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2019 Glyph Comics Award Winner (BEST COMIC STRIP OR WEBCOMIC)!
Rasheed, Muhammad. "Tantrum of the Selfish Thief." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 07 Jun 2019. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.
Chase Williams - What would it take for African-Americans in this country to feel equal?
Muhammad Rasheed -
• Finally dismantle anti-Black systemic racism
• Payout the long overdue Reparations in money and land grants
• Leave us alone to heal from the diabolical effects of centuries of white supremacist attacks
• Stand out of our way as we enfranchise into the political system and achieve economic inclusion
Chase Williams - How do you see Reparations going about? Paid from the pockets of former slave owners - or society wide?
Muhammad Rasheed - The U.S. gov pays it the same as they paid out everyone else’s.
Chase Williams - Then you’d be paying yourself... as would people who have been here thousands of years (Natives) and those who have been here 10 years... wouldn’t it be more reasonable to make those who benefited under slavery pay?
Muhammad Rasheed - Chase wrote: "Then you’d be paying yourself…”
I would reasonably expect a Reparations tax break as the beneficiary.
Chase wrote: "…as would people who have been here thousands of years (Natives)…”
The First Nations natives received Reparations from the U.S. government, and even turned around and paid the newly-freed Black people they owned Reparations themselves. They would be exempt from paying it again since they didn’t have a problem stepping up with integrity and doing the right thing 150 yrs ago back when you ALL should have done it.
Chase wrote: "…and those who have been here 10 years…”
Incoming immigrants have to pay the taxes due of their new home country. There’s a history here, and if they wish to benefit then they must also contribute. *shrug*
Chase wrote: "…wouldn’t it be more reasonable to make those who benefited under slavery pay?”
Oh, yes. That’s exactly why the U.S. government will pay it and all white Americans need to eat it. Since the end of the Civil War, the white racist aristocracy (at all class levels!) has fiercely resisted the idea of the American Descendants of Slavery (ADOS) becoming full and equal citizens, and have sabotaged any and all efforts to do right by them. The result has led to the current abysmal racial wealth gap, chronic poverty, continued state-sanctioned brutalities, and the quasi-slavery of the for-profit prison system. And you all looked the other way while I got poorer and you got richer, all while pretending the whole thing was my fault.
Now the only thing I want to hear from you is confirmation that your regular Reparations tax payment went through successfully. Your poorly researched arguments about the topic lack interest.
Chase Williams - Haha. You say you ALL as if you presume to know my history, funnily enough -my ancestors- were enslaved and genocided within the last generation… and despite this - the remnants of our family have always fought strongly for the rights of others, blacks in this country included. You say ‘you all' as if somehow those scattered fragments of our tribe were even remotely responsible for your problems. Well I'm sorry to say, we aren't - not in the slightest. No matter how you paint it.
Yeah, clearly there are people at fault - and they should pay - why have the bill softened by millions of poor people paying into it, when you could focus it entirely on the rich + exslave families? If you didn't have to go into blame/division mode you'd realize I'm on your side here.
Muhammad Rasheed - Chase wrote: "Haha. You say you ALL as if you presume to know my history…”
I know ALL white people benefit from anti-Black systemic racism that was created to artificially elevate them.
Chase wrote: "…funnily enough -my ancestors- were enslaved and genocided within the last generation…”
I have zero reason to believe you. The last 150 yrs have been full of white people at all ethnic and class levels saying any and everything to prevent ADOS from wrenching free of the White Supremacist Ideology, which includes numerous false equivalency fallacies, which also lack interest to me.
Chase wrote: "…and despite this - the remnants of our family have always fought strongly for the rights of others, blacks in this country included.”
Oh, is THAT why you’re trying to talk me out of the reparatory justice I’m due? Because you’re fighting FOR my rights? lol That sounds suspiciously like the treacherous white liberal song-n-dance I’ve gotten used to in the last 50 yrs.
Chase wrote: "You say ‘you all' as if somehow those scattered fragments of our tribe were even remotely responsible for your problems.”
If you are white and you aren’t actively fighting to achieve the bulleted checklist I posted above as my answer, then by default you are passively supporting the anti-Black systemic racism designed to benefit your race. Right now you’re actually arguing against your responsibility in it which means your role is currently not so passive, since you are defending the typical uninformed propaganda designed to defend racism.
Chase wrote: "Well I'm sorry to say, we aren't - not in the slightest. No matter how you paint it.”
Uninformed opinions of the willfully uninformed fail to move me no matter how earnestly they spew their uninformed opinions.
Chase wrote: "Yeah, clearly there are people at fault - and they should pay - why have the bill softened by millions of poor people paying into it, when you could focus it entirely on the rich + exslave families?”
It wouldn’t be softened if the entire white racist aristocracy, rich and poor alike, were paying into it. Naturally, I would reasonably expect the wealthiest to pay MORE in a sliding scale, but ALL must pay it. Remember, the poor whites are the ones traditionally recruited for the roles of slave takers, slaver breakers, overseers, bounty hunters, lynch mob facilitators, cops and correctional officers. They’re the ones my land over the last couple of centuries was given to after it was grifted from me by various schemes, and even the unions were originally set up to artificially favor poor whites over me. You will find no sympathy from me regarding the white poor versus the white rich since, unlike you, I am read up on the history of race relations and my memory runs deep. ALL must pay.
Chase wrote: "If you didn't have to go into blame/division mode you'd realize I'm on your side here.”
So far, everything you’ve typed reveals the typical rhetoric of my traditional enemy. You’re going to have to try a little harder to be convincing, Chase. The snap on my pistol holster is still unfastened.
Busdrago Fumagalli - with leave us alone do you mean create a different country/state?
Muhammad Rasheed - No, I mean stop inflicting anti-Black domestic terror and other systemic racist abuses upon us. Control yourselves.
For once.
MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.
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