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Rasheed, Muhammad. "The Hypocritical Divisiveness of the Pagan." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 18 Oct 2022. Permanent marker w/Adobe Photoshop color.
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Dave Lewis - Arias FΓ₯glar: "Indeed. [MEME] 'Telling a pagan they're going to hell is like telling a christian they're going to Mordor.'"
Muhammad Rasheed - The One God revealed that all of the pagan idols were fictions invented by wayward disbelievers.
Notably, none of the pagan idols revealed a scripture to counter these claims.
Muhammad Rasheed - Good luck in hell.
Dave Lewis - REALLY!? HUH ππ€£π
Muhammad Rasheed - Yes, really.
Muhammad Rasheed - So far, the pagans & atheists are on the losing side of these debates.
Muhammad Rasheed - The pagans are just stupid, and the atheists are stupid, lazy and narrow-minded.
Muhammad Rasheed - (and communist af)
Grey Wolf - @Muhammad... You're not real. You have to be trolling. Objective repeatable fact trumps superstitious bullshit every time.
Dave Lewis - @Muhammad... How do you know what my spiritual belief system is.. I put up something that's funny for nerds.. and you take it down the road of judgment.. the one thing I know.. you're not meant to judge me or anyone.. your job is for God to shine through you.. and all you're doing is giving me a candle in the wind storm and telling me what to look at and how to be judged.. maybe you should go do your own spiritual search.. and come back when you have a halogen lamp and maybe maybe I can see where you're coming from π€
Grey Wolf - @Dave... A fricking Bat Signal wouldn't make his position any easier to see. He's just a hateful seperatist. -And what the hell (<see what I did there) is up with the communism bs? Is this 1940?
Muhammad Rasheed - Grey wrote: "Objective repeatable fact"
lol Like what?
Muhammad Rasheed - Dave wrote: "how do you know what my spiritual belief system is.. I put up something that's funny for nerds.. and you take it down the road of judgment.."
Who said I was initially directing it towards you specifically? I was responding to the meme's message itself; if you decided to get defensive then that gives me a clue as to where your beliefs lay.
Dave wrote: "the one thing I know.. you're not meant to judge me or anyone.."
Oh? I see a meme making fun of Christians that you posted while giggling and you believe I'm not supposed to respond to it? How very droll.
Dave wrote: "your job is for God to shine through you.."
lol My job is to believe in the One God who made me, defend what is right and condemn what is wrong. Note that that doesn't involve accepting what someone else says that my job should be.
Dave wrote: "and all you're doing is..."
Pointing out why this meme is stupid.
Joseph Malnack - @Grey... Historically, I believe fascists hate communists.
Grey Wolf - Well said!
Muhammad Rasheed - Grey wrote: "A fricking Bat Signal wouldn't make his position any easier to see."
Said the blind man.
Grey wrote: "He's just a hateful seperatist."
Am I? I'm pretty sure this meme you lot are defending is separating Christians and pagans itself on the side of the pagan. Since I came in to defend on the side of the Christian, only I'm the separatist, innit? lol Y'all are both stupid and hypocritical. Should I be surprised?
Grey wrote: "And what the hell (<see what I did there) is up with the communism bs? Is this 1940?"
I literally had an argument with a coven of communists a few weeks ago. You appear to be out of the loop, bud.
Grey Wolf - Here's something for you folks to ponder:
If god is omnibenevolent as shown in scripture, Psalm 145:9 to be exact, then how could hell exist?
Put another way: is eternal punishment for temporal crimes just? -Of course it isn't.
Get over yourselves and come out of the caves.
Muhammad Rasheed - Grey wrote: "Here's something for you folks to ponder:"
This is baby stuff.
Grey wrote: "If god is omnibenevolent as shown in scripture, Psalm 145:9 to be exact, then how could hell exist?"
The verse says that God is good to all. You have the opportunity to live on earth and work towards eternal bliss... "the Ultimate Achievement for a human." That's very good, infinitely better than all the pleasures you've come to love on earth and they will LAST.
Grey wrote: "Put another way: is eternal punishment for temporal crimes just? -Of course it isn't."
Of course it is, because this is the One God's reality and His rules. If He says that "THIS" is the reward for doing this, and "THAT" is the punishment for doing that, that's fair & just because He unambiguously told you up front what the rules are.
If you decide to reject those rules for basically what comes down to because you didn't get to be God and make up the rules yourself then you are an idiot.
Muhammad Rasheed - There's a bunch of narrow-minded, silly clowns in this thread... wow.
Grey Wolf - @Muhammad... Bullshit. Absolutism has its own rules. You can't change them "just because". If god is all powerful in all ways, then he has limits. Like being unable to lie (This is in the bible). These arguments are well founded and not just my own. I get you won't see because you feel good talking down to people.
Grey Wolf - Not to mention the arrogance of thinking you have made the right choice out of 3000+ bullshit gods. It's ridiculous.
Grey Wolf - May as well worship Superman or Neo.
Grey Wolf - Here's another ponder point: If you got rid of all religious texts and all science and math texts for 1000 years, which ones do you think would resurface exactly they way they were before? (HINT: It ain't the religious ones) Why do you think that is?
Grey Wolf - It's amazing how much damage Xtians do to their own brand with the way they behave.
Muhammad Rasheed - Grey wrote: "Bullshit."
Nice to meet you. And I'm Muhammad.
Grey wrote: "Absolutism has its own rules."
Is that your pagan idol? lol
Grey wrote: "You can't change them 'just because.'"
I didn't change anything. I just pointed out that this is the One God's reality and you are wrong.
Grey wrote: "If god is all powerful in all ways, then he has limits."
That's the stupidest line ever typed. God doesn't have limitations per the very definition of "all-powerful," you dimbulb.
Grey wrote: "Like being unable to lie (This is in the bible)."
God DOESN'T lie. lol That's very different from the plastic and narrow-mindedly silly box you lot are trying to confine the Divine to.
Grey wrote: "These arguments are well founded and not just my own."
Your arguments are stupid. The All-Powerful Being chooses how He wishes to act because it pleases Him to act in a certain way. That's very different from "He cannot lie." hahahaha
Grey wrote: "I get you won't see because you feel good talking down to people."
I see what you are trying to say and I recognize its stupid, narrow-minded nature.
Atheists are STUPID.
Grey Wolf - @Muhammad... Ok. I'm talking to a child. We're done here. I guess the idea of paradox is beyond you.
Muhammad Rasheed - Grey wrote: "Not to mention the arrogance of thinking you have made the right choice out of 3000+ bullshit gods. It's ridiculous. May as well worship Superman or Neo."
Again, the One God revealed the enduring scripture of the ages to humankind (that entire civilizations were built up around mind you), in which He explained that He was real and the 3000+ idols were fictions.
Note that none of the 3,000+ fictional idols put out a mixtape to counter the claim. lol
Grey Wolf - If God exists, then God is omnipotent, omniscient, and morally perfect.
If God is omnipotent, then God has the power to eliminate all evil.
If God is omniscient, then God knows when evil exists.
If God is morally perfect, then God has the desire to eliminate all evil.
Evil exists.
If evil exists and God exists, then either God doesn’t have the power to eliminate all evil, or doesn’t know when evil exists, or doesn’t have the desire to eliminate all evil.
Therefore, God doesn’t exist.
Please continue with your childish rantings.
Muhammad Rasheed - What a dumbass...
Grey Wolf - @Muhammad... You realize that's not a counter argument? The name calling doesn't bother me, it just shows how weak your stance is. You feel some kind of way right now. Take some Midol or something.
Aaron Nakahara - [the it crowd popcorn GIF]
Grey Wolf - @Aaron... Love Moss
Grey Wolf - And if you think Xtianity is the only religion that hates competition, you simply aren't paying attention. How else do you consolidate power? Very NON-divine.
Muhammad Rasheed - Grey wrote: "If God exists"
God does exist because He MUST. The Supreme Creator is the Great Initiator.
Grey wrote: "then God is omnipotent, omniscient, and morally perfect."
Yup. Because He initiated reality itself.
Grey wrote: "If God is omnipotent, then God has the power to eliminate all evil."
Yup. In scripture, He even mentions that He could, but gives the evil doers respite until Judgment Day.
Grey wrote: "If God is omniscient, then God knows when evil exists."
Yup. In scripture, He mentions that He sees ALL and every single deed we do will be laid out before us on Judgment Day.
Grey wrote: "If God is morally perfect, then God has the desire to eliminate all evil. Evil exists."
Now you're being stupid again. The One God is the Master of the reality He created and makes the rules. Obviously, according to the scripture He revealed, He has a plan to populate paradise with a certain quality of humans... those who have passed Judgment Day according to the criteria He established. It is then that evil will be dealt with as He said.
Grey wrote: "If evil exists and God exists, then either God doesn’t have the power to eliminate all evil, or doesn’t know when evil exists, or doesn’t have the desire to eliminate all evil."
Now you are not only stupid, but you decided to express it with babbling nonsense you pulled out of your ass.
Grey wrote: "Therefore, God doesn’t exist."
lol Foolishness based on literally nothing.
Grey wrote: "Please continue with your childish rantings."
Said the foolish ranter with the chronically narrow-mind and zero scriptural knowledge.
Grey Wolf - Now Im not saying there isnt something out there. Im just saying it aint anything we came up with.
Muhammad Rasheed - Grey wrote: "You realize that's not a counter argument?"
lol Yes. What about it?
Grey wrote: "The name calling doesn't bother me"
Oh, good. Then put your seatbelt on. π
Grey wrote: "it just shows how weak your stance is."
Oh, my stance is VERY strong, narrow-minded one. lol
Grey wrote: "You feel some kind of way right now."
Yup. π
Grey wrote: "Take some Midol or something."
No need. Walking this topic down is medicine enough.
Grey Wolf - 1. It's called logic, something that you clearly don't possess. 2. You literally don't have a counter other than derision. That was embarrassing. Jonathan Anderson come check this out homey, You won't believe it.
Muhammad Rasheed - Grey wrote: "And if you think Xtianity is the only religion that hates competition, you simply aren't paying attention."
PLOT TWIST: I'm not a Christian. You can prolly tell by my name. π
Grey Wolf - Abrahamic nonsense is all the same to me. Comes from the same bullshit root. Make sure you pray on your magic rug or whatever. /eyeroll
Muhammad Rasheed - Grey wrote: "1. It's called logic, something that you clearly don't possess."
So, let me get this straight... you believe -- in your patented narrow-mindedness based on a literal nothing -- that you can "logic" your way into God's nonexistence by proclaiming from a position of pure ignorance what God's position is on evil while willfully ignoring what God said His position on evil is.
Fascinating. Idiot.
Stop using the word "logic" since you clearly have zero idea what it means.
Grey wrote: "2. You literally don't have a counter other than derision."
Meanwhile, I literally addressed point-by-point why your so-called "logic" train was stupid and merely added the derision as a garnish.
Grey Wolf - Oh and way to continually miss the point. Bravo.
Muhammad Rasheed - Grey wrote: "Abrahamic nonsense is all the same to me."
If it makes you feel better, the hell you will be tormented in for eternity is the same for all three of us, too. π
Grey wrote: "Comes from the same bullshit root."
The One God is the Root Cause and Initiator of His religion. You may continue building evidence against your silly self for the Day of Judgment.
Grey wrote: "Make sure you pray on your magic rug or whatever."
That's the same xenophobic spirit I found within that ignorant meme above.
Muhammad Rasheed - Grey wrote: "Oh and way to continually miss the point."
You didn't have a point. You literally made up nonsense that completely ignored what the One God said about Himself and you think your stupid, narrow-minded brain is enough to challenge the Master of the Day of Judgment, Supreme Creator of reality.
Obviously, you are incapable of seeing any point. π
Grey Wolf - Xenophobia is not applicable. This has nothing to do with race. smh.
I think ALL religious rituals and costumes are ridiculous and just an attempt by man to quantify and control the unquantifiable and the uncontrollable. It's whistling in the dark.
Grey Wolf - Lovely titles. He sounds like Smaug.
Grey Wolf - You love your wubbie and no one's gonna take it from you, I get it. I'd rather admit I don't know.
Muhammad Rasheed - Grey wrote: "Xenophobia is not applicable. This has nothing to do with race. smh."
Hmmmm... Apparently, the more you type, the dumber you get. It's not a 'racism' reference, but a hatred of things different or foreign.
[Google search: "xenophobia"]
Grey Wolf - I know, I know, I'm stupid, hell-bound, etc., etc.,
Muhammad Rasheed - Grey wrote: "I think ALL religious rituals and costumes are"
Who gives a sh*t what you think? lol
Enjoy hell.
Muhammad Rasheed - Grey wrote: "I know, I know, I'm stupid, hell-bound, etc., etc.,"
Yup. π
Grey Wolf - You are really bad at this.
Muhammad Rasheed - Am I?
You literally determined that God didn't exist by ignoring what He said about Himself and you called it "logic." hahaha
Grey Wolf - Evidently, YOU care. We've been doing this for an hour.
Muhammad Rasheed - Okay, now you might be starting to get interesting.
I "care" in what way exactly?
Grey Wolf - Sooo...you aren't even paying attention to what YOU type? You should probably breathe a bit.
Grey Wolf - The "Problem of Evil" is an epistemic question and has been around for centuries. Ignore it as you will.
Muhammad Rasheed - When the All-Knowing, All-Powerful Being does anything, it's because he FELT LIKE IT. That's what it means to be "in God's Will."
That's why He gets to be God... because when He feels like doing stuff REALITY HAPPENS.
But without any certain knowledge, and a conspicuous lack of even basic-level scriptural study, you determined that God "COULDN'T/CAN'T" do something as a defining limit of evidence of His nonexistence for no reason other than the fact that God decided He didn't feel like doing something.
This narrow-minded foolishness is what you hold onto as "logic."
But you thought I would give a sh*t what someone who is that dumb thinks about religion as his personal opinion.
You don't know anything and are not qualified to give your opinion on the topic.
Muhammad Rasheed - The so-called "problem of evil" is answered in the most basic levels of scripture. The question has only "been around for centuries" because atheists are stupid and narrow-minded, but pretend they are smart.
Grey Wolf - K, Bro. Perfect example of Ad Hominem though. Proving your reasoning fallacious.
Muhammad Rasheed - Evil is an action; humans perform wrong-doing. The One God said He will allow the wrongdoers respite until the Last Day when they will be held accountable for their deeds. He told the believers to guard the peace and manage their affairs to keep the wrong-doers from making life on earth unbearable. So, it's not God's job to handle evil, but ours in our human-ran systems.
Grey Wolf - Sure.
Muhammad Rasheed - Grey wrote: "Now Im not saying there isnt something out there. Im just saying it aint anything we came up with."
lol God said it was He who reached out to the very first human to tell him who God was, tell him about the spirit realms, and how his soul could profit from the knowledge.
The only thing we came up with were those 3,000+ fictions that God told us to discard.
Muhammad Rasheed - Grey wrote: "I'd rather admit I don't know."
Did you though? Or did you post a bullsh*t "logic" train based on foolishness?
Muhammad Rasheed - Next time lead with "I don't know" and have some dignity.
Grey Wolf - I'm saying I don't know what comes after, not anything else. (Neither do you or it wouldn't be called "faith")I don't believe your bullshit and provide comprehensive evidence as to why.
Grey Wolf - I mean you seriously believe in a Buraq? It's ridiculous.
Muhammad Rasheed - Grey wrote: "Here's another ponder point: If you got rid of all religious texts and all science and math texts for 1000 years, which ones do you think would resurface exactly they way they were before? (HINT: It ain't the religious ones) Why do you think that is?"
What the f*ck was THIS you were trying to say???
You have NO IDEA what sacred scripture is about. NONE.
The Qur'an is the only scripture that is in the form it was in when it was revealed. The prophet preached it and the believers wrote it down. Neither the Christians nor the children of Israel did that with any of their prophets' preachings.
Muhammad Rasheed - Grey wrote: "I'm saying I don't know what comes after, not anything else."
It's clear you don't know anything at all. You're a dumbass.
Grey wrote: "(Neither do you or it wouldn't be called 'faith')"
As we've already discussed, it's better for you to sit over there in your li'l corner and just repeat "I don't know" while you rock yourself to sleep. There's a lad.
Grey wrote: "I don't believe your bullshit"
Because you're a narrow-minded idiot committed to the same.
Grey wrote: "and provide comprehensive evidence as to why."
Was that the "logic" that I shot down earlier? lol
Muhammad Rasheed - Grey wrote: "I mean you seriously believe in a Buraq? It's ridiculous."
It seems like you are desperately splashing around in Wikipedia fishing for something to "get me" with. lol
Grey Wolf - Can't answer, eh?
Muhammad Rasheed - The last time you said something like that I was in the middle of typing my response.
Muhammad Rasheed - This time I'm pondering whether the response will be worth it since it is guaranteed to go over your head and confuse you since you literally don't know anything about scripture.
Grey Wolf - Make all the suppositions you like about me. Much like your beliefs, they are baseless. I have had this conversation a myriad of times over the years and have learned quite a bit about the "dumb stuff".
Grey Wolf - Just declare yourself the winner and be done with it. I'm not going to change your mind, and you can't change mine without evidence. Stalemate.
Muhammad Rasheed - You don't have anything to change my mind with. I've already demonstrated that your stance is stupid and based on narrow-minded fallacies that willfully avoid the source materials.
Muhammad Rasheed - I'm the winner of the argument because I know the material and you don't.
That's it. It was a handicap match.
Muhammad Rasheed - A person who is actually studied in comparative religion versus a goober who thinks he can bluff his way through the argument against someone who can see straight through him.
"Stalemate" indeed. π
Grey Wolf - Ok.
Muhammad Rasheed - How did you think you could change my mind when you can't intelligently address the source material my faith is based upon?
Did you somehow think I would magically give more weight to the arrogant opinions of atheistic, racist as f*ck, European philosophers than to the Word of God?
Muhammad Rasheed - Explain THAT "logic."
Grey Wolf - M. Rasheed wrote: "Did you somehow think I would magically give more weight to the arrogant opinions of atheistic, racist as f*ck, European philosophers than to the Word of God?"
Xenophobic much?
Grey Wolf - lol Have a good night.
Muhammad Rasheed - Those are the same guys that colluded into keeping my ethnic group subjugated for 400 yrs of exploitation and plunder. Pointing that out isn't xenophobic, it's history & politics.
Muhammad Rasheed - Apparently you still don't know what xenophobia is. You don't learn anything from these encounters.
Muhammad Rasheed - I don't worship the who's who of atheist European philosophers. lol
I only worship the One God who made me. Somehow you believe that's xenophobic, even after I posted the screenshot of the definition for your usage.
Grey Wolf - Are you ok, bro?
Muhammad Rasheed - Grey wrote: "Are you ok, bro?"
Why do you ask?
Are you going to pretend to be studied in medicine, too? Please don't.
Grey Wolf - I don't really care, so I deleted the question. Have fun ranting! I'm out!
Muhammad Rasheed - You were out when you started. B'bye.
Muhammad Rasheed - Grey wrote: "K, Bro. Perfect example of Ad Hominem though. Proving your reasoning fallacious."
It was not an ad hominem fallacy, since the pointing out your stupidity was just a side garnish to picking your "logic" apart.
God definitively said that He gives evil respite until the Last Day, but you said He "can't" do anything about it. The fault is ignorance on your part, not limitations on God.
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