Lana Maria - The bootstrap argument needs to die in a fire.
Kimberly Moseberry - People forget that these same college don't hold the same weight as they use to. I know many college graduates with degrees and have problems finding jobs in our fields. Many of those jobs are being shipped over seas to cheaper workers by greedy companies.
Muhammad Rasheed - There's more than one way to skin a cat (no offense). The big, super-expensive institutions don't have a monopoly on learning. There are plenty of opportunities outside of them to learn valuable skills that others are willing to pay top dollar for.
You just have to want it, and be solutions driven, and persistent.
Lana Maria - School would've been easier to get thru if i was paid more. I juggled 2-3 jobs. I feel i would've done better in college if i didn't have to focus so hard on survival. I still graduated with a high GPA. It just took me 12years. All that working i had to do caused me to miss key networking's more than working hard. Companies don't always hired the qualified hard worker.
Lana Maria - It's not about being driven. It's about fairness.
Muhammad Rasheed - Lana Maria wrote: “School would've been easier to get thru if i was paid more.”
No doubt. It would’ve been easier for me if they would’ve dumbed down the classes I didn’t like. Or made me exempt from needing to take them.
Lana Maria wrote: “I juggled 2-3 jobs.”
That is genuinely commendable in every way.
Lana Maria wrote: “I feel i would've done better in college if i didn't have to focus so hard on survival.”
Lana mastering your own personal survival techniques while you reach for a worthy goal WAS part of your education. You accomplished this, proved to yourself you could do it, and no one can take that away from you.
Lana Maria wrote: “I still graduated with a high GPA. It just took me 12years.”
The burdens were difficult, and even though it took longer than you preferred, you kicked their asses, when so many others failed/surrendered. When building a team of high-achieving asskickers to get shit done, you will be one of the first I would call to join.
Lana Maria wrote: “All that working i had to do caused me to miss key networking's more than working hard.”
‘Working hard’ encompasses more than rolling your sleeves up and getting dirty. It involves strategy, planning, constant reassessment, and working towards what you claim you want to achieve.
Lana Maria wrote: “Companies don't always hired the qualified hard worker.”
Companies aren’t the only option for achieving success within your chosen field either, and depending on what you actually want, they may not necessarily be the best option.
Muhammad Rasheed - Lana Maria wrote: “It's not about being driven. It's about fairness.”
Life will never be fair. Some will always be born further along the road towards ease than others. Even in a land in which there is ample opportunity for anyone to climb the social economic ladder to financial security, some will always have to start at a lower rung than someone else. It will always be that way, in one way or another. Such is life.
Consequently, depending on where you find yourself, it is absolutely all about being driven. It does no good to bemoan the fundamental unfairness of life; wasting that energy is taking away from the time you should be developing the string of objectives you need to conquer in order to reach the goal you desire. That is what it is all about. Figuring out what you want, planning the best way to get there, and walking along that path.
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