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Rasheed, Muhammad. "Cruel Bullying of the Faux-Ally." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 18 Aug 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.
Andre Roberts - Wow. The anti-vote crew are out in full force tonight.
Andre Owens - They keep saying withhold the presidential vote to teach the Democratic Party a lesson. This is inherently a position of privilege, as these people are well off enough to survive 4 more years of Trump. The rest of us, not so much.
William Satterwhite - "withhold the presidential vote to teach the Democratic Party a lesson"
Everytime I see something like this i just think, wouldn't it be easier to just go to a few local Democratic Party meetings, become active members and work to steer the party from within.
Andre Owens - @William…I’ve been preaching this forever. Or join a Socialist or Libertarian organization, depending on ones politics.
Andre Roberts - @Andre… it's not just that...Yada yada...ados...Yada yada...tangibles...Yada yada...cut the check...Yada yada...
Muhammad Rasheed - William wrote: "...wouldn't it be easier to just go to a few local Democratic Party meetings, become active members and work to steer the party from within."
Isn't that what two whole generations of 'Integrationist' politics represented and why we even have the CBC? Power corrupts and those guys have proven impotent and self-serving, literally doing nothing in those offices but working for our rival liberal groups while spouting old nostalgic reminders of the civil rights era.
The best strategy is to unify ourselves as a special interest group and join the push-n-shove for attention for our Black Political Agenda and receive resources for our Black American former slave class ethnic group. That's how politics works -- special interest groups using their voting voices to demand opportunities, exclusive policies and access to capital for their groups. During the 'Integration' era we were disenfranchised out of that system and exploited to use our power to strengthen other groups while completely neglecting our own.
#ADOS is the movement to fix that and return the fight to where it left off before the assassination era of the 1960s. For those of you who share the unique lineage & heritage of the Black American descendants of slavery, please join us.
American Descendants of Slavery (#ADOS)
Muhammad Rasheed - If I am mistaken and you William and you Andre happen not to be of the ADOS ethnic group, but actually identify with other ethnic groups in the Black diaspora like Andre does, then I'll withdraw the offer since this isn't your fight and you will actually benefit from the pro-immigrant slant of the Biden/Harris 2020 ticket.
Andre Roberts - @Muhammad… i identify as black, American of West Indian decent and yes, I'll be voting.
Muhammad Rasheed - See? ^^^
Muhammad Rasheed - I'll be voting, too, just not for the POTUS slot since none of the candidates will agree to my #Reparations demands.
Andre Roberts - I respect that.
Muhammad Rasheed - Then why are you laughing at me, jerk! lol
Andre Roberts - because although, I respect the need for reparations. I don't believe this racist country will ever pay it. So holding out your vote (or better yet trying to convince "others" to "not" vote) is a fruitless endeavor. But, hey, it's your journey to walk. Walk it out.
Muhammad Rasheed - Well, of course they won't pay it if I just give up and 100% commit to doing whatever my enemies and rivals tell me in a perfect continuation of the last 50 yrs.
Unifying and the continuous hardwork of activism will make the change. It always does. Being a pessimistic sad sack resigned to things as is, is guaranteed to give me more and more nothing until I find myself back in chattel.
MsTeri Will - @Muhammad… Bless your heart. Presidents appoints Judges and those Judges will have the final say whether Reparations are paid or Not. As long as there are APPOINTED lifetime CONSERVATIVE Judges on the benches, You won’t see any form of Reparations in your lifetime.
Andre Roberts - @MsTeri…Any of those conservative judges can contest any attempt at reparations as unconstitutional. Dragging out the fight for them even further. Truth.
MsTeri Will - @Andre…it’s apparent that there are persons in our community unaware of the process.
Andre Roberts - honestly this brother is well versed in the process. But I'll let him answer you.
MsTeri Will - I’m not saying he is or isn’t. I just see that there are too many amongst Us that are unaware of the process and are easily swayed when people like this gentleman make blanketed statements.
Muhammad Rasheed - The foremost expert on the Reparations topic is Dr. William Darity, Jr. His book, From Here to Equality is the definitive work.
We already know the problems inherent with trying to target the fickle Judiciary Branch, remembering how long it took the government to respond after they finally ruled in favor of desegregating schools (that they still didn't do). Instead, we're targeting Congress for more immediate actions on this long overdue Reparatory Justice debt. We're not just talking, even though I appreciate you ‘blessing my heart’ and all. Our movement is backed by quality data and scholarship.
Muhammad Rasheed - The average person seems to be quite removed from the actual Reparations literature and research, and fond of just speculating wildly from a very negative place about what cannot be done and what we ain't gonna get, etc., especially when they are of outsider rival political groups to my own.
MsTeri Will - @Muhammad… the problem with That is the President has VETO powers and the luxury of appointing judges who will Have the final say when these things are challenged. Especially those judges on the Supreme Courts. Our goal is the have more progressive judges on the Federal level. Why do you think ObamaCare can’t be totally repealed.
Muhammad Rasheed - @MsTeri...
Radical political activism is FAR more effective and valuable to the political empowerment goals of the Black American former slave class than submitting to yet another 50 yrs of fake 'Integration' status quo goosestepping. Only a very specific type of person insists that I abandon it to submit to doing things the way my white racist enemy and their "POC/BIPOC" support class prefer I do it.
MsTeri Will - Separatism never wins. NEVER. History have proven that. To think you can progress with the ideology of NOT VOTING is silly. You’ll only stall your supposed goal.
Muhammad Rasheed - MsTeri wrote: "the problem with That is the President has VETO powers..."
That's why we're strategizing for a POTUS vote boycott. Once #ADOS numbers reach critical mass, they will listen. That's the nature of activism.
MsTeri wrote: "and the luxury of appointing judges who will Have the final say..."
We're not going through the Judicial Branch. We're going through the Legislature Branch. Here's an example of Congress flexing its power in that regard:

MsTeri Will - @Muhammad…So you really believe by giving a known Supremest another 4 years will help your cause?
MsTeri Will - the judicial branch has the final say.
Muhammad Rasheed - MsTeri wrote: "To think you can progress with the ideology of NOT VOTING is silly."
A member of an outsider rival group who *WILL* benefit if my group continues to submit to a toxic compromised system that does not benefit me at all, insists that the tried & true radical activist techniques that have worked in the past won't work. lol
Please note that this is the traditional message of my diabolical enemy.
MsTeri Will - Good luck with your cause
Muhammad Rasheed - MsTeri wrote: "So you really believe by giving a known Supremest another 4 years will help your cause?"
Both Trump and Biden are known white supremacists. Without a commitment to my agenda, it doesn’t matter to me which one is in office, it is all one.
MsTeri Will - @Muhammad…give actual evidence of Biden Supremest acts. Enlighten us. Also, educate me on what ADOS is and what does it represent.
Muhammad Rasheed - MsTeri wrote: "give actual evidence of Biden Supremest acts. Enlighten us."
Will Black Voters Still Love Biden When They Remember Who He Was? | NY Mag
Joe Biden was quoting racist comments when he used the N-word in 1985 | AP News
Joe Biden’s Stunningly Racist Answer on the Legacy of Slavery Has Been Overlooked | The Intercept
Joe Biden is a Racist Who Loves Police Brutality | LeftVoice
Biden's record on race expected to be in crosshairs at second 2020 debate | Reuters
Why Joe Biden’s Murky History on Racism May Lead to His Downfall in the 2020 Election | YoungFabians
MsTeri Will - Did you even read the articles you included? Re-read the highlighted area.

Muhammad Rasheed - MsTeri wrote: "Also, educate me on what ADOS is and what does it represent."
Should I be surprised that all while you were 'blessing my heart' with your extreme negativity and shifty grasp on US government structure, that you had no idea what my argument even was -- you just saw a Black American and automatically went on the attack? lol Typical.
American Descendants of Slavery (#ADOS)
Muhammad Rasheed - MsTeri wrote: "Re-read the highlighted area."
Okay, so that link was a dud. What about the article above that one that you conspicuously didn't comment on?
Muhammad Rasheed - @MsTeri... Here, I'll replace the dud link with these:
The controversial 1994 crime law that Joe Biden helped write, explained | Vox.com
‘Lock the S.O.B.s Up’: Joe Biden and the Era of Mass Incarceration | NY Times
Joe Biden questions my blackness one moment, defends racist 1994 crime bill the next | USAToday
MsTeri Will - I’m actually breaking down your response that is riddled with holes. You did not consider your source at all. You failed to read any of those articles you included. While I’m dissecting your response, can you tell Us what exactly is ADOS & their goals.
MsTeri Will - We will discuss that crime bill as soon as you tell Us What ADOS is and WHO do they actually think they represent.
Muhammad Rasheed - @MsTeri... You are 100% willing to overlook Biden's racism because his platform is friendly to the immigrant lobby and he is only directing his hatred towards my group as the Black American former slave class whom you also have contempt for... you lot just want to exploit us of our voting capital to score political victories at my expense in the usual fashion.
How do you think I should feel about this behavior? I mean honestly? Tell me.
MsTeri Will - @Muhammad… this is the First article you copied and pasted right?

MsTeri Will - @Muhammad… Read the highlighted area

MsTeri Will -

MsTeri Will -

Muhammad Rasheed - Highlighting his empty campaign rhetoric that was never implemented is supposed to be proof of what now?
MsTeri Will -

MsTeri Will - @Muhammad…After you actually READ the highlighted areas, Explain to me what he said was wrong. The only conclusion I can make is he’s being charged with being a Racist because he’s white and spoke out what many EDUCATED black people think. What He said was the absolute truth. Until Black people face the reality of what is killing our people the more we will get used institutionally. There are systematic problem we face because We allow them. We accept dysfunction as a way of life and that is the true definition of a slave mentality. So AGAIN, explain what is ADOS & what does it represent. I’m waiting
Muhammad Rasheed - MsTeri wrote: "I’m actually breaking down your response that is riddled with holes."
So far your efforts are pretty clumsy.
MsTeri wrote: "You did not consider your source at all."
Your logical fallacy is called "argumentum ad hominem." Congratulations!
MsTeri wrote: "You failed to read any of those articles you included."
I certainly didn't read them TODAY. I read them when they came out. You're combing through them desperately searching for precious confirmation bias nuggets doesn't move me. Should it?
MsTeri wrote: "While I’m dissecting your response, can you tell Us what exactly is ADOS & their goals."
I posted the link to the comprehensive website. It won't bite, you know?
The American Descendants of Slavery (ADOS) is the political moniker for the Black American former slave class which identifies us by our unique lineage & heritage as an ethnic group of the Black diaspora. Our goals are 1) the long overdue Reparations owed to us by the US government for slavery and 150 yrs of accrued discrimination, 2) economic inclusion into a protected ownership class and 3) a commitment to the Black Political Agenda.
MsTeri Will - @Muhammad… how is he directing hatred towards black peoples by calling out our flaws? I’ve heard him call out his own people. Aren’t WE ALL AMERICANS? We call out White people everyday. So he can’t do the same? You got to be young. From the generation of, not accepting reality and I wanna do what I want. The mere fact that you laugh at actual evidence and your inability give an educated answer says a lot.
Muhammad Rasheed - MsTeri wrote: "After you actually READ the highlighted areas, Explain to me what he said was wrong."
The first three highlighted screenshots are him running his mouth on the campaign trail about things that were never implemented, which represents him pandering for votes.
The last one with the partial highlighted portion at the bottom is him actually admitting he sent unqualified and incompetent agents into our communities to wreck destruction, and he's actually throwing up his hands impotently. An odd one to post for your argument strategy.
Muhammad Rasheed - MsTeri wrote: "how is he directing hatred towards black peoples by calling out our flaws?"
That's offensive.
The very white supremacist piece of shit that helped create the 'War on Drugs' mass incarcerate state that DESTROYED my community and enriched the 1% grifter class is blaming the effects of that destruction on me and you are siding with him on it.
Muhammad Rasheed - Did you see Ava DuVernay's 13th documentary?
13th Trailer (2016) | YouTube
Muhammad Rasheed - Your entire argument is from my traditional enemy's side, while you are "blessing my heart" with your hateful, uniformed foolishness.
MsTeri Will - @Muhammad… There were policies implemented. But because of the mentality that your so called group has caused for many policies to get stalled during the Obama administration. When Black people don’t vote the other side actually win. By failing to VOTE during the midterms of the Obama presidency allowed the Republicans to take over the house and senate. They overruled many polices that were created to help our community.
MsTeri Will - @Muhammad… the mere fact that you fail to read thoroughly disqualifies you from having any type of debate with me. I’m an Educator. You’re attempting to argue with someone who studied and taught these subjects.
MsTeri Will - @Muhammad…are you a felon? Were you ever convicted of a crime that you can honestly say that you didn’t commit?
MsTeri Will - @Muhammad… You laugh at the responses because you’re feeling silly. I get that. You’ve FAILED to explain WHAT & WHO is ADOS. Your best bet is to move on so you won’t have to look so comical. Good luck with your supposed cause.
Muhammad Rasheed - MsTeri wrote: "There were policies implemented."
There were zero policies even considered that would close the infamous racial wealth gap. Obama gave all of his love to white people (4 million white millionaires into 12 million white millionaires during his two terms), to the immigrants and to the LGBT. He made one very, very weak attempt to fix the very racist criminal justice system that AG Jeff Sessions IMMEDIATELY dismantled in his first hour of office.
MsTeri wrote: "But because of the mentality that your so called group has caused for many policies to get stalled during the Obama administration."
The #ADOS movement rose up after 2-terms of the first Black president who did nothing for our community. We are literally poorer than we were during Bush. During his terms, no one supported him with greater hopes than we, only to be colossally let down and betrayed for our investment. Obama is trash.
(PDF) How Barack Obama Failed Black Americans | ResearchGate.net
MsTeri wrote: "When Black people don’t vote the other side actually win. By failing to VOTE during the midterms of the Obama presidency allowed the Republicans to take over the house and senate."
That's ignorant. We did vote. The GOP cheated during 2016 and literally threw away 4 million Black Democratic Party ballots... in the exact same numbers the polls predicted Hillary to win by a landslide. The problem wasn't on our end, but you are uncritically repeating the racist propaganda blaming it on us. Should I be surprised?
Muhammad Rasheed - MsTeri wrote: "the mere fact that you fail to read thoroughly..."
I read them when they came out.
MsTeri wrote: "...disqualifies you from having any type of debate with me."
Please note that you never addressed the meat of the articles, only highlighting Biden's campaign rhetoric. lol You don't have an argument.
MsTeri wrote: "I’m an Educator."
You are a fool. This very thread reveals the poor quality of your debate skill and lack of integrity.
MsTeri wrote: "You’re attempting to argue with someone..."
lol Meanwhile, you attempted to argue with me when you saw a Black American you assumed was easy prey to "bless his heart."
MsTeri wrote: "...who studied and taught these subjects."
Obviously that's a blatant lie. You've only studied FoxNews pro-white racist rhetoric since that is all you have revealed in your tool kit here.
MsTeri wrote: "You laugh at the responses because you’re feeling silly."
Meanwhile, I laughed at your comically ridiculous responses.
Have a nice day. :)

Andre Roberts - @Muhammad… she still wins. America can't even agree that "Black lives matter". America will never cut that check. Ever. That's just reality. Facing reality is the first step in getting help...
MsTeri Will - @Muhammad… And that L can stand for how many of Us are LAUGHING at your level of Stupidity. You still haven’t explained what ADOS is. You know why you haven’t? Because you know I’ll tear that ass up like a Popeyes chicken sandwich.
Andre Roberts - to be fair, i agree with reparations. They are owed. I just don't agree with ADOS and their fruitless plan to get them. That and their rampant misguided xenophobic nativism full of nonsensical assertions.
Muhammad Rasheed - Andre wrote: "she still wins."
She never addressed the content of the links I provided. She pretended I didn't explain what ADOS stood for. The only body of information she uses to back her claims happens to be the die-hard, bi-partisan white supremacist ideology weaponized against my ethnic group. And when she was exposed as a wingnut, she started tossing around her credentials to save face. Is that a "win?" You're silly.
Andre wrote: "America can't even agree that 'Black lives matter.'"
I know, that's what activism is for. We have to make them. No one said it would be easy.
Andre wrote: "America will never cut that check."
Sure they will if God wills it.
Andre wrote: "Ever. "
You're very pessimistic, but your group benefits from that pessimism on this topic.That's kind of a conflict of interest.
Andre wrote: "That's just reality."
The unseen future is not yours to know. Now you are taking your extreme negativity & pessimism fetish too far.
Andre wrote: "Facing reality is the first step in getting help..."
Political boycotts work. The technique is also targeted by the enemy because of how effective they are. All we have to do is not give up and certainly don't listen to this extreme negativity and pessimism pretending to be sound advice and "reality."
Do you think nonviolent resistance is an effective form of protest? | Quora
Andre Roberts - who is "my group".
MsTeri Will - @Andre Reparations been due since to 40 acres and a mule was promised. I am certainly not disputing that piece. I disagree with how some think that they are going to stronghold the process of getting it. The tactics described by this “ADOS” group will only prolong any process. In fact, it will only set any form of progress back.
Muhammad Rasheed - Andre wrote: "i agree with reparations. They are owed."
You just don't believe we will ever receive them. lol
Andre wrote: "I just don't agree with ADOS..."
You don't agree that the black American former slave class ethnic group should politically unify and pressure their government to commit to their special interest agenda and the Reparations you admit are due to them. Interesting. You realize this stance formally makes you my enemy, yes?
Andre wrote: "...and their fruitless plan to get them."
God knows and you know not. God said if I believe, seek His help wth patient perseverance and prayer then He will be with me. Only the adversary is this dedicated to pessimism and trying to break my spirit in a righteous cause. Have a care, bud.
Andre wrote: "That and their rampant misguided xenophobic..."
I hold no xenophobia. But I am entitled to defend myself against those members of the immigrant community who attack my group for political gain.

MsTeri Will - @Andre… That guy is living in LaLa land. He is incapable of accepting Reality. He distort actual facts.
MsTeri Will - @Muhammad… You preach of separatism but claim others refuse to unify. Do you realize how ASININE that sound?
Muhammad Rasheed - Andre, please tell your girl that I never said anything about anyone else unifying. The #ADOS mission is for *MY* ethnic group to unify under that hashtag movement to achieve *OUR* goals. Thank you.
Muhammad Rasheed - Andre wrote: "who is 'my group?'"
Immigrants and those with close immigrant ties, which apparently reflects everyone opposing ADOS in this thread.
The very anti-Black American (ADOS) Biden/Harris2020 ticket is pro-immigrant and that's why you lot want then to win and trying to bully me into voting for it, despite the fact that I will receive nothing at all for the trouble.
Muhammad Rasheed - So to be clear, you want me to vote for team mass incarceration and receive nothing at all in exchange for my vote, instead of politically unifying and empowering myself to use tried-n-true radical activism to shake up the system and achieve the political goals you yourself readily admit have been unfairly denied us.
Got it.
Muhammad Rasheed –

Andre Roberts - of course black Americans have laid the groundwork and built this country that we ALL benefit from. It's your corny language like "enemy" and "competing" that has me looking at you sideways. How are WE (me and YOU) competing? Over what? Where? Over what thing?
Andre Roberts - Sounds as dumb as when white people scream "Mexicans are takin' our jerbs"....shit's beyond corny.
Muhammad Rasheed - Andre wrote: "It's your corny languag like 'enemy' and 'competing' that has me looking at you sideways."
That's because you're being willfully ignorant which has me looking at YOU sideways. I guess that makes us even. ;)
Andre wrote: "How are WE (me and YOU) competing? Over what? Where? Over what thing?"
Politics involves groups of special interests competing for government resources for their communities. The fact that you somehow think it’s an individual vs individual competition means you are just as dumb as your girl. Was she your "Educator?" Figures.
MsTeri Will - @Muhammad… HOW DID THEY GET INCARCERATED? You are saying all those who were Convicted were LAW ABIDING citizens? Now the balance of time given was & is No doubt UNFAIR but WHY DO FOLKS CONTINUE to put themselves in those SITUATIONS???? WHY???? Especially knowing how UNJUST the Judicial system is.
Muhammad Rasheed - Andre wrote: "...shit's beyond corny."
Well, when you are woefully uneducated on a topic, the emotional depths of how something merely sounds is how a sheep is triggered, revealing you shouldn't be running your mouth on topics above your pay grade.
Andre Roberts - M. Rasheed wrote: "So to be clear, you want me to vote for team mass incarceration"
No. Don't vote, that's your right. But mind your business for those of us that do. You can't say "voting doesn't matter in one breath then affirm that it does in the second breath". If it doesn't matter then you should have zero concerns about us doing it.
Muhammad Rasheed - Andre wrote: "But mind your business for those of us that do."
I am minding my business. You're the one who created a whole ass post specifically to disparage our group. lol
Are you getting dumber the more you type?
Andre Roberts - @Muhammad… you didn't answer my questions. I'll try again,
- How are WE (me and YOU) competing? Over what? Where? Over what thing?
Muhammad Rasheed - I did answer it. You're just stupid.
Make your girl give you your money back for that "education."
Andre Roberts - @MsTeri… You didn't know that every criminal (who happens to be black) is an innocent political prisoner? If they kill your family they should get a break from the law.
Muhammad Rasheed - MsTeri wrote: "HOW DID THEY GET INCARCERATED?"
13th Trailer (2016) | YouTube
Andre Roberts - i made a post on MY page, you decided to stop in blabber. I get it, you're a "internet warrior" ...a gladiator in your mind. This is your entertainment.
Andre Roberts - @Muhammad… notice I haven't called you stupid yet? I thought you were a minister or something?
Muhammad Rasheed - Andre wrote: "You can't say 'voting doesn't matter in one breath then affirm that it does in the second breath.'"
A vote boycott for the POTUS slot is my group's strategy. I never said you had to do it, especially since you will actually benefit from team mass incarceration winning.
Andre wrote: "If it doesn't matter then you should have zero concerns about us doing it."
lol Again, to be clear, #ADOS is for MY group to enact the vote boycott strategy for OUR goals while YOUR team disagrees with what WE want to do. lol Nobody EVER told YOU how YOU should vote. hahahaha
Fuck you are stupid. lol
Muhammad Rasheed - Andre wrote: "notice I haven't called you stupid yet?"
Because I'm not. lol
Andre wrote: "I thought you were a minister or something?"
That's the NOI. And probably the Moorish Temple or whatever. I'm not them.
Andre Roberts - so we are disrespecting each other? Is that's what we are doing? I'm "fucking stupid".
Muhammad Rasheed - Andre wrote: "i made a post on MY page..."
Attacking my group instead of minding your business.
Andre wrote: "...you decided to stop in blabber."
To defend my group from an idiot. Sure did. What are you gonna do about it?
Andre wrote: "I get it, you're a 'internet warrior' ...a gladiator in your mind."
You know who I am. :)
Andre wrote: "This is your entertainment."
Sure is.
Muhammad Rasheed - Andre wrote: "so we are disrespecting each other?"
You created a whole ass post specifically to disparage my group. #DejaVu
Andre wrote: "Is that's what we are doing?"
Any time you feel like apologizing.
Andre wrote: "I'm 'fucking stupid.'"
Any time you feel like reading a book.
Andre Roberts - alright. I'm done.
Muhammad Rasheed - You were done when you made this stupid ass post, bud.
Call me out again when you're ready.
MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.
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