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Rasheed, Muhammad. "Filling a Knowledge Void with the Foolishness of Conjured Projection." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 25 Oct 2022. Permanent marker w/Adobe Photoshop color.
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Tom Luth - [MEME] "They say it's hard to be an atheist when you visit the Grand Canyon...
"...I say it's hard to be religious when you visit a children's hospital."
Muhammad Rasheed - It's only hard to be religious when you visit a children's hospital if you are the type of religious person who has no idea what the bible actually says and you make up your religion on the fly based on FB meme's and cartoons.
Donna Barr - @Muhammad... Or you actually read that garbled tribal library.
Muhammad Rasheed - @Donna... Well, reading comprehension is an important part of reading. The institutions help by providing common vernacular translations when the Old English ones are too thick.
Tom Luth - @Muhammad... Or if you are capable of empathy and relate to the unbearable suffering of these children and their families. It is easy to smirk and walk away uttering "God's plan" while feeling nothing for them.
Muhammad Rasheed - Tom wrote: "Or if you are capable of empathy and relate to the unbearable suffering of these children and their families."
That's unrelated to being "a religious person" who--for whatever reason according to this meme--isn't aware that children bypass Judgment Day to go straight to paradise when they die and will have zero memory of their short time of earthly suffering. They will be okay. Any true "religious person" would be aware of that. The fake strawman version of a religious person the atheist conjured for this meme is stupid.
Tom wrote: "It is easy to smirk and walk away uttering 'God's plan' while feeling nothing for them."
lol So, just because I believe that they will be okay when they die and it gives me a measure of comfort for them and their families that the atheist conspicuously lacks, it means I "feel nothing for them." 🤔
That makes literally zero sense, Tom.
Steve Mills - God.. give me a break...he Loves us so very much he will allow you to suffer endless agony and then, eternal torment in Hell for all eternity if you disappoint him.. yea God!
Muhammad Rasheed - Steve wrote: "he Loves us so very much"
The One God loves you so much He gave you the rules and guidance for success upfront so you don't have to figure it out yourself... all you gotta do is believe in Him and try with sincerity.
Hell is for the @ssholes who talk sh*t like they are God's peers, don't try at all and act entitled like they deserve heaven just because.
Steve Mills - @Muhammad... Best part is he doesn't exist, so no worries!!
Muhammad Rasheed - God exists. Take heed. Do not die in an unbelieving stance.
Steve Mills - Not worried...too silly too even try...just too ridiculous to even begin to try. So beyond reality...grow up...pull that bandaid off...
Muhammad Rasheed - The One God is the only reality. Submitting to His commands are what makes us grown-ups -- rejecting God's commands because you want to live a reckless, loose lifestyle guilt-free is the very definition of juvenile.
Tom Luth - So, help us out, which denomination is the REAL one? Mormon? Episcopalian? Methodist? Catholic? Remember, if we get this wrong, we burn in hell for eternity. Make sure you have it right.
Muhammad Rasheed - Tom wrote: "So, help us out, which denomination is the REAL one? Mormon? Episcopalian? Methodist? Catholic?"
The One God said very specific things that make up the revealed message. His anointed prophets said very specific things that aligned to the Word of God that would guide us to eternal bliss and avoid eternal torment. The differences between the denominations is mostly political and secular, not religious. First, read scripture for yourselves and determine what the Lord thy God requires of you. Second, determine which of the denominations most closely reflects what God said and then just choose that one (it could also be a "nondenominational" one).
Tom wrote: "Remember, if we get this wrong, we burn in hell for eternity. Make sure you have it right."
All you have to do is do what God said. No need to make up fake rules about adhering to denominations before you even begin your study.
Richard Halegua - @Muhammad... Which God are you talking about.
I was looking at the list to pick one out, but there are 5000 choices currently worshiped, based on what religion you follow, where you are born in generality and depending on which religious leaders you are aligned with.
Gosh.. good thing the other 22,000 Deities that have been worshiped throughout history have gone the way of those dead civilizations, picking from 27,000 Gods is kind of a heavy task.
Muhammad Rasheed - Richard wrote: "which God are you talking about."
There is only One God who has reached out to humanity at the very beginning, to instruct us who we are and what our relationship is with the spirit that we may prosper. It was God who told us He is ONE and anointed countless prophets over the generations to warn us about inventing the '27,000' false idols, to discard them and worship only the One who made us.
Richard wrote: "I was looking at the list to pick one out, but there are 5000 choices currently worshiped, based on what religion you follow, where you are born in generality and depending on which religious leaders you are aligned with."
The trend in human tradition is for humans to build up our cultures around a given holy prophet who was raised up to guide us aright based on the the One God's revealed message. Unfortunately, it was also tradition to start worshiping that prophet once he was gone and even to event a pantheon family to go along with the One God. Usually God would anoint His prophets to put people back on the strictly monotheistic path they had started on, since paganism turned out to be our number one temptation.
Richard wrote: "Gosh.. good thing the other 22,000 Deities that have been worshiped throughout history have gone the way of those dead civilizations, picking from 27,000 Gods is kind of a heavy task."
Conspicuously, none of the false idols we've invented have revealed their own mixtapes to challenge the claims of the One God in His ever-enduring scripture of the ages.
Steve Mills - @Muhammad... Blàh blah...
Tom Luth - Or if we are not smart enough to pick the one, and only one, out of over 3,000 recognized Christian denominations. Choose wisely. Your eternity depends on it. Guess wrong and you will pay dearly.
Muhammad Rasheed - Tom wrote: "Or if we are not smart enough to"
It seems impossible when you don't even try. lol
Tom Luth - I tried for a long time until mid-college it became clear that religion is 100% about politics. They preached that if I didn't hate Jimmy Carter and didn't love Ronald Reagan I would go to hell. That is was impossible to be a Democrat and ever go to heaven. I was called a Jesus-hater for not hating gays, blacks, liberals, Mexicans, "Women's Libbers," and failing to recognize that blacks were responsible for ALL crime in America (I'm still waiting to learn what scripture says that) or that ALL liberals were on drugs. Yeah, sorry, not my thing. That was the Baptist Church under Falwell, for those curious.
Muhammad Rasheed - That's not the religion.
The religion is what God said, and how His prophets acted out the revealed message. All of that other stuff has nothing to do with the faith, and it's important that we are able to discern between the Word of God versus the machinations of mere men.
Steve Mills - Best part of religious beliefs...logic and reality don't enter into it .. religious people, sorry! Are insane...
Muhammad Rasheed - Logic & reality are very much a part of religious belief. It helps when you actually study the material so you can see it for yourself. Standing on the outside taking potshots kind of shuts you out of a mystery system's insights, it turns out.
englishmen7 - I'm an atheist but that's because my parents were and never really taught me to believe any religion, I feel people who are religious are taught it to then when their young by their religious parents, my parents never really taught me anything of the sort so I can't really help being an atheist.
Muhammad Rasheed - Quite a few white baby boomers were raised Christian, and a huge chunk of them converted to some version of the far eastern religions during the counter-culture era, following figures like Alan Watts. People study and convert all the time for a variety of reasons.
I'm a Black American, not an Arab, and I made the conscious decision to be a practicing Muslim when I was in my early 20s. None of my siblings are Muslims, and one even became Christian after briefly flirting with Islam.
Muhammad Rasheed - Based on my own research, I would recommend the religion of Al-Islam, preached by the unlettered Ishmaelite prophet Muhammad ibn Abdullah in 7th century Arabia.
Islam has a huge advantage over every other religion and that is the holy Qur'an, source text of the religion. The Qur'an is the revealed message of God that was delivered to the prophet by the angel Gabriel to recite and teach to the people. It was then immediately memorized and written down for posterity -- a concept that cannot be treated lightly. If any other prophet's followers treated the revealed message they preached that seriously, to be strictly recorded verbatim the second it was spoken, the book hasn't made it down to us.
The Qur'an is thus, uniquely, the only pure revealed scripture of God on earth; no other religion's sacred text even comes close.
This is vitally important, because for any honest truth seeker who takes the believer's Path, the very first thing one needs to do is find out what your Guardian Lord requires of you so that you may be saved and profit from the knowledge of God's existence. The Qur'an is neither ambiguous, nor stingy with this information, and is as it claims to be, a guide for all of humankind. Highly recommended.
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