Saturday, January 5, 2019

Inter-Party Bullying and Manipulation Tactics

Artist's Description

Michael Stevenson - Uh, partisan fighting is in! It’s dumb and here to stay!

Muhammad Rasheed - It IS dumb, that's why I made fun of it. Perhaps that will encourage the behavior to stop.

Michael Stevenson - If you just demand over and over deflecting others’ voices it’s more of a centrist platitude than a reasoned argument. There are unanswered questions of a just variety.

Muhammad Rasheed - Deflecting the voices of anti-racism activists to neutralize the movement has been the norm in bipartisan leadership for over half a century now, Michael. The reasoned argument is that anti-Black systemic racism needs to stop because it is wrong, and the Black American ethnic group needs to be paid Reparatory Justice to make up fro the generations-deep damage done that enriched the white aristocracy. The "unanswered questions" talking point functions only as a stall tactic here.

MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.
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