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Rasheed, Muhammad. "Black King Valkyrie™ & the Battle for Her Convictions." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 18 Sep 2022. Permanent marker w/Adobe Photoshop color.
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The failure to think that stupid sh*t through (cook up a vital mission to send her on perhaps? lol), while everyone else ($758.2 million at the box office) apparently thought it was quite reasonable for Black King Valkyrie™ the super combat badass to say "Meh" to dying in combat, is why you're all going to hell. 😆
Brandon Hartsfield - Yeah I also thought the whole film was under whelming and the best part about the film was truly the villain 😂
Muhammad Rasheed - I thought the villain was trash and just a weak & preachy excuse for disrespectful white liberals to make fun of organized religion.
Brandon Hartsfield - Yeah I picked that up as well huge Voldemort vibes as well 😂😂
Steve Plater - That whole movie was balderdash..
Clifton Hatchett - You realize this is fictional?
It's make believe.
You do know that nothing in these movie's are real?
M. Rasheed wrote: "disrespectful white liberals to male fun of organized religion."
You watched a movie in which the main villain is named Gorr the God Buther,& complain about making fun of religion.
How would you make a villain?
What villainous trait shouldn't be created?
We're discussing Thor, Zeus, etc, and your framing this as an attack on organized religion.
Next time I read an X-Men comic and Storm is depicted in combat being attacked, I'll be sure to go balling about an attack on Black Women.
Larry Young - Speaking of religion, aren’t Klingons just Space Vikings, too? Dying a glorious death in battle is how you get in to Valhalla or Sto-va-kor, but since the gods have given us all free will, we sometimes get to decide when that happens, and Valkyrie obviously thought she still had villains of her own to vanquish.
It’s not a bloodthirsty rush to get your soul into the afterlife, it’s how you handle your exit from this one. Jane Foster got into Valhalla by dying in a glorious battle against… cancer.
It’s not what you’re doing when you go out, it’s how bravely you do it.
Crystal Hubbard - She had been stabbed through the back! That's why she wasn't in the final fight with Gorr! How she s'posed to fight Gorr when she'd been impaled by the Necrosword? Give the only king besides Martin Luther Jr that I've ever liked a serious break, dude...!
Muhammad Rasheed - Clifton wrote: "You realize this is fictional? It's make believe."
lol I realize that you don't get my point, but I'm willing to be patient with you. #YoureWelcome
Clifton wrote: "You do know that nothing in these movie's are real?"
The programming is real. The social engineering effects of mass media indoctrination are real. The encoding messaging into widely broadcast media product to introduce and reinforce agendas is real.
Clifton wrote: "You watched a movie in which the main villain is named Gorr the God Buther,& complain about making fun of religion. Geeeez."
Hm. Did I complain about it, or did I dismiss the villain as a weak trope while talking about something else to a friend?
Clifton wrote: "How would you make a villain?"
With skill & panache.
Clifton wrote: "What villainous trait shouldn't be created? Seriously?"
You can't be that serious in the asking since this question has literally nothing to do with my point. You literally picked up a throwaway comment molehill to turn it into a mountain. I was unimpressed with the villain character, thought it was a weak rant by an atheist about religion, and it didn't hold my attention at all. The throwaway comment/dismissal I said to Brandon above was all I had to say about it. How that translates in your mind that I demand that other creators can only make villains from a short list I demand sounds like you got triggered from my post for other reasons and are trying to... what? lol
Clifton wrote: "We're discussing Thor, Zeus, etc, and your framing this as an attack on organized religion."
The throwaway villain's weak part was the lame atheist writer rant against organized religion. My original post wasn't about that. Allow me to help you: My actual point was that people poorly think through the concepts involved -- both in the faiths themselves, as well as in fictional works that are supposed to draw from those concepts. People in general lack the ability to intelligently analyze the concepts because they were trained in our society not to, both from the very ill-advised "sheep being spoonfed by the shepherd" aspect of an authoritative priest-craft model of religion, and from the recent falling out of favor that organized religion has become in the modern era.
Clifton wrote: "Next time I read an X-Men comic and Storm is depicted in combat being attacked, I'll be sure to go balling about an attack on Black Women."
Have fun!
Muhammad Rasheed - Larry wrote: "Dying a glorious death in battle is how you get in to Valhalla or Sto-va-kor, but since the gods have given us all free will, we sometimes get to decide when that happens..."
I'm witnessing you literally just make up what you want organized religion's concept of "free will" to mean without any certain knowledge, and actually expect what you conjured to be accepted as the definitive definition. You're literally contributing evidence that supports my point. lol
"Free Will" means that you have the ability to choose whether you believe in God/spirit/afterlife or don't; God is not going to force you to believe and you may live your life however way you wish. The catch is that in the end you will be Judged on what you decided to do and the quality of your afterlife experience -- which will last forever, mind you -- will be determined based on whether you believed or not and if your actions aligned to those beliefs. We don't get to determine when we die; that info was already recorded before we were born. People survive horrendous car accidents, the battlefield and even suicide attempts all the time (sometimes without a scratch!), so our Free Will has nothing to do with that at all; birth & death are God's department. Our actions can determine what level of comfort we find ourselves in when the time comes though.
Larry wrote: "and Valkyrie obviously thought she still had villains of her own to vanquish. It’s not a bloodthirsty rush to get your soul into the afterlife"
That's another example of not thinking the concept through. Within that belief system, we're talking about the difference between "heaven" Valhalla versus the musty, lame death realm of Hela where the regular jagoffs, who aren't privileged to be in the warrior class, have to go. Heaven is the best deal; the realm of literal eternal bliss. Described in Abrahamic scripture, the One God calls it "the Ultimate Achievement for a human." Even for the warrior class, there is still a strict requirement for getting that best deal... you can't 'just die.' You have to die IN BATTLE demonstrating all the high qualities of the Warrior's Heart when you were struck down: courage, belief, fortitude, etc.
If you know that's the only way to get into the (Ultimate Achievement) best deal, why would you shrug off an opportunity to take it when it is much more common for people to end up on Hela's side? What if she succumbed to her wounds from her first encounter with Gorr? Or a fractured multiverse encounter with an alternate version of Thanos, or ANYTHING? Instead of having the warrior casually shrug off her faith tenets like an ignorant modern day human who doesn't give a sh*t because of weak-minded influence from an atheist culture, how about think it through better and give her an actual plausible mission-related reason for not wanting to go? Unless, of course, the decision to make the carefully profiled Black King Valkyrie™ character act that way was specifically to influence the audience in a particular way. 😉
Larry wrote: "it’s how you handle your exit from this one."
The POINT is to get into heaven. If that's not your point, then you don't know what heaven is. Heaven is everything you love most about earth, but increased infinitely to amounts you currently cannot imagine and tailored specifically to you by the same God that created everything you love about earth -- and it will last FOREVER. If you make any decision that will sacrifice your seat in heaven for something in this temporary realm (or Hela's sh*t realm), you are an idiot.
Larry wrote: "Jane Foster got into Valhalla by dying in a glorious battle against… cancer."
Foolishness. That's what it sounds like when someone who doesn't care about the rules of the faith just makes up something that sounds good to them. Everyone performs that nonsense, both believers and atheist writers alike, which is why the state of the world looks the way it does. People don't really understand what heaven means (or the eternal torment of hell either, for that matter) and don't take the faith as seriously as they should. Consequently, they aren't in the habit of thinking about it from a serious place, and their walk is weak. To the chronically uninformed atheist, the material they've never bothered to seriously deep dive into does sound like dumb, inconsistent silliness from the outside, which is why they think the "Invisible spaghetti monster" parody is actually a mic drop based on their own poor understanding and failure to think the material through outside of their own strawmen effigy logical fallacies.
Larry wrote: "It’s not what you’re doing when you go out, it’s how bravely you do it."
Well, I'm pretty sure she sought out Mjolnir to escape her fate, so I'm equally pretty sure that your inconsistent, wishy-washy interpretation of "bravely" contradicts the Norse version of the concept wildly. lol
Larry Young - If you say so; I don’t have a ton of interest in this line of inquiry, nor any specific knowledge.
Sorry you spent all that work extrapolating what I think about a subject I’ve rarely taken seriously since I was a teen. 🤷♀️
Muhammad Rasheed - I already peeped that. lol
I was actually genuinely surprised to find you throw your hat in this particular ring. My traps usually catch different types of personalities. But thanks for playing. 🙂
Larry wrote: "Sorry you spent all that work extrapolating what I think about a subject I’ve rarely taken seriously"
No trouble whatsoever. How your demographic thinks about the material is actually being pushed in the mainstream as the only "correct" way to think of the material, so it is 100% worth it to drag those opinions out into the open and pick them apart to reveal what lays within. It's part of my mission to do so as a sincere seeker of truth.

Muhammad Rasheed - lol @ "Speaking of religion"

Muhammad Rasheed - Crystal wrote: "She had been stabbed through the back!"
Oh nooz!! 😱 The super-badass, sword master warrior got injured in close combat!!! Who let THAT happen??? What if she would have DIED??? She would have instantly went to the reward her faith system had waiting for her and lived in a literal eternal bliss!!! 🤮 That's crazy!!! Good thing she dodged THAT bullet! *whew*
Crystal wrote: "That's why she wasn't in the final fight with Gorr!"
Because eternal bliss is for sissies, amirite? Let's go to Hela's sh*t, lame death realm instead that's far more suitable for someone of her rank and stature. That's the ticket.
Crystal wrote: "How she s'posed to fight Gorr when she'd been impaled by the Necrosword?"
BRAVELY. Imagine that.
Crystal wrote: "Give the only king besides Martin Luther Jr that I've ever liked a serious break, dude...!"
What kind of "break" is this again? 🤔 One that requires me to convert to craziness that doesn't make a lick of sense according to the rules of the character's actual belief system? lol Sorry, but I actually enjoy story continuity, that's why I was a Make Mine Marvel! guy in the first place. Note that I stopped collecting at the start of the Bronze Age when continuity-adverse DC writers (and their protégés) started infesting the tales with their 'crisis.'
Crystal Hubbard - She wouldn'ta been in the final fight if she'd gone to Valhalla, too! So 🤪...!!
Muhammad Rasheed - smh So what? lol
Which is better:
1.) Missing the final fight because you are enjoying the beginning of an eternal bliss within a literal paradise
2.) Missing the final fight because "Ow." [wince] *turns on Netflix*
Crystal Hubbard - It didn't make no never mind to me, either way. King Valkyrie was legit hurt. She lost a kidney, or did you miss that part? If she got to Valhalla, she got there honestly, by DYING IN BATTLE. That's a rather big sacrifice. And once again, she missed the final fight because she was impaled by the necrosword and lost a kidney! What is your deal with this? Why are you being so hard on King Valkyrie?
Muhammad Rasheed - Crystal wrote: "It didn't make no never mind to me, either way."
There's a universe of difference between Valhalla versus Hela's funky death realm. You don't think Black King Valkyrie™ actually deserves paradise, or are you as dismissive of her as the writers and agree that someone of her stature should risk Hela's realm because the black girl flippantly and irresponsibly neglected the tenets of her faith to basically call out sick?
Crystal wrote: "King Valkyrie was legit hurt."
lol 🙄
Of all the people in my FB Friend List, you are the one who I thought would get this point the most. I always considered you the poster child for "bravely (and sometimes recklessly) does her own stunts."
'Legit getting hurt' comes with the Warrior Class territory, Ma'am. What kind of excuse is that for not bravely going into battle against a worthy foe? That combined with it being part of her belief system.
Crystal wrote: "She lost a kidney, or did you miss that part?"
Perhaps Tessa reminds you of a close relative and that's actually why you're acting like this... 🤔
Crystal wrote: "If she got to Valhalla, she got there honestly, by DYING IN BATTLE."
SLAIN in battle is how you get to Valhalla, not dying later from wombs sustained in a battle. Thor even explained that to Lady Sif as she was about to succumb to an after-the-fact infection or whatever.
Crystal wrote: "That's a rather big sacrifice."
lol That comes with the brave warrior folio, Ma'am.
Crystal wrote: "And once again, she missed the final fight because she was impaled by the necrosword and lost a kidney!"
Uh, no. She literally missed the final battle because she said, "Nah. I'm good. *kof*."
Crystal wrote: "What is your deal with this?"
I don't like when writers fail to think through the concepts to make sure the continuity is solid, and the gripe has greater application in how folks in general fail to think through religious concepts.
Crystal wrote: "Why are you being so hard on King Valkyrie?"
Because the writers used her as a conduit to make fun of Black people in a subtle way ("She didn't go to heaven because she called out sick"). It offended me.
Crystal Hubbard - You are taking this far too seriously. Valkyrie is a warrior and a king. She wants to be slain painfully in battle, but it woulda been a cheat for her to fight Gorr in the last battle. She was already weakened by an impaling and losing a vital organ. She woulda been killed and gone to Valhalla -- leaving New Asgard without a king! Valkyrie was in every other doggone battle! I totally get the "bravely...recklessly does her own stunts." That's exactly what I've done. It's what's led me to being the broken thing I am now. I have children. I have my Cubbalitos. I have so many people depending on me. I've had to let go and learn to let others literally fight battles I long to be part of. It's hard to sit out a good fight. But like Valkyrie in this fictional movie, I've had to let others have their turn at stomping a$$.
Muhammad Rasheed - Crystal wrote: "You are taking this far too seriously."
The film critique itself is not serious, but the poor way people think through spiritual principles is serious to me as a theist — especially when it's used here in the populace indoctrinating power of mass media influence.
Crystal wrote: "Valkyrie is a warrior and a king. She wants to be slain painfully in battle, but it woulda been a cheat for her to fight Gorr in the last battle."
A "cheat" according to whose criterion? In her belief system, the only way to get the Ultimate Reward of eternal bliss is to be slain in combat. Obviously, it would be easy to just roll over in bed and groan that you didn't want to go because your tummy hurts... that's why courage is the top trait in a warrior's folio. Her job was to get up, ride into battle, and do her very best to win regardless of how she felt. If she would have won, it would have added to her legend. If she were slain... paradise! There would have been no way she could have lost if she would have just sucked it up and pushed it out.
Sitting it out was weak both in principle and in her culture's belief system.
Crystal wrote: "She woulda been killed and gone to Valhalla"
Woo Hoo!! SCORE!!!
Crystal wrote: "-- leaving New Asgard without a king!"
I'm a million percent certain they just would have just crowned a new king, Ma'am, in the time-honored tradition. 🙄
Crystal wrote: "Valkyrie was in every other doggone battle!"
That's one of the reasons she deserves her well-earned infinite reward.
Crystal wrote: "I totally get the 'bravely...recklessly does her own stunts.'"
I know you do. What you don't get is that in this one's belief system, she will be rewarded with eternal bliss for acting that way, brandishing her combat skills on the battlefield—it's what she's worked towards for millennia. The film's writers tainted that concept with their modern atheist biases and wrote the scene with zero insight for how serious that would have been for such a character... her culture's version of piety. Or they did it to her on purpose as a slight against a Black actress in the role and they didn't want more than one of "those people" in white heaven. Perhaps it was a bit of both.
Thomas Mack - Marvel has been on the way out... since End Game... DC looks good with what they got coming up...
Muhammad Rasheed - Thomas wrote: "DC looks good"
Not since Bruce Timm & Paul Dini were making toons...
Thomas Mack - DC Animated Movies are the Heat... and Black Atom live action looks Great...are you Blind?
Muhammad Rasheed - Thomas wrote: "DC Animated Movies are the Heat..."
Thomas wrote: "and Black Atom live action looks Great..."
lol Nah.
Thomas wrote: "are you Blind?"
MAKE MINE MARVEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Muhammad Rasheed - Thomas wrote: "Marvel has been on the way out... since End Game..."
They are introducing the Kree-Skrull War and the Secret Wars. "On the way out" of what? That's some of their best sh*t.
Thomas Mack - ...wait til you see how its implemented.... Are you on the Woke?...say it isn't so?!!
Muhammad Rasheed - I'm literally a Black American activist. We literally invented the term Woke.
Muhammad Rasheed - LITERALLY.
Thomas Mack - ....then they are Hijacking your Sht!!!!
Muhammad Rasheed - No, the Black American anti-racism activists aren't hi-jacking it, our rivals are hi-jacking it.
Knuckleheads are using my 'Woke' label for my rivals for some stupid, appropriation, misdirection reason.
Muhammad Rasheed - ..but they weren't going to leave the stories exactly the way they were written back in the 1970s-1980s anyway.
Thomas Mack - ...I'm just tired of watching the Fandoms Burn.... LOTR... DR WHO.... STAR TREK...STAR WARS...Marvel....
I'm now Older and Bitter and want the kids to get off my Damn Lawn!!!
Muhammad Rasheed - To be clear, is this related to more "POC" people in the casting, or more gay people? 🤔
Thomas Mack - Id have to write you an essay on that one....
Muhammad Rasheed - Which one?
Black or gay?
Muhammad Rasheed - Is this related to that old Jet Li movie you showed me, where the villain turned into a woman to power-up?
Thomas Mack - Left or Right... Up or Down...Black or White....Gay or Straight...Democrat or Republican.... I'm done with Duality.
Muhammad Rasheed - Did you actually have a problem with that villain, or nah?
(this may give me a clue)
Muhammad Rasheed - Black or gay is 100% not a "duality."
I'm just asking which aspect of the fandom properties made your shorts ride up highest.
Thomas Mack - ...as a writer yourself you know all of that is in context.
Muhammad Rasheed - lol
Muhammad Rasheed - The context is greater than the story format. There's also the political side.
Muhammad Rasheed - People get more upset over the political part than the story part.
Thomas Mack - Entertainment now is Politics first... Checklists second... and Story Third..
Muhammad Rasheed - I get upset over the political decisions because they represent a cheat that pretends to be the progress the activists are fighting for.
Thomas wrote: "Entertainment now is Politics first..."
Popular entertainment has always been politics first. The 'powers-that-be' aren't going to allow a blockbuster go out to that many people and not try to influence them.
Muhammad Rasheed - DW Griffith's Birth of a Nation was definitively politics first...
Thomas Mack - .... Im moving primarily to independent media...entertainment... video games.. news...things have shifted drastically in the last 10 years... and Fandoms are a casualty of whatever political war.... they are being sacrificed on the alter of influence.... "Chaps my Ass!"
Thomas Mack - .. its ike taking a paintbrush and altering the Mona Lisa... Art is up for Grabs...
Muhammad Rasheed - Thomas wrote: "things have shifted drastically in the last 10 years..."
No. They were just political leaning in your demographic's direction. Now certain immigrant classes have more political say, so they are able to tilt things in their direction, too, and you're being a baby about it.
Muhammad Rasheed - Like that.
Muhammad Rasheed - That's how y'all sound.
Muhammad Rasheed - ...but let me see this essay. lol
Thomas Mack - wait till they take your comic and change all the races... and gender swaps them... and makes them gay.
Muhammad Rasheed - Only if they steal it.
Thomas Mack - ..... but dat Payday!!!!
Muhammad Rasheed - Stealing it implies I wouldn't be on the receiving end of that payday.
Muhammad Rasheed - You know there are gay white people, right?
You're crying over nothing. All of that fake-progress stuff works in your favor.
Muhammad Rasheed - It's their way of pretending to be about "civil rights" but only doing stuff that white people can do, too -- while continuing to lock the Black American out of access to capital, credit and wealth-building ownership.
Thomas Mack - ...if I wrote the Essay... you would take too much pleasure in dissecting it for fun... I will deny you that...Lol.
Muhammad Rasheed - lol You are 100% correct.
Muhammad Rasheed - Don't force me to use my mental powers to pull it directly out of your skull (it will sting).
Muhammad Rasheed - (and probably out you as gay)
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