Tuesday, December 20, 2016
HANDICAP MATCH - Rasheed Bros vs GOP
Abdur Rasheed -
John E Anderson - Always blaming the churches.
Instead of paying Athletes exhuberant salaries and filling stadiums... Homeless shelters.
You do realize that many Christians tithe 10% of their gross income.... Right. How about you, or most Athiests... I bet it doesn't come close.
If you were to look into it, you would find that all Chruches, including Mega Churches give back a tremendous amount, throughout the world.
The Government needs to stop wasting money, and in Obama's case paying for Mega Mosques in Muslim countries.
Take care of Americans before we bring in more MUSLIMS and afford illegals citizenship
So, slowly you will to find Trump to be the President this country needs.
Because THAT is exactly what he is going to do.
Put Veterans and Americans first for a change.
By the way, Good morning snookums.
Abdur Rasheed - Ummmmm....a couple of things:
1. Muslim is a religion not a country. Comparing American Muslims to 'Americans is a level of ignorance I didn't even think that you had.
2. Athletes work for their money. Their labor provides BILLIONS to poor underprivileged team owners. Peter Poppoff can't dribble or heal anybody.
John E Anderson - So let's see. What, Obama imported what, 200,000 or so MUSLIMS from war-torn countries, and 52 Christians. His administration deported Christian Nuns back to War torn Iraq.....Even though there was extreme danger in their future.
Yes, he sounds like a "Christian" to me.
Who said Muslim was a country??? And you just said American Muslims are not Americans....WOW!!!!!!
Now you are making g stuff up to just deflect, and as always never answered anything. Kinda sad.
How much money do you give, percentage wise???
And are you saying people that work for Churches don't work for their money... Ignorance at it finest.
For supposedly being so smart, you say some STUPID things.
Abdur Rasheed - Actually The Obama administration issued 1 MILLION visas to Muslims in one year.
Out of 5.5 MILLION total.
Stop getting your information from breitbart. They are deliberately lying to you. They are scum. I don't mean in a "leftist leaning mainstream media" way either like CNN.
They are lying scum.
Second you might want to re-read what I actually wrote and not what you wish I wrote. Your argument would seem more intelligent.
I never said that I was smart. I'm just less dumb than you buddy.
Muhammad Rasheed - "We?"
John E Anderson - Please stop mistaking Visit as permanent residency.
There are two types, for vacations, visits and the like. Then work and temporary residency Visas.
What Obama has done is allow Muslims residency, or permanent residency. Green cards.
Sadly 99.999999% of these permanent residencies from war torn countries are Muslims, 52 I think it was are Christians. The Obama administration refuses to say Christians are in danger in these ISIS controlled areas, so they don't get the "Visas". I covered that before... Remember.
But again, as an Athiest, why do you keep defending this Murderous Cult???
Are you a closet Muslim too... Like Obama.
Jan 2017, the end of an error.
Abdur Rasheed - Now John...you know how this works on my page, buddy.
Post up or is this another one of your ,"I thinks" in which case you can keep it until you have something to back it up with.
You can do it. You have to KNOW. Your "thinks" have been proven to be unreliable.
Maybe he is a secret Muslim who was criticized for being a tithing member of "Trinity United Church of Christ" for 20 years.
If you can't back it up with factual information then you're going to have to sit back and be quiet.
John E Anderson - Any preacher that says God Damn America is almost as bad as that Church that Demonstrates Soldiers funerals.
He is a hate Preacher, not a preacher of Christ, and he will pay for his leading people astray.
Wait, let's see what Obama does once he gets out and can show his true colors..
So far he has been meaning hard towards the Muslims.
Abdur Rasheed - "You should never confuse Governments with GOD because governments make mistakes and GOD doesn't. Governments fail people. GOD NEVER DOES! Governments oppress people by giving them scraps to keep them dependent on the the Government because the Government thinks that it's GOD." ~Jeremiah Wright
Tell me that you disagree with ANY OF THIS, John E Anderson.
Rev. Wright's "God Damn America" in Context
Abdur Rasheed - Does that sound like "Hate" or a preacher teaching his congregation who is REALLY God?
Muhammad Rasheed - But when "God Damn America" is isolated from its actual message it can mean whatever I need it to mean to vilify Rev. Wright and ignore what he was actually saying.
Muhammad Rasheed - ...to further my anti-Obama agenda, I mean.
John E Anderson - He is just another race baiters doing it from the pulpit.
Stirring up blacks against whites, he liked doing that a lot.
Blaming whitey for poor black peoples misfortunes... Ditto.
So yea, no better than Hillsboro Baptist Church.
He is a Reverend along the lines of Sharpton, or Jackson.
But again, all that end Jan 20th, 2017.....
Their power will be no more.
By the way, if he was not a hate Preacher, why did Obama leave the Church and condemn what he said?!!
Anti Obama agenda... I think not.
But this post started out asking why not build shelters instead of Mega churches.
I asked, you didn't answer... If you are so worried about poor people, do you go I to the shelters and donate your time, and/or money???
Or is that something only Christians should do, you know, since most shelters are run and funded by Christian Churches??
Abdur Rasheed - He said to a church FULL of black people, "The Government gives you welfare to keep you dependent on the Government because the government thinks that it's God."
You said the same thing on your page yesterday. Does that mean that YOU are a race baiter John E Anderson?
Now you want to try and move your argument?
John E Anderson - That is exactly right... And who does he say is the Government.. white people.
Even though black DemocRATS run almost every failed big city.
If not as mayor, as counsel men, and women.
Abdur Rasheed - Welfare is a FEDERAL Program dispersed by the State.
Mayors and city councils have NOTHING to do with it and you know it and so does he.
Abdur Rasheed - Lol
When did he call the Government "White People?"
There you go "thinking" again. Lol
If you take a breath and turn off your "racist alert bracelet" for a second you will see that you two are saying the exact same thing. Lol
It's always about race with you people. Lol
Abdur Rasheed - While we wait for you to support your claim about 99.99999% Muslims given permanent residence in the US.
I'll leave this here.
"Donald Trump might be tapping into Americans' wariness with his call to stop all Muslims from coming into the U.S., a new poll finds — but the flood of Islamic immigrants is a mirage.
Not one predominantly Muslim nation makes the list of top 10 countries of origin for legal immigrants in 2013, according to the most recent census figures compiled by the Migration Policy Institute.
At #14, Pakistan was the top-ranked Islamic country with 13,251 legal permanent residents — just 1 percent of the total 990,553 immigrants who received Green Cards that year, the figures showed.
"Definitely as a share of the foreign population, Middle Eastern and North African immigrants are small," Marc Rosenblum, deputy director of the organization's U.S. immigration policy project, told NBC News. "But right now there is a lot of fear about terrorism and that affects how people perceive those numbers."
Turns out when Trump said that BS he was quoting a POLL from people like YOU and not FACTS. LOL
Facts matter.
Muhammad Rasheed - "Race baiting" is not a thing, it's just something cowardly Whites say when they refuse to confront the very real discrimination issues historically inflicted against Blacks in the West. Rev. Wright's message is the empowerment of Blacks despite the nation's well-documented ills.
John E Anderson - 22 trillion Dollars have been spent in welfare.... And blacks still complain that the white MSN is holding them down.
Again, I never hear you mention that MUSLIMS STILL KEEP BLACK SLAVES, focus on that Muhammad Rasheed....
Muhammad Rasheed - lol Do you consider America to be a Christian nation, John?
John E Anderson - Why yes it is. But that doesn't mean that all are Christians. The Liberals are mostly Athiests.
Muhammad Rasheed - 1.) The vast majority of government assistance aid goes to the numerous poor Whites across the country -- presumably to finance their heroin overdosing epidemic -- and yet they bitch about Obama more than anyone. Why is this so, John?
John E Anderson - @Muhammad Rasheed... percentage wise you are way off. If a group of people are 5 times larger it goes to reason that they would get more money.
Muhammad Rasheed - John E Anderson wrote: "Why yes it is."
Thank you. Please note that the 13th Amendment that freed the slaves in 1865 included the line "except for criminals," a loophole that the slaver owners immediately exploited. Before that, the oft-promoted image of the Black man was the jolly, happy-to-be-a-slave Uncle Remus figure, but afterwards the driving marketing campaign became the Black man as "inherent criminal." This was taken to new heights under the Reagan administration, where Slavery 2.0 is labeled "the War on crime" legalizing slavery in the Christian land of the free. There are more Blacks enslaved in the Mega-Profitable prison system than were slaves in 1850.
Muhammad Rasheed - John E Anderson wrote: "...percentage wise you are way off."
That's a disingenous comment which points back to the cowardly nature of your "race baiting" post. If you refuse to acknowledge the racism in the country (while oddly wishing to be forgiven for it simultaneously), and ignore it's well-documented detrimental effects on Blacks, then it can give the cock-eyed illusion that both races are on equal footing in some way other than the unfair, liberal interference of big gov'ment, amirite?
John E Anderson wrote: "If a group of people are 5 times larger..."
Let the record show that, as the vast majority of Whites are quite poor, their group is by far the largest beneficiary of Obama's "free handout socialist programs," though this is instead often exclusively tacked onto the Black community by folk such as yourself. Yet we find all of these poor Whites to be the number one bitchers & complainers re: President Obama's "safety net for the poor" policies. Why is that, John? While you are here tossing around fake terms like "race baiting" and pretending racism doesn't really exist.
Muhammad Rasheed - 2.) There are Muslims that keep slaves, yet the Qur'an... the source scripture of the religion of Al-Islam... doesn't condone slavery. Far from it, in fact. In other words, there are believers in that faith that routinely perform actions that conflict with the spirit of that faith.
Like all the Christian millionaires and billionaires profiting off of the Slavery 2.0 Prison Industrial Complex. Funny how that works, eh? #TheLogInYourEye
Muhammad Rasheed - @John... Is that the real reason why y'all are so against Reparations paid to the descendants of Black victims of slavery and jim crow practices? Because you think that magically all of that $22 trillion is already going to Blacks, instead of to your poor Whites, White-owned corporations, and White-owned farms as is actually the case?
Well, you may safely stop thinking that foolishness because it is insane.
John E Anderson - It amazes me how much you think you know about Islam... yet don't. But again, WHY DO YOU DEFEND THIS CULT YET BASH CHRISTIANITY... IF YOU ARE NOT A MUSLIM?? If you have the time, go through this list and try to disprove all of them, bet you cant. And if you are comparing the American watered down version of Islam to the true middle Eastern version... then you really are uninformed about this murderous Cult!
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Abdur Rasheed - Uhhhhh Muhammad Rasheed IS a Muslim John.
Oh you think we're the same person. Lol
He's my older brother.
Carry on
John E Anderson - Good to know.
John E Anderson - I noticed Abdur Rasheed you asked questions about the Bible, even posted a bunch of verses.
I answered in detail... No response from you.
This tells me that you really are not interested in truths, only your slanted view of it.
So why do I even bother.
Let me know please.
Muhammad Rasheed - John E Anderson wrote: "This tells me that you really are not interested in truths, only your slanted view of it."
This is the same impression you just left on me regarding Al-Islam and your weird opinions of it. :)
John E Anderson - No wierd opinion, truths.
This Islam light Americans practice... It is an insult to a real Muslim.
But, yes changing a religion to suit your needs, good luck with that.
So do you only eat Halal food, treat your women as second class citizens, kill Homosexuals.
And yes, twist you word... You know fully we Slaves can only be freed if the convert to the Cult.
Yet millions of slaves are still held by Muslims.
But I guess they do the believe in Islam lite.
As I told whatever his name is, I will only answer Abdur's posts... I don't have the time for all the others one here.
FYI.... You do know that dogs are dirty, unclean animals and how devout Muslims kill them right.
Here is a a lovely vacation spot, at this time of course, you can take your family on, you know to show them how true Muslims act.
Muhammad Rasheed - John E Anderson wrote: "As I told whatever his name is, I will only answer Abdur's posts... I don't have the time for all the others one here."
TRANSLATION: You are a coward. Interesting.
Muhammad Rasheed - Tell me, John, why do you believe that you have the power to discern between a "true Muslim" and a fake Muslim?
What are you using as your metric to make the determination?
Muhammad Rasheed - Please note that I quoted what the Qur'an -- the Word of Allah, the One God of Abraham, and primary source text of Al-Islam btw -- had to say about slavery, and you literally just ignored it in favor of GOP nonsense you pulled out of your butt.
So what IS the source of truth about Islam to you then? Please tell.
Muhammad Rasheed -
Muhammad Rasheed - In truth, the vast majority of the Qur'an's mentions of slavery are in context of God listing it as a righteous deed for the believers to free a slave. This had the effect of almost wiping out slavery in the Muslim World pretty early, which is why members of ISIS referred to that period as an abandonment of shariah, because they are fucking retarded regarding Islam. It wasn't until greed-fueled sultans and other Muslim world rulers later decided to bring slavery BACK for their own political agendas did it morph into the issue it is today. So obviously it's not a religious thing in Islam since it goes directly against the verse & spirit of the Word of Allah.
Naturally I expect you to ignore all of this, John, and prefer to believe the usual GOP-ish propagandic nonsense about Islam the way you lot usually do. Have fun building up evidence against yourself for the Last Day.
Muhammad Rasheed - John E Anderson wrote: "As I told whatever his name is, I will only answer Abdur's posts... I don't have the time for all the others one here."
TRANSLATION: You are a coward. Interesting.
John E Anderson - Coward.... No, this just gets old, flogging the same old horse and you still ending up in Hell.
Muhammad Rasheed - Tell me, John, why do you believe that you have the power to discern between a "true Muslim" and a "fake Muslim?"
What are you using as your metric to make the determination?
Muhammad Rasheed - Please note that I quoted what the Qur'an -- the Word of Allah, the One God of Abraham, and primary source text of Al-Islam btw -- had to say about slavery, and you literally just ignored it in favor of GOP nonsense you pulled out of your butt.
So what IS the source of truth about Islam to you then? Please tell.
John E Anderson - There are so many verses you skip, for example warring Muslim are allowed to keep the captives as slave, and do to the women what they will. Exactly what ISIS is doing.
I can post all the verses for you about Islam, but I'm sure you know them already.
As far as the Abraham's God, if you want to go there, you have read the old testament right, the Jews are the first born of God, not Abraham's bastard child.
But the Bible is quite clear about that child, a wild ass of a man. Amalek, his descendants would be at war with the Jews from Generation to generation.
Nowhere in it does it state that a Prophet would arise that went against everything God said. You call him Mohammed.
But if you do believe the Old Testament, you have to believe all of it... And it is pretty obvious that a Saviour would be born to cover sins. Why do you think Jesus and his mother Mary are mentioned so many times in the Quran???
You believe in the 10 Commandments, right... What does the old testament say about all that break one of those commandments....
And you also know the below is true, you may not like it, but it does not change it.
But like I said, to much time spent by me in these posts. So I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Muhammad Rasheed - Nothing you've typed here reflects anything in Islam. Not at all. This is all the usual uninformed, but passionately opinionated tripe I usually argue against all across the 'Net.
Muhammad Rasheed - So the truth metric you use to measure fake vs real Muslims is exegesis from OT and NT theologians, and anti-Islam Facebook memes you found?
John E Anderson - so let's take you to a site where actual people have researched the Koran... I can also take you to sites where actual MUSLIMS talk about it. More often than not, they will not be speaking English though. So that gives you an out, like it did Abdur "How can I know they are translating correctly" anyhow, here is a link to an good bit of information. But will you read it?
Muhammad Rasheed - John, I'm more than familiar with answering-islam's foolishness. You're VERY loose with your usage of the word "researched."
John E Anderson - Research is easy, just tell what actual Muslims believe, not the so called American Muslim. Here is another link.... enjoy!
John E Anderson - So Muhammed didn't own slaves, have sex with a 9 year old, kill all those Jews because they refused to accept him... Seriously
Muhammad Rasheed - John E Anderson wrote: "There are so many verses you skip..."
That's adorable, considering all the verses you just refused to acknowledge. lol But I'll bite.
John E Anderson wrote: "...for example warring Muslim are allowed to keep the captives as slave, and do to the women what they will."
"Warring" being the operative word here. Please note that ALL the Qur'an's "war verses" are defensive in nature. If you don't want humiliating things happening to your households, then leave the Muslims in Peace, should be the obvious message. But of course the powerful among your demographic know nothing of peace, amirite?
John E Anderson wrote: "Exactly what ISIS is doing."
lol The Islamic rules for warfare as established by the prophet are in every way 180 degrees different from everything ISIS has done. Quit before you embarrass yourself.
John E Anderson - But again, no answer about the Old Testament question I asked, and if you believe what it says... strange how that works huh! Speaking of embarrassing!
Muhammad Rasheed - John E Anderson wrote: "Research is easy, just tell what actual Muslims believe, not the so called American Muslim."
So I don't get to be a real Muslim because I wasn't born in a different country? How does that work in Christianity?
John E Anderson - In Christianity, it is easy, love thy god and thy neighbor... not
Muhammad Rasheed - Don't be stupid. I'm talking about your weird "you aren't a real religionist if you were born in America" fallacy. Explain how that functions in your faith.
Muhammad Rasheed - I'm glad to see you decided not to be a coward btw.* Good show.
*He later deleted all of his comments.
Muhammad Rasheed - John E Anderson wrote: "I can post all the verses for you about Islam..."
I doubt it. You probably have no idea how to search for specific Qur'an verses. In my experience you lot believe the cherry-picked list of verses compiled on answering-islam IS the Qur'an in it's entirety.
Muhammad Rasheed - John E Anderson wrote: "As far as the Abraham's God, if you want to go there, you have read the old testament right"
John E Anderson wrote: "...the Jews are the first born of God, not Abraham's bastard child."
This is a demonstration of your own ignorance of biblical scripture, scriptural analysis, and critical thinking basics.
If having kids with their concubines didn't count at all to the Hebrews, then why are the 12 tribes of Jacob all recognized as "the 12 tribes" at all? You ARE aware that not all of the twelve were birthed from Jacob's actual WIVES, yes? Many were born from concubines instead, and yet, none of this modern era 'bastard child' prejudice ever comes up EXCEPT when it comes to the Ishmael/Isaac thing. This means you are just a gullible, indoctrinated patsy.
Muhammad Rasheed - John E Anderson wrote: "But the Bible is quite clear about that child, a wild ass of a man."
Biased much? He was a man of the land, and liked to hunt and patrol in the bush. That's all. His father was still Abraham, prophet of Allah, and he was still the father of the 12 princes. "Wild ass of a man" is just the bias of the jealous Jewish scribes.
John E Anderson wrote: "Amalek, his descendants would be at war with the Jews from Generation to generation."
Considering the Jews like to pretend they have a special monopoly over God and His favor, this was clearly aggression from them against their brethren nation.
Muhammad Rasheed - John E Anderson wrote: "Nowhere in it does it state that a Prophet would arise that went against everything God said."
Agreed. That's because the biblical lesson is that whenever a prophet was anointed to return his people to the Path, the children of Israel would rebel against his admonishments, and even killed or tried to kill him. Muhammad certainly fit that same pattern, and by no means said anything against God's message. lol
Muhammad Rasheed - John E Anderson wrote: "But if you do believe the Old Testament, you have to believe all of it..."
Foolishness. How can you pretend to know what Islam is about, and yet be ignorant of the fact that the One God said the previous versions of the message were corrupted by you two's sloppy guardianship? The Qur'an alone remains pure, and it alone is worthy of believing the all of it.
John E Anderson wrote: "And it is pretty obvious that a Saviour would be born to cover sins."
It's pretty obvious that your quasi-pagan claptrap endangers your soul to hell. Repent, bow down to Allah who made you, and stop being a jerk all the time.
John E Anderson wrote: "Why do you think Jesus and his mother Mary are mentioned so many times in the Quran???"
lol This is a question? The One God mentions them for no other reason than to confirm the legitimacy of the previous message, assure the believers that the Christ Jesus, son of Mary was indeed His faithful servant, and that He Himself bore witness that the Christ never, ever told the people to worship him as a deity. He was true in faith, and true to his prophethood, and his mother did indeed conceive him without the seed of an earthly father. The Qur'an confirmed & fulfilled the messages that came before it, and also corrected those areas that the previous guardians allowed their charges to stray. That's why, John.
Muhammad Rasheed - John E Anderson wrote: "You believe in the 10 Commandments, right..."
John E Anderson wrote: "What does the old testament say about all that break one of those commandments...."
Who cares? What matters is what the pure divine revelation in the Qur'an says about it: If the believer repents, God will forgive you. Period.
Muhammad Rasheed - John E Anderson wrote: "So Muhammed didn't own slaves..."
He freed his slaves upon receiving his prophethood commission. He freed and adopted Zayd as his son. By his example, the Rashidun Caliphs would go down to the marketplace every Friday and buy up and free slaves.
John E Anderson wrote: "...have sex with a 9 year old..."
Nope. Aisha's sister Asma left a lot more information that, along with the known dates for the hijirah to Medina, was calculated to find that Aisha was actually in her mid- to late teens when she married the prophet.
John E Anderson wrote: "...kill all those Jews because they refused to accept him... Seriously"
The Jewish tribes of Medina of that day broke a treaty with the Muslims they made in good faith in order to side with the murderous Meccan pagans who were actively trying to wipe the small band of Muslims out. A people of Abrahamic scripture sided with pagans over fellow believers of Abrahamic scripture. This was significantly more serious than your flip "because they refused to accept him."
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