Saturday, September 18, 2021

A Typical Demonstration of Impaired Persuasive Skill


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "A Typical Demonstration of Impaired Persuasive Skill." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 18 Sep 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

This #MRasheedCartoons image was inspired by the fact that the white supremacist ideology is quite indefensible, requiring spirit-breaking torture, brainwashing, mass media indoctrination and all kinds of other cheats to force it upon the populace. Of course, it's easier to get certain demographics to swallow it than others, but in any event trying to convince people they should accept it at face value is a bit of a challenge (and well it should be).

Because the white supremacist ideology is objectively evil as sh*t, it doesn't take long at all for the the pro-argument to fall apart. The level of education & skill of the proselytist varies both by class and talent, with the lower classes among them very quickly giving up and resorting to a uncouth name-calling tactic that I have duplicated with zero exaggeration in the toon above. Usually I just block them at that point since it's obviously not worth engaging with them further.

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