Muhammad Rasheed - This was drawn in response to this linked toon that was posted as a comment under my 'Russian Agent Baby Hands' post.
Bakkah Rasheed-Shabazz - Trump treats racism and even the murder of peaceful protesters like a joke. Those caught up in the rhetoric are acting out of emotions instead of moral conscious.
Richard Sherman - The art is good, but the inking needs work. Vary the line width and you'll get a better effect, concerning depth.
As to the content- well, either you're simply completely self-absorbed, or blind. No telling, really, which it is, as they both stem from the same place.
Muhammad Rasheed - My lines are varied, Sherman. I got the depth that I wanted by using the texture and grey lines in the background, and silhouettes in the foreground, giving the impression that the mid-ground figures are on their own cell layer.
And you should know by now that I am never interested in your opinions regarding the content. Even less so than normal since you, as a Jew, is siding against the anti-fascism group. How do you justify that? Is it a demonstration of cowardice, or are you actually pro-Nazi? Don't bother to respond, since I still don't care.
Richard Sherman - Well, since you've just outed yourself again, as a racist and an anti-Semite, I will let your own ridiculous words speak for themselves.
As to the line width, work on that. It might improve things a bit. Just a suggestion. One your massive, unwarranted and unearned arrogance will likely ignore.
Muhammad Rasheed - Meanwhile, I am neither a racist (whatever that means when you use the term) nor an anti-semite, and nothing in my response suggested I am. Your odd stand suggests you are a self-hating Jew though. You may wish to make a better effort in cleaning that up. FYI.
Your artistic suggestions are suspect and unwanted based on our history. Go away now.
Richard Sherman - M.Rasheed wrote: "And you should know by now that I am never interested in your opinions regarding the content. Even less so than normal since you, as a Jew, is siding against the anti-fascism group."
You've gone from simple-minded denial to full-blown stupidity, now.
Your own words convict you, Muhammad.
Try vary line width. Just once. Condescend to see if it makes a difference. Not for me. For your artwork.
Muhammad Rasheed - Antifa... yea or nay?
Richard Sherman - Anti-Semite... yea or nay?
Richard Sherman - You first.
Muhammad Rasheed - I've already denied your false anti-semite accusation.
Muhammad Rasheed - Are you blind, too?
Muhammad Rasheed - Or just illiterate?
Muhammad Rasheed - Antifa... yea or nay?
Richard Sherman - Good for you.
Then you'll be happy to stop acting like a fascist and demanding that I be quiet because you reject my views based on my being a Jew.
You'll also likely stop trying to silence me because you think i disagree with your view on the world.
Muhammad Rasheed -I don't reject your views because you are a Jew. That is a straw man effigy typical of you. I reject your views because they are both hypocritical and anti-Black. Do YOU even know what the Jewish nation is supposed to believe in? I doubt it.
Muhammad Rasheed - Antifa... yea or nay?
Richard Sherman - "The fight against fascism leaves no room for humor, Nazi-lover!"
You're simple-mindedness and child-like view of things would almost be endearing, if it wasn't so obviously deliberate.
Muhammad Rasheed - Antifa... yea or nay?
Richard Sherman - The irony is so thick you could cut it with a knife!
Muhammad Rasheed - Antifa... yea or nay?
Richard Sherman - What, exactly, does Antifa stand for, and what are its goals?
I cannot choose, because I do not know.
I was referring to your stupid balloon caption, about armed people silenceing unarmed people, beause they disagreed with them.
Muhammad Rasheed - Richard Sherman, it is obvious you don't want to choose because it will out you as a Nazi sympathizer because of your own commitment to anti-Black racism.
Take a bow.
Richard Sherman - @Muhammad... I thought you uneducated before. You've proven that, now. Please explain to me- in simple terms, as you would to a child- or one of your ilk- What, exactly, does Antifa stand for, and what are its goals?-
Muhammad Rasheed - You've heard of "Google," yes?
Try to spend less time being slimy and intellectually dishonest and go work on your cartooning, please. Thanks.
Richard Sherman - M.Rasheed wrote: "it is obvious you don't want to choose because it will out you as a Nazi sympathizer because of your own commitment to anti-Black racism. Take a bow."
The problem, you see, Muhammad Rasheed, is that the Antifa people you have, chasing the other people, in your cartoon, are not black. Neither are the people they're chasing. If, as you suggest, I am anti-black, based on this cartoon, how, exactly, does that work?
Muhammad Rasheed - Didn't I say I was uninterested in your opinions regarding the content? That window has closed on our relationship based on your history of proudly spewed filth & slime.
Go work on your art now. Go on.
Richard Sherman - M.Rasheed wrote: " You heard of 'Google,' yes? Try to spend less time being slimy and intellectually dishonest on work on your cartooning, please. Thanks."
If you can't explain it, because you yourself do not know, please just say so.
Otherwise all your posturing and preening about a topic you are ignorant of, is simply absurd.
Now, please stop the name calling and do something useful- explain your position.
If you're actually able to, and it's not simply for show.
Muhammad Rasheed - You called me "racist and an anti-Semite" and are thus the first one to call someone a name in this thread. Hypocritical much? Or is this just the latest demonstration of your routine sliminess?
I can't tell at this point...
Richard Sherman - @Muhammad Rasheed... Let me add, then, unoriginal, predictable and not very clever.
Still, you're continuing to spin around rather than explain what Antifa is, does, wants, and stands for.
Please stop posing long enough to explain.
Richard Sherman - Because basically, if you're going to draw political cartoons, it would be good to understand the topic you draw about. I don't think you do. I think you're simply being a populist parrot, right now, and that inpugns the integrity of the field I have worked in, diligently and professionally, for 40 years.
Please either explain the premise, or stop pretending to be among the politically educated.
Muhammad Rasheed - I've already explained the reason why you refuse to publicly choose a definitive Antifa stance. Since you decided to respond with straw men and over-confused babbling, that means I was correct.
Elementary, Watson.

Muhammad Rasheed -

Richard Sherman - @Muhammad Rasheed... Well, it looks like you've won before you've won.
I told you I cannot intelligently choose a side, concerning your Antifa crusade, because I don't know enough about it. I have repeatedly asked you, cajoled you, implored you, for an explanation, and instead, I get the same, repetitive, tiresome, tedious, ridiculous, ignorant responses. Please explain Antifa to me. If you can't or won't, then that's completely on you.
Muhammad Rasheed - Richard Sherman wrote: "I told you..."
Well, you may stop now, because I told you I'm not interested in your opinions. I'm allergic to hypocritical slime. ew.
Richard Sherman wrote: "...because I don't know enough about it."
So that's a "no" on knowing what 'Google' is then? Then why do you believe you are qualified to have a normal human conversation?
Go away, Sherman. You are even more tiresome than I remember.
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