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Rasheed, Muhammad. "Muddied Waters: The Obsolescence of 'Race' in America." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 01 May 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.
This #MRasheedCartoons image was created as the cover to a lengthy dialog I had on LinkedIn over the past several days. It caricatures the comments made by a first generation Liberian-American's son, who seemed confused (or the PragerU editing made him seem confused) in society's political push to get him to take on the white partisan concocted "Black" label. His critique of the white liberal's schemes to use the Black immigrant to erase/replace the American Descendants of Slavery (ADOS) took on the form of shallow white conservative talking points that, as the linked dialog revealed, served only to get a whole lot of support from white conservative racists.
Valerie Johnson - [VIDEO]
Stories of Us: Siaka Massaquoi | Prager U
Muhammad Rasheed - This is an odd story and thread discussion. There is a difference between a Liberian immigrant's experience in the USA, versus the American descendants of slavery experience. I agree that the liberals have been a problem, but the nature of that problem is the exploitation of the Black American struggle, not fictionalizing it.
carolyn johnson - He was born and raised in America by his
immigrant parents. Watch the clip again.
Steve Mangold - A noted and valid perspective sir. Now all immigrants are the targeted next step to be exploited. Take the new and sudden Asian crisis which is a bunch of crap. Shins of many countries are here to escape communism. They are very concerned about what is happening in the semblance to what happens where they came from. He listened and admired for their bravery and their desire to be Americans.
Asians I know here are doing quite well they’re reaching for
the gold ring and they’re doing just fine.
But this for lack of better words “administration” wants them to believe
they are victims. Same crap different day!
Muhammad Rasheed - @Steve... The immigrant lobbies are very
powerful, and they certainly get that multi-part constituency more benefits
from the US gov than my ethnic group received.
Steve Mangold - @Muhammad... I think I understand what
you’re saying. And what I mean by the same old crap is that politicians and
federal government will use anyone they have to to achieve their tyrannical
plans. They’ll turn their back’s on someone else they helped quickly if it
suits their agenda.
carolyn johnson - So. You're an American-born black man and I empathize with your situation.
If we are all to believe the liberal narrative, all
descendants of slaves are abject failures, not because of anything they do or
don't do but because they are "obviously victims" of "systemic
racial bias" or some such crapola. Except they don't explain how it is
that Oprah's Best Friend Gail grew up with a maid!
Or "inconvenient" successful people of color who
were educated by paying their own way through college and not via affirmative
action (since it wasn't a "thing" yet).
I can understand your frustration of sifting through
everything to find a kernel of truth. It seems you and Siaka are parting the
curtain of untruths, half-truths, fiction, and reality when others have made it
their mission to just keep everyone fighting amongst themselves, then sitting
back and laughing their butts off at us all. And making money off it to boot!
Muhammad Rasheed - @Steve... I agree with you 100%. The
tricky part is that the immigrant class are the "favorite sons" of
politicians and federal government who they are unlikely to turn on, because
everyone in America is immigrant tied except for my people -- the former
chattel slave class were the only ones (other than the native first nations)
who didn't deliberately come here looking for a better opportunity, we WERE the
better opportunity for everyone else.
Muhammad Rasheed - carolyn wrote: "He was born and
raised in America by his immigrant parents."
No immigrant-tied citizen in the US has the same experience in the country as my people. The immigrant has had a powerful, multi-tiered lobby that gets them anything they want, even when blatantly illegal. The closest thing my ethnic group has to an advocate is the brand new #ADOS political unification movement that is still growing.
Liberia was created as a colony of the United States of America in Africa, and those freed slaves were agents of president Monroe. The natives eventually decimated "Liberia" because they recognized the invaders as just a black-faced version of the same colonialist efforts by diabolical Western powers. Learn to dig deeper, please.
carolyn wrote: "So. You're an American-born black man
and I empathize with your situation."
carolyn wrote: "If we are all to believe the liberal
For the record, I'm not a subscriber to the "liberal narrative." I'm a member of the American Descendants of Slavery ethnic group fighting for the long overdue economic inclusion of my people. Traditionally the white liberal figure has been the sneaky left-handed arm of white supremacy.
carolyn wrote: "...all descendants of slaves are abject failures,"
We're not "failures," we were literally
attacked and plundered of our inheritance wealth by white domestic terror by a
racketeering, criminal overclass.
carolyn wrote: "Except they don't explain how it is that Oprah's Best Friend Gail grew up with a maid!"
That's a logical fallacy. The "integrated" system is designed to favor Black Americans who agree to a support class position within white-owned monopolized industry. My own group controls only a tiny sliver of the $110 trillion in national household wealth and very little of that is represented by our 'Black celebrity' class.
carolyn wrote: "Or 'inconvenient' successful people of color who were educated by paying their own way through college and not via affirmative action (since it wasn't a 'thing' yet)."
Black immigrants, who came to the USA in droves after the 1965 Immigration Act, absolutely took advantage of weak social programs like 'affirmative action.' Before the immigration act, the white immigrants were provided free money and free land and other free opportunities by the Federal government as Dr. King pointed out.
carolyn wrote: "I can understand..."
You obviously don't understand very much. You appear to live inside of a partisan-flavored bubble composed of anti-Black rhetoric.
Total Metal Solution LLC - Blah blah blah...
The difference of 100 year, and go sell this to Irish immigrants, again more Poor me Blah blah blah...
Read Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell, yeah life is tough get over it.
The key to success in the USA is Loving Parents, Education and hard work!
Total Metal Solution LLC - DID i SAY LOVING PARENTS?
Muhammad Rasheed - @Total Metal Solution LLC...
The key to success under the current system is to be white or to be suck-ups to whiteness.
Total wrote: "and go sell this to Irish immigrants"
The Irish immigrants murdered
thousands of Black people in NY and burned their businesses and homes to
the ground, including the stomping to death of a young Black girl as they
destroyed an orphanage. Why did they do this?
They were raging out because Lincoln was preparing to free the Black slaves during the ongoing Civil War. I already know that the Irish immigrant doesn't care about anyone but himself. Please refrain from posting anything to me again.
Aaron Henson - @Muhammad... What is “whiteness” exactly? Statistically speaking, the key to success in America is based on three things:
1. Graduate high school.
2. Get a job.
3. Don’t have a baby until you’re married.
Do those three things and you will rise to middle class.
(Source is Brookings Institute.)
Muhammad Rasheed - Aaron wrote: "What is 'whiteness'
"Whiteness" is the political identity group composed of the unified Euro-ethnic descendants assembled into a functional economic class aristocracy. It was created in the early 17th century when the enslaved Africans were permanently delegated to a chattel bondsman class.
Aaron wrote: "Statistically speaking, the key to success in America is based on..."
Under the current system dominated by the white racist aristocracy, "success" is determined by winning favor of the white gatekeepers who lock the Black American ethnic group out of access to the wealth-building class. The most a Black American can hope to achieve under this system is to assimilate into a support class position within white-owned corporate.
True success for my group, the American Descendants of
Slavery (ADOS), involves the closing of the artificially-widened racial wealth
gap by the return of our stolen inheritance wealth, within a robust Reparatory
Justice program.
Aaron Henson - Ahhh, thanks for the info. And what would a
“reparative Justice Program” look like?
Muhammad Rasheed - Aaron wrote: "Ahhh, thanks for the
You're welcome.
Aaron wrote: "And what would a “reparative Justice Program” look like?"
The Roadmap to Reparations | ADOS 101
Ezra Loring - Not certain how you finalize victimhood being fictionalized? You may want to review the Demoncratic party's marketing plan and connection with the major corporate media billionaires, presidents, directors and broadcasters. It often takes a person out of the woods to see the trees in the woods?
Jeff Lansing - I agree there has been an exploitation of
blacks by democrats in this country. The man from Africa is seeing things from
a different perspective. However, he also sees things from a perspective that
is unique then regular black folks here in this country.
Muhammad Rasheed - Ezra wrote: "Not certain how you
finalize victimhood being fictionalized?"
"Victimhood" and "playing the victim" are partisan slurs used by my enemies and rivals to dismiss my protests of systemic racism.
Ezra wrote: "You may want to review the Demoncratic party's marketing plan and connection with the major corporate media billionaires, presidents, directors and broadcasters."
I'm already aware that DNC leadership and affiliates only pretend to be allies to the American Descendants of Slavery ethnic group, and no more wish to see us finally made economically whole and competitive equals with whites in the open free markets than white conservatives do.
To be clear, the only reason I am a registered Democratic Party voter is because the majority of my identity group are registered with that party through tradition and it would be easier to get them to move in our best interests from that space where we already have equity, than to switch to the Republican Party and start all over from scratch. Also, the white conservative figure is even more blatantly hostile to the Black American former slave class than the treacherous white liberal is, so our battle for economic inclusion through the GOP would be twice as challenging.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jeff wrote: "However, he also sees things from a perspective that is unique then regular black folks here in this country."
He sees from an immigrant-tied perspective as do the vast
majority of Americans. Everyone here is immigrant tied and can trace their
lineage back to an ancestor who deliberately came to the USA for a better
opportunity. "Regular Black folks" are the American Descendants of
Slavery who infamously did NOT deliberately come here and so it is actually my
perspective that is the unique one.
Ezra Loring - Sir I understand your reasoning and your explanation, I am leaving the donkeys and elephants alone, there are to many Republicrats and Demopublicans. Tradition is man made, and tradition has created Eugenics, discrimination, racism, socialism, communism, fascism, lynching, favoritism, genocide, abortion, war, rape, politics, and religion.
Jeff Lansing - @Muhammad... l am an American. I look from that perspective. I do not see things from an immigrant; my wife is and got cilitizenship. She does not understand the stupidity of politicians, riots in the streets and other stupid things. Someone from outside can sometimes see things we miss.
Aaron Henson, MBA - Assuming Modern Monetary Theory is more than just a third grader’s idea of a perfect world...roughly half of Americans pay taxes, which in 2017 was 143M people. $10T divided by 143M is ~ $70,000 per taxpayer. Are you saying that 143 million people should pay $70,000 each to a tiny percentage of Americans who descended from slaves? What if some of the people who would pay the $70K actually make less than the people they’re paying reparations to? What about people who are of mixed race? Should they get the money too? How would the government decide who gets the money?
Muhammad Rasheed - Aaron wrote: "Are you saying that 143 million people should pay..."
The Black American's free labor was exploited to build all of America's opportunities to uplift all other people, while our accrued inheritance wealth was stolen leaving us in an artificial impoverished state for generations. The Federal Government needs to use its huge fiat credit purchasing power to add our debt to the budget and make us economically whole right now. #ReparatoryJustice
Muhammad Rasheed - Jeff wrote: "you seem to find ways to be offended."
You seem to go out of your way to be offensive. #WereTwins
Jeff wrote: "Jews have had the worst bondage in world history."
By what criterion?
Jeff wrote: "Does it not warrant elevation to a uniquely qualified status?"
Sure, by the government directly responsible. Do they still exist? (HINT: Egypt's government is a Unitary semi-presidential republic, not a pharaonic divine, absolute monarchy)
Jeff wrote: "Do Jews constantly toss out to folks...look at us?"
"Never forget!" + Holocaust museum
Jeff wrote: "Anyhow, character, not skin color...is what l go by."

You look from the perspective of a particular political identity group who has contempt for other identity groups of what you perceive as lower caste.
Aaron Henson, MBA - I think most people agree that black Americans were excluded from the economy for generations, and that some remedy is needed. In fact, many social programs that have existed for decades have attempted to do exactly that. Lyndon B Johnson said of passing his Great Society initiatives, “I’ll have those [n words] voting democrat for the next 200 years”. Yet those initiatives seem to have actually harmed black families. At the time the Great Society passed, the rate of black children raised with both parents in the home exceeded that of white families, at over 80%. Now that rate has fallen to around 20%. And movements like BLM would like to see that number even lower.
The big question no one can seem to work out is HOW. How could reparations be done fairly? Who should get the money? How would the government go about tracing lineage? What if people who appear white today actually descended from slaves? What if recipients are already very wealthy? Abraham Lincoln attempted to pay immediate reparations when slavery ended. Unfortunately, a few years later, democrats ended Reconstruction in the south and instituted Jim Crow laws. It is far too late for reparations now.
Muhammad Rasheed - Aaron wrote: "I think most people agree that black Americans were excluded from the economy for generations, and that some remedy is needed."
Most people have agreed that it is far too late for the American Descendants of Slavery (ADOS) to receive Reparations, they should just get over it and accept their artificial impoverished conditions (while the nation routinely provides trillions in "aid" to nations around the world to grease the pockets of corporate and intelligence budgets) and just turn the other cheek and forgive whenever a Dylann Roof, an officer Darren Wilson or a George Zimmerman decide they feel like killing us.
Aaron wrote: "In fact, many social programs that have existed for decades have attempted to do exactly that."
The original attempts to provide specificity to close the racial wealth gap and finally make ADOS economically whole in this country we've built were immediately attacked by our rivals & enemies and turned into non-specific, 'All Lives Matter' policies for all Americans. MOST of the people using those programs are white people, while social workers are extra-super strict of ADOS to the point where Clinton was pressured to cut the programs to keep ADOS from using them for longer than a few years while white people continued to benefit from them.
Aaron wrote: "Yet those initiatives seem to have actually harmed black families."
Right. We were never given what we were supposed to get to make us whole, while the weak and deliberately broken programs they did provide harmed us in a perfect example of #systemicracism. Now we need our true Reparations program more than ever.
Aaron wrote: "And movements like BLM would like to see that number even lower. "
BLM uses tragic events of ADOS trauma as a political springboard to provide additional benefits for our LGBT and immigrant rivals. It only pretends to be for Black people.
Aaron wrote: "The big question no one can seem to work out is HOW."
The questions were worked out by the #ADOS movement organization. ADOS is an ethnic group based on lineage & heritage -- we can trace our bona fides through formal records to find our slave ancestors. It's not hard. The people who can do so (and most can) will qualify for the program.
Aaron wrote: "What if people who appear white today actually descended from slaves?"
ADOS is an ethnic group, not a "race." But if you obviously do not look like "the American Negro" then chances are your paperwork will not be able to reflect your claims.
Aaron wrote: "What if recipients are already very wealthy?"
Irrelevant. If a wealthy person is injured, does that mean he is not entitled to sue and receive monetary compensation? What does the one have to do with the other?
Aaron wrote: "Abraham Lincoln attempted to pay immediate reparations when slavery ended."
Your use of "immediate" doesn't match the numbers of freedmen who literally starved to death during that time period. There was a period of hesitancy & confusion over what they were going to do, since white people did NOT like the idea of becoming competitive equals in the open free markets with the former slave class, which is the nature of our discussion's conflict in this moment per your final sentence.
Aaron wrote: "Unfortunately, a few years later, democrats ended Reconstruction in the south and instituted Jim Crow laws."
To be precise, the losers of the Civil War assassinated the president, put a pro-confederacy president in his place and gave themselves the spoils. These spoils included subjugating the freedmen back into a state of exploitation.
Aaron wrote: "It is far too late for reparations now."
It is never too late for Justice while the people telling me this are giving corporations trillions and trillions for free to self-servingly play games around the world.
Aaron Henson, MBA - @Muhammad... On one point you’ve consistently made, I completely and wholeheartedly agree. Our politicians on both sides of the aisle are in bed with huge corporations and foreign governments to the point of harming Americans. Trump was the first politician I’ve ever seen stand up against all of that. Probably no coincidence that black unemployment fell to the lowest level ever and that black wage growth far exceeded white wage growth.
Jeff Lansing - @Muhammad... So, you think l am a Democrat? I am actually an Independent.
Jeff Lansing - @Aaron... Well said and factual based.
Jeff Lansing - @Muhammad... Actually, you are in part wrong again. Also, instead of blaming the past with your version, why not try to focus on the future and want better for the whole country? I am not saying to forget slavery. We learned it was wrong and is a scar we have. Blacks today, majority, have been getting gov't benies in exchange for their votes to the Dems. Minorities should be angry at those that use them as a tool to control them and others. You think you are clever w a copy/paste thing. Might it not be a better use of time to find a solution instead of bringing up your version of a past event. We can agree on something and go from there. Can we agree there are current problems today? There can be the start. Now, let's start a fix.
How much does the gov't pay to give out in the form of welfare; over the decades? True, we give to much $ to other countries. look at the $150 billion dropped off to Iran back about in 2015. I would focus blame for problems at politician's; Dems for being socialistic and Reps for not doing anything about it. As one person mentioned in another thread...Republicrats.
Muhammad Rasheed - Aaron wrote: "Trump was the first politician I’ve ever seen stand up against all of that."
He said he was standing up against it while he was campaigning, but the problem with government corruption is that it represents the unscrupulous politician's relationship with corporate -- taking bribes and et cetera. With someone like Trump (or Romney, or Ross Perot), they represent corporate interests trying to get around the politician buffer class altogether. Politicians are supposed to enforce the regulations to control corporate overreach... what the American people DON'T need is 1) corrupt politicians giving corporate whatever they ask for, and 2) corporate digging their fingers directly into the Federal Government's huge purchasing power with zero controls. Trump's interests were always self-serving.
Aaron wrote: "Probably no coincidence that black unemployment fell to the lowest level ever..."
Before he left office, Obama pulled a sneaky grift move and categorized gig economy hustles like Uber as if they qualified as actual employment, despite them not having benefits or a livable income, nor any insurance. He did it so that the artificial unemployment drop in the paperwork would be a positive for Clinton, who everyone assumed would easily defeat Trump. Instead, Trump took the White House and the sneaky scheme the Democratic Party tried to pull benefitted Trump instead. Make no mistake, the true unemployment for ADOS was abysmal. Gig jobs have NOT helped us and the true unemployment numbers remained poor since the Great Recession.
Aaron wrote: "and that black wage growth far exceeded white wage growth."
Unfortunately, that doesn't mean much because the different Black ethnic groups have been disingenuously collapsed together, which hides the fact that ADOS are still struggling in artificially induced poverty, while it is the Black immigrants who have the improved wage growth not us.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jeff wrote: "So, you think l am a Democrat?"
I actually assumed you were a conservative, since they are the ones most loudly vocal and blatantly hostile to my ethnic group receiving our long overdue Reparatory Justice.
Jeff wrote: "I am actually an Independent."
It doesn't matter. All I care about is my people's economic inclusion in our own country with the closing of the racial wealth gap so we can finally live as full citizenry the way whites do.
Jeff wrote: "Actually, you are in part wrong again."
According to what?
Jeff wrote: "Also, instead of blaming the past with your version"
"Blaming the past" doesn't make any sense, Jeff. My people are living in artificially induced poverty within a system established in the past, while maintained and guarded in the present.
Jeff wrote: "why not try to focus on the future and want better for the whole country?"
It sounds like you are advising me to just quietly accept the artificial impoverishment my enemies impose upon me and use my energy to help my rivals improve their lives while I watch.
Jeff wrote: "I am not saying to forget slavery."
How else am I supposed to interpret "blaming the past?"
Jeff wrote: "We learned it was wrong and is a scar we have."
Chattel slavery was quickly replaced with the for-profit
prison, convict leasing free labor program. The dominant political identity
group has never shied away from doing wrong as long as there was money to hoard
in the endeavor. Usually performed at my expense.
Meanwhile, we've gotten nothing at all in exchange for our vote. That's literally why the #ADOS movement was created, Jeff.
Jeff wrote: "Minorities should be angry at those that use them as a tool to control them and others."
That's also why the #ADOS movement was created.
Jeff wrote: "You think you are clever w a copy/paste thing."
I copy/paste the exact portion of your post that I am addressing so you don't get confused. You're welcome.
Jeff wrote: "Might it not be a better use of time to find a solution instead of bringing up your version of a past event."
Your adversarial position in this thread has been to discourage me from fighting for what my ethnic group needs to be made economically whole, and you think I would take this comment seriously?
Jeff wrote: "We can agree on something and go from there."
I thought we already agreed that slavery was wrong? Wasn't that the something?
Jeff wrote: "Can we agree there are current problems today?"
Is that your way of saying you are indifferent to my ethnic group's problems?
Jeff wrote: "There can be the start."
You want to start with the problems my enemies and rivals are dealing with.
Jeff wrote: "Now, let's start a fix."
You want me to neglect my people's issues, and devote my time to helping my enemies & rivals fix their problems.
Jeff wrote: "how much does the gov't pay to give out in the form of welfare; over the decades?"
The Greatest Wealth Transfer Program in the U.S. for Whites
Jeff wrote: "I would focus blame for problems at politician's"
It's the fault of both corporate and their bought-off politician cronies. The political party is irrelevant since they all do it.
Aaron Henson, MBA - Have you thought about what other country you might like to live in? Seems like you hate literally every facet of American life. I doubt a big government handout will satisfy you.
Muhammad Rasheed - Aaron wrote: "Have you thought about what other country you might like to live in?"
Why would I want to live in another country when my exploited free labor built the richest country on earth that everyone else is trying to get to?
Aaron wrote: "Seems like you hate literally every facet of American life."
Do you consider all the exploitation and plunder inflicted upon my people to be "every facet of American life?"
Aaron wrote: "I doubt a big government handout will
satisfy you."
I want the debt that is owed to me and to be left alone to heal from centuries of generational trauma.
Aaron Henson, MBA - It is truly the greatest country on earth. Mostly because our Declaration of Independence drove us toward liberation of slaves. From the very beginning, we recognized what was wrong with the world and aspired to be different and better. As a result, millions of people have immigrated here with essentially nothing, to start a new life. And somehow found success despite all the systemic obstacles you describe.
Muhammad Rasheed - Aaron wrote: "It is truly the greatest country on earth."
It would be if it finally did right by the ethnic group it exploited to build its great wealth that people all over the world use for their socio-economic elevation within these shores.
Aaron wrote: "Mostly because our Declaration of Independence drove us toward liberation of slaves."
The slaves were freed through a desperate war strategy used by president Lincoln. If he could have won the war without freeing us, he would have chosen the other option. He's on record saying as much.
Aaron wrote: "From the very beginning, we recognized what was wrong with the world and aspired to be different and better."
That's a lie. Like cowards, the founding fathers recognized slavery was dead wrong, but the obscene profits it reaped led them all towards the way of mammon.
Aaron wrote: "And somehow found success despite all the systemic obstacles you describe."
Those systemic obstacles were placed there specifically for ME, not for them (see: black codes, jim crow, red lining, convict leasing, etc.).
Aaron Henson, MBA - Well sounds like you got it all figured out. No need to discuss further. Hope you find peace in your life at some point.
Muhammad Rasheed - Aaron wrote: "Hope you find peace in your life at some point."
Do you think that neglecting my people for another 400 yrs and just accepting my rivals' self-serving rhetoric without questioning it will somehow bring me peace?
Jeff Lansing - @Muhammad... l am in agreement on the cronie capitalism and politician's are in on it, thingy.
You are in America, l guess born here. Hense, that would make you are American. The negroid (caucasiod mongoloid, negroid) section of the human race brought here as slaves. The Dems party is keeping them reliant on gov't; majority. The mind think should be to realize they are being used. Other groups in either party get used. You seem obsessed w black folks. So, l focused on them.
Muhammad Rasheed - @Jeff... Politicians being in on the corruption is the "crony" part.
Jeff Lansing - @Muhammad... ethnic group...finally, a breakthrough. We are not separate races. We are made up of ethnic groups. I agree.
Jeff Lansing - @Muhammed...who are your enemies? If you are American, it would be terrorism, communism, socialism, communism, etc. If you are referring to white folks, look up and study a black man named Eugene Blake. He got beat up by white boys as a kid. He came home one day upset. His dad asked him what's wrong. He said he hates white people. His dad pointed out various examples. He pointed to white man walking and said to you not like him. Eugene said I don't like him. His father said this man may be your best friend someday. So you don't hate people. If you're interested I'll let you listen to him he was on Johnny Carson.
We can be our own worst enemy if we let it. I don't dislike someone for the color of their skin. I dislike someone that negatively impacts themself and others. I actually feel sorry for that. If I can, I would like to try to help them out of their anger.
As the type of person I am, I like to try to elevate people if I'm in that position to do so. If I am not, I would like to try to help them find avenues to elevate themselves. No group of people should try to rely on government or try to drag others down in order to make themselves feel better or superior.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jeff wrote: "The Dems party is keeping them reliant on gov't"
Not so. The liberals actually worked to disenfranchise me politically while using what's known as "gradualism" to string me along as they used my political capital to empower my rivals. Whenever I've complained and asked when was it finally going to be MY turn, the response has been "Just wait" for the last 60 yrs. Consequently, whenever I vote it does nothing for me, but gets my Democratic Party rivals whatever they ask for.
Jeff wrote: "You seem obsessed w black folks."
I am "black folks." The American Descendants of Slavery ethnic group to be precise.
Jeff wrote: "We are not separate races. We are made up of ethnic groups. I agree."
Yes, that 'race' talk was only really relevant prior to the 1965 Immigration & Naturalization Act when "Black" only referred to my ethnic group and there was no confusion on that score. After the Immigration Act, with the arrival of numerous Black ethnic groups, the decision was made to flatten them all into one 'race' and treat us all the exact same, so that the immigrants -- who didn't have any of my baggage -- could be elevated above me and treated as if I didn't need any help. They could pretend that the liberal's schemes of exploiting my voting capital to help immigrants was actually helping me while they continued to tell me to "Just wait."
Hence why the conservatives (and independents) are falsely under the impression that the "Dems party is keeping [us] reliant on gov't."
Jeff wrote: "Muhammed...who are your enemies? If you are American, it would be terrorism, communism, socialism, communism, etc."
Those items aren't my enemies. Those are the tools that greedy men use to keep me subjugated for continued exploitation and plunder. Pretending that abstract principles that require humans to make them work are the problem, and not the men who deliberately wield them as anti-ADOS cudgels against me, would only help my foes hide while they snicker & sneer.
Jeff wrote: "If you are referring to white folks..."
My enemies are all those who support the white racist aristocracy by working with hand, mind or heart to keep my ethnic group as a wealthless bottom caste so they may continue to feed upon me.
Jeff wrote: "I don't dislike someone for the color of their skin."
Me neither. I dislike those fellow Americans who refuse to share wealth, land & rule with my ethnic group. I also dislike foreigners who support my enemy's actions against me.
Jeff wrote: "No group of people should try to rely on government in order to make themselves feel better or superior."
The white political identity group (composed of numerous assimilated European ethnicities) has continuously relied upon government to elevate themselves economically so they can feel superior.
Jeff wrote: "or try to drag others down"
Slavery, jim crow, for-profit prison convict leasing represent the most well-known examples of the white political identity group (composed of numerous assimilated European ethnicities) using government to tear down my ethnic group so they can feel superior.
"Victimhood" and "playing the victim" are partisan slurs used by my enemies and rivals to dismiss my protests of systemic racism.
Ezra wrote: "You may want to review the Demoncratic party's marketing plan and connection with the major corporate media billionaires, presidents, directors and broadcasters."
I'm already aware that DNC leadership and affiliates only pretend to be allies to the American Descendants of Slavery ethnic group, and no more wish to see us finally made economically whole and competitive equals with whites in the open free markets than white conservatives do.
To be clear, the only reason I am a registered Democratic Party voter is because the majority of my identity group are registered with that party through tradition and it would be easier to get them to move in our best interests from that space where we already have equity, than to switch to the Republican Party and start all over from scratch. Also, the white conservative figure is even more blatantly hostile to the Black American former slave class than the treacherous white liberal is, so our battle for economic inclusion through the GOP would be twice as challenging.
Jeff Lansing - yup...cronies.
Jeff Lansing - white identity stuff...if you look at it from The swamp using blacks. I can see that...
The white group you refer to would be the elite Dems like Pelosi, Schumer, etc. It is more than white vs black. It is domination of a political swamp wanting to control the ppl on this country. Folks are merely pawns.
Jeff Lansing - Some of the wealthy are in your ethnic group, as well as all the others. Yet, we are finding some common ground and l like that aspect.
Jeff Lansing - Who are the white racists? Neo Nazi groups, kkk and others are so small and insignificant. The swamp is more an ideological battle that ethnic battle. There are minority groups gaining the system all the time. When it comes to housing, welfare, food stamps, etc.. there are people, all skin colors, that try to get over others. I try not to make this a skin color issue. I know some people do that. There are those that use skin color in a means to shame others and control the group that they're representing. People like Maxine Waters, Al sharpton sharp did, Jesse Jackson and other black leaders tend to be on that roll. If you take Martin Luther King's niece, Dr Alveda king, she is a wonderful human being. Mohammed, you and I could probably have some pretty good discussions. However, I don't go bite into skin color issues. I do buy into the fact that I see people using people that want to use skin color as their reasoning.
Jeff Lansing - Look at what's happening other countries. Look what's happening in Southeast Asia. Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia are being threatened by China. They're building Islands down there and trying to take over the whole China Sea and say the islands belong to China, Southeast Asian countries are theirs.
Jeff Lansing - So you and some others are coming up with civil rights issues. Behind the scenes, people are taking control of us. Putting out civil rights issues which are decades old is a smoke screen for what the true problems are.
Jeff Lansing - @Muhammad... You and I are both in North
carolina. If you ever want to sit down, lunch or something please let me know.
I will pay for it.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jeff wrote: "white identity stuff...if you look at it from The swamp using blacks. I can see that..."
There's no other way to look at it from a historical perspective. The liberals have disenfranchised my people from the political process and exploit us of our vote to economically elevate our rivals while giving us nothing in return. When we complain we are attacked and told we are "playing victim" in order to silence us into compliance.
Jeff wrote: "some of the wealthy are in your ethnic group"
There is $110 trillion in national household wealth. White people control 90% of it while my ethnic group only controls 2.6% of it -- the majority of that is in illiquid Baby Boomer assets. The remaining sliver belongs to celebrity outliers who function as a support class within white-owned corporate.
Jeff wrote: "who are the white racists? Neo Nazi groups, kkk and others are so small and insignificant."
The white racists are all members of the white identity political who actively work to maintain the dominant position in society by refusing to share wealth, land and rule with the American Descendants of Slavery. The white racist aristocracy functions as a racketeering, criminal overclass that monopolizes all aspects of government & industry. Your list of domestic terror organizations (which includes the Fraternal Order of Police) function as the violent enforcement arm of the dominant political group.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jeff wrote: "I try not to make this a skin color issue."
I explained a few times that "skin color" hasn't been relevant post 1965 Immigration Act, since the white racist aristocracy doesn't treat the non-white immigrant class ethnicities the way they treat me. Their benefit is that they have sovereign nations they are connected to that negotiate for their well-being, while my people know only the USA and nothing else.
Jeff wrote: "Mohammed, you and I could probably have some pretty good discussions."
You can't even spell my name right and you're looking right at it. lol That's the quality of your side of the argument presented thus far -- you're barely paying attention to me, you dismiss what I say, and you believe your uninformed rhetoric is more valuable than the actual scholarship on the topic.
Tell me why do you believe we would have "pretty good discussions?" Because you are confident in your in-person ability to divert the conversation away from the subjects you are unlearned in? That's not a "good discussion." It's a waste of my time.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jeff wrote: "the white group you refer to would be the elite Dems like Pelosi, Schumer, etc."
To be clear, the white political identity group I'm referring to is the assimilated descendants of the European ethnic tribes who have formed a 400 year old political identity group first formed when they made it law to permanently delegate the enslaved African to a bondsman class. This was the birth of the white racist aristocracy and it crosses all socio-political and class lines.
Jeff wrote: "It is more than white vs black."
"White versus Black" was only a relevant shorthand pre-1965 Immigration Act, when "white vs Black" only meant "the assimilated descendants of the European ethnic tribes" versus "the Black American former slave class." Today it means "the assimilated descendants of the European ethnic tribes" versus "the collective Black ethnic groups of the African diaspora, sometimes including the American Descendants of Slavery depending on context."
Muhammad Rasheed - Jeff wrote: "little secret, they're feeding on me too..."
It's not that much of a secret considering we're in the Second Gilded Age controlled by the billionaire class monopolists. It wouldn't have been allowed to happen if the white racist aristocracy had broken up after slavery was abolished and my people had received our Reparations and proper economic inclusion into society without the government coddling our treacherous enemies who locked us out of access to full citizenry. This empowered the wealthiest whites to monopolize and hoard the wealth of industry which hurt the lesser classes of whites. The latter's populist cries fell on indifferent ears since their agreement to lock my people out of access mean their hypocrisy was worthy of dismissal.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jeff wrote: "It's not just white people. I could sit here and say a whole lot of things about black, white, hispanic, Asian people trying to destroy this country."
It was already destroyed. The opportunity to make it great was when slavery was abolished and again when the 1964 Civil Rights and Voting Acts were signed. The dominant political group took the low road after both events and decided to make a system that exploited others to elevate themselves. That's broken and evil.
Jeff wrote: "It's a socialist Communist ideology that certain people are using, as a tool, to change this country....not for the better."
It was already not better. Bringing over all of these non-white immigrants to pretend that we're progressively addressing racism while continuing the centuries old trend of treating my group like crap is a bi-partisan grift. White conservatives use the immigrant class to support their businesses while the white liberal uses them as performative tokenism. Both are anti-ADOS trash.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jeff wrote: "you and I are both in North carolina. If you ever want to sit down, lunch or something please let me know. I will pay for it."
Is this your way of scheming us out of our Reparations? lol
Nice try.
Jeff Lansing - lol...that is funny. I was going to use a coupon... BOGO
Jeff Lansing - Also, if l can...l will not participate in reperations. My taxes are already going to versions of it.
Jeff Lansing - l am a conservative... Blame lies in both parties. The Dems for keeping blacks on the reservation, so to speak,band Reps for sitting on their hands. 1964 Civil Rights Act was supported mostly by Reps. The Dems, Al Gore's daddy, wanted to oppose it.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jeff wrote: "Also, if l can...l will not participate in reperations."
There's an educational awareness "Never Forget!" component to it that you need more than most.
Jeff wrote: "My taxes are already going to versions of it."
There are no versions of ADOS Reparations available; my people were deliberately snubbed. All available "social programs" are "All Lives Matter" for ALL Americans… programs controlled by whites who use their gatekeeper biases to favor whites. Anyway, the Legislative Branch will pay it, adding it to the national budget. It's not an individual payout item.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jeff wrote: "l am a conservative..."
You're on record in this thread saying you were an independent. lol I'm learning quite a bit about you lot in this thread.
Jeff wrote: "Blame lies in both parties."
I already explained in detail exactly how I feel about the two parties and the uphill battle we face inside of the treacherous Democratic Party. As usual, you aren't actually paying any attention to what I'm typing, while you imagine the great discussion we would have with you trying to trick me into paying your bill at some NC diner or whatever.
Jeff wrote: "The Dems for keeping blacks on the reservation"
That's a partisan conservative slur that means literally nothing to me. Am I supposed to believe those shufflin' Black conservative suck-ups—like this liberian immigrant's son above—aren't likewise on a "reservation" of sorts? lol
Jeff wrote: "1964 Civil Rights Act was supported mostly by Reps. The Dems, Al Gore's daddy, wanted to oppose it."
Jeff Lansing - @Muhammad... You do not deserve reperations.
You were not there. I am not going to pay. I was not there. There are ways reps
have been paid. It is just not set up the way you want it and was set up to
control ppl
Jeff Lansing - Trick you paying the bill? Darn, you knew I was was going to shimmy put the bathroom window.. :D
Jeff Lansing - So, ...put the pieces together.
Jeff Lansing - IReisteted independent voting, yes. Conservative in mind/heart, yes
Jeff Lansing - Black conservative suck ups...no. foolish
black liberals ignorance, yes.
Muhamad Rasheed - Jeff wrote: "you do not deserve reperations."
Of course I deserve Reparations. Don't be silly. My ethnic group are artificially impoverished due to 400 yrs of continuous accrued discriminatory practices designed to steal our inheritance wealth over generations and hand it to white people. That's wrong -- a systemic level wrong that caused economic damage. Now I deserve the Reparatory Justice program designed to fix that damage.
Jeff wrote: "You were not there."
I was not where? In America? I'm a US American citizen in the United States of America so of course I was there. These are my people. Unless you are still trying to disingenuously say that Reparations is only for slavery? Well, that's not true. My Reparations is for slavery, for the domestic terror violence after slavery, for the forced jim crow segregation after that, for the numerous systemic racist exploitation and plundering that prevented my people from building wealth over the generations. Slavery was only a part of it.
According to your logic, if I don't deserve my Reparations because I personally was not a chattel slave during that era, then your Jews certainly don't "warrant elevation to a uniquely qualified status" based on something that happened thousands of years ago under a pharaonic monarchal government that no longer exists.
Notice how being a racist involves a hypocritical double standard that favors whites over my people? This performance by you is exactly why I deserve Reparations.
Jeff wrote: "I am not going to pay."
Congress will pay it.
Jeff wrote: "I was not there."
The stealing of my people's inheritance wealth benefits everyone who identifies as "white" in this society.
Jeff wrote: "There are ways reps have been paid."
lol No Reparations have been paid at all. What has been paid
are general social programs for all Americans. Reparations are specifically to
repair the economic damage done to a specific people. It's redress;
compensation for a wrong. Nothing like that has been paid to my people. Ever.
In fact, they just stole from us some more.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jeff wrote: "Darn, you knew I was was going to shimmy put the bathroom window"
I've studied your diabolical patterns in history. Elementary.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jeff wrote: "So, ...put the pieces together."
I already have. Hence your uninformed and silly tantrum in
defense of your precious white racist aristocracy.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jeff wrote: "IReisteted independent voting, yes. Conservative in mind/heart, yes"
Hm. That means you agree with supporting the LGBT, but you resist even a shallow token support of anti-racism. #IndependentWhiteMan
Muhammad Rasheed - Jeff wrote: "Black conservative suck ups...no. foolish black liberals ignorance, yes."
Well, they are both foolish & ignorant suck-ups. They
just read off different scripts as the treacherous support class of the very
bi-partisan white racist aristocracy.
Jeff Lansing - Registered independent is what meant to write. I must have been tired. No, l do not agree w lgbtqrstuhftdcghdgjftg... or whatever confusion they desire today. You really need to understand an individual before signing them up on your target list. Look, this has been interesting going back and forth. However, I have a life and I'm going to continue with it. So, if you want to keep leaving dribs and drabs fine. If you want to send me a direct message we can talk offline. Other than that, there are things we can agree and disagree on. I'm not going to go spend any more time because it I'm tired and going to bed. So think any flavor skin color acceptance you want if you value a person for a character great. If you value people for the skin color, then you've got a problem and it is as simple as that take care.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jeff wrote: "registered independent is what meant to write."
I saw what you meant to write, Jeff. lol
Jeff wrote: "No, l do not agree w lgbtqrstuhftdcghdgjftg..."
Right. Yet suddenly you want to leave the discussion after days of your racist, partisan propaganda.
Jeff wrote: "You really need to understand an individual before signing them up on your target list."
Oh, I understand you just fine. That's why you're uncomfortable and suddenly want to leave an Internet discussion that's days old.
Jeff wrote: "Look, this has been interesting going back and forth."
I've certainly learned a lot. :)
Jeff wrote: "However, I have a life..."
I'll bet. Have fun.
Jeff wrote: "So, if you want to keep leaving dribs and drabs fine."
uhhh... Since that's what I was perfectly content doing before you decided to start posting your uninformed talking points at me, I think I will. lol
Jeff wrote: "If you want to send me a direct message we can talk offline."
For what?
Jeff wrote: "Other than that, there are things we can agree and disagree on."
That's generally how discussions work, Jeff. Especially since I'm not likely to ignore truth and the accumulated facts of documented history to believe whatever you like to spew.
Jeff wrote: "I'm not going to go spend any more time because it I'm tired and going to bed."
Some kind of auto-immune ailment of some kind...?
Jeff wrote: "So think any flavor skin color acceptance you want if you value a person for a character great."
It's pretty clear at this point that you have zero idea what that even means.
Jeff wrote: "If you value people for the skin color, then you've got a problem and it is as simple as that take care."
We've already agreed that ethnic group is the thing. ADOS is based on lineage & heritage, not skin color. The Black immigrant is often hostile to my ethnic group on your behalf (see: Siaka Massaquoi's ignorant clip above), so no, I am not a supporter of "skin color" politics.
Jeff Lansing - Leon Trotsky... look him up, not Google it. Use a search engine not do biased. Duckduckgo is sort of close. You can keep going on with that conspiracy theory idea, become a black leader amongst a lot of people that will follow you, maybe get rich like The creators of BML Inc. and buy your $1.4 million house where 1.4% of people in that community are black. Go complain about white people because they're white and whatever you want. White happens to be a color too just to let you know. I want to live with people that have something positive to bring to the table. It doesn't seem so you're bringing positive things to the table, in my opinion.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jeff wrote: "Leon Trotsky... look him up"
No, thanks.
Jeff wrote: "Go complain about white people because they're white..."
I complain about you because you're predatory and evil. You invented the 'white' label.
Jeff wrote: "I want to live with people that have something positive to bring to the table..."
lol Clearly not. You want to live with the folk who agree to guard and maintain white supremacy.
Jeff wrote: "It doesn't seem so you're bringing positive things to the table, in my opinion."
Securing Reparations and economic inclusion for the American Descendants of Slavery is very positive, as it will finally enable the USA to live up to its so far hollow ringing ideals. And your opinion is trash.
Jeff Lansing - You are a rather arrogant individual. You have the ability to have a interesting discussion. However, you just keep putting people in your little categories based on their skin color and you think you're right. Well, let me tell you how life really is. We all have to interact with each other and we need to try to best we can. I was talking with a 58 year old black woman today whose husband died last year. She's very sweet lady and we had a great conversation. I looked at her as somebody who's a grieving widow. I did not look at our based on the color of her skin neither did she when looking at me. We are both Christians and we spearheaded the conversation from that perspective. I am a better person for knowing her and I hope she's better for knowing me. There are two other white men with me and my son who is white and Asian. We stopped by and sat like real people. So, you go into your little communist socialist 1930s back room where you want to throw people in categories. I think you're going to be a lonely individual and an angry one at that.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jeff wrote: "you are a rather arrogant individual."
'Arrogant' means 'having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities.' You think that about me because you think that my ethnic group is inferior to you, so as I assert my personal force as a believer in the One God of Abraham who revealed that I am indeed created FREE, it offends you. This is directly related to why you recoil from the idea of my people finally being made economically whole. You're just going to have to get over it.
Jeff wrote: "You have the ability to have a interesting discussion."
I know.
Jeff wrote: "However, you just keep putting people in your little categories based on their skin color and you think you're right."
I've explained several times that I reject 'skin color' politics, that my people are identified along our unique lineage & heritage as an ethnic group not a 'race,' and yet you keep trying to put me in your little category. What do you call this performance? I call it hypocrisy by gaslight.
Jeff wrote: "Well, let me tell you how life really is."
You're adorable.
Jeff wrote: "We all have to interact with each other and we need to try to best we can."
That's what politics is for, the same politics your group keeps trying to sabotage so it only works for you.
Jeff wrote: "I was talking with a 58 year old black woman today whose husband died last year."
Please stop harassing my people. Thanks.
Jeff wrote: "...and we had a great conversation."
I've seen the quality of your conversation. Stop harassing my people with your foolishness.
Jeff wrote: "I am a better person for knowing
I've seen the quality of your conversation, so you don't know her at all. I expect you to have continuously mispronounced her name, while waiting for her to shut up so you could lecture at her.
Jeff wrote: "There are two other white men with me and my son who is white and Asian."
"I CAN'T be a racist because I had intercourse with a racial group that's at a lower caste than me!" ~James T. Kirk, Captain
Jeff wrote: "So, you go into your little communist socialist 1930s..."
I 100% support antitrust-enforced capitalism and reject communism as the leftist arm of white supremacy. Once again, my Reparations is a debt owed to me, not a free handout.
Jeff wrote: "back room where you want to throw people in categories."
Please note that the "skin color politics" categories you are describing were invented by your people, and your people are the only ones who have ever benefited from the practice.
Jeff wrote: "I think..."
It doesn't matter what you think.
Jeff Lansing - No, you don't deserve reparations. Did Jews that suffered over thousands and I repeat thousands of years a hell of a lot more than blacks in Africa did.. they have Israel 1947, there's a lot of things happened around that time. Hey, keep with your race baiting if you feel and need to. You have some interesting aspects I agree with. Like covid and fauci and nonsense going on. It's when you try to throw me another whites in on some kind of program to keep blacks down I tend to not take that the way you want me to do it. Here it's just one version of what people have mentioned.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jeff wrote: "no, you don't deserve reparations."
Of course, I do. Stop talking crazy, please.
Jeff wrote: "Did Jews that suffered over thousands and I repeat thousands of years a hell of a lot more..."
lol Moses was Joseph's great nephew—only about 140 yrs had passed from Joseph's arrival in Egypt to the Exodus event. Meanwhile, my people have been continuously exploited and plundered and terrorized for 400 years. I also don't think the Jews "suffered" very much during those 140 yrs, since Joseph set them up like lords on the best the land had to offer, remember?
Jeff wrote: "than blacks in Africa did.."
I'm not talking about "blacks in Africa," but about my 400 yr old ethnic group right here in North America. If the Jews' bondage was supposed to be the worst ever, how come they can still trace their lineage back to Abraham while they sing the songs of their ancient heritage and even still speak their ancient tongue, while I can't trace my anything back before the American Civil War? I was deliberately cut off from literally everything I knew and had to start all over as a brand new people. Of all people, the Jews would certainly recognize that as a suffering worse than any they have endured.
Jeff wrote: "they have Israel 1947"
What about it?
Jeff wrote: "Hey, keep with your race baiting if you feel and need to."
I have no 'race baiting.' I advocate for my group based on our unique linage & heritage in this country we've built, not 'skin color.' Why you continuously keep trying to force my argument into your little 'skin color politics' category that you pretend to reject I can only speculate, albeit that speculation will be based on the trends of historical fact. ;)
Jeff wrote: "It's when you try to throw me another whites in on some kind of program to keep blacks down I tend to not take that the way you want me to do it."
I have zero control how people take truth when it comes their way. My job is to record how you react when you see it.
By the way, your link's argument is based on a fallacy I've already debunked. Reparations is not for just slavery, bud. You appear to have a problem processing information. The civil war wasn't to free the slaves but to prevent the confederacy from succeeding; freeing the slaves was only a reluctant war strategy, not a gift. lol
Jeff Lansing - Hillsdale College has free courses on the
Constitution folks
Go sign up, learn our history; properly. Do not buy into the rhetoric and lies that race baiters and haters are saying about this country was being found on racism. That's a bunch of stupidity for them to say that and false.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jeff wrote: "Hillsdale College has free courses on the Constitution folks"
lol Why that particular institution considering the Constitution itself is available in the public domain?
Jeff wrote: "Go sign up..."
Please don't.
Jeff wrote: "learn our history; properly."
TRANSLATION: Become brainwashed by partisan propagandists
Jeff wrote: "Do not buy into the rhetoric and lies that race baiters and haters are saying about this country was being found on racism."
So, are you saying that the chattel slave institution was not real? That the obscene profits generated by the free slave labor economy didn't enable the colonists to defeat Great Britain? lol Please explain.
Jeff wrote: "That's a bunch of stupidity for them to say that and false."
I'll assume you're calling it "stupidity" because you think we all prefer to be terrorized by white people so you can hoard all the wealth, but please explain why you think it is "false" to point out that the country was founded on the wealth generated by the slave economy. I need to see you perform this spin job if only from the comedy angle alone.
Jeff Lansing - You are most misguided, disillusioned and scared to know the truth. It does not fall into your narrative. You want people to give you things. Why not be appreciative on your own merit, proud of your own accomplishments? Have you not put some hard work and dedication into things that build character?
Muhammad Rasheed - Jeff wrote: "You want people to give you things."
All I want is the debt that I'm owed. White people are the ones who want free handouts and the wealth of other people through US government supported theft.
Jeff wrote: "Why not be appreciative on your own merit, proud of your own accomplishments?"
That has nothing to do with the debt that I am owed. Your inability to discern between the two is a demonstration of your misguided, disillusioned and scared-to-know-the-truth way of seeing the world.
Jeff wrote: "Have you not put some hard work and dedication into things that build character?"
That has nothing to do with the debt that I am owed by my government that has been ever-complicit in the systemic racism that stole my people's inheritance wealth. For some reason, you are confused and can't tell the difference between the free handouts you believe only white people should receive versus the Reparatory Justice my people are owed.
Jeff Lansing - Muhammad, l worked for what l have. I am proud of what we have done as a family. We are giving back to actually help others. Are you helping those less fortunate? You seem to know only a blame game in which "white" is the problem. You must not know evil or blind to it's influences. I am not the best/worst guy out there. I do pray that you find inner peace of some kind. You are a knowledgeable person. Your direction is mixed up.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jeff wrote: "Muhammad, l worked for what l have."
Yeah? We all have. But between the two of us, only one has members of his political identity group as a wall of selfish gatekeepers of government & industry locking the other's people out of access to the wealth-building class.
Jeff wrote: "I am proud of what we have done as a family."
Your boasts ring hollow to me since your entire shtick is built upon a 'skin color' politics racketeering and nepotism. If you wish me to be impressed, then compete with me under a true meritocracy. Obviously you fear such a thing and wish only to hoard the benefits of the nation for yourself.
Jeff wrote: "We are giving back to actually help others."
lol That's a lie. Am I supposed to believe you are "giving back" from one side of your neck while rejecting the very idea of Reparatory Justice for the most exploited group in the nation while yet believing the Euro-descended Jews should have unlimited free gibs just because they are your fellow whites?
Jeff wrote: "Are you helping those less fortunate?"
I'm a practicing Muslim, Jeff. lol
Jeff wrote: "You seem to know only a blame game in which 'white' is the problem."
'White' is the problem and until it is fixed, it is all I need to know.
Jeff wrote: "You must not know evil..."
lol To be clear, 'white' is the problem because that political identity group has fully given in to the "for love of money" sin and worship mammon with their whole heart. Consequently, there are few over-vain displays more comical to me than white people pretending to be "spiritual" or "enlightened," et cetera. Especially within an entrepreneurial effort. hahaha
Jeff wrote: "...or blind to it's influences."
Anti-ADOS systemic racism is its influence.
Jeff wrote: "I am not the best/worst guy out there."
Do you need to be? This thread discussion testifies to your support of the evils of white supremacy and rejection of the righteous Reparatory Justice my people are owed. You have willingly placed yourself in the role of representative of the worst guys out there.
Jeff wrote: "I do pray that..."
Your prayers mean nothing to me. By rejecting my Reparations
struggle you reveal you care only for your precious love of money. You are a
pagan and the Christ Jesus, son of Mary does not know you.
Jeff Lansing - Nutshell it...you have a political party that
panders to you and your ethnic group, uses the black vote to get reelected,
consistently lies to all of us and has turned socialist....smells lol Democrat
to me. On the other side, we have Rino's (Republicans in name only); dressed as
am elephant inside. They pander too, sit in their hands and willing to come in
2nd in a 2 party race. They both are not my party preference. However, look at
the history of both. At least Reps have be some things to progress the country
Muhammad Rasheed – Jeff wrote: "They both are not my
party preference. However, look at the history of both. At least Reps have be
some things to progress the country forward."
The history of both reveals that the white racist
aristocracy is a racketeering criminal overclass that has usurped government
and uses both parties to guard and maintain the dominance of the white
political identity group. Over the course of history, both the white
conservative figure and the American Descendants of Slavery have switched
parties when it was strategically prudent to do so. During the time when the
Republicans could realistically boast of trying to move the country forward was
when the majority of the freedmen (ADOS) were affiliated with that party. After
the white Republicans first betrayed them is when they started moving towards
the Democratic Party.
I've already mentioned the treachery of the white liberals
within the Dems, so it should be clear I am not a fan of partisan anything and
care only for the economic inclusion of my people. Your nigh-continuous appeals
to partisanship do little more than offend, since once again it reveals you
have poor conversation skills at best or you are overconfident in your
brainwashing powers at worst.
Jeff Lansing - All I can say dude.. is you and perhaps the friends you hang around with have some issues. Both the parties do have their problems. The Democrats use people as much as possible and Republicans they do a certain amount of the same.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jeff wrote: "all I can say dude.. is you and perhaps the friends you hang around with have some issues."
Yes. My issue is the white racist aristocracy is using
anti-ADOS systemic racism to steal my ethnic group's inheritance wealth.
Jeff Lansing - You tend to spend your time here on this Earth to try and be a victim. Why not try to overcome any obstacles, whether they be real or made up in your mind. When you overcome an obstacle, you build character and you can show that the other people. Right now you're not showing people someone to admire and aspire to based on accomplishments.
Jeff Lansing - Why not look at blacks that have overcome obstacles such as Ben Carson Condoleezza Rice, Oprah, Michael Jordan, etc.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jeff wrote: "Why not look at blacks that have overcome obstacles such as Ben Carson Condoleezza Rice, Oprah, Michael Jordan, etc."
Because politics is about the economic uplift of the whole group, not individuals personally deciding to accept support class positions within white-owned monopolies. The Black Celebrity® class makes up only a tiny sliver of the ADOS who control the 2.6% of national household wealth. 'Bootstrap-ism' will not close the racial wealth gap.
Jeff Lansing - As far as being a victim and blaming white folks all the time.. you need to grow up dude. You can be a producer or a taker. The way you sound and the plane you throw out makes me tend to think you are a taker.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jeff wrote: "As far as being a victim and blaming white folks all the time.. you need to grow up dude."
This comment doesn't make any sense. Are you saying I should simply ignore the barbaric exploitation & plunder committed against my people by the dominant identity group as a form of maturity? Please explain.
Jeff wrote: "You can be a producer or a taker."
It sounds like you are inviting me to join the predatory white racist aristocracy in taking from my own people.
Jeff wrote: "The way you sound and the plane you throw out makes me tend to think you are a taker."
You think that because you are willfully ignorant of the facts of history so you can pretend white people are the good guys.
Jeff Lansing - If you stop acting like a victim all the time people will have more respect for you.
Muhammad Rasheed - lol The character who has deliberately locked me out of access to the competitive wealth-building open free markets while stealing my inheritance wealth and pocketing it, said that if I stop advocating for Justice he'll start respecting me.
Do you bother to read these before you hit the 'Reply' button? hahaha
Muhammad Rasheed - Jeff wrote: "Why not try to overcome any obstacles..."
That's why I'm advocating for my ethnic group's political unification so we can more effectively pressure our government for group economic uplift policies. lol
Jeff Lansing - How about pressuring them to follow the Constitution? They already have into several minority programs. Now, illegal aliens are being paid to come here. I would rather see programs that let low income earners vouchers for schools. NC had one in which they get 80% off tuition. Things look kw these...l can get behind more.
Jeff Lansing - Yet, if gov't gives it, gov't can also take away. Look at what Obama had them do in D.C.
Jeff Lansing - You are asking for freebies, not accountability; at least not the way it needs to be.
Jeff Lansing - Well, exploitation of blacks in which causes a struggle.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jeff wrote: "how about pressuring them to follow the Constitution?"
So white people have usurped government & industry under a racketeering criminal overclass for centuries so they can hoard the lion's share of wealth for their identity group, but they want to pretend to care about the Constitution when the group they exploit and plunder over all others lawfully uses the system to secure Justice in the form of policy. Do you even know what the Constitution is?
Our political system is designed to enable special interest groups to elect representatives to push for policies that secure desired resources and benefits for their constituency. What did I say that conflicted with the Constitution? lol
Jeff wrote: "They already have into several minority programs."
What does that have to do with me?
Jeff wrote: "Now, illegal aliens are being paid to come here."
What does that have to do with me?
Jeff wrote: "I would rather see [...] l can get behind more."
It doesn't matter what you think.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jeff wrote: "you are asking for freebies, not accountability"
I'm demanding the return of my stolen inheritance wealth, the formal end of the white-driven systemic racism that exploits & plunders my people and the formal end of the white supremacist ideology you worship.
Jeff wrote: "at least not the way it needs to be."
'The way it needs to be' according to the proud representative of the demonic racketeering criminal overclass that molests my country by preying upon me.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jeff wrote: "Yet, if gov't gives it, gov't can also take away."
They already took it away. They are taking it away now. That's why I'm demanding it back.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jeff wrote: "Well, exploitation of blacks in which causes a struggle."
Yeah? lol
Exploiting me causes a struggle, huh? You think? Smh
Jeff Lansing - Democrats exploiting blacks, not just you.Exploitation in general. Blacks still voting Democrat
Muhammad Rasheed - Jeff wrote: "Blacks still voting Democrat"
So? Do you somehow think it would be better if they were being exploited in the Republican Party instead where all the killy-lynchy barbaric cops live?
As a political activist, it would be easier to get the ADOS Democratic Party loyalist to use their political capital to push for the group economic policies from where they sit, than to start all over again in the rival party to get them to do the same thing. What would be the point of moving? Getting resentful, hostile white folk on board to help us would be just as challenging over there as it is over here, so what would be the point in switching parties other than just unnecessary busy work/stall tactics that would ONLY help you?
Jeff Lansing - It would actually be better if blacks voted more republican. Lincoln was republican, Martin Luther King was Republican the 1964 Civil Rights Act was spearheaded by Republicans. You don't try to push an agenda just to get something for free. I would say adios to ados.... A smaller group of people should not push agendas on the majority of people if those agendas are not helpful to people as a whole. Your agenda you want to push is not helping this country. It's hurting this country. There are offshoots of ideas that come from what you're trying to do.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jeff wrote: "it would actually be better if blacks voted more republican."
How? Would white Republicans help us get our Reparations and economic inclusion into a protected wealth-building class?
Jeff wrote: "Lincoln was republican,"
So? White conservatives shot Lincoln, Jeff.
Jeff wrote: "Martin Luther King was Republican"
So? White conservatives shot Dr. King, Jeff. The Republican Party is where the murderous white racists live.
Jeff wrote: "the 1964 Civil Rights Act was spearheaded by Republicans."
It was actually first proposed by John F. Kennedy and led by his Democratic Party. Today, it wouldn't be spearheaded by any of you. Instead, you've put all of that energy into supporting our immigrant and LGBT rivals while continuing to exploit us.
Jeff wrote: "You don't try to push an agenda just to get something for free."
You did. Mine wouldn't even be for free, it would be a debt owed to me.
Jeff wrote: "I would say adios to ados..."
That's because you are my active enemy in the earth and you hate me. Please refrain from running your filthy mouth towards any more sad old ADOS women you see in your path.
Jeff wrote: "A smaller group of people should not push agendas on the majority of people if those agendas are not helpful to people as a whole."
Paying my debt, breaking up monopolies and strictly enforcing antitrust would 100% be helpful to the American people as a whole.
Jeff wrote: "Your agenda you want to push is not helping this country."
It WOULD help the country.
Jeff wrote: "It's hurting this country."
It hasn't been implemented at all, so what are you talking about?
Jeff wrote: "There are offshoots of ideas that come from what you're trying to do."
lol Like what? No parts of my program have ever been implemented. All liberal led social programs are general 'All Lives Matter' programs for everyone, nothing specific to make up for the accrued discrimination over the centuries my people have endured.
Jeff Lansing - No, l state my opinions such as you are doing. Your outcomes do not help people. Who ever gives wealth, gets the support. If you work for your wealth, ideally...you build character and us reflected in your attitude. If a person expects freebies, they do not appreciate it as much. Dude, you facts are your opinions for free stuff. My opinions have facts to base conclusions.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jeff wrote: "No"
Jeff wrote: "l state my opinions such as you are doing."
Your opinions are based upon emotional partisan propaganda and greed-fueled defensiveness. My opinions are backed by the facts & truth of the body of scholarship.
Jeff wrote: "Your outcomes do not help people."
My outcomes would 100% fix the country for all Americans, while your support of the deliberately broken status quo will continue to aid the criminal monopolist class in furthering divisiveness and economic imbalances.
Jeff wrote: "Who ever gives wealth, gets the support."
Irrelevant. What's actually happening is the inheritance wealth of my group is being stolen by your group, and you want to keep that going as long as possible. #rootcause
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