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Rasheed, Muhammad. "One Big Rent-Free Commune of Hatred." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 28 Oct 2022. Permanent marker w/Adobe Photoshop color.
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webkilla - haha - looks like we're still living rent free in in Rashit's head. dude just put up a comic riffing on one of the exchanges between me and his last sockpuppet account here. Dude just cannot handle anyone calling him for his bullshit. Hilarious
lolcow goes muuu
Crazy J - The one thing I don't understand is why are you depicted as a black man with a mega hat.
webkilla - what? no, this is the recent one I'm referring to:
...he's depicting me as a weird looking effeminate gay furry with a black slave/lover (because Rashit never does strawmen lightly)
NolanDaneworth - Is it me or did he accidently drew himself white-enough ? He really doesnt look himself black there
webkilla - Ya he does that sometimes - I have no idea why. I mean, his own profile picture on his website shows him as a perfectly normal looking black fellow
ToothBrush - That pic's kind of old. He's a little bit paler in the youtube vids from the start of the year (bit more tanned in the newer ones). Speaking of which it's weird how there's no mention of the youtube channel at all in the review. Have really just skimmed past it? It's mentioned in the under-blog of every comic.
webkilla wrote: "...he's depicting me as a weird looking effeminate gay furry with a black slave/lover (because Rashit never does strawmen lightly)"
The shirt says Long Tom dude. Under-blog has nothing from long tom so I get it (the Picture small and hard to read). You got Europoor union shirt, pink sweater round the neck, Sideburns, Sometimes you have a glass of wine. It's in the video thumbnail
Crazy wrote: "The one thing I don't understand is why are you depicted as a black man with a mega hat."
That ain't you either. He draws you as a jaundice gremlin with an afro, fez and 'murica colors.
Heres a good pic with all three of you fuckers together.
webkilla - ...why would I ever want to subject myself to listening to 26 minutes of him ranting about his own bullshit? Also, while he does mention he's on youtube in each underblog, he doesn't actually link to it in those mentions.
But no, I knew he had a youtube - I just see no reason to promote or raise awareness of his other crap.
And damn - I had totally missed that the shirt on that caricature said Long Tom. I had just seen that he was quoting some of my old posts, so it figured it was some kind of parody of me. Oh well, live and learn. Just odd that he'd use Long Tom for a thing I said. I guess he finds his caricature of long tom more silly or something... oh well, strawman gonna straw
I still wonder how he thinks that making comics about a webcomic review site will solve all the oppression he keeps ranting about in his comics. Oh well, lolcow goes muu. If he'll keep cranking out hilariously bad comics I'll keep checking up on 'em every now and then.
Crazy J - This guy makes Ben Garrison the king of subtlety
ToothBrush - @webkilla... Fair enough, but in vid I posted he accuses you of hacking the forum and wiping away 2+ years of posts just to remove his thread out of shame. We all know that's bullshit because Furries are incapable of feeling shame.
Whatever the case, you should him ask for the archive of the first argument. He probably has a copy somewhere, even if it's just plain text. Who knows, maybe he'll admit he's wrong for once.
webkilla wrote: "I still wonder how he thinks that making comics about a webcomic review site will solve all the oppression he keeps ranting about in his comics."
I think he just goes looking for fights to illustrate the hypocrisy and foolishness of the white (atheist) devils. We're not special, Don't think if he'll ever get sick of the formula.
webkilla - ToothBrush wrote: "We all know that's bullshit because Furries are incapable of feeling shame."
you know me well :)
ToothBrush wrote: "Whatever the case, you should him ask for the archive of the first argument. He probably has a copy somewhere, even if it's just plain text. Who knows, maybe he'll admit he's wrong for once."
Not even going to bother. He would NEVER cooperate on anything that would disprove him. Dude is maniacal - I mean, back during the original flame-war dude straight deluded himself into posting that him trolling us somehow gave him power over us. He legit thinks that shitposting about us means he wins against racism.
ToothBrush wrote: "I think he just goes looking for fights to illustrate the hypocrisy and foolishness of the white (atheist) devils."
Oh I know that - plus he absolutely LOVES to play the underdog, imagined or otherwise. My point was more that its completely pointless if the purpose of his pretensious drivel is to champion some kind of social justice cause.
Crazy J - Every Muhammad Rasheed comic
ToothBrush - webkilla wrote: "Not even going to bother. He would NEVER cooperate on anything that would disprove him. Dude is maniacal"
I get that, but as far as he thinks this attitude and even this post is an admission of guilt. Wouldn't hurt to flush this turd before it starts to fester. Especially since he's not going to give anybody else the archive at this point. I can guarantee you that much.
It's all a psychological game now. You're getting butt fucked since you have to make the first move, but at least you can make a winning move. From there you have leverage. He can't ask to you to try and "prove" you didn't hack the forum since the motivation of it all, according to him, was to remove his thread. He has no other real option but to give you the archive. And that at the very least will waste his time, as he has to dig through all of his bullshit trying to find it, or piece it together.
webkilla - ToothBrush wrote: "I get that, but as far as he thinks this attitude and even this post is an admission of guilt"
@Toothbrush... I don't see that. Rashit is delusional. There is no arguing with him.
...and you're talking as if we need his respect and esteem. He's a nobody howling into the void.
ToothBrush wrote: "You're getting butt fucked"
Again - why am I getting fucked? You're writing as if we need his respect or cooperation. We've never needed that from a cartoonist who's bad comic we've reviewed.
Having read more than enough of Rashit's comics - I know what makes him laugh. I see no need to humor him. His delusions humor him plenty all by himself.
and Crazy J, that's a good one
Crazy J - From my perspective, all of Rashit's ideology is to blame whitey for the all of the sins Black America commits to themselves.
Their women are whores, their men are thugs, their preachers are thieves, and the only people who can be blamed are themselves.
Ratshit can't look at the truth and so blames somebody else.
Muhammad Rasheed - @Crazy Z... Shut up. You have no idea what the truth is. You even admitted you didn't understand what the dynamic between my ethnic group and the Black immigrants was about, but that didn't stop you from making that willfully ignorant meme showing off your ignorance. All you lot care about is maintaining the dominance of white racism in society, that's why antiracism cartoons trigger you, let alone political advocacy... which is where Long Tom loses his silly sh*t.
Muhammad Rasheed - webkilla wrote: "you know me well :) "
Tell me what your 'furry' animal identity is, please, for my reference files.
btw, during our old Flame War, I asked you if you were gay or trans or whatever and you pointedly refused to answer. That's why I had my "CartoonFun" character refuse to answer your questions about how he felt about M. Rasheed's lbgt accusation toons. I'll never know if you got the callback reference or not, since you love pretending you didn't see stuff so you can hide your stupidity. For example, I remember you complaining about receiving the email notifications to my blog when I respond like this, so I know for a fact you were only pretending not to know what ToothBrush was talking about. ;)
Stay a slimy piece-of-sh*t, webkilla. it looks good on you.
Tell me what your 'furry' animal identity is, please, for my reference files.
btw, during our old Flame War, I asked you if you were gay or trans or whatever and you pointedly refused to answer. That's why I had my "CartoonFun" character refuse to answer your questions about how he felt about M. Rasheed's lbgt accusation toons. I'll never know if you got the callback reference or not, since you love pretending you didn't see stuff so you can hide your stupidity. For example, I remember you complaining about receiving the email notifications to my blog when I respond like this, so I know for a fact you were only pretending not to know what ToothBrush was talking about. ;)
Stay a slimy piece-of-sh*t, webkilla. it looks good on you.
Muhammad Rasheed - webkilla wrote: "But no, I knew he had a youtube - I just see no reason to promote or raise awareness of his other crap."
lol The point of my YouTube channel is to provide the official meaning of my cartoons from the artist himself, to counter the white racist twist that you, kiwifarms and 4chan/pol keep posting. I'm positive you knew that and that's why you avoided it. :P
webkilla - Crazy wrote: "Ratshit can't look at the truth and so blames somebody else."
Yup. Blame everyone else, never accept any responsibility for his own actions. That's why he also wrote in his comic that it was somehow us who threatened to kill him and banned him for that (as if that makes sense)
Muhammad Rasheed - [***FLAME WAR*** excerpt] kyrtuck wrote: "I dont much like killey death humor. Dont like it when Crazy J does it, I dont like it when you do it."
Notice that kyrtuck admitted that Crazy J had made a habit of making fake death threats on the forum that you regularly allowed. Is Crazy J still a member? lol Yes. That means your blatantly disingenuous claims of banning me for my fake death threat was a racist lie. You banned me because I posted the proof showing systemic racism was real and your filthy racist heart couldn't take it. [***FLAME WAR*** excerpt ends]
Notice that kyrtuck admitted that Crazy J had made a habit of making fake death threats on the forum that you regularly allowed. Is Crazy J still a member? lol Yes. That means your blatantly disingenuous claims of banning me for my fake death threat was a racist lie. You banned me because I posted the proof showing systemic racism was real and your filthy racist heart couldn't take it. [***FLAME WAR*** excerpt ends]
Why do y'all hate truth so much? lol
*** FLAME WAR***
NolanDaneworth - Whenever i read, listen or watch something related to USA (mostly YT videos) i constantly see the residents using that term (white supremacy), yet noone, not even once, tried to elaborate what that even means.
White supremacy. Supremacy in what ? Do i get better jobs only because im white ? Employers look for better skills for cheaper salaries. If what, stereotypical jokes about indians and chinese are more applicable to that sense. Im sure legal immigrants are likely to get jobs cuz they can be payed less than native residents for relatively same skillset. I judge this basing on my country where we have a fucktons of ppl from caucasus cuz their own socio-economy is shit.
Do i get better social status/attitude ? This might be partly true only because stereotypes still exist: like ppl of ethnics are more likely to commit crimes. But any rational reasonable ppl know that this is not a fact, but rather bad statistical representation. I mean, looking at this stats - white ppl in total committed more crimes than the rest, yet somehow ppl of ethnics are more on the sight. Maybe if you lot tried to fight this issue it might help a bit. I dunno.
And i dont even know else can be addressed into "white supremacy".
Muhammad Rasheed - NolanDaneworth - "i constantly see the residents using that term (white supremacy), yet noone, not even once, tried to elaborate what that even means. White supremacy. Supremacy in what ?"
[EXCERPT - The Racial Contract by Dr. Charles W. Mills, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at The Graduate Center, City University of New York]
"White supremacy is the unnamed political system that has made the modern world what it is today.
"You will not find this term in introductory, or even advanced, texts in political theory. A standard undergraduate philosophy course will start off with Plato and Aristotle, perhaps say something about Augustine, Aquinas, and Machiavelli, move on to Hobbes, Locke, Mill, and Marx, and then wind up with Rawls and Nozick. It will introduce you to notions of aristocracy, democracy, absolutism, liberalism, representative government, socialism, welfare capitalism, and libertarianism. But though it covers more than two thousand years of Western political thought and runs the ostensible gamut of political systems, there will be no mention of the basic political system that has shaped the world for the past several hundred years. And this omission is not accidental.
"Rather, it reflects the fact that standard textbooks and courses have for the most part been written and designed by whites, who take their racial privilege so much for granted that they do not even see it as political, as a form of domination. Ironically, the most important political system of recent global history-the system of domination by which white people have historically ruled over and, in certain important ways, continue to rule over nonwhite people-is not seen as a political system at all. It is just taken for granted; it is the background against which other systems, which we are to see as political are highlighted."
White supremacy is the foundational ideology of Western Civilization that guides the actions—both consciously and unconsciously—of the colluding cartels of greedy white men who usurp govenment and industry to hoard the benefits of wealth & rule for the white racist aristocracy (and their simpering "POC/BIPOC" support class) alone. It remains deliberately hidden as a formal ideology in mainstream institutions of thought to prevent it from being formally challenged as its destructive effects are clear as an exclusivist ideology that favors whites at the expense of the Black American former slave class specifically. It's in the white racist aristocracy's best interest to prevent it from being formally acknowledged as a fully-completed system of thought to protect it from scrutiny (contrast this with the vigorous international debate over the chattel slave institution of the previous era), and it is instead indoctrinated into the populace as a matter-of-fact casual truth of life itself to be passively accepted by all.
If you mean that white people in general have more wealth (which i'd like to put into merit, btw, because how do you distribute something you can't calculate ?) and have more power in politics, then this is purely country-based thing, not global-based. Because different part of globe has different ethnics dispersion.
Taking this thread in the form of theoretical situation (that we can apply to any media like twitter, facebook, etc etc etc):
2 ppl, one is europid and other is POC, having a dispute on opposite worldviews. The POC calling the other "white supremacist". So, what exact meaning do they put into it ? The white guy is in the ruling class ? That he is dominating over POC ? I dont understand at all. I watch it over and over and over how people throw "you are just supremacist" yet no explanation on what they imply.
[EXCERPT - The Racial Contract by Dr. Charles W. Mills, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at The Graduate Center, City University of New York]
"White supremacy is the unnamed political system that has made the modern world what it is today.
"You will not find this term in introductory, or even advanced, texts in political theory. A standard undergraduate philosophy course will start off with Plato and Aristotle, perhaps say something about Augustine, Aquinas, and Machiavelli, move on to Hobbes, Locke, Mill, and Marx, and then wind up with Rawls and Nozick. It will introduce you to notions of aristocracy, democracy, absolutism, liberalism, representative government, socialism, welfare capitalism, and libertarianism. But though it covers more than two thousand years of Western political thought and runs the ostensible gamut of political systems, there will be no mention of the basic political system that has shaped the world for the past several hundred years. And this omission is not accidental.
"Rather, it reflects the fact that standard textbooks and courses have for the most part been written and designed by whites, who take their racial privilege so much for granted that they do not even see it as political, as a form of domination. Ironically, the most important political system of recent global history-the system of domination by which white people have historically ruled over and, in certain important ways, continue to rule over nonwhite people-is not seen as a political system at all. It is just taken for granted; it is the background against which other systems, which we are to see as political are highlighted."
White supremacy is the foundational ideology of Western Civilization that guides the actions—both consciously and unconsciously—of the colluding cartels of greedy white men who usurp govenment and industry to hoard the benefits of wealth & rule for the white racist aristocracy (and their simpering "POC/BIPOC" support class) alone. It remains deliberately hidden as a formal ideology in mainstream institutions of thought to prevent it from being formally challenged as its destructive effects are clear as an exclusivist ideology that favors whites at the expense of the Black American former slave class specifically. It's in the white racist aristocracy's best interest to prevent it from being formally acknowledged as a fully-completed system of thought to protect it from scrutiny (contrast this with the vigorous international debate over the chattel slave institution of the previous era), and it is instead indoctrinated into the populace as a matter-of-fact casual truth of life itself to be passively accepted by all.
NolanDaneworth - It still does not answer what supposed Supremacy or Privilege i have over other people. The term itself implies that i have something what others dont. Am i treated softer by the court/cops ? Do i get things first than others ? Do i get more things with the same amount of money ?
If you mean that white people in general have more wealth (which i'd like to put into merit, btw, because how do you distribute something you can't calculate ?) and have more power in politics, then this is purely country-based thing, not global-based. Because different part of globe has different ethnics dispersion.
Taking this thread in the form of theoretical situation (that we can apply to any media like twitter, facebook, etc etc etc):
2 ppl, one is europid and other is POC, having a dispute on opposite worldviews. The POC calling the other "white supremacist". So, what exact meaning do they put into it ? The white guy is in the ruling class ? That he is dominating over POC ? I dont understand at all. I watch it over and over and over how people throw "you are just supremacist" yet no explanation on what they imply.
Muhammad Rasheed - NolanDaneworth wrote: "It still does not answer what supposed Supremacy or Privilege i have over other people."
I can only interpret that as you either didn't read my post at all, you didn't understand it, or you're being deliberately obtuse in a petty illustration of how white supremacy actually functions.
White people conspired across class and ideological lines to form an aristocracy that grants them socio-economic status over Black Americans specifically, and non-whites in general in a tiered hierarchy. In practice it is a criminal overclass over non-whites, in which whites routinely break antitrust and anti-discrimination laws with impunity to hoard wealth and rule for themselves. The poorest white has a median wealth of $17,000 compared to zero for the poorest Black people's median wealth. The white-controlled government is more lenient on white criminals or doesn't punish them at all, provides more money, land, lower interest rates, etc., to white people enabling them to secure a higher quality of life as befits their artificially maintained white racist aristocracy. They then target Black people for plunder and exploitative practices to keep that group in a subjugated state as a wealthless bottom caste.
White supremacy gives white people a faux-lordship status over other groups. It only works because whites stick together in colluding cliques and cartels and agree to selfish criminal behavior in which they steal the benefits of society while locking others out of access to those same benefits. This is done at all levels of government and society at large in Western civilization.
I can only interpret that as you either didn't read my post at all, you didn't understand it, or you're being deliberately obtuse in a petty illustration of how white supremacy actually functions.
White people conspired across class and ideological lines to form an aristocracy that grants them socio-economic status over Black Americans specifically, and non-whites in general in a tiered hierarchy. In practice it is a criminal overclass over non-whites, in which whites routinely break antitrust and anti-discrimination laws with impunity to hoard wealth and rule for themselves. The poorest white has a median wealth of $17,000 compared to zero for the poorest Black people's median wealth. The white-controlled government is more lenient on white criminals or doesn't punish them at all, provides more money, land, lower interest rates, etc., to white people enabling them to secure a higher quality of life as befits their artificially maintained white racist aristocracy. They then target Black people for plunder and exploitative practices to keep that group in a subjugated state as a wealthless bottom caste.
White supremacy gives white people a faux-lordship status over other groups. It only works because whites stick together in colluding cliques and cartels and agree to selfish criminal behavior in which they steal the benefits of society while locking others out of access to those same benefits. This is done at all levels of government and society at large in Western civilization.
Muhammad Rasheed - webkilla wrote: "That's the problem with identity politics Nolan - its judging you by your race, not by your actions."
- Top infrastructure official explains how America used highways to destroy black neighborhoods
- Gentrification and the Death of Black Communities
- How a ‘segregation tax’ is costing black American homeowners $156 billion
- How Property Law Is Used to Appropriate Black Land
- Bank redlining shuts doors to Black homeownership
- The Great Land Robbery
Muhammad Rasheed - @NolanDaneworth... The USA is a pro white immigrant nation controlled by white immigrants and their kids. Since the slavery era, U.S. whites have courted European whites to come over and make their fortunes at ADOS' expense. The fact that foreign white people are so enraged and triggered by Black American political advocacy is proof that even whites "on the other side of the globe" (see: Israel) can have influence in our politics.
FYI - Maybe we could've actually finished the discussion if you all didn't ban me from the boards over a blatant lie? lol It seems genuinely stupid to complain that I didn't finish a discussion that I was banned in the middle of...
ToothBrush - Alright, you guys don't need his respect. I just hate it when I or people I know are accused of obvious bullshit, and I think let that get the better of me. should of just left it at the furry line.
Speaking of furries (and more importantly butt-fucking), Rasheed's asking what webkilla's fursona, and whether he's into Bara or Traps. This is like the third time now. I think he's propositioning you Web. You let him down gently so as to not break his heart.
Muhammad Rasheed - ToothBrush wrote: "accused of obvious bullshit"
I am accusing them of being obvious bullsh*tters. I honestly think it's an incurable ailment at this point.
I am accusing them of being obvious bullsh*tters. I honestly think it's an incurable ailment at this point.
ToothBrush wrote: "You let him down gently so as to not break his heart."
I think if webkilla really thought that was true of me it would be the best day of his life. That would explain the shrine and all of his obsessive stalking, too.
Muhammad Rasheed - ToothBrush wrote: "that is a bold claim."
ToothBrush - Joking aside Rasheed why haven't you just looked up his furaffinity or deviantart, or really anything else for this shit. Webkilla is not exactly a hard person to find.
Muhammad Rasheed - Literally the only reason I was on y'all's site is because of the threads where you are talking about my work. I asked that question of webkilla because it was relevant in the context of the discussion we were having, but I wasn't interested enough like that. It's been a long time since I've read comics for fun; I read only non-fiction nowadays to feed my editorial cartoon work. I don't care about the rest of that, unless I happen to see it being weaponized against my ethnic group for the usual reason, so I can make fun of it in a toon.
Muhammad Rasheed - webkilla wrote: "Ya I've got plenty of freaky shit online he could mock me for"
I don't care about ANY of that. You see that I pointedly didn't even try to capture your real likeness in the "europoor" caricature. What I do care about is that you, the late kiwifarms and 4chan/pol are always deliberately twisting my cartoon art activist messages out of context, so it's my job to monitor how my own artwork is being received by both friends & foes alike. Your job obviously is to be a piece-of-sh*t and pretend you are innocent of supporting white supremacy all the way from a different country.
Since I'm committed to producing content regularly anyway, how convenient is it for me to merely respond to the evil sh*t people like you publish on the 'Net about my stuff and my people's cause? #TooEasy
Muhammad Rasheed - webkilla wrote: "But no, I knew he had a youtube - I just see no reason to promote or raise awareness of his other crap."
webkilla ALSO wrote: "Oh and on his youtube channel he's also later posted a good ol' rant about this reviewer is totes a white supremacist, because he says so. It's like listening to a scientologist explaining why you're actually being mind-controled by frozen alien souls, only its a super-woke moron calling everyone who doesn't agree with him a racist and white supremacist." [This page was last edited on 28 October 2022, at 07:28.]
lol Giving in to peer pressure after all the sh*t you talked is a sign of weakness, bud. :P
"because he says so."
Well, actually, it's because you are proudly & viciously opposed to the entire official pro-Black American antiracism platform, and your little clique got triggered and banned me for posting the evidence that backs it -- the same way the white supremacists behave. #IfItWalksLikeADuck
USA - spiteful weasel
Muhammad Rasheed - ^ This is interesting. Not just because the 4chan/pol goons wrongly assumed I made this toon about them (unless that's actually Long Tom who posted it!), but the idea that they would cry foul that I would respond to their racist sh*t and hurt their over-sensitive feels. But that's why they went anonymous, right? lol
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