Sunday, January 6, 2019

Skillfully Managing the Status Quo

Artist's Description

Ethan Qwan - Why do liberals think affirmative action is justified?

Muhammad Rasheed - Setting aside the fact that all pro-Black affirmative action programs were stripped of their originally intended force by furious white conservatives jealously protective of their artificially-elevated socio-economic status and weak liberal advocacy, the programs are justified because they represent fairness.

During the jim crow era, the poor white groups were allowed to acquire assets and build wealth through the original affirmation action initiatives that benefited their racial group exclusively. A major part of building up the white racist aristocracy, these programs gave the white race everything that they prevented Blacks from receiving in the post-civil rights efforts designed to enable the Black American communities to ‘catch up.’ All of these and subsequent pro-Black social programs were deliberately sabotaged, and now today we find the Black community more economically excluded from the mainstream than before jim crow formally ended.

Ethan Qwan - What about the discrimination against Asians? What do they have to do when it comes to the history of mistreatment?

Muhammad Rasheed - There are no Asian ethnic groups that were continuously/permanently prevented from achieving the socio-political employment of their communities or economically excluded from the mainstream society. Today, all Asian ethnic groups hold unified power within their own independent political bloc that is interconnected with the general American body. They also continue to have strong ties with their motherland countries, with independent distribution channels for their self-sustaining business districts.

The Black American lacks any of this, especially the last item, and have continuously experienced the destruction of their numerous attempts to self-empower and achieve economic inclusion. Affirmative action programs were originally conceived to be their turn to catch up to the white communities, but hostile rival political groups pressured their powerful political representation to sabotage their efforts.

Ethan Qwan - So how come affirmative action demands higher standards for Asians?

Muhammad Rasheed - Without hostile forces continuously sabotaging their empowerment efforts over generations, the Asian communities were able to blossom within their communities mostly without interference. This has enabled them to thrive to close to full potential and compete fairly in all areas valued by their multi-generational expat cultures. Their carefully cultivated spirit of competition was allowed to grow organically and they raised their own standards because they could.

By contrast, the Black American communities were first deliberately held down by the infamously harsh jim crow laws of legal 2nd class citizenship, and when the Black people proved to be resilient even under those conditions, then had their business districts and neighborhoods destroyed by the so-called ‘War on Drugs.’

Ethan Qwan - So Asians get discriminated against because they were not oppressed?

Muhammad Rasheed - Everyone gets discriminated against by the small-minded on the petty individual level. There is no systemic racism against the Asian communities, because they are able to counter any such efforts with their own strong political-economic force.

Ethan Qwan - So Asians get discriminated against because they were not oppressed?

Muhammad Rasheed - Everyone gets discriminated against by the small-minded on he individual level. There is no systemic racism against the Asian communities, because they are able to counter any such efforts with their own strong political-economic force.

Ethan Qwan - But isn't affirmative action considered discrimination?

Muhammad Rasheed - The original affirmative action, that elevated the white community to unfair advantage with free government land and money handouts was absolutely discrimination, since no else benefited from it, and the white beneficiaries cheated to prevent others from getting the same deal. The Asian community, to their credit, made up for the cheating by working hard enough to enable them to almost catch up. The Black community was only prevented from doing the same because they have historically been the white racist aristocracy’s preferred prey to plunder for wealth.

Subsequent affirmative action programs weren’t discriminatory, but were only intended to make the playing field fair.

MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.
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