Sunday, December 30, 2018

The Toxicity of Unsolicited "Advice"

Muhammad Rasheed - Today's daily editorial cartoon is just a caricatured parody of an 8 page rant someone posted under one of my cartoons yesterday. Nothing special, just something typical from people who assume, for whatever reason, that my little Activist character is actually a drawing of me. Because of this I tend to get these people who approach me thinking they will be able to exert a strong-willed, dominant maturity influence over whom they believe is just a precocious kid whose powers they can steer to support their own agendas (presumably while also grooming me for molestation or whatever). Once they find out I'm 50 yrs old, they mutter something semi-coherent and then slink back into the shadows of their Whitopia.

Since it is a 'slow news day' so to speak, I did want to use the space to explore an unrelated packet of thought meanings floating around in my head for a 14th episode of my Notes While Observing series to be found HERE.

Shane Taylor - Inspiration?

*Watches people claim a resemblance to the racist leprechaun*

Tom Deyoung - I criticized his approach on fighting racism with racism, it will only create more racists. I claimed using any violence to silence welcomes all violence to silence. Referencing the battle of Berkeley and Charlottesville. When I disagreed with his approach he alluded to the accusation of me being racist. Funny how white people cant be a part of the topic of how to fight racism in the USA, almost as if he thinks we don’t qualify.

Jasper Thomas - How is he racist?

Tom Deyoung - Boycotting white business owners for being white in a cartoon.

Muhammad Rasheed - That’s not ‘racism,’ Tom. It’s literally a counter-racism tactic designed to stop racism.

This cartoon isn’t of you by the way; I deleted the rant it was actually inspired by, from a Quoran I haven’t seen before.

Tom Deyoung - Boycotting based on race is racism.

Muhammad Rasheed - Racism is subjugating and exploiting a group based on racial phenotype from the Western chattel slavery system that birthed the concept. Please discard your self-serving definition of the term.

Tom Deyoung - With that said do you think there is racism against white people from black people.

Muhammad Rasheed - A few weeks ago, I watched a drunken white "missionary" abusing a bunch of [frustratingly] calm Black men in an African country's hotel and unsuccessfully attempting to punch one or two of them in the face while they calmly blocked and ducked. Incredulously, within the African nations pretending to be free of European Imperial subjugation, they still allow whites to strut about doing as they please in fear they will lose their tourist dollars.

No one is inflicting racism on white people. In fact, the entire nonsense myth of ‘reverse racism’ is just the ridiculously transparent effort to protect regular ole anti-Black systemic racism by gaslight.

Tom Deyoung - Seems we will disagree on the confines of racism.

How should white people combat systematic racism, your cartoon seems to show that no input is wanted in finding a solution to the problem.

Muhammad Rasheed - Tom wrote: "Seems we will disagree on the confines of racism.”

It wouldn’t serve me at all to accept your version. That kind of spin job is one of the tools that tricked me into my current plight. Now I’m disenfranchised, economically excluded and the police brutalize me at will without penalty.

Tom wrote: "How should white people combat systematic racism…”

By dismantling the tools of systemic racism like vote suppression, charging Black people higher interest rates, denying them loans, denying them business/financial independence opportunities and fair prices for land. Pay Reparatory Justice to make up for the centuries of exploitation and plunder that gave the white aristocracy an economic advantage at Black peoples’ expense so that true equality is now attained. Et cetera.

Tom wrote: "…your cartoon seems to show that no input is wanted in finding a solution to the problem.”

My cartoon is parodying a person who pretended to provide helpful critique to mask his attempt to gaslight and manipulate me into giving up my anti-racism mission. He presumed too much and was weak in the ways of The Force.

Tom Deyoung - As for reparation justice who pays the money and who does it go to? I would recommend developing underdeveloped inner city areas myself. I would also think a scholarship fund could work. If it’s handed out like having 30million people win the lottery, I don’t think it is a good idea. To have the money help combat financial discrepancy it needs to be invested into more than one generation.

i think that there needs to be a revision on the 14th amendment, remove the part that legalized involuntary servitude when convicted by peers. This only incentivizes prisons to fill. I figure take away the incentive, and make the tax payer pay for it, then judges will be slower to convict, and or lower penalty for nonviolent crimes across the board.

I believe that until white people can talk about racism comfortably, and responsibly, then white people wont be a part of the solution. Our discussions have been pointed, yet you have enlightened me toward areas of racism I didn’t know existed. In this last comment you made, up until now you said there was systemic financial racism, the examples you just gave truly help make racism more palpable for lack of a better word. The comics you draw are too small of a window for someone to understand your perspective, I would benefit from a small paragraph or link describing what the panel is about.

I do not see racism on a day to day interaction, I can feel the racial tension as if each race trusts their own more than others.

I have honestly seen one instance of white racial hatred toward a black man. He was calling the man by racial slurs while being held back. When I see this what is the best way to react? what I did was witness the situation from a distance.

Do you do any other form of art, and I truly appreciate you being willing to discuss racism with me.

Muhammad Rasheed - Tom wrote: "As for reparation justice who pays the money..."

It will be paid by the United States government, whose leaders over the last couple of centuries or so provided free land, money, farm subsidies, corporate subsidies, educational benefits, bailouts, etc., to the white aristocracy that Blacks were pointedly excluded from. Then they allowed conservative rivals (in possible partnership with treacherous liberals) to strip the financial force from any much weaker social programs designed to help the Black American communities to catch up with the whites. The USG is very generous in using its fiat credit based monetary system to give whites free funds, benefits and tax breaks, etc., so they can go ahead and add Black Reparations to the next budget with no issue.

Tom wrote: "... and who does it go to?”

It goes to Black people in America, to finally remove the specter of artificially-inflicted poverty from that ethnic group.

Tom wrote: "i think that there needs to be a revision on the 14th amendment, remove the part that legalized involuntary servitude when convicted by peers.”

Yes, the massive effort to definitively dismantle anti-Black systemic racism would certainly include destroying the “Slavery 2.0” edifice of mass incarceration, and making it illegal to even have a for-profit prison system.

Tom wrote: "I believe that until white people can talk about racism comfortably, and responsibly, then white people wont be a part of the solution.”

White people not only benefit from the racist aristocracy by default, but the entire USA’s system has been usurped by their special interest group till even the very institutions teach the toxic White Supremacist Ideology as a matter-of -fact principle of the universe. Because of this unfortunate indoctrination, the average white person doesn’t consider “racism” to be what it really is… the system itself. The system’s gatekeepers and architects protect it at every level, and it is difficult indeed to explain to the white community what we are really dealing with, because their instinct is to protect the system set up for them and their families to thrive. The worst of the lot, the ones who will cheerfully kill/destroy to protect the system are the very poorest members of the white racist aristocracy who have nothing else to keep them artificially elevated above the Black peoples they resent. Whites DO need to be part of the solution, but first they must be forcefully snatched and dragged out of their precious Matrix. It will NOT be easy.

Tom wrote: "Our discussions have been pointed, yet you have enlightened me toward areas of racism I didn’t know existed […] the examples you just gave truly help make racism more palpable for lack of a better word.”

I’m genuinely pleased to be of assistance.

Tom wrote: "The comics you draw are too small of a window for someone to understand your perspective, I would benefit from a small paragraph or link describing what the panel is about.”

I do have a Weapon of the People: DECODED long-form graphic novel tale in the works for that very reason. I’ll be able to eventually get to it once I gain enough Patreon supporters so I can break away for it without unfairly punishing my family in the undertaking. You should subscribe to my website so I can give you the formal heads up when it’s time to publish it.

Tom wrote: "…I can feel the racial tension as if each race trusts their own more than others.”

We’re at war, Tom.

Tom wrote: "When I see this what is the best way to react? what I did was witness the situation from a distance.”

Call the police and make sure you immediately let the cops know who was actually at fault and INSIST the Black man was innocent (they’ll reluctantly listen to you). Use your white privilege powers for good.

Tom wrote: "Do you do any other form of art…”

Just cartooning. I’m doing these Gag-A-Day editorial cartoons and I publish original graphic novel series collections for my backlist. That’s my world.

Tom wrote: "…and I truly appreciate you being willing to discuss racism with me.”

I’m always willing to participate in civil discourse with people who are also up for it. It’s a YUGE/BIGLY tool in my education repertoire, and it also fuels my art. I appreciate you for not blocking me days ago. :)

SUBSCRIBE and receive a FREE! Weapon of the People eBook!

See Also:

Notes While Observing #13: Breaking the Chains of Plunder

Notes While Observing #12: The Sloppiest Cover-Up of All

Notes While Observing #11: Driving the Narrative of 'Whiteness'

Notes While Observing #10: The White Establishment's Plan for Profiting From Black Reparations

Notes While Observing #9: The Descendants of Yakub

Notes While Observing #8: The 1972 Gary Convention

Notes While Observing #7: Strategies of the Discrimination Olympics

Notes While Observing #6: The GOP's International War on Black America

Notes While Observing #5: The Case of the Old Switcheroo

Notes While Observing #4: Risk Responses of the Racial Contract Beneficiary

Notes While Observing #3: Pig Blood, Clinton vs Alton, & Black Twitter

Notes While Observing #2: The Crack in the Musical Bedrock

Notes While Observing #1: Stephen King (Carrie) & Barbra Streisand (Yentl Mendel)

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