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Rasheed, Muhammad. "Chipping Away at Layers of Code." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 04 Oct 2022. Permanent marker w/Adobe Photoshop color.
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Larry Young - [ARTICLE] Actor Bruce Willis becomes First Celebrity to sell Rights to Deepfake Firm | Collider
Dude (or his people) sold his likeness rights. There’s no difference between this and watching BLONDE, or buying an action figure that looks like Clark Gregg. People license or sell likeness rights all the time.
As usual in entertainment, all “ethics” questions will be answered by the audience and not the lawyers. Everybody wants Vader to sound like James Earl Jones and not me despite being a perfect impression, I still need a Mason jar and it’s close, but no Mustafa. If we get ARMAGEDDON 2: THE SEARCH FOR HARRY, or DIE HARD IN A BUILDING, out of this, excellent. The only ethical questions that will come up is if Bruno shows up in THE NEXT NOTEBOOK or something.
Mike Gold - "All 'ethics' questions will be answered by the audience and not the lawyers." Cool! Religion much??
Larry Young - Not for a minute. Organized religion is worse than Amway. Also, I’ve seen the kind of movies organized religion produces. STAY IN YOUR LANE KIRK CAMERON
Mike Gold - Organized religion is worse than Amway? Amway IS organized religion.
Larry Young - Sure, but Amway is a hair ABOVE, that’s my point. 😂
Muhammad Rasheed - Larry wrote: "Organized religion is worse than Amway."
lol You obviously don't know enough about organized religion. You talk about it a lot though.
Larry Young - Do I? I’ll cop to making fun of it a lot. I’m not sure I bring it up myself, but I’ll point and laugh at it if somebody else does.
Muhammad Rasheed - Larry wrote: "Do I?"
Yes, but you're not the only one. The digs all come from the same bag.
Larry wrote: "I’ll cop to making fun of it a lot."
I notice. It's ironic considering the barely recognizable distorted caricature that you all use as the stand-in for it. It reminds me of this bit from your boy Tyson:
Larry Young - Sorry, man, I don’t even know what you mean by this: “It's ironic considering the barely recognizable distorted caricature that you all use as the stand-in for it.”
But don’t bother explaining because I don’t care. You’ve been writing to me lately about something I post, assume some weird reading of it to talk about what you want to talk about, and then when I steer you back to what I was referring to, you respond with some form of NOT YOU, THESE GUYS and I don’t know what to do with that. Cool, I guess. Maybe don’t lead with your assumptions about what people think based on your imperfect readings of their various pronouncements? People might engage with you more about things that are important to you.
Muhammad Rasheed - Larry wrote: "Sorry, man, I don’t even know what you mean by this"
That's my roundabout way of calling out your strawman effigy logical fallacy approach to organized religion. It's related to that king valkyrie discussion we had, when you admitted you hadn't seriously thought about religious topics since you were a teen, had no specific knowledge about it, but like the rest of your peer group you are very loudly vocal about your negative opinions of the topic. There's an infestation of such opinions throughout the national discussion aether, and when I see it within my own social media networks, I try to engage to flesh it out more so that I'm clear on what is actually being said.
Muhammad Rasheed - Larry wrote: "assume some weird reading of it"
lol At the risk of doing it again, are you calling it "weird" because it doesn't fit your peer group's preferred way of expressing their opinions about certain topics? Because that's exactly the type of thing that I want to engage to flesh it out more so that I'm clear on what is actually being said. That's how I ensure that my assumptions I lead with are accurate and factual based on what I get out of active & fruitful engagement.
Muhammad Rasheed - Considering you are a genre creator artist figure yourself, the idea that you would call a different way of thinking about certain topics from what you are used to "weird" instead of just different means something. Doesn't it?
"Weird" in what way, please?
Muhammad Rasheed - Larry wrote: "and then when I steer you back to what I was referring to, you respond with some form of NOT YOU, THESE GUYS"
You're talking about that Denzel as Malcolm X thing. You set up the pieces with your OP, and that fan knocked them down in the exact way of the Black activist community's discussion about that same topic... a discussion you were understandably out of the loop on. As far as I recall, that "Not you, Larry, THESE guys" scenario only happened that once.
That Black King Valkyrie™ discussion certainly wasn't one of those... you came into the thread confidently saying stuff about religion only to later admit you were out of pocket in your retreat.
The Neil deGrasse Tyson discussion wasn't like that either. I discovered with your thread a general dislike of Tyson that surprised me, because I assumed it was only a Joe Rogan thing. I explored and speculated as to what the problem might be based on what I knew and you were probably too busy to explain the real reason for your position, and left my speculations to hang in the air unchallenged. If my readings were imperfect, then notice that I point blank asked about them to the source to see if my readings were accurate or not. You decided not to correct them, perhaps because my own genre creator credentials aren't impressive enough to make the effort worth it for your own star power. Who knows? I only hold awards from irrelevant Black organizations. lol (is that "weird?")
You tend to create more questions than answers when you post.
Larry Young - “Weird” in the sense that I think I’m being pretty clear and you either willfully misunderstand to make some ancillary point or just honestly misunderstand and go off anyway before asking for clarification. But either way, I stand by “weird.” That’s not a usual social media interaction for me, what with everyone knowing by now I don’t spend a lot of time being serious here because there is so much less opportunity to willfully or honestly misunderstand joking around.
If you think First Comics Editor Emeritus Mike Gold and I think all organized religions are really like Amway, I’m not sure what to tell you.
M. Rasheed wrote: “You tend to create more questions than answers when you post.”
Well, just ask your questions instead of make a bunch of wild-ass assumptions, first.
Mike Gold - @Larry... For one thing, organized religion controls more money than Amway. For another, Amway hasn’t conned, enslaved, raped and murdered as organized religion. To be fair, Amway wasn’t involved in the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, etc.
Karl J Martin - ...and it's not as though a priest has ever offered me top-quality vitamin supplements, no rabbi has presented me with a chance to acquire personalized premium beauty products and I have yet to meet an imam eager to set me up with affordable professional-grade cookware
Muhammad Rasheed - Larry wrote: "'Weird' in the sense that I think I’m being pretty clear"
You're prolific in your posting and only a narrow range of certain topics you touch on catch my interest or trigger me into engagement. Based on the nature of those topics (organized religion; US race relations) it should be obvious that we are fundamentally different enough in both our backgrounds and general worldviews that what's crystal clear in how we are used to expressing certain opinions wouldn't at all be clear to the other, requiring attempts of clarification from both of us. To me, that's a normal conversation dynamic though. For you to consider that weird gives me the impression that you live within a small bubble full of people who think EXACTLY like you and you've grown accustomed to communicating in the kind of shorthand insider code that identical twins use and you somehow believe that everyone talks like that and would understand instantly when you talk.
Larry wrote: "and you either willfully misunderstand to make some ancillary point [...] That’s not a usual social media interaction for me, what with everyone knowing by now I don’t spend a lot of time being serious here"
I always telegraph such items with a knowing wink emoji (I did it in the valkryie thread). I'm aware that there are social predators looking to pounce on a "wrong" comment with the intention of cancelling a public figure; I can understand you being wary of doing deep public discussions with a stranger, so I can't pushback on that one.
Larry wrote: "or just honestly misunderstand and go off anyway before asking for clarification."
I ask for clarification AND provide speculation predictions since I'm usually still rolling the item around in my head. How long it takes people to respond will determine the length of my speculative rant. lol
Larry wrote: "But either way, I stand by 'weird.'”
Weird in the sense that it's unusual for people allowed in your circles to behave that way towards you. If that's what you mean, then I understand. Even though you were kind enough to accept my Friend Request, we still have very different backgrounds and see the world very differently. When you share certain opinions, I'm interested in chasing down the root cause of why you would see things from a certain angle. After your courageously candid confession in the Black King Valkyrie™ thread, I'm not likely to try to draw you into a discussion about religion again, but I do get triggered watching influential figures make willfully ignorant casual quips about my sacred belief system. That's what inspired me to engage in this thread.
Larry wrote: "If you think First Comics Editor Emeritus Mike Gold and I think all organized religions are really like Amway, I’m not sure what to tell you."
lol Well, I recognize that inside of the structure of the joke lays the truth of what you lot really believe about organized religion... a point of view that's not exactly a secret.
Larry wrote: "Well, just ask your questions instead of make a bunch of wild-ass assumptions, first."
Based on how our society works, I take issue with "wild-ass" being used, since I think they are close enough to the mark in general. How they are interpreted with you personally as an individual might be off the mark a little. I doubt I will ever really know since you admit to being gun shy when it comes to putting your serious thoughts about potentially "cancelleable" topics out there.
Anyway, to touch on the 'Amway' thing that Gold and Martin chimed in on, organized religion are systems that require humans to run them. Like any other system, the humans that run them -- particularly the ones who placed themselves in powerful leadership roles -- actively work against the actual rules, laws & tenets of those systems to engage in self-serving practices that exploit on behalf of themselves and their network cliques. It's not smart to blame the systems for the negative effects caused by the humans who abuse the systems. The religion itself is composed of very specific things -- the source material for our concepts of morality & ethics. Organized religion is designed to idiot-proof the ideals of the faith into our lifestyles, so when greedy, over-ambitious men abuse the system for reasons outside of the tenets of the religion itself, it doesn't make sense to blame organized religion for the crimes and harms caused. I'm a practicing Muslim, but I would never blame the Crusades on the religion of Christianity since it was an obvious greedy land grab by the European monarchies only marketed as a religious war. The organized religion doesn't con, enslave, rape or murder, but humans do. Placing the blame upon the system lets the true culprits off the hook and is not sound thinking.
Larry Young - I appreciate all your work and attention but I don’t understand what you want or are hoping to accomplish with all your mistaken assumptions. I’m just here making jokes and talking about entertainment, man.
Muhammad Rasheed - Okay, fine. Keep your secrets. lol
Marco Lopez - @Larry... Man all this hoopla over organized religion. Really makes you think why the big man in the sky needs all this defending. Omnipotent deity is hurt by words, followers come out to throw stones, news at 11.
Larry Young - I dunno. God thinks I'm the fucking funniest of all his creations. It used to be Robin Williams, but God called him home, and now it's me. I've had a few talks with God, and he thinks the organized part of religion is the fucking problem, but, you know, He's good.
Marco Lopez - @Larry... Whoa whoa! God lied to you. He said my platypus joke was the funniest thing her heard all of eternity.
Muhammad Rasheed - 1.) "and he thinks the organized part of religion is the fucking problem"
2.) "If you think First Comics Editor Emeritus Mike Gold and I think all organized religions are really like Amway, I’m not sure what to tell you."
3.) "lol Well, I recognize that inside of the structure of the joke lays the truth of what you lot really believe about organized religion... a point of view that's not exactly a secret."
(it's the human part that's the problem, people rarely follow the instructions and live up to the ideals they are supposed to)
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