful of beads can say whatever, but what did God say about it specifically?
Muhammad Rasheed - Ashar Aziz posted: "Islamic views on anal sex (Wiki)"
So the Qur'an strongly condemns male-on-male homosexual acts and literally says nothing at all against consenting anal sex between a husband and a wife, yet the people placed that restriction upon themselves. Interesting. The Muslims are turning themselves into the previous People of the Book by inventing things that were not restrictions (see: shellfish in the OT) and claiming the restrictions came from Allah. They should knock it off and confine the religious rules to what God actually did say and be free.
Kamajian Kamajinator - I am familiar with Reza Aslan, I have heard him speak on the news. He makes some valid points. He also draws some comparisons that I feel are biased. Still, the ratio of Muslims that condemn Islamic extremist is lower than Christian that condem the KKK. (Today) The real question then becomes does the Muslim world have good reason to support or at least be less critical of Islamic Terrorism? THAT is what we should be talking about. What are the real reason they are outraged with the U.S. ? and not trying to draw a comparison to the KKK.
Muhammad Rasheed - Kamajian Kamajinator wrote: "Still, the ratio of Muslims that condemn Islamic extremist is lower than Christian that condem the KKK. (Today)"
Please post the links to the facts that support this claim.
Rachel Dwane - Muslims worry a lot on pride and acts that could bring shame. By not fighting back the terrorist regimes they feel they aren't as tied to it so much. Silence is golden essentially
Muhammad Rasheed - Kamajian Kamajinator wrote: "The real question then becomes does the Muslim world have good reason to support or at least be less critical of Islamic Terrorism?"
Considering that for the vast majority of the last 1,500 years of Islamic history, the three Abrahamic faiths lived in peace with one another, the true "real question" is who is responsible for the current conflict, and who is it ultimately benefiting?
Kamajian Kamajinator - That ^ we def agree on.
Muhammad Rasheed - Rachel Dwane wrote: "Muslims worry a lot on pride and acts that could bring shame."
That sounds more like a cultural/ethnic trait than anything having to do with them being Muslim.
Muhammad Rasheed - The Semite tribes are notorious for being both nationalistic and over-the-top prideful.
Kamajian Kamajinator - I mean let's be honest here, If an American Christian like myself can understand why Islam has had to resort to terrorism, then most muslims, even moderate ones would most likely feel the same. My point is we must condemn violence consistently regardless of the reasons. Attacking Iraq is as wrong as the acts of terrorist organizations. I take issue with the picture because I feel the comparison over simplifies a complex issue. I'll hunt down those poll numbers….I really need to get some work done tho haha
Muhammad Rasheed - Kamajian Kamajinator wrote: "I mean let's be honest here..."
Kamajian Kamajinator wrote: "If an American Christian like myself can understand why Islam has had to resort to terrorism..."
DO you understand, Kamajian? Tell us then your opinion as to why "Islam has had to resort to terrorism."
Kamajian Kamajinator wrote: "...then most muslims, even moderate ones would most likely feel the same."
Is it possible, perhaps, that the narrative involved is actually different than what an self-confessed American Christian might believe?
Kamajian Kamajinator wrote: "My point is we must condemn violence consistently regardless of the reasons."
Really? So if someone is using violence to defend themselves from a savage aggressor trying to destroy them, should we condemn the violence of the one being attacked? This is absurd. A basic level of insight, understanding and discernment is fundamental in social critique. If we prove to lack these tools, then we should focus on other items that are closer to what we are actually able to grasp and understand.
Kamajian Kamajinator wrote: "Attacking Iraq is as wrong as the acts of terrorist organizations. I take issue with the picture because I feel the comparison over simplifies a complex issue."
The meme photo above is 100% correct in it's message. I would only expect a card-carrying klansman to take issue with it.
Kamajian Kamajinator wrote: "I'll hunt down those poll numbers….I really need to get some work done tho haha"
Is this the part where we are being honest? lol
Kamajian Kamajinator - dude you don't need to copy everything I write , just reply. I am capable of figuring out which points you are addressing . sheesh! I needed to qualify , violence against civilians or civilian populations.. I thought that was understood. Clearly if someone is shoot at you then you get to shoot back. I do understand, in as much as I know a bit about the United States (and Europe's ) meddling and involvement in the region since WW1. and to that point I would ask So now in addition to elaborating on and justifying the points we disagree on. You want me to justify and elaborate on things we also agree on??? I wish I had the time for this discussion. I imagine we might agree on more than we disagree on.
Muhammad Rasheed - Kamajian Kamajinator wrote: "dude you don't need to copy everything I write , just reply."
Concentrate on your own writing style, while I concentrate on mine. I don't need your critique. Thank you.
Muhammad Rasheed - Kamajian Kamajinator wrote: "sheesh! I needed to qualify , violence against civilians or civilian populations..."
It's better to make sure you are clear on what you are attempting to convey, and not take for granted that a total stranger can "fill in the cracks" in your argument. Before I started responding in this thread, I read a LOT of nonsense here. I take nothing for granted.
Kamajian Kamajinator - here is a Pew poll which asks Muslim populations throughout the world their views on terrorist groups . As you can see the unfavorable rating is hovering in the 40%-60% range. If you can find polls of Christians in that same percentage range that find the acts of the KKK as unfavorable I will be more than happy to concede. I'm actually curious what you end up finding.
Kamajian Kamajinator - I would add that I was ostracized severely after 9/11 for urging people I had discussions with to look at the history of the wests involvement in the middle east before jumping to conclusions about the reasons for the attack. Simply asking people to research the history apparently made me un-American.
Kira Marburger - Bottom line. Religion is a fabulous way to control minds. I am spiritual and love God to the tips of my toes. But I just can't bring myself to follow a man made religion. "In God we trust. All others must pay cash."
Kira Marburger - Rachel Dwane, that's so cool about your travels. I was in Tunisia as a child, lived in India as a teen. I haven't been to Egypt yet. Maybe next Christmas. Fabulous time to be American touring Middle Eastern countries, eh?
Rachel Dwane - Indeed
Zach Testerman - Rachel, I am not brainwashed by the American flag. I would be happy to see this government government killed for what they do to us and other people in this world. My family has been here since the revolution and the country today is not what my ancestors risked or payed with their lives for. I look into things on my own and unlike the majority of people these days I do not ignore what is right in front of me simply because it is not politically correct. As for people talking about women being able to repent in Islam. I read the passage and there was no repenting for the woman, only a life locked in a house. Their countries laws may not be that way, but their religion is. From what I have seen if they follow the religion to a T it is not a nice one. As others have said many of the 'good' Muslims still wont condemn the actions of the extremist. They do not belong in the western world. If they want good lives they need to take their own countries. Allowing good ones in our countries still allows the bad ones in.
Rafael Z Gomar - Both be representative of their extreme religious beliefs. Enuff said!!!
Rafael Z Gomar - The Caliphate of the Ottoman empire allowed religious freedoms, and science to florish. Today's lslamic religious leaders are more like Christians of the medieval era than the Ottoman or Berbers of Spain in the medieval times.
Kyle Root - Numbers, and their claims.
Raven Black - Kyle Root when the Catholics went to years zero, they wanted to destroy all knowledge for the people to start over again. If it was not for the Muslims the classic Greek writings would have been lost.
Russell Odal - There are three kinds of people in this world... Culture bearers, culture creators, and culture destroyers. I think we know who's who here.
Pastor Ryan - Really? Smh
Cat Scratch Fever -
Muhammad Rasheed - Kamajian Kamajinator wrote: "Still, the ratio of Muslims that condemn Islamic extremist is lower than Christian that condem the KKK. [...] here is a Pew poll which asks Muslim populations throughout the world their views on terrorist groups . As you can see the unfavorable rating is hovering in the 40%-60% range. If you can find polls of Christians in that same percentage range that find the acts of the KKK as unfavorable I will be more than happy to concede. I'm actually curious what you end up finding.”
I’m unclear as to what it is that you’d be conceding. To me, as I mentioned above, the true question here is who is responsible for the current conflict between the two groups considering they’ve lived in peace among one another for the vast majority of their time sharing this planet. To you, the meat of the whole argument is hinged upon whether the average Muslim approves of “islamist” terrorism versus the average Christian approving of the KKK’s terrorism.
It’s an odd comparison considering the majority of Christians are brown people who the KKK would hate anyway – people from Latin America and Africa. Naturally I would reasonably expect the KKK’s potential prey to condemn them if they knew about that history and their historical track record at all. So in order for your comparison to make sense fundamentally, I would have to confine the Christian population poll specifically to White American Christians. I couldn’t find a specific poll asking that demographic what they thought of the KKK, so I needed to look to other sources that would provide some insight into that mindset.
1.) In the scientific, peer-reviewed research work entitled “Gutsell, J. N., & Inzlicht, M. Empathy constrained: Prejudice predicts reduced mental simulation of actions during observations of outgroups,” scientist uncovered an interesting phenomenon. White people seem to lack the ability to empathize with black people when watching them perform routine tasks; their brains fail to react the way they do when they watch their own people do the same tasks. They might as well be watching paint dry. This is the effect when operating at their default level, and it is curiously significantly amplified when the white person tested is actively prejudiced against the non-white person he/she was observing. This means that despite the “we are all one race!” and “all lives matter!” defensive responses to being confronted with the fruits of western institutionalized racism, they obviously don’t really feel that way. The only people who matter to them are themselves. They consider themselves to be the “normal” humans, while everyone else are “other.”
2.) Among other things, which includes the generational psychological damage cause from America’s racism legacy, one of the reasons why White Christian Americans may lack empathy towards non-whites is the fact that various white supremacist hate groups have targeted them for grooming for recruitment since Reconstruction, when the KKK formed. Especially going after White Christians in the mid-western heartland of the country, these marketing efforts have by no means been casual. According to “The Growth of Hate Groups,” the oft-sourced chapter from Osha Gray Davidson’s book “Broken Heartland,” white supremacist hate groups not only have targeted White Christians for grooming-recruitment, but have actively aided those communities economically, provided greatly needed community-building as needed, the way the Nation of Islam and the original Black Panther groups would help the poor Black American communities. In fact, white hate groups have literally done more good for those communities of whites than either Republicans or Democrats. Consequently, White Christians have been traditionally very open to listen to certain rhetoric from those groups, and it has saturated itself into their cultural speak. Whites who do not consider themselves racist will still think that “blacks are illiterate thieves who would rather be on welfare than work, taking food from the mouths of hard working whites” and other classic hate group belief talking points. This is normal talk from the average White Christian as seen in a casual scroll down my FB newsfeed every day. So although there are no specific polls asking them how they feel about the KKK, I suspect (fairly based on the available evidence) that the greater part of that demographic is pro-KKK terrorist activities, which explains the large amount of white apologists supporting Darren Wilson’s version of events in that high profile case, as an example.
Muhammad Rasheed -
Kira Marburger wrote: “Bottom line. Religion is a fabulous way to control
What facts can you provide to support that claim?
Rafael Z Gomar wrote: “BTW RELIGION SUCKS PERIOD! !!”
lol It “sucks” in what way exactly? So that we’re clear.
What facts can you provide to support that claim?
Rafael Z Gomar wrote: “BTW RELIGION SUCKS PERIOD! !!”
lol It “sucks” in what way exactly? So that we’re clear.
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