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Rasheed, Muhammad. "A Weak Distraction from a Usual Suspect." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 06 Oct 2022. Permanent marker w/Adobe Photoshop color.
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Muhammad Rasheed - [TOON] Yockey's Legacy
Dancewithknives - Uh… the only people who don’t want black people to own guns are democrats.
Muhammad Rasheed - Uh... Republican governor Ronald Reagan pushed for the first serious gun control laws when he saw the Black Panthers brandishing their 2nd amendment rights. lol White Republicans only want 2nd amendment rights for white people. You hate the idea of people fighting back.
Isn't that the message of your cops killing Black people because they THOUGHT a cell phone was a gun? Or the reason why Philando Castile was killed.
Dancewithknives - Yes, RR advocated for gun control, but the first? Lol whut? Gun control in the united states started in the US when Democrats attempted to bust Unions in Chicago and by Democrat Klansmen in the south to disarm black men. plus, this says nothing to the efforts of democrats in liberal cities over the past year attempting to disarm their constituents.
Also, i was in Palmetto State Armory in South Carolina today and watched 2 black people buy AR15’s from the white staff, so i don’t think they want guns for only white people.
as for the nitpicked examples of cops shooting black people, maybe its smarter to comply to a police officer when they tell you not to do something?
also, “your” cops?
Muhammad Rasheed - Dancewithknives wrote: "maybe its smarter to comply to a police officer when they tell you not to do something?"
Castile literally did everything he was told and was killed because he was a Black man with a gun. You have no argument.
Dancewithknives - He shouldn’t have reached for his pocket. Officer told him ” not to pull it out”, girlfriend’s statement is he was trying to pull out his wallet. I can’t find the bodycam footage video as of right now. It was a tragic situation that could have been avoided. I’ve been pulled over with guns before.
Muhammad Rasheed - The officer told him to get out his ID. He told the officer he was carrying a gun. The officer shot him.
Dancewithknives - he told the officer he had a gun, the officer told him not to reach for it. it could have been worded differently, but this happened in the span of 3 seconds. If I were in that situation, I would have stopped and awaited further instruction.
Muhammad Rasheed - Castillo was dead when he waited for that exact same reason.
That guy joined the police force so he could legally shoot and kill a Black male because that's who the cops are.
Dancewithknives - really? that’s his reason? I didn’t know you could read minds. That’s amazing.
M. Rasheed wrote: “White supremacists in law enforcement”
the cop that shot castillo was latino and his last name ended with a Z. lol.
now, for as fun as this has been, I’ve come to question what a jumpy cop thinking he had found an armed robbery suspect has to do with democrats apparently *not* disarming black people.
Muhammad Rasheed - Dancewithknives wrote: "I didn’t know you could read minds"
It's easy when you study the consistent anti-Black actions of a demographic through the last 4 centuries. #ActionsSpeakLouderThanWords
Dancewithknives wrote: "was latino and his last name ended with a Z."
Spanish is a European language and "white hispanic" is a white supremacist that hates Black Americans just as much as any other white group. But nice try.
Dancewithknives wrote: "thinking he had found an armed robbery suspect"
He thought he had a Black victim he could get away with murdering.
Dancewithknives - Seriously, when your political cartoon career fizzles out, you should work at the circus, be the lady with the towel on her head and a crystal ball.
also, since you “study” this, look up what black people did when they founded Liberia. It’ll blow your mind.
Are you joking? The guy’s picture is on the internet. He’s not white. Are you implying that he’s Reverend Bigsby?
The cops pulled him over in broad daylight with passengers in the car on a busy street during the age of the internet where everyone carries a phone with a camera on it. That doesn’t even make sense. Still, that doesn’t answer my question.
Muhammad Rasheed - Dancewithknives wrote: "Seriously, when your political cartoon career fizzles out"
I don't know how you are interpreting "career" in context. This is art. It will fizzle out when the real life situation that inspires it changes.
Dancewithknives wrote: "also, since you 'study' this, look up what black people did when they founded Liberia. It’ll blow your mind."
Apparently you think "study" would involve finding a bunch of people who think exactly like you on social media making fun of it from your willful place of ignorance. To be clear, nothing you clowns say all the time on 4chan/pol is true. The Liberia project was started by president Monroe and the entire point was as a US colony in Africa using Black freedmen. The president assumed that the Africans would be more receptive to colonists who looked like them. lol The free Black American community didn't agree with the scheme and the few who ended up going to set up the colony showed up as agents of the USA as Monroe intended, acted like colonists and they received (predictably) major pushback from the natives, as they should have. Over time, after they decided to change their approach, they started to become more successful as active competition with rival colonists who ended up smashing them, forcing the USA to abandon the project as a failure.
Dancewithknives wrote: "Are you joking?"
Dancewithknives wrote: "The guy’s picture is on the internet. He’s not white."
lol He's clearly white. Are you supposed to be trying to push Hitler's "Aryan Ideal" as if it is real? Stop. Why would I accept any of your jackass ideologies as if they were real?
Dancewithknives wrote: "That doesn’t even make sense."
White cops murder Black men all the time and get away with it. What doesn't make sense is why you don't fear hellfire.
Dancewithknives - good luck with that.
I noticed you skipped the part where they genocided and enslaved the locals. predictable. Also, I’ve never been on 4chan.
I don’t want you to accept my “ideals” i want you to accept reality. Then again, I wouldn’t be surprised if you were one of those people who consider eastern europeans to be minorities as well. Also, Godwins’s Law.
yes, white cops kill black people in this country, but you know who they also kill? White people…on average over twice as many usually. They also kill latinos, asians, and people who are biracial as well.
as for fearing Hellfire, idk dude, its kind of weird being afraid of a song from a Disney movie, but you do you. Still, that doesn’t answer my question.
Muhammad Rasheed - Dancewithknives wrote: "I noticed you skipped the part where they genocided and enslaved the locals."
Apparently, the part where I said they showed up as US colonist agents for president Monroe went over your silly head.
Dancewithknives wrote: "Also, I’ve never been on 4chan."
A bald-faced liar, huh? Typical.
Dancewithknives wrote: "I don’t want you to accept my “ideals” i want you to accept reality."
It's adorable that a creature like you thinks it knows "reality." awww... All you know is the savagery of the white supremacist ideology neurosis.
Dancewithknives wrote: "but you know who they also kill?"
They are held accountable when they do that. By contrast, they get free paid vacations when they kill my people.
Dancewithknives wrote: "as for fearing Hellfire"
The fact that you don't is why you are here arguing with me and defending the murder of Black Americans by your cops. Enjoy hell.
Dancewithknives - Yes, I noticed the whitewashing.
nah, its the truth. Dont care if you believe or not.
All you know is victimhood. Go ahead and live in fear, it makes you easier to control.
Yeah, no. I live out in the boonies. Meth dealers and white trash get killed by the cops all the time and nobody gives a shit. As for accountability, that’s laughable. Off the top of my head, Ashleigh Babbit was shot through a closed door and whoever did it has never even been identified. Nobody was prosecuted for gunning down an unarmed woman carrying a baby at Ruby Ridge, and to this very day, the ATF is STILL hiding evidence and lying about Waco after they burned 27 unarmed children to death. You’re not special.
Once again, “your cops” the world is more complex than your simple binary. Just because I don’t support your narrative doesn’t mean I support the police. If you want to get your blood boiling, there’s a prosecutor I heard about who gave harsher sentances to black dope dealers than white ones, they also kept a man locked in prison for 10 years after an appeals court acquitted him, and denied parole to black inmates to use them as cheap labor. Her name is Kamala Harris.
Muhammad Rasheed - Dancewithknives wrote: "Yes, I noticed the whitewashing."
It still went over your head. At least you're consistent.
Dancewithknives wrote: "nah, its the truth."
"Truth" in your silly world is retconning/white-washing history and believing your own lies. You're consistent with that, too. There's literally zero reason to pay attention when your mouth moves.
Dancewithknives wrote: "Dont care if you believe or not."
Oh, good. 😀
Dancewithknives wrote: "All you know is victimhood."
I'm an activist.
Dancewithknives wrote: "Go ahead and live in fear"
Do I sound like I live in fear, you racist piece-of-crap? Activism is organizing the people for the movement work we need to make the change (#ADOS). "Victimhood" is none of that... it's just sitting around and complaining. But keep reading off your photocopied canned script and looking more and more silly.
Dancewithknives wrote: "it makes you easier to control."
Oh, is that why you're trolling my work? To control me? lol
Smile for the camera, please. 😉
Dancewithknives wrote: "Yeah, no."
Okay, here let me adjust my point for nuance since you're obviously starting at a negative knowledge base on this issue... Despite our government and industry being completely taken over by the 1% grifter monopolist, plunging us into a Second Gilded Age, the basic structure of US society is still capitalist. That means that individuals are able to "bootstrap" their way into 'success' if they grind hard enough, etc. It's easier for white people to do this than Black Americans because the gatekeepers among the wealthy class favor white people. But on the other side of that success, we have the poor class, which also contains both white and Black American. Even here, the two groups are not equal, with the median wealth of the poorest white families at $17,000 and only zero for the median poorest Black American families. The nature of our society demonstrates that there will be poor people falling through the cracks into oblivion from both sides, but as a GROUP, whites fair much better over-all because the society leans in your favor. So, yeah, yes.
Dancewithknives wrote: "Once again, 'your cops' the world is more complex than your simple binary."
The post directly above is an example of the "more complex" that I usually don't bother to explain to simple people like you who would rather my group be returned to slavery because you've always been too lazy and fearful to compete directly against me in an actually fair society. The simple binary is sufficient for my usual point since your class isn't really worth talking to other to create filler toons to mock you with.
Dancewithknives wrote: "Just because I don’t support your narrative doesn’t mean I support the police."
You support the police killing us and sabotaging us to keep us from doing better than your group. That's been the nature of our relationship since we joined up and met each other in North America. You're an asshole.
Dancewithknives wrote: "Her name is Kamala Harris."
smh I know all about Kamala Harris. The activists advocated voting down ballot until we get candidates willing to commit to our agenda; we did not vote for the Biden-Harris presidential ticket slot since we are quite aware how demonic the two have been to my group. Harris herself is a brahmin indian who has been groomed to grift the ADOS community since her mom brought her to the USA for that very purpose.
Dancewithknives - No, not really. What you said about Liberia is like calling the West African Slave Trade an unpaid internship with free room and board.
Your screeching about truth is hilarious when the concept of someone not ever visiting 4chan is as inconceivable as someone never using photoshop, watching nascar, or never using Wordpress.
Activists are professional victims.
Yes, and it sounds like you got really triggered from that one. Not sure what ADOS is, first result on google says Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, so I think you’re being very brave.
I’m not controlling you. Your handlers are. The freudian slip you made about down ballet voting confirms it. I’m trolling this piece because its so bad that you keep ignoring the original point that democrats are the ones disarming black people.
The tirade about income inequality in response to cops (and the government) not being held accountable for their actions really has some “Poor kids are just as bright as white kids” vibes to it. Are you inferring that poor people are more likely to commit crimes? Otherwise, I guess you can blame LBJ for that one.
I didn’t know we were competing here. I was just writing snarky remarks for the most part. Anyway, I am going to be completely sincere in saying that I don’t want to see you return to slavery.
The only person here saying this crazy bullshit is you. This is really damn funny because you don’t know what my race actually is.
“Vote for them even though they hate you.” You are being controlled. I can only imagine the seething that took place when Joe proudly declared he would “Refund” the police.
Muhammad Rasheed - Dancewithknives wrote: "No, not really."
lol Yes, it's really.
Dancewithknives wrote: "What you said about Liberia is like calling the West African Slave Trade an unpaid internship with free room and board."
What you said is what happens when someone doesn't know the history, but has grown used to repeating nonsense invented from your biases about a group and actually believing them as facts.
Dancewithknives wrote: "Your screeching about truth"
Truth sounds like 'screeching' to your kind, huh? That's interesting, if not surprising.
Dancewithknives wrote: "is hilarious when the concept of someone not ever visiting 4chan"
I often lurk on that site to create cartoons that respond to the things those guys say about my past cartoons. All of your talking points in the last several days are the same as what they say. There is a high likelihood that you are actually one of those guys who has shared my cartoons for their li'l feeding frenzies based on both the tone of your writing voice, and your template-based content.
Dancewithknives wrote: "Activists are professional victims."
You don't know what an activist is. Or, again more likely, you pretend to not know what it is only when people you don't respect are in the role on behalf of their own rival political interest groups.
Dancewithknives wrote: "Yes, and it sounds like you got really triggered from that one."
I'm always triggered when my ideological foes talk trash. Their deeds are in direct opposition to the political movement work my people need.
Dancewithknives wrote: "Not sure what ADOS is, first result on google says Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, so I think you’re being very brave."
That's the routine gag that the 4chan/pol guys perform literally all the time. I see they are doing it once again. 🙄
Dancewithknives wrote: "I’m not controlling you."
lol To be clear, you are a random ignorant trailer park trash person trolling me on one of my social media sites that I don't usually spend a lot of time on. I guess you can be considered controlling me enough to get me to type this long on deviantart. I'll admit it's unusual.
Dancewithknives wrote: "Your handlers are."
Who are my handlers?
Dancewithknives wrote: "The freudian slip you made about down ballet voting confirms it."
Do you really not know what it means to vote down ballot? It's a form of boycott where people come out to vote, but they pointed avoid voting for the top presidential candidate slot... this demonstrates coming out in active engagement, while pointedly showing a refusal to play the game the way the party leaders want. It's a strategy that activists use all over the world.
Dancewithknives wrote: "I’m trolling this piece because its so bad"
I don't care when people I don't care about giving me their subjective opinion about anything, but I really don't care when people who hate Black Americans and are apologists for anti-Black police brutality start running their mouths. You need to learn to read the room better.
Dancewithknives wrote: "that you keep ignoring the original point that democrats are the ones disarming black people."
Meanwhile, your boy Ronald Reagan (R-CA) laid the modern foundation for gun control as a direct response to seeing the very armed Black Panther Party back in the 60s-70s, and Barack Obama (D-IL) passed more pro-gun rights legislature and Executive orders than anybody (ironically).
Dancewithknives wrote: "The tirade about income inequality"
I have no tirades about "income inequality." Our main issue is the lineage-based racial wealth gap which is a different thing. "Income" is not the same thing as "wealth." Income is how much you make at your job; wealth is your total assets you pass down to your inheritors. ADOS has no wealth because that was the literal point of systemic racism... starting from slavery, we were deliberately prevented from amassing wealth as it was plundered by the dominant identity group. Reparations is basically the return of my stolen wealth.
Dancewithknives wrote: "Are you inferring that poor people are more likely to commit crimes?"
Of course they are. That's why the crime numbers of poor whites and poor Black Americans are similar.
Dancewithknives wrote: "Otherwise, I guess you can blame LBJ for that one."
I blame him for starting the trend beginning with his response to the Kerner Commission Report findings, and I blame all subsequent POTUS administrations (both Dem and GOP) for continuing the tends up into the modern day.
Dancewithknives wrote: "Anyway, I am going to be completely sincere in saying that I don’t want to see you return to slavery."
More lies. *yawn*
Dancewithknives wrote: "The only person here saying this crazy bullshit is you."
Literally every single post of yours was ignorant bullsh*t. Especially your stupid Liberia ones.
Dancewithknives wrote: "This is really damn funny because you don’t know what my race actually is."
Irrelevant. What I know for sure is that you 100% support the anti-Black American position of my typical white supremacist foe. If you are a non-white who does it (like Barack Obama, Kamala Harris, or Candace Owens) when it makes you part of the white racist "POC/BIPOC/Biracial" support class. It turns out, it was never about "race," but about lineage & heritage. You adore the Black immigrants, but hate me.
Dancewithknives wrote: "Vote for them even though they hate you.”
"Down ballot." 😏
Dancewithknives wrote: "You are being controlled."
I'm literally working towards getting my group what they actually need, which is what makes trolls like you come out (because you DON'T want that). The Black people who are being handled by the political apparatus are the ones who work directly for the DNC and RNC as political careerists and most of them are immigrants nowadays.
Dancewithknives wrote: "I can only imagine the seething that took place when Joe proudly declared he would 'Refund' the police."
I didn't vote for the Biden-Harris ticket because they refused to commit to my political agenda, hence the down ballot strategy. I expect him to be an asshole because he has never been anything but that. Remember, he's the one who put Clarence Thomas in Thurgood Marshall's seat. lol Why would I "seethe" when a literal racist monster behaves exactly the way his 40 yr profile predicts he would? You Don't Know What An Activist Is.
Dancewithknives - I got to about here in responding before stoping.
M. Rasheed wrote: “I often lurk on that site to create cartoons that respond to the things those guys say about my past cartoons."
These people live rent-free in your head, don’t they? [webkilla...? Is that you? ~M.R.] Get off the internet, go to the pharmacy, and buy some Preparation H. It’ll make the pain go away.
Muhammad Rasheed - Dancewithknives wrote: "I got to about here in responding before stoping."
You stopped because you ran out of canned troll comments already. tsk.
Dancewithknives wrote: "These people live rent-free in your head, don’t they?"
My ethnic group is an artificially impoverished bottom caste in our own country because of centuries of systemic racism, and here I find a congregation of white supremacists spinning my work into self-serving, cock-eyed racist messages for their amusement. It was a great find because I'm committed to making editorial cartoons about anti-racism topics so it's easy to just respond back to things my ideological foes say. They get to be their usual evil, asshole selves and I get ready inspiration to produce my art. It's a win/win, really. The fact that there are so many regular shrines over there to MY work, means I'm living rent-free in their heads, right? And oh, look. You are here, too. 😁🤣
Dancewithknives wrote: "Get off the internet, go to the pharmacy, and buy some Preparation H. It’ll make the pain go away."
There used to be a troll on here named "connor" something who went back to 4chan/pol and asked them to help him "get rid of" my social media accounts. They dismissed him because they thought it was too much work or whatever. My only response to one of you goons telling me to "get off the Internet" is: You wish. Eat it.
Dancewithknives - Yeah, cool story bro. I’m going to let 4chan have their cow back.
Muhammad Rasheed - Were you supposed to be their strongest champion, or something? lol
Pretty lame. 'Bye.
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